PBL Progressivism - Presentation RUBRIC

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Group topic:____________________________________ Period:_________ U.S.

Mr. Harkness

Presentation (40 points)

_____/ 5 pts Introduction that introduces your proposed societal problem

_____/ 35 pts Description of the problems during the early 1900s that provides historically accurate
examples of how the problem negatively affected the U.S.

_____/ 40 pts Includes concise presentation of the components of the Formal Team Recommendation and
Action Plan (Minimum of 15 slides – Maximum of 30 slides  (Title slide & Picture/Graphics)

_____/ 10 pts Professional presentation and grammar- Did not READ from PP.

_____/ 10 pts Look & design of Power Point (Colorful, pictures, flow, etc)

_____/ 100 pts TOTAL

Presentation (Individual)  (Prepared for presentation, displays knowledge of content, proper volume, eye contact)

_____/ 10 pts ____________________________________

_____/ 10 pts ____________________________________

_____/ 10 pts ____________________________________

_____/ 10 pts ____________________________________

_____/ 10 pts ____________________________________

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