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Vertical Jump and Power

Anthony Darmiento, CSCS, Andrew J. Galpin, PhD, CSCS, NCSA-CPT, and Lee E. Brown, EdD, CSCS*D, FNSCA
Center for Sport Performance, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, California

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in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (

SUMMARY depends on the exact assessment tech-; and

nique and subject population (1). Com- drop jump,
parison of these methods reveals that A83, respectively). According to a recent
although each independently alters analysis, BWJ improved maximal VJ abil-
FORMANCE. IMPROVING MAXIMAL specific jumping kinematics (force, ity 4–9% and power 2–31% (28) in both
FORCE AND/OR VELOCITY IN- velocity, peak power, rate of force athletes and nonathletes (27). BWJ is also
CREASES POWER PRODUCTION, development, etc.) (1), programs that highly practical because it requires little
AND THEREFORE THEORETICALLY demonstrate benefits share the follow- or no equipment, can be performed in
ENHANCES GAME PLAY. ing 3 concepts; VJ movements are per- almost any location, and requires limited
COACHES AND RESEARCHERS formed (a) in small intraset volumes technical ability.
ALIKE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT BOTH (1–5 repetitions) (b) combined with The addition of an external load
JUMPING SPECIFIC (E.G., PLYO- long rest intervals (2–5 minutes) (47) (weight vest, barbell, elastic band,
METRICS) AND NONJUMPING and (c) in an explosive manner that etc.) during BWJ activities is referred to
ACTIVITIES (E.G., RESISTANCE emphasizes velocity (8). The first 2 as RJ (see Videos, Supplemental Digital
TRAINING) FUNCTION AS VALU- elements are critical because acute Content 4, which demonstrates a resisted
ABLE METHODS OF INCREASING fatigue limits subsequent power output jump,
POWER. HOWEVER, THEIR EFFI- and overall performance in untrained Evidence indicates RJ elicits greater
CACY AND MECHANISMS OF (4) and highly trained athletes (5). improvements in VJ height (36) and
ADAPTATION ARE OFTEN ARGUED. However, as alluded to earlier, each peak power (35,36) compared with
THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS A BRIEF method of VJ training provides unique BWJ. However, increasing external
OVERVIEW OF VERTICAL JUMPING, benefits. The purpose of this article was loading decreases movement velocity,
POWER, TRAINING MODALITIES to (a) briefly examine 5 training meth- a factor in adaptation (30). For this rea-
AND PROVIDES A SAMPLE ods frequently used to improve jump son, some question the ability of RJ
height and power (bodyweight jump- programs to improve performance in
ing, resisted jumping (RJ), assisted jump- activities that require high velocity
ing (AJ), maximal strength training, and (23). RJ may also result in greater
INTRODUCTION weightlifting movements [WLM]) and impact forces during landing, thereby
he ability to generate skeletal (b) outline a sample program designed increasing the potential for muscular

T muscle power is a well-known

predictor of sport performance
(2,3,6,17). However, direct measurement
to improve jump height and power in
a moderately trained athlete.
discomfort, soreness (22), and/or
injury (23).
Another method of training is AJ
is difficult and often unfeasible; espe- PART A: IMPROVING JUMP HEIGHT (see Videos, Supplemental Digital Con-
cially for coaches. Most simply use the AND POWER
tent 5, which demonstrates an assisted
vertical jump (VJ) test as an indirect JUMPING ACTIVITIES jump,
measure of leg power. Power and jump- This section addresses the influence of AJ uses an apparatus (e.g., elastic cords
ing are not identical (15,26), yet corre- bodyweight, resisted, and assisted jump or counter mass) to reduce body weight
lations link them to success in a variety training on VJ and power. Body weight (32). A definitive conclusion regarding
of sports (rugby, volleyball, running, jumping (BWJ) refers exclusively to non- its efficacy is not possible as research
etc.) (6,20,37,39). Although the relation- weighted lower-body plyometric exer- is currently limited. Available data
ship between jumping and power cises such as squat, countermovement,
appears clear, the optimal strategy for and drop jumps (see Videos, Supple-
improving VJ/power remains unclear. KEY WORDS:
mental Digital Content 1–3, which weightlifting; strength; assisted jumping;
The variety of training methods seem demonstrate a squat, http://links.lww. resisted jumping; plyometrics
unlimited, and their effectiveness com/SCJ/A81; countermovement,

34 VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2012 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
indicate that AJ with a 10–30% reduction benefits associated with heavy strength than athletes with similar years of train-
of body weight acutely improves ascent training); even in the relatively weak ing history (24) or those who train for
variables (44) such as peak velocity, peak (14). However, this is not a reason to only maximal speed or strength (29).
acceleration, relative peak power, and VJ eliminate factors related to velocity Moreover, the temporal patterns of
height (1,11,27,38,46) while decreasing because maximal strength training force production are similar during
impact forces (1). Moreover, several alone may not improve VJ perfor- WLM (e.g., snatch and clean and jerk
weeks of AJ training improves peak mance in highly trained athletes or variations of each) and VJ and as
acceleration and velocity, relative peak (18,21). It is imperative when trying a result, weightlifters excel at jumping
power, and VJ height greater than BWJ to improve power that most strength (9,10).
(38) or RJ (1) in both elite athletic and training is done in an explosive manner The wide-ranging benefits of WLM
nonathletic populations (38). (18), emphasizing the attempt to per- are indisputable and documented more
In summary, BWJ, RJ, and AJ may all form each repetition at maximal veloc- thoroughly elsewhere (12,19,43). Yet,
improve VJ performance and several ity (8). Dualistic exercise programs some question their ability to improve
factors related to power production. instituting both high force and high jumping, especially when compared
Of these factors, velocity seems partic- velocity provide the most effective with BWJ. Tricoli et al. (45) reported
ularly responsive to jump training. stimulus for improving power produc- both WLM and BWJ improved perfor-
These collective studies do not suggest tion (41,42,48). Supplementing stan- mance. However, WLM were more
that one method is superior to dard resistance (e.g., weight plates) advantageous because their benefits
another, but rather that adaptations with variable resistance (e.g., elastic were broader and significantly greater
(force production, takeoff velocity, bands or chains) seems worthwhile in the 10-m sprint speed, VJ, and squat
peak power, etc.) are training method because it may facilitate improvements jump. These data indicate WLM are as
specific. Understanding the benefits in mean and peak velocity (7), rate of effective as BWJ at improving jumping
and consequences of each style enables force development (40), and peak force while simultaneously promoting sev-
coaches to integrate them in a manner and power (34). eral adaptations not seen with BWJ
that maximizes benefits and decreases Weightlifting is a competitive sport (e.g., strength).
the likelihood of adverse events. that contests both the snatch and the The paradox of weightlifting recog-
Coaches should prioritize the amount clean and jerk. Success in weightlifting nizes that the high complexity of
of time allocated to each in reflection necessitate simultaneous high force WLM enhance performance, yet dis-
of individual athlete goals and needs. and velocity (12,31,43). As a result, it courages some from participation.
is highly associated with power and The primary hesitation surrounding
NONJUMPING ACTIVITIES frequently mislabeled as “powerlifting.” the use of WLM is the perceived diffi-
Enhancing velocity is obviously desir- Weightlifters are the most powerful peo- culty of learning/teaching WLM (25).
able, yet force (strength) equally influ- ple on the planet (10,29) and they acti- Although a detailed discussion is beyond
ences power (42). Unsurprisingly, vate fast-twitch fibers to a greater extent the scope of this article, multiple authors
subjects who compliment power train- than non-weightlifters during submaxi- have addressed these concerns at length
ing with strength training display mal muscle contractions (e.g., the VJ) and provide numerous instructional re-
greater improvements in VJ height (16). They also produce more power sources and strategies to assist in the
and power output over a wide range
of external loads than subjects who Table 1
train for power alone (13). Another General concepts of weekly emphasis during a 12-week preparatory
study reported that in weak individuals, mesocycle for a moderately trained athlete with limited weightlifting
BWJ training improves sprinting and experience, interested in improving jumping ability
jumping to the same magnitude as
Block 1—work Block 2—strength Block 3—power
heavy strength training, although
BWJ training provided no improve-
ments in strength (14). Although these Wk 1: general Wk 5: strength and Wk 9: speed strength
findings seem to diminish the relation- preparation work capacity
ship between strength and jumping, Wk 2: general Wk 6: strength Wk 10: speed strength
they more accurately demonstrate the preparation
ability of heavy strength training to
render similar short-term improve- Wk 3: work capacity Wk 7: maximum Strength Wk 11: power
ments in velocity and power as BWJ. Wk 4: work capacity Wk 8: strength speed Wk 12: power
However, BWJ training will not likely
promote the same gains in maximal All weeks include some proportion of work capacity, strength, speed, and power training.
This table simply outlines the general weekly emphasis.
strength (nor the other long-term

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 35


Vertical Jump and Power


Table 2
Twelve-week mesocycle, Monday and Thursday—movements
Block 1—WC (4 wk) Block 2—Strength (4 wk) Block 3—power (4 wk)

GP WC ST and WC ST Max ST ST and S S and ST Power

M and Th M and Th M and Th M and Th M and Th M and Th M and Th M and Th

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

Jump Jump Slam Slam Slam Slam Slam Slam
Slam Slam Twist Twist Twist Twist Twist Twist
Twist Twist Hop Hop Hop
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
Learn C&J Learn C&J C&J C&J C&J C&J C&J C&J
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Bilateral leg Bilateral leg Bilateral leg Bilateral leg Bilateral leg Bilateral leg Bilateral leg Bilateral leg
Vertical pull Vertical pull Vertical pull Vertical pull Vertical pull Vertical pull Vertical pull Vertical pull
Unilat. leg Unilat. leg Unilat. leg Unilat. leg Unilat. leg Vert. press Vert. press Vert. press
Vert. press Vert. press Vert. press Vert. press Vert. press
Ab. Flex/Ext Ab. Flex/Ext Ab. Flex/Ext
None 1:1work:rest 1:1work:rest None None None None None
The first emphasis placed in each microcycle denotes the more important aspect. For example, in week 4 of Block 2, the emphasis is strength and speed. This means emphasize strength over
speed when the two conflict within a training session. However, the emphasis is changed in the following week to speed and strength, meaning error on the side of speed. All work capacity
movements should be primarily performed concentrically, in an effort to minimize muscular damage and soreness (rowing, cycling, sled pulling, etc.). For sample exercises for each movement
see Table 4.

C&J 5 clean and jerk; GP 5 general preparation, P 5 power; S 5 speed; ST 5 strength; WC 5 work capacity.
Table 3
Twelve-week mesocycle, Tuesday and Saturday—movements
Block 1—WC (4 wk) Block 2—strength (4 wk) Block 3—power (4 wk)

GP WC ST and WC ST Max ST ST and S S and ST Power

T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

Agility Agility Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump
Throw Throw Toss Toss Toss Toss Toss Toss
Toss Toss Skip Skip Skip
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
Learn Snatch Snatch Snatch Snatch Snatch Snatch Snatch
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength

Bilat. back Bilat. back Bilat. back Bilat. back Bilat. back Bilat. back Bilat. back Bilat. back
Horiz. pull Horiz. pull Horiz. pull Ab. rotation Ab. rotation Ab. rotation Ab. rotation Ab. rotation
Horiz. press Horiz. press Horiz. press
Ab. rotation Ab. rotation Ab. rotation
None 2:1work:rest 1:1work:rest None None 2:1work:rest 3:1work:rest None
For sample exercises for each movement see Table 4.

C&J 5 clean and jerk; GP 5 general preparation, P 5 power; S 5 speed; ST 5 strength; WC 5 work capacity.
Vertical Jump and Power

learning of WLM (12,19,43). It should making them the most effective (equipment, time and/or space avail-
also be understood that as with the method of improving leg power. ability, etc.). The concepts are out-
learning of any task, a small number of lined in Tables 2 and 3 and a short
repetitions performed frequently and PART B: PRACTICAL APPLICATION. list of sample exercises for each con-
consistently throughout the year (during The following section outlines a sam- cept is provided in Table 4, and sam-
active recovery days or dynamic warm- ple 12-week mesocycle designed ple volumes and intensities are
ups, etc.) suitably develops aptitude and to improve power production and demonstrated in Tables 5 and 6. To
confidence. Complete mastery of skill is jumping ability. The program targets accomplish these concepts, most ex-
a byproduct of practice, not a prerequisite moderately trained athletes with pre- ercises should be complex (requiring
of involvement. Although time con- vious experience in jumping and gen- multiple joints) and performed with
straints should always be a consideration, eral strength and conditioning maximal intended velocity across
the obligation to long-term athlete devel- activities, but limited skill in WLM. a spectrum of loading intensities.
opment should not be compromised by The foundation of its design is sum- The periodization strategy is to
a desire for immediate success. Elimina- marized by the phrase, “methods are maintain moderate to high intensities
tion of WLM from a program for this many, concepts are few,” or more while manipulating total daily and
reason is irresponsible. Furthermore, var- plainly, application of exercise deter- weekly volume (e.g., the number of
iations such as the hang start position or mines adaptation, not the exercise per exercises, sets, and/or repetitions in
modified pulls serve as short-term alter- se. Prescribing general concepts (work a given day and/or week).
natives to the full snatch and the clean capacity, maximum strength, speed, The 12 weeks are separated into 3
and jerk when technical flaws or other etc.) as opposed to strict/specific blocks and each block is further divided
barriers limit productivity. methods (exercise choice, volumes, into 4 microcycles (Table 1). Each block
Other implements such as medicine intensities, etc.) emphasizes a focus and microcycle is given an overall con-
balls and kettlebells are also frequently on short-term goals and increases cept (e.g., maximal strength, strength
used as substitutes for WLM (33). This the potential for variation and auton- speed, or power), with the first word
is a reasonable solution in special cir- omy based on individual coach/ath- of the concept reflecting which aspect
cumstances such as a lack of equip- lete preferences and limitations dictates greater emphasis. Designing
ment (e.g., barbell and bumper plates)
and/or space. Yet, it is imperative to
recognize that these devices drive sim- Table 4
ilar, but not identical adaptations. The Sample exercises for each movement
benefits of these alternatives will not be
Movement Sample Exercises
as comprehensive or of the same mag-
nitude as WLM, especially in trained Jumps Box jump, bounding, lateral jump, hurdles, assisted jumping
athletes. These training methods
Slams Medicine ball slam, tire slam, band pulls
should be considered supplements,
not equal substitutes. Twists Lateral medicine ball toss, full contact twist, carioca
Agility Pro-agility, reactive shuffle, carioca, mirror drill
PART A: SUMMARY. A combination Throws Soccer throw, shot-put, wood chop
of multiple modalities and loading
paradigms optimizes the potential for Tosses Scoop toss, lateral toss, tire flip
improvements in jumping and leg Bilateral leg Front squat, back squat, overhead squat
power. However, the specific adapta-
tions of each movement variation must Unilateral leg Lunges, split-squat, step-up, one leg squat
be recognized prior to implementa- Bilateral back Deadlift, sumo-deadlift, zercher squats
tion. Jumping activities (BWJ, RJ, AJ)
enrich power mainly through velocity. Vertical pull Pull-up, lat pull down, chin-up, muscle-up
All variations are likely to benefit less Horizontal pull Ring row, bent row, band row
experienced athletes, but AJ is particu-
Vertical press Overhead press, handstand push-up, dip
larly advantageous for athletes with
a history of jump training. Heavy Horizontal press Incline press, flat press, ring push-up
strength training targets force, and
Abdominal flexion Hanging leg raises, V-up, wheel rollout
thus should complement any jump
training program. WLM display Abdominal rotation Antirotation holds, seated twists, lateral bends
a unique ability to facilitate simulta-
Work capacity Sprints, rowing, cycling, sled presses/pulls
neous gains in velocity and force,


Table 5
Twelve-week mesocycle, day by day—volumes
Block 1—WC (4 wk) Block 2—strength (4 wk) Block 3—power (4 wk)

GP WC ST and WC ST Max ST ST and S S and ST Power

M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

333 333 334 333 332 333 632 632
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
; 10 min ; 15 min 533 632 831 831 10 3 1 631
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
3 3 10 438 435 633 832 832 632 432
None 431 531 331 None None None None
Total reps/d: 177 Total reps/d: 187 Total reps/d: 144 Total reps/d: 105 Total reps/d: 84 Total reps/d: 83 Total reps/d: 82 Total reps/d: 66
T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

333 333 334 333 332 333 632 632
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
;10 min ; 15 min 533 632 10 3 1 10 3 1 12 3 1 631
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
238 238 335 433 832 632 432 332
None 331 331 None None 231 331 None
Total reps/d: 91 Total reps/d: 94 Total reps/d: 102 Total reps/d: 54 Total reps/d: 54 Total reps/d: 63 Total reps/d: 67 Total reps/d: 54
536 562 492 318 276 292 298 240/120
The set and repetition volume is listed as total volume per exercise. For example, the speed movements performed in the GP microcycle of Block 1 will be 3 3 3 for the jump, slam, and twist
series. Week 12 will only encompass 2 total training sessions (Monday and Thursday). The final training session will be Saturday’s prescription, but performed on the last Thursday.

GP 5 general preparation, P 5 power; S 5 speed; ST 5 strength; WC 5 work capacity.


Vertical Jump and Power


Table 6
Block 1—WC (4 wk) Block 2—Strength (4 wk) block
Block 1—WC (4 wk) Block 2—strength (4 wk) Block 3—power (4 wk)

GP WC ST and WC ST Max ST ST and S S and ST Power

M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W M and W

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
N/A N/A ;75% 3RM ;90% 2RM 1RM ;90% 1RM ;90% 1RM ;85% 1RM
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
;90% 10RM ;90% 8RM ;90% 5RM ;95% 3RM ;100% 2RM ;90% 2RM ;85% 2RM ;85% 2RM
N/A .100% V̇O2max N/A N/A N/A N/A
T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat T and Sat
Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed
Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity Max velocity
Power Power Power Power Power Power Power Power
N/A N/A ;75% 3RM ;90% 2RM 1RM ;95% 1RM ;95% 1RM ;85% 1RM
Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
;85% 8RM ;85% 8RM ;85% 5RM ;90% 3RM ;95% 2RM ;85% 2RM ;80% 2RM ;80% 2RM
N/A .100% .100% N/A N/A .100% .100% N/A
V̇O2max V̇O2max V̇O2max V̇O2max
Intensities are listed as approximations and should be varied based upon individual daily performances and according to the microcycle goal. For example, if the strength movement in the S
and ST microcycle of Block 3 (which is prescribed to be at ; 85% 2RM) is being performed excessively slow, the intensity should be dropped slightly as the emphasis of this block is speed, not
maximal strength. However, the intensity should be maintained in the same circumstance during the third microcycle of Block 2 as the emphasis is maximum strength.

GP 5 general preparation, P 5 power; RM, repetition maximum; S 5 speed; ST 5 strength; WC 5 work capacity.
programs by concept means both coach capacity) within each microcycle. For permits simultaneous training of speed,
and athlete explicitly understand weekly example, during the “Strength Speed” power, and strength, WLM are the
outcome goals, making critical decisions week, 2 speed and 3 strength exercises backbone of all 3 blocks. Briefly, total
such as elimination or alteration of are prescribed with a total weekly vol- volume is high in Block 1 because the
movements, volume, and/or intensity ume of 50 and 100 reps, respectively. predominant goals are to learn move-
in response to unpredicted events Yet, during the following “Speed ments and develop work capacity. Low
(equipment malfunction, changes in Strength” week, speed increases to 4 impact BWJ could function well here if
health, other life stressors, etc.) much movements while strength volume de- applied in a manner that reinforces
easier. For example, during the creases to 1 movement. Thus, the total proper jumping mechanics while grad-
“Strength” phase (week 6), a coach number of speed reps increases from 50 ually increasing workload. Total vol-
might allow an athlete to increase inten- to 150, whereas the total number of ume declines heavily during Blocks 2
sity beyond the previously intended pre- strength reps decreases from 100 to and 3 as the focus shifts to maximal
scription, fully aware movement speed force and then velocity. The second
50. Altering the amount of time per
may be slightly compromised. However, block emphasizes force by reducing
day dedicated to each adaptation
this would not be as appropriate during work capacity volume, maintaining
slightly alters the overall microcycle
the “Speed Strength” phase (weeks 9– speed and power training, and increas-
adaptations, and the combination of
10) as speed should be of greater con- ing strength exercises. Higher impact
cern than strength. each microcycle reflects the goal of BWJ, RJ, and heavy resistance move-
its corresponding block. ments are ideal exercise choices during
Designing by concept also allows high
daily variation in light of a fairly rou- The figure demonstrates the change in this phase. The steady decline of vol-
total weekly training volume, per com- ume continues into the third and final
tine daily structure. Each day begins
ponent (speed, power, strength, and block (power) as work capacity and
with some type of mobility/injury pre-
work capacity), across the sample meso- strength training are reduced in favor
vention movement followed by a
cycle. In summary, speed is moderate in of maximal velocity and power. Imple-
dynamic warm-up. Subsequent speed, Blocks 1 and 2, and increases dramati- menting AJ here would further pro-
power, strength, and work capacity cally in Block 3; power remains constant mote recovery and unloading while
components occupy the bulk of the throughout; strength is similar in Blocks augmenting velocity.
training session. Specificity is achieved 1 and 3, but increases considerably in
by modifying the number of exercises Block 2; work capacity is high in Block CONCLUSIONS
and/or the amount of total repetitions 1, drops off substantially in Block 2, and Power and jumping ability correlate to
dedicated to each specific adaptation is almost completely eliminated in Block both anaerobic and aerobic sport per-
(speed, power, strength, or work 3. Because its well-rounded nature formance. Power requires velocity and

Figure. Twelve-week sample mesocycle. Changes in total and relative weekly volume per training concept are displayed across the
12-week training program. The program is subdivided into 3 blocks with overall goals of work capacity (Block 1),
strength (Block 2), and power (Block 3). Absolute weekly volume is represented by the total repetitions.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 41

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