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Unit 2: Understanding Political Parties & Elections

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Content Standards (US Government Grade 12):
• Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices.
• Students analyze the origin, development, and role of political parties.
• Students evaluate the roles of polls, campaign advertising, and the controversies over campaign funding.
• Students analyze the function of the Electoral College.

● Students will understand the ideologies of the 2 major political parties in the United States as they build their own political identity.
● Students will evaluate the role of 3rd parties in elections and understand their importance.
● Students will understand the election process, evaluate its strengths/weaknesses, and become familiar with the 2020 election cycle.
● Students will examine and evaluate what makes a strong political candidate.

● Choose ONE activity in each category: Appetizers, Side Dishes, and Entrees.
● You may choose a Dessert activity as extra credit, IF and ONLY IF, you have completed the Appetizer, Entree, and Dinner assignment.
○ Appetizer activity is due: _______________________
○ Side Dish activity is due:_______________________
○ Entree activity is due:__________________________
○ Dessert (extra credit) is due:_____________________
Level 1 (Introduction to the Content)

1 In your textbook, read Ch. 9 Section 3 (Political Parties) and Section 4 (The Electoral Process). After reading the sections, complete the 5
digital quiz & section assessment. TEXTBOOK LINK

2 On Canvas, complete the following worksheets: Understanding the Political Process, Guide to Campaign Funding, The Road to the White

3 Create an infographic using PicCollage comparing the ideologies of Republicans vs. Democrats on 3 major issues. See for political party stances on numerous issues.
ISTE Standard For Students: 3a. I plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for my intellectual or creative

4 Written Reflection (2-3 paragraphs) on the following: What are third parties? What is their role in American politics? Historically, what is
one instance where a third party had a major impact? Identify and Describe at least 3 third parties currently active in America. Use as a resource.

5 In your textbook, read Ch. 3 Section 3 (Applying the Constitution) paying special attention to the sections on the political process & the
Electoral College. Create an electoral college map for 2012 & 2016, shading the states red or blue based on who won the electoral vote in
each state.

Side Dishes
Level 2 (Building Deeper Understanding)

1 Create a presentation (Prezi, Keynote, Google Slides) comparing one of the major political parties (Republicans/Democrats) and one third
party. Address their stances on at least 3 major issues. For third party research use as a starting point.
ISTE Standards for Students: 3a. I plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for my intellectual or
creative pursuits.

2 Research one of the candidates currently running for President. Create a Venn Diagram comparing their proposed policies to those of the
current Presidential Administration.
3 Design a campaign poster for a political party or candidate that will be significant in the 2020 election. Poster must be creative and
informative! Use Piktochart to design your poster. Poster should include basic information about your candidate (background, experience,
notable events) or political party (2020 candidate, platform, states of focus).

4 Discover your 2020 candidate match! Use to take a political quiz that will match you with a 2020 candidate who
shares your views. After the quiz, write a 2 paragraph reflection describing which candidate your received, their stances on the major
issues, and whether or not you agree with this pairing and why.

6 Create an Instagram page introducing a political candidate to the audience (You will be provided a template). The Instagram should include
a relevant bio for the candidate including a profile picture, and 9 posts (image only) that demonstrate your candidate’s background, political
ideology, and experience. For 3 photos, you will complete a detailed caption. For one photo you will include comments from the supporters
of that candidate and his or her biggest opponent.

Level 3 (Demonstrating Mastery)

1 Create an iMovie political advertisement for one of the current Democratic or Republican presidential candidates. Your ad should be in
collaboration with at least one other person, no more than 4 people per ad. Your ad should focus on a major issue/reform that your
candidate will bring to the presidency and convince the audience to vote for your candidate vs. their opponent. Ads should be at least 1
minute length, no more than 3 minutes. Ads should be engaging and include music, relevant sound bites, and images connected to the
ISTE Standards for Students: 6b. I create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
6c. I communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating/using digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

2 Create an infographic defining and describing your own political identity. Address the following: Are you more conservative or more liberal?
What issues are the most important to you? Which candidate for the presidency do you support for the 2020 election? Your infographic
muse be creative, detailed, and informative and demonstrate a clear understanding of the material.

3 Create a Voter’s Guide to the 2020 Election which describes the major candidates for office and at least 2 third party candidates for your
fellow senior classmates. This guide should break down the information in a way that your peers (who may be registered voters next year)
will be able to understand. See the Official California Guide at as an example. These guides will be posted
on Canvas for your peers to access!
ISTE Standards for Students: 6b. I create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix
digital resources into new creations.
6c. I communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating/using digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

4 Write a children’s book explaining how a person becomes the President of the United States. You must include the campaign process, the
electoral college, and the importance of political parties or campaign funding. Remember to engage your young readers! Use images, kid-
friendly language, etc. to make the material accessible. Book should be created on a digital platform like iBooks.
ISTE Standards for Students: 6d. I publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for my intended audiences.
Level 4 (Enrichment/Extra Credit)

1 Research a notable 20th century election (ex. Kennedy vs. Nixon). With a partner, design and present a debate video between those two
candidates on one major issue of that election. Your video should include props/costumes/etc. that clearly identify your candidates. Videos
should be 2-4 minutes in length.

2 Design your ideal political candidate using parts of notable people/celebrities that you admire. For example if you think that Dwayne “The
Rock” Johnson embodies the “strength” you would like in a president but Elon Musk has the brain power or “mind” you would cut out (from
a magazine) or PicCollage an image of “The Rock’s” body with Elon Musk’s head. Your final creation must have the components of at least
4 individuals and you should include a brief description of why each selection was chosen.

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