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Vayishlach – And He Sent

This week’s Torah Portion, Vayishlach/And he sent, is taken from Genesis 32:3-36:43. It is
a parshah full of events that act as a shadow picture for the end days (our days). The
journey of Jacob as he returns home becomes another rehearsal where the redemption
plan of YHVH is once again laid before those who will dig. Within these few chapters,
Jacob’s journey back to his homeland along with all the adventures that happen upon the
way (Jacob’s name change after wrestling at Penuel, his encounter with Esau, the rape of
Dinah and the taking of vengeance by Simeon and Levi, Rachel’s death, and Reuben’s
relations with Bilhah) are found here! Finally upon making it home, Isaac passes away
(Rebecca already has) and is buried by Jacob and Esau, closing the parshah with Esau’s

Genesis 32:3 – “And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of
Seir, the country of Edom.”

Sent: Strong’s #7971 shalach ‫ שלח‬to send, send away, let go, to stretch out, to be divorced
*1st reference of this is Genesis 3:22-23 concerning Adam and Eve being sent from the
Garden because of the encounter with the serpent. This encounter with Esau becomes
another rehearsal of this same encounter (the seed of the woman/Jacob is about to once
again face the seed of the serpent/Esau).

Esau: Strong’s #6215 ‘Esav ‫ עשו‬hairy, from #6213 ‘asah ‫ עשה‬to do, fashion, accomplish,
make, therefore making a more correct translation of his name to mean “doer”
The 2 letter root of his name is #6211 ‘ash ‫ עש‬moth, upon the end of the name
Esau is the letter Vav – Man, the connector, the Messiah
Job 4:19 – “How much less [in] them that dwell in houses of clay (people made of clay),
whose foundation [is] in the dust (“dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return”), [which]
are crushed before the moth?”
*Esau in a fulfillment of the serpent’s seed represents the one who seeks to devour and
crush the Messiah and His seed whose foundation is in the dust, and it points back to when
this first began, the time that man was sent/divorced/shalach out of the Garden (protected
place) and became in danger of the serpent who would eat the dust (Genesis 3:14 – “and
dust shalt thou eat”).

Seir: Strong’s #8165 Se’iyr ‫ שעיר‬hairy, shaggy

From #8175 sa’ar ‫ שער‬to storm, shiver, dread, be very afraid, bristle with horror;
according to Abarim Publications the roots of the term hair would more accurately
translate as intense awareness
*The serpent’s seed – one who comes causing horror and fear and has an intense
awareness of the times, very similar description to Revelation 12:12 – “Woe to the
inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great
wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”
Country: Strong’s #7704 sadeh ‫ שדה‬field, land
Cognates on either side help to expand the significance of this word. Strong’s
#7703 shadad ‫ שדד‬to deal violently with, despoil, devastate, ruin, to destroy, to
spoil & #7705 shiddah ‫ שדה‬concubine, wife, harem
*Genesis 3:1 – “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field”

Edom: Strong’s #123 ‘Edom ‫ אדם‬red, from #119 ‘adam ‫ אדם‬to be red, ruddy
2 letter dam = blood

Tying this all together, the picture we are given of Esau within the Hebrew language is that
of the serpent’s seed who seeks to destroy the seed of Messiah (finishing what was started
within the Garden causing the Bride to be divorced and put out). This meeting between the
two becomes a shadow picture of our days as well when he is intensely aware of his short
time and comes to strike horror into the inhabitants of the earth and deal violently and
spoil the wife who is covered and protected by the blood!

Even more insight is available hidden within in the language concerning the manner in
which Esau is coming to Jacob! Genesis 32:6

Cometh: Strong’s #1980 halak ‫ הלך‬to go, walk, come, it is used metaphorically to speak of
the pathways or behavior of one’s life
*Backwards it spells kalah ‫ כלה‬Bride!

Meet: Strong’s #7125 qir’ah ‫ קרא‬to encounter, to befall, to meet

From #7122 qara’ ‫ קרא‬to encounter, befall, meet
He is coming to meet/encounter the Bride (just like the serpent came to Eve)!

400 men – 400 is the numerical value of the ‫ ת‬letter of the covenant! But this number also
connects us to an earlier event when Abraham pays 400 shekels of silver when burying
Sarah in Genesis 23:15. From our studies a few weeks ago on this passage concerning
Sarah, we now understand that Sarah’s burial also was a foreshadowing of the Bride having
come in contact with the serpent’s seed (death entering), but then she is placed/buried
within the protected place (given a covering) waiting upon the promised redemption of her
Messiah! And here the serpent’s seed comes to attack/encounter the Bride who has been
given this promise (the Covenant was passed on to Jacob).

But there is another interesting use of the number 400 in Scripture as well! 1 Kings 7:42 -
“And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, [even] two rows of pomegranates
for one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that [were] upon the pillars;”
Pomegranates: Strong’s #7416 rimmown ‫ רמון‬pomegranate
From #7426 ramam ‫ רמם‬to be exalted, to be lifted up
*Song of Solomon 6:7 – “As a piece of a pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks”. The
pomegranate becomes a symbol to show fertility of the mind, a place where good seed is

Networks: Strong’s #7639 sebakah ‫ שבכה‬network, lattice work, net, netting

By removing the Bet you have ‫שכה‬, which is similar and acts as a word play with
#5521 cukkah ‫ סכה‬Tabernacle, covering, booth  Add the letter Bet and you have
the Bride/Family within the Tabernacle/covering of YHVH!

Expanding our view even further, this number reminds us of the fact that the battle is won
or lost in the mind, the place where the seed is deposited! Just as Eve within the Gan Eden
(protected, fenced off place) accepted another seed, so can the Bride within the
sukkah/Tabernacle of her Groom – but it will cause the same results! Romans 12:2 tells us
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

It is also interesting to note the recurrence of the word “brother” to describe Esau.
Remember nothing is there for filler material!
Brother: Strong’s #251 ‘ach ‫ אח‬brother
Gematria = 9, the letter ‫ט‬, this letter has both a blessed aspect and a cursed, just as
Esau and Jacob represent both of these aspects as well. It is an inverted letter
suggesting something hidden similar to that of a woman who is pregnant. The letter
Tet has within it the letters Zayin and Vav. Counting on the state of the Vav (the
letter of man) determines what this letter represents. The blessed aspect of this
letter is seen with the Vav/man bowed before the Crowned Man/Messiah (Zayin)
and pregnant with the Seed of YHVH. However, on the other hand this letter also is
a pictograph of a serpent. If the Vav/man refuses to humble himself before the
Zayin, it becomes the picture of a serpent, and a womb carrying the serpent’s seed.
*A cognate of this word is #253 ‘ach ‫ אח‬Ah! Alas! Woe! Each time this term is used to
describe Esau, it becomes a warning shouted out!

Jacob’s Preparation
Genesis 32:24 - 25
Wrestled: Strong’s #79 ‘abaq ‫ אבק‬to wrestle, grapple, bedust, get dusty
From #80 ‘abaq ‫ אבק‬dust

Touched: Strong’s #5060 naga’ ‫ נגע‬to touch, reach, strike

*1st reference Genesis 3:3 concerning Eve’s statement of the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil (“neither shall ye touch it”)

Thigh: Strong’s #3409 yarek ‫ ירך‬thigh, side, loin, base

*The significance of the thigh is seen in Numbers 5 concerning the adulterous woman and
the bitter waters! Her thigh would rot upon drinking the waters if she had been unfaithful,
but if she had not committed adultery she would conceive!

Joint: Strong’s #3363 yaqa’ ‫ יקע‬to be dislocated, be alienated, to hang upon a stake, to fix to
a stake

By tying this together the importance of this encounter before Jacob meets Esau is seen! It
is a rehearsal of the bitter waters of the adulterous bride! Ever since the fall of Adam
(caused by the adultery within the garden with the serpent) man became dust (remember
Esau’s name and the connection to the moth that devours those made of clay in foundations
of dust?). If the Bride/Jacob were to encounter the serpent’s seed/Esau in this state he
would be “crushed before the moth”. So there must be a change that takes place! The one
who has become dust (‘abaq) is touched (naga’ – the same action that got us here in the
first place now reverses our state). But because we are unable to partake of the bitter
waters and live, there is one who would hang upon the stake taking it on for us, our

Genesis 32:31-32
Halted: Strong’s #6760 tsala’ ‫ צלע‬to limp, be lame
This is the root of #6763 tsela’ ‫ צלע‬side, rib, beam, word used to describe the rib
taken out of Adam! When Yahshua became the sacrifice, taking on the bitter waters
upon the stake, his side is pierced, symbolic of the rib being taken out to make Eve!
Here Jacob is identified as the rib born of this encounter!

Shrank: Strong’s #5384 nasheh ‫ נשה‬vein, nerve, tendon

From #5382 nashah ‫ נשה‬to forget, deprive; cognate of #5383 nashah ‫ נשה‬to lend,
to borrow, loans were canceled/released in the Sabbatical years and in the year of
*In the process, Jacob’s name is changed and he is no longer one from the dust, the debt has
been paid – he is released!

This is not the end though! This word tsala’/halted is used in only 2 other passages (Micah
4 & Zephaniah 3:19) which are prophecies of a future time (the end days)!
Micah 4:6-7
Driven Out: Strong’s #5080 nadach ‫ נדח‬to impel, thrust, drive away, banish
*Cognate of #5079 niddah ‫ נדה‬impurity, filthiness, menstruous, set apart

The bride who’s had an encounter and is the rib taken out will also be the one in the future
assembled and cleansed once again from her niddah in order to face the serpent’s seed!
Eve will be tested again, but it is the encounter with her Groom that changes her and causes
her to prevail just like Jacob!
Now we can rewind and gain understanding of a statement that Jacob makes before this
encounter takes place! Genesis 32:12
*There is no record of Jacob personally being told that his descendants would be as the
sand, he was told in his dream of the ladder that his seed would be as the dust! Abraham
was told as the sand upon obediently offering up Isaac!

Surely & Good: Strong’s #3190 yatab ‫ יטב‬to be good, be pleasing, be well, be glad, to make
a thing good, right, or beautiful
*Gematria = 21, same as #1518 giyach ‫ גיח‬to burst forth, to bring forth, used to describe a
child cast forth from its mother’s womb

Make: Strong’s #7760 suwm ‫ שום‬to put, place, set, appoint, make, to change

Sand: Strong’s #2344 chowl ‫ חול‬sand

From #2342 chuwl ‫ חול‬to twist, whirl, dance, travail, be pained, often used to
describe the labor pains of giving birth

Jacob, understanding the significance of this encounter with Esau and the possible results
without the intervention of YHVH, cries out reminding YHVH that he has promised to
change (suwm) him from the adulterous state of the dust to one who is fruitful and gives
birth (upon drinking the bitter waters a woman who was not adulterous would conceive).
And it is upon this reminder that Jacob has the encounter where he is changed to Yasher-El
(the one who stands upright before YHVH)!!

Jacob & Esau’s Encounter

Genesis 33:4
Embraced: Strong’s #2263 chabaq ‫ חבק‬to embrace, clasp
*Gematria = 110, same as #4578 me’ah ‫ מע‬internal organs, inward parts, bowels,
intestines, belly (Same word used in Numbers 5:22 – “And this water that causeth the curse
shall go into thy bowels/me’ah)

Fell: Strong’s #5307 naphal ‫ נפל‬to fall, lie, be cast down, to fail
*This is the same word used in Numbers 5 describing what the bitter waters would do.
They would cause the thigh to rot (naphal)!

Neck: Strong’s #6677 tsavva’ar ‫ צואר‬neck, back of neck; the idiom “from neck to thigh”
means to destroy an enemy or person utterly

Kissed: Strong’s #5401 nashaq ‫ נשק‬to put together, to kiss, to handle or be equipped with
Root of #5402 nesheq ‫ נשק‬equipment, weapons, armory
This encounter is not a brotherly reunion of Jacob and Esau as some would try and say.
Instead it is the continuing battle between the seed of the serpent (Esau) and the seed of
YHVH (Jacob). It is the serpent’s attempt to consume the dust knowing the consequences
of adultery is the bitter waters, which will cause the thigh to rot and the curse within the
bowels, he desires to utterly destroy Jacob – greeting him not with a “kiss” but with every
weapon that can be brought against him! But what Esau/the serpent’s seed failed to fully
comprehend was that Jacob had been redeemed from the dust at Penuel!
*Excerpt of Rabbinical teaching: “dots are placed over the letters: 'he kissed'. Rabbis
wonder: what was the nature of this kiss? Could it have been sincere? Rabbinic tradition
that roundly condemns Esau as wicked cannot imagine that the 'evil' Esau could have a
change of heart, and kiss Jacob. So they suggest the dots indicate that the word should be
read (by changing the Hebrew letter koof into a kaf) 'VayishaKHeihu' (he bit him) instead
of 'VayishaKeihu') (he kissed him). That would certainly explain why Jacob is crying! But
then why would Esau cry? The Rabbis imagine that God protected Jacob by making his neck
turn into marble (finding a proof text from the Song of Songs that describes the lover's neck
as a marble tower! and a verse from Psalms that the teeth of the wicked are broken.)”

It is interesting that there are 2 different times within this Torah portion that name change
of Jacob is spoken of, the first being here in chapter 32, the second in chapter 35.

Genesis 35:8-10
Deborah: Strong’s #1683 Debowrah ‫ דבורה‬bee
From #1696 dabar ‫ דבר‬to speak, declare, promise, the Word of YHVH

Allonbachuth: Strong’s #439 ‘Allown Bakuwth ‫בכות‬ ‫ אלון‬oak of weeping

From #352 ‘ayil ‫ איל‬ram, strong man/leader/chief, mighty tree/terebinth & from
#1068 bekiyth ‫ בכית‬weeping, from #1058 bakah ‫ בכה‬to weep, bewail, cry, shed

Once again the location of this verse establishes why Jacob’s name could be changed! He is
able to be changed because of the promise of the WORD made flesh becoming the sacrificial
ram that would die upon the terebinth tree!

The next location ties it all together! Genesis 35:16 – “And they journeyed from Bethel; and
there was but a little way to come to Ephrath”
Ephrath: Strong’s #672 ‘Ephraath ‫ אפרת‬ash heap: place of fruitfulness
From #6509 parah ‫ פרה‬to bear fruit, be fruitful, branch off
*Within this name you seed the word ‘aphar = ashes, dust  Jacob/the Bride has been
transformed from dust/ashes/cursed to one who is made fruitful through this encounter!

This all can be seen from the name of this portion and its gematria as well! Vayishlach/And
he sent (from the root meaning to be divorced) = 354, the same as #1878 dashen ‫ דשן‬to be
or grow fat, become prosperous, anoint, fertility, to take away ashes
*The one who was sent away and divorced is made fruitful, anointed, and the ashes are
removed/taken away!!

Exodus 27:3 – “And thou shalt make his pans to receive his ashes (dashen), and his shovels,
and his basons, and his fleshhooks, and his firepans: all the vessels thereof thou shalt make
[of] brass.”

Pans: Strong’s #5518 ciyr ‫ סיר‬pot, thorn, hook, brier

Word Picture: ‫ ס‬shield, to surround, protect & ‘ir = the Watchers (fallen ones)  For those
who are transformed from the dust, they are promised a shield and protection from the
watchers/fallen ones in the end days!

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