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Sales Projections

Package Pieces Price Quantity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

per of Quantity Sales Quantity Sales Quantity Sales Quantity Sales Quantity Sales
package package (units) (peso) (units) (peso) (units) (peso) (units) (peso) (units) (peso)
per month
A 3 36 759 9,110 327,960 10,021 360,756 10,932 393,552 13,665 491,940 18,448 664,128
B 6 72 350 4,205 302,760 4,626 333,072 5,046 363,312 6,308 454,176 8,516 613,152
C 12 144 58 701 100,944 771 111,024 841 121,104 1,051 151,344 1,419 204,336
TOTAL 1167 14,016 731,664 15,418 804,852 16,819 877,968 21,024 1,097,460 28,383 1,481,616

The table above shows the sales projections of the glazed lemonnie bar product for the first five years. The business
production can produce 759 of package A, 350 of package B, and 58 of package C for a month. In 2018, there was a total of
46,720 unsatisfied demand according to a feasibility study conducted by Abbugao, et al. (2013). The Agape Sisters decided to
only supply 30% of the unsatisfied demand for the first year. During the first year of operation, the business produced 9,110 of
package A, 4,205 of package B, and 709 of package C for a total of 14,016 units to supply the 30% of the unsatisfied demand.
Additionally, the sales for the first year amounted to 731,664 pesos.
For the second year, the cooperative decided to increase the quantity produced by 10% from the previous year. The
increase in production enabled the business to produce 10,021 of package A, 4,626 of package B, and 771 of package C for a
total of 15,418. The sales for the second year amounted to 804,852 pesos.
For the third year, the production increased by 20% of the quantity produced during the first year. The production
quantity reached a total of 16,819 units equating to a total earning of 877,968 pesos for the third year.
On the fourth year, the business owners decided to increase the production by 25% from the previous year. The decision
of the owners to increase the production resulted into a total of 21,024 units produced for the fourth year, amounting to 1,
097,460 of sales for the same year.
Lastly, during the fifth year, the owners increased the quantity of glazed lemonnie bar to a 35% increase from the previous
year due to the high demand for the product. This increase led to 28,383 units sold and a total amount of 1,481,616 pesos of sales
for the fifth year.

(Reference: Abbugao, M.B., Lal Mohammad, A., Lang-oy, J., Macayan, R.J., & Sical, J.J. (2013). The Viability of Putting up an
“Organic Pastry House”)


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