MCS Notes

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Products are created in a factory, brands are created in the mind
Benefits of buying the brand
Important: distintivo personality
⁃ functions of a brand:
⁃ navigation: help consumers understand what they want
⁃ Reassurance: reassure that they have made the right choice
⁃ Engagement


Types of branding
Co branding - brands that come together to world together
Digital branding - instagram
Personal branding - people
Cause branding - do something for the community
Country branding

Branding Marketing
Why how
Long term Short term
Macro Micro
Defines trajectory Defines tactics
Reason someone buy Reason someone buys first
Build loyalty Generates response
Is the being Is the doing

Brand management is at the intersection of creativity, strategic thinking, analytical thinking,

and design thinking

Strategic thinking: goals and how - organize the thoughts

Analytical thinking: ability to optimize

The process of manufacturing has been mostly intuitive. Intuitive because there is no
validation or because there is no rationale for the methods used to validate

Trust is built on evidence

If it works use it, if it doesn’t forget it

Brand management: to succeed you must intersect design and science

Product paradigm
⁃ brand serves as legal and visual ID
⁃ Relation with customer is passive
⁃ Brand equity: having the right price, product, placement

Projective paradigm
⁃ competitiveness of the business is based on the organizations ability too find its own
internal strengths and cultivate
⁃ The brand is seen as a strategic entity that can be used as template for he overall
business model

Adaptive paradigm
⁃ the consumer is the source of brand meaning (consumer based approach)
⁃ The power of the brand resides in the minds of the consumer

Relational paradigm
⁃ dynamic dyadic process: creation of brand value is internal/creation of brand meaning is
⁃ Brand equity: relación between brand and the customer (personality and relational
⁃ Co construct

Brands have both physical and symbolic value. Imbuing the brand with a human-like character
facilitates emotional engagement

The more consumers perceive the brand personality

Brand identity
⁃ Tangible
⁃ Appeals to all senses
⁃ Fuels recognition

Brand Ideals
⁃ ideals are essential to a responsible branding process, regardless pf the size of a
company or the nature of a business.
⁃ Ideals hold truth weather you are launching an entrepreneurial venture, creating a new
product or service
⁃ Commitment, vision, durability, value, flexibility

Topology of Marc’s
⁃ wordmarks: google
⁃ Letterforms: Unilever
⁃ Pictorial marks: apple
⁃ Abstract symbols: chase
⁃ Emblems: toms

The online as statement:

Resumir la marca en una frase
⁃ what: the only... (category)
⁃ How: that (differentiation characteristic)
⁃ Who: for (customer)
⁃ Wher: in (market geography)
⁃ Why: who need state
⁃ When: during (underlying trend)

Brand identity
⁃ what are the words that define my brand?
⁃ What is the objective of my brand?
⁃ Who is my target?
⁃ What kind of relationship do i have with my clients?
⁃ What is my vision?
⁃ What are the colors that represent my brand?
⁃ How do I present my logo?
⁃ Who is my competition?
⁃ Which are the internal and external forces that have an impact on my brand?
⁃ How will i compete? Why will they choose me?

TRD - Trust - Recall - Desire

The power of symbols
⁃ embodied: human like, biological like forms, shapes
⁃ Aesthetic:
⁃ Crossmodal: sensory information in one modality


Emotions are reactions, and they are important because they guide our decisions
Paul Eggman - study of emotions
 emotions are automatic and wuick responses to what life throws at us
 result of sensory information, bodily changes and memory
 no good or bad emotions, they have a certain purpose (do they serve our goals?)
Why should we care about emotions?
 they change the way we see the world
 they guide our behavior, our decisions
 Help us value our experiences
Emotion is the atom, the basic particle of decision making
Feeling is thinking
there are 52 emotions
7 basic: evolutionary responses, universal to our species, cross cultural, specific facial

1. Sadness: feeling of loss or defeat

Purpose: compasion
2. Anger: unpleasant feeling, obstacle in the way that doesnt allow you to reach your
3. Disgust: revulsion, when you want to turn away from somethign that makes your
4. Fear: emotion that we get when we have to defend ourselves to protect ourselcves
5. Surprise: astonished response to something unexpected
6. Contempt: wanting to excludee another person because of their actions
7. Happiness: well being, joy, tranquility

Mindsets: way of divinding emotions in families - mindsets are the lens through which we see
the world - they work like a filter: they change the way in which we give value to things and
1. action - reaction: set in the present - instinctive
2. reflective: introvertive - set in the past
3. judgement - moral : social or moral - specific to human - evaluate situations with critical
4. forecasting: memory dependant - set in the future

Mindset of commercial: all

Emotions: surprise, sadness, happiness

Mindset: action reaction

Emotions linked to this mindset: enjoyable emotions, surprise, anger, scorn

bodily response
 body relaxation: low muscle tension
 behavioral disposition: approach
Facial expression
 raised cheeks
 genuine smile (crow’s feet)

Bodily response
 increase in perspiration, heart rate and breathing rate
 release of stress hormones
 decrease in digestive system activity
 behavioral disposition: muscles become tense, increased blood flow to the hands to
prepare towards fighting
Facial expression
 fixed gaze, brows come together and go down
 tendency to tighten the jaw (tight teeth and lips)

Bodily response
 increase in perspiration, heart rate and breathing rate
 release of stress hormones
 decrease in digestive system activity
 behavioral disposition: fight or flight (protection/avoidance)
Facial expression
 elevated upper eyelids, elevated eyebrows
 lips pulled backwards

Bodily increase
 increase in perspiration and heart rate
 increase in disgestive system activity
 behavioral disposition: avoidance
Facial expression
 wrinkled nose
 raised upper lip

 general activation, state of alertness
 pupil dilation
 behavioral disposition: approach, interest, exploration. Stop or interrupt ongoing
action, redirect attention to the new event
Facial expression
 raised upper eyelids
 dropped lower jaw (allows quick intake of breath)
Action-reaction fun facts:
 happily people live 24% longer. Lifespan increases 7.5-10 years
 Happy people have lower heart rate and cortisol levels
 Spending money on others makes us happier than spending it on ourselves
 People with low self steam are more likely to feel schadenfreude than people with high
self steam
 Schadenfreude is linked to envy

Mindset: reflexive
Emotions linked to this mindset: sad, nostalgia, regret

Bodily response
 crying
 lowered heart rate and blood flow
 behavioral disposition: inhibition, lack of interest, lowered rate of behavior
Facial expression
 lower upper eyelids
 lip corners pulled downward

Shave vs guilt
 ones own negative evaluation of oneself
 psycopaths lack the ability to feel guilty because they rationalize behavior and have
little ability to plan for the future
 arises when one’s defects are exposed to others
 people tend to repeat behaviors that make them feel shame, while they tend to reduce
the behavior that makes them feel guilty

Reflexive funfacts
 Rats are capable of feeling regret about their own actions
 regret is felt for a moment, guilt is a deep form of regret
 Humans and rats express more regret about the actions (taken or not taken) then about
missed outcomes

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