Question Bank CG

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L. J.

Institute of Engineering & Technology

S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad-382210
IT Department
Question Bank
Subject : Computer Graphics
Semester: VI – IT

Sr. Questions Year Marks


Chapter 1. Introduction

1. Write the differences between Random Scan display and Raster Scan May 2011 4
2. Explain the working principle of Scanner May 2011 4

3. How coordinate value of selected screen position is determined in touch May 2011 4
4. List advantages and disadvantages of plasma panel display. May 2011 6

5. Briefly explain the any five computer graphics applications Nov/Dec 2011 5

6. Explain the following terms: Nov/Dec 2011 6

1) Persistence
2) Resolution
3) Raster scan display system.
7. What is frame buffer ? How long would it take to load a 1280 by 1024 Nov/Dec 2011 3
frame buffer with 12 bits per pixel if transfer rate is 1Mbps.
8. Explain the working of Cathod Ray tube. May 2011 4

9. Briefly explain the following display technologies (1) Raster refresh May 2012 7
systems (2) Vector refresh systems (3) LCDs
10. Consider a raster system with resolution of 1280 by 1024. What size of May 2012 4
frame buffer is needed for given system to store 24bits per pixel? How
many colors are possible in given system? What is the access time per
pixel if refreshing rate is 60 frames per second?
11. Briefly explain the advantages of Look table used in Graphics display May 2012 3
12. Explain Raster scan system and Random scan system with bock diagram
with example.
13. Explain merits and demerits of following: questions
 Penetration techniques
 DVST other than
 Plasma panel display( Explain the working also). papers but
14. Short note on input devices.
15. Short note on graphics standards.
16. Explain following:
 Aspect Ratio
 Addressability
 Dot size
 Interdot distance.
17. Consider three different raster systems with resolution of 640*480,
1280*1024 and 2560*2048.
 What size is frame buffer (in bytes) for each of these systems
to store 12 bits per pixel?
 How much (in bytes) is required for each system if 24 bits per
pixel are to be stored.
18. Consider two raster systems with resolution of 640*480 and 1280*1024.
 How many pixels could be accessed per second in each of
these systems by a display controller that refreshes the screen
at a rate of 60 frames per second?
 What is the access time per pixel in each system?

Chapter 2. Graphics Primitives

1. For what purpose winding number method is used? What is a winding May 2011 3
2. Explain boundary fill and flood fill for polygon filling. May 2011 7

3. Explain the three methods of character generation. May 2011 7

4. Write the basic principle of Bresenhams line algorithm and write May 2011 7
Bresenham’s line algorithm.
5. Define the term : 1) Antialiasing 2) anchoring May 2011 4

6. What is aliasing? How to compensate the aliasing? Explain in detail. Nov/Dec 2011 6

7. What are the limitations of DDA line drawing algorithm? Explain Nov/Dec 2011 8
Bresenham’s line algorithm.
8. Explain the property of circle and calculate the pixel position along circle Nov/Dec 2011 8
with radius r=10 centered on the origin using midpoint circle algorithm
up to x=y.
9. Derive all necessary formulas for Bresenham line drawing algorithm. May 2012 7
Bresenham line drawing algorithm is used to draw a line from (0, 0) to
(6, 4). Determine all the pixels which will be on as the line is drawn.
10. Briefly explain the attributes associated with line and characters. Briefly May 2012 7
explain the different methods for the generation of thick lines
11. Derive all necessary formulas for Midpoint circle drawing algorithm. May 2012 7
Write pseudo code for Midpoint circle drawing algorithm.
12. What is antialiasing ? Explain different methods to minimizing its effect. May 2012 7

13. Develop and implement a flood-fill algorithm to fill the interior of any May 2012 7
specified area. What are the differences between flood-fill and boundary
fill algorithm?
14. Explain the methods for finding interior region of polygon.
15. What are basic primitives does SRGP support? Explain them briefly. questions
16. What is coherence property of line? Explain scan line fill algorithm.
other than
17. Explain the various Attributes in Computer graphics . Explain them papers but
18. Explain the procedure for scan line algorithm and working principle of it. important.
19. Define:
 Vector
 Unit vector.
 Vector generation.
20. Explain Ellipse Drawing Algorithm with step.

Chapter 3. 2 D Transformation And Viewing

1. Explain the term region codes. Write the steps of Cohen – Sutherland line May 2011 7
clipping algorithm.
2. Explain scaling in 2D transformations. May 2011 3

3. Explain and write Liang Bersky line clipping algorithm. May 2011 7

4. Explain NLN clipping algorithm. May 2011 7

5. Prove that the multiplication of 2D transformation matrices for each of Nov/Dec 2011 8
the following sequence of operations is commutative:
1) Two successive rotations
2) Two successive translations
6. What is window and viewport? Retrieve equations for the scalling Nov/Dec 2011 6
factors to match the window to viewport in 2D viewing system.
7. Explain the Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Nov/Dec 2011 8

8. What is 2D shear transformation? Convert the unit square to shifted Nov/Dec 2011 6
parallelogram using x-direction shear transformation operation where
parameter shx=1/2 and Yref=-1 and unit square dimensions are (0,0),
9. Find out the composite transformation matrix to rotate a given 2D object May 2012 4
by an amount θ about given point P1(x1, y1).
10. What is homogeneous coordinate? Why is it required? May 2012 3

11. Find out composite transformation matrix to reflect a triangle with May 2012 7
vertices A (-2, 1), B (-1, 2) and C (-2, 2) about line y=x+2. Also find the
coordinates of reflected object.
12. Clip the line PQ having coordinates A(4,1) and B(6,4) against the clip May 2012 7
window having vertices A(3,2) , B(7,2) , C(7,6) and D(3,6) using Cohen
Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Mention the limitations of algorithm.
How it can be overcome?
13. Develop and implement Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithm. May 2012 7

14. Why do you mean by Scalling in place? Give example. Why do need
homogeneous co-ordinates? How it simplifies 2D transformation.
15. Describe pivot(fixed) point scalling. questions
16. What is 2D viewing-transformation pipeline? Explain it briefly.
other than
17. Find out the co-ordinates of figure bounded by (1,1),(1,5),(5,5),(5,1) papers but
when reflected along the line y=x.
18. Show how shear transformation may express in terms of Rotation and important.
19. Explain: Normalized device co-ordinates.

20. Write a short note on general pivot point Rotation.

21. Explain the basic principle of view port clipping.

22. Write the essential steps of an algorithm for implementing a composite

23. Distinguish between Cohen Sutherland outcode and Sutherland
Hodgeman algorithm and Explain them
24. Explain Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping and state its advantages over
Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping algo.
25. A mirror is placed vertically such thst it passes through the points (10,0)
and (0,10). Find the reflected view of triangle ABC with coordinates
A(5,50) B(20,40) C(10,70).
26. Let R be the rectangular window whose left-lower hand corner is at L(-
3,1) and upper-right hand corner is R(2,6).

1)find the region codes for the endpoints in the fig.

2)find the clipping categories for the line segments.

3)use Cohen-Sutherland algo. To clip the line segments.

A(-4,2) B(-1,7) AB linesegment

C(-1,5) D(3,8)  CD linesegment

G(1,-2) H(3,3)  GH linesegment

Where Xmin=-3, Ymin=1 and Xmax= 2,Ymax= 6.

27. Using Cohen Sutherland algorithm clip two lines.

1) p1(40,15) to p2(75,45)
2) p3(70,20) to p4(100,10)
against a window A(10,50) B(50,50) C(50,10) D(10,10).

28. Reflect the triangle ABC about the line 3x-4y+8=0. The position vector
of the coordinate is given as A(4,1) , B(5,2) C(4,3).

29. Write the essential steps of an algorithm for implementing a composite

30. Reflect the object with vertices A(5,5), B(4,0) and C(7,5) about i) X-axis
ii)Y-axis using appropriate transformation matrices.

31. Reflect the triangle ABC about the line 3x-4y+8=0. The position vector
of the coordinate is given as A(4,1) , B(5,2) C(4,3).

32. Find the clipping co-ordinates for a line p1p2 where p1=(10,10) and
p2(60,30), against window with (Xwmin,Ywmin)=(15,15) and
(Xwmax,Ywmax)=(25,25) using liang barsky algorithm.

Chapter 4.3 D Concepts and Object Representation

1. List the properties of Bazier curves. May 2011 7

2. Explain the propertises of B-spline curves May 2011 7

3. List the advantages of the B-spline over the Bezier splines and explain the B- Nov/Dec 2011 6
spline curves properties.
4. Explain prespective projection in 3D display methods. Nov/Dec 2011 3

5. What is a polygon mesh? Discuss various ways to represent a polygon mesh May 2012 7
with their merits and demerits.
6. Briefly explain parametric cubic curve and its applications. May 2012 4

7. Write a short note on polygon meshes. Extra questions

other than
8. What is interpolation? papers but
9. What is spline?

10. Write a short note on Bezeir curves

11. Write a short note on B-spline curves

Chapter 5. 3 D Transformation and Viewing

1. Explain reflection with respect to any plane in 3D transformation. May 2011 4

2. Explain the three types of axonometric projection in 3D. May 2011 3

3. Prove that the transformation matrix for the rotation about an arbitrary axis Nov/Dec 2011 8
can be expressed as the composition of following seven individual
transformations :
R(θ)=T-1.Rx-1(α).Ry-1(β).Rz(θ).Ry( β).Rx(α).T
4. Prove that the general prespective projection transformation is obtain by the Nov/Dec 2011 8
composition of shear and scaling operation and shows the matrix formulation
for the both operations.
5. Explain the parallel and prespective projection techniques to project 3D Nov/Dec 2011 6
object onto 2D view plane.
6. Compare parallel and perspective projection. Derive perspective May 2012 7
transformation matrix with centre of projection (0, 0, -d) and xy as a plane
of projection.
7. Find out the 3D transformation matrix to rotate a given 3D object by an May 2012 7
amount 60 about line passing from point(1,1,1) and the direction vector
8. Write a short note on parallel projection. Extra
9. Write a short note on prespective projection.
other than
10. Explain the various types of prespective projection. papers but
11. Explain the various types of parallel projection.

12. Explain various 3D viewing parameters.

13. Derive the transformation matrix for general parallel projection.

14. Derive the transformation matrix for general prespective projection.

15. Explain 3D translation Scaling and Rotation.

Chapter 6.Advance Topics

1. Which two types of sensors are used in digital cameras? May 2011 3

2. Which is the simplest and commonly used image space approach to May 2011 7
eliminate hidden surfaces? Explain.
3. Explain the term hue and saturation. May 2011 4

4. Explain ambient light and diffuse illumination. May 2011 7

5. Classify the visible surface detection algorithms and explain one the image Nov/Dec 2011 8
space based algorithm.
6. Explain the following color model : Nov/Dec 2011 6
1) XYZ color model
2) RGB color model
7. Explain the property of light using electromagnetic spectrum. Also explain Nov/Dec 2011 8
the following terms:
1) Dominant frequency
2) Purity
3) Luminance
8. Explain the following color model : Nov/Dec 2011 6
1) YIQ color model
2) CMY color model
9. Explain shadow mask technique and explain how it differs from beam May 2011 4
penetration technique?
10. Briefly explain Z-buffer visible surface determination algorithm. May 2012 4

11. Briefly explain specular and diffuse reflection. What is the importance of May 2012 7
illumination and shading model in creating realistic image?
12. Discuss the properties of light. Extra questions
other than
13. Explain CIE chromaticity diagram. papers but
14. Describe the back face removal algorithm.

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