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song of swords

Update 1

Song of Swords opaque industries

Song of Swords

Beta Rules for “Song of Swords”

Roleplaying Game

Song of Swords is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game that emphasizes the harsh reality of battle, the human motivations
that drive heroes to adventure and danger, and the gripping narratives that arise from conflict and struggle, to provide great
roleplaying campaigns.
The focus of the game is on enjoyable realism. We have drawn from historical sources and research to create a game with
gritty, in-depth combat, and arms and armors taken straight from the annals of history. You’ll find no madcap fantasy
weapons here, just the goods. Cold steel, the way it was really wielded and worn. Sometimes, though, you may find that
truth is stranger than fiction.
Whether you play campaigns set in our own history, or in the far-flung realms of fantasy, the grounded realism of Song of
Swords will bring you straight into the game, and make you feel each tooth-jarring blow and battle-cry in your bones.
The system is D10 based, and highly modular, facilitating campaigns from historical fiction to low-magic realism to ro-
bust fantasy. A core fantasy setting our own creation, called Tattered Realms, will be included in the core book alongside
a guide to playing in 15th century Europe, and many expansions and supplements are to follow, detailing new venues for
your games and providing resources for your own creations.
The first production of Opaque Industries, Song of Swords is to be our flagship product, the foundation upon which our
company is built, and the core of our productive enterprise. We have put our souls into this game, and we hope you enjoy
playing it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Lead Designer: James T. ”Rome” Lacombe

Producer, Designer, Layout: Zachary T. Irwin
Supplementary Design Team: Daniel Leiendecker, Forrest Phanton, Taylor Davis
Cover Art: Kenneth Solis
Book Art: Frankie Perez, Taylor Davis, Kassandra Swager
Additional Development: Justin Hazen, Kevin Weech
CEO: Zachary T. Irwin

All contents copyright © 2013 by Zachary T. Irwin, James T. Lacombe. All rights reserved.

Song of Swords

Errata: Song of Swords Pg. 10: Dwarves Selective Eyesight

Within the Dwarf section, for the “Selective Eyelight” ability,
change the last sentence to the following:
“As a result, Dwarves are extremely poor at reading facial
expressions, and suffer +1 TN to the Awareness and Analyze

General Amendments Pg. 11: Iron Ibers and Natural Philosophy

The Natural Philosophy ability of the Iron Ibera on should
read as follows:
All Pages: Vines “A Burdinadin can, with 15 minutes of study, make an Educa-
If the vines at the bottom left and right right appear solid tion check to understand the function and workings of almost
instead of mostly translucent, try downloading the .PDF and any device, object or technology. Being allowed to dismantle,
opening it with a normal reader instead of reading it in your disassemble, or dissect the subject reduces the successes
browser. required by 2. The object being Magical in nature, or involving
phenomenally advanced mechanics or processes can, at the
Most Pages: Creation Points GM’s discretion, increase the successes required by between
Any abbreviation for Creation points written as (CP) should 1 and 6. The Bonus Successes over Difficulty determine how
be (CrP). much the Burdinadin learns about the subject.
1 Bonus Successes: The Burdinadin determines the general
function and workings of the subject, though perhaps not
Pg. 04: Rounding Down its intended application. (I.E., discovering that a toaster is
The next update will contain this entry in Chapter 0.
intended to fry something, but not specifically knowing that it
“In Song of Swords, in any game-mechanics situation in which
was designed to toast bread.)
rounding is required, always round down.”
3 Bonus Successes: The Burdinadin knows not only what
the device’s general function of, but also what it is made of,
Pg. 04: Bonus Successes how it was made, and how to theoretically reproduce it. (The
The next update will include these rules in Chapter 0 practicality of this given available tools may still make such a
“Bonus Successes are defined as any successes in excess of thing unfeasible.)
what is required to succeed at base (the Difficulty, or in the 5 Degrees of Success: The Burdinadin knows what the device
case of contested rolls, Enemy Successes,) and provide bo- does, what it was designed to do, and, in addition to how to
nuses to the action being attempted. reproduce it, how long it would take, working from scratch,
In the case of Attacks that inflict damage, including Missile any flaws intrinsic to the design that could be exploited, and
and Melee attacks, Bonus Successes always add to the Dam- how to theoretically repair them.
age inflicted unless specifically noted otherwise.
Pg. 12: Unwholesome Impulses
Pg. 04 Encumbrance The Wood Iber racial ability Unwholesome Impulses is not
Until the next update, where Encumbrance will be imple- complete, and requires that certain systems be complete
mented entirely, use this quick fix. before it can be written. The proper ability will be added in
“Each time a character’s accumulated Weight surpasses his future updates.
Endurance score, the character’s Encumbrance increases by 1.
Each point of Encumbrance decreases CP and MOB by 1, and
Pg. 54: Missile Weapon Dodging/Blocking
increases the activation costs of Void and Evade maneuvers by
The next update will include these rules in the Using Missile
Weapons in Melee. Consider these added to the given page.
When shooting at an enemy already in an Engagement during
Pg. 7: Creation Points and Proficiencies the Bystander Phase, the target may elect to Block or Void the
Until the next update fixes the system more completely, use attack with up to the amount of CP they possessed at the end
this quick fix to simplify things: of their last Action. If this is the First Turn and the character
“Creation Points (henceforth to be abbreviated CrP) when has not yet gained a Combat Pool, he may take the aforemen-
devoted into the Proficiency section, award the player tem- tioned defensive actions with a number of dice up to his PER
porary Arc points based on how many are allocated into the score (but not exceeding his total Combat Pool,) and then
category as determined by the table on Pg.7, which can be subtract these from his CP gained during the Refresh, along
used to then purchase Proficiencies and Points in the same with any Shock or Pain inflicted by missile injuries or from
way as detailed in the Character Advancement section. Any of other sources.
these temporary Arc Points which are left over afterwards are A character can take defense against multiple missile weap-
lost, so use them all.” ons in the same Phase, but cannot use more than the total
amount of his currently available CP, or in the case of First
Turn shooting, his current Maximum CP.

Song of Swords
Horses’ Proficiency details, and lack kicking maneuvers Pg. 44: Great Axes
The Warhorse on Pg.74’s Proficiency value should be “Nibble Great Axes should have a Thrust at TN 8(-1p), and the Staff
4,” making its total CP 10 (assuming the horse is unarmored, quality. This represents thrusting with the horn of the
which is likely as horse armor has not yet been implemented.) weapon. If the Great Axe is equipped with an Arming Spike, it
The Warhorse’s attacks should also read as follows: can instead use that value (Thrust 7(+0p)).
Bite Attack: H Range, Thrust TN 6 (Str-2c)
Kick Attack: M Range, Strike TN 7, (Str+0b) Pg. 44-45: Bludgeoning Weapons without a Thrust
Double Kick: L Range, Strike TN 8, (Str+1b)
In the Weapons section on Pages 44-45, there are a great
Weapon Adjustments & Clarifications number of weapons which lack a Thrust TN, when other blud-
geoning weapons without tips have one. At the bottom of the
Weapon Additions 1H Blunt list, there is an entry titled Arming Spike. This entry
Despite being slightly out of period with the rest of the represents the small thrusting spike atop many axes, maces,
weapon selection, the following weapons will be included in and warhammers, and inflicts 7(+0p) damage at whatever the
the next update. range is of the weapon they are attached to. Weapons which
[There will also be an addition of ~40 additional weapons of do not have an arming spike for whatever reason, thrust as a
other varieties, which are not listed here. Truncheon, at 6(-1b).
2H Blunt weapons without a Thrusting value can also make
Rapier 1 Handed. Long reach. Sword type. Strike 7(-1c), use of the Arming Spike entry or the Truncheon entry.
Thrust 6(+1p), Guard 3, Defense 6. Cost 3 Specials: Civilian This will be clarified in future updates.
Blade (-1 vs Plate armor) Shank Tip(Does NOT count as a
Blade-Thrust) Pg. 47: Ranged Weapon Costs
“In the next Update, ranged weapons will be given costs. For
Main Gauche 1 handed. Short reach. Knife type. Strike 6(-1) now, use the following guide:
c. Thrust 6(-1)p. Guard 2. Defense 6. Cost 3. Specials: Civilian Self Bows
Blade (See Rapier), Companion Weapon (Gains +1 die when Longbow: 2
used in a Simultaneous Parry/Attack to Parry) Warbow: 3
(Thanks Anonymous suggestor) Composite Horse-Bow: 3
Composite Footbow: 4
Pg. 43 Misericorde without Strike TN Crossbows
The Misericorde should have a Strike 8(-4c) Hand Crossbow: 3
This will be added in future updates. Hunting Crossbow: 2
Light Military Crossbow: 3
Pg. 43: Cinquedas & other Weapons without dam- Heavy Military Crossbow: 3
Heavy Arbalest: 4
age-type listings
Hook: +0
Cinquedas, depicted on Pg.43 should have Cut and Piercing
Lever: +0
notifications in their Strike and Thrust damage categories.
Windlass: +0
This is also the case with several other weapons, and will be
Crannequin: +1
fixed in the next update.
All: 0
Pg. 43: Curved Dagger without Defense TN Firearms
The Curved Dagger on Pg.43 should have Defense 10. Hand-Bombard: 2
This will be added in future updates. Firelock Handgonne: 3
Matchlock Arquebus: 4
Pg. 45: Swordstaff Defense Bolt Action Rifle: lol
The Swordstaff now has DTN 8. This change will be imple- Javelins
mented in the next Beta update. Darts/Javelins: 1
Soliferrum, Pilum: 2
Pg. 44: The Montante (Design Explanation)
The Montante’s profile is not incidental. It inflicts less thrust- Pg. 47: Draw STR
ing and cutting damage than the Zweihänder, but its Strike The Draw Strength entry for bows should read as follows:
value is superior, making it more wieldy on the cut, and giving “In order to use a bow, a character must have Strength equal
it an advantage on actually hitting the enemy, while being less to or higher than the Draw STR of the weapon. In order to
useful for cracking through heavy armor and otherwise kill- use the Power Draw maneuver with a bow, a character must
ing a foe with a small number of Bonus Successes. It could be have Strength at least 1 point higher than the Draw STR of the
considered a midway point between the Zweihänder and the weapon. Characters with lower Strength than the Draw STR of
Longsword, mechanically. a bow may still attempt to use it, but suffer a +1 TN, -1 Dam-
age, and halved range, and cannot perform any Maneuvers

Song of Swords
using it except Shoot.

Pg. 50: Leather Armor New Prototype

Leather Armor will be receiving a buff-coat entry in the next
update, as well as additional armoring options for limbs, torso Proficiency System
and head. Herein is contained a simplified version of the Proficiency
Leather Armor should have the Blade Thrust weakness qual- system that will be featured in the next update of SoS. This
ity, identical to Padded Armor. can be considered to completely replace the old Proficiency
system, as can the Maneuvers detailed further in the section
Pg. 50: Non-Plate Gauntlets be considered replacements for the old Maneuver system.
A wide array of hand protecting armors will be added in the
next update, of all, including mixed, materials.

Pg. 52: Shield Breaking bonus with Great-Axe Proficiency Level Schematic
The Great Axe will receive a bonus to Hew maneuvers in the Level Pool Unlock Cost
next Update, and the Hew maneuver will be made more easily
available in the 2H Great Axe proficiency. In the mean time, 1 1 Core 3
treat the Great Axe as though it has Specialization: Hew 5. 2 2 Novice Talent 1
3 3 - 1

Injury & Healing 4 4 Novice Talent 1

5 5 Tier 1 Maneuvers 5
Pg. 59: Infection
The Injury & Healing sub-entry of Infection should have the 6 6 Journeyman Talent 1
following addendum at its end: 7 7 - 1
“A character who does not contract Irreversible Sepsis, or
have the infected limb amputated, will recover from the Infec- 8 8 Journeyman Talent 1
tion when ½ of the Healing Time for the Wound has passed,
or after passing a cumulative 10 daily Infection checks against 9 9 - 1
Health Loss.” 10 10 Tier 2 Maneuvers 8

Pg. 59: Infection & Surgery 11 11 - 1

A Surgery Roll applied before or during the treatment of an 12 12 Master Talent 1
Injury can add its Bonus Successes to the character’s Health
Roll against Infection, though not to subsequent Health rolls 13 13 - 1
against Sepsis if the initial roll fails. 14 14 Master Talent 1

Pg. 62+: Bleed/Bloodloss

All instances of “Bleed” in the Damage Tables, and on the 15 15 Mastery Maneuvers 15
character sheet, should be changed to “Bloodloss.”
Maneuver Tiers When a character unlocks a Tier of Maneu-
vers, he gains all of those maneuvers immediately, and can
use them with any weapons compatible with the proficiency.
The Core is a tier containing basic maneuvers. More advanced
Maneuvers of the same type (ex. Hilt Push 2 (Wind and Bind))
are upgrades for existing maneuvers which add additional
functionality to them, as described in their description in the
maneuver section.

Pool: The Pool value for each level is the total amount of Pool
gained so far for the proficiency, and is the number combined
with ADR when forming a character’s Combat Pool.

Talents: When a character unlocks a Talent, he may select a

Talent of the level listed (Novice, Journeyman, Master,) and
add it to his character sheet. It is possible to use a higher level
talent slot to purchase a lower level talent.
[Talent List Forthcoming in Separate Release]

Song of Swords
Hew (0)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (2)
Activation Costs: Parry-Off (2)
The number in (Bold Parenthesis) next to a maneuver in the Grapple (1)
Proficiency Maneuver List section is the activation cost of the Trip 2 (Throw) (0)
maneuver for this Proficiency. If, in a later tier, a character
unlocks a maneuver that is an advanced version of an older
Tier 2: (Level 10)
one (denoted by the number next to it), Hilt Push 2 etc,) with
Disarm (2)
a different activation cost listed, use the cost for the more
Hilt Push 2 (Wind and Bind) (1)
advanced maneuver. If the parenthesis instead contain a V,
Riposte 2 (Counter) (1)
this signifies that the cost is variable, and that the maneuver
Simultaneous Parry/Attack 2 (Masterstrike) (1)
itself dictates how many dice are used. Check the maneuver
Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1)
rules for details.
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword) (1)

Dagger Maneuver List

1H Sword Maneuver List
Core: (Level 1)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Core: (Level 1)
Thrust (0)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Strike (0)
Thrust (0)
Parry (0)
Strike (0)
Trip (0)
Parry (0)
Beat (0)
Tier 1: (Level 5) Block (0)
Riposte (2) Trip (0)
Feint (V)
Hew (0)
Tier 1: (Level 5)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (2)
Block-Off (1)
Side Attack (0)
Hilt-Push (1)
Side Parry/Attack (0)
Riposte (1)
Parry-Off (2)
Feint (V)
Grapple (1)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (3)
Trip 2 (Throw) (0)
Simultaneous Block/Attack (1)
Side Attack (0)
Tier 2: (Level 10) Side Parry/Attack (1)
Disarm (2) Parry-Off (1)
Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1) Grapple (0)
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword) (1) Trip 2 (Throw) (0)
Tier 2: (Level 10)
Disarm (2)
Block Off 2 (Obviate) (1)
2H Sword Maneuver List Hilt Push 2 (Wind and Bind) (1)
Riposte 2 (Counter) (1)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack 2 (Masterstrike) (2)
Core: (Level 1) Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword (0)
Thrust (0)
Strike (0)
Parry (0)
Beat (0)
Trip (0) 1H Axe Maneuver List
Tier 1: (Level 5) Core: (Level 1)
Half-Sword (2) Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Murderstrike (2) Thrust (0)
Hilt-Push (1) Strike (0)
Riposte (2)

Song of Swords
Parry (0) 1H Flail Maneuver List
Block (0)
Beat (0)
Core: (Level 1)
Hook (1)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Trip (0)
Strike (0)
Parry (2)
Tier 1: (Level 5) Beat (0)
Block-Off (1) Block (0)
Hew (1) Hook (0)
Riposte (2) Trip (0)
Feint (V+1)
Parry-Off (2)
Tier 1: (Level 5)
Side Attack (0)
Break (0)
Side Parry/Attack (1)
Block Off (1)
Grapple (0)
Simultaneous Block/Attack (1)
Trip 2 (Throw) (0)
Feint (V+2)
Grapple (0)
Tier 2: (Level 10) Trip 2 (Throw) (0)
Disarm (1)
Block Off 2 (Obviate) (1)
Tier 2: (Level 10)
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword (0)
Disarm (1)
Block Off 2 (Obviate) (1)
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword) (0)

1H Mace Maneuver List

Core: (Level 1) 2H Axe Maneuver List

Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Thrust (0)
Core: (Level 1)
Strike (0)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Parry (0)
Thrust (0)
Beat (0)
Strike (0)
Block (0)
Parry (0)
Trip (0)
Beat (0)
Hook (0)
Tier 1: (Level 5) Trip (0)
Block-Off (1)
Break (1)
Tier 1: (Level 5)
Riposte (1)
Hew (0)
Feint (V)
Feint (V+2)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (4)
Parry-Off (2)
Simultaneous Block/Attack (1)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (4)
Side Attack (0)
Grapple (0)
Side Parry/Attack (1)
Trip 2 (Throw) (0)
Parry-Off (1)
Grapple (0)
Trip 2 (Throw) (0) Tier 2: (Level 10)
Disarm (1)
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword) (0)
Tier 2: (Level 10)
Disarm (1)
Block Off 2 (Obviate) (1)
Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1)
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword) (0) 2H Cudgel List

Core: (Level 1)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Thrust (0)
Strike (0)

Song of Swords
Parry (0) Tier 1: (Level 5)
Beat (0) Feint (V+1)
Trip (0) Parry-Off (1)
Grapple (2)
Tier 1: (Level 5)
Break (0) Tier 2: (Level 10)
Feint (V+2) Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1)
Parry-Off (2)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (3)
Grapple (0)
Trip 2 (Throw) (0) Polearm (Halberd)
Tier 2: (Level 10)
Disarm (1) Core: (Level 1)
Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1) Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Grapple 2 (Grapple at the Sword) (0) Thrust (0)
Strike (0)
Beat (0)
Parry (0)
Staff-Parry (1)
Polearm (Spear)
Tier 1: (Level 5)
Core: (Level 1) Feint (V)
Unlocked when proficiency is bought) Hew (0)
Thrust (0) Break (0)
Strike (0) Simultaneous Parry/Attack (4)
Block (0) Hook (1)
Beat (0) Riposte (2)
Parry (0) Parry-Off (2)
Staff-Parry (1) Grapple (2)

Tier 1: (Level 5) Tier 2: (Level 10)

Feint (V) Disarm (2)
Riposte (1) Riposte 2 (Counter) (1)
Simultaneous Block/Attack (1) Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (2)
Simultaneous Parry/Attack (4)
Parry-Off (1)
Block Off (1)
Grapple (2)

Tier 2: (Level 10)

Disarm (2) [Humans only]
Riposte 2 (Counter) (1) The School system allows characters to develop combat skills
Parry-Off 2 (Expulsion) (1) with multiple weapons simultaneously, giving them more
Block Off 2 (Obviate) (1) options in combat both in the weapons they use, and in the
abilities they have with each.

Forming a School requires that a character have at least three

Proficiencies already bought, within 3 levels of each other. It
also requires that the character be of a Race capable of utiliz-
Polearm (Pike) ing the School system. Any number of Proficiencies meeting
the requirements can be formed into a School.
Establishing a School costs 2 Arc, regardless of how many
Core: (Level 1) Proficiencies are contained within it.
Unlocked when proficiency is bought
Thrust (0) The newly formed School is treated as being the level of the
Strike (1) highest-leveled Proficiency it contains. A School is leveled up
Beat (1) like a normal, single Proficiency with an additional cost of +1
Parry (1) Arc per even-numbered level (starting at lvl 2, then 4, then 6,

Song of Swords
etc) Each time the School is leveled, every Proficiency in the Failure: Enemy attack Successful. In addition, Enemy attack
School is leveled by the same amount. also hits parrying arm with Bonus Successes equal to half of
those scored by the primary attack.
A new Proficiency can be added to a pre-existing School if it is
leveled to within 3 points of the lowest Proficiency currently Void
in the School, and then “bought in” with an expenditure of 2 Requirements: Being attacked by a Strike or Thrust to the
Arc. From that point on, it levels up with the rest of the School Arms, Legs, or Head.
as normal. Activation Cost: 0+Encumbrance Modifier
Basic Defense at TN 6.
There is no limit to the Cross-Training Talents that can be ap- Success: Enemy attack negated. You may spend 2 CP to gain
plied between Proficiencies in the same School. Initiative, otherwise enemy retains Initiative.
Redefinition of Dodge
Requirements: Being attacked by a Strike or Thrust to the
Combat Terms Body (Neck, Chest, Belly, Side, etc)
Activation Cost: 0+Encumbrance Modifier
Basic Defense at TN 7.
Basic Attack Successi: Enemy attack negated. You may spend 2 CP to gain
Basic Attacks are declared as Attack Actions. Initiative, otherwise enemy retains Initiative.

Basic Defense Duck & Weave

Basic Defenses are declared as Defense Actions. Requirements: Being attacked by a Strike or Thrust to the Up-
per Body (Above Side/Belly) Head or Arms.
Activation Cost: 0+Encumbrance Modifier
Advanced Attack Basic Defense at TN 7
Advanced Attacks are declared as a part of other Attack Ac- Success: Enemy attack negated. Enemy suffers Shock equal to
tions, often after both Actions have been declared. half the CP of negated attack.

Advanced Defense Evade

Advanced Defenses are declared as part of other Defense Ac- Requirements: Did not perform an Attack action in the previ-
tions, often after both Actions have been declared. ous round.
Activation Cost: 0+Encumbrance Modifier
Universal Maneuvers Basic Defense at TN 5.
Universal Maneuvers are known regardless of Proficiency or Success: Enemy attack negated. You leave the Bout, and be-
Proficiency-Level, and can be used with any Proficiency at its come a Bystander in the Combat Order.
full CP.

Universal Offenses
Steal Initiative
Requirements: You have just declared an Attack Action with-
Proficiency Maneuvers
out Initiative, or your opponent has just successfully used the
Steal Initiative Action against you. Offensive Maneuvers
Activation Cost: Special [Equal to target enemy’s Perception
score, adjusted for armor.]
Advanced Attack. Contested roll between you and target. Roll Thrust
ADR at TN 5, with a +1 bonus for each stage of Reach Advan- Requirements: Weapon has a Thrust TN
tage your weapon has over opponent’s. Basic Attack at Thrust TN, aimed on Thrusting Table.
Success: You gain Initiative over opponent. Resolve actions in Success: Inflict [Str+Weapon Thrust Damage+Bonus Success-
new order of Initiative. es] of the damage type indicated by your weapon.
If Steal Initiative is used in conjunction with a Thrust, you
Universal Defenses gain +1 to the Initiative Roll.

Hand Parry Strike

Requirements: Have a free, usable arm. Requirements: Weapon has a Strike TN
Activation Cost: 0 Basic Attack at Strike TN, aimed on Strike Table.
Basic Defense at TN 8 against strikes, and TN 7 against Success: You inflict [Str+Weapon Strike Damage+Bonus Suc-
Thrusts. cesses] of the damage type indicated by your weapon.
Success: Enemy attack Negated. After hitting with a Strike, you may spend up to 2 CP to in-

Song of Swords
crease damage inflicted by 1 per CP spent. Basic Attack at Thrust or Strike TN, targeting enemy Shield or
enemy himself.
Side Attack Success:
Requirements: Have a second weapon If targeting Shield: Enemy must make a KD roll equal to Bonus
Advanced Attack. successes or be unable to use his shield in the following Ex-
You may declare an attack with your second weapon as well change.
as with your primary weapon, dividing CP between the two If targeting Enemy: Enemy must make a KD roll equal to Bo-
attacks, which resolve simultaneously. nus Successes or be rendered Prone, and suffer Shock equal
to Bonus Successes.

Beat Half-Sword
Requirements: Weapon has a Strike TN Requirements: You are using a sword
Basic Attack at Strike TN, aimed at Target Opponent’s Weap- Advanced Attack/Defense: Activate this Maneuver before
on. This attack ignores Range Costs that would be inflicted by declaring an Attack or Defense. Converts weapon temporarily
Target Weapon. into a 2H weapon, with -1 Reach, a -1 Thrust TN, a +1 Strike
Success: Opponent cannot perform any Maneuver involving TN, and a -1 Parry TN. This weapon inflicts an additional +2
Target Weapon in the next Action. Opponent suffers Shock Thrusting damage, but suffers a -1 to Strike damage. Convert-
equal to Bonus Successes x2. Shock is front-ended from en- ing the weapon back to its normal self costs 1 CP, and can be
emy Maneuvers declared for this Action. done immediately after any successful Thrust. If done so, the
Disarm enemy is moved to the new range of the restored weapon.
Requirements: None
Basic Attack at Strike TN, aimed at Target Opponent’s Weap- Staff Parry
on. Requirements: Weapon with the Staff Special Attribute. Abil-
Success: Opponent must make an ADR check equal to half ity to apply 2 hands to the weapon.
of Bonus Successes. Failure causes him to drop his weapon. Advanced Attack/Defense: Activate this Maneuver before
Enemy gains +2 dice to this check if he is holding his weapon declaring an Attack or Defense. Converts weapon temporarily
with two hands. into a 2H weapon with -1 Reach, a Defense TN of 6, a Thrust
TN of 6, a Strike TN of 6, and the ability to either use normal
Feint Strike damage, or inflict Str+0b. Converting the weapon back
Requirements: Making a Strike (or situationally a Thrust) to its normal self costs 1 CP, and can be done immediately
attack. after any successful Thrust. If done so, the enemy is moved to
Advanced Offense. When making a basic Strike attack, declare the new range of the restored weapon.
a Feint to change the target of the attack, and to add 1 CP per
2 CP spent on this maneuver to the attack pool. The second Hew
target of the attack may either be a Strike or a Thrust. Requirements: Weapon capable of Strike, target has a shield
If the weapon being used to attack has the Fluid Thrusts spe- Basic Attack at Strike TN, aimed at an enemy’s Shield. This
cial quality, the weapon may be used to feint from a Thrust to attack cannot be Blocked, but can be parried or Voided. If
another Thrust. successful, the defender first takes Shock equal to Bonus Suc-
cesses. Defender’s Shield then sustains an attack as-per the
Grapple Attacker’s Strength, Weapon Damage, and Bonus Successes.
Requirements: None If this breaks the shield, any excess damage is then applied to
Basic Attack at Hand Range at TN 6. the defender’s Shield-Arm.
Success: the Grappler enters a Grapple with the opponent.
Bonus Successes are returned to your Grapple Pool for next Break
Action. [See Grappling] Requirements: Weapon capable of Strike, target has a weap-
Failure: In the case of a successful parry, the enemy may elect on.
to use half of his Bonus Succesess in a Strike to the Grappler’s Basic Attack at Strike TN, aimed at enemy’s Weapon. This at-
arm or torso. In the case of a successful Block, the enemy may tack cannot be Parried, and ignores Range modifiers.
elect to use half of his Bonus Successes in a Shield Bash to the Success: Enemy weapon sustains Damage equal to
Grappler’s chest, head, or arm. [Str+Weapon Strike Damage+Bonus Successes] to their
[LEVEL 2 “Grapple at the Sword”: Grapple TN reduced to 5. weapon. If the amount of damage dealt exceeds the Damage
You may continue using your weapon in the Grapple as de- Threshold for the targeted weapon, it suffers Breakage.
tailed in that section.]
Wooden Hafted Polearms: 12
Hook Reinforced Polearms: 15
Requirements: You have a weapon with the Hook quality. Wood-Handled Mass Weapon: 12
(This includes Half-Swording and Murdestrike-activated Metal-Handled Mass Weapon: 20
swords.) Light Sword: 14

Song of Swords
Sturdy Sword: 18 Enemy suffers Shock equal to Bonus Successes.
Failure: Enemy attack carries through, but is not reduced by
[The effect of Breakage should vary from weapon to weapon. Bind successes, inflicting full damage with all of its Bonus
If usable at all afterwards, polearms should be reduced to Successes to damage.
quarterstaves, truncheons or clubs, and swords should be
reduced to something similar to a broken dagger. More rules Evade
for this later.] Activation Cost: 4+Encumbrance
Basic Defense at TN 8.
Success: Enemy attack is Negated, Push ends.

Hilt Push Offensive Hilt Push Maneuvers

Requirements: Weapon has a Parry TN, you have either just Activation: 2
Parried an enemy attack, or the enemy has just Parried your Advanced Attack at Weapon Parry TN, this maneuver gains +1
attack. This must be a use of the Parry maneuver, not any CP if your weapon is 2H and enemy weapon is 1H.
parry-similar maneuvers like Riposte or Parry-Off. Success: Enemy loses ability to Wind or Bind in following Ac-
[The Defender of the Parried attack has the first opportunity tion, and can only Evade.
to initiate the Push. If he elects not to, the Attacker may then
initiate the Push.] Slide-Cut
Advanced Attack/Defense. When you have met the require- Activation: 1
ments for Hilt Push, you may activate it by spending 2 CP. Requirements: Can only be performed if enemy’s weapon is
When activated, Hilt Push causes the two engaging fighters to Levered Down.
enter a contest of winding and binding, with their weapons in Basic Push Attack at Weapon Strike TN.
contact, sliding along each other in a battle to exploit weak- Success: Enemy successes are not subtracted from dam-
nesses and capitalize on leverage to gain an advantage, and age. Inflicts damage as a normal Strike. [Str+Weapon Strike
strike a foe decisively where he cannot defend. This state is Damage+Bonus Successes]. Push ends.
called a “Push,” and is a sort of sub-combat that occurs within Failure: Push ends.
the regular combat, following similar rules and using the
same Action/Action refresh structure within the larger Bout. Slide-Thrust
While in the Push, no maneuvers may be performed with the Activation: 0
weapons being engaged except those included in the Hilt Push Standard attack at Weapon Thrust TN aimed at chest, head, or
section. A second weapon can either be used to make attacks belly.
or parries on its own (though it cannot parry any Hilt Push Success: Inflicts damage as a normal Thrust. [Str+Weapon
maneuvers) or can be added to the Push immediately, provid- Thrust Damage+Bonus Successes].
ing an additional +1 CP to any Actions taken. Blocking against
Push maneuvers is impossible, though such a maneuver could Hilt Push: Half-Sword
still result in a hit to the shield, in which case shield AV is ap- Activation: 2
plied as normal. Requirements: Have either a Staff Weapon or a Sword, just
When the Hilt Push is activated, in the next Action each char- succeeded a Bind or Lever Down maneuver.
acter must perform one of two Hilt Push maneuvers: Wind, or Advanced Push Attack, Make an ADR Test.
Evade. Wind will determine who has Advantage in the Push, Success: Push ends, your weapon is effected identically to
whereas Evade is simply an attempt to escape from it. The either the Staff Parry, Murderstrike or Half-Sword maneuver,
character who declares the Push gains -1 to the TN of his first you are placed at your new Reach. Lever Down effect remains
Wind action. in play (enemy can only Void) if it preceded this maneuver.
[LEVEL 2 “Binding and Winding”: When you initiate the Push,
you gain -2 to the TN of your Wind action instead of -1.] Hilt Push: Grapple
Activation: 0
Requirements: None
Basic Push Attack at TN 5. Enemy can only Evade.
Defensive Hilt Push Maneuvers Success: You enter Grappling with the opponent [See Grapple
Section] with Bonus Successes added to your CP in the first
Wind Action.
Standard Defense at Weapon Parry Failure: You suffer the effect of a Lever Down maneuver, and
Success: Enemy attack negated, Advantage is seized. are unable to Wind or Bind in the next Action. In addition,
your opponent may attempt maneuvers as though you have
Bind just been subject to a Lever Down.
Basic Defense at Weapon Parry.
Success: Enemy attack is negated, and Advantage is seized.

Song of Swords
Murderstrike Parry
Requirements: You are using a sword with an MS value. Requirements: Have a weapon or device with a Parry TN.
Advanced Attack, use before declaration of attack action. Basic Defense at Parry TN.
Converts weapon temporarily into a 2H bludgeoning weapon, Success: Negates enemy attack. Only gains Initiative if any
with +1 Strike TN, +1 Thrust TN, +2 Parry TN, that has both Bonus Successes are gained.
a Strike and Thrust bludgeoning value equal to its MS value.
Converting the weapon back to normal costs 1 CP. You can Block
change to Half-Sword from Murderstrike, and from Murder- Requirements: Have a shield or device with a Block TN.
strike to Half-Sword as normal. Success: Negates enemy attack, gains Initiative.

Simultaneous Parry/Attack Counter 1: Riposte

Advanced Attack, declare a Parry and an attack with the same Requirement: Have a weapon with a Parry TN and a Strike or
weapon simultaneously, dividing CP between the two. This Cut TN.
may be used with Initiative, in which case the Parry CP are Advanced Defense at Parry TN
‘pre-emptive,’ or as response to an enemy attack, in which Success: Negates enemy attack and gains initiative. You may
case the Attack CP are ‘pre-emptive.’ follow through Counter next Action by declaring a Strike or
With Initiative: After Action declaration, you may apply pre- Thrust to enemy whose attack was negated by this maneuver.
emptive Parry CP to enemy attacks. If no attacks are incoming, If you do so, your attack gains bonus equal to enemy success-
return all pre-emptive Attack CP to the your pool. es on Countered attack.
Without Initiative: After Action Declaration, resolve maneu- [LEVEL 2 “Counter”: You may, in addition to a Strike or a
vers, first Parry, then Attack Thrust, follow through Counter with a Grapple, Half-Sword,
[Level 2 “Masterstrike”: You gain the following: or Trip, gaining bonus dice equal to enemy successes on the
With Initiative: You may move up to half of pre-emptive Parry Countered attack as normal.]
CP to your Attack, if no enemy attacks are incoming.
Without Initiative: After your Parry resolves, you may move Parry-Off 1: Parry Off
any Bonus Successes from your Parry to your Strike maneu- Requirement: Have a weapon with Parry TN.
ver, which then resolves.] Basic Defense at Parry TN, targeting enemy attacking weapon.
Success: Negates enemy attack and gains initiative. If you
Simultaneous Block/Attack make an attack next Action, enemy Parry with targeted weap-
Requirements: Have both a Shield and a Weapon. on has an activation cost of +1 per Bonus Success of Parry-Off.
Advanced Attack, declare a Block with your shield, and an [LEVEL 2 “Fling”: Instead of effecting the enemy’s Parry at-
Attack Maneuver with your weapon, simultaneously. Divide tempts on the following Action, you may choose to inflict 1
CP between the two maneuvers, and resolve them at regular Shock per 2 Bonus Successes.]
Block Off
Side Parry/Attack Requirement: Have a shield.
Requirements: Have two weapons. Advanced Defense at Block TN, targeting enemy attacking
Advanced Attack, declare a Defensive Maneuver with one weapon. Success negates attack and gains initiative. Enemy
of your weapons, and an Attack Maneuver with your other suffers Shock equal to 1 per bonus success.
weapon, simultaneously. Divide CP between the two maneu- [Level 2 “Obviate”: Upon a successful Block Off, you may
vers, and resolve them at regular initiative. spend 2 CP to also prevent the enemy from parrying or attack-
ing with the Blocked weapon in the next Action, identical to the
Trip effect of Beat.]
Requirements: None
Advanced Attack at Hand Range at TN 7. This Maneuver can-
not be parried, but can be Voided or Blocked.
Success: enemy must make Knockdown check with Difficulty
equal to Bonus Successes, or be rendered Prone.
[Level 2 “Throw”: You may, when successfully Tripping an op-
ponent, spend 2 CP to inflict Falling damage onto the enemy if
he fails his KD test, with falling damage being equivalent to 2
feet per Bonus Success of the responsible Trip maneuver.]

Defensive Maneuvers

Song of Swords

Thank you
Good job on making it through our little update (yes this is
mostly copied and pasted), I truly hope that you enjoyed it,
and will continue to play our game for years to come. as said
before, this is a rough beta, a demo, of the true game that is
to come, and if you’d like to help us succeed, look out for our
kickstarter in the very near future.

Thanks again for the battles,

- Zachary T. Irwin, designer, producer, ceo

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