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Marketing Communication Science Exam 2

Student’s full name: Marcela Soto

Student code: 201420267

Name of Ad: Maddie - Chevy

1. Please describe the information presented in the visual channel of the Ad (100 words

Speed: Commercial is divided into short scenes of many different situations, quick
breaks and constant
Light temperature: Warm
Colour: High contrast, bright colours. Lots of sun light directly to the camera in
outside/day scenes, very contrasted and warm scenes in night/inside scenes.

2. Please describe the information presented in the auditory channel of the Ad (100 words

Speed: Constant music, slow to create the mood

Mood: It’s a happy and reflexive mood that makes you feel nostalgic
Characteristics of the sound (describe voice and music type): Girl’s and parents’
voice is neutral. Music introduces many emotions, because of the contexts and
situations. Music changes constantly between low to high and viceversa, helping to
keep the nostalgic mood when going from high to low and the happy mood when going
the other way.

3. What is/are the mindsets present in the ad? Please provide the most relevant examples
for each mindset

Action-Reaction (01): first kiss, graduation, putting dog to sleep

Reflexive (02): moving away from parents, birthday, getting the dog and contrast
with present.

Forecasting (03): call with boyfriend

4. What are the emotions present in the video and what mindset do they belong to?
(remember you are supposed to identify the emotions that are felt by consumers not the
ones felt by the actors) (50 words max.)

Sadness (01, 02, 03), nostalgia (02), gratitude (02), joy (01)

5. How does the mindset and the specific emotions you identified influence behaviour?
(100 words max.)

The commercial goes backwards, showing in the first scene how the dog is getting put
to sleep and the last the first time they met which is a really effective way to create
connection. Action reaction emotions make the audience connect by causing strong
emotions shown between the girl and Maddie. Even though they connect because of
the action reaction mindset, most of the emotions caused are reflexive because it
generates sympathy with Maddie and the girl due to the many moments that they lived

6. What are the mental images generated by the ad? (Remember the difference between
a mental image and a sensory experience is that the first comes from the inside
whereas the latter from the outside world).

Vision: N/A

Sound: N/A

Smell: N/A

Taste: N/A

Touch (i.e., imaging touching something): a dog (during the whole commercial)

Bodily sensation (i.e., imaging a force or some form of contact with our own
body): dog is old and dying, getting the dog, dog always present
7. You will be evaluated using the following criteria:

1. You have a clear grasp of the concepts discussed in class and in the reading
2. You present your ideas in a clear and concise manner.
3. You can identify different sensory elements in the visual and auditory channel
that help explain the impact of an Ad.
4. You show a clear understanding of the difference between a sensory experience
and a mental image.
5. You demonstrate a clear understanding of the mindsets discussed in class and
you can connect them to consumer behaviour.
6. You keep to the word limit in each of the questions.
Marketing Communication Science Exam 2
Student’s full name:

Student code:

Name of Ad:

1. Please describe the information presented in the visual channel of the Ad (100 words

Light temperature:

2. Please describe the information presented in the auditory channel of the Ad (100 words

Characteristics of the sound (describe voice and music type):

3. What is/are the mindsets present in the ad? Please provide the most relevant examples
for each mindset.

Action-Reaction (01):

Reflexive (02):

Moral Judgment (03):

Forecasting (04):
4. What are the emotions present in the video and what mindset do they belong to?
(remember you are supposed to identify the emotions that are felt by consumers not the
ones felt by the actors) (50 words max.)

5. How does the mindset and the specific emotions you identified influence behaviour?
(100 words max.)

6. What are the mental images generated by the ad? (Remember the difference between
a mental image and a sensory experience is that the first comes from the inside
whereas the latter from the outside world).





Touch (i.e., imaging touching something):

Bodily sensation (i.e., imaging a force or some form of contact with our own

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