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NSTP-CWTS | Chapter 2 – Module 2


A. Name
Archdiocesan Shrine & Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer

B. Location

Narding Reyes St., Central District, Brgy. Banay-banay, Lipa City, 4217 Batangas

C. Brief History

Raising awareness on spiritual graces of the people that belong to this parish was the
endeavor of The Church, through the offering of the first mass in 1912, led by Fr. Olalio from
Rosario, Batangas. The priest proposed St. Vincent Ferrer as the patron of the parish. A year later,
1913, through the efforts of Nanay Cela, there was already an image of St. Vincent Ferrer that the
people of the parish called “Poong Matanda,” meaning Image of the Old Man. During the 5th of
April in the same year, the people rejoiced in the first feast day of the patron. In the year 1916, a
man named Rafael volunteered to donate a small portion of his land which can be seen at the road
going to Bagong Pook and San Jose, Batangas. On this small lot, a small chapel was built wherein
balakatak was being used to signal the community of believers to gather in faith for a mass to be
held in the said chapel. Before the start of World War II, Rev. Fr. Quintin Garcia was appointed as
the curator of the mission of The Church for the chapel of St. Vincent in Banay-banay, Lipa City.
During the Japanese Period, what used to be a chapel was officially declared as Parish of St. Vincent
Ferrer, in the 4th of June 1943, covering the barrios of Banay-banay and Bagong Pook, both under
the City of Lipa. Due to the increasing number of devotees, the community was already
experiencing traffic among the vehicles. For this reason, it was proposed by Vicar General Oviar
of Lipa, for the believers to coordinate with one another in transferring the church into a wider
place. In lined with this, the old lot was sold for a wider lot and the church was transferred, while
its respective rectory was built where they are currently located, along the street going to Barrio
Bagong Pook. For a period of more than twenty years, Rev. Fr. Quintin Garcia had offered service
to the parish and left the church last 1968. He was the pioneer of the success of the parish that lives
until now, with new developments every after the time of the parish priests appointed to it. One of
its greatest breakthroughs was the assignment of the parish as an Archdiocesan Shrine of St.
Vincent Ferrer last July 13, 1993. Up to the present time, the parish is successfully fulfilling its
responsibility as an archdiocesan shrine and is working on the development of faith and the spiritual
formation of the community of faith under its jurisdiction.

D. Goal

To enliven the faith of its community of believers for the people to gain knowledge of God
and to acknowledge the presence of Jesus in their lives

Adapted from: Tarpaulin posted at the Archdiocesan Shrine & Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer


The Archdiocesan Shrine & Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer is encountering challenges; however, they
never considered them as problems because they are commonly being solved right away. Although the
continuously increasing number of devotees can pose a problem when it comes to the accommodation and
overall management of the church, the people of the church see this as a blessing because more and more
people are getting involved in the church. This means not only that more people are contributing to the
success of the activities of the church, but also that more people are growing their knowledge of God and
Jesus’s Way of Love. This can be seen on how, together in faith, the people have worked on the expansion
of the church and even its parking space. Another challenge being faced by the parish is the people of weak
faith that are giving complains to the church and are lacking understanding as to why the church is
upholding its activities. Take for example the ringing of the church bell. There are people who feel the
presence of the Lord and His guidance among the community when they hear the bell, but there are those
who are complaining about the loudness of it and whose faith are weak that they consider it as a noise.
Another challenge being faced by our parish but is usually being resolved right away is the insufficiency of
funds for their projects. When there comes a situation wherein the parish needs funds, there are members
who begin to volunteer in providing funds so that they may attain the targets of the project. This is the
benefit of having a lot of people involved in the parish. The more people there are who are committed to
the mission of the parish, the more contributions are made available coming from the people. Other
challenges are also being encountered upon the conceptualization, approval, and implementation of the
programs being held by the church. These problems are being addressed through conducting meetings
wherein issues are being discussed and arrangements are being made, until all the necessary measures were
carried out. The challenges on the programs are usually being resolved as necessary. The real problem are
the people who are lacking faith and devotion to the church and are not committed enough to the service of
the community of believers, but are the ones who lay out complains more than they work on solving the
issues or problems being identified. There are people, if not against, are lacking support for the projects
being held by the church like the establishment of the Parish Resurrection Park (PRP). Many people who
used to doubt the success of PRP in attaining its targets are now jealous of the people that are under it
because of what they are experiencing in carrying out the project. Lastly, a notable challenge of the parish
is the negative inclination of the youth to technology. Technology is used as a distraction instead of a
powerful platform in voicing out how the youth can take part in the development of faith and spiritual
formation of the people among the community. Because of technology, the youth can only give divided
attention instead of full dedication to the activities of the church, making them lose a strong sense of service
which is necessary for their holistic development as young Christians.
The parish holds a lot of activities that strengthens the faith and contributes to the holistic
development of the community of believers covered by it. Before any program or activity is being
implemented, the parish ensures that the responsible organizations have conducted meetings in
conceptualizing and planning it, the respective ministries have taken its responsibility of overseeing it, and
both the Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Priest approved it. The Parish Pastoral Council is the
umbrella of all the 8 Parish Ministries and 14 Parish Organizations that work in coordination with one
another, for the success of the programs and activities of the parish.
One of the main activities of the organizations is to encourage the people to take part in the acts of
service being done for the church. Since every organization organize their unique projects and activities,
being part of an organization gives an individual a lot of opportunities to be at service to the people,
specially the poor and marginalized. This contributes to his or her strengthening of faith and development
of character as a true Christian in the modern world.
An example of a community development program by the different organizations of the church was
done last October 17. They have organized a special day of worship wherein they invited the poor to
celebrate the Holy Eucharist, to have a joyful feast, and to be served and entertained by the people of The
Church. In this way, the people of The Church have made the poor experience what the fortunate people in
the society can experience. The main goal of the organizations was to remind the poor that despite the
poverty they are experiencing in their lives, they can always have hope and faith because God would never
forsake them, and they are never void of His Divine Providence and unfailing love. Whatever problems
they experience, they can still live a happy life with Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Aside from the said community development program, there are a lot of other programs and
activities being done by the Archdiocesan Shrine & Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer as the organizations and
ministries are entitled to being actively involved in the society. As an archdiocesan shrine, one of the plans
of the parish is to circulate the image of St. Vincent Ferrer among the parishes within the Archdiocese of
Lipa to serve as an emblem of hope and faith, and a reminder of the importance of The Church in the
spiritual discernment of the Christian community.
The parish also involves the youth in its community development programs. The youth even acts
as one of the forefronts of the activities of the church. Usually, the Parish Priest wants the involvement of
the youth in the acts of service within the church. In fact, with 2019 as the Year of the Youth, the youth are
being empowered as a significant part of The Church and are being guided when it comes to their mental,
physical, emotionally, spiritual, or overall development. For example, in the assessment of the status of the
community, the youth are given a special role in research through surveys like the ones they have conducted
on the poor. In this way, the youth are learning and growing, while at the same time, they are feel more
gifted and loved. Although the youth is experiencing problems due to the distractions brought about by
technology, The Church is creating efforts in order to offer guidance to these young Christians.
1. What is your perspective on the community development programs and/or social action
activities implemented by your place of worship?
With the efforts being done by our parish in its community development programs and
social action, I can see how dedicated and passionate its people are in serving God’s Will
through their involvement towards the success of its goal. I can see the desire of the people to
serve so that they may contribute to enliven the faith of the people, and how they see service
as an essential tool for their development as Christians. Regardless of what other people say
and the doubts of the impacts of every project they are working on, our parish sees the
challenges as opportunities to prove that whatever shortcomings they experience, God will
always provide. When it comes to the spiritual formation and holistic development that the
people are experiencing in the programs or activities being conducted by our parish, I can see
how actively involved our church generally is in social action to fulfill its Christian mission. I
can now understand the reason why our parish is well-known to be generally a jubilant parish
and the community of believers that are part of it to be pleasant and kind people. Because of
this, I realized that serving the Church is an essential part of the development of my faith and
it is through dedicated acts of service that I can find deeper happiness. I find the dedication and
inclusive development of the people among the organizations of our parish inspiring because
with faith, love, and sacrifice, what seems to be impossible are made possible in God’s Name.
Trusting in God’s Divine Providence, and uniting as One Church, no challenge can be a
hindrance to the attainment of the Church’s Mission.
2. Knowing the challenges your place of worship encountered, as a Christian, how will you
respond to the call of these circumstances?
After gaining knowledge of the challenges our parish is encountering, I can respond to the
call of the circumstances by actively involving myself in service towards the church and
devoting myself in prayer. As a former member of the Legion of Mary and the Kapisanan ng
Mahal na Birhen ng Fatima of our parish, I can say how important prayers are to the overall
success of our parish in attaining its mission of strengthening the faith of the people.
Furthermore, through the different ways I can use my talents and by believing that I can make
I difference when I speak out, I can help respond to the challenges being encountered by our
parish. As part of the youth, an important response that I can do is to serve as a living example
of a life of faith or a life centered on God. By living in prayer and service, I would encounter
miracles in my life that would inspire and have a ripple effect on the community of believers I
belong at. In this way, I am living up to the expectations of the society from the youth when it
comes to faith formation and spiritual discernment.
3. As a Thomasian, how can you exhibit the 3 core values in responding to the challenges and
threats in uplifting human dignity?
As a Thomasian, I can exhibit Competence, Compassion, and Commitment in responding
to the challengers and to the threats in uplifting human dignity. Firstly, I can exhibit competence
by using my talents and skills in order to prove other people that I am capable of doing
something to protect the human dignity of other people. As a gifted youth, I must be of humble
service towards the Will of God by being His instrument in making the world a better place by
considering the common good of all. Second, I can show compassion by empathizing the needs
and concerns of other people in a way that I am putting myself in their shoes, especially of the
poor and the marginalized. In this way, I get to understand the problems of the society and
show genuine compassion to the people that are being victimized by the lack of love and respect
to the human dignity of other people. Lastly, I can show commitment by keeping myself from
being distracted by the aspects of the modern world that may serve as a hindrance for my
development in faith and growth in service. In a nutshell, being a true Thomasian, upholding
the 3 core values would make way for me to become capable of uplifting human dignity.


Written by: Alfredo D. Mendoza | Translated by Monica Villanueva

Raising awareness on spiritual graces of the people that belong to this parish was the endeavor of The Church,
through the offering of the first mass in 1912, led by Fr. Olalio from Rosario, Batangas. The mass was held under a
shed roofed by coconut leaves. It was since then that the people desired for a regular offering of the mass and
for the place to have its own patron saint. The priest proposed St. Vincent Ferrer as the patron of the parish.
Through the initiation of Nanay Cela, an old blind maiden, there was a movement towards having an image
of the saint. The donations that were contributed by the people were insufficient, so Claudio Laylo had to complement
the needed funds.
A year later, 1913, there was already an image of St. Vincent Ferrer that the people of the parish called “Poong
Matanda,” meaning Image of the Old Man. During the 5th of April in the same year, the people rejoiced in the first
feast day of the patron. The only food prepared during the feast was steamed rice and ginataang tulingan (a Filipino
recipe wherein tuna mackerel is cooked in coconut milk). The people of Banay-banay was also well-known for
preparing suman (a rice cake originated in the Philippines) for the special guests joining them in the celebration of the
feast day. The sign for the people to gather is when the balakatak (a large dried hollow bamboo designed to create
noise through its propelling motion) starts turning.
The people began yearning for a chapel that would house the image of St. Vincent Ferrer. In the year 1916,
a man named Rafael volunteered to donate a small portion of his land which can be seen at the road going to Bagong
Pook and San Jose, Batangas. On this small lot, a small chapel was built wherein balakatak was still the one that was
being used to signal the community of believers to gather in faith for a mass to be held in the said chapel.
The caretaking of the image or Poong Matanda started from Claudia Laylo, followed by Francisco Villanueva
and Maria de Chaves Garcia until 1939. Through their zeal for service, the church had its first expansion, which was
twice as big as the area that it used to cover.
Before the start of World War II, Rev. Fr. Quintin Garcia was appointed as the curator of the mission of
The Church for the chapel of St. Vincent in Banay-banay, Lipa City. During the Japanese Period, what used to be a
chapel was officially declared as Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer, in the 4 th of June 1943, covering the barrios of Banay-
banay and Bagong Pook, both under the City of Lipa.
It was also during the time of Rev. Fr. Quintin Garcia that the caretaking of the image was transferred to Mr.
& Mrs. Ruperto / Abe Dimaculangan. Whereas, Ms. Consorcia Orense was the one appointed in the management of
the church. Up until the present time, Nanay Abe, the widow of Mamay Perto Dimaculangan, is still the acting
caretaker of the image.
There was a widespread devotion to the Beloved Patron St. Vincent Ferrer. After World War II, the devotees
of St. Vincent Ferrer were regularly visiting the locality, coming from different places. Due to the increasing number
of devotees, the community was already experiencing traffic among the vehicles. For this reason, it was proposed by
Vicar General Oviar of Lipa, for the believers to coordinate with one another in transferring the church into a wider
place. In lined with this, the old lot was sold in order to buy a wider lot by Mr. Marciano Tumambing. The church
was transferred, and its respective rectory was built where they are currently located, along the street going to Barrio
Bagong Pook.
For a period of more than twenty years, Rev. Fr. Quintin Garcia had offered service to the parish. It is certain
that he was the Parish Priest when the Municipality of Lipa, Batangas was declared a City last August 31, 1947. The
investment of his efforts and time until the fullness of his old age became a huge part of the history of the church. He
left the church last 1968.
The Parish Priests appointed after Rev. Fr. Quintin Garcia are the following:
1968-1970 – Rev. Fr. Julio Lipat was the appointed Parish Priest. During his time, the parish was able to
start renovation of the church caused by its decrepitude.
1910-1972 – The appointed Parish Priest was Rev. Fr. Gaudencio B, Rosales, the current archbishop of Lipa.
Although his period of being appointed was only for a short time, he was able to initiate the continuation the postponed
renovation of the church until it was finished. He was also able to initiate the renovation of the church’s rectory. The
greatest thing that are marked in the hearts of the community of believers was his act of visiting every home under the
jurisdiction of the parish. He was the Parish Priest when Martial Law was declared.
The Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lipa during the time of the abovementioned priests was Msgr. Olalia.
1972-1973 – As the successor of Rev. Fr. Gaudencio B, Rosales, the appointed Parish Priest of the Parish of
St. Vincent Ferrer was Rev. Fr. Cirilo Almario Jr.. During his time, the first thing that he showed concern to is the
training of the youth towards service. He allowed the construction of a basketball court in front of the church as a
response to the request of the youth. During his appointment to the parish, the Novena for Mary Mother of Pertetual
Help evey Wednesday started.
It was also during the time of Fr. Almario as the Parish Priest, that Msgr. Ricardo Vidal was elected as the
Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lipa upon the death of Archbishop Olalia. After this event, he was elected as the
Bishop of the Diocese of Malolos, Bulacan. He was honored by the people of the parish. Mixed emotions of gloom
and happiness prevailed among the Parish when he was officially appointed as the Bishop of Malolos.
1973-1977 – Rev. Fr. Lito Santos, a newly-ordained priest, was appointed by Archbishop Msgr. Ricardo
Vidal as the successor of Msgr. Almario. The youth rejoiced in having a younger priest who can respond to their
profound unity in spiritual service. Through the help of the youth, the fencing of the church was quickly done; the
plaza where children used to play was illuminated, and more children were brought near to the church.
1977-1984 – As the successor of Fr. Santos, the one that served as the Parish Priest for seven years was Rev.
Fr. Rafael (Boy) Oriondo. During his time, there was an assembly of believers for the delegation of tasks for the church
activities. There was an address on the state of the locality for the assignment of the acts of service among the different
parts of the parish.
The Parish Pastoral Council was established which coordinates the worship activities, services, and
development of the youth. He also established the Kapisanan ng Ina ng Laging Saklolo, Mahal na Birhen del Carmen,
Sto. Niño, at mga Kursilista (organizations centered on the devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel, The Child Jesus, and the organization of Lay Ministers).
In the same period, the reception area, discussion room, and the bell tower of the parish were built. The main
event for the fund-raising on the two organizational brackets of the church was the “Popularity Contest”. The donated
image of Sto. Entierro was also received which is being processioned evey Black Friday.
Fr. Oriondo was also the one who encouraged and recommended the young Joseph P. Mendoza to enter the
seminary on 1980.
1984-1988 – This period was the time of appointment of Rev. Fr. Pete Literal. Through his efforts and
perseverance, he was able to gather huge funds from a foreign country for the program of catechists which were
contributed to the trust fund of Foundation. He proposed and worked hard on establishing the St. Vincent Ferrer
Parish Foundation with the help of the President of Parish Pastoral Council during that time, Engr. Domingo Semana.
He was also the one who proposed to include in the jurisdiction of the parish a part of San Jose, Batangas which
includes Tampoy, Abra, and Banay-banay 2nd, so that the services of the parish would be easily attended to these
barangays that were said to be nearer the parish of St. Vincent Ferrer.
The regular novena for St. Vincent Ferrer every Friday and the SVF Parish Foundation was also launched by
him last December 12, 2986.
May 1, 1988 – July 1, 1988 – Rev. Fr. Nonie Dolor was temporarily appointed as the Parish Priest. For a
short period of time wherein he was appointed, which lasted for only 3 months, he was able to teach a good liturgy.
He was also the one who proposed that the donations to the image of St. Vincent Ferrer must be turned over to the
parish priest every end of the month for it to be rendered to the church.

Date: November 7, 2019
Name of Interviewee: Nelly Dimatatac
Position of Interviewee: President of Parish Liturgical Council
I – Interviewer
A – Admin of Parish
I: Ano po ba ang mga layunin ng ating Parokya?
A: Ang layunin ng Parokya ay ang mabuhay ang pananampalataya sa nasasakupan nito. Ganun ‘yun
talaga dahil [upang] makilalang and’yan si Lord, and’yan si Jesus.
I: Para po sa mga layunin pong ito, ano-ano po ang mga community development programs na
isinasagawa ng ating Parokya?
A: Ang ginagawa dito, may mga different organizations ang simbahan para [ang mga] iyan ang mang-akit
ng mga tao na maging members different organizations. [Ito’y] para mas lalo silang malapit kay Lord,
[at] makilala nila na si Lord nandyan pala, hindi nagpapabaya. Sa pamamagitan ng different oranizations,
halimbawa’y ang Kapisanan ng Mama Mary (Ina ng Laging Saklolo). [Nanghihikayat sila upang] makilala
si Mama Mary na siya’y Ina ni Lord Jesus. [Nanghihikayat sila upang] makilala si Lord Jesus Christ
[bilang] ang tumutulong sa lahat. [Upang] magkaron ng faith [and] love.
I: Ano-ano po ba ang mga proseso ng pagbubuo, pag-aapruba at pag-iimplementa ng mga
community development programs nsa mga ito?
A: Ayun, kagaya ng pag-oorganize ng different organizations, edi maghihikayat ng mga tao, tapos
magkakaroon ng election of officers, or by appointment ng pari. Halimbawa, nag-appoint ng tao na
pamahalaan mo iyan para mas dumami pa ang tao na mairecruit mo na mayroong devotion na ginagawa.
Halimbawa, [upang] ang tao ay malapit sa simbahan, ika’y sisimba sa araw ng Miyerkules [bilang
devotion], ganun. So, may different 14 organizations ‘yan. Sa social services naman, ang ginagawa diyan,
tinitingnan ang mga mahihirap sa Parokya, para ilapit sila [sa Diyos at, makilala nila kaming mga
naglilingkod, ay ginamit [lang] ni Lord, [at nand’yan] si Lord, ang tumutulong sakanila. [Ito’y upang]
makilala nilang si Lord ang tumutulong, na [Siyang] ginamit kami para maramdaman ng tao, lalo [na] ng
mahihirap na mayroong Diyos. Hindi mawawala ang pag-asang mabuhay at nand’yan ang pag-asa. Sa
mga social services ‘yon. Sa organizations naman, yun [ang may layunin na] mabuhay at mapalaganap
lalo [ang pananampalataya ng mga tao.] Ang Parokya is a Parish of San Vicente Ferrer [na naglalayong]
mapalaganap ang debosyon kay San Vicente Ferrer so makilala si Lord, sa pamamagitan ni San Vicente
Ferrer. [Ito’sy] dahil si San Vicente Ferrer ay isa ring alagad na nagbuhay ng pananampalataya, nakilala,
[at] sumunod sa layunin at mga gawain ni Jesus.
I: Ano po yung proseso bago po maaprubahan ang isang programa ng ating Parokya?
A: Pinag-uusapan sa meeting. Ang different organizations, may kanya-kanyang meeting hanggang sa
pinakamataas. Kasi ang pinakamataas, umbrella ng lahat ng organizations, ay [ang] Parish Pastoral
Council (PPC). Lahat ng kilos ng nasa baba, kinakailanga’y may approval ng Parish Pastoral Council,
and then, approved by the parish priest.
I: Bilang isang archdiocesan shrine, ano po yung mga programa na naisasagawa ng ating Parokya
na hindi isinasagawa ng ibang Parokya?
A: Being an archdiocesan shrine, [na nadeklara] dahil nga dumarami ang nagdedebosyon kay San Vicente
Ferrer, [at] dahil ang mga tao ay nakakaramdam ng mga himala na ginagawa ni San Vicente Ferrer…
example, may batang may sakit, ipinamamanata nila rito, so makikita nila ang lunas doon. So, kaya ang
being an archdiocesan shrine, ‘yan ay may process bago siya naging archdiocesan shrine, may mga
inaalam, sino ang mga nagpupunta rito, mga taga-ibang lugar, na nagdedebosyon nagpunta rito, inaaalam
yan. Doon nadidiskubre, maraming taga iba’t-ibang lugar, hindi lang ng taga-Batangas, may mga taga-
Laguna, kung saan nagpupunta rito at nagdedebosyon, at nakareceive ng grasya mula ay San Vicente
Ferrer. Ayun nga, mga himala. Nakatanggap ng biyaya. Maraming may sakit na napapagaling si San
Vicente Ferrer. Meron ditong nagpapabless sa pari, through kay San Vicente Ferrer, nabubuntis. Ganun
yung maraming himala, kaya ‘yun ang ginagawa ng Shrine is palawakin ang debosyon kay San Vicente
Ferrer. At ngayon ay may program na iikot ang imahe ni San Vicente Ferrer, sa lahat ng parishes sa buong
archdiocese, para lang makita [ng mga tao] si San Vicente Ferrer. Sa buong archdiocese [iikot] dahil nga
siya nga ay isang archdiocesan shrine.
I: Paano po nagtutulung-tulongan ang mga organisasyon sa pagsasakatuparan ng mga layunin ng
ating Parokya?
A: May kanya-kanyang assignment ‘yan. So, nand’yan ang parish pastoral council. [Ito] ay composed of
8 ministries, so nakikita ng kura iyan. Kapag nagmeeting si PPC, nakikita yung coordination with [the
ministries]…[yung isinasagawang] tulong-tulong ng different ministries. Say for example, prayer, ang
trabaho ninyo ay magdasal, manalangin. Ngayon, kailangan ng formation ng mga taong nasa prayer, si
[Parish Ministry of] Faith Formation ang papasok, para saklolohan ‘yung prayer [upang maisakatuparan]
na mas lumawak ang kaalaman ng buhay ng pananampalataya. Ganun, yung coordination ng 8 ministries
ang nagtutulong-tulong d’yan, and then, kapag may [community development] activity ang simabahan,
kanya-kanyang assignment per ministry. Kumukuha kami ng commi-committees. Kapag may special
project, mayroong committee na inorganize d’yan.
I: Ano po yung mga pagsubok na kinakaharap po ng Parokya pagdating po as community
development programs?
A: Mga pagsubok, ayun mga taong mga kumbaga [mahina ang pananampalataya]. Kagaya ng example,
yung pagtugtog ng kampana, dapat maramdaman ng mga tao na mayroong simbahan dito, mayrong
archdiocesan shrine, kaya pinatutunog ang kampana. May mga tao sa paligid na nagrereklamo, na dahil
sila ay di makatulog, kasi may ano [tunog ng kampana]. Hindi nila maunawaan ‘yon. Mayroon namang
case na, yung malakas ang sounds. Kinakailangan malakas ang sounds talaga, basta’t para marinig ng
tao. Yun, tuwang-tuwa naman yung ibang nakakarinig. Pero may mga taong kontra at nakakabulahaw
daw. Hindi nila feel na andyan si Lord, na siya nga ang gumagabay para kayo ay matuto ng buhay na
pananampalataya, [at] mabuhay ang pagmamahal sa kapwa-tao, ganun-ganun.
I: Sa iba pong aspeto po, kagaya po ng implementasyon po ng iba’t-ibang mga programa, ano po
yung mga pagsubok na kinakaharap ng ating Parokya?
A: So far, sa mga activities naman, ‘di kami masyadong…kagaya nga nung October 17, one day of the
poor, wala naman kaming mga…kumbaga, kulang kami ng pondo. Pero, kapag pinag-uusapan namin yan,
kanya-kanya volunteer yung mga [taong simbahan]. ‘Yun yung kabutihan ng maraming involved sa
simbahan. Kasi pagka…‘pag may needs na at kahinaan kami ng bulsa, isa’t-isang nag-aako’y sponsor
d’yan, ako’y sponsor dyan, so bago dumating yung programa, nakukumpleto namin yung needs namin,
para pambigay ‘dun sa mga [nangangailangan]. Kaya yung mga…kung nga meron, yung challenge is,
wala ngang pondo pero, dahil nga maraming mga taong involved sa paglilingkod, maraming nagbibigay.
So, bago kami dumating [yung programa] ng kagaya noong October 17, solved agad namin yung problema.
Lahat [sa Parokya], maramdaman ng mahihirap na sila’y makaranas ng buhay mayaman [o may kaya].
‘Yun ang aming ano (layunin) doon eh. Aattend kami ng misa, [pagkatapos may salu-salong] nakacater,
maayos ang gayak. Yung mga kagaya naming [na tagapaglingkod ng simabahan], kami ang mag-aattend
sa mga taong iyan, ieentertain namin, [kami ang] bubuhay sa simbahan. Then, [kami’y] pumunta ‘don sa
ano, aaliwin naming sila ng music, something ganun. [Ito’y] para mafeel nila na kung ano yung mga
nararanasan ng mga can afford, kanya din nilang nararanasan. Para sila, makita nila na nandyan si Lord,
hindi nagpapabaya sainyo. Ginamit niya lang itong mga taong ito, kami, ginagamit niya, para
maramdaman nilang si Lord ay naandyan, ayun.
I: Ano pa po yung iba pang mga paraan kung pano po kayo rumeresponde sa mga pagsubok?
I: Through meetings, kagaya n’yan, meron kaming special meeting, dahil ng, doon kasi, whatever
challenges saamin, masosolve mo lang ‘yan kapag pinag-uusapan nang maayos sa [meeting o]usapan.
‘Yan ang laging karaniwang solusyon. ‘Pag harap-harap, pag-usapan, naayon ba sa canon law—sa batas
ng simbahan, ang pinapatupad? [Ito’y] para maunawaan nila [na yung mga pinaplano nilang ipatupad],
ay nasusulat naman pala iyon [sa canon law]. Syempre, may mga nakontra. Para gang ang PRP (Parish
Resurrection Park) namin para sa church. Itinayo namin yan. Sabi ng mga tao, sinong maniniwala
sainyong kaya nyong ipundar yan? Ngayon, maraming naiinggit sa mga naeexperience namin, yung mga
something ganun. ‘Yun namang mga challenge d’yan ay yung mga puna ng tao, kung alin yung may mga
malalabong pananampalataya, ang hilig mamuna. Yun, kasi kung ang mga tao ay nandun na, nacrecreate
na sakanila yung feeling na, yung love. Laging nand’yan ang hope na whatever na programa n’yo, maattain
‘yan dahil nand’yan si Lord. ‘Yun ay walang problema. Ang nagiging problema, yung mga ‘di naman
masyadong naglilingkod [sa simbahan], sila pa ang mahilig magreklamo, ‘pag nakabalita [ng mga isyu o
problema], ganun.
I: Ano po sa tingin ninyo ang paraan po para po makibahagi po kaming mga kabataan sa
pagreresolba po ng mga pagsubok ng ating Parokya?
A: Kaya nga, binubuhay namin lagi [sa serbisyong pananampalataya]ang youth. Kaya nga may [Parish]
Youth Ministry at ang gusto ng pari, maging ang youth ministry ay involved sa mga activities kagaya ng
paglilingkod sa simbahan. Palaging youth ang nand’yan. And then, binibigyan namin ng role, kagaya nga
nung [mga nagsasagawa ng] sarbey ng mga mahihirap. Yung mga pagsasarbey, pinagagawa namin sa
youth. At kami namang mga matatanda, andyan, ‘di din namin sila pinababayaan. ‘Yun nga, yung Year of
the Youth ngayon, binibigyan namin sila ng empowerment, being they are gifted and being they are loved.
So, binibigyan naming ng parangal [ang mga kabataan]. Ang problema lang, sa panahon ngayon, ang
problema ng youth is due to technology. Ang youth, nalululong sa mga ganyan and they have no time na
makilala si Lord na nandyan parati, [at] kailangan umattend ng misa. ‘Yan ang problema ng youth ngayon.
Sabi ko nga, anlayo ng youth ngayon at youth nung kami’y mga bata pa. Napakalayo kasi kumbaga kami
nung mga bata pa’y ano, yung paglilingkod ay [isa sa mga importanteng bagay kung saan] namulat kami
ng mga magulang namin. Kasi nga, walang masyadong pinagkakabalahan [ang mga kabataan, ‘di] kagaya
ngayon. ‘Di mo na nga makausap kasi puro cellphone [ang inaatupag]. ‘Yun ang problema, pero winowork
out namin ang youth [sa paraan] na laging sila ang nakafront namin.
I: Ano po ang payo ninyo saming mga kabataan para po makibahagi sa pag-unlad ng ating Parokya?
A: Mag-involve sa simbahan para makita ninyo ang tunay na buhay. Kasi ganito ang buhay ng tao, if hindi
mo nakilala ng lubusan si Lord, hindi mo magawa [yung pananampalataya na] not only ika’y sumimba o
nagdasal, kailangan para ika’y maging banal, [at] nandun yung service. So, if hindi mo ininvolve ang sarili
mo para sa paglilingkod, yun yung minsan, [nagiging sanhi kung] kaya ang mga bata, naliligaw ng landas.
Hindi n’ya ma-attain yung [pagkilala sa Diyos], yung hindi niya maunawaan, kung ano ang ikauunlad ng
buhay-sarili niya, o yung [kaunlaran niya] mentally, physically, and emotionally, spiritually. Hindi niya
ma-attain yung tama dahil kulang siya sa [pagsusumikap na] makilala niya si Lord. Ako, sinasabi ko sa
iyo, I myself, ultimong pag-aasawa ko, dinaan ko sa panalangin. Idinaan ko sa pagdadasal, devotion kay
Mama Mary, [kaya] binigay ni Lord. Lahat, [ibinigay ni Lord maging] yung success ng tatlo kong anak.
Kaya laging example ko yan, ‘pag ako’y nagtuturo dito. Sinasabi ko na, lahat [ay biyaya ni Lord]. Okay,
kinuha ni Lord ang aking asawa; kinuha agad. Siguro, gusto ni Lord na talaga siya’y ano [kunin agad]…
pero yung success ng aking mga anak, utang na loob ko ‘yan [lahat] kay Lord. Kasi kung ‘di ko kilala si
Lord, wala ang mga anak ko sa magandang buhay ngayong panahon. Lagi kong sinasabi sa kanila na lahat
ng success mo, if hindi mo inoffer kay Lord, ‘di ka mabubuhay [nang tama]. Kaya dapat ang mga kabataan
mabuhay [sa pananampalataya], not only [sa pamamagitan ng ] pagsimba or pagdadasal, but you have to
serve. Mahalaga yan.
I: Ano po yung nagbibigay-inspirasyon sainyo para po ipagpatuloy po ang paglilingkod ninyo sa
A: ‘Pag ika’y nagbigay, ‘pag ika’y gumawa ng kabutihan, ibabalik sayo ni Lord, siksik, liglig, at umaapaw,
sabi nga sa Bible. Ganun ang ginagawa ni Lord sa akin, [at] sa aking pamilya, ‘yun. Ganun ‘yun. Sana
maging inspirasyon ‘yun ng mga kabataan dahil ako’y bata pa [lamang], malapit na kasi ang pamilya
namin sa simbahan, so yung sementeryo dung luma, ‘yun ay galing sa pamilya naming…yung simabahan
sa pulo, galing sa pamilya namin. So kami’y namulat ng [magulang naming sa pananampalataya], ganun.
Sabi ko nga, lahat ng biyaya [ay kaloob] ni Lord. Oo, there are times na mayroong narating na problema,
pero binigay ni Lord ang problema na alam ni Lord na kayang imanage. Dahil, if you are living with the
Lord, wala kang problema [kung saan hindi ka makakaraos]. Yun ang mahalaga.
I: Okay na po. Maraming salamat po.
A: Ayun, sana ika’y maraming natutunan.
I: Marami po. Maraming-maraming salamat p

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