Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist

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Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist

Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist

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Unit 1
camarade de compagno di
classmate 6 n [C] /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ Klassen- She was a classmate at Fairfax High School.
classe classe
ausfüllen, riempire,
complete 6 v [T] /kəmˈpliːt/ remplir Sixty-five people completed the questionnaire.
vervollständigen completare
course 6 n [C] /kɔːs/ Kurs cours corso Andy's doing a computer course.
foreign 6 adj /ˈfɒrɪn/ étranger straniero She spoke with a foreign accent.
form 6 n [C] /fɔːm/ Formular formulaire formulario Fill in the form using black ink.
apprendre à conoscere,
get to know 6 v [T] /get tə nəʊ/ kennen lernen It's a chance for students to get to know each other.
connaître incontrarsi
greet 6 v [T] /griːt/ begrüßen saluer salutare The children came rushing out to greet me.
journey 6 n [C] /ˈdʒɜːni/ Reise voyage viaggio She met some interesting people on her journey.
gerade, vor
just 6 adv /dʒəst/ juste appena, poco fa She's just got married.
old 6 adj /əʊld/ alt vieux vecchio He's an old friend of my father's.
tatsächlich, genau effettivamente,
actually 7 adv /ˈæktʃuəli, -tʃəli/ en fait Actually he's 45.
genommen infatti
/əˈpɑːt frəm,
apart from 7 prep abgesehen von excepté a parte Apart from the ending, it's a really good film.
board 7 n [C] /bɔːd/ Tafel tableau lavagna The teacher wrote a few words on the board.
colleague 7 n [C] /ˈkɒliːg/ Kollege, Kollegin collègue collega I like my colleagues at the bank.
date of birth 7 n [C, U] /deɪt ɒv bɜːθ/ Geburtsdatum date de naissance data di nascita Please write down your date of birth.
exactly 7 adv /ɪgˈzæktli/ genau exactement esattamente I know exactly where she lives.
She gave a detailed explanation of how to use the
explanation 7 n [C] /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ Erklärung explication dichiarazione
get 7 v [T] /get/ bekommen recevoir ricevere I got books for my birthday.
gehen, andare,
go 7 v [T] /gəʊ/ aller, se passer How did your course go?
funktionieren funzionare
hear 7 v [I, T] /hɪə/ hören entendre sentire Can you hear that noise?
homework 7 n [U] /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ Hausaufgabe devoirs compiti (a casa) Have you finished your maths homework?
language 7 n [C] /ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/ Sprache langue lingua, idioma Do you speak any foreign languages?

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Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Intermediate Wordlist

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nice 7 adj /naɪs/ angenehm, schön agréable piacevole, bello Did you have a nice time?
codice di
postcode 7 n [C] /ˈpəʊstkəʊd/ Postleitzahl code postal avviamento Give your address, including the postcode.
pronounce 7 v [T] /prəˈnaʊns/ aussprechen prononcer pronunciare How do you pronounce your name?
spell 7 v [I, T] /spel/ buchstabieren épeler sillabare How do you spell 'necessary'?
tell 7 v [T] /tel/ sagen, erzählen dire dire, raccontare Tell me your name again.
acquaintance 8 n [C] /əˈkweɪntəns/ Bekannte connaissance conoscente My neighbours are acquaintances, not friends.
far domanda,
apply for 8 phr v /əˈplaɪ fɔː/ bewerben für postuler Rob's applied for a job in Canada.
bester Freund, il mio migliore
best friend 8 n [C] /ˌbest ˈfrend/ meilleur ami She was my best friend in college.
beste Freundin amico
boss 8 n [C] /bɒs/ Chef patron capo She asked her boss for the day off.
cousin 8 n [C] /ˈkʌzən/ Cousin, Kusine cousin, cousine cugino Jane and I are cousins.
dentist 8 n [C] /ˈdentɪst/ Zahnarzt dentiste dentista I'm going to the dentist this afternoon.
/ɪmˈplɔɪ–iː, Angestellter, employé,
employee 8 n [C] impiegato The government employees were very angry.
ˌemplɔɪˈiː/ Angestellte employée
ex-girlfriend 8 n [C] /eks ˈgɜːlfrend/ Ex-Freundin ex petite copine ex ragazza Steven is going out with my ex-girlfriend.
Mitbewohner, coabitatore, You can’t have a party without asking your flatmate
flatmate 8 n [C] /ˈflætmeɪt/ colocataire
Mitbewohnerin coabitatrice) first.
grandchild 8 n [C] /ˈgræntʃaɪld/ Enkel petit-enfant nipote She's visiting her son to see her new grandchild.
grandparent 8 n [C] /ˈgrænˌpeərənt/ Großeltern grands-parents nonni My grandparents live in Kent.
consanguineo, He's my half-brother, from my mother's second
half-brother 8 n [C] /ˈhɑːf ˌbrʌðə/ Halbbruder demi-frère
fratello uterino, marriage.
My mother-in-law is like a mother to me as well as
mother-in-law 8 n [C] /ˈmʌðər ɪn ˌlɔː/ Schwiegermutter belle-mère suocera
my husband.
neighbour 8 n [C] /ˈneɪbə/ voisin vicino My neighbours often look after the kids for me.
niece 8 n [C] /niːs/ Nichte nièce nipote I'm buying a present for my niece.
relative 8 n [C] /ˈrelətɪv/ parent, parente parente He’s staying with relatives.
silly 8 adj /ˈsɪli/ dumm stupide stupido, ignorante He's being silly again.
Sozialarbeiter, -
social worker 8 n [C] /ˈsəʊʃəl ˌwɜːkə/ travailleur social assistente sociale He became a social worker after leaving college.
My stepmother has always treated me like her own
stepmother 8 n [C] /ˈstepmʌðə/ Stiefmutter belle-mère matrigna

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stranger 8 n [C] /ˈstreɪndʒə/ Fremder, Fremde étranger straniero Don't get in a car with a stranger.
étudiant, studente,
student 8 n [C] /ˈstjuːdənt/ Student, Studenin He loves being a student.
étudiante studentessa
sunglasses 8 n [C] /ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz/ Sonnenbrille lunettes de soleil occhiali da sole Only film stars wear sunglasses in winter.
eine Ausbildung poursuivre une
train 8 v [I] /treɪn/ formazione She trained to be a nurse for four years.
machen formation
Freizeit-, leger, When he got home from work, he changed into casual
casual 9 adj /ˈkæʒuəl/ décontracté casual
lässig clothes.
fantastic 9 adj /fænˈtæstɪk/ fantastisch fantastique fantastico You look fantastic.
gewinnen, raggiungere,
gain 9 v [T] /geɪn/ prendre, gagner The baby has gained weight this week.
erlangen ingrassare
get up 9 phr v /get ʌp/ aufstehen se lever alzarsi I get up later at weekends.
go grey 9 phrase /gəʊ greɪ/ ergrauen grisailler incanutire My father went grey in his forties.
hate 9 v [T] /heɪt hassen détester odiare I've always hated tomatoes.
lose 9 v [T] /luːz/ verlieren perdre perdere You’re looking slim. Have you lost weight?
(sich) kennen incontrarsi,
meet 9 v [I, T] /miːt/ se rencontrer We first met at a party.
lernen conoscere
Musiker, musicien,
musician 9 n [C] /mjuːˈzɪʃən/ musicista Steve's a jazz musician.
Musikerin musicienne
avere in
plan 9 v [I, T] /plæn/ vorhaben, planen envisager programma, Where do you plan to go on holiday?
play 9 v [I, T] /pleɪ/ spielen jouer giocare, suonare I'm learning to play the piano.
eine Grimasse
pull a face 9 phrase /pʊl ə feɪs/ grimacer fare le boccacce Roy took one bite and pulled a face.
She wore a smart black suit to the office. | smart new
smart 9 adj /smɑːt/ schick, elegant chic chic, elegante,
smoke 9 v [I, T] /sməʊk/ rauchen fumer fumare He smokes a pipe.
special 9 adj /ˈspeʃəl/ besonderer, e, es spécial I want to do something special for my birthday.
suit 9 n [C] /suːt, sjuːt/ Anzug costume vestito I wear a suit to work.
weight 9 n [C, U] /weɪt/ Gewicht poids peso I’m trying to lose weight.
entsprechend, conformemente
according to 10 prep /əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə, tʊ/ selon According to our records she hasn’t paid her bill.
gemäß a, secondo
addict 10 n [C] /ˈædɪkt/ Süchtige/r fou/folle de fanatico I'm a coffee addict; I can't last a day without coffee.

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advice 10 n [U] /ədˈvaɪs/ Ratschlag conseils consiglio Can you give me some advice about buying a house?

gran quantità di,

amount of 10 n [C] /əˈmaʊnt ɒv/ Menge an quantité I was surprised at the amount of work I had to do.
gran numero di
apologise 10 v [T] /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ s'excuser scusarsi He apologised for being late.
athlete 10 n [C] /ˈæθliːt/ Sportler athlète sportivo Only eight athletes can run in this race.
believe 10 v [T] /bəˈliːv/ glauben croire credere Do you believe his story?
bright 10 adj /braɪt/ fröhlich enjoué, gai allegro She sounded bright on the phone.
concentrate 10 v [I] /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt/ se concentrer concentrarsi With all this noise, it’s hard to concentrate.
constantly 10 adv /ˈkɒnstəntli/ ständig constamment costantemente The English language is constantly changing.
cook 10 v [I, T] /kʊk/ kochen cuisiner cucinare It's your turn to cook dinner.
damage 10 n [U] /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ Schaden ravage danno The damage to his reputation was considerable.
depressing 10 adj /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ deprimierend déprimant deprimente It was a very depressing book.
digital native 10 n [C] /ˈdɪdʒətl ˈneɪtɪv/ Digital Native Digital Native digital native Most younger workers are digital natives.
early bird 10 n [C] /ˈɜːli bɜːd/ Frühaufsteher/in lève-tôt She's an early bird – up at 6 a.m. every day.
ugualmente, allo Diet and exercise are equally important in maintaining
equally 10 adv /ˈiːkwəli/ gleichermaßen tout autant
stesso modo good health.
The tourist industry is an essential part of the Spanish
essential 10 adj /ɪˈsenʃəl/ wesentlich essentiel essenziale
exercise 10 v [I, T] /ˈeksəsaɪz/ trainieren s'entraîner allenare He exercises intensively at the gym.
expert 10 n [C] /ˈekspɜːt/ Experte, Expertin expert, experte esperto She's an expert on ancient Egyptian art.

find out 10 phr v /faɪnd aʊt/ herausfinden apprendre trovare, scoprire We never found out her name.
chercher sur
google 10 v /ˈguːgəl/ googeln googlare He googles his name online all the time.
grow up 10 phr v /grəʊ ʌp/ aufwachsen grandir crescere I grew up in New York.
grumpy 10 adj /ˈgrʌmpi/ schlecht gelaunt bougon grincheux di cattivo umore She's always grumpy in the morning.
schuldig, colpevole, avere
guilty 10 adj /ˈgɪlti/ schlechtes la coscienza He felt guilty about forgetting her birthday.
Gewissen sporca
gym 10 n [C] /dʒɪm/ Fitnessstudio gymnase fitness He goes to the gym every day after work.
impatient 10 adj /ɪmˈpeɪʃənt/ ungeduldig impatient impaziente He was impatient to leave.
intensively 10 adv /ɪnˈtensɪvli/ intensiv intensivement intenso He studied intensively to pass his exams.

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internet 10 n /ˈɪntənet/ Internet internet internet He spends hours on the internet.
halten, behalten /
keep 10 linking verb /kiːp/ continuer à mantenere, I keep telling him, but he keeps forgetting.
ständig tun
modo/ stile di
lifestyle 10 n [C, U] /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ Lebensstil style de vie Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.
He’s studying languages, mainly because he wants to
mainly 10 adv /'meɪnli/ hauptsächlich surtout soprattutto
work abroad.
marathon 10 n [C] /ˈmærəθən/ Marathon marathon maratona The London Marathon takes place in April each year.
middle-aged 10 n [U] /ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒd/ d'âge mûr di mezza età A study found the middle-aged take less exercise.
mittleren Alters
moderation 10 n [U] /ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃən/ Maß, Mäßigung modération moderazione He drinks only in moderation.
mehrere Dinge faire plusieurs
multitask 10 v /ˈmʌltiˌtɑːsk/ multitasking Working mothers need to be able to multitask.
auf einmal tun choses à la fois
Das Erledigen von
multitasking 10 n [U] /ˈmʌltiˌtɑːskɪŋ/ mehreren Dingen multitasking multitasking Multitasking is vital in this kind of work.
auf einmal
Exercise strengthens your muscles, including your
muscle 10 n [C, U] /ˈmʌsəl/ Muskel muscle muscolo
heart muscles.
animale notturno, He's such a night owl that he prefers to work in the
night owl 10 n [C] /naɪt aʊl/ Nachtmensch couche-tard
nottambulo evening.

al telefono, stare
on the phone 10 phrase /ɒn ðə fəʊn/ am Telefon au téléphone Please turn down the TV. I'm on the phone.
online 10 adj, adv /ˌɒnˈlaɪn◂/ online en ligne online Our school went online this year.
own 10 /əʊn/ eigener, e, es propre proprio He decided to start a business of his own.
It wasn't a very productive meeting; nothing was
productive 10 adj /prəˈdʌktɪv/ produktiv productif produttivo
Psychologe, The psychologist helped the company to motivate its
psychologist 10 n [C] /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/ psychologue psicologo
Psychologin workers.
remind [sb] of
10 phr v /rɪˈmaɪnd ɒv/ erinnern an rappeler ricordare a She reminds me of my mother.
report 10 n [C] /rɪˈpɔːt/ Bericht rapport rapporto We had to write a report on our visit to London.
The medical research shows that most of us eat too
research 10 n [U] /rɪˈsɜːtʃ, ˈriːsɜːtʃ/ Studie recherche ricerca
nachforschen, faire des
research 10 v [I, T] /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ ricercare He spent years researching the history of his house.
recherchieren recherches

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chercheur, The researchers found a link between smoking and
researcher 10 n [C] /rɪˈsɜːtʃə, ˈriːsɜːtʃə/ Forscher ricercatore
chercheuse cancer.
laufen, rennen,
run 10 v [I] /rʌn/ courir correre He’s training to run the marathon.
Redewendung, locuzione,
saying 10 n [C] /ˈseɪ-ɪŋ/ adage I'm not sure where that old saying comes from.
Sprichwort proverbio
v [linking
seem 10 /siːm/ scheinen avoir l'air sembrare They seem very happy together.
fare la spesa, fare
shop 10 v [I] /ʃɒp/ einkaufen faire des courses I usually shop at Tesco's.
She's taking a course that teaches basic computer
skill 10 n [C, U] /skɪl/ Fähigkeit compétences capacità
spend 10 v [T] /spend/ verbringen passer passare I spend a lot of time doing paperwork every day.
stop 10 v [I, T] /stɒp/ beenden mettre fin à finire The referee stopped the fight.
subject 10 n [C] /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ Thema sujet, matière tema, soggetto She looked up the subject in the library.
switch 10 v [I, T] /swɪtʃ/ wechseln changer cambiare He kept switching from one subject to another.
task 10 n [C] /tɑːsk/ Aufgabe tâche compito, lezione Our teacher sets us some difficult tasks.
technology 10 n [C, U] /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ Technologie technologie tecnologia Technology has helped in many ways.
top 10 adj /tɒp/ top, Spitzen- top, meilleur He's one of the world's top tennis players.
unfortunately 10 adv /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/ leider malheureusement purtroppo Unfortunately, the show had to be cancelled.

while 10 linking word /waɪl/ während pendant que mentre They arrived while we were having dinner.

workplace 10 n [C] /ˈwɜːkpleɪs/ Arbeitsplatz lieu de travail posto di lavoro I'm studying the problem of bullying in the workplace.
sich sorgen
worry 10 v [I] /ˈwʌri/ s'inquiéter preoccuparsi I worry that I won’t have enough money.
wrong 10 adj /rɒŋ/ verkehrt, falsch incorrect sbagliato I must be doing this wrong – it's not working.
wrong 10 adj /rɒŋ/ fehlerhaft, falsch faux sbagliato Your calculations must be wrong.

etwas stimmt non andare bene,

wrong 10 adj /rɒŋ/ qc. ne va pas There is something wrong with his foot.
nicht non essere giusto
be into 11 phrase /biː ˈɪntə/ etwas mögen être branché piacere Dave's really into music.
boring 11 adj /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ langweilig ennuyeux noioso His job sounds boring.
nicht ausstehen non poter
can't stand 11 v [T] /kɑːnt stænd/ saquer Dave can’t stand dogs.
können sopportare
chat 11 v [I] /tʃæt/ chatten chatter chattare She chats to her best friend most days.
commute 11 v [T] /kəˈmjuːt/ pendeln faire la navette fare la spola He commutes from Oxford to London every day.

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domestic 11 adj /dəˈmestɪk/ häuslich domestique domestico We share the domestic chores.
fitness 11 n [U] /ˈfɪtnəs/ Fitness forme fitness You need to improve your physical fitness.
go on 11 phr v /gəʊ ɒn/ gehen auf accéder à andare in I like to go on the internet at least once a day.
sich herumtreiben
hang out 11 phr v /hæŋ aʊt/ mit, rumhängen glander bazzicare Who does he usually hang out with?
interested in 11 adj /ˈɪntrɪstɪd ɪn/ interessiert an intéressé par interessato a She's very interested in computers.
ironing 11 n [U] /ˈaɪənɪŋ/ Bügeln stirare I hate doing the ironing.
We look after Rodney's children until he gets home
look after 11 phr v /lʊk ˈɑːftə/ sich kümmern um s'occuper de occuparsi di
from work.
maquillage, make-
make-up 11 n [U] /ˈmeɪkʌp/ Makeup maquillage She puts on make-up every morning.
paperwork 11 n [U] /ˈpeɪpəwɜːk/ Papierkram papiers, travail scartoffie I have to do a lot of paperwork in this job.
personal care 11 adj /ˈpɜːsənəl keə/ Körperpflege soins d'hygiène cura del corpo Personal care is very important to him.
play 11 v [I, T] /pleɪ/ spielen jouer giocare He spends hours playing video games.
put on 11 phr v /pʊt ɒn/ metter applicare I need to put on some more lipstick.
relax 11 v [I] /rɪˈlæks/ entspannen relâcher rilassare How do you spend time relaxing?
fare la spesa, I go shopping at the supermarket every Saturday
shopping 11 n [U] /ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ Einkaufen les courses
comprare morning.
social networking /ˌsəʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ
11 n [C] soziales Netzwerk réseau social rete sociale He goes on social networking sites every evening.
site saɪt/
text 11 v [T] /tekst/ simsen envoyer texto messaggiarsi She's texting her friends about her new job.
mettere in ordine,
tidy up 11 v [I, T] /ˈtaɪdi ʌp/ aufräumen ranger She spends hours tidying up after the kids.
fare ordine
video game 11 n [C] /ˈvɪdiəʊ ˌgeɪm/ Videospiel jeu vidéo He spends hours playing video games.
activity 12 n [C, U] /ækˈtɪvəti/ Aktivität activité attività There are lots of activites for children.
bored 12 adj /bɔːd/ gelangweilt s'ennuyer annoiato After an hour people started to get bored.
free time 12 adj, adv /friː taɪm/ freie Zeit temps libre tempo libero I never have any free time.
interest 12 n [C] /ˈɪntrɪst/ Interesse intérêt interessa His main interests are reading and golf.
put off 12 phr v /pʊt ɒf/ aufschieben reporter rimandare You can't keep putting off the decision.
Umgang pflegen, fréquenter des
frequentare, fare
socialise 12 v [I] /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ etwas gens, voir des I don’t socialise much with the people from work.
unternehmen mit gens
stressed 12 adj /strest/ gestresst stressé stressato I was feeling really stressed.

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waste 12 v [T] /weɪst/ verschwenden gaspiller sperperare He wastes a lot of time playing video games.
change 13 n [C, U] /tʃeɪndʒ/ Änderung modification cambiamento There have been recent changes in the drinking laws.
far 13 adv /fɑː/ weit, viel beaucoup molto, troppo That's far too much for one person to eat.
on the go 13 n [C] /ɒn ðə gəʊ/ unterwegs sur la brèche in giro I've been on the go all day.
prendere, avere
nehmen, in It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the
take 13 v [T] /teɪk/ prendre bisogno di, esere
Anspruch nehmen dark.
molto, troppo,
way 13 adv /weɪ/ viel, erheblich beaucoup trop considerevolment The film was way too long.
whole 13 adj /həʊl/ ganz entier tutto, intero She drank a whole bottle of wine.
care 14 n [U] /keə/ Sorge, Fürsorge soins cura Take care of yourself.
details 14 n /ˈdiːteɪlz/ Angaben coordonnées He took down her details.
Several friends have got in touch since he created a
get in touch 14 n [C] /get ɪn tʌtʃ/ sich melden contacter annunciarsi
Facebook profile.
great 14 adj /greɪt/ großartig super, génial magnifico She looks great in that dress.
let [sb] know 14 phr v /let nəʊ/ Bescheid geben faire savoir Let me know where to meet you.
lose 14 v [T] /luːz/ verlieren perdre perdere I lost her address when she moved.
media 14 n [U] /ˈmiːdiə/ Medien média media The trial created huge media interest.
sich mit jmd.
meet up with 14 phr v /miːt ʌp wɪð, wɪθ/ se retrouver incontrarsi con qu I'm planning to meet up with my brother.
We missed our neighbours after we moved to another
miss 14 v [T] /mɪs/ vermissen manquer à qn mancare
move 14 v [I, T] /muːv/ umziehen déménager We're moving to New York next week.
producer 14 n [C] /prəˈdjuːsə/ Produzent producteur produttore He's a TV producer with the BBC.
My sister has put her holiday photographs on her
profile 14 n [C] /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ Profil profil profilo
Facebook profile page.
still 14 adv /stɪl/ immer noch toujours ancora Andy's still living in London.
things 14 n /θɪŋz/ Dinge choses cose Things are going really well at the moment.
amazing 15 adj /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ erstaunlich étonnant What an amazing story!
conversation 15 n [C, U] /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ Unterhaltung conversation conversazione I had a short conversation with the teacher.
introduce 15 v [T] /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ jmd. vorstellen présenter presentare Alice, let me introduce you to Jane.
really 15 spoken /ˈrɪəli/ wirklich vraiment infatti, veramente Jay's getting married.' 'Really? When?'

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see 15 v [I, T] /siː/ sehen voir vedere Oh, I see, the water goes in here.
v [linking suonare,
sound 15 /saʊnd/ klingen avoir l'air Your holiday sounds great.
verb] sembrare
village 15 n [C] /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ Dorf village villaggio, paese We visited a little village in the mountains.
wow 15 spoken /waʊ/ Wahnsinn! ouah pazzesco, caspita Wow! Look at that!
apply for 132 phr v /əˈplaɪ tə, tʊ/ bewerben für postuler à sollecitare I've applied for several jobs.
be born 132 v /biː bɔːn/ geboren sein être né essere nato Where were you born?
come from 132 phr v /kʌm frɒm/ kommen aus venir de essere di His mother came from Texas.
concert 132 n [C] /ˈkɒnsət/ Konzert concert concerto I like going to concerts.
hairstyle 132 n [C] /ˈheəstaɪl/ Frisur coiffure pettinatura Do you like my new hairstyle?
v [linking avoir l'air de qc., sembrare,
look like 132 /lʊk laɪk/ aussehen wie What does your sister look like?
verb] ressembler à qc. assomigliare a
She and her father live in New York: the rest of her
rest 132 n /rest/ Rest reste resto
family live in Mexico.
Zeremonie, The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was
ceremony 133 n [C] /ˈserɪməni/ cérémonie cerimonia
Feierlichkeit wonderful.
comune, solito,
common 133 adj /ˈkɒmən/ üblich courant Snow is common here in winter.
dream 133 v [I, T] /driːm/ träumen rêver sognare We dream of having our own home.
/ˈfʊˈprɪnt, impronta del
footprint 133 n [C] Fußabdruck empreinte They followed the footprints in the snow.
ˈfʊtˈprɪnt/ piede
get dark 133 phrase /get dɑːk/ dunkel werden s'assombrir farsi buio It gets dark early in winter.
great 133 adj /greɪt/ groß, großartig grand, éminent grande, fantastico She's the greatest movie star of them all.
kiss 133 n [C] /kɪs/ Kuss baiser, bisou bacio It was a passionate kiss.
nowadays 133 adv /ˈnaʊədeɪz/ de nos jours oggi, oggigiorno People live longer nowadays.
Oscar 133 n [C] /ˈɒskə/ Oscar Oscar Oscar She won the Oscar for best director.
pacifico, calmo,
peaceful 133 adj /ˈpiːsfəl/ friedlich paisible The wood was cool and peaceful.
remain 133 v [I] /rɪˈmeɪn/ bleiben rester restare, rimanere Paris remains the home of the fashion industry.
rest 133 n [C, U] /rest/ Ruhe repos riposo I need to get some rest.
star 133 n [C] /stɑː/ Star vedette star They are rich movie stars.
stay 133 v [I] /steɪ/ wohnen bei séjourner stare, abitare da He stayed with friends until he found his own house.
symbol 133 n [C] /ˈsɪmbəl/ Symbol symbole simbolo The dove is a symbol of peace.
vote 133 v [I, T] /vəʊt/ abstimmen voter votare The parliament voted to increase taxes.

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The boys will be home from school for the holidays on
holidays 134 n [C, U] /ˈhɒlədiz, -deɪz/ Ferien vacances vacanze
assistant 168 n [C] /əˈsɪstənt/ Assistent assistente He's a sales assistant in the local book shop.
vermutlich etwas on pense que,
be supposed to 168 phr v /biː səˈpəʊzd tə/ dovere (fare qc) The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.
tun, sollen devoir
break 168 n [C] /breɪk/ Pause pause pausa My lunch break lasts an hour.
chance 168 n [C] /tʃɑːns/ Gelegenheit occasion occasione I enjoy the theatre when I get the chance to go.
download 168 v [T] /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/ herunterladen télécharger download He's downloaded a really funny screensaver.
schließlich etwas fare alla fine,
end up 168 phr v /end ʌp/ finir par When I diet, I always end up putting weight back on.
tun finire
flight 168 n [C] /flaɪt/ Flug vol volo They caught the next flight home.
full name 168 n [C] /fʊl neɪm/ nom complet nome completo Please give your full name and address.
He was late so he hopped on the bus instead of
hop 168 v [T] /hɒp/ springen sauter saltare
I'm good 168 phrase /aɪm gʊd/ es geht mir gut je vais bien sto bene How are you?' 'I'm good, thanks.'
marital status 168 n [U] /ˈmærɪtl ˌsteɪtəs/ Familienstand état civil stato civile Put a tick in the box to indicate your marital status.
individuel, en tête-
one-to-one 168 adj /wʌn tə wʌn/ Einzel-, einzeln singolo I'd like tuition on a one-to-one basis please.
really 168 adv /ˈrɪəli/ wirklich vraiment I really like this place.
rush 168 n [C] /rʌʃ/ Eile hâte fretta I can't stop – I'm in a rush.
single 168 adj /ˈsɪŋgəl/ célibataire single Terry is 34 and still single.
Skype 168 n [U] /skaɪp/ Skype Skype Skype I find it's cheaper to use Skype for phone calls.
stop 168 n [C] /stɒp/ Haltestelle arrrêt fermata I get off at the next stop.
topic 168 n [C] /ˈtɒpɪk/ Thema sujet, matière soggetto, tema He knows a lot about a wide range of topics.
tube 168 n [C] /tjuːb/ U-Bahn métro metropolitana He took the tube to Westminster.
walk 168 v [T] /wɔːk/ spazieren gehen sortir fare un giro Jude's out walking the dog.
walk 168 n [C] /wɔːk/ Spaziergang promenade giro Let's go for a walk on the beach.
Unit 2
accurate 16 adj /ˈækjʊrət/ genau précis esatto, accurato The figures are not completely accurate.
clever 16 adj /ˈklevə/ intelligent intelligente My brothers are all clever.
connect 16 v [T] /kəˈnekt/ verbinden raccorder collegare The computer connects to a printer over there.

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Zusammenhang, There's an obvious connection between smoking and
connection 16 n [C, U] /kəˈnekʃən/ connexion collegamento
Verbindung cancer.
He gave the police a detailed account of their
detailed 16 adj /ˈdiːteɪld/ detailliert détaillé dettagliato
digit 16 n [C] /ˈdɪdʒɪt/ Ziffer chiffre cifra Choose a three-digit number such as 709.
emotional 16 adj /ɪˈməʊʃənəl/ emotional émotif emozionale She needs emotional support.
evento, She told them about the events of that day again and
event 16 n [C] /ɪˈvent/ Ereignis événement
avvenimento again.
excitement 16 n [C, U] /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/ Aufregung excitation eccitazione She was flushed with excitement.
experience 16 v [T] /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ avoir vivere, provare We're experiencing a few problems with our website.
extraordinary 16 adj /ɪkˈstrɔːdənəri/ außergewöhnlich extraordinaire straordinario She has an extraordinary talent for signing.
fest verankern,
fix 16 v [T] /fɪks/ fixer, établir fissare He studied the scene again to fix it in his memory.
funny 16 adj /ˈfʌni/ lustig drôle buffo, divertente We laughed until we cried at his funny stories.
human 16 adj /ˈhjuːmən/ menschlich humain umano The power of the human mind is enormous.
limited 16 adj /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ begrenzt limité limitato This offer is only available for a limited time.
memory 16 n [C] /ˈmeməri/ Gedächtnis mémoire memoria She has a very good memory.
His grades would be higher if his work wasn't so
messy 16 adj /ˈmesi/ unordentlich en désordre disordinato
mind 16 n [C, U] /maɪnd/ Geist, Verstand esprit mente The human mind is complex.
The teacher asked a particular student to stay after
particular 16 adj /pəˈtɪkjələ/ bestimmter, e, es particulier certo
photographic /ˌfəʊtəˈgræfɪkˈme fotografisches mémoire memoria He finds exams easy because he has a photographic
16 phrase
memory məri/ Gedächtnis photographique fotografica memory.
power 16 n [U] /ˈpaʊə/ Kraft, Stärke puissance forza The power of his mind brought him academic success.
really 16 adv /ˈrɪəli/ wirklich vraiment Tell us what really happened.
remember 16 v [I, T] /rɪˈmembə/ sich erinnern se rappeler ricordarsi Can you remember when you last saw him?
scientific 16 adj /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk/ wissenschaftlich scientifique scientifico It wasn't a scientific experiment.
significantly 16 adv /sɪgˈnɪfɪkəntli/ bedeutend considérablement Her work is significantly better this year.
smell 16 n [C] /smel/ Duft, Geruch odeur odore I love the smell of fresh bread.
arrangement 17 n [C] /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ Verabredung arrangement appuntamento We made an arrangement to meet tomorrow.
association 17 n [C] Assoziation association associazione A red rose has romantic associations.
brain 17 n [C] /breɪn/ Gehirn cerveau cervello The head injury caused damage to his brain.

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caffeine 17 n [U] /ˈkæfiːn/ Koffein caféine caffeina I need caffeine to wake me up in the morning.
challenging 17 adj /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ exigeant esigente Running a marathon is challenging.
crossword puzzle 17 n [C] /ˈkrɒswɜːd ˌpʌzəl/ Kreuzworträtsel mots croisés cruciverba I usually do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

fact 17 n [C] /fækt/ Fakt fait fatto Give me the facts and figures about the Philippines.
familiar 17 adj /fəˈmɪliə/ vertraut familier familiare The routine was familiar and undemanding.
forget 17 v [I, T] /fəˈget/ vergessen oublier dimenticare I've forgotten what I was going to say!
form 17 v [T] /fɔːm/ bilden, formen former formare Put the pieces together to form a picture.
imagine 17 v [T] /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ sich vorstellen (s') imaginer immaginarsi He imagined a world with a purple sky.
lack of 17 n [U] /læk əv/ Mangel an manque de mancanza di She was suffering from lack of sleep.
mental 17 adj /ˈmentl/ im Kopf, mental mental mentale She's good at mental arithmetic
oxygen 17 n [U] /ˈɒksɪdʒən/ Sauerstoff oxygène ossigeno The diver had nearly run out of oxygen.
password 17 n [C] /ˈpɑːswɜːd/ Passwort mot de passe password Type in your password.
physical 17 adj /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ körperlich physique fisico, corporale physical exercise | physical education
pin number 17 n [C] /ˈpɪn ˌnʌmbə/ PIN-Nummer numéro PIN numero pin My mother can never remember her pin number.
remember 17 v [I, T] /rɪˈmembə/ denken an penser à pensare a Did you remember to phone Nicky?
überprüfen, controllare, I review my work regularly to make sure I don't
review 17 v [T] /rɪˈvjuː/ vérifier
durchsehen rivedere forget anything important.
revision 17 n [U] /rɪˈvɪʒən/ Wiederholung révision ripetizione We had regular revision sessions during our training.
store 17 v [T] /stɔː/ speichern stocker memorizzare The data is stored on a disk.
strange 17 adj /streɪndʒ/ seltsam bizarre strano I had a strange dream last night.
tip 17 n [C] /tɪp/ Tipp conseil consiglio He gave me some tips on travelling alone.
partner 18 n [C] /ˈpɑːtnə/ Partner partenaire partner She lives with her partner, Tom.
watch 18 v [I, T] /wɒtʃ/ sehen, ansehen regarder guardare I was watching the TV.
allem Anschein
apparently 19 adv /əˈpærəntli/ apparemment pare che Apparently, the hotel was lovely.
bang 19 v [I, T] /bæŋ/ schlagen, stoßen heurter battere I banged my knee on the corner of the bed.
cut out 19 phr v /kʌt aʊt/ ausschneiden découper tagliare fuori He was cutting out pages from the newspaper.
engaged 19 adj /ɪnˈgeɪdʒd/ verlobt fiancé fidanzato Viv and Tony got engaged last year.
fall in love 19 phrase /fɔːl ɪn lʌv/ sich verlieben tomber amoureux innamorarsi She fell in love with a younger man.
happily 19 adv /ˈhæpəli/ glücklich heureusement felicemente They are very happily married.
in common 19 phrase /ɪn kɒmən/ gemeinsam en commun in comune I have a lot in common with him.
match 19 n [C] /mætʃ/ Spiel (Sport) match partita Who won the football match?

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mate 19 n [C] /meɪt/ Kumpel copain compagno, amico On Saturday nights he goes out with his mates.
miss 19 v [T] /mɪs/ verpassen manquer perdere Hurry up or we’ll miss the bus!
reach 19 v [T] /riːtʃ/ erreichen atteindre raggiungere It took four hours to reach London.
romantic 19 adj /rəʊˈmæntɪk, rə–/ romantisch romantique romantico My boyfriend is very romantic.

suddenly 19 adv /ˈsʌdnli/ plötzlich soudain improvvisamente I suddenly realised that someone was following me.
switch on 19 phr v /swɪtʃ ɒn/ einschalten allumer accendere I switched on the radio to listen to the news.
terrible 19 adj /ˈterəbəl/ˈterɪbəl schrecklich terrible terribile The food at the hotel was terrible.
traffic jam 19 n [C] /ˈtræfɪk ˌdʒæm/ Stau bouchon coda, ingorgo We were stuck in a traffic jam for hours.
tragically 19 adv /ˈtrædʒɪkli/ tragischerweise tragiquement tragicamente Tragically we missed the start of the wedding.
argue 20 v [I] /ˈɑːgjuː/ streiten se disputer litigare We could hear the neighbours arguing.
ashamed 20 adj /əˈʃeɪmd/ beschämt honteux vergognoso Mike felt ashamed of his behaviour.
behave 20 v [I] /bɪˈheɪv/ sich benehmen se comporter comportarsi He behaved badly at school and was sent home.

confidence 20 n [U] /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ Selbstvertrauen confiance en soi fiducia in sé Doing the course has given me a lot of confidence.
The kids hang out at that club – they think it's really
cool 20 adj /kuːl/ cool super cool
criticise 20 v [I, T] /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz/ kritisieren critiquer criticare You do nothing but criticise.
encourage 20 v [T] /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ ermutigen encourager incoraggiare His father encouraged him to begin playing the guitar.

v [I, linking
get 20 /get/ werden devenir diventare He gets angry if people don't arrive on time.
Schwierigkeiten s'attirer des essere/mettersi
get into trouble 20 phr v /get ɪntə ˈtrʌbəl/ He got into trouble for being late again.
bekommen ennuis nei guai
go out 20 phr v /gəʊ aʊt/ ausgehen sortir uscire Are you going out on Saturday evening?
pocket money 20 n [U] /ˈpɒkɪt ˌmʌni/ Taschengeld argent de poche paghetta How much pocket money do you get?

practice 20 n [U] /ˈpræktɪs/ Üben pratique, exercice fare esercizi di I do my piano practice after school every day.

praise 20 v [T] /preɪz/ loben louer lodare The Mayor praised the rescue team for their courage.
punish 20 v [T] /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ bestrafen punir punire He was punished for lying to his father.
respect 20 v [T] /rɪˈspekt/ respektieren respecter rispettare I teach my kids to respect their teachers.
rude 20 adj /ruːd/ frech impoli Don’t be so rude to your mother!

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sleepover 20 n [C] /ˈsliːpəʊvə/ Übernachten soirée pyjama She's going to a sleepover at Jane's house.
passare la notte
strict 20 adj /strɪkt/ streng strict rigido She's very strict with her children.
tell off 20 phr v /tel ɒf/ ausschimpfen engueuler sgridare Sean's always getting told off at school.
forget 21 v [I, T] /fəˈget/ vergessen oublier dimenticare He forgot to post the letter to his mother.
nursery school 21 n [C] /ˈnɜːsəri skuːl/ Kindergarten école maternelle My son goes to the nursery school in the town.
/ˈrekəgnaɪz, He's lost so much weight I nearly didn't recognise
recognise 21 v [T] erkennen reconnaître riconoscere
ˈrekən-/ him.
remind 21 v [T] /rɪˈmaɪnd/ jmd. erinnern rappeler qc à qn ricordare qc Remind me to go to the bank.
schooldays 21 n /ˈskuːldeɪz/ Schulzeit années d'école anni di scuola Your schooldays are the happiest days of your life.
uniform 21 n [C, U] /ˈjuːnəfɔːm/ Uniform uniforme uniforme school uniform | army uniform
upbringing 21 n /ˈʌpˈbrɪŋɪŋ/ Erziehung éducation educazione He had a very strict upbringing.
anchor 22 n [c] /ˈæŋkə/ Anker ancre ancora The ship moored at the dock and dropped its anchor.
black out 22 phr v /ˈblæk aʊt/ s'évanouir svenire Sharon blacked out and fell to the floor.
branch 22 n [C] /brɑːntʃ/ Zweig, Ast branche ramo The tree's branches were weighed down with apples.
budgie 22 n [C] /ˈbʌdʒi/ Wellensittich perruche pappagallino There was a budgie in a cage by the window.
celebration 22 n [C, U] /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃən/ célébration celebrazione the lively New Year celebrations in the city centre
cherry tree 22 n [C] /ˈtʃeri triː/ Kirschbaum cerisier ciliegio He has three cherry trees in his garden
childhood 22 n [C, U] /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ Kindheit enfance infanzia Sara had a very happy childhood.
choppy 22 adj /ˈtʃɒpi/ bewegt agité mosso The sea got choppy as the wind grew stronger.
fall off 22 phr v /fɔːl ɒf/ herunterfallen tomber cadere (giù) He slipped and fell off the ladder.
float 22 v [I, T] /fləʊt/ treiben (auf dem flotter fluttuare The letter floated down the river towards the sea.
fly off 22 phr v /flaɪ ɒf/ wegfliegen s'envoler volare via The cat scared the bird and it flew off.
memorable 22 adj /ˈmemərəbəl/ unvergesslich mémorable indimenticabile It was a memorable day.
hocken, sitzen The bird was perched on the highest branch of the
perch 22 v /pɜːtʃ/ percher appollaiarsi
(Vogel) tree.
rescue 22 v [T] /ˈreskjuː/ retten sauver salvare He rescued two people from the fire.
My brother and I got our first sailing boat when we
sailing boat 22 n [C] /ˈseɪlɪŋ ˌbəʊt/ Segelboot voilier barca a vela
were 10.
He sat on the swing and his mother pushed it
swing 22 n [C] /swɪŋ/ Schaukel balançoire altalena
backwards and forwards.

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tame 22 adj /teɪm/ zahm apprivoisé docile The bird was quite tame and sat on his hand.
tangled 22 adj /ˈtæŋgəld/ wirr, verknäuelt emmêlé confuso, arruffato Her hair was a tangled mess.
a while 23 phrase /ə waɪl/ eine Weile un moment un po' After a while I began to feel better.
Zusammenhang, contesto,
background 23 n [C] /ˈbækgraʊnd/ contexte Let me explain the background to this case.
Hintergrund background
eventually 23 adv /ɪˈventʃuəli, -tʃəli/ schließlich finalement finalmente Eventually he got a job.
in the end 23 phrase /ɪn ði end/ letztlich au final alla fine In the end we decided to go.
doorbell 135 n [C] /ˈdɔːbel/ Haustürklingel sonnette campanello I rang the doorbell but no one answered.
get back 135 phr v /get bæk/ zurückkehren retourner ritornare When did you get back from London?
krank vor vouloir rentrer avere nostalgia di
homesick 135 adj /ˈhəʊmˌsɪk/ I was so homesick – I missed my family very badly.
Heimweh chez soi casa
last 135 v [I, T] /lɑːst/ dauern durer durare The hot weather lasted for two weeks.
not any longer 136 adv /nɒt eni lɒŋə/ nicht mehr ne pas non più I used to play football, but I don't any longer.
not any more 136 adv /nɒt eni mɔː/ nicht mehr ne plus non più Nick doesn't live here any more.
appointment 137 n [C] /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ Termin, Treffen rendez-vous appuntamento She has an appointment with a client at 10.30.
by heart 137 n [C] /baɪ hɑːt/ auswendig par coeur a memoria We had to learn the poem by heart.
cancel 137 v [I, T] /ˈkænsəl/ absagen annuler cancellare I'll have to phone and cancel my appointment.
hygienic 169 adj /haɪˈdʒiːnɪk/ hygienisch hygiénique igienico Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions.
skid 169 v [T] /skɪd/ déraper slittare The car skidded on the ice.
tranquillo, calmo,
still 169 adj /stɪl/ still, unbewegt sans bouger The boat stayed completely still.
washing 169 n [U] /ˈwɒʃɪŋ/ lessive lavare, lavaggio I need to do the washing.
Unit 3
citizen 26 n [C] /ˈsɪtɪzən/ Bürger citoyen cittadino He was proud to be a citizen of France.
fleißig, hart travailleur, qui diligente,
hard-working 26 adj /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ a hard-working student
arbeitend travaille dur laborioso
popular 26 adj /ˈpɒpjʊlə/ beliebt populaire popolare Is Ben popular at school?
climate 27 n [C, U] /ˈklaɪmɪt/ Klima climat clima a dry climate
coastline 27 n [C, U] /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ Küstenlinie littoral litorale California's rugged coastline
cost of living 27 n [U] /kɒst ɒv ˈlɪvɪŋ/ coût de la vie costo della vita Wages have increased in line with the cost of living.
nationality 27 n [C, U] /ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/ Nationalität nationalité nazionalità He has British nationality.
politics 27 n [U] /ˈpɒlətɪks/ Politik politique politica modern American politics
population 27 n [C] /ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən/ Bevölkerung population popolazione What's the population of Tokyo?

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Landschaft, paesaggio,
scenery 27 n [U] /ˈsiːnəri/ paysage mountain scenery
Gegend, Szenerie regione, scena
Most of the new buildings in Shanghai are
skyscraper 27 n [C] /ˈskaɪˌskreɪpə/ Wolkenkratzer gratte-ciel grattacielo
ancient 28 adj /ˈeɪnʃənt/ alt, antik ancien anziano, vecchio ancient Rome
bay 28 n [C] /beɪ/ Bucht baie baia a view across the bay
beach 28 n [C] /biːtʃ/ Strand plage spiaggia a sandy beach
bridge 28 n [C] /brɪdʒ/ Brücke pont ponte a bridge over the Mississippi
canal 28 n [C] /kəˈnæl/ Kanal canal canale the Panama Canal
cathedral 28 n [C] /kəˈθiːdrəl/ Kathedrale cathédrale cattedrale Thomas Becket is buried in Canterbury Cathedral.
cliff 28 n [C] /klɪf/ Klippe falaise scoglio the white cliffs of Dover
Land (Ggs. zu
countryside 28 n [U] /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ campagne campagna the beauty of the English countryside
If it's culture you're looking for, the city has several
culture 28 n [U] /ˈkʌltʃə/ Kultur culture cultura
Docks, dock, cantiere
docks 28 n /dɒks/ quai, dock He had worked at the docks all his life.
Hafenanlagen navale
factory 28 n [C] /ˈfæktəri/ Fabrik usine fabbrica a car factory
/ˈfɑːmlænd, -
farmland 28 n [U] Ackerland terres arables terreno arabile The village is surrounded by farmland.
festival 28 n [C] /ˈfestɪvəl/ Festival festival festival the Cannes film festival | a music festival
forest 28 n [C, U] /ˈfɒrɪst/ Wald forêt foresta, selva Many ancient forests have been cut down.
harbour 28 n [C] /ˈhɑːbə/ Hafen port porto They sailed into Portsmouth Harbour.
market 28 n [C] /ˈmɑːkɪt/ Markt marché mercato We buy all our vegetables from the market.
monument 28 n [C] /ˈmɒnjəmənt/ Denkmal monument monumento ancient monuments
mosque 28 n [C] /mɒsk/ Moschee mosquée moschea He went to the mosque to pray every Friday.
museum 28 n [C] /mjuːˈziəm/ Museum musée museo the Museum of Modern Art
palace 28 n [C] /ˈpælɪs/ Palast palais palazzo Buckingham Palace
The natural rainforests are being cut down and
rainforest 28 n [C, U] /ˈreɪnˈfɒrɪst/ Regenwald forêt tropicale foresta pluviale
ruins 28 n [C] /ˈruːɪnz/ Ruinen rovine the ruins of the temple
centre centro
shopping mall 28 n [C] /ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl/ Einkaufszentrum She bought a new dress at the shopping mall.
commercial commerciale
Sehenswürdig- attractions bellezze, luoghi di
sights 28 n [C] /saɪts/ I hope we get a chance to see the sights.
keiten touristiques interesse

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They visited the temples of Bangkok during their
temple 28 n [C] /ˈtempəl/ Tempel temple tempio
view 28 n [C] /vjuː/ Aussicht, Anblick vue vista spectacular mountain views
waterfall 28 n [C] /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ Wasserfall cascade cascata The waterfall drops hundreds of feet into a lake.
abandoned 29 adj /əˈbændənd/ verlassen abandonné an abandoned building
art gallery 29 n [C] /ˈɑːt ˌgæləri/ Kunstgalerie galérie d'art galleria d'arte There are many art galleries in London.
artificial 29 adj /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl/ künstlich artificiel artificiale artifical light
bargain 29 n [C] /ˈbɑːgɪn/ Schnäppchen occasion The table was a real bargain.
bazaar 29 n [C] /bəˈzɑː/ Basar souk bazar The bazaars in Morocco are very old.
complex 29 n [C] /ˈkɒmpleks/ Komplex, Anlage complexe complesso, centro a new shopping complex
cosmopolitan 29 adj /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən/ kosmopolitisch cosmopolite cosmopolita a vibrant, cosmopolitan city
haggle 29 v [T] /ˈhægəl/ feilschen marchander mercanteggiare We haggled over the price for an hour.
huge 29 adj /hjuːdʒ/ riesig, gewaltig énorme enorme, grande A huge number of tourists visit Venice every year.
local 29 n [C] /ˈləʊkəl/ les gens du coin abitante del posto I asked one of the locals for directions.
mysteriously 29 adj /mɪˈstɪəriəsli/ geheimnisvoll mystérieux misterioso He had mysteriously disappeared.
overland 29 adj, adv /ˌəʊvəˈlænd/ auf dem Landweg par voie de terre via terra They are travelling overland to China.
religious 29 adj /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ religiös religieux religioso religious education | a religious ceremony
They learnt to ski at the ski slope, not in the
ski slope 29 n [C] /skiː sləʊp/ Skipiste piste de ski pista da sci
waters 29 n [U] /ˈwɔːtəs/ Gewässer eaux acqua We received permission to sail in Japanese waters.
wonder 29 n [C] /ˈwʌndə/ Wunder miracle miracolo the wonders of modern medicine
aux couleurs colorato,
colourful 30 adj /ˈkʌləfəl/ bunt a garden full of colourful flowers
vives multicolore
gekünstelt, artiste, de style
arty 31 adj /ˈɑːti/ pseudo- artiste an arty film
künstlerisch prétentieux
crowded 31 adj /ˈkraʊdɪd/ voller Menschen bondé affollato, pieno a crowded room
dangerous 31 adj /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ gefährlich dangereux pericoloso It's dangerous to walk alone at night around here.
dirty 31 adj /ˈdɜːti/ schmutzig sale sporco How did your clothes get so dirty?
expensive 31 adj /ɪkˈspensɪv/ teuer cher caro an expensive restaurant
friendly 31 adj /ˈfrendli/ freundlich aimable gentile a school with a friendly atmosphere
historic 31 adj /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ historisch historique storico They are going to restore the historic building.

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industrial 31 adj /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ industriel industriale an industrial accident
lively 31 adj /ˈlaɪvli/ lebhaft, lebendig animé vivace the city's lively nightlife
modern 31 adj /ˈmɒdn/ modern moderne moderno The school is in a modern building.
old-fashioned 31 adj /ˌəʊld ˈfæʃənd/ altmodisch démodé fuori moda All her clothes are old-fashioned.
polluted 31 adj /pəˈluːtɪd/ verschmutzt pollué inquinato The rivers are heavily polluted.
pollution 31 n [U] /pəˈluːʃən/ Verschmutzung pollution inquinamento tough laws to reduce pollution
poor 31 adj /pɔː/ arm pauvre povero The area she lived in was very poor.
/ˌpʌblɪk öffentlicher
public transport 31 adj transports publics trasporti pubblici The public transport system is quick and cheap.
ˈtrænspɔːt/ Verkehr
spectacular 31 adj /spekˈtækjʊlə/ spektakulär spectaculaire spettacolare a spectacular view of the Grand Canyon
touristy 31 adj /ˈtʊərɪsti/ touristisch touristique turistico Paris has become very touristy.
traffic 31 n [U] /ˈtræfɪk/ Verkehr circulation, trafic traffico There was heavy traffic on the motorway.
attraction 32 n [C] /əˈtrækʃən/ Attraktion attraction attrazione The castle is a major tourist attraction.
cervo, capriolo,
deer 32 n [C] /dɪə/ Hirsch, Reh, Wild cerf Deer are easily frightened by people.
im Restaurant mangiare al
eat out 32 phr v /iːt aʊt/ sortir dîner Let's eat out tonight - I'm tired of cooking.
essen ristorante/ fuori
exotische This restaurant serves ethnic food like curry and
ethnic food 32 adj /ˌeθnɪk ˈfuːd/ cuisine ethnique cibo esotico
Gerichte tortilla.
mostra, They saw the Picasso exhibition at the Louvre last
exhibition 32 n [C] /ˌeksəˈbɪʃən/ Ausstellung exposition
esposizione year.
hall 32 n [C] /hɔːl/ Saal, Halle salle sala I went to a concert at Carnegie Hall last night.
nightlife 32 n [U] /ˈnaɪtlaɪf/ Nachtleben vie nocturne vita notturna Las Vegas is famous for its nightlife.
park 32 n [C] /pɑːk/ Park parc parco We walked through Central Park in the sunshine.

vintage 32 adj /ˈvɪntɪdʒ/ rétro, vintage vintage, classico We watched the vintage cars drive past.
klassisch, erlesen
recommend 33 v [T] /ˌrekəˈmend/ empfehlen recommander Can you recommend a local restaurant?
He listened to the announcement about the train
announcement 34 n [C] /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ Ankündigung annonce annuncio, avviso
change 34 v [I, T] /tʃeɪndʒ/ ändern changer cambiare We had to change planes.
free 34 adj, adv /friː/ frei libre libero Excuse me, is this seat free?
get off 34 phr v /get ɒf/ aussteigen descendre scendere He got off the train at the wrong stations.
centre centro We can get everything we need at the shopping
shopping centre 34 n [C] /ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentə/ Einkaufszentrum
commercial commerciale centre.
valid 34 adj /ˈvælɪd/ gültig valable, valide valido Your return ticket is valid for three months.

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couple 35 n [C] /ˈkʌpəl/ Paar couple coppia the couple next door
bouger, se
get around 35 phr v /get əˈraʊnd/ herumfahren girare He usually gets around by bicycle.
pays d'origine,
home to 35 phrase /həʊm tʊ/ Heimat von patria di Paris is home to the fashion industry.
prison 35 n [C, U] /ˈprɪzən/ Gefängnis prison prigione He was sent to prison for life.
He was restless all night because the room was so
restless 35 adj /ˈrestləs/ unruhig inquiet inquieto, agitato
rocky 35 adj /ˈrɒki/ felsig rocheux roccioso the rocky coast of Maine
The sound of seagulls always reminds me of childhood
seagull 35 n [C] /ˈsiːgʌl/ Möwe mouette gabbiano
avoir le mal de aver il mal di
seasick 35 adj /ˈsiːˌsɪk/ seekrank She felt seasick on the boat to the island.
mer mare
smart 35 adj /smɑːt/ schick, elegant chic chic, elegante one of London's smartest restaurants
tourist 128 n [C] /ˈtʊərɪst/ Tourist touriste turista Oxford’s full of tourists in the summer.
enormous 138 adj /ɪˈnɔːməs/ riesig, enorm énorme grande, enorme They live in an enormous house in Beverly Hills.
further 138 adv /ˈfɜːðə/ weiter plus loin in più, ancora They live further down the street.
park 138 v [I, T] /pɑːk/ parken garer parcheggiare She parked the car in the shopping centre.
tiny 138 adj /ˈtaɪni/ winzig minuscule minuscolo The room was tiny.
Manager, directeur, dirigente,
manager 139 n [C] /ˈmænɪdʒə/ She's now the manager of the factory.
Geschäftsführer gestionnaire manager, gerente

populated 139 adj /ˈpɒpjʊleɪtɪd/ bewohnt peuplé popolato, abitato a region populated mostly by farmers
slightly 139 adv /ˈslaɪtli/ ein wenig, leicht légèrement un poco Each painting is slightly different.
apartment block 140 n [C] /əˈpɑːtmənt ˌblɒk/ Wohnblcok immeuble caseggiato He lives in the apartment block across the street.
famous for 140 adj /ˈfeɪməs fɔː/ berühmt für connu pour famoso per France is famous for its wines.
étalage de I bought a newspaper at the bookstall on the railway
bookstall 169 n [C] /ˈbʊkstɔːl/ Bücherstand bancherella
bouquiniste platform.
curry 169 n [C, U] /ˈkʌri/ Curry curry curry My father likes curry but my mother doesn't.
graffiti 169 n [U] /græˈfiːti, grə-/ Graffiti graffitis graffiti The graffiti on that wall is very colourful.
Unit 4
achievement 36 n [C] /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ Leistung prouesse exploit, opera an impressive achievement of 144 points
charity 36 n [C, U] /ˈtʃærɪti/ Wohltätigkeit charité beneficenza The event is raising money for charity.
course 36 n /kɔːs/ Lauf, Verlauf cours corso The events changed the course of his life.
design 36 v [T] /dɪˈzaɪn/ entwerfen concevoir schizzare The palace was designed by an Italian architect.
found 36 v [T] /faʊnd/ gründen fonder fondare The school was founded in 1866.
paint 36 v [I, T] /ˈpeɪnt/ malen peindre dipingere He's just finished painting a picture of his wife.

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publish 36 v [I, T] /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ veröffentlichen publier pubblicare She's published a few short stories.
raise 36 v [T] /reɪz/ récolter raccogliere We've raised £900 for a new roof for the school.
sammeln (Geld)
fare (del)
row 36 v [I, T] /rəʊ/ rudern ramer canottaggio, They rowed across the lake.
train 36 v [I, T] /treɪn/ trainieren s'entraîner allenare He's training for the Olympics.
alone 37 adj, adv /əˈləʊn/ allein seul solo This disease cannot be cured by drugs alone.
average 37 adj /ˈævərɪdʒ/ durchschnittlich moyenne medio In an average week I earn about 200 dollars.
change 37 v [T] /tʃeɪndʒ/ ändern modifier cambiare The club is changing its rules.
developing /dɪˈveləpɪŋ pays en voie de paese in via di
37 n [C] Entwicklungsland aid to developing countries
country ˌkʌntri/ développement sviluppo
earn 37 v [I, T] /ɜːn/ verdienen gagner guadagnare She earns £27,000 a year.
in più,
extra 37 adj, adv /ˈekstrə/ zusätzlich en plus Do you get paid extra at weekends?
give away 37 phr v /gɪv əˈweɪ/ weggeben faire don de dare via Give your old clothes away to charity.
ordinary 37 adj /ˈɔːdənəri/ ordinaire solito, normale The book is about ordinary people.
promise 37 v [I, T] /ˈprɒmɪs/ versprechen promettre promettere He promised me that the car would be ready by then.

salary 37 n [C, U] /ˈsæləri/ Gehalt salaire salario, stipendio The average salary is $39,000 a year.
savings 37 n /ˈseɪvɪŋs/ Ersparnisse économies risparmio He has savings of over $150,000.
stuff 37 n [U] /stʌf/ Sachen, Zeug trucs roba I need a place to store my stuff for a while.
abuse 38 v [T] /əˈbjuːs/ misshandeln maltraiter He was physically abused as a child.
raggiungere, She had finally achieved her ambition to sail around
achieve 38 v [T] /əˈtʃiːv/ erreichen atteindre
arrivare a the world.
Her parents' greatest ambition was for her to go to
ambition 38 n [C] /æmˈbɪʃən/ Ziel, Ehrgeiz ambition ambizione, scopo
sich kümmern
occuparsi di,
care about 38 v [I, T] /keə əˈbaʊt/ um, interessieren se soucier de He doesn't seem to care about other people.
career 38 n [C] /kəˈrɪə/ carrière carriera Ted spent most of his career as a teacher.
championship 38 n [C] /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ Meisterschaft championnat campionato the US basketball championships
dedicate 38 v [T] /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ widmen dédier dedicare She dedicated her life to helping the poor.
The chairman's very pleasant but his secretary is a
dragon 38 n [C] /ˈdrægən/ Drachen dragon dragone
real dragon!

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extract 38 n [C] /ˈekstrækt/ extrait estratto an extract from a film
fame 38 n [U] /feɪm/ Ruhm renommée fama, gloria He first won fame as a singer.
verängstigt, impaurito,
frightened 38 adj /ˈfraɪtnd/ effrayé Are you frightened of the dark?
ängstlich pauroso
custode di un It is the groundsman's job to keep the football pitch
groundsman 38 n [C] /graʊndzmæn/ Platzwart gardien de stade
campo sportivo in a good state.
marriage 38 n [C, U] /ˈmærɪdʒ/ Ehe mariage matrimonio They have a very happy marriage.
numerous 38 adj /ˈnjuːmərəs/ zahlreich nombreux numeroso We've discussed this before on numerous occasions.
opinion 38 n [C, U] /əˈpɪnjən/ Meinung avis opinione What is your opinion of the band?
plan 38 n [C] /plæn/ Plan intention, plan piano, progetto Her plans included going to university.
pushy 38 adj /ˈpʊʃi/ aufdringlich insistant importuno The salesman was so pushy, I left the shop.
prendre sa andare in
retire 38 v [T] /rɪˈtaɪə/ in Rente gehen She had to retire early because of injury.
retraite pensione
suffer 38 v [I, T] /ˈsʌfə/ leiden souffrir soffrire David is suffering from a knee injury.
Turner shows more talent than any other player on
talent 38 n [C, U] /ˈtælənt/ Talent talent talento
the team.
worried 38 adj /ˈwʌrid/ besorgt inquiet preoccupato I was worried that we'd be late.
beat 39 v [T] /biːt/ schlagen battre vincere, battere Spain beat Italy 3–1.
black 39 adj /blæk/ düster, finster noir oscuro, buio He gave me a black look.
aufspringen, balzare in piedi,
bounce 39 v [I, T] /baʊns/ rebondir The ball bounced off the post and into the goal.
aufprallen rimbalzare
breathing 39 adj /briːðɪŋ/ atmend qui respire di respirazione All living, breathing creatures need oxygen.
chase 39 v [I, T] /tʃeɪs/ jagen poursuivre The police chased the car.
club, società
club 39 n [C] /klʌb/ Club, Verein club She belongs to the golf club.
comic book 39 n [C] ˈkɒmɪk bʊk/ Comic bande dessinée comic, fumetto He had a large collection of comic books.
court 39 n [C] /kɔːt/ Platz (Sport) court campo a squash court
creature 39 n [C] /ˈkriːtʃə/ Lebewesen créature creatura, essere creatures from outer space
schaden, danneggiare, He claimed that the article had damaged his
damage 39 v [T] /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ nuire
beschädigen nuocere, rovinare reputation.

deep 39 adj /diːp/ tief profond profondo, intenso Colin felt a deep sense of despair.
deliberately 39 adv /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ absichtlich délibérément The fire was started deliberately.

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directly 39 adv /dəˈrektli, daɪ-/ direkt directement direttamente He looked directly at me.
fearsome 39 adj /ˈfɪəsəm/ effrayang terrificante a fearsome sight
fire 39 v [I, T] /faɪə/ tirer scaricare, sparare He fired three shots.
zurückweichen, retrocedere,
flinch 39 v [T] /flɪntʃ/ reculer The child flinched as I touched him.
zusammenzucken trasalire
aufgeben, rinunciare,
give up 39 phr v /gɪv ʌp/ arrêter, cesser Why don't you give up smoking?
aufhören mit smettere
hatred 39 n [C, U] /ˈheɪtrɪd/ Hass haine odio an intense hatred of authority
heart 39 n [C] /hɑːt/ Herz coeur cuore He's strict, but he has a kind heart.
hit 39 v [T] /hɪt/ schlagen battre battere He hit the ball as hard as he could.
horrifying 39 adj /ˈhɒrɪfaɪ-ɪŋ/ schrecklich terrifiant orribile, terribile He suffered horrifying injuries in the car crash.
just 39 adv /dʒəst/ gerade, nur solo We'll just have to wait.
lie 39 v [T] /laɪ/ lügen mentir mentire I would never lie to you.
living 39 adj /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ lebend vivant vivo All living things are made of cells.
math 39 n [U] /mæθ/ Mathematik mathématique matematica I got a good grade in my math exam.
never 39 adv /ˈnevə/ nie jamais mai He never saw her again.
He felt panicky whenever he thought about the
panicky 39 adj /ˈpænɪkɪ/ panisch paniqué panico
push 39 v [T] /ˈpʊʃ/ drängen pousser incitare, insistere My parents pushed me into going to college.
put down 39 phr v /pʊt daʊn/ mettre de côté togliersi, deporre She put down her knitting.
quit 39 v [I, T] /kwɪt/ aufhören arrêter, cesser smettere, finire He quit smoking three years ago.
racket/racquet 39 n [C] /ˈrækɪt/ Schläger (Tennis) raquette racchetta He hit the ball hard with his racket.
rarely 39 adv /ˈreəli/ selten rarement raramente She rarely goes out after dark.
return 39 v [T] /rɪˈtɜːn/ zurückbefördern, renvoyer ritornare He returned the ball beautifully.
(juste) proprio adesso/
right now 39 adv /raɪt naʊ/ gerade jetzt I'm sorry, I can't talk to you right now.
maintenant ora
roar 39 n [C] /rɔː/ Brüllen éclat, clameur urlare a roar of laughter
ängstlich, voller
scared 39 adj /skeəd/ effrayé pauroso, She has always been scared of spiders.

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shoot 39 v [I, T] /ʃuːt/ schießen jaillir sparare, tirare Most fountains shoot water into the air.
succeed 39 v [T] /səkˈsiːd/ Erfolg haben réussir avere successo I was determined to succeed.
successful 39 adj /səkˈsesfəl/ erfolgreich brillant di successo a successful businesswoman
terrifying 39 adj /ˈterɪfaɪ-ɪŋ/ furchterregend terrifiant The lion made a terrifying noise.
unbeatable 39 adj /ʌnˈbiːtəbəl/ unschlagbar imbattable imbattibile This team is unbeatable this season!
unhealthy 39 adj /ʌnˈhelθi/ ungesnd malsain nocivo, dannoso an unhealthy obsession with money
voice 39 n [C, U] /vɔɪs/ Stimme voix voce The speaker had a loud voice.
whisper 39 v [I, T] /ˈwɪspə/ flüstern chuchoter bisbigliare He leaned over to whisper something to her.
will 39 n [C, U] /wɪl/ Wille volonté volontà She had a very strong will.
yell 39 v [I, T] /jel/ schreien hurler, crier gridere Someone yelled at her to stop.
band 40 n [C] /bænd/ die Band groupe band The band was playing old Beatles' songs.
bring up 40 phr v /brɪŋ ʌp/ élever allevare Rachel had been brought up by her grandmother.
divorced 40 adj /dɪˈvɔːst/ geschieden divorcé divorziato She's a divorced mother with two young children.

exam 40 n [C] /ɪgˈzæm/ Examen, Prüfung examen esame He's taking his exams at the moment.

gig 40 n [C] /gɪg/ Gig, Auftritt engagement concerto My brother's band is playing at the gig tomorrow.
zusammen sein
stare/ uscire
go out with 40 phr v /gəʊ aʊt wɪð/ mit, befreundet sortir avec How long have you been going out with Sam?
sein mit
einen Abschluss obtenir une diplomarsi,
graduate 40 v [T] /ˈgrædʒueɪt/ He graduated from Harvard last year.
machen licence laurearsi
married 40 adj /ˈmærid/ verheiratet marié sposato Are you married or single?
rent 40 v [I, T] /rent/ mieten louer affittare I rented a room from friends while I looked for work.
charming 42 adj /ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ/ charmant charmant affascinante her charming brother
community 42 n [C] /kəˈmjuːnəti/ Gemeinde communauté comune The library serves the whole community.
courageous 42 adj /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ mutig courageux coraggioso a courageous act
one of Japan's most talented and creative film
creative 42 adj /kriˈeɪtɪv/ kreativ créatif creativo
engagiert, impegnato, pieno
dedicated 42 adj /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ dévoué a dedicated musician
hingebungsvoll di abnegazione
determined 42 adj /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ entschlossen déterminé deciso, fermo She was determined to start her own business.
egotistical 42 adj /ˌiːgəʊˈtɪstɪkəl/ egoistisch egoistico He's too egotistical to fit in with the rest of the team.
individual 42 n [C] /ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl/ Individuum individu individuo the rights of the individual

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inspiration 42 n [C, U] /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ Inspiration inspiration ispirazione At 87, he's an inspiration to us all.
inspire 42 v [T] /ɪnˈspaɪə/ inspirer ispirare She inspired many young people to take up the sport.
inspirieren zu
Führungs- condottiero/leade
leader 42 n [C] /ˈliːdə/ leader a gathering of world leaders
persönlichkeit r
obsessive 42 adj /əbˈsesɪv/ besessen obsédé ossessivo She's obsessive about her weight.
/əˈrɪdʒɪnəl, -
original 42 adj originell original originale a highly original style of painting
outstanding 42 adj /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ herausragend exceptionnel an outstanding performance
personality 42 n [C] /ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti/ Persönlichkeit personnalité personalità a TV personality
She refused to accept the money as a matter of
principle 42 n [C, U] /ˈprɪnsɪpəl/ Prinzip principe principio
publicity 42 n [U] /pʌˈblɪsəti/ Aufmerksamkeit, publicité pubblicità Her marriage received widespread publicity.
remarkable 42 adj /rɪˈmɑːkəbəl/ bemerkenswert notable notevole a remarkable achievement
role model 42 n [C] /ˈrəʊl ˌmɒdl/ Vorbild modèle modello, esempio I try to be a positive role model for my kids.
ruthless 42 adj /ˈruːθləs/ skrupellos sans pitié senza scrupoli a ruthless dictator
self-confident 42 adj /ˌself ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ selbstbewusst sûr de soi sicuro di sé Jess was only 12, but she was very self-confident.

talented 42 adj /ˈtæləntɪd/ talentiert talentueux di talento, dotato a talented musician

I always admired my mother for her courage and
admire 43 v [T] /ədˈmaɪə/ bewundern admirer ammirare
deserve 43 v [T] /dɪˈzɜːv/ verdienen mériter meritare After all that work, you deserve a break.
faire beaucoup
do a lot for 43 phrase /duː ə lɒt fɔː/ viel tun für fare molto She does a lot for disabled children.
exceptionally 43 adv /ɪkˈsepʃənəli/ außergewöhnlich eccezionale, She's an exceptionally talented player.
quality 43 n [C] /ˈkwɒlɪti/ Eigenschaft qualité Stacy has all the qualities of a natural leader.
win 43 v [T] /wɪn/ gewinnen gagner vincere He won a gold medal.
choir 126 n [C] /kwaɪə/ Chor choeur coro Susan sings in the school choir.
competition 126 n [C] /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ Wettbewerb concours competizione Who won the competition?
credit card 126 n [C] /ˈkredɪt kɑːd/ Kreditkarte carte de crédit carta di credito Can I pay by credit card?
document 126 n [C] /ˈdɒkjəmənt/ Dokument document documento a legal document
instrument 126 n [C] /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ Instrument instrument strumento Can you play any musical instruments?

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live 126 adj /laɪv/ live en direct, live in diretta, live We have live bands on Saturdays.
promotion 126 n [C, U] /prəˈməʊʃən/ Beförderung promotion promozione his promotion to manager
split up 126 phr v /splɪt ʌp/ sich trennen se séparer separarsi My parents split up when I was three.
bring 141 v [T] /brɪŋ/ amener portare Bring the children with you.
build 141 v [I, T] /bɪld/ bauen construire costruire They're building new houses for local people.
choose 141 v [I, T] /tʃuːz/ wählen choisir scegliere You can choose between ice cream and apple tart.
produce 141 v [T] /prəˈdjuːs/ produzieren produire produrre The factory produces 100 cars an hour.
teach 141 v [I, T] /tiːtʃ/ enseigner insegnare He taught physics for 15 years.
think 141 v [T] /θɪŋk/ denken an penser à pensare a I couldn't think of anything to say.
cover version 142 n [C] /ˈkʌvə vɜːʃən/ Cover-Version reprise cover version All the songs on her new album are cover versions.

exhausted 142 adj /ɪgˈzɔːstɪd/ erschöpft épuisé esausto, esaurito I was still exhausted from the race.

hit 142 n [C] /hɪt/ Hit grand succès, hit hit Which band had a hit with 'Bohemian Rhapsody'?
single 142 n [C] /ˈsɪŋgəl/ Single single single Madonna's new single
essere bocciato,
fail 143 v [I, T] /feɪl/ durchfallen in recaler non avere Daniel failed maths but passed all his other subjects.
celebrity 169 n [C] /səˈlebrəti/ berühmte Person célébrité famoso, celebrità The magazine is full of gossip about celebrities.
sich centrer, se
focus 169 v [I, T] /ˈfəʊkəs/ concentrarsi In his speech he focused on the economy.
konzentrieren concentrer
native 169 adj /ˈneɪtɪv/ einheimisch, natif, originaire nativo He returned to his native Poland.
what a shame 169 n [U] /wɒt ə ʃeɪm/ wie schade! quel dommage che peccato! What a shame that you can't come.
körperlich di sana e robusta
able-bodied 170 adj /ˌeɪbəl ˈbɒdɪd/ en bonne santé a team of both disabled and able-bodied athletes
leistungsfähig costituzione
amputate 170 v [I, T] /ˈæmpjəteɪt/ amputieren amputer amputare Her leg was amputated after the car accident.
avoid 170 v [T] /əˈvɔɪd/ vermeiden éviter evitare Try to avoid spending too much.
bone 170 n [C, U] /bəʊn/ Knochen os osso Sam broke a bone in his foot.
coffee table 170 n [C] /ˈkɒfi ˌteɪbəl/ Couchtisch table basse tavolino basso She put the cup down on the coffee table.
communicate 170 v [I, T] /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ communiquer comunicare We communicate by email.
sich unterhalten
conference 170 n [C] /ˈkɒnfərəns/ Konferenz conférence conferenza an international conference on the environment

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courage 170 n [U] /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/ Mut courage coraggio She showed great courage throughout her illness.

cover 170 n [C] /ˈkʌvə/ Titel(blatt) couverture titolo His picture was on the front cover of 'Time' magazine.
deal 170 n [C] /diːl/ accord negozio The union did a deal with the government.
die Diagnose ricevere la
diagnose 170 v [T] /ˈdaɪəgnəʊz/ diagnostiquer She was diagnosed with breast cancer.
erhalten diagnosi
disabled 170 adj /dɪsˈeɪbəld/ behindert handicapé minorato a severely disabled patient
fondatore, Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of the modern
founder 170 n [C] /ˈfaʊndə/ Gründer fondateur
fondatrice Olympic Games.
hang on 170 spoken /hæŋ ɒn/ warte kurz attends aspetta Hang on, I'll be with you in a minute!
Gesundheits- previdenza della
health care 170 n [C] /ˈhelθ keə/ services de santé the promise of free health care for everyone
vorsorge salute
assignation à arresto
house arrest 170 n /ˈhaʊs əˌrest/ Hausarrest He was kept under house arrest for 14 years.
résidence domiciliare
illness 170 n [C, U] /ˈɪlnəs/ Krankheit maladie malattia She died after a long illness
lock 170 v [I, T] /lɒk/ abschließen fermer à clé chiudere Did you lock the car?
nominate 170 v [T] /ˈnɒməneɪt/ nominieren nominer nominare The film was nominated for an award.
nomination 170 n [C, U] /ˌnɒməˈneɪʃən/ Nominierung nomination nomination The film received four Oscar nominations.
Tasche (Jacke,
pocket 170 n [C] /ˈpɒkɪt/ poche tasca There's some money in my jacket pocket.
politician 170 n [C] /ˌpɒləˈtɪʃən/ Politiker politique, politico He's described as a tough politician.
strength 170 n [U] /streŋθ, strenθ/ Kraft force forza It took great strength of character to carry on.
studies 170 n /ˈstʌdiz/ Studium études studio He went on to continue his studies at Harvard.
treatment 170 n [C, U] /ˈtriːtmənt/ Behandlung traitement She was given emergency treatment.
value 170 n [U] /ˈvæljuː/ Wert valeur valore the value of direct personal experience
charts 171 n [C] /tʃɑːts/ Charts hit-parade charts Her record spent 12 weeks in the charts.
comedian 171 n [C] /kəˈmiːdiən/ Komiker comico He's my favourite comedian.
incredibly 171 adv /ɪnˈkredəbli/ unglaublich incroyable incredibile Nicotine is incredibly addictive.
presenter 171 n [C] /prɪˈzentə/ Moderator présentateur moderatore He was a presenter on the local news programme.

Unit 5
I've downloaded this great app onto my mobile
app 46 n [C] /æp/ App appli app

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business 46 n [U] /ˈbɪznəs/ Geschäftsleben commerce mondo degli affari You need a lot of money to succeed in business.
company 46 n [C] /ˈkʌmpəni/ Unternehmen société impresa He set up his own company.
customer 46 n [C] /ˈkʌstəmə/ Kunde client cliente The shop assistant was serving a customer.
Scheitern, insuccesso,
failure 46 n [U] /ˈfeɪljə/ faillite, échec His career ended in failure.
Bankrott fallimento
vorankommen, avanzare,
get ahead 46 phr v /get əˈhed/ avancer He got ahead through hard work and determination.
weiterkommen procedere
graduate 46 n [C] /ˈgrædʒuət/ Absolvent licencié laureato, a graduate of Leeds University | a history graduate
guru 46 n [C] /ˈgʊruː/ Guru gourou guru a management guru
bestimmen, migliorare, She was unable to identify her weaknesses so her
identify 46 v [T] /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ identifier
identifizieren identificare work didn't improve.
improve 46 v [I, T] /ɪmˈpruːv/ sich verbessern améliorer migliorarsi Her German is improving.
improvement 46 n [C, U] /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ Verbesserung amélioration miglioramento There was a steady improvement in efficiency.
inventor 46 n [C] /ɪnˈventə/ Erfinder inventor inventore the inventor of the bicycle
lampadina a
light bulb 46 n [C] /laɪt bʌlb/ Glühbirne ampoule The light was dim as the light bulb was very dusty.
material 46 n [C, U] /məˈtɪəriəl/ Material matériaux materiale They sell all sorts of building materials.
/məˈsteɪk//mɪˈste It’s your decision, but I warn you – you’re making a
mistake 46 n [C] Fehler faute errore
ɪk/ mistake.
/ˈprɒfətəbəl//ˈprɒf gewinnbringend,
profitable 46 adj rentable profittevole profitable investments
ɪtəbəl/ profitabel
programme 46 n [C] /ˈprəʊgræm/ Programm logiciel programma I've just got a new computer programme.
Today's social media have changed the way we make
social media 46 n /ˌsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə/ soziale Medien médias sociaux medie sociali
strength 46 n [C] /streŋθ, strenθ/ Stärke force forte, forza We have all got strengths and weaknesses.
success 46 n [U] /səkˈses/ Erfolg succès successo The meeting was a success.
avoid 47 v [T] /əˈvɔɪd/ vermeiden éviter evitare Alan narrowly avoided an accident.
bother 47 v [I, T] /ˈbɒðə/ sich bemühen prendre la peine scomodarsi He didn’t bother to lock the door.
contact 47 n [C] /ˈkɒntækt/ Kontakt contact contatto Do you have any contacts in that company?
deal with 47 phr v /diːl wɪð, wɪθ/ erledigen s'occuper de Who deals with complaints?
demands 47 n /dɪˈmɑːndz/ Anforderungen esigenza the demands of modern life
discreet 47 adj /dɪˈskriːt/ diskret discret discreto Can you please be discreet about this?
I can’t study at home – there are too many
distraction 47 n [C, U] /dɪˈstrækʃən/ Ablenkung distraction deviazione

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effective 47 adj /ɪˈfektɪv/ effektiv efficace effettivo an effective way to teach reading
société /
datore/ datotrice
employer 47 n [C] /ɪmˈplɔɪə/ Arbeitgeber employeur, Please give the name of your previous employer.
di lavoro
He has no previous experience of working with
experience 47 n [U] /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ Erfahrung expérience sperienza
friend 47 n [C] /frend/ Freund, Freundin ami, amie amico, amica She's a friend on Facebook but we've never met.
hard 47 adj /hɑːd/ hart dur duro Bringing up children on your own is hard work.
He has a wonderful imagination and writes lovely
imagination 47 n [C, U] /ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən/ Fantasie imagination fantasia
stories for children.
in touch 47 phrase /ɪn tʌtʃ/ in Kontakt en contact in contatto Bye, Jane! Don’t forget to keep in touch.
You don’t need to have any special knowledge to do
knowledge 47 n [U] /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ Kenntnisse connaissance conoscenza
this job.
handhaben, maneggiare, You need to learn to manage your time more
manage 47 v [I, T] /ˈmænɪdʒ/ organiser
verwalten amministrare effectively.
meet 47 v [I, T] /miːt/ erfüllen remplir She didn’t meet the requirements for the job.
meeting 47 n [C] /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ Besprechung réunion conferenza I’ve got an important meeting this afternoon.
moral 47 n [C] /ˈmɒrəl/ Moral morale morale The moral of the story is that crime doesn’t pay.
network 47 n [C] /ˈnetwɜːk/ Netzwerk réseau rete, intreccio Tim had a strong network of contacts in Europe.
If we offer you this job, can you start in two weeks'
offer 47 v [T] /ˈɒfə/ anbieten offrir offrire
personal 47 adj /ˈpɜːsənəl/ persönlich personnel personale Don't make personal remarks.
production 47 n [U] /prəˈdʌkʃən/ production produzione the production of consumer goods
project 47 n [C] /ˈprɒdʒekt/ Projekt projet progetto a three-year research project
remark 47 n [C] /rɪˈmɑːk/ Bemerkung commentaire nota Carl made a spiteful remark about her hair.
respond 47 v [I] /rɪˈspɒnd/ antworten répondre rispondere He didn't respond to my email.
der-, die-, lo stesso, la The town is not the same as it was when I was a
same 47 adv /seɪm/ même
dasselbe stessa child.
social 47 adj /ˈsəʊʃəl/ social sociale a range of social events for employees
strategy 47 n [C] Strategie stratégie strategia the long-term economic strategy
survey 47 n [C] /ˈsɜːveɪ/ Umfrage, Studie enquête ricerca We conducted a survey of people’s eating habits.
unfreundlich, scortese,
unkind 47 adj /ˌʌnˈkaɪnd/ peu aimable Her husband is very unkind to her.
lieblos sgarbato
ambitious 48 adj /æmˈbɪʃəs/ ehrgeizig ambitieux ambizioso He is young and very ambitious.

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attitude 48 n [C, U] /ˈætɪtjuːd/ Einstellung attitude atteggiamento He has a very positive attitude towards his work.

(Fach-) istituto superiore,

college 48 n [C, U] /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ collège an art college
Hochschule università

enrol 48 v [I, T] /ɪnˈrəʊl/ sich anmelden für s'inscrire prenotarsi per I enrolled on the wine course.
explain 48 v [I, T] /ɪkˈspleɪn/ erklären expliquer spiegare I explained the rules to Sara.
intend 48 v [T] /ɪnˈtend/ beabsichtigen avoir l'intention I intend to move house next year.
jealous 48 adj /ˈdʒeləs/ jaloux geloso You’re just jealous of me because I got better grades.
Mutterschafts- congé de congedo per Her baby is due next month so she's going on
maternity leave 48 n [C] /məˈtɜːnəti ˌliːv/
urlaub maternité maternità maternity leave.
permanently 48 adv /ˈpɜːmənəntli/ auf Dauer définitivement permanente The accident left him permanently disabled.
rallegrare, far
pleased 48 adj /pliːzd/ erfreut content That’s wonderful. I’m really pleased for you.
piacere a
secretly 48 adv /ˈsiːkrɪtli/ heimlich en secret I secretly recorded our conversation.
statement 48 n [C] /ˈsteɪtmənt/ Aussage déclaration the President’s statements on the economy
The introduction summarises the main points of the
summarise 48 v [I, T] /ˈsʌməraɪz/ zusammenfassen résumer riassumere
upset 48 adj /ˌʌpˈset/ verärgert vexé arrabbiato When I told him he’d failed, he got very upset.
badly paid 49 adj /bædli peɪd/ schlecht bezahlt mal payé malpagato He is badly paid.
im Begriff sein, zu être sur le point
be about to 49 phrase /biː əˈbaʊt tʊ/ stare per fare qc We were about to leave when Jerry arrived.
tun de
The Internet is an important means of
communication 49 n [U] /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ Kommunikation communication comunicazione
wettbewerbs- competitivo,
competitive 49 adj /kəmˈpetətɪv/ compétitif a highly competitive industry
fähig, -orientiert concorrenziale
fit 49 adj /fɪt/ fit en forme in forma He was young and physically fit.
ideal 49 adj /ˌaɪˈdɪəl/ ideal idéal ideale an ideal place for a picnic
opportunity 49 n [C, U] /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ Gelegenheit occasion occasione The children will have the opportunity to visit a farm.
qualifications 49 n [C] /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃənz/ Qualifikation qualification qualificazione Do you have a teaching qualification?
responsibility 49 n [C, U] /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ Verantwortung responsabilité responsabilità It’s your responsibility to pay the bills on time.
secure 49 adj /sɪˈkʊə/ sicher assuré sicuro Does the company now have a secure future?
stressful 49 adj /ˈstresfəl/ stressig stressant stressante His job is very stressful at the moment.
Schulung, (corso
training 49 n [U] /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ entraînement We all received training in first aid.
Fortbildung d')istruzione

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well organised 49 adj /wel ˈɔːgənaɪzd/ gut organisiert bien organisé ben organizzato She’s always well organised.
well paid 49 adj /wel peɪd/ gut bezahlt bien payé ben pagato I would like a job that is well paid.
boyfriend 50 n [C] /ˈbɔɪfrend/ Freund copain, petit ami ragazzo She's getting married to her boyfriend next year.
confused 50 adj /kənˈfjuːzd/ verwirrt confuso She is confused by all the choices she has.
Kreuzung, carrefour /
crossroads 50 n [C] /ˈkrɒsrəʊdz/ incrocio, bivio Neil is at a crossroads in his career.
Scheideweg moment décisif
It was a big decision and I needed time to think about
decision 50 n [C] /dɪˈsɪʒən/ Entscheidung décision decisione
degree 50 n [C] /dɪˈgriː/ Diplom, Abschluss degré diploma, laurea She has a degree in physics.
marry 50 v [I, T] /ˈmæri/ heiraten marier sposare I’ve asked her to marry me.
mettre dans sa
pack 50 v [I, T] /pæk/ einpacken mettere Don’t forget to pack a warm coat.
valise, apporter
obtenir son
qualify 50 v [I] /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ/ sich qualifizieren qualificarsi Sue qualified as a solicitor last year.
diplôme de
save 50 v [I, T] /seɪv/ sparen épargner risparmiare I’ve saved $600 so far.
settle down 50 phr v /setl daʊn/ sich niederlassen fonder un foyer I want to settle down and have children.
advert 51 n [C] /ˈædvɜːt/ Werbeanzeige publicité inserzione He saw an advert for the job in the newspaper.
beworben, faire de la fare pubblicità,
advertise 51 v [I, T] /ˈædvətaɪz/ I saw your car advertised in the evening paper.
inseriert publicité pour fare un'inserzione
currently 51 adv /ˈkʌrəntli/ actuellement attualmente He is currently living in France.
fulfil 51 v [T] /fʊlˈfɪl/ erfüllen réaliser She never fulfilled her dream of becoming a dancer.
mention 51 v [T] /ˈmenʃən/ erwähnen dire, mentionner menzionare He did mention he was having problems.
nasty 51 adj /ˈnɑːsti/ böse méchant cattivo, brutto What a nasty thing to say!
offer 51 n [C] /ˈɒfə/ Angebot proposition offerta They made me a job offer.
optimistic 51 adj /ˌɒptəˈmɪstɪk/ optimistisch optimiste ottimistico Tom’s optimistic about finding a job.
permanent 51 adj /ˈpɜːmənənt/ permanent senza fine a permanent job
shock 51 n [C] /ʃɒk/ Schreck choc spavento I got a terrible shock when I saw the bill.
lavagna, tavola;
board 52 n [C] /bɔːd/ Tafel; Gremium conseil The Board of Directors met yesterday.
build up 52 phr v /bɪld ʌp/ aufbauen développer sviluppare My father built up the business himself.
/ˈkændədət//ˈkæ Kandidat, candidato,
candidate 52 n [C] candidat She’s a candidate for the job at my company.
ndɪdət/ Bewerber/in aspirante

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checkout 52 n [C] /ˈtʃekaʊt/ Kasse caisse cassa He works on the checkout at the local supermarket.
gegen einander
compete 52 v [I] /kəmˈpiːt/ participer competere Ten runners are competing in the race.
Kandidat, candidato, The twelve contestants had to answer some difficult
contestant 52 n [C] /kənˈtestənt/ concurrent
Mitbewerber concorrente questions.
gestaltet, These tests are designed to find out how much
design 52 v [T] /dɪˈzaɪn/ concevoir disegnato, ordito
konzipiert students have learned.
He is disciplined enough to run every day, whatever
disciplined 52 adj /ˈdɪsɪplɪnd/ diszipliniert discipliné disciplinato
the weather.
executive 52 n [C] /ɪgˈzekjətɪv/ leitende/r cadre dirigente a sales executive
final 52 n [C] /ˈfaɪnəl/ Abschluss- finale finale, esame He didn’t get through to the finals.
licenziare, buttare
fire 52 v [T] /faɪə/ entlassen, feuern licencier We fired Tom because he was always late for work.
hire 52 v [T] /haɪə/ einstellen embaucher impiegare He couldn’t find anyone who would hire him.
honest 52 adj /ˈɒnɪst/ ehrlich honnête onesto She was always honest about her feelings.
international 52 adj /ˌɪntəˈnæʃənəl/ international international internazionale international trade
The Harry Potter books have made J. K. Rowling a
multi-millionaire 52 n [C] /ˌmɪljəˈneə/ Multimillionär multi-millionaire multimilionario
owner 52 n [C] /ˈəʊnə/ propriétaire possessore the owner of the local hotel
Hart will shortly take up the position of marketing
position 52 n [C] /pəˈzɪʃən/ Stelle, Position position posto, posizione
private 52 adj /ˈpraɪvət/ privat privé privato He went to a private school.
Reality shows have become very popular in recent
reality show 52 n [C] /riˈæləti ʃəʊ/ Reality-Show reality show reality-show
dispiacersi per, If we don’t deal with the problem now, we’ll live to
regret 52 v [T] /rɪˈgret/ bedauern regretter
deplorare regret it.
related 52 adj /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ bedingt lié causato, dovuto a stress-related illness
review 52 v [T] /rɪˈvjuː/ überprüfen revoir, examiner The school is reviewing its policy on homework.
The winner of today's semi-final will play Manchester
semi-final 52 n [C] /ˌsemiˈfaɪnl/ Halbfinale demi-finale semifinale
United in the final.
senior 52 adj /ˈsiːniə/ Senior- sénior senior senior management
stall 52 n [C] /stɔːl/ Stand stand stand a market stall
team 52 n [C] /tiːm/ Team équipe team a member of the sales team

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zäh, hart, severo, duro,
tough 52 adj /tʌf/ dur, pénible a tough businesswoman
hartnäckig forte
unemployed 52 adj /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ arbeitslos au chômage disoccupato an unemployed teacher
way 52 n [C] /weɪ/ Art und Weise façon, manière modo, maniera OK, do it your own way.
weakness 52 n [C] /ˈwiːknəs/ Schwäche faiblesse debolezza What are your main strengths and weaknesses?
wealthy 52 adj /ˈwelθi/ wohlhabend riche an extremely wealthy family
deciso, risoluto, She was assertive about her rights, but without being
assertive 53 adj /əˈsɜːtɪv/ durchsetzungs- sûr de soi
categorico unpleasant.
clear 53 adj /klɪə/ klar clair chiaro His clear thinking cut through our confusion.
finalist 53 n [C] /ˈfaɪnəl-ɪst/ Finalist finaliste finalista Andy Murray was a finalist at Wimbledon last year.
judge 53 v [I, T] /dʒʌdʒ/ bewerten arbitrer Who’s judging the talent contest?
kind 53 n [C] /kaɪnd/ Art, Sorte sorte, genre tipo What kind of pizza do you want?
potential 53 n [U] /pəˈtenʃəl/ Potenzial potential potenziale She was told she had great potential as a singer.
sense 53 n [U] /sens/ Gespür sens fiuto, senso She has excellent business sense.
A manager must have the ability to communicate
ability 54 n [C, U] /əˈbɪləti/ Fähigkeit talent, capacité abilità, capacità
appliance 54 n [C] /əˈplaɪəns/ Gerät appareil The kitchen was full of the latest appliances.
basic 54 adj /ˈbeɪsɪk/ fondamental basico The basic idea is simple.
Diets are most effective when combined with
combine 54 v [I, T] /kəmˈbaɪn/ kombinieren combiner combinare
The disadvantaged tend to live in poorer areas of the
disadvantaged 54 n [U] /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/ Benachteiligter désavantagé svantaggiato
elderly 54 n [U] /ˈeldəli/ Betagte/r âgé anziano a home for the elderly
enthusiasm 54 n [U] /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/ Begeisterung enthousiasme entusiasmo He welcomed us with great enthusiasm.
enthusiastic 54 adj /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ begeistert enthousiaste entusiastico She wasn't very enthusiastic about going to London.
excellent 54 adj /ˈeksələnt/ ausgezeichnet excellent eccellente What an excellent idea!
They achieved their goal of a 50 percent increase in
goal 54 n [C] /gəʊl/ Ziel but scopo
interpersonal 54 adj /ˌɪntəˈpɜːsənəl/ interpersonnel interpersonale Good interpersonal skills are essential for this job.

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lifetime 54 n [C] /ˈlaɪftaɪm/ vie vita This trip was the holiday of a lifetime.
manner 54 n /ˈmænə/ Art manière maniera She has a calm manner of speaking on the phone.
marketing 54 n [U] /ˈmɑːkətɪŋ/ Marketing marketing marketing He works in sales and marketing.
kontaktfreudig, socievole,
outgoing 54 adj /ˌaʊtˈgəʊɪŋ/ extraverti She's a very friendly, outgoing person.
extrovertiert estroverso
placement 54 n [C] /ˈpleɪsmənt/ emploi collocazione a work experience placement
positive 54 adj /ˈpɒzətɪv/ positiv positif positivo a positive attitude to life
professional 54 adj /prəˈfeʃənəl/ professionell professionnel professionale a professional approach to the job
specialise 54 v [I] /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ sich spezialisieren être spécialiste en specializzarsi a lawyer who specialises in divorce
strong 54 adj /strɒŋ/ eng, stark fort stretto, forte They have a very strong relationship.
Auszubildender, apprendista,
trainee 54 n [C] /ˌtreɪˈniː/ stagiaire a trainee teacher
Referendar allievo
scrivere a
type 54 v [I, T] /taɪp/ tippen taper Cindy can type 50 words a minute.
volunteer 54 n [C] /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə/ bénévole volontario He's a volunteer for the Red Cross.
entsprechen, The new computer system must address all our future
address 55 v [T] /əˈdres/ répondre rispondere
erfüllen requirements.
/ˈkɒntækt Give me your contact details and we'll phone you
contact details 55 n Kontaktdaten coordonnées dati di contatto
ˈdiːteɪlz/ when your order arrives.
effectively 55 adv /ɪˈfektɪvli/ efficacement efficientemente She controlled the class very effectively.
fit 55 v [I, T] /fɪt/ fourrer dans mettere in I can’t fit anything else into this suitcase.
The main requirements for the job are enthusiasm
requirements 55 n [C] /rɪˈkwaɪəmənts/ Anforderungen exigences esigenze
and a positive attitude.
verkaufen, jmd. vendere,
sell 55 v [T] /sel/ von etw. convaincre persuadere, We have to sell the idea to the viewers.
überzeugen convincere
profit 126 n [C, U] /ˈprɒfɪt/ Gewinn bénéfice profitto They sold the house at a big profit.
balanced 127 adj /ˈbælənst/ ausgewogen équilibré equilibrato a balanced approach to the problem
feeling 127 n [C, U] /ˈfiːlɪŋ/ Gefühl sentiments sentimento Don’t try to hide your feelings.
guess 127 v [I, T] /ges/ raten deviner indovinare Guess how much the dress cost!
intention 127 n [C, U] /ɪnˈtenʃən/ Absicht intention intenzione He announced his intention to resign.
The 2012 Olympics may motivate young people to
motivate 127 n [T] /ˈməʊtɪveɪt/ motivieren motiver motivare
take up sport.
practical 127 adj /ˈpræktɪkəl/ praktisch pratique pratico He brings a very practical attitude to his work.

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/prɪˈdɪkt//prəˈdɪkt pronosticare,
predict 127 v [T] vorhersagen prédire Organisers are predicting a close race.
/ predire
reasonably 127 adv /ˈriːzənəbli/ halbwegs, recht raisonnablement abbastanza I think I did reasonably well in the test.
relationship 127 n [C] /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ Verhältnis relation I had a close relationship with my father.
/ˈsensətɪv, sensibel, sensibile,
sensitive 127 adj sensible He was very sensitive to other people’s needs.
ˈsensɪtɪv/ feinfühlig sensitivo
maniaco del
workaholic 127 n [C] /ˌwɜːkəˈhɒlɪk/ Arbeitssüchtige/r drogué du travail lavoro, His marriage ended because he was a workaholic.
borrow 145 v [I, T] /ˈbɒrəʊ/ borgen, ausliehen emprunter prestare Can I borrow the car tonight, dad?
Malen und I want to get the decorating finished before
decorating 145 n [U] /ˈdekəreɪtɪŋ/ peinture decorazione
Tapezieren Christmas.
beeil dich! dépêche-toi! Sprigati!
hurry up 145 phr v /ˈhʌri ʌp/ Hurry up! We’re late.
Beeilen Sie sich! dépêchez-vous! Affrettati!
sick 145 adj /sɪk/ krank, übel malade malato Coffee makes me feel sick.
The doctor gave him some tablets to stop his hay
tablet 145 n [C] /ˈtæblɪt/ Tablette comprimé pastiglia
The government is trying to distract attention from its
distract 171 v [T] /dɪˈstrækt/ ablenken détourner distrarre
Unit 6
adventure 56 n [C, U] /ədˈventʃə/ Abenteuer aventure avventura an adventure story
anecdote 56 n [C] /ˈænɪkdəʊt/ Anekdote anecdote aneddoto He told many anecdotes about his life in Africa.
biography 56 n [C] /baɪˈɒgrəfi/ Biographie biographie biografia I read an interesting biography of Nelson Mandela.

clear 56 adj /klɪə/ klar, eindeutig clair chiaro He nodded to show things were now clear to him.
crime 56 n [U] /kraɪm/ Verbrechen crime delitto, crimine crime rate | crime story
He wrote fantasy stories about people from other
fantasy 56 n [C, U] /ˈfæntəsi/ Fantasie fantasme fantasia
Are the events in the story fictional or did they really
fictional 56 adj /ˈfɪkʃənəl/ erfunden, fiktiv fictif, imaginaire inventato, fittivo
ghost 56 n [C] /gəʊst/ Geist fantôme fantasma a scary ghost story
human interest 56 phrase Lebensnähe intérêt humain attualità, realismo The story lacks any kind of human interest.
/aɪˈdentɪkəl gemelli
identical twins 56 n [C] eineiige Zwillinge vrais jumeaux My sister and I are identical twins.
twɪnz/ monovulari
mannerism 56 n [C, U] /ˈmænərɪzəm/ Eigenheit tic, manie He has the same mannerisms as his father.

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mystère, roman enigma, segreto,
mystery 56 n [C] /ˈmɪstəri/ Geheimnis, an Agatha Christie mystery
policier giallo
neighbouring 56 adj /ˈneɪbərɪŋ/ benachbart voisin vicino neighbouring towns
science fiction 56 n [U] /ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən/ Science-Fiction science-fiction fantascienza He reads a lot of science fiction.
avoir en commun, dividere, avere in
share 56 v [I, T] /ʃeə/ gemeinsam My cousin and I share a birthday – on 6th June.
partager comune
shock 56 v [T] /ʃɒk/ schockieren choquer scioccare I was shocked by the news.
adoption 57 n [C, U] /əˈdɑpʃən/ Adoption adoption adozione children put up for adoption
adoptive 57 adj /əˈdɒptɪv/ Adoptiv- adoptif adottivo adoptive father | adoptive sister
Arnold Schwarzenegger was a body-building
body-building 57 adj /ˌbɒdi ˈbɪldɪŋ/ Body-Building culturisme body-building
champion before he became a film star and politician.
campus 57 n [C, U] /ˈkæmpəs/ campus campus Most first-year students live on the campus.
de, Campus
coincidence 57 n [C, U] /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ Zufall coïncidence coincidenza It was a coincidence that we were on the same train.

herausfinden, scoprire,
discover 57 v [T] /dɪsˈkʌvə/ découvrir Did you discover when her birthday is?
entdecken ritrovare, trovare
fate 57 n [U] /feɪt/ Schicksal destin destino Fate plays cruel tricks sometimes.
nightmare 57 n [C] /ˈnaɪtmeə/ Albtraum cauchemar incubo I still have nightmares about the accident.
The brothers were separated shortly after they were
separate 57 v [I, T] /ˈsepəreɪt/ trennen séparer separare
Überein- There are similarities between the styles of the two
similarity 57 n [C, U] /ˌsɪməˈlærəti/ similarité concordanza
stimmungen authors.
probieren, sich provare, tentare, He tried for Manchester United but wasn't quite good
try 57 v [I, T] /traɪ/ tâcher (d'obtenir)
bemühen sforzarsi enough.
Fügung des scherzo del By a strange twist of fate, we were on the same
twist of fate 57 n [U] /twɪst ɒv feɪt/ coup du sort
Schicksals destino plane.
My dad was a weight-lifter and won lots of
weight-lifter 57 n [C] /ˈweɪtˌlɪftə/ Gewichtheber haltérophile pesista
youth 57 n [U] /juːθ/ Jugend jeunesse gioventù In his youth he lived in France.
comet 58 n [C] /ˈkɒmɪt/ Komet comète cometa Halley's Comet is visible from Earth every 76 years.
Jahr zwischen
anno sabbatico/ I went to university after spending my gap year
gap year 58 n [C] /ˈgæp jɪə, jɜː/ Schule und année sabbatique
libero teaching English in Japan.

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lyric 58 n [C] /ˈlɪrɪk/ Liedtext lyrique testo di canzone She knows the lyrics to all the songs in 'Glee'.
obsessed 58 adj /əbˈsest/ besessen obsédé ossessionato William is obsessed with making money.
acceptable 59 adj akzeptabel acceptable accettabile It’s simply not an acceptable way to do business.
base on 59 phrase /beɪs ɒn/ basieren auf adapter trarre da She based the character on her own experience.
cheat 59 v [I] /tʃiːt/ schummeln tricher barare, copiare She was caught cheating in a maths test.
elder 59 adj /ˈeldə/ älter aîné più vecchio Their elder son is now at university.
fault 59 n [C] /fɔːlt/ Fehler faute difetto, colpa It’s your fault that we’re late.
The actor Stephen Fry has the most followers on
follower 59 n [C] /ˈfɒləʊə/ Follower (Twitter) follower follower
homeless 59 adj /ˈhəʊmləs/ obdachlos sans domicile fixe senza casa The shelter provides meals for homeless people.
joke 59 n [C] /dʒəʊk/ Witz blague barzelletta Ed loves telling jokes.
lie 59 n [C] /laɪ/ Lüge mensonge bugia I always know when she’s telling lies.
minor 59 adj /ˈmaɪnə/ gering, kleiner mineur minore He escaped with only minor injuries.
part 59 n [C] /pɑːt/ Rolle (Theater) part parte Sara played the part of Cinderella.
prayer 59 n [C] /preə/ Gebet prière preghiera The children knelt down to say their prayers.
sorry 59 adj /ˈsɒri/ Entschuldigung pardon scusa She didn't even say sorry!
truth 59 n [U] /truːθ/ Wahrheit vérité verità He might be telling the truth.
a study to assess the impact of crime on people’s
assess 60 v [T] /əˈses/ bewerten évaluer valutare
bite 60 v [I, T] /baɪt/ beißen mordre mordere A shark can easily bite through a man’s leg.
brace 60 v [T] /breɪs/ abstützen s'arc-bouter puntellare Boris braced himself as the car hit the wall.
crash 60 v [I, T] /kræʃ/ abstürzen s'écraser The jet crashed shortly after take-off.
eseguire un
atterir en
crash-land 60 v [I, T] /ˌkræʃ ˈlænd/ bruchlanden atterraggio di The pilot managed to crash-land the aircraft safely.
crew 60 n [C] /kruː/ Besatzung équipage equipaggio The ship's crew were very helpful when I was seasick.
petit canot de scialuppa,
dinghy 60 n [C] /ˈdɪŋgi, ˈdɪŋi/ Beiboot a rubber dinghy | sailing dinghies
sauvetage baleniera
The emergency information tells you what to do if the
emergency 60 n [C] /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ Notfall urgence emergenza
plane crashes.
exit 60 n [C] /ˈegzɪt, ˈeksɪt/ Ausgang sortie uscita If there is a fire, use the emergency exit.
explosion 60 n [C] /ɪkˈspləʊʒən/ Explosion explosion esplosione The force of the explosion shook the building.

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bengala, razzo m
flare 60 n [C] /fleə/ Leuchtgeschoss fusée éclairante Every ship has flares to fire in an emergency.
di segnalazione
gasp 60 v [I] /gɑːsp/ keuchen haleter ansimare Ollie gasped with pain and fell to the ground.
head for 60 phr v /hed fɔː/ zufahren auf se diriger vers dirigersi verso a boat heading for the shore
hold on 60 phr v /həʊld ɒn/ sich festhalten an tenir fermement prendersi a She held on to the rope tightly.
impact 60 n [U] /ˈɪmpækt/ Aufprall, Stoß impact impatto The plane’s wing was damaged by the impact.
let go 60 phrase /let gəʊ/ loslassen lâcher mollare ‘Let go of me!’ Ben shouted.
bouée de There weren't enough life belts on the Titanic for all
life belt 60 n [C] /ˈlaɪf belt/ Rettungsring salvagente
sauvetage the passengers to have one.
numb 60 adj /nʌm/ taub (Gefühl) gourd My feet felt numb with cold.
I used my hands to paddle the surfboard where I
paddle 60 v [I, T] /ˈpædl/ paddeln pagayer andare in canoa
could catch a wave.
/ˈpæsɪndʒə, -sən- passager,
passenger 60 n [C] Passagier passeggero Rail passengers are facing even longer delays.
/ passagère
It is important to teach children about safety on the
safety 60 n [U] /ˈseɪfti/ Sicherheit sécurité sicurezza
scream 60 v [I] /skriːm/ crier gridare, strillare There was a bang and she screamed in terror.
(Such-) Police used searchlights to look for the missing child
searchlight 60 n [C] /ˈsɜːtʃlaɪt/ projecteur riflettore
Scheinwerfer last night.
The children were silent while the teacher was in the
silent 60 adj /ˈsaɪlənt/ still silencieux silenzioso
We will have to deal with very similar situations in the
situation 60 n [C] ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən/ Situation situation situazione
surfboard 60 n [C] /ˈsɜːfbɔːd/ Surfbrett surf tavola da surf He got on his surfboard and rode the waves.
survive 60 v [I, T] /səˈvaɪv/ überleben survivre sopravvivere a Only one person survived the crash.
The take-off was so smooth I didn't realise we were in
take-off 60 n [C, U] /ˈteɪkɒf/ Start (Flugzeug) décollage decollo
the air!
technique 60 n [C, U] /tekˈniːk/ Technik technique tecnica a new technique for dealing with air pollution
audience 61 n [C] /ˈɔːdiəns/ Publikum public, audience pubblico The audience were clapping and cheering.
Aviation is an industry that began in the twentieth
aviation 61 n [U] /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃən/ Luftfahrt aviation aviazione
The knife was an important piece of evidence in the
evidence 61 n [U] /ˈevɪdəns/ Beweis preuve prova
experience 61 n [C] /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ Erfahrung expérience esperienza I had a very strange experience last week.
ferry 61 n [C] /ˈferi/ Fähre ferry traghetto a car ferry
fortunately 61 adv /ˈfɔːtʃənətli/ glücklicherweise heureusement fortunatamente Fortunately, the weather was excellent.

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grab 61 v [T] /græb/ (zu-) packen saisir afferrare He grabbed my bag and ran.
gradually 61 adv /ˈgrædʒuəli/ allmählich peu à peu a poco a poco The truth is gradually emerging.
immediately 61 adv /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ sofort immédiatement immediatamente Sam immediately offered to help.
instructions 61 n /ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/ Anleitungen instructions istruzioni The equipment comes with detailed instructions.
knock 61 v [T] /nɒk/ stoßen heurter colpire Tim knocked the glass off the table onto the floor.
obviously 61 adv /ˈɒbviəsli/ offensichtlich évidemment evidentemente She obviously didn’t want to go.
The boat had a hole in its side and was sinking
sink 61 v [I, T] /sɪŋk/ sinken couler affondare
strict 61 adj /strɪkt/ streng strict, sévère rigido The doctor put me on a strict diet.
surprisingly 61 adv /səˈpraɪzɪŋli/ überraschend étonnamment The test was surprisingly easy.
thankfully 61 adv /ˈθæŋkfəli/ glücklicherweise heureusement fortunatamente Thankfully, they all got home safely.
body 62 n [C] /ˈbɒdi/ Leichnam corps cadavere The body of a girl has been found in the river.
He sank in the bog up to his knees before we could
bog 62 n [C, U] /bɒg/ Sumpf marécage palude
pull him out.
breakdown 62 n [C] /ˈbreɪkdaʊn/ Zusammenbruch nerveuse / Two years ago he had a nervous breakdown.
nto nervoso
character 62 n [C] /ˈkærəktə/ Figur (Film) personnage Julia Roberts played the main character.
classic 62 adj /ˈklæsɪk/ klassisch classique classico Lord of the Rings' is a classic fantasy story.
passare per,
consider 62 v [T] /kənˈsɪdə/ gelten als considérer Mrs. Gillan was considered an excellent teacher.
valere come
The doctor told him that the cure for bad nerves was
cure 62 n [C] /kjʊə/ Heilmittel remède rimedio, farmaco
plenty of exercise.
entertain 62 v [I, T] /ˌentəˈteɪn/ unterhalten divertir, amuser divertire They entertain people almost every weekend.
French windows 62 n [C] /ˌfrentʃ ˈwɪndəʊz/ Terrassentür porte-fenêtre porta di terrazza They went out of the French windows into the garden.

grief 62 n [U] /griːf/ Kummer chagrin afflizione He was overcome with grief after his wife's death.
wahnsinnig, She gradually went insane after her child was killed in
insane 62 adj /ɪnˈseɪn/ dément, fou insano
geisteskrank a car crash.
letter of /letə ɒv Empfehlungs- lettre de lettera di My uncle gave me letters of introduction to several
62 n [C]
introduction ɪntrəˈdʌkʃən/ schreiben recommandation raccomandazione businessmen he knew.
The film was really macabre and I was so scared I
macabre 62 adj /məˈkɑːbrə, -bə/ makaber macabre macabro
turned off the TV!
boshaft, The mischievous little boy liked to play jokes on his
mischievous 62 adj /ˈmɪstʃəvəs/ malicieux maligno, birichino
schelmisch friends.

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febbre della A lot of people suffer from nerves before going on
nerves 62 n /nɜːvz/ Lampenfieber nervosité
ribalta stage.
auf die Jagd
shooting 62 n [U] /ˈʃuːtɪŋ/ chasser, la chasse andare a caccia He liked to go shooting on sunny winter days.
storia breve,
short story 62 n [C] /ˌʃɔːt ˈstɔːri/ Kurzgeschichte nouvelle I find short stories are ideal for reading in bed.
die Zähne
snarl 62 v [I, T] /snɑːl/ grogner digrignare i denti The dog growled and snarled at me.
tragedy 62 n [C, U] /ˈtrædʒədi/ Tragödie tragédie tragedia The evening ended in tragedy.
witty 62 adj /ˈwɪti/ geistreich plein d'esprit spiritoso, arguto We all laughed at the speaker's witty remarks.
behaviour 63 n [C, U] /bɪˈheɪvjə/ Verhalten comportement comportamento I’m not very pleased with your behaviour.
horror 63 n [U] /ˈhɒrə/ Entsetzen horreur orrore, spavento She stared at him in horror.
speciality 63 n [C] /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ Spezialgebiet spécialité specialità His speciality is American literature.
luccicare, fare He flashed his torch towards the coast and a light
blink 129 v [I] /blɪŋk/ blinken clignoter
segnali ottici blinked back.
clear 129 adj /klɪə/ klar clair chiaro, sereno a clear sky
deck 129 n [C] /dek/ Deck pont coperta Let’s walk around the upper deck.
distant 129 adj /ˈdɪstənt/ fern, in der Ferne loin, éloigné distante the sound of distant laughter
I’ve had the good fortune to work with some brilliant
fortune 129 n [U] /ˈfɔːtʃən/ Glück chance, fortune fortuna
horizon 129 n /həˈraɪzən/ Horizont horizon orizzonte We could see a ship on the horizon.
rock 129 v [I, T] /rɒk/ schaukeln balancer ballare The boat rocked slowly.
roll 129 v [I, T] /rəʊl/ rollen rouler rotolare They rolled the barrel down the hill.
surface 129 n /ˈsɜːfɪs/ Oberfläche surface superficie The diver swam to the surface.
violently 129 adv /ˈvaɪələntli/ kräftig violemment forte Her heart was beating violently.
attack 131 n [C, U] /əˈtæk/ Angriff attaque attacco The attack by the dog left the child badly hurt.
firmly 131 adv /fɜːm/ fest fermement fisso He held the rope firmly while the others climbed up.

shark 131 n [C] /ʃɑːk/ Hai requin squalo The film 'Jaws' is about a shark that attacks people.
surfer, faire du
surf 131 n /sɜːf/ Surfen surfing He goes for a surf every morning.
visibility 131 n [U] /ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti/ Sichtbarkeit visibilité visibilità Dense fog led to poor visibility in many areas.
warning 131 n [C, U] /ˈwɔːnɪŋ/ Warnung avertissement The planes attacked without warning.
The surfer caught a huge wave and rode it to the
wave 131 n [C] /weɪv/ Welle vague onda

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threaten 147 v [T] /ˈθretn/ drohen menacer minacciare She’s always threatening to leave me.
beat 149 v [I] /biːt/ schlagen battre battere Her heart was beating violently.
carefully 149 adv /ˈkeəfəli/ aufmerksam attentivement attento Please listen carefully.
They all checked their parachutes before jumping
parachute 149 n [C] /ˈpærəʃuːt/ Fallschirm parachute paracadute
from the plane.
There was a tap on my door and she asked if I was
tap 149 n [C] /tæp/ Klopfen tape bussare
messagerie segreteria When I got home I checked my voicemail for
voicemail 171 n [U] /ˈvɔɪsˌmeɪl/ Anrufbeantworter
vocale telefonica messages.
/ˈæbsəluːtli, absolut,
absolutely 172 adv absolument assolutamente This is absolutely delicious!
ˌæbsəˈluːtli/ vollkommen
bank 172 n [C] /bæŋk/ Ufer rive riva the banks of the River Thames
change the /tʃeɪndʒ ðə das Thema cambiare il
172 v changer de sujet Don’t change the subject!
subject ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ wechseln soggetto
direction 172 n [C] /dəˈrekʃən, daɪ-/ Richtung direction direzione Jill pointed in my direction.
fear 172 n [C, U] /fɪə/ Angst peur paura His voice was full of fear.
horrible 172 adj /ˈhɒrəbəl/ schrecklich horrible orribile, terribile That meal was really horrible!
pack 172 n [C] /pæk/ Rudel meute branco a pack of dogs
People ran into the streets in a panic after the
panic 172 n [C, U] /ˈpænɪk/ Panik panique, terreur panico
shiver 172 v [I] /ˈʃɪvə/ zittern trembler tremare He shivered in the cold night air.
guardare fisso,
stare 172 v [I] /steə/ starren, anstarren regarder fixement She stared at me in horror.
As he walked home in the twilight, he heard an owl
twilight 172 n [U] /ˈtwaɪlaɪt/ Dämmerung crépuscule crepuscolo
furieusement, He looked around wildly and then ran out without
wildly 172 adv /ˈwaɪldli/ wild come un
sauvagement saying a word.
Unit 7
televisione via
cable 66 n [U] /ˈkeɪbəl/ Kabelfernsehen câble I’ll wait for the movie to come out on cable.
cookery 66 n [U] /ˈkʊkəri/ Kochen cuisine cucinare She loved watching cookery programmes on the TV.

documentary 66 n [C] /ˌdɒkjəˈmentəri/ Dokumentarfilm documentaire documentario They are making a documentary about volcanoes.
drama 66 n [C, U] /ˈdrɑːmə/ Fernsehfilm drame telefilm a new TV drama
previsioni (del
forecast 66 n [C] /ˈfɔːkɑːst/ Vorhersage prévision, météo the weather forecast
game show 66 n [C] /ˈgeɪm ʃəʊ/ Spieleshow jeu télé gioco a premi The Weakest Link' is a very popular game show.
murder 66 n [C, U] /ˈmɜːdə/ Mord meurtre omicidio This murder has never been solved.

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nature 66 n [U] /ˈneɪtʃə/ Natur nature natura The BBC produces fantastic nature programmes.
notiziario, news,
news 66 n [U] /njuːz/ Nachrichten nouvelles Here’s the travel news from Jane Murray.
programma a cui
Radiosendung mit
émission ligne radioascoltatori I listened to the phone-in about crime as I drove
phone-in 66 n [C] /ˈfəʊn ɪn/ Hörerbeteiligung
ouverte partecipano home.
per Telefon
If I miss an episode of my favourite programme, I
podcast 66 n [C] /ˈpɒdkɑːst/ Podcast podcast podcast
download the podcast.
programme 66 n [C] /ˈprəʊgræm/ Sendung émission trasmissione My father always watches the sports programmes.
quiz 66 n [C] /kwɪz/ Rätsel, Rate- quiz a quiz show
Satelliten- televisione via
satellite TV 66 n [C] /ˈsætəlaɪt tiː ˌviː/ TV par satellite There are more programmes to watch on satellite TV.
fernsehen satellite
series 66 n [C] /ˈsɪəriːz/ Serie série serie a new drama series
show 66 n [C] /ʃəʊ/ Show, Sendung émission show a chat show | a comedy show | a talent show
I like that sitcom but my brother doesn't think it's
sitcom 66 n [C, U] /ˈsɪtkɒm/ Sitcom sitcom sitcom
soap opera 66 n [C] /ˈsəʊp ˌɒpərə/ Seifenoper soap soap opera I don’t watch any of the soap operas.
amazed 67 adj /əˈmeɪzd/ erstaunt étonné sorpreso I’m amazed that you remember him.
annoyed 67 adj /əˈnɔɪd/ verärgert fâché arrabbiato My sister’s annoyed that we didn’t call.
annoying 67 adj /əˈnɔɪ-ɪŋ/ ärgerlich ennuyeux fa rabbia che It’s annoying that we didn’t know about this before.
These instructions are confusing – I don't understand
confusing 67 adj /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ verwirrend confus, déroutant conturbante
them at all.
déçu, The children were disappointed that we couldn't afford
disappointed 67 adj /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ enttäuscht deluso
désappointé a holiday this year.
It's disappointing that the parade was cancelled
disappointing 67 adj /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ enttäuschend décevant deludente
because of the weather.
embarrassed 67 adj /ɪmˈbærəst/ gêné vergognoso, I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.
beschämend, It was very embarrassing being called up onto the
embarrassing 67 adj /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ gênant umiliante
peinlich stage.
frustrated 67 adj /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/ frustriert frustré frustrato I get really frustrated with my computer sometimes.
frustrating 67 adj /frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ/ frustrierend frustrant frustrante It’s frustrating when nobody listens.
inspired 67 adj /ɪnˈspaɪəd/ genial, inspiriert inspiré geniale, ispirato It was an inspired choice.

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He became a writer because his English teacher was
inspiring 67 adj /ɪnˈspaɪrɪŋ/ inspirierend inspirant che ispira
so inspiring.
pleasing 67 adj /ˈpliːzɪŋ/ angenehm plaisant piacevole a pleasing view
scary 67 adj /ˈskeəri/ effrayant spaventoso a scary movie
erschrocken, scandalizzato,
shocked 67 adj /ʃɒkt/ choqué We were shocked when we saw the bill.
schockiert spaventato
choquant, scioccante,
shocking 67 adj /ˈʃɒkɪŋ/ erschreckend a shocking waste of money
scandaleux scandaloso
von großer Angst avere molta
terrified 67 adj /ˈterɪfaɪd/ terrifié I'm absolutely terrified of spiders.
erfüllt paura di
He is currently appearing in 'Blood Brothers' at the
appear 68 v [I] /əˈpɪə/ erscheinen apparaître apparire
Lyric Theatre.
The past decade has brought great changes in the
decade 68 n [C] /ˈdekeɪd, deˈkeɪd/ Jahrzehnt décennie decennio
way we watch TV.
dirigere (una
direct 68 v [I, T] Regie führen réaliser pellicola), essere He's directed some very popular films.
film 68 n [C] /fɪlm/ Film film pellicola, film She's currently making a film in the UK.
film 68 v [I, T] /fɪlm/ drehen, filmen tourner girare un film The movie was filmed in China.
connaître sous le
know as 68 adj /nəʊn æz/ kennen als conosciuto come His first name is Charles, but he's known as Chuck.
nom de
movie 68 n [C] /ˈmuːvi/ (Kino-) Film film Do you want to see a movie tonight?

action 69 n [C] /ˈækʃən/ Handlung action azione You cannot be responsible for other people's actions.
budget 69 n [C] /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ Budget budget budget We have a budget of £100 a week for food.
compose 69 v [T] /kəmˈpəʊz/ komponieren composer comporre Nyman composed the music for the film ‘The Piano’.
hold 69 v [T] /həʊld/ innehaben détenir detenere, avere Who holds the world record?
publish 69 v [I, T] /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ veröffentlichen publier pubblicare The book was published in 1968.
rilasciare, fare
release 69 v [T] /rɪˈliːs/ in die Kinos sortir The film is released in May.
remove 69 v [T] /rɪˈmuːv/ entfernen enlever, retirer Dictionaries must not be removed from the library.
review 69 n [C] /rɪˈvjuː/ Kritk critique critica The band’s new CD has had very good reviews.
sequel 69 n [C] /ˈsiːkwəl/ suite sequela the sequel to ‘Silence of the Lambs’
shoot 69 v [I, T] /ʃuːt/ drehen, filmen tourner girare (un film) The movie was shot in Rome.

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Inserent, Advertisers want to have their adverts shown before
advertiser 70 n [C] /ˈædvətaɪzər/ publicitaire inserzionista
Werbetreibender popular TV shows.

apology 70 n [C] /əˈpɒlədʒi/ Entschuldigung excuses scusa We got no apology or explanation from the school.
applaud 70 v [I, T] /əˈplɔːd/ Beifall klatschen applaudir applaudire The audience applauded.
broadcast 70 n [C] /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ Sendung émission trasmissione a news broadcast
The news broadcast captured people's reactions to
capture 70 v [T] /ˈkæptʃə/ auf sich ziehen capter attirare
this terrifying event.
channel 70 n [C] /ˈtʃænl/ Programm chaîne What’s on Channel 4?
comedy 70 n [C] /ˈkɒmədi/ Komödie comédie commedia All my favourite films are romantic comedies.
compensation 70 n [U] /ˌkɒmpənˈseɪʃən/ Kompensation dédommagement compensazione Farmers are demanding compensation for their losses.
consecutive 70 adj /kənˈsekjətɪv/ consécutif consecutivo It rained for three consecutive days.
crazy 70 adj /ˈkreɪzi/ verrückt fou pazzo It’s an absolutely crazy idea.
rallegrare, far
delighted 70 adj /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ erfreut ravi I'm delighted she agreed to come.
piacere a
develop 70 v [T] /dɪˈveləp/ entwickeln développer sviluppare Scientists are developing new drugs to fight AIDS.
DJ 70 n [C] /ˌdiː ˈdʒeɪ/ DJ DJ DJ He's a DJ at that club in the city centre.
/ɪnˈgeɪdʒmənt bague de anello di Her engagement ring has diamonds and sapphires in
engagement ring 70 n [C] Verlobungsring
rɪŋ/ fiançailles fidanzamento it.
feature 70 n [C] /ˈfiːtʃə/ Film long métrage film The main feature this week is 'Avatar'.
furious 70 adj /ˈfjʊəriəs/ wütend, zornig furieux She was furious with me.
graphic 70 n [C] /ˈgræfɪk/ Grafik graphisme grafico Computer graphics are often very realistic.
My sister won't watch horror films because they're so
horror film 70 n [C] /ˈhɒrə fɪlm/ Horrorfilm film d'horreur film dell'orrore
mad 70 adj /mæd/ verrückt fou matto a mad idea
observe 70 v [T] /əbˈzɜːv/ beobachten observer,étudier osservare psychologists observing child behaviour
pirate 70 n [C] /ˈpaɪərət/ Pirat pirate pirato video pirates
reaction 70 n [C, U] /riˈækʃən/ Reaktion réaction reazione What was his reaction to the question?
record 70 v [I, T] /rɪˈkɔːd/ aufzeichnen enregistrer registrare The interview will be recorded.
If you’re not completely satisfied, we’ll give you a
refund 70 n [C] /ˈriːfʌnd/ Rückerstattung remboursement rimborso
Only the people working on the film are allowed onto
set 70 n [C] /set/ Set plateau set
the set.

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studio 70 n [C] /ˈstjuːdiəʊ/ Studio studio studio He went into the studio to begin his radio show.
sue 70 v [I, T] /sjuː/ verklagen poursuivre querelare per She plans to sue the company for $1 million.
Trailer, I wasn't impressed by the trailer, so I won't go to see
trailer 70 n [C] /ˈtreɪlə/ bande-annonce trailer
Filmvorschau the film.
The series is watched by millions of viewers each
viewer 70 n [C] /ˈvjuːə/ Zuschauer téléspectateur spettatore
astonished 71 adj /əˈstɒnɪʃt/ überrascht étonné sorpreso He was astonished that she actually agreed.
boiling 71 adj /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ kochend bouillant bollente It's boiling hot in here.
criticism 71 n [C, U] /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ Kritik critique critica I don’t think his criticisms of the project are justified.
freezing 71 adj /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ eiskalt gelé It's freezing in here!
hilarious 71 adj /hɪˈleəriəs/ komisch hilarant buffo a hilarious comedy act
illegal 71 adj /ɪˈliːgəl/ illegal illégal illegale It's illegal to make copies of a film and sell them.
demander qqn en fare una proposta
propose 71 v [I] /prəˈpəʊz/ Heiratsantrag Tom proposed to me.
mariage di matrimonio
season 71 n [C] /ˈsiːzən/ Saison saison stagione The football season starts in August.
We are sorry for the interruption to the transmission
transmission 71 n [C, U] /trænzˈmɪʃən/ Übertragung émission trasmissione
of this programme.
acting 72 n [U] /ˈæktɪŋ/ Schauspielkunst jeu arte drammatica The acting in that show was terrible.
ballet 72 n [C, U] /ˈbæleɪ/ Ballett ballet balletto We went to see a ballet in London.
(lavoro di )
camerawork 72 n [U] /ˈkæmərə wɜːk/ Kamera (-arbeit) prise de vue The camerawork in this film is amazing.
cast 72 n [C] /kɑːst/ acteurs cast The whole cast was wonderful.
costume 72 n [C, U] /ˈkɒstjʊm/ Kostüm costume costume She designed the costumes for ‘Hamlet’.
dancing 72 n [U] /dɑːnsɪŋ/ Tanzen danse ballare The dancing was of a very high standard.
entertainment 72 n [C, U] /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ Unterhaltung divertissement divertimento The hotel offers live entertainment.
lighting 72 n [U] /ˈlaɪtɪŋ/ Beleuchtung éclairage illuminazione The lighting of the set was very atmospheric.
musical 72 n [C] /ˈmjuːzɪkəl/ Musical comédie musicale musical I love Broadway musicals from the 1950s.
opera 72 n [C, U] /ˈɒpərə/ Oper opéra opera an opera singer
orchestra 72 n [C] /ˈɔːkəstrə/ Orchester orchestre orchestra He plays with the London Symphony Orchestra.
performance 72 n [C] /pəˈfɔːməns/ Aufführung représentation rappresentazione a live performance by a local band

play 72 n [C] /pleɪ/ Theaterstück pièce opera per il teatro We went to see a new play by Tom Stoppard.
plot 72 n [C] /plɒt/ Plot intrigue plot, trama I didn’t really understand the plot.
pop video 72 n [C] /pɒp ˈvɪdiəʊ/ Pop-Video clip vidéo pop video He watched pop videos on MTV all evening.

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He bumped into part of the scenery, which fell onto
scenery 72 n [U] /ˈsiːnəri/ Kulissen décor retroscena
the stage.
singing 72 n [U] /sɪŋɪŋ/ Gesang, Singen chant canto The beautiful singing moved him to tears.
special effects 72 n /ˌspeʃəl ɪˈfekts/ Spezialeffekte effets spéciaux effetti speciali The special effects were amazing!
in einer avoir pour presentare nella
star 73 v [I, T] /stɑː/ The film starred Hugh Grant as Will.
Hauptrolle zeigen vedette parte principale
talk 73 n [C] /tɔːk/ Vortrag exposé Professor Mason gave a talk on the Civil War.
catchy 74 adj /ˈkætʃi/ einprägsam facilmente The song was so catchy I couldn't stop singing it.
in den Mittelpunkt
centre on 74 phr v /sentə ɒn/ tourner autour de incentrare The film centres on his early life.
episch, epico,
epic 74 adj /ˈepɪk/ épique an epic journey
monumental monumentale
evil 74 adj /ˈiːvəl/ böse, schlecht mauvais cattivo, brutto his evil deeds | an evil dictator
follow 74 v [I, T] /ˈfɒləʊ/ befolgen, folgen suivre seguire This recipe is quite hard to follow.
begeistert von, preso di,
hooked 74 adj /hʊkt/ accro The children are hooked on 'The Simpsons'.
süchtig nach assuefatto
imaginary 74 adj /ɪˈmædʒənəri/ imaginaire immaginario Hobbits are imaginary creatures.
etwas, das man
qc importante da
must-see 74 adj /məst siː/ gesehen haben à ne pas rater Avatar' is the must-see movie of the year.
novel 74 n [C] /ˈnɒvəl/ Roman roman romanzo I'm reading the latest novel by Dan Brown.
The success of the show was a personal triumph for
triumph 74 n [C] /ˈtraɪəmf/ Triumph triomphe trionfo
the director.
curare i bambini,
das/die Kind/er garder des I babysit for my neighbours if they want to go out in
babysit 128 v /ˈbeɪbi sɪt/ fare da baby-
hüten enfants the evenings.
He made some excuse about a dentist’s appointment
excuse 128 n [C] /ɪkˈskjuːz/ Entschuldigung excuse scusa
and left.
lernen, apprendere,
revise 128 v [I] /rɪˈvaɪz/ réviser She’s revising for her history exam.
wiederholen ripetere
depressed 150 adj /dɪˈprest/ deprimiert déprimé She felt lonely and depressed.
irritated 150 adj /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪd/ gereizt furieux He was getting irritated.

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irritating 150 adj /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/ ärgerlich, lästig énervant an irritating habit
move 150 v [T] /ˈmuːv/ bewegen, rühren émouvoir toccare The story moved us to tears.
moving 150 adj /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ bewegend émouvant toccante a deeply moving experience
surprised 150 adj /səˈpraɪzd/ überrascht étonné sorpreso Jane looked surprised.
surprising 150 adj /səˈpraɪzɪŋ/ überraschend étonnant sorprendente A surprising number of people came.
aviator 151 n [C] /ˌeɪviˈeɪtə/ Pilot pilote pilota Amelia Earhart was one of the first women aviators.
introduce 151 v [T] /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ einführen introduire introdurre The store has introduced a new range of food.
permission 151 n [U] /pəˈmɪʃən/ Erlaubnis permission permesso Did your father give you permission to use his car?
solo 151 adj /ˈsəʊləʊ/ allein seul solo his first solo flight
photography 152 n [U] /fəˈtɒgrəfi/ Fotografie photographie fotografia His photography has won him awards.
play 152 v [T] /pleɪ/ spielen jouer interpretare Josie Lawrence plays the part of Lottie.
ridiculous 152 adj /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ lächerlich ridicule ridicolo That’s a ridiculous idea!
role 152 n [C] /rəʊl/ Rolle rôle parte Brendan will play the role of Romeo.
sehr lieben,
adore 172 v [T] /əˈdɔː/ adorer adorare She adores chocolate.
brilliant 172 adj /ˈbrɪljənt/ herrlich génial meraviglioso ‘How was your holiday?’ ‘It was brilliant!’
distribuer les
cast 172 v [T] /kɑːst/ besetzen (Rollen) assegnare Who was responsible for casting this film?
condotta della
cinematography 172 n [U] /ˌsɪnəməˈtɒgrəfi/ Kameraführung cinématographie macchina da The cinematography is superb.
rendere giustizia
do justice 172 phrase /duː dʒʌstɪs/ gerecht werden rendre justice à This photograph doesn’t do you justice.
episode 172 n [C] /ˈepəsəʊd/ Folge (Filmserie) épisode episodio He watches every episode of ‘Friends’.
image 172 n [C] /ˈɪmɪdʒ/ Image, Ansehen réputation immagine the public image of the police
He is known for the peak-time television programmes
peak-time 172 adj /piːk taɪm/ Spitzenzeit heure de pointe ore di punta
he produces.
read 172 n /riːd/ Lektüre lecture lettura I thought his last book was a really good read.
sibling 172 n [C] /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ Geschwister frère / soeur fratelli e sorelle Do you have any siblings?
trilogy 172 n [C] /ˈtrɪlədʒi/ Trilogie trilogie trilogia The Lord of the Rings' is a trilogy.
typical 172 adj /ˈtɪpɪkəl/ typisch typique tipico a typical American family
Unit 8
activity 76 n [C] /ækˈtɪvəti/ Aktivität activité attività He has a wide range of social activities.
alone 76 adj, adv /əˈləʊn/ allein seul solo He likes to be alone at weekends.
bar 76 n [C] /bɑː/ Bar bar bar We went to a number of bars that night.

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club 76 n [C] /klʌb/ Club club club Shall we go to a club?
ausgehen, in uscire, andare nei
clubbing 76 n [U] /ˈklʌbɪŋ/ aller en boîte She goes clubbing most weekends.
Clubs gehen club
dance floor 76 n [C] /dɑːns flɔː/ Tanzfläche piste de danse pista da ballo We spent all night on the dance floor.
They hang out by driving around the fashionable part
drive around 76 phr v /draɪv əˈraʊnd/ herumfahren (se) balader girare
of town.
go out for 76 phr v /gəʊ aʊt fɔː/ ausgehen zu... sortir pour uscire a We went out for lunch.
nehmen, zu sich
grab 76 v [T] /græb/ nehmen, prendre, manger prendere Let’s grab some lunch.
gehen (in eine
head 76 v [I] /hed/ se diriger vers dirigersi verso We headed down to the shopping mall.
best. Richtung)
einfallen in, The girls hit the shops and came back with lots of new
hit 76 v [T] /hɪt/ envahir invadere in
stürmen clothes.
karaoke 76 n [U] /ˌkæriˈəʊki/ Karaoke karaoke karaoke She loves karaoke but she has a terrible voice!
outrageous 76 adj /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/ ungeheuerlich exorbitant the outrageous cost of school uniforms
party 76 n [C] /ˈpɑːti/ Party fête party Are you going to Amy’s birthday party?
private 76 adj /ˈpraɪvət/ privat privé privato A sign said ‘Private property. Keep out.’
snack 76 n [C] /snæk/ Imbiss snack spuntino The cafe serves drinks, snacks and meals.
stay out 76 phr v /steɪ aʊt/ abends ausgehen sortir tard uscire alla sera She stayed out till midnight.
unbelievable 76 adj /ˌʌnbəˈliːvəbəl/ unglaublich incroyable incredibile The noise was unbelievable.
ban 77 v [T] /bæn/ verbieten interdit proibire Smoking is banned inside the building.
disco 77 n [C] /ˈdɪskəʊ/ Disco disco discoteca There's a disco at school at the end of term.
fashionable 77 adj schick à la mode chic It was fashionable to be thin.
fly 77 v [I] /flaɪ/ fliegen, flüchten filer volare, fuggire Timmy flew down the stairs and out of the door.
foe 77 n [C] /fəʊ/ Feind ennemi nemico a deadly foe
folk, gente,
folk 77 adj /fəʊk/ Volks- / Folk folk an Irish folk song
fun 77 n [U] /fʌn/ Spaß fun divertimento Did you have fun with your friends?
girlfriend 77 n [C] /ˈgɜːlfrend/ Freundin petite amie ragazza Do you have a girlfriend?
inhabitant 77 n [C] /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ Bewohner habitant abitante Most of the inhabitants are elderly.
isle 77 n [C] /aɪl/ Insel île isola The isle of Skye is famous for its mountains.
We’re running about like crazy to get this finished on
like crazy 77 phrase /laɪk kreɪzi/ wie verrückt comme un fou come pazzo
/ˈmeɪnlənd, - There's a regular ferry service between the mainland
mainland 77 n Festland continent continente
lænd/ and the islands.
order 77 v [I, T] /ˈɔːdə/ bestellen commander ordinare He sat down and ordered a beer.

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pub 77 n [C] /pʌb/ Kneipe, Pub pub osteria, bar, pub Are you going to the pub?
surround 77 v /səˈraʊnd/ umgeben entourer circondare He surrounds himself with exquisite objects.
unwind 77 v [I] /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ sich entspannen se détendre rilassarsi Swimming helps me to unwind.
auf etwas aus
up to (sth) 77 phrase /ʌp tə/ mijoter qc mirare a qc I think Nick’s up to something
battery 78 n [C] /ˈbætəri/ Batterie pile batteria It needs a new battery.
bill 78 n [C] /bɪl/ Rechnung facture conto Here is your bill, sir.
dry cleaner 78 n [C] /draɪ ˈkliːnə/ pressing lavaggio a secco I take my suits to the dry cleaner's near the station.
flat 78 adj /flæt/ leer à plat, vide vuoto The batteries have gone flat.
get past 78 prep, adv /get pɑːst/ vorbeikommen passer passare Is there enough space for you to get past me?
etwas dagegen avere qc in
mind 78 v [I, T] /maɪnd/ déranger qn Do you think she’d mind if we didn’t come?
haben contrario
pass 78 v [T] /pɑːs/ reichen, geben passer passsare, dare Could you pass me the salt, please?
request 78 n [C, U] /rɪˈkwest/ Anfrage demande richiesta We’ve made a request for new equipment.
big wheel 79 n [C] /bɪg wiːl/ Riesenrad grande roue ruota panoramica You can see for miles from the top of the big wheel.

go round 79 phr v /gəʊ raʊnd/ hinübergehen zu passer chez passare di là She's gone round to her mother's house.
have 79 v [T] /hæv/ zu sich nehmen prendre, boire prendere, bere Let’s go and have a beer.
einen Blick dare uno sguardo
have a look 79 n [C] /hæv ə lʊk/ regarder Let me have a look at that map again.
werfen auf a
reason 79 n [C] /ˈriːzən/ Grund raison causa, ragione He wouldn’t give the reasons for his decision.
otto volante, The people on the roller coaster screamed as it went
roller coaster 79 n [C] /ˈrəʊlə ˌkəʊstə/ Achterbahn montagnes russes
montagne russe down into the water.
turn down 79 phr v /tɜːn daʊn/ leiser machen baisser abbassare Can you turn the radio down? I’m trying to work.
turn off 79 phr v /tɜːn ɒf/ ausschalten éteindre spegnere She turned off the computer and went to bed.
turn on 79 phr v /tɜːn ɒn/ einschalten mettre en marche accendere She turned on the radio.
augmenter le
turn up 79 phr v /tɜːn ʌp/ lauter stellen alzare Can you turn the radio up? I can't hear it properly.
accept 80 v [I, T] /əkˈsept/ annehmen accepter accettare They offered me the job and I accepted.
You'd better put out some ashtrays for the smokers to
ashtray 80 n [C] /ˈæʃtreɪ/ Aschenbecher cendrier portacenere
date 80 n [C] /deɪt/ Verabredung rendez-vous appuntamento Mike and Gill are going out on a date tonight.
Three generations of the Lambe family have lived
generation 80 n [C] /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃen/ Generation génération generazione

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guest 80 n [C] /gest/ Gast invité ospite How many guests are coming to your party?
prendre dans ses
hug 80 v [I, T] /hʌg/ umarmen abbracciare She ran to him and they hugged each other.
insist 80 v [I, T] /ɪnˈsɪst/ bestehen auf insister insistere in He insisted on paying the bill.
invitation 80 n [C] /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃən/ Einladung invitation invitazione He accepted an invitation to speak at the conference.
invite 80 v [T] /ɪnˈvaɪt/ einladen inviter invitare I was invited to their wedding.
s'embrasser, faire
kiss 80 v [I, T] /kɪs/ küssen baciare She kissed me on the cheek.
une bise
manners 80 n /ˈmænəz/ Manieren manières maniere Her children all had good manners.
offer 80 v [I, T] /ˈɒfə/ anbieten offrir offrire She offered to drive me to the station.
andare a
pick [sb] up 80 phr v /pɪk ʌp/ abholen aller chercher What time should we pick you up at the airport?
refuse 80 v [I, T] /rɪˈfjuːz/ ablehnen refuser rifutare Jenny decided to refuse the invitation.
sich die Hand
shake hands 80 phrase /ʃeɪk hændz/ serrer la main darsi la mano They shook hands when they met.
share 80 v [T] /ʃeə/ teilen partager dividere We shared the cake between us.
switch off 80 phr v /swɪtʃ ɒf/ ausschalten éteindre spegnere My mobile phone was switched off.
dare un
take 80 v [T] /teɪk/ bringen accompagner He took her home after the concert.
vibrate 80 v [I, T] /vaɪˈbreɪt/ vibrieren vibrer vibrare My mobile phone vibrates when someone calls me.
blow your nose 81 phrase /bləʊ jə nəʊz/ sich schnäuzen se moucher soffiarsi il naso He blew his nose on a paper tissue.
/ˌdʒenərəlaɪˈzeɪʃə Verallge-
generalisation 81 n [C] généralisation generalizzazione Don’t make sweeping generalisations.
n/ meinerung
in generale,
generally 81 adv /ˈdʒenərəli/ im Allgemeinen en général Generally speaking, cars are cheaper in Europe.
host 81 n [C] /həʊst/ Gastgeber hôte ospite Our host greeted us at the door.
important 81 adj /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ wichtig important importante It is important to write clearly.
The airline suggests booking tickets 21 days in
in advance 81 phrase /ɪn ədˈvɑːns/ im Voraus à l'avance in anticipo
He moved to one side when he saw that he was in her
in the way 81 phrase /ɪn ðə weɪ/ im Weg dans le chemin essere d'impiccio
passer avant son There were angry shouts as a woman tried to jump
jump the queue 81 phrase /dʒʌmp ðə kjuː/ sich vordrängeln farsi avanti
tour the queue.
normal 81 adj /ˈnɔːməl/ normal normal normale It is normal to feel nervous before an operation.
verletzen, Anna was deeply offended by such a personal
offend 81 v [T] /əˈfend/ heurter ferire, offendere
beleidigen question.
OK 81 adj /ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ/ OK OK ok, andare bene It's OK to ask Lisa to the party.

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perfectly 81 adv /ˈpɜːfɪktli/ vollkommen parfaitement completamente The sale was perfectly legal.
queue 81 v [I] /kjuː/ Schlange stehen faire la queue fare la coda We had to queue for over an hour to get tickets.
respect 81 n [U] /rɪˈspekt/ Respekt respect rispetto He ought to treat his parents with more respect.
abwechselnd etw. faire qc à tour de
take turns 81 n [C] /teɪk tɜːns/ fare a turno We took it in turns to do the driving.
tun rôle
tend to 81 v /tend tə, tʊ/ neigen zu avoir tendance à tendere a My car tends to overheat.
treat 81 v [T] /triːt/ behandeln traiter trattare Children must treat teachers with respect.
unacceptable 81 adj /ˌʌnəkˈseptəbəl/ unannehmnbar inacceptable inaccettabile It is unacceptable to ask someone how old they are.
unusual 81 adj /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl, -ʒəl/ ungewöhnlich extraordinaire insolito It’s unusual to have snow in April.
It's usual to take a bottle of wine when you go to a
usual 81 adj /ˈjuːʒuəl, ˈjuːʒəl/ gewöhnlich ordinaire, normal solito, usuale
Benimmregeln, What's the etiquette for dealing with texts when
etiquette 82 n [U] /ˈetɪket/ convenances etichetta
Regel you're eating with friends?
Foreigners may find some English customs rather
foreigner 82 n [C] /ˈfɒrənə/ Ausländer étranger straniero
/ˈdefɪnətli, in ogni caso,
definitely 83 adv unbedingt assurément You should definitely visit the museum here.
ˈdefənətli/ assolutamente
break 127 v [T] /breɪk/ brechen (se) casser She fell off her bike and broke her leg.
Teachers complain that they do not get enough
complain 127 v [I, T] /kəmˈpleɪn/ (sich) beklagen se plaindre lamentarsi
support from parents.
carte de voeux de
Karte mit guten My colleagues sent me a get-well card when I broke
get-well card 127 n [C] /get wel kɑːd/ bon biglietto d'auguri
Wünschen my arm.
lend 127 v [T] /lend/ leihen prêter prestare Could you lend me £10?
stuck 127 adj /stʌk/ coincé essere incastrato Can you help me with my homework? I’m stuck.
I'm in a hurry to finish this work and now my
frozen 153 adj /ˈfrəʊzən/ eingefroren gelé surgelato
computer's frozen!
verificare, I'll check on the website that this information is still
check 154 v [I, T] /tʃek/ prüfen vérifier
controllare correct.
ingredient 154 n [C] /ɪnˈgriːdiənt/ Zutat ingrédient ingredientw Mix the ingredients together in a bowl.
im Auto emmener en dare un
lift 155 n [C] /lɪft/ Could anybody give Sue a lift home?
mitnehmen voiture passaggio
crumpled 172 adj /ˈkrʌmpəld/ froissé spiegazzato crumpled sheets
jewellery 172 n [U] /ˈdʒuːəlri/ Schmuck bijoux gioielli All her jewellery was stolen.
punctual 172 adj /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ pünktlich ponctuel puntuale Ted’s always very punctual.

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resolution 172 n [C] /ˌrezəˈluːʃən/ Entschluss résolution decisione I made a New Year’s resolution to stop smoking.
walk out 172 phr v /wɔːk aʊt/ hinausgehen partir uscire He was so cross that he walked out without a word.

Unit 9
Good public transport is just one of the advantages of
advantage 86 n [C, U] /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ Vorteil avantage vantaggio
living in a big city.
disadvantage 86 n [C, U] /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ Nachteil désavantage svantaggio the disadvantages of living in a city
electrical 86 adj /ɪˈlektrɪkəl/ elektrisch électrique elettrico an electrical appliance
furniture 86 n [U] /ˈfɜːnɪtʆə/ Möbel, Mobiliar meubles, mobilier The furniture was expensive.
gadget 86 n [C] /ˈgædʒɪt/ Gerät gadget apparecchio a gadget for sharpening knives
goods 86 n /gʊdz/ Waren articles merce Second-hand electrical goods can be dangerous.
harmless 86 adj /ˈhɑːmləs/ harmlos inoffensif, anodin a bit of harmless fun
naturally 86 adv /ˈnætʃərəli/ natürlich de nature naturalmente a naturally gifted soccer player
physisch, She is influenced more by her feelings than her
physical 86 adj /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ physique fisico
körperlich physical environment.
possession 86 n [C] /pəˈzeʃən/ Eigentum possession proprietà Prisoners were not allowed any personal possessions.

present 86 n [C] /ˈprezənt/ Geschenk cadeau regalo He was given the computer as a birthday present.
purchase 86 n [C, U] /ˈpɜːtʃɪs/ Einkauf, Kauf achat spesa Every time you make a purchase, you pay tax.
solvere There are no quick-fix solutions to the problem of
quick-fix 86 adj /kwɪk fɪks/ rasch zu lösen tout fait
rapidamente poverty.
A reward is being offered for information about the
reward 86 n [C, U] /rɪˈwɔːd/ Belohnung récompense ricompensa
seek 86 v [T] /siːk/ suchen chercher cercare He is seeking a well-paid job.
shameless 86 adj /ˈʃeɪmləs/ unverschämt effronté a shameless deception
avere oniomania, She's a real shopaholic – she just can't stop buying
shopaholic 86 n [C] /ˌʃɒpəˈhɒlɪk/ Kaufsüchtige/r accro du shopping
shopaholic new shoes!
similar 86 adj /ˈsɪmələ, ˈsɪmɪlə/ gleich similaire simile Your shoes are similar to mine.
solution 86 n [C] /səˈluːʃən/ Lösung solution soluzione It was the ideal solution.
wenig Zeit qui a peu de avendo poco Time-poor parents give their children money instead
time-poor 86 adj /taɪm pɔː/
habend temps tempo of attention.
essere schiavo di
addicted 87 adj /əˈdɪktɪd/ süchtig accro à My kids are addicted to surfing the Net.
qc, avido
album 87 n [C] /ˈælbəm/ Album album album Their latest album will be released next week.

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He put his backpack on his back and set off for a long
backpack 87 n [C] /ˈbækpæk/ Rucksack sac à dos zaino
bill 87 n [C] /bɪl/ Rechnung facture conto Have you paid the phone bill?
verantwortlich rendre
blame 87 v [T] /bleɪm/ responsibile di I’m sure he was to blame for the fire.
machen für responsable
blog 87 n [C] /blɒg/ Blog blog blog She writes about fashion on her blog.
She went into every designer boutique in Oxford
boutique 87 n [C] buːˈtiːk/ Boutique boutique boutique
by rights 87 n [P] /baɪ raɪts/ von Rechts wegen de droits di diritto By rights, the house should be mine now.
cashmere 87 n [U] /ˈkæʃmɪə/ Kaschmir cachemire cachemire Her sweater is made of cashmere.
cause 87 v [T] /kɔːz/ causer causare Their divorce had caused her to feel very bitter.
childless 87 adj /ˈtʃaɪldləs/ kinderlos sans enfants senza figli a childless couple
collection 87 n [C] /kəˈlekʃən/ Sammlung collection collezione a huge collection of CDs
Supermarkets say they offer consumers a wider
consumer 87 n [C] /kənˈsjuːmə/ Verbraucher consommateur consumatore
choice of goods.
crash, plantage
crash 87 n [C] /kræʃ/ Absturz crash A computer crash meant he lost all his data.
grande There is only one department store in the town where
department store 87 n [C] /dɪˈpɑːtmənt ˌstɔː/ Kaufhaus grand magasin
magazzino I live.
He was wearing a designer suit – I think it was
designer 87 adj /dɪˈzaɪnə/ Designer- designer designer
dinieren, zu
dine 87 v [I] /daɪn/ dîner cenare He's dining with friends at the Ritz.
Abend essen
spingere qu a qc,
treiben, bringen
drive 87 v [T] /draɪv/ pousser indurre qu a fare Marriage problems eventually drove her to drink.
elektronisch, auf
electronically 87 adv elektronischem électroniquement elettronico He sends money to his bank electronically.
begegnen, treffen Doctors encounter more patients with diabetes
encounter 87 v [T] /ɪnˈkaʊntə/ rencontrer incontrare
auf nowadays.
entire 87 adj /ɪnˈtaɪə/ ganz entier intero The hurricane destroyed entire villages.
The entrepreneur planned to expand the new
entrepreneur 87 n [C] /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː/ Unternehmer entrepreneur impresario
business overseas in five years.
external 87 adj /ɪkˈstɜːnl/ extern externe esterno He keeps a copy of his files on an external hard drive.
Climbing without a rope is an extreme sport because
extreme 87 adj /ɪkˈstriːm/ extrem extrême estremo
it is so dangerous.

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ausdenken, trouver une
figure out 87 phr v /ˈfɪgər aʊt / indovinare Can you figure out a way to do it?
herausfinden solution
/friːdəm frəm,
freedom from 87 phrase frei von liberté de libero da freedom from fear and hunger
habit 87 n [C, U] /ˈhæbɪt/ Gewohnheit habitude abitudine She has a habit of never finishing her sentences.
hard drive 87 n [C] /hɑːd draɪv/ Festplatte disque dur disco rigido He stores all his photographs on his hard drive.
Glücksrausch, grande senso di
high 87 n [C] /haɪ/ euphorie Seeing her grandchildren gives her a real high.
Rausch felicità, estasi
hobby 87 n [C] /ˈhɒbi/ Hobby hobby hobby My hobbies are gardening and reading.
hurt 87 v [I, T] /hɜːt/ verletzen faire mal ferire His comments weren’t true, but they hurt.
mettere una
label 87 v [T] /ˈleɪbəl/ beschriften étiqueter scritta/iscrizione] She labelled the diagram clearly.
laptop 87 n [C] /ˈlæptɒp/ Laptop laptop She used her laptop on the train to finish the report.
luggage 87 n [U] /ˈlʌgɪdʒ/ Gepäck bagages bagaglio The driver put his luggage in the back of the taxi.
I can't afford luxuries like chocolate and perfume at
luxury 87 n [C] /ˈlʌkʃəri/ Luxus luxe lusso
the moment.
zählen, von valere, contare,
matter 87 v [I] /ˈmætə/ importer The environment matters because it affects all of us.
Bedeutung sein avere importanza
You can tell from his choice of furniture that he is a
minimalist 87 n [C] /ˈmɪnəməlɪst/ Minimalist minimalist minimalista
mogul 87 n [C] /ˈməʊgəl/ Mogul magnat mogul a movie mogul | a media mogul
vêtements de Raincoats and jackets can be found in the outerwear
outerwear 87 n [U] /ˈaʊtə weə/ Oberbekleidung vestiti
dessus section.
record 87 n [C] /ˈrekɔːd/ Schallplatte disque disco He had a large record collection.
reduce 87 v [T] /rɪˈdjuːs/ reduzieren réduire, baisser ridurre They have reduced the price to £20.
den Standort cambiare posto,
relocate 87 v [I, T] /ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt/ déménage Our company has been relocated to Edinburgh.
wechseln posizione
(pièce de) sostituzione, We can provide replacements for broken equipment
replacement 87 n [C] /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ Ersatz
remplacement ricambio very quickly.
routine 87 n [C, U] /ruːˈtiːn/ Tagesablauf routine ritmo giornaliero Making the beds was part of her usual routine.
satisfactory 87 adj /ˌsætəsˈfæktəri/ zufriedenstellend satisfaisant soddisfacente Your work this term has not been satisfactory.
sell 87 v [I, T] /sel/ verkaufen vendre vendere Sally's going to sell her bike.
We couldn't work for two hours because of a problem
server 87 n [C] /ˈsɜːvə/ Server serveur server
with the server.
Silicon Valley 87 n /ˈsɪlɪkən ˌvæli/ Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Silicon Valley He's got a job in Silicon Valley.

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travel agent 87 n [C] /ˈtrævəl ˌeɪdʒənt/ Reisebüro agent de voyages agenzia di viaggi The travel agent booked a good hotel for us.

underwear 87 n [U] /ˈʌndəweə/ Unterwäsche sous-vêtements biancheria intima Mum, where's my clean underwear?
avoir accès à,
access 88 v [T] /ˈækses/ Zugang haben zu avere accesso a software for accessing the Internet
accéder à
l've downloaded this great application onto my mobile
application 88 n [C] /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ Anwendung logiciel applicazione
bodyguard 88 n [C] /ˈbɒdigɑːd/ Leibwächter garde du corps guardia del corpo She hired a bodyguard to protect her from fans.
The boiler broke down and we had no hot water for
boiler 88 n [C] /ˈbɔɪlə/ Boiler chauffe-eau boiler
two days.
homme, femme
cleaner 88 n [C] /ˈkliːnə/ Reinigungskraft gente delle pulizie The office cleaners work in the evenings.
de ménage
clip 88 n [C] /klɪp/ Ausschnitt extrait sequenza clips from the new Bond movie
cooker 88 n [C] /ˈkʊkə/ Herd cuisinière forno an electric cooker | a gas cooker
Raumgestalter, décorateur, arredatore,
decorator 88 n [C] /ˈdekəreɪtə/ The decorator is starting work here on Monday.
Maler peintre pittore
The car industry is dominated by five large
dominate 88 v [I, T] /ˈdɒməneɪt/ beherrschen dominer dominare
freezer 88 n [C] /ˈfriːzə/ Gefrierschrank congélateur congelatore My freezer is in the garage.
laverie lavanderia a
launderette 88 n [C] /ˌlɔːndəˈret/ Waschsalon He does his washing at the launderette.
automatique gettoni
persönlicher allenatore
personal trainer 88 n [C] /ˌpɜːsənəl ˈtreɪnə/ entraîneur privé He hired a personal trainer to help him get fit.
Fitnesstrainer privato/personale
Can you do 20 copies of this on the photocopier,
photocopier 88 n [C] /ˈfəʊtəʊˌkɒpiə/ Fotokopiergerät photocopieuse fotocopiatore
plumber 88 n [C] /ˈplʌmə/ Klempner plombier stagnaio We need to call a plumber to mend that broken tap.
You can be taught by the golf professional at some
professional 88 n [C] /prəˈfeʃənəl/ Profi professionnel professionista
public 88 adj /ˈpʌblɪk/ öffentlich public pubblico a ban on smoking in public places
bidone di We have two recycling bins – one for paper and one
recycling bin 88 n [C] /ˌriːˈsaɪklɪŋ bɪn/ Recyclingtonne bac de recyclage
riciclaggio for glass.
stationer's 88 n [C] /ˈsteɪʃənəz/ papeterie cartoleria I went into the stationer's to buy a new pen.
touch screen Handy mit téléphone à écran telefono touch
88 n [C] /tʌtʃ skriːn fəʊn/ The iPhone is a type of touch screen phone.
phone Touchscreen tactile dello schermo
TVs were uncommon in most homes in Britain until
uncommon 88 adj /ʌnˈkɒmən/ nicht üblich rare raro, non usuale
the 1950s.

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/ˈvækjuəm I got out the vacuum cleaner to take up the crumbs
vacuum cleaner 88 n [C] Staubsauger aspirateur aspirapolvere
ˌkliːnə/ on the carpet.
virtual 88 adj /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ virtuell virtuel virtuale a virtual library
Friends left get-well messages on my Facebook wall
wall 88 n [C] /wɔːl/ Wand mur parete
when I broke my leg.
smettere di
break down 89 phr v /breɪk daʊn/ kaputtgehen tomber en panne My car broke down on the way to work.
button 89 n [C] /ˈbʌtn/ Knopf bouton bottone Just press the ‘on’ button.
/ˈdɪdʒətl appareil photo
digital camera 89 n [C] Digitalkamera (fotografica) I take my digital camera everywhere.
ˈkæmərə/ numérique
dishwasher 89 n [C] /ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə/ Spülmaschine lave-vaisselle lavastoviglie She put all the dirty plates in the dishwasher.
DVD player 89 n [C] /ˌdiː viː ˈdiː ˈpleɪə/ DVD-Player lecteur DVD lettore DVD The 'Avatar' DVD has got stuck in the DVD player.
electric 89 adj /ɪˈlektrɪk/ elektrisch électrique elettrico electric light | electric cooker | electric guitar
geler, se planter The screen keeps freezing – I'll never get this work
freeze 89 v [I] /friːz/ einfrieren gelare
(PC) finished!
games console 89 n [C] /ˈgeɪmz ˌkɒnsəʊl/ Spielekonsole console console di giochi Robbie spends hours playing on his games console.
tenere, He held down the 'on' button until the computer
hold 89 v [T] /həʊld/ halten appuyer
mantenere started.
icon 89 n [C] /ˈaɪkɒn/ Symbol icône icona To print a document, touch the printer icon.
instruction /ɪnˈstrʌkʃən Gebrauchs-
89 n [C] mode d'emploi manuale I’ve lost the instruction manual for my phone.
manual mænjuəl/ anleitung
/ˌem piː ˈθriː He listens to music on his MP3 player on his way to
MP3 player 89 n [C] MP3-Player lecteur mp3 MP3 player
ˌpleɪə/ work.
kurz anhalten,
pause 89 v [I] /pɔːz/ metter en pause fare una pausa Can you pause the film while I answer the phone?
personal /ˌpɜːsənəl ordinateur personal
89 n [C] PC Have you got a personal computer?
computer kəmˈpjuːtə/ individuel computer
press 89 v [I, T] /pres/ drücken appuyer premere What happens if I press this button?
Remind me to recharge my phone battery before I go
recharge 89 v [T] /ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ/ aufladen recharger ricaricare
installer de We need to reinstall the programme and then it
reinstall 89 v [T] /ˌriːɪnˈstɔːl/ neu installieren reinstallare
nouveau should run properly.
restart 89 v [I, T] /ˌriːˈstɑːt/ neu starten redémarrer riavviare He restarted the computer after the screen froze.
blättern If you scroll down the page, you'll find a link to the
scroll 89 v [I] /skrəʊl/ faire défiler scorrere
(Bildschirm) home page.
software 89 n [U] /ˈsɒftweə/ Software logiciel software a piece of software | software development

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/ˌtæblɪt ordinateur
tablet computer 89 n [C] Tablet-Computer Tablet PC Do you think the iPad is the best tablet computer?
kəmˈpjuːtə/ tablette
touch 89 v [T] /tʌtʃ/ berühren toucher toccare If you touch this icon, a new screen appears.
den Stecker staccare (la spina
unplug 89 v [T] /ʌnˈplʌg/ débrancher I always unplug my computer during a thunderstorm.
herausziehen di)
washing machine 89 n [C] /ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˌʃiːn/ Waschmaschine machine à laver lavatrice She put all the dirty clothes in the washing machine.
marcher, lavorare, The computer doesn't work until you press this
work 89 v [I] /wɜːk/ arbeiten
fonctionner funzionare button.
climbing 90 n [U] /ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ Klettern escalade The boys love to go on climbing trips.
You can work out which way to go using a compass
compass 90 n [C] /ˈkʌmpəs/ Zirkel compas circolo
and a map.
desert 90 n [C, U] /ˈdezət/ Wüste désert deserto the Sahara desert
gear 90 n [U] /gɪə/ Ausrüstung matériel equipaggiamento camping gear | swimming gear
/ˌdʒiː piː ˈes navigatore
GPS navigator 90 n [C] GPS-Gerät GPS A GPS navigator is useful in the desert.
ˈnævəgeɪtə/ (satellitare)
pack 90 n [C] /pæk/ Päckchen paquet pacchetto a pack of cigarettes
plastic 90 n [C, U] /ˈplæstɪk/ Plastik plastique plastica Bags made of plastic are referred to as plastic bags.
repellent 90 n [C, U] /rɪˈpelənt/ Abwehrmittel répulsif repellente insect repellent | mosquito repellent
several 90 /ˈsevərəl/ mehrere plusieurs parecchi(-cchie) I called her several times.
spare 90 adj /speə/ übrig, frei de rechange rimanente, libero There are spare batteries in the cupboard.

sunscreen 90 n [C, U] /ˈsʌnskriːn/ Sonnencreme crème solaire crema solare Put sunscreen on the children or their skin will burn.
lampadina He switched on his torch so that he could find his way
torch 90 n [C] /tɔːtʃ/ Taschenlampe lampe de poche
tascabile in the dark.
feuchtes salvietta She used wet wipes to clean the chocolate off the
wet wipe 90 n [C] /wet waɪp/ lingette humide
Reinigungstuch rinfrescante baby's face.
fabric 91 n [C, U] /ˈfæbrɪk/ Stoff tissu tessuto, stoffa The suit was made from some sort of woollen fabric.
rectangular 91 adj /rekˈtæŋgjələ/ rechteckig rectangulaire rettangolare A tablet computer is rectangular.
round 91 adj /raʊnd/ rund rond rotondo My dining table is round.
rubber 91 n [U] /ˈrʌbə/ Gummi caoutchouc gomma The seal is made of rubber.
space 91 n [U] /speɪs/ Platz, Raum place spazio There is plenty of space in the car.
tropical 91 adj /ˈtrɒpɪkəl/ tropisch tropical tropico tropical rain forests | tropical fish
indoors 92 adv /ˌɪnˈdɔːz/ drinnen, innen à l'intérieur dentro He stayed indoors all morning.

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sensible 92 adj /ˈsensəbəl/ vernünftig raisonnable He’s normally very sensible with money.
nicht ertragen non potere
ne pas supporter
can't bear to 93 phrase /kɑːnt beə tʊ/ können, auf sopportare, non She couldn’t bear to go out without any make-up on.
keinen Fall tun fare mai
compter sur,
rely on 93 phr v /rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/ sich verlassen auf affidarsi a qu He relies on the internet for the latest score.
dépendre de
chaussures à
spikes 93 n /spaɪks/ Spikeschuhe scarpe chiodate He wears his spikes for races but not for training.
brand name 94 n [C] /'brænd ˌneɪm/ Markenname nom de marque marca The brand name of their new perfume helps to sell it.

confirm 94 v [T] /kənˈfɜːm/ bestätigen confirmer confermare Could you confirm your telephone number, please?
delivery 94 n [C, U] /dɪˈlɪvəri/ Lieferung livraison consegna There’s free delivery on orders over £25.
product 94 n [C] /ˈprɒdʌkt/ Produkt produit prodotto a list of new food products
numero di
product code 94 n [C] /ˈprɒdʌkt kəʊd/ Produktnummer code de prouit Please write the product code on your order form.
receipt 94 n [C] /rɪˈsiːt/ Beleg, Quittung reçu ricevuta Always keep the receipt.
She was confident that the problem would be sorted
confident 95 adj /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ zuversichtlich sûr, certain fiducioso
direct 157 adj direkt direct diretto Keep medicines out of direct sunlight.
excursion 157 n [C] /ɪkˈskɜːʃən/ Ausflug excursion escursione an excursion to the island of Burano
fridge 157 n [C] /frɪdʒ/ Kühlschrank réfrigérateur frigorifero There’s more milk in the fridge.
jungle 157 n [C, U] /ˈdʒʌŋgəl/ Dschungel jungle giungla There are often thunderstorms in the jungle.
square 158 adj /skweə/ quadratisch carré quadratico a square table
Unit 10
ageing 96 n /eɪdʒɪŋ/ Altern vieillissement invecchiare the signs of ageing
beat 96 v [T] /biːt/ bekämpfen combattre combattere The government has promised to beat inflation.
cell 96 n [C] /sel/ Zelle cellule cellula red blood cells
close 96 adj /kləʊs/ nah dran proche vicino a Scientists are close to finding a cure.
beheben, eliminare,
fix 96 v [T] /fɪks/ réparer That problem can be fixed easily.
reparieren riparare
future 96 n /ˈfjuːtʃə/ Zukunft avenir futuro What are your plans for the future?
Gerontologe, Gerontologists predict that people will live longer in
gerontologist 96 n [C] /dʒerənˈtɒlədʒɪst/ gérontologue gerontologo
Alternsforscher the future.
health 96 n [U] /helθ/ Gesundheit santé sanità Doing more exercise will improve your health.
idea 96 n [C] /aɪˈdɪə/ Idee idée idea Where did you get the idea for the book?
incredible 96 adj /ɪnˈkredəbəl/ unglaublich incroyable incredibile It’s incredible that he survived the fall.

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/ˌlaɪf Life expectancy is higher in the West than in
life expectancy 96 n [C, U] Lebenserwartung espérance de vie vita media
ɪkˈspektənsi/ developing countries.
medicine 96 n [U] /ˈmedsən/ Medizin médicament medicina Sarah is studying medicine.
It’s hard to make a prediction about who’ll win the
prediction 96 n [C, U] /prɪˈdɪkʃən/ Vorhersage prédiction predizione
championship this year.
reparieren, The government is trying to repair the damage to the
repair 96 v [T] /rɪˈpeə/ réparer riparire
wiederherstellen environment.
robot 96 n [C] /ˈrəʊbɒt/ Roboter robot robot cars built by robots
space 96 n [U] /speɪs/ Weltraum espace spazio He is excited about the possibilities of space travel.
To run this programme you need a special type of
type 96 n [C] /taɪp/ Art type, genre, sorte tipo
regione, zona,
area 97 n [C] /ˈeəriə/ Bereich étendue, région an area of 200 square miles
arena 97 n [C] /əˈriːnə/ Arena arène arena a sports arena
billion 97 number /ˈbɪljən/ Milliard milliard miliardo There are billions of things I want to say.
My dream of living in the country had finally come
come true 97 phrase /kʌm truː/ wahr werden se réaliser avverarsi
collegamento, His injuries damaged the nerve connections to his
connection 97 n [C, U] /kəˈnekʃən/ Verbindung connexion, lien
connessione legs.
cure 97 v [T] /kjʊə/ heilen guérir curare We can cure this type of cancer.
beschädigt, danneggiato,
damaged 97 adj /ˈdæmɪdʒd/ endommagé He was able to mend the damaged car.
kaputt rotto
30 degrees Celsius (30°C) | 80 degrees Fahrenheit
degree 97 n [C] /dɪˈgriː/ Grad degré grado
etc (80°F)
disease 97 n [C, U] /dɪˈziːz/ Krankheit maladie malattia She suffers from a rare disease of the blood.
distance 97 n [C, U] /ˈdɪstəns/ Entfernung distance distanza What's the distance between the two planets?
facilities 97 n /fəˈsɪlətiz/ Einrichtung impianto, centro top-secret research facilities
fit 97 v [T] /fɪt/ passen aller The new TV doesn't fit on the wall; it's too big.
gravity 97 n [U] /ˈgrævəti/ Schwerkraft gravité forza di gravità the laws of gravity
growth 97 n [U] /grəʊθ/ Wachstum crescita the growth of television
implant 97 v [T] /ɪmˈplɑːnt/ einpflanzen implanter piantare The microchip is implanted just under the skin.
intelligent 97 adj /ɪnˈtelədʒnət/ intelligent intelligent intelligente The students in this class are all highly intelligent.
The newspaper and the magazine will merge to form
merge 97 v [I, T] /mɜːdʒ/ fusionieren fusionner fondere
one company.
percent 97 n, adj, adv /pəˈsent/ Prozent pour cent percento 5 percent (5%) | 10 percent (10%)

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percentage 97 n [C] /pəˈsentɪdʒ/ Prozentsatz pourcentage percentuale What percentage of the workers are women?
realise 97 v [T] /ˈrɪəlaɪz/ realisieren se rendre compte realizzare He obviously didn’t realise the dangers involved.
record 97 v /rɪˈkɔːd/ aufzeichnen noter registrare The temperature is recorded every day.
space station 97 n [C] /ˈspeɪs ˌsteɪʃən/ Raumstation station spatiale stazione spaziale He was the first British man to visit the space station.
speed 97 n [C, U] /spiːd/ Geschwindigkeit vitesse velocità He was driving at a speed of 60 miles per hour.
97 adj /skweə/ Quadrat carré quadrato two square metres of land
[metre/mile etc]
surface 97 n [C] /ˈsɜːfɪs/ Oberläche surface superficie the Earth's surface
The twins' awareness of each other's feelings is
telepathic 97 adj /ˌteləˈpæθɪk/ telepathisch télépathique telepatico
almost telepathic.
temperature 97 n [C, U] /ˈtemprətʃə/ Temperatur température temperatura Check the temperature of the water.
/trænsˈleɪt, trænz-
translate 97 v [I, T] übersetzen traduire tradurre I am translating the book into English.
trillion 97 number /ˈtrɪljən/ Billion mille milliards bilione The country has a debt of $5.3 trillion.
wirelessly 97 adv /ˈwaɪələsli/ drahtlos sans fil via radio My mobile phone works wirelessly but my PC doesn't.
mancanza di
zero-gravity 97 adj /ˌzɪərəʊ ˈgrævəti/ Schwerelosigkeit gravité zéro They are training in zero-gravity conditions.
assistance 98 n [U] /əˈsɪstəns/ Unterstützung aide, assistance appoggio The charity offered her financial assistance.
disappear 98 v [I] /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə/ verschwinden disparaître sparire The rainforests may disappear forever.
non-existent 98 adj /ˌnɒnɪgˈzɪstənt/ nicht vorhanden inexistant non esistere Industry in the area is virtually nonexistent.
poverty 98 n [U] /ˈpɒvəti/ Armut pauvreté povertà Poverty and unemployment are increasing.
sound like 98 phrase /saʊnd laɪk/ klingen wie ressembler à sonare come He sounds like a robot when he talks.
decrease 99 v [I, T] /dɪˈkriːs/ diminuer diminuire In the UK, the size of families has decreased.
geringer werden
deteriorate 99 v [I] /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ verschlimmern se détériorer aggravare His behaviour has deteriorated recently.
diet 99 n [C, U] /ˈdaɪət/ Ernährung alimentazione The nation's diet includes a lot of meat.
economic 99 adj /ˌekəˈnɒmɪk, ˌiː-/ wirtschaftlich économique economico Economic growth in Britain has been slow.
The government has promised to spend more on
education 99 n [U] /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃən/ Bildung éducation educazione
Democracy is based on the idea that all people are
equal 99 adj /ˈiːkwəl/ gleich égal uguale
fall 99 v [I] /fɔːl/ fallen diminuer, chuter cadere Profits have fallen from $1.3 million to $750,000.
happiness 99 n [U] /ˈhæpinəs/ Glück bonheur fortuna Their happiness was obvious.
housework 99 n [U] /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ Hausarbeit ménage lavori di casa She usually did the housework in the mornings.
income 99 n [C, U] /ˈɪŋkʌm, ˈɪn-/ Einkommen revenu reddito Their annual income is less than $24,000.

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zunehmen, aumentare,
increase 99 v [I, T] /ɪnˈkriːs/ augmenter The number of prisoners has increased a lot.
anwachsen crescere
a new attempt to tackle inequalities in the education
inequality 99 n [C, U] /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/ Ungleichheit inégalité diversità
Living standards are better in the West than in
living standards 99 n /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈstændədz/ Lebensstandard niveau de vie tenore di vita
developing countries.
This kind of thing only happens in films, not in real
real 99 adj /rɪəl/ echt, wahr vrai, réel reale, vero
replace 99 v [T] /rɪˈpleɪs/ ersetzen remplacer sostituire Emails have replaced letters.
monter, aumentare,
rise 99 v [I] /raɪz/ anwachsen The population has risen steadily since the 1950s.
augmenter crescere
sporting 99 adj /ˈspɔːtɪŋ/ sportlich de sport, sportif sportivo sporting events
v [I, linking
stay 99 /steɪ/ bleiben rester restare The town has stayed the same for centuries.
trust 99 n [U] /trʌst/ Vertrauen confiance fiducia I had put my trust in the doctor.
unemployment 99 n [U] /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ Arbeitslosigkeit chômage disoccupazione Many workers now face unemployment.
découverte Scientists have made a breakthrough in their search
breakthrough 100 n [C] /ˈbreɪkθruː/ Durchbruch successo
capitale for a cure.
wagen, sich osare,
dare 100 v [I] /deə/ oser He wanted to ask her, but he didn’t dare.
trauen avventurarsi
flirt 100 v [I] /flɜːt/ flirten flirter flirtare He’s always flirting with the women in the office.
Students were given a hypothetical law case to
hypothetical 100 adj /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkəl/ hypothetisch hypothétique ipotetico
invisible 100 adj /ɪnˈvɪzəbəl/ unsichtbar invisible invisibile a plane that's invisible to enemy radar
real 100 adj /rɪəl/ echt, wahr vrai reale, vero It's a real pleasure to meet you.
revenge 100 n [U] /rɪˈvendʒ/ Rache vengeance vendetta He later took his revenge on his employers.
steal 100 v [I, T] /stiːl/ stehlen voler rubare He tried to steal money from a bank but was caught.
She was suspicious of her new boss because her old
suspicious 100 adj /səˈspɪʃəs/ misstrauisch méfiant sospettoso
boss treated her badly.
billionaire 101 n [C] /ˌbɪljəˈneə/ Milliardär milliardaire miliardario Many Russian billionaires now live in London.
bully 101 v [T] /ˈbʊli/ schikanieren tyranniser vessare He used to bully her when they were at school.
The man was a complete stranger to me; didn't know
complete 101 adj /kəmˈpliːt/ vollkommen complet, total completo
him at all.
fingere di, fare
pretend 101 v [I, T] /prɪˈtend/ so tun als ob faire semblant He was only pretending to be asleep.
finta di
run over 101 phr v /rʌn əʊvə/ überfahren écraser The driver couldn't stop in time and ran over the dog.
prendere sotto
scare 101 v [T] /skeə/ erschrecken effrayer spaventare The fireworks will scare the animals.

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Geschwindigkeits- People often drive above the speed limit on
speed limit 101 n [C] /ˈspiːd ˌlɪmɪt/ limite de vitesse limite di velocità
begrenzung motorways.
trick 101 n [C] /trɪk/ Streich tour, blague scherzo, tiro The girls were always playing tricks on their teacher.
weird 101 adj /wɪəd/ seltsam bizarre strano I had a really weird dream.
equilibrare, The government should cut spending so it can balance
balance 102 v [I, T] /ˈbæləns/ ausgleichen tenir en équilibre
bilanciare the budget.
condition 102 n [C, U] /kənˈdɪʃən/ Zustand état condizione What condition is the car is in after the accident?
corruption 102 n [U] /kəˈrʌpʃən/ Korruption corruption corruzione Two officials were charged with corruption.
defence 102 n [U] /dɪˈfens/ Verteidigung défense difesa spending on defence
This land is not developed because most of it is a
develop 102 v [I, T] /dɪˈveləp/ entwickeln développer sviluppare
nature reserve.
/ˈgʌvəmənt, The Indian government refused to sign the
government 102 n [C] Regierung gouvernement governo
ˈgʌvənmənt/ agreement.
problème des condizione di
homelessness 102 n [U] /ˈhəʊmləsnəs/ Obdachlosigkeit Homelessness among the poor is a growing problem.
sans-abri senzatetto
industry 102 n [C, U] /ˈɪndəstri/ Branche branche branca There has been a rapid growth in service industries.
partito The opposition parties support the government on this
opposition party 102 n [C, U] /ˌɒpəˈzɪʆən ˈpɑːti/ Oppositionspartei parti d'opposition
d'opposizione issue.
poor 102 n [U] /pɔː/ die Armen pauvres poveri a charity that helps the poor
priority 102 n [C] /praɪˈɒrəti/ Priorität priorité priorità The government’s top priority is education.
racism 102 n [U] /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Rassismus racisme razzismo the fight against racism
spending 102 n [U] /ˈspendɪŋ/ Ausgaben dépenses spese an increase in government spending on education

tax 102 n [C] /tæks/ Steuer impôts tassa The government said it would have to increase taxes.
taxpayer 102 n [C] /ˈtæksˌpeɪə/ Steuerzahler contribuable contribuente It will cost taxpayers $1.3 million.
Beförderung, The government plans to increase spending on rail
transport 102 n [U] /ˈtrænspɔːt/ transport trasporto
Transport transport.
Reiche/r, die
wealthy 102 n [U] /ˈwelθi/ les riches ricco, ricci The wealthy can afford to pay higher taxes.
well 102 n [C] /wel/ Brunnen puits fontana There is a disagreement about who owns the oil wells.
destination 103 n [C] /ˌdestəˈneɪʃən/ Ziel, Reiseziel destination destinazione Spain is popular as a holiday destination.
equipment 103 n [U] /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ Ausstattung équipement equipaggio Their equipment is very modern.
motorway 103 n [C] /ˈməʊtəweɪ/ Autobahn autoroute autostrada We broke down on the motorway.
oilfield 103 n [C] /ˈɔɪlfiːld/ Ölfeld champ pétrolifère campo petrolifero They are exploring for new oilfields in the North Sea.

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località di My husband wants to go to a golf resort but the
resort 103 n [C] /rɪˈzɔːt/ Ferienort recours, hôtel
villeggiatura children will enjoy a beach resort more.
The form asks you to say which ethnic group you
ethnic group 128 n [C] /ˈeθnɪk gruːp/ ethnische Gruppe ethnie gruppo etnico
belong to.
maximum 128 adj /ˈmæksəməm/ Höchst- maximum massimo a maximum speed limit of 70 miles per hour
minimum 128 adj /ˈmɪnəməm/ Mindest- minimum minimo The minimum age for retirement is 55.
an argument about who was responsible for the
argument 159 n [C] /ˈɑːgjəmənt/ Streit dispute litigio
goal 159 n [C] /gəʊl/ Ziel but scopo Walcott scored another goal.
injection 159 n [C, U] /ɪnˈdʒekʃən/ Spritze piqûre puntura The nurse gave me an injection.
put up 159 phr v /pʊt ʌp/ heraufsetzen augmenter aumentare Our landlord is going to put up the rent next month.
change 160 n [U] /tʃeɪndʒ/ Wechselgeld monnaie spiccioli, moneta The waiter hasn't given us our change yet.
fluently 160 adv /ˈfluːəntli/ fließend couramment correntemente She speaks Arabic fluently.
litter 160 n [U] /ˈlɪtə/ Abfall, Müll détritus spazzatura Anyone caught dropping litter has to pay a fine.
Brieftasche, porte-feuille,
wallet 160 n [C] /ˈwɒlɪt/ portafoglio He has a picture of his children in his wallet.
Portemonnaie porte-monnaie
average 161 adj /ˈævərɪdʒ/ durchschnittlich moyen medio The average income in this country is $30,000 a year.
camping 173 n [U] /kæmpɪŋ/ Camping camping campeggio The children like to go camping.
economy 173 n [C] /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ Wirtschaft économie economia the slowdown in the Japanese economy
Gleich- equiparazione dei
equality 173 n [U] /ɪˈkwɒləti/ égalité They are demanding equality for men and women.
berechtigung diritti
promote 173 v [T] /prəˈməʊt/ fördern promouvoir promuovere a meeting to promote tourism to the region
course 174 n [C] /kɔːs/ Platz (Golf) terrain, parcours campo There is an 18-hole course at that resort.

secure 174 adj /sɪˈkʊə/ sicher sécurisé sicuro The soldiers made the building secure against attack.
/ˌstændəd ɒv
standard of living 174 n [C] Lebensstandard niveau de vie tenore di vita Japan has a very high standard of living.
Unit 11
break 106 v [T] /breɪk/ brechen enfreindre rompere Students who break the rules will be punished.
/ˈsɜːkəmstæns, - Under normal circumstances he would never have
circumstances 106 n [C] Umstände circonstances circostanza
stəns/ used his mobile in school
law 106 n [C] /lɔː/ Gesetz loi legge The company denied breaking the law.
The nightclub has rules about what customers can
nightclub 106 n [C] /ˈnaɪtklʌb/ Nachtclub boîte de nuit nightclub
open space 106 n [C] /ˈəʊpən speɪs/ Freifläche espace ouvert spazio aperto the city’s open spaces
rule 106 n [C] /ruːl/ Regel règle regola There are strict rules about what you can wear.

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swimming pool 106 n [C] /swɪmɪŋ puːl/ piscine piscina Does the hotel have a swimming pool?
ball games 107 n [C] /bɔːl geɪms/ Ballspiele je de balle giochi a palla The kids aren't allowed to play ball games in here.
The application was approved, subject to certain
conditions 107 n [C, U] /kənˈdɪʃəns/ Bedingungen condition condizioni
correct 107 adj /kəˈrekt/ korrekt, richtig correct coretto Wearing a seat belt is the correct thing to do.
andare in
cycle 107 v [I] /ˈsaɪkəl/ radfahren faire du vélo She cycled to my house.
cyclist 107 n [C] /ˈsaɪkəlɪst/ Radfahrer cycliste ciclista The cyclist was riding a blue bicycle.
examen de
driving test 107 n [C] /ˈdraɪvɪŋ test/ Fahrprüfung esame di guida When are you taking your driving test?
He was caught driving above the speed limit and had
fine 107 n [C] /faɪn/ Geldstrafe amende multa
to pay a fine of £100.
maglione con
hoodie 107 n [C] /ˈhʊdi/ Kapuzenpulli sweat à capuche We are not allowed to wear hoodies at school.
ID 107 n [C, U] /ˌaɪ ˈdiː/ Ausweis papiers d'identité May I see some ID, please?
identity card 107 n [C] /aɪˈdentəti kɑːd/ Personalausweis carte d'identité carta d'identità The police officer asked to see my identity card.
optional 107 adj /ˈɒpʃənəl/ optional facultatif opzionale A sunroof on the car is optional.
pedestrian /pəˌdestriən Fußgänger-
107 n [C] passage piéton strisce pedonali The cars stopped at the pedestrian crossing.
crossing ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ überweg
permit 107 v [T] /pəˈmɪt/ erlauben permettre permittere Smoking is not permitted inside the building.
The public are fed up with the Government’s feeble
public 107 n [U] /ˈpʌblɪk/ Öffentlichkeit public pubblico
ceinture de cintura di If you don't wear your seat belt, you will have to pay
seat belt 107 n [C] /ˈsiːt belt/ Sicherheitsgurt
sécurité sicurezza a fine.
Sign here to say you agree to the terms and
terms 107 n [C] /tɜːms/ Bedingungen termes condizioni
accept 108 v [T] /əkˈsept/ akzeptieren accepter accettare He applied to join the golf club and was accepted.
arrest 108 v [T] /əˈrest/ festnehmen arrêter arrestare Eric was arrested by the police for shoplifting.
battle 108 n [C, U] /ˈbætl/ Schlacht, Kampf bataille battaglia Her son was killed in battle.
case 108 n [C] /keɪs/ Fall cas caso a case of armed robbery | a murder case
ungeklärter affaire non oscuro caso This cold case is a murder that happened 20 years
cold case 108 n [C] /kəʊld keɪs/
Kriminalfall résolue criminale ago.
committee 108 n [C] /kəˈmɪti/ comité comitato The committee have elected John as chairman.
sich an jmd.
contact 108 v [T] /ˈkɒntækt/ contacter, appeler rivolgersi a qu She contacted the police.

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contract 108 n [C] /ˈkɒntrækt/ Vertrag contrat contratto Read the contract carefully before you sign it.
controversial 108 adj /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl/ umstritten controversé controverso The case has been controversial.
criminel, Police have described the man as a violent and
criminal 108 n [C] /ˈkrɪmɪnəl/ Krimineller criminale
criminelle dangerous criminal.
cuisine 108 n [U] /kwɪˈziːn/ cuisine cucina French cuisine | British cuisine
detective 108 n [C] /dɪˈtektɪv/ agent de police investigatore Detectives have solved the murder case.
We estimate that 75 percent of our customers are
estimate 108 v [T] /ˈestɪmeɪt/ schätzen estimer calcolare, stimare
exclusive 108 adj /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/ exklusiv élitiste, exclusif esclusivo That club is very exclusive.
invite 108 v [T] /ɪnˈvaɪt/ einladen inviter invitare The committee invited him to join the club.
member 108 n [C] /ˈmembə/ Mitglied membre membro He's a member of the tennis club.
murder 108 v [T] /ˈmɜːdə/ ermorden tuer uccidere The police believe he murdered the teenager.
presentation 108 n [C] /ˌprezənˈteɪʃən/ Präsentation présentation presentazione The chairman gave a short presentation.
/ˌpraɪvət investigatore In murder mysteries, a private detective always
private detective 108 n [C] Privatdetektiv détective privé
dɪˈtektɪv/ privato succeeds but the police detective fails.
professional 108 n [C] /prəˈfeʃənəl/ professionnel esperto a health care professional
Neuling, neuer
recruit 108 n [C] /rɪˈkruːt/ recrue recluta He was a new recruit at the company.
smash 108 v [T] /smæʃ/ einschlagen fracasser, briser frantumare Rioters smashed store windows.
society 108 n [C] /səˈsaɪəti/ Gesellschaft société società I joined the school film society.
Police are under great pressure to solve the crime
solve 108 v [T] /sɒlv/ lösen résoudre solvere
Experte, specialista,
specialist 108 n [C] /ˈspeʃəlɪst/ expert a cancer specialist
Spezialist esperto
guter Magen / stomaco buono You need a strong stomach to hear about murder
strong stomach 108 phrase /strɒŋ ˈstʌmək/ l'estomac solide
fig.: gute Nerven (nervi duri/buoni) cases and still eat your dinner.
surrender 108 v [I] /səˈrendə/ sich ergeben se rendre The rebel forces have surrendered.
cedere le armi
suspect 108 n [C] /ˈsʌspekt/ Verdächtiger suspect indiziato He is the main suspect in a murder case.
vandalise 108 v [T] /ˈvændəl-aɪz/ vandaliser devastare, They vandalised the local shopping centre.
alcohol 109 n [U] /ˈælkəhɒl/ Alkohol alcool alcol Don't drink alcohol if you're going to drive.
although 109 linking word /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ obwohl bien que benché Although the car’s old, it still runs well.

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cash 109 n [U] /kæʃ/ Bargeld espèces denaro contante I usually have about £50 in cash with me.

challenge 109 n [C, U] /ˈtʃæləndʒ/ Herausforderung défi sfida I enjoy the challenge of a new job.
chaos 109 n [U] /ˈkeɪ-ɒs/ Chaos chaos caos The floods caused chaos.
cold 109 n [C] /kəʊld/ Erkältung rhume raffreddore I’ve got a bad cold.
common 109 n [U] /ˈkɒmən/ üblich, geläufig courant, fréquent comune, usuale the common cold
destroy 109 v [T] /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ zerstören détruire distruggere We are destroying our planet.
destruction 109 n [U] /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/ Zerstörung destruction distruzione the destruction of the rainforest
fight 109 v [I, T] /faɪt/ kämpfen se battre lottare They fought in a long and difficult war..
/ˈfaɪnæns, Finanz...,
finance 109 n [U] finance finanziario the finance department | the finance minister
fəˈnæns/ Finanzen
It’s an unpleasant disease. However, it’s easy to
however 109 linking word /haʊˈevə/ jedoch pourtant ma, però
join 109 v [T] /dʒɔɪn/ Mitglied werden s'inscrire associarsi a qc Have you joined any clubs?
legion 109 n [C] /ˈliːdʒən/ Legion légion legione The Roman army was made up of legions.
legionnaire 109 n [C] /liːdʒəˈneə/ Legionär légionnaire legionario Legionnaires train very hard.
male 109 adj /meɪl/ männlich mâle maschile a male lion | the male sex
mayor 109 n [C] /meə/ Bürgermeister maire sindaco Boris Johnson was elected Mayor of London.
The leader of the government ministers is the Prime
minister 109 n [C] /ˈmɪnɪstə/ Minister ministre ministro
politely 109 adv /pəˈlaɪtli/ höflich poliment cortese, gentile ‘It’s very nice,’ she said politely.
Dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every
recommend 109 v [T] /ˌrekəˈmend/ empfehlen recommander raccomandare
few months.
regular 109 adj /ˈregjələ/ regelmäßig régulier regolare Regular exercise can help keep your weight down.
zur Oberschicht
upper-class 109 adj /ˈʌpə klɑːs/ aristocrate dell'alta società Upper-class children usually go to a private school.
war 109 n [C, U] /wɔː/ Krieg guerre guerra He fought in the Vietnam War.
apprendista ,
apprentice 110 n [C] /əˈprentɪs/ Lehrling apprenti He was the apprentice of the local carpenter.
There was a burglary at our neighbour's house last
burglary 110 n [C, U] /ˈbɜːgləri/ Einbruch cambriolage (furto con) scasso
fare un furto,
burgle 110 v [T] /ˈbɜːgəl/ einbrechen cambrioler Their house was burgled while they were away.
capital /ˌkæpətl
110 n [U] Todesstrafe peine de mort pena capitale I don't agree with capital punishment.
punishment ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/
carpenter 110 n [C] /ˈkɑːpəntə/ charpentier falegname The carpenter repaired the table.

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commit 110 v [T] /kəˈmɪt/ begehen commettre commettere the gang that committed the crime
community /kəˌmjuːnəti gemeinnützige travaux d'intérêt lavoro He wasn't sent to prison – he did community service
110 n [U]
service ˈsɜːvɪs/ Arbeit général socialmente utile instead.
death penalty 110 n /ˈdeθ ˌpenlti/ Todesstrafe peine de mort pena capitale I'm against the death penalty.
defendant 110 n [C] /dɪˈfendənt/ Angeklagter accusé accusato The defendant received a harsh punishment.
escape 110 v [I, T] /ɪˈskeɪp/ fliehen s'échapper scappare, fuggire He escaped from prison.
funeral 110 n [C] /ˈfjuːnərəl/ Beerdigung obsèques funerale His funeral will be held on Friday.
sorprendere qu a
get caught 110 phr v /get kɔːt/ erwischt werden se faire prendre She got caught taking the money from his wallet.
hang 110 v [I, T] /hæŋ/ erhängen pendre impiccare He was hanged for murder.
hanging 110 n [C, U] /hæŋɪŋ/ Erhängen pendaison impiccare Crimes are no longer punished by hanging in the UK.
hard labour 110 n [U] /hɑːd ˈleɪbə/ Zwangsarbeit travaux forcés lavori forzati He was sentenced to seven years' hard labour.
harsh 110 adj /hɑːʃ/ streng sévère severo We need harsher laws to deal with drunk drivers.
judge 110 n [C] /dʒʌdʒ/ Richter juge giudice the sentence imposed by the judge
justice 110 n [U] /ˈdʒʌstɪs/ justice giustizia the criminal justice system
There used to be a lot of kidnappings in South
kidnapping 110 n [C, U] /ˈkɪdnæpɪŋ/ Entführung enlèvement rapimento
lenient 110 adj /ˈliːniənt/ milde, nachsichtig clément, tolérant The judge was too lenient.
mugging 110 n [C, U] /mʌgɪŋ/ Straßenraub agression scippo There have been several muggings in the city centre.
murderer 110 n [C] /ˈmɜːdərə/ Mörder meurtrier assasino The murderer has escaped.
prisoner 110 n [C] /ˈprɪzənə/ Gefangener prisonnier prigioniero The prisoner escaped.
punishment 110 n [C, U] /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ Strafe punition punizione, pena They had to stay late after school as a punishment.
release 110 v [T] /rɪˈliːs/ freilassen relâcher rilasciare The hostages were released this morning.
rob 110 v [T] /rɒb/ rauben, stehlen voler rubare They robbed her of all her money.
robbery 110 n [C, U] /ˈrɒbəri/ vol rapina The robbery took place at 7:30 p.m.
send 110 v [T] /send/ schicken envoyer mandare He was sent to prison for stealing.
sentence 110 v [T] /ˈsentəns/ condamner giudicare He was sentenced to six years in prison.
shoplifting 110 n [U] /ˈʃɒpˌlɪftɪŋ/ Ladendiebstahl vol à l'étalage taccheggio She was arrested for shoplifting.
Some criminals were sentenced to transportation
transportation 110 n [U] /ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃən/ Deportation transportation deportazione
instead of hanging.

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allow 111 v [T] /əˈlaʊ/ permettre permettere We are allowed four weeks holiday a year.
Some better-off parents send their children to private
better-off 111 adj /ˌbetə ˈɒf/ bessergestellt mieux s'en sortir benestante
debt 111 n [C, U] /det/ Schulden dette debiti I was heavily in debt.
debtor 111 n [C] /ˈdetə/ Schuldner débiteur debitore Debtors must repay part of their debt each month.
ungezwungen, disinvolto,
familiar 111 adj /fəˈmɪliə/ familier The waiter was a bit too familiar.
familiär familiare
female 111 adj /ˈfiːmeɪl/ weiblich femelle femminile a female monkey
flag 111 n [C] /flæg/ Flagge drapeau bandiera The flag went down and the race began.
/əˈrɪdʒɪnəl, - We couldn't keep to our original budget after our rent
original 111 adj ursprünglich original originale
dʒənəl/ went up.
repay 111 v [T] /rɪˈpeɪ/ zurückzahlen rembourser rimborsare How long will it take to repay the loan?
resign 111 v [I, T] /rɪˈzaɪn/ kündigen démissionner licenziare Burton resigned from the company yesterday.
hungern, aver fame, morire
starve 111 v [I, T] /stɑːv/ souffrir de faim Thousands of people could starve to death.
verhungern di fame
beat 112 v [T] /biːt/ schlagen battre battere He beat the dog violently.
compulsory 112 adj /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ obligatorisch obligatoire obbligatorio Military service is compulsory in some countries.
current affairs 112 n [U] /ˌkʌrənt əˈfeəz/ actualité recentissime, He was the presenter of a current affairs programme.
ultime notizie
permis de
driving licence 112 n [C] /ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˌlaɪsəns/ Führerschein patente (di guida) The police officer asked to see my driving licence.
for sport 112 phrase /fə spɔːt/ als Sport comme sport come deporte He supports fishing to live but not fishing for sport.
jmd. ein Leid She thinks people who harm animals should be
harm 112 v [T] /hɑːm/ faire du mal fare del male a
antun arrested.
hunt 112 v [I, T] /hʌnt/ jagen chasser cacciare They hunt rabbits and other wild animals.
hurt 112 v [T] /hɜːt/ wehtun, verletzen faire mal ferire Ow, you’re hurting me!
licenza, He's got a full licence now that he's passed his driving
licence 112 n [C] /ˈlaɪsəns/ Erlaubnis, Lizenz licence
permessione test.
right 112 n [C] /raɪt/ Recht droit diritto All children have the right to free education.
treatment 112 n [U] /ˈtriːtmənt/ Behandlung traitement trattamento complaints about the treatment of prisoners
He'll get the job permanently if the trial period goes
trial 112 n [C, U] /ˈtraɪəl/ Probe d'essai prova
voluntary 112 adj /ˈvɒləntəri/ freiwillig volontaire volontario She does voluntary work for the Red Cross.
It’s only fair that everyone should be paid the same
fair 113 adj /feə/ fair, gerecht juste onesto, giusto
for doing the same job.

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legal 113 adj /ˈliːgəl/ gesetzlich erlaubt légal legale It is not legal to smoke in restaurants now.
ingiusto, non
unfair 113 adj /ˌʌnˈfeə/ ungerecht, unfair injuste It’s unfair that he gets paid more than me.
appropriate 114 adj /əˈprəʊpri-ət/ angemessen approprié adeguato clothes that are appropriate for a job interview
military 114 adj /ˈmɪlətəri/ militärisch militaire militare All young men had to do military service.
Zeitschriften- marchand de venditore di
newsagent 114 n [C] /ˈnjuːzˌeɪdʒənt/ The local newsagent sells milk as well as newspapers.
händler journaux stampa/ giornali
He took the money from the customer and put it in
till 114 n [C] /tɪl/ Ladenkasse caisse cassa
the till.
against 115 prep gegen contre contro We are against testing cosmetics on animals.
court 115 n [C, U] /kɔːt/ Gericht cour corte, tribunale The court decided that West was guilty.
moyen de
deterrent 115 n [C] /dɪˈterənt/ Abschreckung intimidazione an effective deterrent to car thieves
/ˌelɪkˈtrɒnɪk, ɪˌlek- elektronische bracelet
electronic tag 115 n [C] elettronico The electronic tag showed that he was at home.
tæg/ Fußfessel électronique
favour 115 n [U] /ˈfeɪvə/ Gunst faveur favore He spoke in favour of the proposal.
issue 115 n [C] /ˈɪʃuː, ˈɪsjuː/ sujet, question soggetto, affare This is a very important political issue.
sentence 115 n [C] /ˈsentəns/ Strafe peine punizione, pena She received an eight-year prison sentence.
serious 115 adj /ˈsɪəriəs/ ernst sérieux serio Knife crime is a serious problem.
doter avec un
eine Fußfessel
tag 115 v [T] /tæg/ bracelet pastoia Prisoners can be tagged instead of going to prison.
The courts give tougher sentences to adults than to
tough 115 adj /tʌf/ streng, hart dur rigido, duro
Most victims of murder are under 30. | an aid
victim 115 n [C] /ˈvɪktɪm/ Opfer victime vittima
programme for the famine victims
asthma 162 n [U] /ˈæsmə/ Asthma asthme asma people who suffer from asthma | an asthma attack
delicious 162 adj /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ köstlich délicieux delizioso This bread’s delicious! Did you make it yourself?
forbidden 162 adj /fəˈbɪdn/ verboten interdit proibito Alcohol is strictly forbidden in Saudi Arabia.
reception 162 n [U] /rɪˈsepʃən/ Empfang réception reception the reception desk
urgent 162 adj /ˈɜːdʒənt/ dringend urgent urgente She’s in urgent need of medical attention.
eliminate 163 v [T] /ɪˈlɪməneɪt/ ausscheiden éliminer essere eliminato He was eliminated in the first round of voting.
hours 163 n [C] /aʊəz/ Zeiten heures orari Our business hours are 9.00 to 5.00.

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housing 163 n [U] /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ logement alloggio a shortage of good housing
liberal 163 adj /ˈlɪbərəl/ liberal libéral liberale a liberal attitude towards sex
respect 163 v [T] /rɪˈspekt/ respektieren respecter rispettare I disagree, but I respect your opinion.
Despite his friendly appearance, her father was a real
tyrant 163 n [C] /ˈtaɪərənt/ Tyrann tyran tiranno
burglar 164 n [C] /ˈbɜːglə/ Einbrecher cambrioleur scassinatore The burglar took all of her jewellery.
kidnap 164 v [T] /ˈkɪdnæp/ entführen kidnapper rapire The children were kidnapped on the way to school.
kidnapper 164 n [C] /ˈkɪdnæpə/ Entführer kidnappeur rapitore The kidnappers demanded a million dollars.
mug 164 v [T] /mʌg/ ausrauben agresser derubare He was mugged outside the bank.
mugger 164 n [C] /mʌgə/ Straßenräuber agresseur brigante The mugger took all his money.
robber 164 n [C] /ˈrɒbə/ Räuber voleur a bank robber
Ladendiebstahl fare un
shoplift 164 v [I] /ˈʃɒpˌlɪft/ voler à l'étalage He shoplifted some batteries.
begehen taccheggio
Ladendieb, voleur (à taccheggiatore,
shoplifter 164 n [C] /ˈʃɒpˌlɪftə/ The shoplifter was arrested as she left the shop.
Ladendiebin l'étalage) taccheggiatrice
/kəˈmjuːnəti Gemeinde- centre
community centre 174 n [C] centro comunale They were showing a film at the community centre.
ˌsentə/ zentrum communautaire
competent 174 adj /ˈkɒmpɪtənt/ kompetent compétent competente a highly competent doctor
constructive 174 adj /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ konstruktiv constructif costruttivo We'd welcome constructive criticism.
sich aufhalten, bighellonare,
hang around 174 phr v /hæŋ əˈraʊnd/ être avec, traîner We hung around outside school for about an hour.
herumhängen stare
umsetzen, exécuter, implementare, Airlines were required to implement new safety
implement 174 v [T] /ˈɪmpləment/
einführen appliquer introdurre recommendations.
innocent 174 adj /ˈɪnəsənt/ unschuldig innocent innocente an innocent creasture | an innocent remark
Students with learning difficulties can be integrated
integrate 174 v [I, T] /ˈɪntɪgreɪt/ integrieren intégrer integrare
into ordinary schools.
Vergnügen, She took great pleasure in telling him that he was
pleasure 174 n [U] /ˈpleʒə/ plaisir piacere
Freude wrong.
I remember my first real job. | Simon was her first
real 174 adj /rɪəl/ echt vrai reale, vero
real boyfriend.
realistisch, It’s reasonable to assume he must have known about
reasonable 174 adj /ˈriːzənəbəl/ raisonnable realistico
vernünftig this.
They are valued members of society. | a modern
society 174 n [C, U] /səˈsaɪəti/ Gesellschaft société società
industrial society
faire un excès de andare troppo
speed 174 v [I] /spiːd/ zu schnell fahren I’m sure I wasn’t speeding, officer.
vitesse veloce
speed camera 174 n [C] /spiːd ˈkæmərə/ Radarkamera radar de vitesse radartachimetro She was fined after being caught by a speed camera.

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street corner 174 phrase /striːt ˈkɔːnə / Straßenecken coin de la rue cantonate Gangs of kids hang around on street corners.
versorgen, Kraft procurare, dare A good breakfast will sustain you through the
sustain 174 v [T] /səˈsteɪn/ alimenter
geben forza morning.
thorough 174 adj /ˈθʌrə/ gründlich minutieux esatto, preciso As a scientist, Madison is methodical and thorough.
segnare con una
tick 174 v [T] /tɪk/ ankreuzen coher He ticked all the boxes on the form.
Unit 12
avoir une crise de avere uno scoppio
blow one's top 116 phrase /bləʊ jə tɒp/ Tobsuchtsanfall Dad blew his top when I damaged the car.
colère d'ira
calm down 116 phr v /kɑːm daʊn/ sich beruhigen se calmer calmarsi Calm down and tell me what happened.
lesson 116 n [C] /ˈlesən/ Lektion leçon lezione Important lessons were learned from the accident.
nauseous 116 adj /ˈnɔːziəs, -siəs/ übel nauséeux male I felt slightly nauseous.
painkiller 116 n [C] /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə/ Schmerzmittel analgésique analgesico Her head ached so she took some painkillers.
point of view 116 n [C] /pɔɪnt ɒv vjuː/ Blickwinkel point de vue angolatura Try to see it from my point of view.
storm 116 v [I] /stɔːm/ stürmen se précipiter correre She stormed out of the meeting.
The phone call was just a trick to get him out of the
trick 116 n [C] /trɪk/ Trick piège trucco, scherzo
etwas erarbeiten, scoprire, (ri- They had different opinions but they worked out a
work [sth] out 116 phr v /wɜːk aʊt/ négocier
herausfinden )trovare solution they both liked.
divorce 117 n [C, U] /dəˈvɔːs/ Scheidung divorce divorzio She wants to get a divorce.
abandon 118 v [T] /əˈbændən/ aufgeben abandonner abbandonare The new policy had to be abandoned.
character 118 n [C, U] /ˈkærəktə/ Charakter caractère carattere She had great strength of character.
collision 118 n [C] /kəˈlɪʒən/ collision collisione Two people were killed in a collision on the motorway.
danger 118 n [C] /ˈdeɪndʒə/ Gefahr danger pericolo The poster warned about the dangers of smoking.

experienced 118 adj /ɪkˈspɪəriənst/ erfahren expérimenté esperto, versato a very experienced pilot
go wrong 118 phrase /gəʊ rɒŋ/ schiefgehen échouer fallire His plan went wrong.
loneliness 118 n [U] /ˈləʊnlinəs/ Einsamkeit solitude solitudine She overcame her loneliness by getting a dog.
motivational /ˌməʊtəˈveɪʃənəl Motivations- conférencier oratore di
118 n [C] Some motivational speakers are very well-paid.
speaker ˈspiːkə/ redner motivationnel motivazione
phobia 118 n [C] /ˈfəʊbiə/ Phobie phobie fobia He has a phobia about birds.
react 118 v [I] /riˈækt/ reagieren réagier reagire How did she react to the experience?
rematore, She was one of the rowers who won an Olympic
rower 118 n [C] /rəʊə/ Ruderer, Ruderin rameur, rameuse
rematrice medal.

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fare (del)
rowing 118 n [U] /rəʊɪŋ/ Rudern ramer Britain has won a lot of Olympic medals for rowing.
shake 118 v [I, T] /ʃeɪk/ zittern trembler tremolare She was shaking with fear.
storm 118 n [C] /stɔːm/ Sturm tempête tempesta There was a terrible storm in the night.
appoggiare, My parents have always supported my decision to be
support 118 v [T] /səˈpɔːt/ unterstützen soutenir
sostenere an actor.
tanker 118 n [C] /ˈtæŋkə/ Tanker tanker, pétrolier petroliera an oil tanker
violent 118 adj /ˈvaɪələnt/ gewaltig, heftig violent violento The ship was damaged in a violent storm.
Many soccer players become coaches after they
coach 119 n [C] /kəʊtʃ/ Trainer entraîneur allenatore
cura, Alex looked as though he didn’t have a care in the
care 120 n [C, U] /keə/ Sorge souci
preoccupazione world.
concern 120 n [C, U] /kənˈsɜːn/ Bedenken, Sorge souci the concerns expressed by parents
dice 120 n [C] /daɪs/ Würfel dé dado Throw the dice to start the game.
fatalistic 120 adj /feɪtəˈlɪstɪk fatalistic fataliste fatalistico Emma was fatalistic about her future.
go away 120 phr v /gəʊ əˈweɪ/ verschwinden s'en aller sparire Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.
ignore 120 v [T] /ɪgˈnɔː/ ignorer ignorare They can’t ignore the fact that he’s here.
intuition 120 n [C, U] /ˌɪntjuˈɪʃən/ Intuition intuition intuizione Trust your intuition.
intuitive 120 adj /ɪnˈtjuːətɪv/ intuitiv intuitif intuitivo an intuitive judgment
list 120 n [C] /lɪst/ Liste liste lista Did you make a shopping list?
Releasing prisoners just because prisons are
logical 120 adj /ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ logisch logique logico
overcrowded is not logical.
sich über etwas
lose sleep 120 phrase /luːz sliːp/ den Kopf se creuser la tête Is he losing sleep over his money problems?
su/intorno a qc
method 120 n [C] /ˈmeθəd/ Methode méthode metodo This is the simplest method of payment.
problem 120 n [C] /ˈprɒbləm/ Problem problème problema I’ve been having a few problems with the kids.
pros and cons [of Vor- und le pour et le We have to weigh up the pros and cons of the
120 phrase /prəʊz ən kɒnz/ il pro e il contro
sth] Nachteile contre proposal.
rational 120 adj /ˈræʃənəl/ vernünftig raisonnable ragionevole Let’s try to discuss this like rational human beings.
sort out 120 phr v /sɔːt aʊt/ klären régler chiarire It's a mistake – I’ll sort it out and call you back.
mitfühlend, empatico, Adults aren’t always very sympathetic towards
sympathetic 120 adj /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ compatissant
einfühlsam compassionevole teenagers.
ein Risiko
take a chance 120 phrase /teɪk ə tʃɑːns/ prendre un risque correre un rischio I’m not taking any chances.

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talk over 120 phr v /tɔːk ˈəʊvə / besprechen discuter de parlare di I’m going to have to talk it over with your father first.
fidare, avere
trust 120 v [T] /trʌst/ trauen faire confiance I’m not sure if I trust his judgment.
analyse 121 v [T] /ˈænəlaɪz/ analysieren analyser analizzare We’re trying to analyse what went wrong.
essere attaccato/
be attached to 121 v [T] /bi əˈtætʃt tə/ anhänglich sein attaché à Tom was very attached to his old teddy bear.
The president faces a dilemma about accepting these
dilemma 121 n [C] /dəˈlemə, daɪ-/ Dilemma dilemme dilemma
/ˌekəˈnɒmɪkəl, ˌiː-
economical 121 adj sparsam économe economico a smaller and more economical car
in reality 121 phrase /ɪn riˈæləti/ in Wahrheit en vérité in realtà He said he’d retired, but in reality he was fired.
instinct 121 n [C, U] /ˈɪnstɪŋkt/ Intuition, Instinkt instinct istinto, intuizione Instinct told me something was wrong.
caramella di
jelly bean 121 n [C] /ˈdʒeli biːn/ Geleebonbon bonbon à la gelée If you are good, you can have some jelly beans.
recipe 121 n [C] /ˈresəpi/ Rezept recette ricetta a recipe for chocolate cake | a recipe book
reliable 121 adj /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/ zuverlässig fiable fidato a reliable computer
taste 121 n [C, U] /teɪst/ Geschmack goût gusto, sapore I don’t like the taste of garlic.
throw 121 v [T] /θrəʊ/ werfen lancer buttare Throw the dice to start the game.
She weighed up the options before giving her
weigh up 121 phr v /weɪ ʌp/ abwägen considérer soppesare
celebrate 122 v [T] /ˈseləbreɪt/ feiern célébrer How do you want to celebrate your birthday?
pagina di Most readers write to problem pages for advice about
problem page 122 n [C] /ˈprɒbləm peɪdʒ/ Ratgeberseite courrier du coeur
consiglio relationships.
They were going to divorce but then decided to stay
stay together 122 phrase /steɪ təˈgeðə/ zusammenbleiben rester ensemble rimanere insieme
Buchhaltung, contabilità,
accountancy 123 n [U] /əˈkaʊntənsi/ comptabilité He's going to study accountancy.
Rechnungswesen ragioneria
casa di cura per We are trying to find a good care home for my
care home 123 n [C] /keə həʊm/ Pflegeheim maison d'accueil
anziani mother-in-law.
carry on 123 phr v /ˈkæri ɒn/ continuer continuare You'll get ill if you carry on working like that.
sich I want to concentrate on my career for a while before
concentrate on 123 phr v /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt ɒn/ se concentrer sur concentrarsi su
konzentrieren auf I have kids.
crazy 123 adj /ˈkreɪzi/ verrückt fou pazzo Stop that noise: it's driving me crazy.

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Abteilung, Sparte,
division 123 n [C] /dəˈvɪʒən/ division divisione Manchester City were in the First Division.
lonely 123 adj /ˈləʊnli/ einsam seul, solitaire Don’t you get lonely living on your own?
The club offered to renew his contract but the player
renew 123 v [T] /rɪˈnjuː/ erneuern renouveler rinnovare
moved to another club.
Probe, prova, training in
trial 123 n [C] /ˈtraɪəl/ test, essai He had trials with several clubs.
Probetraining prova
operation 127 n [C] /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən/ Operation opération operazione She’s having her operation today.
vet 127 n [C] /vet/ vétérinaire veterinario We had to take our cat to the vet.
Land, ländliche
country 129 n [U] /ˈkʌntri/ campagne campagna I've always lived in the country.
middle of /ˈmɪdl ɒv mitten im au milieu de nulle nel mezzo del
129 phrase The house was in the middle of nowhere.
nowhere ˈnəʊweə/ Nirgendwo part nulla
Buggy, passeggino, She put her son in the pushchair and went to the
pushchair 129 n [C] /ˈpʊʃ-tʃeə/ poussette
Kinderwagen carrozzina shop.
abgelegen, weit isolato,
remote 129 adj /rɪˈməʊt/ isolé, perdu a remote village | in the remote past
entfernt lontanamente
ablaufen, zu Ende
The battery had run out in my mobile so I couldn't
run out 129 phr v /rʌn aʊt/ gehen, knapp être épuisé esaurirsi, finire
ring to let you know.
adventurous 130 adj /ədˈventʃərəs/ abenteuerlustig aventureux avventuroso Andy is a very adventurous rock-climber.
calm 130 adj /kɑːm/ ruhig calme calmo, tranquillo Please, everyone, try to keep calm!
crisis 130 n [C, U] /ˈkraɪsɪs/ Krise crise crisi The country now faces an economic crisis.
fearful 130 adj /ˈfɪəfəl/ voller Angst vor inquiet pieno di paura di People are fearful of rising crime.
impazzire, farsi
durchdrehen, in
panic 130 v [I, T] /ˈpænɪk/ paniquer prendere dal Stay where you are and don’t panic!
Panik verfallen
passionate 130 adj /ˈpæʃənət/ leidenschaftlich passionné appassionato a passionate speech
resolve 130 v [T] rɪˈzɒlv/ lösen résoudre risolvere efforts to resolve the problems in the Middle East
My mother was a real worrier, especially about
worrier 130 n [C] /ˈwʌriə/ Bedenkenträger anxieux ansioso
anything bad happening to her children.
Anhang (E-Mail,
attachment 165 n [C] /əˈtætʃmənt/ pièce jointe allegato I can't open the attachment.
bomb 165 n [C] bɒm/ Bombe bombe bomba The bomb went off in a crowded street.
Hundreds of people were drowned when the ferry
drown 165 v [I, T] /draʊn/ ertrinken se noyer affogare

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faire de l'auto-
hitchhike 165 v [I] /ˈhɪtʃhaɪk/ trampen fare l'autostop They hitchhiked around France.
lecture 165 n [C] /ˈlektʃə/ Vorlesung conférence lezione, corso He gave a series of lectures on French literature.
position 165 n [C] /pəˈzɪʃən/ Position, Lage position posizione He’s in a difficult position.
barbecue 166 n [C] /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ Grillen, Grillfest barbecue griglia, grigliata
We had a barbecue on the beach.
landing 166 n [C, U] /ˈlændɪŋ/ Landung atterrissage atterraggio The pilot had to make an emergency landing.
acute 175 adj /əˈkjuːt/ akut grave, aigu acuto an acute infection of the throat
anxiety 175 n [C, U] /æŋˈzaɪəti/ Angst anxiété ansia, paura his anxiety about the future
contact 175 n [U] /ˈkɒntækt/ Kontakt contact contatto There is no contact between the two tribes.
depart 175 v [I] /dɪˈpɑːt/ abreisen partir partire He departed for Rome immediately.
the new marketing director | a director of the
director 175 n [C] /dəˈrektə, daɪ-/ Direktor directeur direttore
The medal is the highest honour that the association
honour 175 n [C, U] /ˈɒnə/ Ehre honneur onore
can give.
junior 175 adj /ˈdʒuːniə/ junior jeune, junior junior the junior football club
Kindermädchen, bambinaia, madre The nanny looked after the children while their
nanny 175 n [C] /ˈnæni/ nounou
Tagesmutter diurna mother was working.
overcome 175 v [T] /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/ vaincre superare, vincere I’m trying to overcome my fear of flying.
passionately 175 adv /ˈpæʃənətli/ leidenschaftlich passionément She spoke passionately about her experiences.
periodo, durata,
period 175 n [C] /ˈpɪəriəd/ Zeitraum, Dauer période Cats sleep for short periods.
persuade 175 v [T] /pəˈsweɪd/ überreden convaincre persuadere John was trying to persuade me to stay.
score 175 v [I, T] /skɔː/ erringen, erzielen marquer How many goals has he scored this year?
raggiungere, fare
severe 175 adj /səˈvɪə/ stark grave grave He had severe depression.
vessel 175 n [C] /ˈvesəl/ Schiff vaisseau There were three men on the other vessel.

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