CSC MC No. 6, s-2002 (Grant of Loyalty Award) PDF

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A Se ~ 4 =" Republic ofthe Philippines ime, a Civil Service Commission Inara onan, Bateson Parone Cagle Dlnen 126 Ovezen Cy (CSC MC No.06 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR To : ALL HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, OFFICES AND AGENCIES OF THE NATIONAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, INCLUDING STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND GOVERNMENT-OWNED-AND-CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS WITH ORIGINAL CHARTER SUBJECT : Revised Policies on the Grant of Lovalty Award Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 92-0295 _ dated zen, 26,_ 2002. the Commission amends the policies on the grant of loyalty award. These policies ‘were formulated to recognize the continuous and satisfactory service rendered in {he government by officials and employees for a period often years. The revised policies are as follows: 1. A loyalty award is granted to all officials and employees, in the national and local governments, including those in the state colleges and universities (SUCs) and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) with original charter, who rendered ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory service in the government. 2. The particular agency where the employee or official completed the ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory service shall grant the award. 3. An official or employee who incurred an aggregate of not more than 50 days authorized vacation leave without pay within the 10-year period shall be considered a& having rendered continuous service for purpeses of granting the loyalty award.” In the same way, an official or employee who incurred an aggregate of not more than twenly five (25) days authorized vacation leave without pay within the 5-year period may qualify for the 5-year milestone loyalty award. = (For purposes of computing the Len year continuous and eatetactory service the computation ct te length slameice fori a at oor ren en Co Me, 6, a ara beers oad Memorandum Chreuar sates bat, ‘ouhored vacation fave without pay fr oF teen (35) Gye, ous of Saturdays, Sundays and hobdys, shat nt ier the COrehUNy of the thee-yeer ‘Service requirement. 1 931-7935/931-7939/9310092 « [3 esephlese gouph« Bd wesc com/ph 4. Effective January 1, 2002, continuous and satisfactory services in government for purposes of granting loyalty award shall include services in ‘one or more government agencies without any gap. Services rendered in other government agencies prior to January 1, 2002 shall not be considered for purposes of granting the loyalty award. 5, The award shall receive a loyalty memorabilia/souvenir as follows: 10 and 15 years = - bronze service pin 20 and 26 years -_ silver service ring 30,35 and-40 years - gold service medallion or other memorabilia/souvenir as may be provided In the agency PRAISE. 6. In addition to the loyally memorabilia/souvenir, a cash gift which Jess than Php500.00 but not mo all not be than Php 1,000.00 for every year of service se be guided accordingly. XL CAAD. KARINA CONSTANTINO-DAVID Chairman Maoh Oy , 2002 100 Yar Savi Republic of he Phippines womens, Civil Service Commission Vso conan ts steang horton Cage nen at Ov esc nesotuTion no. 020295 WHEREAS, Section 25, Chapter 5, Book V of Executive Order No. 292 provides thet there shall be established a government-wide employee suggestions and Incentive awards system which shall be administered under such rules, regulations end ‘standards as may be promulgated by the Civil Service Commission; WHEREAS, Section 7(c), Rule 10 of the Omnibus Civil Service Rules and Regulations Implementing Book’ V of Executive Order No. 292, provides thet all members of the goverment workforce shall receive incentive awards, including the ‘wren oT ivyaily mward basea on comInUOUS and setistactory service: WHEREAS, item 2 of CSC MC No. 42, 5. 1992 provides that loyalty award be given to government officiais and employees who have completed at least ten (10) Years of continuous and salisfactory service to the particular agency granting ihe award; WHEREAS, this policy recognizes only the continuous end satisfactory servi of tnose who stay in one particular agency for a period of ten years and overlook the Services of those who transferred from one government agency te enother: WHEREAS, the Commission acknowledges the need to make the present policies on the grant of loyalty swards encompass all dedicated civil servants, who Fendered continuous and satisfactory service in the government; NOW THEREFORE, the Commission hereby adopts the following policies Teletve to tne grant of loyalty award: 1. Aloyalty award is granted to all officials and employees, in the national and locet governments, including those in the state colleges and universities (SUCs) end ‘government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) with orighnal charter, who endered ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory service in the governmemt 2. The particular agency where the employee or official completed the ten (10) years ‘of continuous and satisfactory service shall grant the award. 3. An officiel or employee who incurred an aggregate of not more then 50 days ‘authorized vacation leave without pay within the 10-year period shall be considered ‘9s having rendered continuous service for purposes of granting the loyalty award In the same way, an official or employee who incurred an aggregate of not more than twenty five (25) days authorized vacation leave without pay within the 5-year period may qualify for the 5-year milestone loyalty award. or papotes of comping te tn Yor cetinious and aiafnctry service he computation ofthe length of sevice {orth grat of sap increment prevded for in CSC MG Wo. 30, 2 1990 shal be asepied Sad Memes, Grol sates Gat “euthorined vocation kev vou pay for an aearegnie f flees (1) tape Geianes of Ssardes Sends and holidays, shall not erp te conaaty of te Dreepan ericson. L- '& 931-7938/031-7939/93-8092 « S excphliese govph + Bhwnwceccom/ph 4. Effective January 1, 2002, continuous and selistaciory services In govertiment for Purposes of granting loyally award shall include services in one or more government agencies without any gap. Services rendered in other government agencies prior to Jenuery 1, 2002 shall not ‘be considered for purposes of granting the loyally award, 5. The awardee shall receive a loyally memorabilia/souvenir as follows: 10 end 15 years = bronze service pin 20 and 25 years = silver service ring 30,35end40 years - gold service medallion or other memorabilta/souvenir as may be provided in the agency PRAISE, 6. In addition to the loyalty memorabilla/souvenir, @ Gash giR which shell not be less than Phip600.00 but not more than Php 1,000.00 for every year of service shall be given to qualified officials or employees. RESOLVED FURTHER thal the above guidelines shall be implemented ffectve _sasuasy_ot, 2002, ‘Quezon city, _ FEB 26 2002 xn CASAL, KARMA CONSTANT NID aaa - v EGS AGL UR. omissio Director it February 8, 2002 |

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