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Facultad de Fı́sica

Licenciatura en Fı́sica Universidad Veracruzana

Fall 2019 Course

Instructor: J. Efraı́n Rojas


Homework 5

1. Two long cylindrical shells of radii ρa and ρb are arranged coaxially and are charged to the
potentials ϕa and ϕb , respectively. Find the potential at points between the cylindrical shells.

2. A conducting sphere of radius a bearing total charge Q is placed in an initially uniform electric
~ 0 . Find the potential at all points exterior to the sphere.
field E

Due date of delivery: 09/20/2019

[1] John R. Reitz, Frederick J. Milford and Robert W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic
Theory, Addison Wesley (1992)

[2] Ashok Das, Lectures on Electromagnetism, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, (2013)

September 16, 2019 1

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