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1. Listen and tick.

1) What is Anne doing?

a) b) c)

2) How does Anne go to school?

a) b) c)

3) Where is Bill from?

a) Italy England b) France c)

4) How many cars has Bill got?

a) 11 12 b) 13 c)

5) What is Peter’s birthday present?

a) b) c)
1. Look and read. Tick or cross the box.

1) This is a truck.

2) This is a plane.

3) This is a boat.

4) This is a helicopter.

5) The girl is swimming.

2. Look and read. Write Yes or No.

1) It’s sunny. _________

2) The boy is in the boat. _________

3) The woman sitting on the chair is sad. _________

3. Look at the picture and read the questions. Write one word.

1) How many cars are there? There are _________________

2) What is the girl doing? She is eating _______________

3) What colour is the bus? It’s _______________________

See picture on page 91. / Questions on page 17 (Matriz).

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