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The Learner’s Development Profile

Background Information

Name of the Learner: _________________________________________________________

School: ____________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth_________________________________________________________________
Grade Level: _________________________________________________________________

Family Profile

Number of Siblings: ____________________

Birth Order: ___________________________

Parents: _____________________________
Father: ______________________________ Age: _____________________
Occupation: __________________________ Educational Attainment:
Mother: ______________________________ Age: ____________________
Occupation: ___________________________ Educational Attainment:

In a paragraph describe the different developments of the learner. Combine the teacher’s,
parents’ responses, and your own observations.

A. Introduction
*State relevant information and issues that relate to the conduct of this case study

B. Characteristics of the child on different areas of development

1. Physical Development
2. Social Emotional Development
3. Cognitive Development
4. Self Help Skills
 Relate to Assessment in Learning
 You may include some photos
C. Academic Performance and Learning Behavior in the school
 Cite the influence of the learning environment
 You may attach some relevant documentation

D. Analysis and Conclusion

Write you salient findings during your encounter with child.

Write your analysis and conclusions after you have analyzed the different skills
and behavior of the child and how those affect the process of learning and
development. Take note of the principles that you’ve learn in the course
Assessment of Learning in Children.

E. Recommendations

 One `Case Study only
 Include photo evidences and other relevant documents
 Arial-Size12, Single Spacing Long bond paper
 Dates to remember: Dec. 7- Submission of the paper
Dec. 7 & 14-Oral Presentation

According to Chris Zeigler Dendy, M.S. from Editorial Board, your child’s teacher
is your partner in a fair and equitable education, but does she have the ADHD tools she

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with poor grades,

poor reading and math standardized test scores, and increased grade retention. ADHD
is also associated with increased use of school-based services, increased rates of
detention and expulsion, and ultimately with relatively low rates of high school
graduation and postsecondary education.

The student I chose for this case study is a kindergarten learner in our school
whom I taught. His name was Nathan, I chose hin after observing in the classroom and
talking to his mother about his behavior, learning development and ability’s, they were
two siblings and he was older one among them. This learner cannot stay seated in one
place and has difficulty interacting with other learners. Other thing that I observe is
frequently interrupt by others, not follow through on instruction or task, not seem to

Nathan can be extremely argumentative and short tempered with the other
pupils. After speaking with his mother, she stated she had a very active moving ability.
On many mornings, Nathan, screamed and cried in class and rarely completed any
class or homework. I applied many strategies to motivate this pupil but still he always
does everything that can destruct whole classes. He always makes noise and
unnecessary movements during our teaching and learning process. Even after
conferencing with his parents his academic performance did not improve. The few
instances he did complete some work it was very sloppy.

His learning abilities has the potential to do so much more in class because
when giving oral responses, he understands the daily lesson on one on one basis but
fails with the written work. In my own study, Nathan’s needs teacher who can focus to
teach him and give ample time to assist everything he want because of his
extraordinary character traits. I continued to collect information about Nathan to
observed everything that is related to the learning process and assessed him with the
used of ECCD, performance basis and try to give more activities to test his learning
ability and interaction inside the classroom. I thought that he needs screening in early
identification of children who could have a manifestation of Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric disorder

with a childhood onset, defined by age-inappropriate symptoms of inattention and/or
hyperactivity and impulsivity. Its clinical presentation evolves across the lifespan, and
the individual’s developmental stage largely determines the disorder’s impact on his/her
everyday functioning. The current review highlights the key features of the presentation
of ADHD across development, explores predictors of its developmental course at
different stages in life, and discusses some clinical implications of a developmental view
of this disorder. We focus selectively on the findings of controlled prospective follow-up
studies, which provide the most robust evidence.

Nathan is my kindergarten pupil, he is 5-year-old, with black eyes, has a body

mass result of stunted, because of his Nutritional Status report of (.98m height,


Gross motor skills are:

 Very energetic, loves to run, jump, climb
 Have a good balance when I tested him during my assessment using the ECCD

Fine motor skills

 I conduct an interview with his parent about his daily routine, Nathan will able to
dress himself, handle buttons and zippers and learn how to tie his shoes. Even
though he had a small muscle he can do everything but he need teacher who
can focus and always call his attention.


 First thing that I’ve done to study’s Nathan’s socio emotional development, I
contacted his mother to ask her permission about Nathan’s interaction with them.
According to his parent’s observers they see difference about his behavior. He
was quick to show happiness, sadness, confusion, moody and frightfulness.
Nathan was child who needed and wanted to be with his mother and would cry if
they won’t give anything he wanted or search for his as soon as she left his sight.
He spent a few seconds growing more and more frustrated as he angrily
smashed the top and bottom boxes together. Eventually, he got the two pieces
together but not before tearing the corners of them. However, when someone
stepped in and showed him how to correctly put the two pieces together, he
welcomed the advice and was then able to properly close the box.

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