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Basic Shop Safety Rules

1.​ D
​ ON’T operate a machine until

A) receiving proper instruction,

B) fully understanding how to use it,

C) you have permission

2.​ W
​ EAR EYE PROTECTION (SAFETY GLASSES) at ALL times when in the shop and

working with machines.

-​Always wear eye protection. Even if you’re not doing anything, other people are and a flying
piece of wood or metal from their job can easily injure you

3.​ S
​ tart & stop the machine yourself. STAY WITH THE MACHINE UNTIL IT STOPS.

4.​ K
​ eep a SAFE DISTANCE between your hands & all moving parts on the machine.

5.​ ​ Always give your machine your full attention. Never look away or talk to others.

6.​ N
​ EVER startle someone who is using a power tool or machine. Don’t speak to or distract the

operator in any way.

7.​ P

8.​ D
​ ON’T leave a machine unattended while it’s running.

9.​ N
​ otify your instructor - AT ONCE - if anything breaks or malfunctions.

10.​ Y
​ ou must let the instructor know for EVERY injury - even the slightest scratch.
11.​ S
​ ecurely fasten long hair or hairstyles that could create a hazard.

12.​ W
​ ear suitable clothing. Remove or fasten loose clothing, neckties, or jewelry. Roll loose

sleeves to elbows.

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