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Week 1 This week you worked on your idea generation and topic research

What have you been asked to do? During this week I have been asked to do come up with 3 different idea
for my documentary and complete 3 separate mind maps explaining w
show. Then in groups we narrowed it down to 1 idea which Was youth
explained why we chose to develop this final idea and why. We then di
research on our topic to gather a more developed understanding of ou
completed a proposal for all 3 productions explaining what we are goin
show in detail.

What are you making your 3 production on and why I am making all 3 of my productions on youth crime, how it effects them
have you chosen this topic? focusing on the knife crimes some youths have caused. I have chosen th
because youth crimes is something I am really interested in and passion
doing. I also thought it would be a good idea as most young people wo
interested why similar ages to them commit crimes and what their live
other 2 ideas I had were the education system and mental health. We d
do these ideas because we thought these ideas were quite common an
a different, less common idea. We also know an expert who works with
offenders and we know an offender to interview.

What research have you completed this week and This week I have completed secondary research on youth crime. I am q
what have you learned? with what I found out on how much the amount of youth crimes are dr
compared to the amount of adult crimes. Research that I’m not surpris
the public have negative thoughts on youth crime.

Are you on track for this week? If not, how far behind I’m not far behind, although I have one thing that needs to be complet
are you?
What work do you need to complete outside of lessons Outside of lessons I need to complete my secondary research because I
to stay on track? the full day on Thursday. Research is supposed to be 5 lessons and I on
only have some research to do on knife crime.

Week 2 This week you worked on your factual programme

What research have you completed this week and This week I have completed two secondary researches. This includes r
what have you learned? topic for my documentary. I have learned that young people feel the n
knifes in certain areas including London as they feel safe with it. Also, t
have very negative views on youth offenders and feel they deserve mo
based near adult level. This research helped me to figure out what sor
ask the expert in this field and have more knowledge and understandin
so that I can use the statistics within the documentary. The other seco
did was on Lyn Oualah who is the expert we are interviewing Lyn used
counsellor for youth offenders and help parents to communicate with
Researching Lyn was helpful because I learned more about what she d
so that I would know more about how she would answer the question
interview. Also, I knew what questions to ask her based on her experie
The primary research I did was interviewing a group of girls and boys m
were the target audience. Asking them questions about what their kno
understanding on youth crime and their opinions on it. The primary re
helpful because there were some areas that they didn’t know enough
so that helped me so that I could add that to my documentary so that
educational for my target audience. I learned that both genders thoug
enough awareness on the subject on how to stay safe which helps me
include information on this.
How have you divided your planning amongst your Amongst my group we split the planning into 3 areas. Millie did the cr
group? list with Daniella and I also did the b-roll. Leila was going to do the loca
how we will present it. And we all as a group decided to do the questio
interview together. So that from our individual research we could help
questions. We also thought it would be better if we all did the script to
google docs so that we can all share our ideas on there.

What did you learn from your planning? From my planning the crew list helped me structure who was
How has it helped you to progress your going to do what so that we can all focus on doing one
idea? certain area for the interview and the filming in Croydon. The
prop list gave an insight of how we were going to present the
documentary through using the tripod, the LED lights, the
bouncer and the microphone. This helped me to progress our
idea because I felt more confident knowing how we were
going to present our documentary. The script is important, so
we know exactly what we are doing and how we are going to
show it through using the equipment and what we are going
to say through using a voice over. The locations are
important for if anything goes wrong with the lighting or
power so we know what we can do in the moment to avoid
the issue and to avoid any danger in a certain location.
Are you on track for this week? If not, This week I’m not on track because I have a few things that
how far behind are you? are missing.
What work do you need to complete To stay on track, I need to complete editing my video where I
outside of lessons to stay on track? was practising interviewing people. I also need Leila to email
me the Locations for our interview and How we will present
it. And we all as a group need to finish the script before
Week 3 This week you worked on your production

How helpful did you find your planning I found my planning was very helpful because I knew exactly
whilst out shooting your factual what we were going to film as a group. And how we were
programme? going to structure it through out the week so that there was
enough time for editing.
What interviews did you set up and how We set one interview on Lyn Oualah who worked with youth
do you feel they have added to your offenders for nearly 17 years. This interview was extremely
production? important for this short documentary because she gave the
audience an understanding about youths and the criminal
justice system, she also gave an anecdote so that it was story
based and facts included, this is just what we needed as we
found this out in our primary research.
What issues did you have when filming When filming our interview, we used 2 cameras and it was
your production? How did you difficult because one of the cameras didn’t have the same
overcome them? effects as the other one so that the colour balance was
wrong. We overcame this issue in editing so that we could
edit it using the colour balance and the adjustment layer to
make them both look similar. When filming for our b-roll in
reading we couldn’t control the weather and towards the
end it started to rain , but we overcame this issue by using an
How do you feel you are working as a I felt that working as a group at first was quite difficult
group? What were your roles and as everyone had different opinions and it was difficult
responsibilities? on setting dates for the group to meet Lyn. However, in
the end we all communicated well as group.
My roles and responsibility for the factual programme
was to do the b-roll and Millie and I did the prop list.
The crew list and the equipment list. Leila and I both did
the script. We all did the interview questions together.
When filing I was the interviewer.
How much work did you complete Outside of lessons I completed filming my interview on Lyn.
outside of the lessons? And we all did our script on google so we could all finish that
together. I also completed what I was doing for my b-roll. So
that during the filming week we could do the voice over and
film in reading for our b-roll. This was easier so that we could
have enough time to edit our short documentary’s.
Are you on track for this week? If not, I only have one thing that needs completing. So I am not far
how far behind are you? behind on catching up.
What work do you need to complete Outside of lessons I need to finish off editing the practising
outside of lessons to stay on track? interviews. I will complete this outside of lessons.

Regular evaluation updates are required with every unit. Please remember
to take photos and get behind the scenes footage as you film. You might find it easier if you
note down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

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