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Exercise 4: 2 – Work Objects


In this exercise you learn how to:

-Create a work object

-Convert target to frame.

-Manipulate the work object

Prepare the station.

1. Open station – Courseware – RS YourStation – Basic.stn.

2. Create Box at XYZ = 950,-50,950 with a Length, Width and Height of 100.

3. Examine the box twice

4. Set snap mode to End

5. Set the selection level to Surface.

Create Targets at the corners of the box.

1.On create menu click Target.

2.Select the edge of any corner and then change the circle field to 180.

3.Repeat the step and select the other edges in sequence to form square shape.

4. This how your box will look like after you created target.

Create Workobject

1. On the Create menu click workobject

2.In the Wobj Name field enter ‘MyWobj’

3.Check the set as Active Wobj box.

4.Click OK.

Position the Workobject

1. In the Object Browser right-click MyWobj_of.

2.On the context menu point to Modify and then click Position.

3.Click in the Graphics window at the corner

4.Enter the field name according to the image below.

Click OK and then your Graphic will be like this:

Move targets from one workobject to another

1.In the Object Browser,select Target 1.1,then press shift+left click at target 4.1.
2.Drag them to MyWobj_of and drop.

3.There will be “Do you want to change ?” dialog window,click NO.

The targets are now in reference from the workobject.

Create a path and move along it

1.Create a path and rename it to ‘Side’

2.Select target 1:1 and then shift click target 4:1 and drag them to the path ‘Side’

3.Drag another Target1:1 the path ‘Side’ and drop.

4.In the Object Browser, right-click Side.

5.On the context menu, click Move Along Path.

Reposition the work object.

1.In the Object Browser, right-click MyWobj_of.

2.On the context menu, point to Modify and then click Position.

3.Click in the Graphics window at the corner.

4.In the Orientations fields enter the values 0,90,0.

5.Click ok and your Graphic will turn like this:

6.In the Object Browser right-click Side.

7.On the context menu, click Move Along Path

End the exercise.

1.Save the station as\Courseware\RS YourStation\WorkObject.stn.

2.Close the station

-The End-


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