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v The Effect Of Employee Morale And Facilities Toward Employee Efficiency Of Pt

Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Manado
Impact of Work Environment on Employee Productivity in Shipyard Manufacturing

Arranged by :
1. Sinta Fitria 7183210049
2. Ceisar Octaviani Efendi Nasution 7183210025

Supporting Lecturer :Rika S.Pd.,M.Hum.

Courses : English Business



Thank you, we pray to god almighty for his blessing and mercy so that writers can complete
critical journal review on English. This paper was made to fulfill the task of the even semester
business English course in 2019. The author also thanked all parties who had provide support and
motivation the author realizes that in compiling this task there are still many shortcomings and far
from perfect words.
Therefore, the author excpect constructive criticism and suggestions to perfect this task and
can be a reference in preperaring further assignments the author also apologize un writing this task
there is a typing error that confuse the reader in understanding the author’s intent.

Medan, October 2019


TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ..............................................................................................
A. Rationalization of Importance CJR ..........................................................................
B. Writing Purpose CJR................................................................................................
C. Benefits CJR ............................................................................................................
D. Journal Identity Reported .........................................................................................
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ................................................................................................
A. Discussion of The Contents of The Journal ............................................................
A. Advantages and Disadvantages Journal 1 ..............................................................
B. Advantages and Disadvantages Journal 2 ..............................................................
CHAPTER IV CLOSING .....................................................................................................
A. Conclusion ...............................................................................................................
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................................

A. Rationalization of Importance CJR

When we need a reference that is a journal as a source of our reading besides books in
studying English courses we should first criticize the journal so that we know which journals are more
relevant to be used as sources of reading.
B. Writing Purpose CJR
a. To fulfill the task of business English courses.
b. To inprove the ability of studenst to summarize analyze and compare and provide criticism in
the journal.
c. To strengthen readers understanding of the importance of English in life.
C.Benefits CJR
a. As a reference for how to perfect a journal and find relevant reading resources.
b. Made me as a student and writer more honed in criticizing a journal.
D. Journal Identity Reported
First journal
Title The Effect Of Employee Morale And Facilities Toward Employee Efficiency Of Pt
Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Manado
Volume and pages Vol.3 No.3 Hal.411-419
Author Yohana I. Wantania, Stanss L.H.V. Joyce Lapian

Date of Journal September 2015

Date of Review October, 21th 2019
Journal By Journal EMBA
ISSN 2303-11

Second Journal
Title Impact of Work Environment on Employee Productivity in Shipyard Manufacturing
Volume and pages Vol. 2, No. 1, 31-36
Author Herlina
Date of Journal March, 2017
Date of Review October, 21th 2019
Journal By Journal of Applied Accounting and Taxation
ISSN 2548-9925

A. Discussion of The Contents of The Journal

First Journal
Title The Effect Of Employee Morale And Facilities Toward Employee Efficiency Of Pt
Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Manado
Research Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of Employee Morale and
Facilities toward Employee Efficiency in PT.Astra International Tbk, Daihatsu
Research Subject In this research, the population refers to the employees of Astra International
Daihatsu Martadinata Manado which equals to the sample size that are 68
Research Background Astra’s Annual Report 2014 has shown that Astra made incredible performance in
the past few years. It is shown that Astra’s net revenue kept increasing. As the year
moves to 2015 Astra faces great challenge due to the automotive contribution,
agribusiness, infrastructure and logistics downtrend, the downtrend of automotive
sector is affected by the national economics which went slow in first quarter of
2015 and also the discount competition in automotive industry which triggered by
over production and affected the automotive business, as said the President Director
of PT Astra International Tbk. One of Astra’s subsidiaries is PT Astra International
Tbk – Daihatsu Manado Martadinata which is right now aggressively doing
promotion such as free spare parts service and prizes to its customers, as reported
by Watania (2015) in Tribun News Manado. This situation shows that PT Astra
International Tbk – Daihatsu Manado is showing they are taking contribution in a
fierce competition among automotive companies in Indonesia especially in Manado.
Considering the challenges that Astra has faced in 2015 including the fact that
automotive industry is in a tight competition, especially in Manado, this study aims
to find out what is the company does to keep its employees in good working
condition such as maintain their facilities and keep the employee morale high to
maximize the performance of its employees to achieve goals and stay competing in
the industry, and do these two factors; employee morale and facilities have
significant impact to efficiency of the employees.
Place and Time Of This research is conducted at PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Manado Jl.
Research Martadinata Paal Dua, between May – July 2015
Research Result Employee Morale and Employee Efficiency. Employee Morale in this research
measured by these indicators: belonging, recognition, involving, enthusiasm,
advancement opportunities, commitment, loyalty, teamwork, compensation, and
employee relationship. Based on the data gathered by questionnaires, the average
answer of this Employee Morale are 4 (agree) and 5 (strongly agree). It means that
the indicators of Employee Morale have significantly influence on employee
efficiency in PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu Manado. Tiwari (2014) has
done a research called A Study on Employee Morale and its Impact on Employee
Efficiency at Jaypee Cement Plant Rewa (M.P.) which has shown relationship with
fellow workers, team spirit in direct work environment, working condition of
workplaces, leaves and holidays provided, management and employees are allowed
to talk freely are the most important indicators to employee efficiency. While in this
research the strongest impact to employee efficiency is recognition and the weakest
is the commitment, while the rest still have positive impact to employee efficiency.
Facilities and Employee Efficiency.Facilities in this research were measured by
statutory and non statutory facilities provided by the company. Statutory facilities
are canteen facilities, drinking water, proper and sufficient lighting, facilities for
sitting, and rest rooms. Non statutory schemes are personal health care, holiday
allowance, employee assistance programs, health allowance, and annuity. Based on
the data gathered by questionnaires, the average answer of the respondents are 4
(agree). It means that the statutory and non-statutory facilities provided by the
company influence significantly to the employee efficiency. This study found out
that PT Astra International Tbk – Daihatsu has done good job in providing facilities
to its employees, but there is still a room for improvement. Tiwari (2014) has done
a research called A study on Employee Welfare Facilities and its Impact on
Employees Efficiency at Vindha Telelinks Ltd. Rewa (M.P.) India, which resulted
that educational facility, canteen facility, health care and safe drinking water are the
most important factors. While in this research that the most important factor is
personal health care which but the weakest factor is canteen facility.

Second Journal
Title Impact of Work Environment on Employee Productivity in Shipyard
Manufacturing Company
Research Purpose This study aims to determine the impact of working environment on
employees’ productivity. This study took place in shipyard manufacturing
Research Subject Samples in this study of 315 respondents used quantitative approach with
questionnaires method by using simple random sampling technique.
Research Background In addition to the limitations of previous research, the phenomenon of
business in Indonesia, especially the city of Batam is the reason for further
research because Batam is one of the major industrial centers in Indonesia.
One of the industries that had become a prima donna in Batam is
shipbuilding industry. Based on Batam Tribunnews report, shipyard and
electronic fabrication processing industry becomes the biggest contributor in
boosting Riau's economic growth in 2012, and will still be excellent in 2013.
But in 2014 the shipyard industry in Batam began to dim and decline
The external factors of shipbuilding industry weakness due to some
government policies that are less supportive, one of which is the
determination of Minimum Wage City. In addition, the decline in shipyard
production in Batam is allegedly due to the shifting of ship orders, customers
prefer to book ships in companies located in China. For some shipyards in
Indonesia there are still reworking process, the emergence of excessive
relative goods, and ship building time is relatively long enough (Suwarsono,
2010). Seeing this condition is required efforts to improve the quality and
productivity of labor to meet the main criteria to be able to compete with
other companies. Increased productivity especially the total factors both at
the macro level, industry sector level, company level and individual level
greatly determine the competitiveness of the company's products. Increased
productivity at the individual level among productivity increases in other
factors occupies a very important position.
The social outlook on employment in Batam still lacks a vision of labor
productivity. Seen that social relationships are less harmonious, creating a
situation that is not conducive both between workers and with superiors, all
this of course will hamper the level of labor productivity, especially in
Batam. Whatever policy is applied, if it can minimize the inhibiting factors,
then high productivity can of course be realized (Masyuri, 1999). Therefore,
it is important for companies to provide a conducive working environment to
minimize the occurrence of problems caused by these factors so that
employee productivity can be improved.
Place and Time Of Batam
Research Result Partially can be seen that the variables of physical and nonphysical work
environment each have a positive and significant effect on employee work
productivity in shipyard industry in Batam. Physical work environment
variable (X1) is the dominant variable affecting employee work productivity
in shipyard industry in Batam.
Based on the results of this study, the researcher suggests some things as
follows: The next research is expected to add other variables or indicators
that have not been discussed in this study. The results showed that
productivity is not 100% influenced by the work environment, this means
there is still a possibility of other criteria that have an effect on employee
Subsequent research is suggested to expand the sample by using the
employee population in other companies that are not similar to the population
sample in this study.

A. Advantages And Disadvantages Journal 1

 Advantages
Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal yang meneliti tentang pengaruh moral karyawan dan fasilitas terhadap
efisiensi pelaksanaan kerja karyawan di Pt Astra Daihatsu cabang Manado. Penelitian ini memiliki
kelebihan, yaitu didukung oleh teori para ahli pada bagian pembahasannya. Latar belakang dari
penelitian ini pun dijelaskan secara mendetail oleh penulis. Dimana PT Astra Daihatsu khususnya
cabang Manaado sangat bersemangat dalam melakukan promosi ditunjukkan dengan memberikan
spare part geratis pada pelanggan saat melakukan servis. Hal ini diketahui oleh penulis melalui liputan
Watania di Tribun News Manado 2015 silam. Hal ini membuat kinerja karyawan di mata masyarakat
manado baik. Tentu saja hal ini yang menjadi dasar bagi penulis untuk melakukan penelitian di
PT.Astra Daihatsu cabang Manado. Teori yang digunakan ini untuk menjelaskan kepada para
pembaca mengenai penelitian yang dilakukan. Teori ini pun dilengkapi oleh pendapat para ahli salah
satunya dari Amstrong dan Tiwari, karena dilengkapi oleh pendapat ahli maka landasan teori yang
digunakan cukup kuat. Pada bagian metode penelitian penulis menjelaskan secara lengkap dan
terperinci mengenai penelitian yang dilakukannya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan dilampirkannya table
atas perhitungan yang telah dilakukannya menggunakan aplikasi computer. Dengan dilampirkannya,
maka pembaca dapat memahami lebih dalam mengenai penelitian yang sebenarnya. Metode yang
digunakan oleh peneliti pun sangat sesuai terhadap kasus yang di angkatnya. Penulis pun didalam
jurnalnya dilengkapi dengan kesimpulan terhadap hasil penelitian serta saran atau rekomentasi yang
dapat dilakukan oleh PT. Astra Daihatsu cabang Manado ini. Jurnal ini pun dilengkapi oleh daftar
pustaka, sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahui darimana sumber referensi yang digunakan oleh penulis
dalam menulis jurnal nya ini. Sehingga memungkinkan untuk pembaca menggunakan sumber
referensi tersebut sebagai bahan ajar nantinya. Karena jurnal ini merupakan jurnal bahasa inggirs,
maka dalam penggunaan bahasa pun penulis menggunakan bahasa yang sangat mudah dimengerti dan
dipahami oleh penulis, sangat jarang ditemukan kata-kata sulit dalam jurnal ini.

 Disadvantages
Selain memiliki banyak kelebihan jurnal ini pun memiliki kekurangannya tersendiri. Penulis menulis
penelitian ini tidak didasari oleh penelitian terdahulu atau pendapat peneliti lain mengenai kinerja
karyawan di PT Astra Daihatsu, melainkan hanya berdasarkan pada liputan surat kabar saja.
Sehingga pembaca tidak dapat membandingkan secara langsung hasil penelitiannya pada penelitian
yang lain. Selain itu dihasil penelitian peneliti tidak memaparkan secara lengkap mengenai hasil
penelitiannya. Misalnya, dihasil penelitiannya dijelaskan bahwa mengapa fasilitas mempunyai
pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap efektifitas karyawan, apa yang membuat karyawaan menjadi lebih
efektif terhadap kerjanya tidak dipaparkan oleh penulis. Penulis juga tidak menjelaskan bagaimana
dampak yang akan timbul dari tidak adanya atau lengkapnya fasilitas yang diberikan oleh perusahaan
terhadap kinerja karyawan nantinya.

B. Advantages And Disadvantages Journal 2

 Advantages
Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai impact of work environment on employee productivity in
shipyard manufacturing company di Batam. Penelitian ini dilandasi oleh pendapat para peneliti yang
lainnya mengenai work environment terhadap produktisfitas karyawan, ternyata memiliki pengaruh
yang berbeda-beda. Hal ini yang membuat peneliti melakukan penelitian di Batam. In addition to the
limitations of previous research, the phenomenon of business in Indonesia, especially the city of
Batam is the reason for further research because Batam is one of the major industrial centers in
Indonesia. One of the industries that had become a prima donna in Batam is shipbuilding industry.
Based on Batam Tribunnews report, shipyard and electronic fabrication processing industry becomes
the biggest contributor in boosting Riau's economic growth in 2012, and will still be excellent in
2013. But in 2014 the shipyard industry in Batam began to dim and decline production. Kajian teori
yang digunakan oleh peneliti pun menggunakan pendapat ahli seperti Sedarmayanti dan Malayu
sehingga memperkuat kajian teori peneliti. Dalam melakukan penelitian peneliti menggunakan
metode multiple linear regression and the statistic test, sehingga cocok dengan tujuan awal peneliti
dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Pada bagian metode penelitian penulis menjelaskan secara lengkap
dan terperinci mengenai penelitian yang dilakukannya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan dilampirkannya
table atas perhitungan yang telah dilakukannya menggunakan aplikasi computer. Dengan
dilampirkannya, maka pembaca dapat memahami lebih dalam mengenai penelitian yang sebenarnya.
Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti pun sangat sesuai terhadap kasus yang di angkatnya. Jurnal ini
pun dilengkapi oleh daftar pustaka, sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahui darimana sumber referensi
yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam menulis jurnal nya ini. Sehingga memungkinkan untuk pembaca
menggunakan sumber referensi tersebut sebagai bahan ajar nantinya.
 Disadvantages
Karena jurnal ini merupakan jurnal bahasa inggris, maka seharunya penulis menggunakan bahasa
yang mudah untuk dipahami. Namun, sebaliknya dijurnal ini banyak sekali kosa kata yang sulit untuk
dipahami dan banyak kosa kata yang kurang familiar digunakan oleh masyarakat tentunya. Selain dari
penggunaan bahasa penulis tidak memberikan saran atau masukan yang membangun kepada pembaca
ataupun shipyard industry di Batam khususnya.

After analyzing overall according to us, both of these research journal are good enough
researchers use research methods that are synchronous with the objectives ao the study and can be
used as reference material in the learning system.
B. Suggestion
In the advantages of the two journal so that they are more maintained and enchanced
and regarding the disadvantages of journal so that they are nore research in orfer to achieve
maximum results.

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