Rizal Life Works BL Guide Quiz 12 and Prelim

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the dwindling [‘shrinking’] sense of Filipino identity and nationalism?

Quiz 1 & 2 and Prelim

Which event paved way for the influx of liberal ideas from Europe which is also influenced the
emergence of Filipino consciousness?

- Opening of the Suez Canal

What movement was established by Ilustrados which exposed the conditions of the Philippines
and demanded reforms from Spain?

- Propaganda

What is the organization established by Ilustrados that aims to demand reforms and push for
the assimilation of the Philippines to Spain?

- Propaganda

Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands (haciendas) owned by the
friars like the Rizal family?

- Inquilinos

Evaluate the following statements:

I. College students are required to read the unexpurgated versions of the Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo as part of the Rizal course.

II. Students whose faith could be damaged are exempted to take the Rizal course.

- Statement II is true.

What is the legal basis of including the study of the life and works of Jose Rizal in the
curriculum of high school and college?

- R.A. 1425
The strong sense of belongingness to a community which brought about by common history,
traditions, language and values system is called?

- Nationalism

The Rizal Law was aimed to promote civic conscience and duties

- True

The Philippines during the 19th century was at the height of industrialization and modernization.

- False

Which event was viewed by the Spanish government officials as a move to overturn the Spanish
colonial rule in the Philippines?

- 1872 Cavite Mutiny

Spain was conquered by France during the 19th century.

- True

What are the contributions of the Propaganda movement in the history of the Philippines?
I. It inspired the Philippine revolution of 1896.
II. It became a catalyst for the development of Filipino Nationalism.
III. It paved way for the independence of the Philippines from Spain.
IV. It served as an eye-opener for the Filipinos about the abuses of the Spaniard.


The disbandment of La Liga Filipina because of the arrest and exile of Jose Rizal marked the end
of the Propaganda movement.

- True
Who were the ilustrados?

- Filipinos from middle class families who were able to study in Europe

Which is NOT an objective of the Rizal Law

- Promote intellectual development

The middles classes in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization is known as?

- Media Clase

Who authored the Rizal Law?

- Sen. Claro M. Recto

The movement which fought the freedom and independence of the Philippines from the
Spanish control

- Katipunan

Which statement on the term "Filipino" is NOT TRUE?

- It was a derogatory term for the native inhabitants as used by the Spaniards.

Which is NOT part of the contents of the La Solidaridad?

- Spanish literature, culture and society

Students who feel that their religious beliefs are offended by Rizal’s novels are exempted from
taking the Rizal course.

- True
The execution of the GOMBURZA in Bagumbayan had inspired the Cavite Mutiny in 1872.

- False

Which describe the social conditions in the Philippines during the 19th century?

I. Civil unrest due to civil war III. Occupied by the French

II. Ruled by incompetent officials IV. Political and economic stagnation

- II and IV

Who led the strong opposition to the passage of the Rizal Law?

- Catholic Church

The transfer of authority of Philippine parishes from the regular priests to the secular priest was

- Secularization

The objective of the passage of Rizal Law in 1952 is to boost or rekindle the dwindling

[‘shrinking’] sense of Filipino identity and nationalism. What was believed to have caused

the dwindling [‘shrinking’] sense of Filipino identity and nationalism?

- Strong American presence in the Philippines

Arrange the following events in chronological order.

I. 1872 Cavite Mutiny

II. Execution of the Gomburza

III. Founding of the La Liga Filipina

IV. Establishment of the Propaganda movement


What was the aim of the secularization movement?

- Transfer of authority over parishes from regular priests to the secular priest

Which describe the social conditions in Spain during the 19 th century?

I. Civil unrest due to civil war III. Occupied by the French

II. Ruled by incompetent officials IV. Political and economic stagnation

- I and III

Who helped Jose Rizal in the printing of the Noli Me tangere?

- Maximo Viola

What is the title of the poem written by Jose Rizal which expresses his hopes for the
betterment of the Philippines?

- A Las Flores de Heidelberg

In Madrid, Jose Rizal gave a toast to Juan Luna and Felix Ressureccion Hidalgo for winning in the
Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes de Madrid in 1884 which was interpreted by the Spaniards
in Manila as an attack to the colonial regime.

- True

What is the full name of Jose Rizal?

- Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

What is the El Amor Patrio all about?

- An essay written by Rizal expressing his love for the country.

In his prose ‘El Amor Patrio’ how did Rizal describe or associate compared the patria with

- Nature

What is the meaning of the surname 'Rizal'?

- Green Fields

What course did Jose Rizal finish in UST

- Philosophy and Letters

What is the title of the essay written by Jose Rizal which deals with love for one’s country?

- El Amor Patrio
In ‘El Amor Patrio’ how should men profess or express their love for the country according to
Jose Rizal?

I. Armed rebellion

II. Peaceful means

III. Productive use of science

IV. Use of force and violence


What was the name of the ship that Rizal boarded from Manila to Singapore?

- Salvadora

Jose Rizal’s trip to Europe was known to all the members of Rizal’s Family

- True

How did Jose Rizal describe the feeling of “love of the country”?

- It's innate and constant feeling among humans

In Europe, Jose Rizal found out that all Filipino expatriates were willing to serve the country by
exposing the social condition in the Philippines and demanding reform from Spain.

- False

Where did Jose Rizal start his formal education?

- Private school in Calamba

What is the name used by Jose Rizal in his passport going to Europe?

- Jose Mercado

Which literary piece made by Jose Rizal is about the love for one’s language?

- Sa Aking Mga Kabata

Who is Jose Rizal’s father?

- Francisco Mercado

Who translated the ‘El Amor Patrio’ when it was featured in the Diariong Tagalog in 1882?

- Marcelo H. del Pilar

The middles classes in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization is known as

- Media Clase

The transfer of authority of Philippine parishes from the regular priests to the secular priest was

- Secularization

Spain was conquered by France during the 19th century.

- True

What is the full name of Jose Rizal?

- Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

What is the title of the book read by Rizal and his mother when he was young?

- Children's Friend

Filipino nationalism is shaped by the conglomeration of the events that happened in the world
and in the Philippines.

- True

What is the meaning of the surname 'Rizal'?

- Green Fields

What group of people occupies the highest social status in the Philippines during the Spanish
colonial rule?

- Principalias

The movement which exposed the conditions of the Philippines under the Spanish control and
demanded that the country become province of Spain is the

- Propaganda

Who led the strong opposition to the passage of the Rizal Law?

- Catholic Church

Which DOES NOT describe Jose Rizal as a young boy?

- Hard-headed
Who influenced Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores and legends?

- His nanny

Which is TRUE about the intellectual development of Jose Rizal?

- The intellectual development of Rizal was shaped by the people around him who
imparted knowledge and values to him.

The goal of Jose Rizal’s trip to Europe was to observe the European society and to acquire
knowledge that will be used in demanding reforms for the Philippines.

- False

What movement was established by Ilustrados that exposed the conditions of the Philippines
and asked for reforms from Spain?

- Propaganda

When was Jose Rizal born?

- June 19, 1861

Who are the principalias?

I. Filipinos who lived and studies in Europe

II. Spaniards that were living in the Philippines

III. Unchristianized natives and free from colonial rule

IV. Indios who held positions in the Spanish colonial government

- I and IV
What is the legal basis of including the study of the life and works of Jose Rizal in the
curriculum of high school and college?

- R.A. 1425

What was the name of the ship that Rizal rode in from Singapore to Europe?

- Salvadora

Who is Jose Rizal's mother?

- Teodora Alonso

What is the first organization joined by Jose Rizal in Europe?

- Circulo Hispano-Filipino

The Filipino nationalism that emerged during the 19th century was a product of armed
revolution lead by the middle class.

- False

Who influenced young Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores?

- His Nanny

What literary piece made Jose Rizal won the first prize in UST in 1879?

- A La Juventud Filipina
Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands (haciendas) owned by the
friars like the Rizal family?

- Inquilinos

The Philippines during the 19th century was at the height of industrialization and modernization.

- False

In Madrid, Jose Rizal gave a toast to Juan Luna and Felix Ressureccion Hidalgo for winning in the
Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes de Madrid in 1884 which was interpreted by the Spaniards
in Manila as an attack to the colonial regime.

- True

What is the title of the poem written by Jose Rizal which expresses his hopes for the
betterment of the Philippines?

- A Las Flores de Heidelberg

What school was known for its equal treatment of Filipino and Spanish students during Rizal's

- Ateneo Municipal

What was the first degree finished by Rizal in Ateneo Municipal?

- Bachelor of Arts

Which group of people were not colonized and have preserved their own culture?

- Infieles
Which idea is NOT part of Jose Rizal’s congratulatory toast for Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo?

- The freedom of the Philippines from Spain

What inspired Jose Rizal in writing the poem To the Flowers of Heidelberg?

- Longingness for his town and loved ones

What caused the dwindling of Jose Rizal’s money in Europe?

- His father was having hard time sending him money due to Spaniard's suspicion.

Who helped Jose Rizal in the printing of the Noli Me tangere?

- Maximo Viola

What did Rizal bring with him when he left Manila for Europe?

I. Diamond ring from Saturnina

II. Handkerchief from Leonor Rivera

III. Seven hundred pesos from Paciano

IV. Fountain pen from Francisco Mercado


What is the El Amor Patrio all about?

- An essay written by Rizal expressing his love for the country.

What is the title of the essay written by Marcelo H. Del Pilar that criticized the power and
influence of the friars in the Philippines?

- Monarchism in the Philippines

The Filipinos who became wealthy because of the economic boom brought about by the
opening of the Philippines in the international trade were called Indios.

- False

The movement which fought the freedom and independence of the Philippines from the
Spanish control is the

- Katipunan

What is the objective of the mass-based Filipino nationalism?

- Equality of rights and privileges among social classes

What was the first organization joined by Jose Rizal in Europe?

- Circulo Hispano-Filipino

Rizal liked his education in UST because Filipino students were treated the same way like the

- False

Which is NOT a reason for the disbandment of Circulo-Hispano Filipino?

- Spanish censorship
What were the courses took and finished by Rizal at the Universidad Central de Madrid?

- I-II

To what social class did Jose Rizal and his family belong?

- Principalias

Which event was viewed by the Spanish government officials as a move to overturn the Spanish
colonial rule in the Philippines?

- 1872 Cavite Mutiny

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