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Education in Heart


Methods of accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetic

Gerard Pasterkamp

▸ Additional references are Diabetic patients have an increased risk of cardio- cost registries are executed on a national basis.
published online only. To view vascular disease (CVD), which is a major contribu- The total direct diabetes cost burden also varied
these references please visit
the journal online (http://dx. tor to morbidity and mortality in the aging substantially across countries in 2010 (France €12.9 population, and have a more than twofold increase billion, Germany €43.2 billion, Italy €7.94 billion,
301172). in the risk of dying from CVD.1 Even patients with Spain €5.45 billion, and the UK £13.8 billion)
Department of Cardiology, pre-diabetes, as detected by abnormal glucose toler- (source: London School of Economics, http://
Experimental Cardiology ance tests, have an increased risk of developing Around one-quarter of medical
Laboratory, University Medical disabling stroke, peripheral artery disease, and expenditure on diabetes is spent on treating long
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, myocardial infarction. Healthcare spending for term complications of diabetes such as CVD.
The Netherlands
people with diabetes is more than double the These rapidly increasing costs reinforce the need
Correspondence to expenditure on those without diabetes, and a sig- to understand the pathogenesis of diabetes related
Professor Gerard Pasterkamp, nificant part of these costs is explained by CVD CVD and to provide quality care for the manage-
Department of Cardiology, comorbidity. This article will focus on the effect of ment of diabetes and its complications.
Laboratory of Experimental
diabetes on the initiation and progression of arter-
Cardiology, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Heidelberglaan ial occlusive disease, preceded by a short outline DIABETES AND ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE
100, Room G02-523, Utrecht of the enormous impact of this issue from a Diabetes is a risk factor for most clinical presentations
3584CX, The Netherlands; societal-economic perspective. involving atherosclerotic lesion progression. Angina
pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, ischaemic
DIABETES, A MAJOR HEALTHCARE ISSUE heart disease, and heart failure are the major compli-
The prevalence and associated costs of diabetes are cations resulting from diabetes. The risk of CVD
expected to increase significantly. There are cur- increases significantly when combined with being
rently over 240 million people with diabetes world- overweight, which is common in type 2 diabetes.
wide. By 2025, the number of people with diabetes Patients suffering from diabetes often also suffer from
is expected to more than double in South-East progressive decline in kidney function, hypertension,
Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East, and obesity, which are all part of the metabolic syn-
and Africa (source: World Diabetes Foundation). drome. There is sound experimental and clinical evi-
The incidence is projected to rise by nearly 20% in dence supporting the view that the pathogenesis of
Europe and 50% in North America. Worldwide CVD differs between diabetic patients and other risk
more than 50% of people with diabetes are groups. The association between vascular occlusive
unaware of their condition and are therefore not disease and diabetes differs for the various anatomical
treated. About 40% of people with diabetes will regions (coronary, peripheral, cerebral, and the
develop chronic kidney disease which further abdominal aorta) affected by atherosclerotic disease.
increases the risk of CVD and other complications. The impact of diabetes on vascular disease in these
Evidence from observational studies shows that anatomical regions will now be discussed.
hyperglycaemia is an important risk factor for
CVD; in people with diabetes (types 1 and 2) the Coronary artery disease
risk of CVD increases with increasing concentra- Diabetic patients have a more than twofold
tions of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), independ- increased risk of suffering from myocardial infarc-
ently of clinical characteristics and other traditional tion when compared to people without diabetes.
risk factors.2 Outcomes are worse in diabetic patients for each
The economic impact of diabetes (types 1 and 2) manifestation of coronary artery disease (CAD).
is substantial. Health expenditure to treat and A decade ago in patients with known CAD and dia-
prevent diabetes and its complications is estimated betes, the rate of myocardial infarction approached
to total €90 billion (£75 billion, US$120 billion) or 45% over 7 years and 75% over 10 years.3
approximately 10% of total health expenditure in Treatment options have improved but diabetes is
EU countries. Healthcare expenditures and costs to still associated with worse outcomes in the presence
treat diabetes and its comorbidities are increasing of established CVD.4 Compared with non-diabetic
rapidly all over Europe. It seems the direct cost patients, diabetic patients who undergo percutan-
burden of a person with diabetes varies consider- eous coronary interventions have more extensive
ably across countries. Reports show that France, and diffuse atherosclerotic disease. Following an
Germany, and the UK have considerably higher per interventional procedure diabetic patients are more
patient diabetes costs than Italy and Spain, although likely to suffer in-hospital death and non-fatal
To cite: Pasterkamp G. comparisons between EU countries are hampered myocardial infarction. Long term survival and
Heart 2013;99:743–749. by the fact that disease incidence and healthcare freedom from myocardial infarction and coronary

Pasterkamp G. Heart 2013;99:743–749. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2011-301172 743

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Education in Heart

revascularisation is also reduced in diabetic patients disease. Surprisingly, diabetic patients are protected
undergoing coronary catheterisation.5 The more against AAA formation. Diabetes appears to reduce
diffuse disease is also considered a causal factor the prevalence of AAA by almost half, as shown in
that partly explains the high incidence of restenosis a cohort of 73 451 veterans.w2 Recently, a retro-
following a successful coronary intervention in dia- spective cohort study in a population of 3.1 million
betic patients. Drug eluting stent (DES) implant- patients confirmed that diabetes is indeed protec-
ation has significantly reduced the restenosis rates tive against the development of AAA with an odds
due to neointimal hyperplasia compared with bare ratio of 0.75 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.77).12 These large
metal stents. However, despite the increasing use of scale studies suggest that the pathogenesis may
DES, diabetes is still associated with an increased differ for aneurysmal disease and occlusive vascular
risk of restenosis and unfavourable clinical out- disease. Several hypotheses have been generated
comes. A recent meta-analyses elucidated that from that may explain this inverse relation between dia-
a total of 47 candidate variables for the develop- betes and AAA formation. One could hypothesise
ment of stent thrombosis, diabetes proved to be a that expansive remodelling, a hallmark of progres-
frequent predictor.6 sive atherosclerotic disease in order to prevent
luminal narrowing, is hampered in diabetic
Peripheral artery disease patients. Arterial remodelling is an effect of massive
A clear association exists between diabetes and matrix turnover that requires inflammation and
increased prevalence of peripheral arterial disease proteolytic activity and subsequent collagen break-
(PAD). Patients with diabetes have a two- to four- down and production. Diabetes may have an effect
fold increase in the rates of PAD. The risk increases on the stability of collagen cross-links which
with duration and severity of diabetes.7 In the pres- impairs the effect of proteolytic enzymes and subse-
ence of PAD, diabetes is associated with more quent arterial expansion.13 Another mechanism
lower extremity amputations. In addition, diabetic explaining the protection from aneurysm develop-
patients more commonly have infrapopliteal ment is that hyperglycaemia increases plasminogen
arterial occlusive disease. They also have a higher activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) expression which sub-
incidence of foot ulcers and distal necrosis, compli- sequently attenuates AAA diameter in experimental
cated by neuropathy which may further deteriorate AAA disease.w3
extremity functions. This image of poor peripheral The inverse association between diabetes and
circulation strengthens the concept that restenosis is AAA formation is intriguing and scientifically rele-
more prevalent in diabetic patients following vant since it may help us to understand the
peripheral transluminal angioplasty. However, this mechanisms that play a role in the prevention of
could be debated since diabetic patients with PAD AAA formation and arterial occlusive disease.
have also shown similar restenosis primary and sec-
ondary patency rates compared with non-diabetic
patients.8 These studies also confirmed that mortal- PATHOGENESIS OF ATHEROSCLEROTIC
ity and amputation rates are increased in patients DISEASE AND DIABETES
with diabetes. This increased risk of mortality and The aetiology of atherosclerosis initiation and pro-
amputation could distort the estimation of resten- gression has been reviewed extensively. It is ques-
osis and patency rates. tioned, however, whether the pathogenetic
mechanisms for atherosclerotic lesion development
Cerebral artery disease differ for diabetes versus other risk factors. People
The frequency of diabetes among patients present- with type 2 diabetes often have comorbidities that
ing with stroke is three times more than that of together make up the metabolic syndrome.w4 The
matched controls.9 Duration of diabetes is inde- incidence of atherosclerotic disease is also increased
pendently associated with ischaemic stroke risk, in type 1 diabetes which is less frequently asso-
after adjusting for other risk factors. The risk ciated with other risk factors of CVD. Therefore,
increases by 3% each year, and triples among hyperglycaemia (figure 1) is the most prominent
people who have suffered from diabetes for more factor that distinguishes diabetes from the meta-
than 10 years.10 Diabetes may significantly affect bolic syndrome. Indeed, measures of glycaemic
the risk of stroke among younger patients. control have been associated with an increased risk
A 10-fold increase in the risk of stroke for diabetic of macrovascular complications in type 1 and type
patients under 55 years has been reported, but 2 diabetes.14 w5 w6 Other vascular abnormalities
the large confidence interval of that particular that have been associated with diabetes are
study merits careful consideration.w1 In the increased free fatty acids and insulin resistance.
Athero-Express cohort 18% of patients undergoing Each provoke molecular mechanisms that contrib-
carotid endarterectomy (CEA) have type 2 diabetes. ute to vascular dysfunction. These include
Diabetic patients who undergo carotid surgery are decreased nitric oxide release, increased oxidative
younger and have an increased risk of ipsilateral stress and subsequent inflammatory responses, dis-
stroke during follow-up after a CEA procedure.11 turbances of intracellular signal transduction, and
activation of receptors for advanced glycation end
Abdominal aortic aneurysm products (AGEs).9 The effect of hyperglycaemia on
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is traditionally determinants of atherosclerotic plaque initiation or
considered a manifestation of atherosclerotic destabilisation will be discussed next.

744 Pasterkamp G. Heart 2013;99:743–749. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2011-301172

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Figure 1 Effect of hyperglycaemia on vascular biology and mechanisms by which atherosclerosis progression is accelerated. MMP, matrix
metalloproteinase; NO, nitric oxide; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; TLR, toll-like receptor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule.

Hyperglycaemia, macrophage uptake, and foam The observation that diabetic patients have a higher
cell formation risk from coronary restenosis suggests that hyper-
Both human and animal studies on the effect of glycaemic conditions may accelerate smooth muscle
type 2 diabetes on atherosclerotic disease are often cell migration and proliferation. Such a stimulus
confounded by co-existent changes in lipid pro- would theoretically be beneficial when it comes to
files.14 There is evidence that the effects on plaque stabilisation. Indeed smooth muscle cell pro-
endothelial and smooth muscle cells evoked by liferation is enhanced in atherosclerotic lesion
hyperglycaemia resemble characteristics induced by development in diabetic swine.w13 Apoptosis of
hyperlipidaemia.15 On a cellular level, glucose smooth muscle cells is impaired in diabetic
affects all cell types in the vascular wall. Vascular patientsw14 which is also a feature that could con-
cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) expression is tribute to plaque stabilisation.
increased in hyperglycaemic conditionsw7—an
effect that is also observed in the presence of
AGE-RAGE (receptor for AGE) complexes.w8 Diabetes, inflammation, and proteolysis
However, results presented in the literature regard- Local inflammatory cell infiltration and subsequent
ing the association between hyperglycaemia and increased proteolytic activity are major determi-
endothelial cell activation have been conflicting.15 nants of plaque destabilisation. There is substantial
Macrophage receptors involved in the uptake of evidence that the general inflammatory response
modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) have been upon an exogenous or endogenous challenge is
demonstrated to be induced by glucose. Changes in accelerated in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.15 w15
Scavenger receptor A,w9 LOX-1,w10 CD36,w11 In type 2 diabetes the expression of adipokines in
ABCA1, and ABCG1w12 play a role in cellular lipid fat tissue and the subsequent effect on endothelial
transport, and expressions have been shown to be function and integrity has gained major interest.w16
altered upon a glucose challenge, resulting in a net Even short term exposure to hyperglycaemic condi-
LDL cellular increase. tions influences gene expression of inflammatory
genes, an effect that is still observed when glucose
values have been normalised.w17
Diabetes and the stabilising smooth muscle cell The toll-like receptors (TLR) are the first line of
Smooth muscle cells contribute to plaque stabilisa- defence, protecting the body against damaging
tion by producing extracellular matrix proteins, exogenous and endogenous stimuli. The response
such as collagen, that prevent the cap overlying of the TLR should be tightly regulated since an
the atheromatous lesion from rupturing. Smooth accelerated response can lead to an overwhelming
muscle cells also play a dominant role in the induction of white blood cell activation with subse-
response to vascular injury that initiates restenosis. quent tissue damage due to the badly controlled

Pasterkamp G. Heart 2013;99:743–749. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2011-301172 745

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inflammatory response. TLR have been shown to stress and proinflammatory signalling. Plasma con-
play an important role in cardiovascular biology. centrations of AGEs have been associated with inci-
They play a role in restenosis, atherosclerosis, dent CVD in diabetic patientsw24 and AGEs are
and ischaemia–reperfusion injury,16 all vascular implicated in a vascular inflammatory response.w25
pathologies that are highly prevalent in diabetic Of major interest is the fact that AGEs modified
patients. Indeed, TLR 2 and TLR 4 play a role in proteins are partially resistant to proteolysis,w23
diabetes induced vascular inflammation.w15 Animal which means that AGE formation is a double sided
experiments have shown that both TLR 2 and TLR coin with respect to determinants of plaque desta-
4 are involved in the accelerated inflammatory bilisation. On the one side inflammation is induced,
response in the presence of type 1 diabetes.17 while on the other side proteolysis of matrix is pre-
The activation of macrophages and synthetic vented. This may explain the counterintuitive
smooth muscle cells in the vasculature may induce observation that diabetes is a major risk factor for
proteolysis of the collagen skeleton of the extracel- vascular occlusive disease while it protects patients
lular matrix by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). from aneurysm formation. Not all AGEs stabilise
High glucose concentrations induce increased matrix cross-links. Future research on the role of
expressions of MMP-1 and MMP-2 in endothelial specific AGEs may reveal targeted AGE products
cells, and MMP-9 in monocyte derived macropha- that play a role in the progression of vascular occlu-
ges.w18 Vascular tissue harvested from patients with sive disease.
type 2 diabetes revealed increased MMP-9 activi-
ty.w19 MMP-9 has been shown to stimulate the for- Diabetes and thrombosis
mation of intraplaque haemorrhage in advanced Induction of hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinae-
atherosclerotic lesions.w20 This is of interest mia in healthy subjects without diabetes increases
because intraplaque haemorrhage is the main platelet reactivity.w26 Consistent with this obser-
feature of the unstable atherosclerotic lesion that vation, improved glycaemic control has been
has been associated with an increased risk of future associated with decreased platelet reactivity.
cardiovascular events.w21 Hyperglycaemia can increase platelet reactivity by
As mentioned earlier, studies on the effect of dia- inducing non-enzymatic glycation of proteins on
betes on vascular inflammatory responses are often the surface of the platelet. Such glycation decreases
confounded by a simultaneous effect of lipid metab- membrane fluidity and increases the propensity of
olism. Recently, an intervention study was done to platelets to activate. Although hyperglycaemia is
test two glucose lowering drugs, pioglitazone and the main hallmark of diabetes, abnormalities of
glimepiride. The effect of both drugs was evaluated lipid metabolism are uniformly observed. People
using positron emission tomography (PET)/CT scan- with diabetes typically manifest hypertriglyceridae-
ning.w22 Although both treatments reduced fasting mia. Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) that is
plasma glucose and HbA1c values comparably, rich in triglycerides increases platelet reactivity.
pioglitazone, but not glimepiride, decreased Thus, both hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceridae-
atherosclerotic plaque inflammation. Pioglitazone mia increase platelet reactivity in subjects with dia-
significantly increased the high density lipoprotein betes.w27 A study by Stegenga et al in six healthy
cholesterol concentration which was a main deter- individuals was undertaken to show the differential
minant of the attenuation of plaque inflammation. effects of hyperglycaemia on the occurrence of
Thus, experimental evidence clearly points to a thrombotic events. The results showed that patients
strong effect of hyperglycaemia on inflammatory with hyperglycaemia due to insulin resistance are
vascular responses and proteolytic activity. This especially susceptible to thrombotic events by a
imaging study, despite its small size, emphasises that concurrent insulin driven impairment of fibrinolysis
human studies on the role of hyperglycaemia on vas- and a glucose driven activation of coagulation.w28
cular inflammation merit consideration when con-
founding by changes in lipid profiles is an issue. Diabetes and collateral formation
Collaterals bridge a stenotic lesion in an attempt to
Diabetes and glycation processes within the restore perfusion of the ischaemic tissue. Bridging
extracellular matrix collaterals can be formed by arteriogenesis or
Hyperglycaemia initiates tissue damage that is angiogenesis, processes in which a local inflamma-
observed in diabetes, either through repeated acute tory response plays an essential role. Interventions
changes in cellular glucose metabolism, or through that block the chemokine induced attraction of
the long term accumulation of glycated biomole- leucocytes or activation of the monocytes all inhibit
cules and AGEs.w23 AGEs represent a heteroge- collateral formation.w29 Considering the fact
neous group of compounds formed by oxidative that diabetes is associated with increased pro-
and non-oxidative reactions between proteins and inflammatory activity, one could hypothesise that
sugar residues. Also, lipids, nucleic acids, or a com- increased collateral formation would compensate
bination, can be affected by glycation resulting in for the stenosis related ischaemia. In contrast, dia-
the formation of AGEs. betes is associated with poor collateralisation.w30
The formation of AGEs implicates reactive inter- Despite the fact that VCAM induced leucocyte cell
mediates such as methylglyoxal. AGEs form cross- adhesion and proteolytic activity are enhanced, this
links on extracellular matrix proteins or react with does not result in improved collateralisation in
their specific receptor RAGE, resulting in oxidative diabetic patients. An explanation could be the

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concomitant increase in the expression of angiosta- patients.w32 In another study including asymptom-
tin and the decreased expression of vascular endo- atic patients, an increased macrophage content
thelial growth factor (VEGF) in the presence of was demonstrated in plaques obtained from dia-
diabetes, effects that reduce angiogenesis.w19 w31 betic patients. The increased inflammatory pheno-
Angiostatin is a plasminogen cleavage product that type was also observed in coronary plaques that
has gained attention as a therapeutic target in the were obtained from symptomatic patients.w33 They
field of oncology. A strong correlation has been also reported significantly more thrombus and ath-
observed between lesional expression of MMP-2 or eroma within diabetic plaques. Finally, Burke et al
MMP-9 and angiostatin,w19 suggesting that these reported significantly larger necrotic core size and
proteases may have two roles in the process of macrophage content within coronary artery plaques
collateralisation. of diabetic patients who died suddenly.18
On the other hand, the Oxford plaque biobank
DIABETES AND PLAQUE CHARACTERISTICS: studied 526 carotid plaques and could not observe
HUMAN STUDIES any major differences in plaque characteristics
The composition of advanced atherosclerotic between diabetic and non-diabetic patients,19 an
plaques in diabetic patients has been reported pre- observation that we recently confirmed in the
viously, and the data are summarised in table 1. Athero-Express cohort of over 1000 patients
The imaging and pathologic data show that there is undergoing carotid surgery (unpublished data). We
a general tendency towards an increased prevalence can only speculate what could explain the dissimi-
of vulnerable plaque characteristics in diabetic larities between these and the aforementioned
patients. However, conclusions are often based on studies. First, the pathology may differ between the
small scale studies and the imaging or pathological carotid and coronary vascular tree. Intraplaque is
parameters are not always comparable. Here we more prevalent in carotid artery plaques than cor-
briefly discuss some of the outcomes of the human onary artery plaques. Secondly, coronary plaques
pathological observational studies. are obtained during catheterisation of patients who
In a cohort of 180 symptomatic patients who have suffered from a very recent event, in contrast
underwent CEA, a higher collagen content and to carotid surgery which is executed weeks to
less mural thrombus were observed in diabetic months after the primary event. We previously

Table 1 Pathology and imaging studies on the association between plaque type and risk factor for diabetes
Study type Author Vascular bed Observation Diabetic patients (n)

Pathology Burke et al18 Coronary Inflammation + 66

Lipid +
Pathology Carter et al w35 Femoral Inflammation + 10
Plaque vessels +
Pathology Virmani et al w36 Coronary Inflammation + Review
Expansive remodelling
Pathology Sommeijer et al w37 Carotid Fibrosis + 11
Thrombosis +
Pathology Cardellini et al w38 Carotid TIMP3 − 23
MMP-9 +
Pathology He et al w39 Carotid ICAM-1 + 21
Pathology Mas et al w40 Carotid Non-esterified fatty acids + 19
Inflammation +
Pathology Purushothaman et al w33 Aorta Inflammation + 20
Plaque vessels +IPH +
Pathology Redgrave et al 19 Carotid No differences 53
MRI Esposito et al w41 Carotid High risk lesion type + 51
CT angiography Choi et al w42 Coronary Mixed plaques + 135
Calcified plaques +
Ultrasound Ostling et al w43 Carotid Echolucency + 47
MRI Wasserman et al w44 Carotid No difference in presence of lipid core 52
Ultrasound Jiminez et al w45 Coronary Constrictive remodelling + 45
Multislice CT Yun et al w46 Coronary More plaque burden, all plaque types 36
CT angiography Gao et al w47 Coronary More plaque burden, all plaque types 122
Ultrasound Inaba et al w48 Coronary More plaque progression with more lipid 42
FDG-PET Kim et al w49 Upper body Inflammation + 60
Optical coherence Feng et al w50 Coronary Calcification+thrombus and fibrous cap thickness: 25
tomography no difference
Multislice CT Djaberi et al w51 Coronary Calcified plaques—in type II diabetes 70
FFG-PET, F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IPH, intra-plaque haemorrhage; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase;
MPO, myeloperoxidase; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule.

Pasterkamp G. Heart 2013;99:743–749. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2011-301172 747

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studies summarised in table 1 merits careful consid-

You can get CPD/CME credits for Education in Heart eration; often limited patient numbers have not
allowed a control for other determinants of plaque
characteristics such as age, gender, surgery delay,
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Diabetes is highly prevalent in patients suffering
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which will be paralleled by cardiovascular morbid-
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Acknowledgements Louise Catanzarini for carefully reading and
editing the manuscript.
Contributors I am the only author and I wrote the paper.
Competing interests In compliance with EBAC/EACCME
Methods of accelerated atherosclerosis in guidelines, all authors participating in Education in Heart have
disclosed potential conflicts of interest that might cause a bias in
diabetes: key points the article. The author has no competing interests.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer
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Methods of accelerated atherosclerosis in

diabetic patients
Gerard Pasterkamp

Heart 2013 99: 743-749

doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2011-301172

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