Thirsty Concrete

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Minor Project



(from ________ to ________)


Bashir Chouhan:16BCE1122

Shubham Singh:16BCE1151

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Civil Engineering Department








Minor Project



(from _____ to ________)



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Bashir Chauhan:16BCE1122

Shubham Singh:16BCE1151

Civil Engineering Department




Pervious concrete (no-fines concrete) is a concrete containing little or no fine aggregate; it

consists of coarse aggregate and cement paste. It seems pervious concrete would be a natural
choice for use in structural applications in this age of ‘green building’. It consumes less raw
material than normal concrete (no sand), it provides superior insulation values when used in
walls, and through the direct drainage of rainwater, it helps recharge groundwater in pavement
applications. The first pervious concrete has been used in Europe and the United Kingdom
since 1930s for the building of single story and multistory houses, but had found little
Page 3 of 28

acceptance in rest of the world. In recent years, however, due to increased awareness of the
need for conservation of nonrenewable mineral resources, increased consideration is being
given to the use of pervious concrete in most countries. Even though, it is not yet widely used
in Sri Lanka, pervious concrete is generally used for light-duty pavement applications, such as
residential streets, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, channel lining, retaining walls and sound
walls. This paper discuss the art of pervious concrete; materials and possible mix proportions,
properties such as compressive strength, flexural strength, shrinkage, permeability with initial
tests done at Innovation & Application Center of Holcim (Lanka) Limited, and the principal
advantages, major disadvantages and principal applications in Sri Lankan construction industry.

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We are highly grateful to the Dr.Satbir Singh Sehgal, Director Engineering, Chandigarh
University, Mohali, for providing this opportunity to carry out the Minor Project.

The constant guidance and encouragement received from Prof. Sandeep Salhotra, H.O.D &
been of great help in carrying out the project work and is acknowledged with reverential

We would like to express a deep sense of gratitude and thanks profusely to As. Prof. Gurinder
Kaur . Without the wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been impossible to complete
the report in this manner.

We express gratitude to other faculty members of Civil Department, Chandigarh University, Mohali ,
for their intellectual support throughout the course of this work.



Co-Ordinator- H.O.D CIVIL-


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Candidate's Declaration i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

1.1Material Properties...……………………………………….…………….…..7

1.1.2 Cement……...………..………………………………………………...10
1.1.3 Moulds………..……………………………………………...…….…..12

Chapter 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW…………….………………………………14

2.1 Research Gap….………..……………………………………………….……16

Chapter 3: OBJECTIVE…………………..……………………………………....17

Chapter 4: MATERIALS AND METHODS……………..………………………17

4.1 Material specification……..…..……………….………………………….17

4.2 Flowchart………..…………………………...……………………………18

4.3 Experimental program………..……………...……………………………19

Page 6 of 28

4.3.1 Compressive strength test……...……….…………………………...19

4.3.2 Tensile strength test…………...…….………………………………19

Chapter 5: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS……..………………………………20

5.1 Effects of compressive strength…………….……………………..……...20

5.2 Effects of tensile strength………….……………………………..…….…21

Chapter 6: CONCLUSION…………………………………………..…………….22



Chapter 1

Pervious concrete is one of the leading materials used by the concrete industry as GREEN
industry practices for providing pollution control, storm water management and sustainable
design. The increased interest in pervious concrete is due to those benefits in storm water
management sustainable development. This paper will provide technical information on
application, mixture design and construction methods of pervious concrete. It will also discuss
the suitability of pervious concrete in tropical countries like Sri Lanka while analysis
environmental and economical benefits.Pervious concrete (no-fines concrete) is a concrete
containing little or no fine aggregate; it consists of coarse aggregate and cement paste. It seems
pervious concrete would be a natural choice for use in structural applications in this age of
‘green building’. It consumes less raw material than normal concrete (no sand), it provides
superior insulation values when used in walls, and through the direct drainage of rainwater, it
helps recharge groundwater in pavement applications. The first pervious concrete has been
used in Europe and the United Kingdom since 1930s for the building of single story and
multistory houses, but had found little acceptance in rest of the world. In recent years, however,
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due to increased awareness of the need for conservation of nonrenewable mineral resources,
increased consideration is being given to the use of pervious concrete in most countries. Even
though, it is not yet widely used in Sri Lanka, pervious concrete is generally used for light-duty
pavement applications, such as residential streets, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, channel
lining, retaining walls and sound walls. This paper discuss the art of pervious concrete;
materials and possible mix proportions, properties such as compressive strength, flexural
strength, shrinkage, permeability with initial tests done at Innovation & Application Center of
Holcim (Lanka) Limited, and the principal advantages, major disadvantages and principal
applications in Sri Lankan construction industry.

What is pervious Concrete?

Pervious concrete is a zero-slump, open-graded material consisting of hydraulic cement, coarse

aggregate, admixtures and water. In the absent of fine aggregates, pervious concrete has
connected pores size range from 2 to 8 mm, and the void content usually ranges from 15% to
25% with compressive strength of 2.8MPa to 28MPa (however strength of 2.8 to 10 MPa are
common). The draining rate of pervious concrete pavement will vary with aggregate size and
density of the mixture, but will generally fall within the range of 81 to 730 L/Min/m2.

Fig-1(a) Fig-1(b) Fig1(c)

1.1 Material Properties


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Aggregate is a broad category of coarse particulate material used in construction, including

sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthetic aggregates. Aggregates
are the most mined materials in the world. Aggregates are a component of composite materials
such as concrete and asphalt concrete; the aggregate serves as reinforcement to add strength to
the overall composite material.

aggregates are used in concrete because, cement is just a binding material and does not possess
good compression and tensile strength on it’s own.

Adding of sand and other fine and coarse aggregate to the cement increases the strength and
also to reduce cost as using Cement alone in construction can boom the cost to sky level,

TYPES OF AGGREGATE: Aggregates are divided into two types as follows:

FINE AGGREGATE : “Fine aggregate” is defined as material that will pass a No. 4.75
sieve.For increased workability and for economy as reflected by use of less cement, the
fine aggregate should have a rounded shape. The purpose of the fine aggregate is to fill the
voids in the coarse aggregate and to act as a workability agent.

COARSE AGGREGATE: “Coarse aggregate” is a material that will pass a No.12 sieve and
will be retained on the No. 10 sieve. As with fine aggregate, for increased workability and
economy as reflected by the use of less cement, the coarse aggregate should have a rounded
shape. Even though the definition seems to limit the size of coarse aggregate, other
considerations must be accounted for. When properly proportioned and mixed with cement,
these two groups yield an almost void less stone that is strong and durable. In strength and
durability, aggregate must be equal to or better than the hardened cement to withstand the
designed loads and the effects of weathering. It can be readily seen that the coarser the
aggregate, the more economical the mix. Larger pieces offer less surface area of the
particles than an equivalent volume of small pieces. Use of the largest permissible maximum
size of coarse aggregate permits a reduction in cement and water requirements. One restriction
usually assigned to coarse aggregate is its maximum size. Larger pieces can interlock and form
arches or obstructions within a concrete form.

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There are properties or characteristics of aggregate which influence the properties of resulting
concrete mix. These are as follow.

1. Composition
2. Size & Shape
3. Surface Texture
4. Specific Gravity
5. Bulk Density
6. Voids
7. Porosity & Absorption
8. Bulking of Sand
9. Fineness Modulus of Aggregate
10. Surface Index of Aggregate
11. Deleterious Material
12. Crushing Value of Aggregate
13. Impact Value of Aggregate
14. Abrasion Value of Aggregate

1. COMPOSITION:- Aggregates consisting of materials that can react with alkalies in cement
and cause excessive expansion, cracking and deterioration of concrete mix should never be
used. Therefore it is required to test aggregates to know whether there is presence of any such
constituents in aggregate or not.

2. SIZE & SHAPE:- Maximum size of aggregate should be less than

 One-fourth of the minimum dimension of the concrete member.

 One-fifth of the minimum dimension of the reinforced concrete member.
 The minimum clear spacing between reinforced bars or 5 mm less than the minimum
cover between the reinforced bars and form, whichever is smaller for heavily reinforced
concrete members such as the ribs of the main bars.

3. SURFACE TEXTURE:- The development of hard bond strength between aggregate particles
and cement paste depends upon the surface texture, surface roughness and surface porosity of
the aggregate particles.

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If the surface is rough but porous, maximum bond strength develops. In porous surface
aggregates, the bond strength increases due to setting of cement paste in the pores.

4. SPECIFIC GRAVITY:- The ratio of weight of oven dried aggregates maintained for 24
hours at a temperature of 100 to 1100C, to the weight of equal volume of water displaced by
saturated dry surface aggregate is known as specific gravity of aggregates.

5. BULK DENSITY:- It is defined as the weight of the aggregate required to fill a container of
unit volume. It is generally expressed in kg/litre.

6. VOIDS:- The empty spaces between the aggregate particles are known as voids.

7. POROSITY & ABSORPTION:- The minute holes formed in rocks during solidification of
the molten magma, due to air bubbles, are known as pores. Rocks containing pores are called
porous rocks.

Water absorption may be defined as the difference between the weight of very dry aggregates
and the weight of the saturated aggregates with surface dry conditions.

8. BULKING OF SAND:- It can be defined as in increase in the bulk volume of the quantity of
sand (i.e. fine aggregate) in a moist condition over the volume of the same quantity of dry or
completely saturated sand. The ratio of the volume of moist sand due to the volume of sand
when dry, is called bulking factor.

When water is added to dry and loose sand, a thin film of water is formed around the sand
particles. Interlocking of air in between the sand particles and the film of water tends to push
the particles apart due to surface tension and thus increase the volume. But in case of fully
saturated sand the water films are broken and the volume becomes equal to that of dry sand.

9. FINENESS MODULUS:- Fineness modulus is generally used to get an idea of how coarse
or fine the aggregate is. More fineness modulus value indicates that the aggregate is coarser and
small value of fineness modulus indicates that the aggregate is finer.

10. SPECIFIC SURFACE OF AGGREGATE:- The surface area per unit weight of the material
is termed as specific surface. This is an indirect measure of the aggregate grading. Specific
surface increases with the reduction in the size of aggregate particle. The specific surface area
of the fine aggregate is very much more than that of coarse aggregate.

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11. DELETERIOUS MATERIALS:- Aggregates should not contain any harmful material in
such a quantity so as to affect the strength and durability of the concrete. Such harmful
materials are called deleterious materials.

12. CRUSHING VALUE:- The aggregates crushing value gives a relative measure of
resistance of an aggregate to crushing under gradually applied compressive load. The aggregate
crushing strength value is a useful factor to know the behavior of aggregates when subjected to
compressive loads.

13. IMPACT VALUE:- The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance
of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact. The impact value of an aggregate is sometime used
as an alternative to its crushing value.

14. ABRASION VALUE OF AGGREGATES:- The abrasion value gives a relative measure of
resistance of an aggregate to wear when it is rotated in a cylinder along with some abrasive

1.1.2. CEMENT

A Cement is a binder, substance used for construction that sets, hardens and adheres to other materials,
blinder than together. Cement is seldom used on its own, but rather to bind sand and gravel (aggregate)
together. Cement is used with fine aggregate to produce mortar for masonary, or with sand and gravel
aggregates to produce concrete. Cement used in construction are usually inorganic ,often lime or
calcium silicate based, and can be characterized as being either hydraulic or non hydraulic, depending
upon the ability of the cement to set in the presence of water .

Non-hydraulic cement will not set in wet conditions or under water; rather, it sets as it dries
and reacts with carbon dioxide in the air. It is resistant to attack by chemicals after setting.

Hydraulic cements (e.g., Portland cement) set and become adhesive due to a chemical
reaction between the dry ingredients and water. The chemical reaction results in
mineral hydrates that are not very water-soluble and so are quite durable in water and safe from
chemical attack. This allows setting in wet conditions or under water and further protects the
hardened material from chemical attack. The chemical process for hydraulic cement found by
ancient Romans used volcanic ash (pozzolana) with added lime (calcium oxide).

The word "cement" can be traced back to the Roman term opus caementicium, used to
describe masonry resembling modern concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt
lime as binder. The volcanic ash and pulverized brick supplements that were added to the burnt

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lime, to obtain a hydraulic binder, were later referred to as cementum, cimentum, cäment,
and cement. In modern times, organic polymers are sometimes used as cements in concrete.

Physical Properties of Cement

Different blends of cement used in construction are characterized by their physical properties.
Some key parameters control the quality of cement. The physical properties of good cement are
based on:

 Fineness of cement
 Soundness
 Consistency
 Strength
 Setting time
 Heat of hydration
 Loss of ignition
 Bulk density
 Specific gravity (Relative density)

These physical properties are discussed in details in the following segment. Also, you will find
the test names associated with these physical properties.

Fineness of Cement - The size of the particles of the cement is its fineness. The required
fineness of good cement is achieved through grinding the clinker in the last step of cement
production process. As hydration rate of cement is directly related to the cement particle size,
fineness of cement is very important.

Soundness of Cement - Soundness refers to the ability of cement to not shrink upon
hardening. Good quality cement retains its volume after setting without delayed expansion,
which is caused by excessive free lime and magnesia.

Tests:- Unsoundness of cement may appear after several years, so tests for ensuring soundness
must be able to determine that potential.

 Le Chatelier Test - This method, done by using Le Chatelier Apparatus, tests the
expansion of cement due to lime. Cement paste (normal consistency) is taken between
glass slides and submerged in water for 24 hours at 20+1°C. It is taken out to measure

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the distance between the indicators and then returned under water, brought to boil in 25-
30 mins and boiled for an hour. After cooling the device, the distance between indicator
points is measured again. In a good quality cement, the distance should not exceed 10
 Autoclave Test - Cement paste (of normal consistency) is placed in an autoclave (high-
pressure steam vessel) and slowly brought to 2.03 MPa, and then kept there for 3 hours.
The change in length of the specimen (after gradually bringing the autoclave to room
temperature and pressure) is measured and expressed in percentage. The requirement
for good quality cement is a maximum of 0.80% autoclave expansion.
Standard autoclave test: AASHTO T 107 and ASTM C 151: Autoclave Expansion of
Portland Cement.


• Higher durability of concrete structure due to less permeability of water..

• More resistance towards the attack of alkalies, sulphates, chlorides, chemicals.
• Better work ability.

• Low heat of hydration.

• Due to high fineness, PPC has better cohesion with aggregates and makes more dense

• Comparative lower Water-Cement ratio provides an added advantage for the further increase
of compressive strength of the concrete.

• Better surface finish.

1.1.3. MOULDS
Cubes of fresh concrete are made to test a variety of properties on the eventually cured and
hardened concrete. Fresh concrete is subjected to a standard compaction regime in the cube
mould and is then normally initially cured under specific laboratory conditions. The moulds are
manufactured, subject to tight dimensional, hardness, square ness and surface finish
requirements. Complete with base plate. The faces of the mould are machined flat to +/-
0.02mm accuracy and finished to within +/- 0.2mm of specified dimensions. Material for
construction of moulds is Cast Iron or Mild steel. The moulds are stout enough to prevent
distortion and facilitate the removal of the moulded specimen without damage. The Moulds are
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so machined that when they are assembled ready for use, the dimensions and internal faces are
accurate within the specified limits. Internal faces of the moulds are smooth. The base plate is
attached to the mould by cleats .The parts of the mould, when assembled, are positively and
rigidly held together during filling, subsequent handling and vibration where applicable. SIZES
AVAILABLE : 50MM/ 100MM/ 150MM

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Chapter 2


Uma Maguesvari and V.L. Narasimha- has worked on the influence of fine aggregate and
coarse aggregate quantities on the properties of pervious concrete such as compressive strength
and permeability. Sirile Eathakoti and Navya Gundu- have carried their work trying various C:
A mix proportions and determined the change in properties of pervious concrete. The test
results were then used to determine the pavement slab thickness.

Allahverdi and K. Kianpur investigated – The effect of polyvinyl alcohol on flexural

strength of concrete of concrete taking the polymer to cement ratio as 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.6%, 2%
.From these results, the usage of 1.6% of p:c ratio obtained the optimum test results.

Rajeshvarsinh A. Jadeja , Krunal J. Dhandha,In the context of pervious concrete, making

concrete eco-friendly with the needed properties such as permeability, abrasion resistance,
flexural strength and compressive strength will be studied. Current research is focused in
sustaining significant environmental and economic benefits with good compressive strength
and optimum permeability in context of pervious concrete. By my proposed scheme, we can
achieve eco-friendly, optimum compressive, tensile, flexural strength and good permeable
concrete. My future work comprises the implementation of proposed scheme, I hope that my
effort will be helpful to the making this type of concrete.

Darshna Shah, Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda and Prof.J.J.Bhavsar published a research

paper „Pervious Concrete: New Era for Rural Road Pavement‟ in 2013. Object of the study
was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the pervious concrete compared to normal concrete. In
this study, Normal concrete was used as per IS design of M20 grade, which was constituted by
59.25 kg of cement (300rs/50kg), 88.88 kg of Fine aggregate (600rs/1 ton) and 177.8 kg of
course aggregate (1000rs/1ton). Pervious concrete was used as per NRMCA guideline, which
was constituted by 46.5 kg of cement (300rs/50kg) and course concrete (1000rs/1ton). They
conclude that the pervious concrete reduce the storm water runoff to increase the ground level

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water to eliminate the costly storm water management practices. And there is considerable
saving in amount about 29rs/m3 or 18rs/ft2.

Husain N Hamdulay, Roshni J John and D R Suroshe published an experiment in 2015

named „Effect of Aggregate Grading and Cementitious by Product on Performance of
Pervious Concrete‟. Object of the study was to replace the cement with industrial by-product
such as fly ash, GGBFS which have been used successfully as supplementary Cementous
material. In this study, cement of 53 grade (specific gravity 3.15), coarse aggregate (passed
through 20 mm and retained on 10 mm sieve), GGBFS (specific gravity 2.88), fly ash and
water are used. Now maintaining the W/C ration constant, following mix proportions are used.
FA are used in 85:15 and 65:35 proportions and GGBFS are used in 75:25 and 50:50
proportion. They concluded that the compressive strength of concrete was increased by using
GGBFS as supplementary material and grading of aggregate is equally important to get
strength and permeability, grater size have law compressive strength and high permeability
vice versa.

Sukamal Kanta Ghosh, Ananya Chaudhury, Rohan data and D.K.Bera published a review
paper named „A Review of Performance of Pervious Concrete Using Waste Material‟ from
KIT University from Odisha. This review paper illustrates the performance of pervious
concrete with solid waste like fly ash, furnace slag, and rice husk ash, silica fume, and solid
waste (glass powder, ceramic waste, bottom ash) and its effect on compressive strength and
permeability. Fly ash (2-50%), RHA (10-30%), GGBFS (35-70), Silica fume (8-12%), Rubber
waste, Glass powder (20-40%) are used replacement of cement. They conclude that the
compressive strength and permeability with using waste material are as follows. Fly ash gives
long term compressive strength when increase portion then compressive strength decrease.
Rice husk ash gives more then 10-12% decrease compressive strength, permeability, and
durability. GGBFS gives higher strength but law permeability. Silica fume increases
compressive strength but no influence in permeability. Glass powder increases strength
durability and workability. Ceramic powder improves durability.

Alessandra Bonicelli, Filippo Giustozzi, Maurizio Crisino published experimental study

named „Experimental Study on Effect of Fine Sand Addition on Differentially Compacted
Pervious Concrete‟. The main goal of the experiment is to evaluate the effect on mixture
properties caused by the addition of small percentage of sand depending on w/c ratio. The
three reference mixes had the same aggregate distribution curve but different w/c ratios
namely, 0.27, 0.30 and 0.35. Three sand mixes were proportioned to have 5% of the aggregate

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substituted with fine sand and the latter three sand mixes so that 10% of aggregates was
replaced by the fine sand. Two types of sand were used: type 1 (0.25-0.35mm) and type 2
(0.3mm). This experiment shows that addition of sand in pervious concrete favours in
improving admissible stress and tensile strength but drain ability was reduced. The
effectiveness of sand addition also depends on the water content of the mixes: low w/c ratio
did not show benefits after adding sand.

Saeid Hesami, Saeed Ahmadi and Mahdi Nematzadeh published a paper in 2014 named
„Effect of Rice Husk and Fibre on Mechanical Properties of Pervious Concrete Pavement‟. In
this paper, glass material, steel fibre and PPS fibres and also RHA in different pro-portions,
were used to improve the mechanical properties of pervious concrete and finding its effect on
compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and permeability. Coarse aggregate
sized from 2.36 to 19.0 mm, RHA of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12% weight percentage
as a cement replacement, PPS fibre 0.3%, steel fibre 0.5% and glass fibre 0.2% are to remain
constant at 3 different w/c ratio of 0.27, 0.33 and 0.40. Outcome of Study was as described

a) The compressive, tensile and flexural strength were found to be maximum at w/c ratio of

b) For 10% replacement of RHA and w/c ratio of 0.33, the compressive strength of pervious
concrete containing fibres increases by 34%, 37% and 36% respectively for glass, steel and
PPS fibres.

c) For the above mentioned mix design, the tensile strength increases by 31%, 30% and 28%
for glass, steel and PPS fibres respectively.

d) Finally, the flexural strength undergoes a 64%, 63% and 69% increase when glass, steel and
PPS fibres are used, respectively.

Malhotra (1976), found that the density of permeable concrete is generally about 70 percent of
conventional concrete when made with similar constituents. The density of permeable concrete
using conventional aggregates varies from 1602 to 1922 kg/m3 . Adequate vibration is
imperative for strength of conventional concrete. The use of permeable concrete is different and
is a self-packing product. Malhotra (1976) suggests that the use of mechanical vibrators and
ramming is not recommended with permeable concrete. A light rodding should be adequate and
used to ensure that the concrete reaches all sections of the formwork. This is not a problem with
conventional concrete since it has greater flow ability than permeable concrete.
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After studying the above research papers we found that in most of the papers the compressive
strength and tensile strength of pervious concrete has been conducted on either 20 mm coarse
aggregates or 10 mm coarse aggregates.So we decided to conduct the same on 16 mm coarse



.To study the compressive strength of pervious concrete.

.To study the tensile strength of pervious concrete.


Material and Methods

Pervious concrete is a zero-slump, open-graded material consisting of hydraulic cement, coarse

aggregate, admixtures and water. In the absent of fine aggregates, pervious concrete has
connected pores size range from 2 to 8 mm, and the void content usually ranges from 15% to
25% with compressive strength of 2.8MPa to 28MPa (however strength of 2.8 to 10 MPa are
common). The draining rate of pervious concrete pavement will vary with aggregate size and
density of the mixture, but will generally fall within the range of 81 to 730 L/Min/m2.

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4.1.1. Cement-

The cement used in this experiment work is 43 grade of Ordinary Portland Cement as per
IS:12269-1987. The specific gravity of the cement is 3.15.

4.1.2. Coarse Aggregate

Crushed aggregate available from local sources with a size greater than 16mm and smaller than
20mm, and having the specific gravity value of 2.8 and the water absorption of 0.5% gas been
used as coarse aggregate.

4.1.3. Water

Potable tap water is used for the experimention.

4.1.4. Batching , Mixing and casting

i)The coarse aggregate weighed first with an accurate of 3.47 kg for one cube.For each
cylinders these were taken approximately 5.43kg

ii)Cement of 43 grade was taken approximately 2.58kg for cubes and 2.28kg for cylinders.

iii)Cement and coarse aggregates were mixed thoroughly.The Concrete mixture was prepared
by hand mixing on a watertight plateform.

iv)Then water was added carefully so that no water wass lost during mixing.Water-cement ratio
was taken as 0.3.

v)The moulds were filled with the concrete prepared and vibration was given to the cube
moulds using table vibration. The top surface of the specimen was leveled and finished.

vii)After 24 hours of mould preparation, specimen were transferred to curing tank where in
they were allowed to cure for 7,14 and 28 days.


Collection of Collection of
course agg. 43 grade OPC
of water

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4.3.1 Compressive strength test- The compressive strength of concrete is one of most
important properties of concrete in most structural applications. For compressive strength test ,
cube specimens of dimensions 150mm x150mm x150mm were cast for pervious concrete.
After curing, these cubes were tested on Compression Testing machine as per IS 516-1959. The
failure load was noted. In each category cubes were tested on 3rd,7th and 28th day.
Compressive Strength (Mpa) = Failure load/Cross sectional area

4.3.2 Tensile strength test-To locate the split elasticity the barrels were placed in the moulds
of measurements 300mm length and 150mm diameter across with pervious concrete.From time
of casting 24 hours the barrels were demoulded and were kept for curing in curing tank for 3,7
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and 28days. After 3,7 and 28days curing is done these examples have been tried in pressure
testing machine. The split rigidity is figured as takes after

Split tensile strength (Mpa) =2P/ΠDL

P=Failure load

D=Diameter of Cylinder

L=Length of cylinder



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In this present work only cement and coarse aggregates of size 16 mm were taken and water
cement ratio of 0.3 and various studies are conducted to observe the responses.No additional
admixtures were used in this work.

5.1 Effects of compressive strength:

Compressive Strength that result after 7,14 and 28 days of curing are given in TABLE-5.1.1
and further shown in FIGURE-5.1.2

Here we see that the commpressive strength increases as the days of curing increses but are less
as compared to the compressive strength of conventional concrete.

Conventional Concrete Pervious concrete

Compressive Strength Compressive Strength
S.NO No. Of days % Decrease
(Mpa) (Mpa)

1 7days 25.04 7 72

2 14days 28.74 15.1 47.4

3 28days 33.33 22.5 32.49


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Graph showing the compressive strength

Comp. Strength(N/mm2)






Day 7 Day 14 Day 28

Conventional concrete Pervious concrete


5.2Effect of Tensile Strength:

The tensile strength results are tabulated in TABLE-5.2.1 and further shown in FIGURE-5.2.2

Conventional Concrete Pervious concrete

Tensile Strength (Mpa) Tensile Strength (Mpa)
S.NO No. Of days % Decrease

1 7days 2.310 0.59 74.4

2 14days 2.68 1.24 53.7

28days 3.39 1.8 46.9


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Graph showing the tensile strength



Tensile Strength(N/mm2)




Day 7 Day 14 Day 28

Conventional concrete Pervious concrete





We performed both compressive test and tensile test of concrete blocks made perviou in nature
at different days.We observed that workability of concrete was incresing as no. of curing days
increses but when compared to the conventional concrete the values obtaine were less.


On the basis of our result, we found that the compressive strength were less when compared to
the fresh concrete.the compressive strength was quite high on 28th day.

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TENSILE TEST:In this test we observed that tensile strength was much less than the tensile
strength of fresh concrete.but was incresing as the curing days were incresed and was more at
28 days.

The following Conclusions are made from the Experimental investigation in present
thesis: 1.The percentage decrease in compressive strength in pervious concrete is 30 to 73%
compared with conventional concrete.

2.The percentage decrease in tensile strength in pervious concrete is 45 to 75% compared with
conventional concrete.


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Following are the few of theBENEFITS of using pervious concrete:

 Allows storm water infiltrate into the ground to replenish ground water aquifers.

 Retains storm water so that retention ponds are not needed for parking lots.

 Keeps pavement surfaces dry even in wet situations, such as greenhouses.

 Allows parking lots to be ice-free in freeze areas since snow melt immediately drains off
the surface.

 Allows water and air to get to the roots of trees within a parking area.

 Aerobic bacteria that develop within the pavement and base can break down oil and
remove other pollutants from the water that washes off the surface.

 Light reflectivity is higher than with asphalt surfaces, reducing any heat island effect.

 Can collect irrigation and retain water to be used for irrigation.

Following are DRAWBACKS of using pervious concrete:

 Pervious concrete has a rough-textured, honeycombed surface, moderate amounts of

surface raveling are normal. This can be a problem on heavily traveled roadways.

 "The main reason pervious concrete is not used for high-traffic pavements, such as
highways, is surface raveling," says Youngs, who notes that tire sheer can loosen the
aggregate at the surface. One potential solution being looked at is to grind down the
pavement surface about half an inch.

 Special attention must also be given to the overall design of the pavement system in order
for pervious concrete to perform as intended. Proper engineering of the substrate beneath
the pavement is essential, since it must be able to temporarily store the water while it
percolates into the soil. An initial soils site survey and site-specific stormwater calculations
should be performed by a stormwater management engineer.

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