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Subject Grade/Level Week Dates (from-to) Term

Biology Secondary 4 12 21-25/1/2019 2
Code Unit(s) / Chapter(s) / Topic(s)
SC3414159 Chapter 11: Respiration and gas
IGCSE Programme
11.1 Respiration
Secondary Department 11.2 Gas exchange in humans

Benchmark Indicators
Strand 8: Nature of Science and Technology

Sc1.1 Gr10-12/4 Explain the body’s immune system, and apply acquired knowledge for
health care.

Learning Objectives (Focus of the Week)

The students should be able to:
1) Explain why organisms need energy.
2) Differentiate anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
3) Describe the anaerobic respiration process and the aerobic respiration process.
4) Name organisms that can respire anaerobically.
5) List ways in which anaerobic respiration in humans differs from anaerobic respiration
in yeast.
6) Identify the energy released by respiration.
7) Describe the gas exchange surfaces.
8) Explain the human breathing system.

Tuesday – Respiration
I. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students to read the article “Breathing under
water” and the following questions will be asked:
Starter Activity / 1. How do fish breathe?
Warm-up 2. How is it different with humans?
3. What do scuba divers carry with them to keep them breathing
under water?
4. Is it possible to extend your ability to stay under water?

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Tuesday – Respiration
II. Presentation
The teacher will discuss the following topics with a power point
presentation “the respiratory system”:
1. Respiration
Main Activity
2. Anaerobic and aerobic respiration
III. Application
The students will be asked to hold their breath and measure how
long they can last before breathing.
IV. Conclusion
Conclusion / The teacher will summarize the discussion by showing a chart that
Assessment differentiates anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
Method V. Evaluation
The students will be given a 10-item quiz.
Power point presentation: The Human
IT Used? Y/N Y Summary of IT used
Immune System

Friday – 11.2 Gas exchange in humans

I. Motivation
Starter Activity /
Warm-up The teacher will show a video illustrating the gas exchange of the
II. Presentation
1. The teacher will discuss the gas exchange surface.
2. The teacher will explain the human breathing system.

III. Application
The students will answer the worksheet below using the information
they have learned throughout the discussions.

Main Activity

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Friday – 11.2 Gas exchange in humans
IV. Conclusion
The teacher will give a summary of the discussion through giving the
Conclusion / correct answers to the worksheet above.
Assessment Method
V. Evaluation
Work book activity.
IT Used? Y/N Y Summary of IT used PPT: Human Immunity

Homework Due Date

Tuesday Answer questions 11.1-11.6 on the course book page 143
Learning Materials Tool(s) for Evaluation
Course Book: Cambridge IGCSE Biology Third Work book, quiz, lesson review questions
Prepared by Nylvie Loire Aviles Collamat Approved by

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