Future Institute of Engineering and Management Model Questions: Chemistry (BS CH101) 1. Short Answer Type Question

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Future Institute of Engineering and Management

Model Questions: Chemistry (BS CH101)

1. Short answer type question.
a) Alkaline KMnO4 is (a) cis (b) trans (c) cis- & trans- addition reagent.
b) UV-vis absorption spectra found in (a) 200-700nm (b) below 200nm (c) above 700nm
c) Meso compounds are called (a) internally compensated (b) externally compensated (c) both a & b.
d) Free radical reactions are favored in (a) polar solvent (b) non-polar solvent
e) In general the ionization energies follows the trend a)IE1>IE2>IE3 b) IE1<IE2<IE3 c)IE1>IE2<IE3 d)IE1<IE2>IE3
f) In which group do the elements of a period have lowest ionization energy a)Gr 1 b)Gr 2 c)Gr 3 d)Gr 4
g) The penetrating power of an electron within the same shell a)s>d>p>f b)s>p>d>f c)f>d>p>s d)s=p=d=f
h) The electron probability density is highest for a) s-orbital b) p orbital c) d orbital d) f orbital.
i) In n-type semiconductor the group 14 elements are doped by the elements of a) Gr 13 b)Gr 14 c)Gr 15 d)Gr 16
j) Which of the following is true for a closed system? a) mass entering = mass leaving,
b) mass does not enter or leave the system c) mass entering can be more or less than the mass leaving d) none of the
k) HOMO stands for ________________________________________
l) LCAO stands for _________________________________________
m) EDTA is a a)Monodentate b)bidantate c)Polydentate d)Tridentate ligand.
n) Weak field ligand generally forms a)High spin complex b) Low spin complex c)Both a & b d)None of the above.
o) LUMO stands for______________________________________________
p) Weak field complex forms a)Highspin complex b)Lowspin complex c)both a and b d)none of the above
q) Which of the following ion has the largest ionic sizes a)Be2+ , Sr2+ , Ca2+, Mg2+
r) The electronegativity in the following elements increases in order a)C,N,Si,P, b)N,Si,C,P, c)Si,P,C,N d)P,Si,N,C
s) The major carrier in n-type semiconductor is a)Proton b)electron c) Hole d)neutron
t) E2 reaction is favourable in a)aqueous medium b)alcoholic medium c) CCl 4 medium d)n-hexane medium
u) Full form of MRI______________________________________________
v) Finger print zone is observed in a)UV b)IR c)NMR d)MRI spectra.
w) Energy of radiation used in spectroscopy follows the order (a) UV>NMR>IR (b) UV>IR>NMR
x) Meso compounds are (a) optically active (b) optically inactive
y) Bathochromic shift is also known as (a) Blue (b) Red (c) Violet (d) Pink shift

2.Atomic and molecular structure:

2.1. Justify the order of stability of O22+ , O22-, O2- , O2 by molecular orbital theory. Write down the Schrodinger wave equation
for a three dimensional box. 3+2
2.2. Show that the energy levels for a particle in a one-dimensional box is quantized. 5
2.3. Discuss Eigen function and Eigen Value. Why Mg behaves as metal even if it has filled orbital.Why metals are good
conductor of electricity? 2+2+1
2.4. Write the decreasing order of stability for the following and also justify the order - H2,H2+,H2-.Liquid oxygen is attracted by
a pole of magnet but not liquid nitrogen. - Expain. What do you mean by Fermi level in a band diagram of a metal. 2+2+1
2.5. NO is paramagnetic and NO+ is diamagnetic. What do you mean by bonding and antibonding molecular orbital?The
uncertainty in momentum of a particle is 3.5 x 10 -2 kg ms-1. Find the uncertainty in its position.2+1.5+1.5
2.6. What is the physical significance of an electronic wave function? Hydrogen forms diatomic molecule but helium doesnot.
2.7 Discuss Heisenberg uncertainty Principle. Prove that electron cannot reside in nucleaus. 2+3
2.8 Discuss Werner’s theory of Coordination compound. Write the formula of the following coordination compounds:
a)potassium tetrahydroxozincate(II)
b)tetraammineaquachloridocobalt(III) chloride
2.9 What is ligand? How they are classified? Discuss. Write down example of ambidentate and flexidentate ligand.
2.11 Describe Jahn Tellor distortion.

3. Spectroscopy:
3.1. Discuss in brief (a) Lambert-Beer's law (b) Bathochromic and Hypsochromic shift (c) uses of UV-Vis spectroscopy (any
three). 2+2+1
3.2. Discuss in brief (a) Fluorescence spectra (b) NMR spectroscopy (c) Finger print zone in IR. 2+2+1
3.3. Discuss in brief (a) MRI technique (b) Uses of UV, IR, NMR in molecular identification. 2+3
3.4 Briefly discuss (a) Chromophore (b) Fluorophore 2.5+2.5
3.5. Discuss the effect of polar solvents on both n→π* and π→π* transition. What will be change in λmax value if extra
chromophores are added with the original substrate? 2.5+2.5
3.6. What is spectroscopy? What is the difference between ‘Absorption spectrum’ and ‘Emission spectrum’? How can you
differenciate between atomic and molecular spectroscopy?
3.7. Describe UV-Vis spectrometer. What are applications of mass spectrometry?
3.8. Briefly discuss (a) Solvent effect in UV-Vis spectra (b) H-bonding effect in IR spectra

4.Periodic properties:
4.1. Explain why the group 1 elements of a period have lowest ionization energy? Among N,F and O which of the following
atoms has the largest ionization enthalpy? 2+3
4.2 Between I and I+ of the following has larger size? State the reasons. Discuss the factors affecting the effective nuclear charge.
Discuss covalent radius. 2+2+1
4.3. State the Hund’s rule and Pauli Exclusions Principle. State the reason why Fe nd Ni have similar atomic radii? 1.5+1.5+2
4.4. Why does F-H have higher ionic character? Draw the shapes of PCl5. What are Hard and soft acids.2+1.5+1.5
4.5 Why the first ionization potential of N is greater than first ionization potential of O, although O is more electronegative than
4.6 Discuss Fazan’s rule. What is Polarizibility? Why Cl has higher electron gain enthalpy than F? 2+2+1
4.7 An electron is present in 4d subshell. Give the possible values of its four quantum numbers. Deduce the possible sets of four
quantum numbers when n=2.
4.8 Why there is no 2d and 3f orbitals.Arrange the following in increasing order of orbital energy : 3d ,4s,4p,3p
4.9 Explain why Fe2+ is more stable than Fe3+ . Explain why in a period generally the size of an atom decreases with rise in
atomic number but at the end of each period, atomic size of a noble gas increases abruptly.

5.Structure of organic molecule:

5.1. Discuss briefly (a) SN1 vs SN2 (b) Saytzeff vs Hoffman rule (c) E1CB. 2+2+1
5.2. Discuss (a) Ozonolysis (b) Jone's oxidation (c) Heterogeneous catalysis 2+2+1
5.3. Discuss (a) Ring closing reaction (b) Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compound (c) Anti-Markownikov's addition. 2+2+1
5.4. Give the possible products on the treatment neopentyl bromide with Sodium hydroxide. Give mechanism.
5.5. Explain why phenol is easily nitrated than Nitrobenzene. What is solvolysis? What will be the product when solvent is
5.6. HBr addition to F3C-CH=CH2 gives Anti-Markownikov’s product. Explain. Why only HBr can show Kharash effect of
peroxide effect?
5.7. Briefly discuss (a) Saytzeff and Hoffmann rule. (b) Concerted reaction path (c) Nucleophilic addition reaction.
5.8. Briefly discuss synthetic path, uses of some medicines e.g. Paracetamol, Aspirin and Oil of winter green.
5.9. What will be the product when propylene is treated with Br2/CCl4 and alkaline/KMnO4 seperately.

6.Stereo chemistry:
6.1. Discuss Fischer, Flying-wedge, Sawhoarse and Newman representation of molecule with example. 5
6.2. Discuss in brief (a) Chirality and Optical activity (b) Racemisation. Give an example of meso compound. 2+2+1
6.3. Discuss with suitable example (a) D,L & R,S nomenclature (b) Conformational analysis (plot P.E. vs. Dihedral angle) of
ethylene dichloride. 2.5+2.5
6.4. What is structural isomerism? Give the clasiifications of structural isomerism with example.
6.5.Discuss in brief (a) Tautomerism (b) Metamerism (c) plane polarized light
6.6. Draw the fischer projection formula of all isomers of tartaric acid.
6.7. Discuss E/Z nomenclature. How is it better than Cis, trans nomenclature?

7.Use of free energy in chemical equillibria.

7.1. Prove Cp=nR+Cv for n moles of an ideal gas. Write down Nernst’s Equation and mention all the term. 3+2
7.2. Discuss first law of thermodynamics. Find the potential of the Zn electrode assuming 96% dissociation of
0.1(M)ZnSO4.(Given E0=-0.76V)
7.3. Write the postulates of second law of thermodynamics. Discuss electrodialysis. How can you remove scale? 2+1.5+1.5
7.4. Write down the reactions of Wrinkler’s Process of removal of hardness. Discuss alkanility. 3+2
7.5. Discuss caustic embrittlement. Write briefly on waste water treatment process with flow diagram. 2+3
7.6 Write briefly on reverse osmosis process. What is hardness of water? A sample water contain 18 gram of calcium sulphate
per litre calculate the hardness in terms of calcium carbonate equivalent.. Write short notes on ion exchange resin.
7.7 Write the reactions of dissolved oxygen method.Write short notes on trickling filter and activated sludge process.
7.8 Discuss dry corrosion. Write briefly on remedial measures to reduce corrosion. What is pigment volume concentration or
PVC? Discuss pilling bedworth rule. What is paint and constituents of paint?

8.Intermolecular forces and potential energy surfaces:

8.1 Why do alcohols boils at a higher temperature , where as aldehydes boil at lower temperature. Discuss Van der Waal’s force
of attraction. 3+2
8.2 What is the reason behind the high boiling point of propanol compared to butane. Discuss London force. 3+2
8.3 Write down the equation of states of real gases. Discuss critical volume and critical pressure. 2+1.5+1.5

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