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MRL SINS. CHAPTER 1 UNDERSTANDING THE RIZAL LAW on his landmark novels is inscribed in legislation. Republic Act No. 1425, more popularly known as the Rizal Law, was passed in 1956 leaving a colorful narrative of debate and contestation, T: mandatory teaching of José Rizal's life with the emphasis As an introduction to the life and works of José Rizal, this textbook will begin with the reading of the Rizal Law. In this chapter, you will study RA 1425 within its context, look into the major issues and debates surrounding the bill and its passage into law, and reflect on the impact and relevance of this legislation across history and the present time. In the course of the discussion, the process of how a bill becomes a law in the Philippines will be tackled so you will have an idea regarding the country’s legislative process. The life of one of the major champions of the Rizal Law, Senator Claro M. Recto, will also be discussed. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to: # locate the passage of the Rizal Law within its historical context; 4 determine the issues and interests at stake in the debate over the Rizal Bill; and # relate the issues to the present-day Philippines. AND WORKS OF JOSE RIZAL 2 THE LIFE VOCABULARY pitta measure which, if passed through the legislative prog ® Process, becomes a law unexpurgated — basically untouched. In the case of the ng unexpurgated versions were those that were not changeq parts that might offend people. VElS OF Riza ( OF Censor, to remove ed bicameral ~ involving the two chambers of Congress: the Senate the House of Representatives ang 4 The Context of the Rizal Bill The postwar period saw a Philippines rife with challenges and problems. With a country torn and tired from the stresses of World War Il, getting up on their feet was a paramount concern of the people and the government. Bill is filed in the Senate Offa of the Secretary. Itis given 8 number and calendared for x reading. l eet STEP 4 First Reading. The bill's title, number, and author(s) are tead onthe floor, yep Afterwards, it — is referred to the appropriate committee. UNDERSTANDING THE RIZAL LAW) 3 Voting on Third Reading. Copies of the final = versions of the bill are distributed to the members of the Senate who will vote for its, approval or rejection. e Se Consolidation of = os Version from the House. The similar steps above are followed by the House — Vtg on Second ee isn a £V) Reading. The senators ‘coming up with the Fy — vote on whether to Srer7 —_ 2PProved bill if there approve or reject the are differences between ‘STEPS bill. If approved, the bill the Senate and House is calendared for third versions, a bicameral vith challenges | | reeding Conference committee is called to reconcile eis scteares oa | the two. After this, both mount concern | chambers approve the } consolidated version. | t ‘Second Reading. led in the Senate Off The bills reed and secretary. It is givena | discussed on the floor. st “and calendared for fis | TiS citer dees a I sponsorship speech STEP4 The other members Transmittal of the Final Version to 1 k of the Senate may Malacaijian. The bill is then submitted engage in discussions to the President for signing. The regarding the bill President can either sign the bill into and a period of law or veto and return it to Congress. debates will pursue. ‘Amendments may be Suggested to the bill, Committee Hearings. The bill is discussed within the committee and a period of consultations is held. The committee can i cing- title, and ore STEP 3 2PPfOVe (approve without revisions, approve with amendments, ras or recommend substitution or consolidation with similar bills) or a reject. After the committee submits the committee report, the bill at is calendared for second reading. sé RIZAL == philippines grappled with various chat Hipp nation-building, Prominent indivi alee, ationalism came to action. They pursued gover, Who «instill patriotism and love for country in the hee ds of the Filipinos. These people drew inspiration from a and minds of te TT of the revolution for independence Ting t ine expe! | mis exper es ofthat important period inthe oun, 8 history: One measure sought was the passage of the Republic Act No. 1425 or the Rizal Law, which was primarily set to address «, need for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died.” The passage of the law was met with fierce opposition in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. p worKS OF Jo! From the Rizal Bill to the Rizal Law On April 3, 1956, Senate Bill No. 438 was filed by the Senate Committee on Education, On April 17, 1956, then Senate Committee on Education Chair Jose P, Laurel sponsored the ee delivering speeches for the proposed legislation. Chun ; the bill became controversial as the powerful Catholic influen fa n to express opposition against its passage As the ce of the Church was felt with members of the Semi" voicing thei _ Reta at 9PPosition to the bill, its main author, Clare M. is allies in the Senate entered into a fierce battle arguing for b 35a. °* the passage of SB 438. Debates started 0” ‘April 23; The del of Represens eS on the Rizal Bill also ensued in the House of SB 438, wanes House Bill No. 5561, an ‘dentical versio® on April Bt filed by Representative Jacobo 2- Gonzales approved the bill 56. The House Committee 7 the debates ¢ ill without amendments on May 2+ the debates ommenced on May 9, 1956. A major PO Was Whether the compulsory readin& of the ee eee" hallengeg UNDERSTANDING THE RIZAL LAW 5 lu s Wa’ Who the ment i eS i hearts CLARO M. RECTO: nN from th, (February 8, 1890-October 2, 1960) ce = ABaingt The main sponsor and defender of the Rizal Bill: = country’s was Claro Mayo Recto. He was born in Tiaong, Tayabas: (Quezon) on February 8, 1890 to Claro Recto. st. and Micaela Mayo. He completed his primary education in his hometown and his secondary education in Batangas. For } his college education, he moved to Manila and completed edom and f his AB degree at the Ateneo and was awarded maxima Passage of | ‘cum laude in 1909. In 1914, he finished his law degree from ate and the | the University of Santo Tomas. He was admitted to the bar that same year His political career started in the House of Representatives In 1919 when he was elected as representative of the third district of Batangas: He later became House Minority Floor Leader. From the House of iled by the Representatives, he moved to the Senate in 4931 when Zz then Senate he was elected as a senator. In the Senate, he held key 2 positions such as Minority Floor Leader, Majority Floor 2 nsored the Leader, and Senate President Pro-Tempore, Recto's career 3 legislation ie the Philippine government was not confined to the 3 ful Catholic legistature. In 1935, he became ‘Associate Justice of the 2 age: As the ‘Supreme Court f the Senate Recto was also instrumental in the drafting of the yr, Claro M. constitution of the Philippines in 1934-1935 as he was ce pattle selected president of the assembly. After the Philippines aon 23, transitioned to the Commonwealth Period and survived on the Pacific War, Recto again served as senator for several tems, He also served as diplomat end was an Important figure in international relations. known as an ardent nationalist, Recto was also a man of letters. He penned beautiful poetry and prose. On October 2, 1960, he died of a heart attack In italy. He was survived by his wife, Aurora Reyes and thelr five children. 6 THE LIFE AND WORKS OF José Riza, Noli Me Tangere and BI Filibusterismo appropy ate 7 The ca d bill was constitutional. The call to read the nen in thy versions was also challenged. Ur Batey a A The Det As the country was soon engaged in the debate, % it se that an impasse was reached. To move the procedure to qn! Read the following © the ne he bill gg Pulsory readin, step, Senator Jose P. Laurel proposed amendments to 4 May 9, 1956. In particular, he removed the com and added that Rizal’s other legislators who support Law in 1956, Then, ans of Rizal’s novels works must aly, FOR ——— be included in the subject. He, however, remained adamant ah, stand that the unexpurgated versions of the novels be read. 0, | “Noli Me Téngere and 5 i They must be taken to May 14, 1956, similar amendments were adopted to the House ios oun detects | ina mirror, our version, our vices. Only then we so learn to prepare ou lead to self-reliance, sé ‘The amended version of the bills was also subjected to scrutiny but seemed more palatable to the members of Congress, The passage, however, was almost hijacked by technicality since the House of Representatives was about to adjourn in a few days and President Ramon Magsaysay did not certify the bills s Priority. The allies in the House skillfully avoided the insertion of any other amendment to (which would take time). “Rizal did not pretend books. He aimed at ir national dignity, persc prevent the need to reprint new copies sara nats Grae . They also asked the Bureau of Printing practices inthe Phil Hoan, He same templates for the Senate version in printing he and behavior of erin cic iio Thus, on May 17, 1956, the Senate and Houst portrayed faithfully t “esions were approved, a existed" ‘The approved os. : 20d on June 19 poeeions Were then transmitted to Malacaa AW which becarne po? resident Magsaysay signed the bill into Republic Act No, 1425, AGAINST - “A vast majority of 0: Filipino citizens. As : and their faith. Thes harmonious affectio This is the basis of nationalism and reli jected to Congress, ality since in a few he bills as sertion of w copies f Printing nting the \d House alacafan bill into UNDERSTANDING THE RIZAL LAW 7 The Debates about the Rizal Bill Read the following excerpts from the statements of the legislators who supported and opposed the passage of the Rizal Law in 1956. Then, answer the questions that follow. FOR “Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo must be read by all Filipinos. ‘They must be taken to heart, for in thelr pages we see ourselves a8 ina mirror, our defects as well as our strength, our virtues as well as our vices. Only then would we become conscious as a people and so learn to prepare ourselves for painful sacrifices that ultimately lead to self-reliance, self-respect, and freedom.” Senator Jose P. Laurel “Rizal did not pretend to teach religion when he wrote those books. He aimed at inculcating civic consciousness in the Filipinos, national dignity, personal pride, and patriotism and if references were made by him in the course of his narration to certain religious ‘e Philippines in those days, and to the conduct 15 of the church, it was because he | situation in the Philippines as it then practices in th and behavior of erring minister portrayed faithfully the general existed.” Senator Claro M. Recto ne RA “Avast majority of our people are, at the same time, Catholic and Filipino citizens. As such, they have two great loves: their country ‘and their falth, These two loves are not conflicting loves. They are harmonious affections, like the love for his father and for his mother. te a conflict between This is the basis of my stand. Let us not creat ment and the church” nationalism and religion, between the govern Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo ee “ 1 What wan then Hh Mud te! Medeiwes api 4 , 1 Whar wae a He Hifi arg Wat wae te Muiienit 4a) ! Haw la Me Havin 4 va tle His al Hl th, A we thy whe jotta NONI OTe LEVEL HEH eto We Hin ll Inca He ainpyna vere and HH tNeoe wtatenientad wir pes. ph KONO WALA 8 1 PHIRI MADE, SPARE 1s ue, WO waets HORT se erst WAS AE TAO MCAT INS Yie PRETO FO 1 NOSES WERE, ins, 18 WHEREAS, 4 1 eet wis iiss an Wen ¢ deviaion 9 WHEREAS, the life, 1 hevvets Hall Me Tangere 20 €OF souvent patrionisen yin ones nis formative and deciahve WHEREAS, al) educations pubjact to regulation by Wwach the duties of citize = _—_ UNDERSTANDING THE RIZAL LAW 9 The Rizal Law and the Present Context In groups, talk about the preceding questions and prepare @ short summary of your discussion points to be presented in class. Do you think the debates on the Rizal Law have some resonance up to the present? If yes, In what way? If no, why? FURTHER READING The Rizal Law Sage of REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1425 AN ACT TO INCLUDE IN THE CURRICULA OF ALL PUBLIC AND ] PRIVATE SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES COURSES ON THE LIFE, WORKS AND WRITINGS OF JOSE RIZAL, PARTICULARLY HIS NOVELS NOLI ME TANGERE AND EL FILIBUSTERISMO, a AUTHORIZING THE PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of our history, there is aneed for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for — which our heroes lived and died; WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose Rizal, we remember with special fondness and rs and devotion their lives and works that have shaped the national character; WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in school, should be suffused; WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under the supervision of, and subject to regulation by the State, and all schools are enjoined to — develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and to aa teach the duties of citizenship; Now, therefore, JO THe LIFE AND WORKS OF 10H Rizay SECTION 1, Courses on the Ife, Works and wrtings of pamtculety tis novels Noll Me Tangere and E Filbusterisn 7 Beg included in the curricula of all Schools, colleges and univer sae baifuapetene or private: Provided, That In the collegiate courses, the ae 2 a aa unexpargated ealtions of the Nol! Me Tangere and E! Fibusenr Ccachers and other their English translation shall be used as basic texts, 7 SECTION 5.Th The Boat of National Education Is hereby authorized and drecey authorized to be apr to adopt forthwith measures to Implement and carry out the provision eee of this Section, including the writing and printing of appropriate primes SECTION 6. Tt readers and textbooks. The Board shall, within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate rules and regulations, including those ‘of a disciplinary nature, to carry out and enforce the provisions of this Act. The Board shall promulgate rules and regulations providing for the exemption of students for reasons of religious bellef stated in a sworn ens written statement, from the requirement of the provision contained in The Rizal L: the second part of the first paragraph of this section; but not from taking in the postwar ] the course provided for in the first part of said paragraph. Said rules and regulations shall take effect thirty (30) days after their publication in the Official Gazette. Approved: Jun Published in th was trying to g aiming. towards ways to unite th aise 2.1 shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and inspiration from epi ‘to keep in thelr libraries an adequate number of copies Spain. In this fr El Fitbusten ys UhePurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and Rizal, particular std unexpurgee eel 88 Of Rizal's other works and biography. The EI Filibusterism or ther translations pl "s of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and public edu Included in the list of = bel 8S well as other writings of Rizal shall be however, met oj OF Prvate Schools, colleges ws POOKS for required reading in all public ‘After much deb Sand The Board of Nate universities, the number of books net Education college or unverse® S8Pending yc el determine the adequacy of "9 Upon the e ooh ae SECTION are, nrollment of the sch ; Pees Writings Of JOSE Rizal into gr7e"® Bhd Ef dialects: cause them to pq again, CuSterismo, as well as other them to be distributed, je PtMted in gp w°9 ANd the law and became Constantino, F hierarchy. I colonial po OF Natioy met Education shall cause the ee 7 Principal Philippine through the Purok orgere ©! harge, yee, Bo aoneay C290, ej POPUIr editions; and couse Laurel, Jose B, country. 8 ang P8tSons dos Barrio gee eS!NG to read them, Bulletin 4( ‘SuNcIIS throughout the 0. ©d and di, Ut the pro 8cteg TOpriate 0) dave Primers, lays fr including wet >TOvisions of ths Providing for the tated in a swom lon contained jn t Not from taking h. Said rules and )ublication in the S, colleges and imber of coples Me Tangere and | biography. The El Filibusterismo of Rizal shall be ding in all public the adequacy of 1t of the school shall cause the as well as other neipat Philippine itions; and cause ng to read them. ; throughout the Unpunstanino ri Mizak baw Th SECTION 4. Nothing In this Act shall be construed ay amendment hundied lwenty-seven of the Administrative ‘or repealing section nine school Code, prohibiting the discussion of religious doctsines by publi teachers and other persons engaged In ary public school SECTION 5. The sum of three hundred thousand pesos I hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any und not atherwise appropriated in the National Treasury to carry out the purposes of this Act SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon Its approval Approved: June 12, 1956 Published In the Official Gazette, Vol. 52, No, 6, p,29711n June 1966. FeamnvaieRSEaSsASUMMARY SSCs landmark legislation The Rizal Law could be considered in the postwar Philippines, During, this period, the Philippines was trying to get up on its feet from a devastating war and ng. As the government sought aiming towards nation-buildi Jators like Claro M. Recto drew ways to unite the people, legis! inspiration from the lives of the heroes of the revolution against ‘ame, the teaching of the life and works of José Spain, In this fr: Jing, of his novels Noli Me Tangere and Rizal, particularly the rea EI Filibusterismo, was proposed to be mandated to all private and public educational institutions. The proposed legislation, arly from the Catholic Church. however, met opposition particul After much debate, the proposed bill was eventually signed into Jaw and became Republic Act No. 1425. Eyerex aans Constantino, Renato. 1969. The Rizal Law and the Catholic hierarchy, In The making of a Filipino: A story of Philippine colonial politics, pp. 244-247. Quezon City: Malaya Books. Laurel, Jose B., Jr. 1960. The trials of the Rizal Bill. Historical Bulletin 4(2): 130-139. 12. THe Lire AND WoRKS OF JOSE RIZAL : Act 1425- Available 6. Republic : Oe 1956/06/1 2/republic- BE Republic of the Philippines. | from hetp:/Iwww.officia act-no-1425/ Schumacher, John. 2011. The Rizal Bill Costa and the bishops. Philippine Stu: “Legislative Process.” Website of the Senate of the Philippines. ‘Available from of 1956: Horacio de la dies 59(4): 529-553. he p behi instil This chapte context. It a precurso it. Likewise with nation The ch which is an At the end 4 define Nation. 4 4 @ppral expla

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