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What are the main stages in problem solving?
1) Problem recognition and definition
2) Problem analysis
3) Solution analysis

The five steps used for solving design problems are:

1) Define the problem
2) Gather pertinent information
3) Generate multiple solutions
4) Analyze and select a solution
5) Test and implement the solution

List the main sources of data in the data gathering step of the design process?
1) Library
2) Internet
3) Questionnaire study
4) Existing report
5) Measurements
6) Observations

What is a decision tree and how can it be used in engineering?

A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and
their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility.
Decision trees provide an alternative and more convenient way of viewing and managing large
sets of rules, especially when these rules are not symmetric.

What are the main water supply options?
1) Boreholes
2) Hand dug well
3) Spring protection
4) Sand dams
5) Artificial recharge dam
6) Rainwater harvesting
7) Grey water recycling

State the main environmental problems you are familiar with and where they are found

1) Soil erosion – Steep sloping lands in Muranga and in rangelands.

2) Deforestation - Mount Kenya and Mau watersheds.
3) Water pollution – Nairobi river and water hyacinth in Lake Victoria
4) Air pollution – Nairobi’s industrial area and the dusty arid areas
5) Salinization – Kibwezi and Taita Taveta areas

What are the main sources of pollutants in Nairobi river water?

1) Air pollution,
2) sewage disposal,
3) surface runoff,
4) garbage,
5) washing in or along the river.

What are the main sanitation technologies?

1) Flush toilet with central treatment works
2) Flush toilet with conservancy tank
3) Flush toilet with septic tank and soak away
4) Alternating twin pit composting toilet
5) Urine diversion dehydration toilet
6) Ventilated Improved Pit toilet

What is a cost-benefit analysis? Illustrate with an example
Benefit-cost analysis is simply rational decision-making. These techniques constitute a model
for doing benefit-cost analysis. They include a variety of methods:
1) identifying alternatives:
2) defining alternatives in a way that allows fair comparison;
3) adjusting for occurrence of costs and benefits at different times:
4) calculating monetary values for things that are not usually expressed in Ksh;
5) coping with uncertainty in the data; and
6) summing up a complex pattern of costs and benefits to guide decision-making.


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