"The Way Up To Heaven" by Roald Dahl: Teaching Notes

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Generalitat de Catalunya

Departament d’Ensenyament
Escoles Oficial d’Idiomes

“The Way Up to Heaven” by Roald Dahl

Teaching Notes

Level: Advanced
Timing: 45-60 min

Step 1:
In this first part teacher introduces the topic of the text by introducing some questions
to the SS. It is an oral activity to be done in pairs or small groups. Are you a good or a
bad timekeeper?
- How important do you think it is to arrive on time?
- Do you mind being kept waiting? Do you think it is rude to keep someone waiting?
- Why do you think some people are always late?
- Do you know anyone with an unreasonable fear of missing a train, a plane or a bus?
- Do you know any differences in timekeeping in different countries? If yes, discuss

Step 2:
Teacher asks SS for their pair/group feedback. Different answers on the topic might
lead to a general discussion.
After answering questions 1-5, focus now on question 6. Elicit the answers. Teacher
can expand this point with the following prompts; Is your country famous for being a
good timekeeper or a bad one? Did you have any problems with your time-keeping
when being abroad?

Step 3:
SS read the text and answer the questions below. This task is an individual one.
1. How would you define the style in which the text is written? Is it serious?
Humorous? Ironical?
2. What happens to Mrs Foster whenever she has to take a train or a plane?
3. What is Mr Foster’s reaction when he sees his wife behave like that?
4. What is Mrs Foster’s reaction to her husband’s calm attitude?

Materials elaborats pel grup de treball de literatura anglesa – Departament d’Ensenyament /BritishCouncil 1
The Way Up to Heaven. Roald Dahl
Teaching Notes
Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d’Ensenyament
Escoles Oficial d’Idiomes

5. Do you think Mr Foster is a cruel man?

6. Who do you sympathize more with, Mr or Mrs Foster?

Step 4:
Teacher asks for SS feedback and discusses it in class.
Focus on some new expressions such as; ‘twitch’, ‘flutter and fidget’, ‘mind you’, etc.

Step 5:
A suggestion for further reading
This text is an extract taken form the beginning of a short story written by Roald Dahl.
Teacher makes SS predict the development of the short story. For homework, teacher
could give the whole story to SS to read it (handout).

Materials elaborats pel grup de treball de literatura anglesa – Departament d’Ensenyament /BritishCouncil 2
The Way Up to Heaven. Roald Dahl
Teaching Notes

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