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When More Pain Is Preferred to Less: Adding a Better End

Author(s): Daniel Kahneman, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Charles A. Schreiber and Donald A.

Source: Psychological Science, Vol. 4, No. 6 (Nov., 1993), pp. 401-405
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of the Association for Psychological Science
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Research Report
Adding a Better End
Daniel Kahneman,1 Barbara L. Fredrickson,2 Charles A. Schreiber,1 and
Donald A. Redelmeier3
1 University of California, 2Duke University, and3 University of Toronto

Abstract - Subjects were exposed youtoenjoying

two this?" or "Does it hurt?" 4) was judged much less aversive than
aversive experiences: in the short This trial,
confidence could be unwarranted the series 2-5-8, even though the only dif-
they immersed one hand in water because attwo fallible mental processes ference between the two episodes was
14 °Cfor 60 s; in the long trial, they separateim-retrospective assessments from the 5 extra min of discomfort in the
mersed the other hand at 14 °C for the sequence
60 s, of experiences that consti-former.

then kept the hand in the water tuted30thes original episode: an operation More recently, we have extended this
longer as the temperature of the of memory
water and an act of evaluation. research to the retrospective evaluation
was gradually raised to 15 °C, still Somepain-
recent research has called into of episodes of pleasure or discomfort
ful but distinctly less so for most question
sub-the accuracy of people's mem- that subjects experience themselves. In
jects. Subjects were later givenories for their hedonic and affective ex-
a choice the first of these studies (Fredrickson &
of which trial to repeat. A significant periences (Kent, 1985; Rachman & Kahneman, 1993), subjects viewed a se-
majority chose to repeat the long 1989; Thomas & Diener, 1990). This ar-
trial, ries of short, plotless films, varying in
apparently preferring more pain ticle over
focuses on the process of evaluating content from pleasant (penguins at play)
less. The results add to other evidence past episodes of pain. to highly aversive (an amputation).
suggesting that duration plays a small Some rules for the evaluation of epi- There were two versions of each film,
role in retrospective evaluations of aver- sodes have the appeal of logical princi- one three times longer than the other.
sive experiences; such evaluations are ples. The most compelling is a rule of Each subject saw the long version of
often dominated by the discomfort at the temporal monotonicity , which requires some films and the short version of oth-
worst and at the final moments of epi- that adding moments of pain to the ers.
end Subjects provided continuous rat-
sodes. of an episode can only make the episode ings of affect while watching each film
worse, and that adding moments of plea- and assessments of overall pleasure or
sure must make it better. As we shall discomfort at its end. The results of this
Decisions are often controlled by he-
see, however, the psychology of evalua-analysis were strikingly similar to those
donic predictions. We choose the option
tion does not obey this rule. of the earlier (Varey & Kahneman, 1992)
that will cause most pleasure, or least
In one investigation (Varey & Kahne-study: Retrospective evaluations were
pain - in Jeremy Bentham's terms, the
man, 1992), subjects made global evalu-well predicted by a weighted average of
option that will yield the greatest utility.
ations of episodes of discomfort sufferedthe peak affect rating and the final rating
Hedonic prediction usually relies on
by another person. The subjects wererecorded for each film; the duration of
memories of previous experiences: We
shown a series of "discomfort ratings"the film did not emerge as an indepen-
expect to like what we remember as on a scale from 0 to 10; these ratings dent predictor of the overall evaluation.
pleasant and to dislike what we remem-
were purportedly made by an individual A subsequent study extended these
ber as unpleasant. How accurate are
at 5-min intervals during an unpleasantfindings to the retrospective evaluation
these evaluations of past experiences?
experience (e.g., exposure to loud drill-of a painful medical procedure (Redel-
Do they provide good guides for future
ing noise). The episodes to be evaluatedmeier & Kahneman, 1993). Patients un-
varied in duration, in average intensity,dergoing diagnostic colonoscopy indi-
When we ask a friend who has re-
and in the temporal trend of the discom-cated their current discomfort every 60 s
cently returned from the Bahamas, or fort. Global evaluations were highly sen-during the procedure. They also pro-
from the dentist, "How was it?" or
sitive to intensity and to trend: An un-vided retrospective evaluations of the
"Was it better than last time?" we as-
weighted combination of peak discom-procedure, both immediately and 1
sume that the friend knows the answer.
fort and of the discomfort at the end ofmonth later. Again, a combination of the
Retrospective assessments of the utility
the episode accounted for 94% of theratings of the worst and the final mo-
of past experiences are accepted in ev- variance. The effect of duration, thoughments of the colonoscopy predicted sub-
eryday interaction with almost as much
statistically significant, was remarkablysequent evaluations with substantial ac-
confidence as the answers to questions
small: Adding this factor raised R2 bycuracy. The duration of the procedure,
about the affect of the moment: "Are
only a further 3%. The neglect of dura-which varied between 4 min and 69 min
tion and the emphasis on endings led tofor different patients, did not signifi-
cantly affect any of the retrospective
Address correspondence to Daniel Kahne- predictable violations of monotonicity.
man, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and For example, the series of discomfort judgments. The attending physician and
International Affairs, Princeton University, ratings 2-5-8-4 (indicating a 20-min epi-nurse also provided independent retro-
Princeton, NJ 08544-1013. sode ending with a discomfort rating ofspective evaluations of each patient's

VOL. 4, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1993 Copyright © 1993 American Psychological Society 401

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More Pain

overall discomfort, without access to theproblems and use of drugs, including to- both hands in the cold-water tub for 5 s
patient's ratings. As might be expectedbacco. Three of the subjects replaced before agreeing to participate. They
from the earlier results (Varey & Kahne-others whose data were discarded, 1 be- were given no indication that the trials
man, 1992), the judgments of these ob-cause of technical difficulties with tem- would differ, except that they were to
servers were also dominated by the perature control, and 2 because they did use one hand in the first experience and
worst and the final moments of the pro- not indicate a consistent preference be- the other hand in the second. The order
cedure, and unrelated to its duration. tween the two trials. of the long and short trials and their as-
The common finding of these studies signment to the dominant or nondomi-
is the relative neglect of duration in ret- nant hand were counterbalanced across
rospective evaluations and the success- Apparatus subjects.
ful prediction of the global disutility of an Immediately before each trial, sub-
A plastic tub in which subjects im-
extended aversive episode by the disutil- jects immersed both hands in room-
mersed their hand was filled to a depth of
ity of two singular moments - the peak 1 1 cm with 7 L of water cooled to 14. 1 °C temperature water for a 2-min baseline
and the end of the experience. The re- period. After each trial, they spent 7 min
(±0.3 °C). To maintain a constant tem-
sults suggest an averaging model for in a waiting area working on a personal-
perature and a slight agitation of the wa-
global evaluations (Anderson, 1991), ity inventory. Before the expected third
ter, an external pump circulated water
which implies violations of temporal trial, they were told that we needed their
from the tub through an aluminum coil
monotonicity. As illustrated by the ficti- impressions of the first two trials be-
submerged in ice water. Water tempera-
tious sequences 2-5-8 and 2-5-8-4 men- cause they would choose one of them to
ture was controlled also by using another
tioned earlier (Varey & Kahneman, be repeated. They were then given a
pump to circulate water through a coil
1992), the evaluation of an aversive epi- questionnaire titled "Impressions of
submerged in room-temperature water
sode can be improved by adding to it a Cold- Water Trials." The first question
(21 °C ± 1.1 °C). By simultaneously turn-
period of diminishing discomfort. In the was, "Suppose we paid you to come
ing off the first pump and turning on the
present study, we tested whether this back tomorrow to repeat just one of the
second, the water temperature in the
process can lead subjects to prefer more two cold-water trials that you've experi-
subject's tub could be increased by 1.1
pain over less pain in a direct choice. enced today. Which one would you
°C (±0.3 °C) in 30 s. The switching of
Subjects had two separate unpleasant choose?" The choice referred to the first
pumps was not audible and produced no
experiences in the course of an experi- and the second trials. The next question
noticeable change in tub circulation.
mental session: a short trial in which was, "For today's third trial, you can
Pumps, coils, and switches were not vis-
they immersed one hand in water at the pick which of the previous cold-water
ible to the subject.
moderately painful temperature of 14 °C An on-line measure of discomfort was trials you will repeat. Which one do you
for 60 s and a long trial in which they choose?" (Two subjects who gave in-
obtained using a "discomfort meter,"
immersed the other hand in water at consistent responses to these two ques-
which consisted of a potentiometer and a
14 °C for 60 s, then kept the hand im- tions were replaced.) Subjects then com-
linear array of 15 light-emitting diodes
mersed 30 s longer while the temperature pared their two experiences using four
(LEDs). A single green LED at one end
of the water was raised slightly, still Likert scales (ranging from -5 to +5).
of the display remained lit at all times.
within the uncomfortable range. Thus, They were asked "Which trial caused
By adjusting the potentiometer, subjects
the long trial included all the discomfort the greater overall discomfort?" "Which
could control the number of red LEDs
of the short trial, plus an extra period of trial lasted longer?" "At its most ex-
that were lit, thereby indicating the level
slowly diminishing discomfort. The sub- treme moment, which trial was colder?"
of discomfort. The potentiometer was
jects expected to have a third unpleasant and "Which trial was tougher for you to
sampled five times per second, and the
experience during the session, and they cope with?" Finally, subjects depicted
1-s means were recorded by a computer,
were given a choice of whether to repeat the discomfort they felt "moment-by-
which also recorded water temperature.
the first or the second trial. Our hypoth- moment during each trial" by drawing a
Discomfort values could range between
esis was that subjects would retain0 aand 14.
continuous line across a Discomfort x
more favorable memory of the long epi- Time chart provided by the experi-
sode because it ended at a lower level of menter. Subjects were then informed
discomfort, and that they would conse- Procedure that there would be no third trial and
quently choose to repeat that episode. were fully debriefed.
Subjects were tested individually by a
female experimenter. They were told
METHOD that the experiment concerned judg- RESULTS
ments of discomfort and that they would
be asked to place a hand in a tub of cold Real-time measures of discomfort
water on three separate occasions. The were essentially identical for the short
Thirty-two male University of Cali- cover story was that the study dealt with trial and for the first 60 s of the long trial:
fornia students, age 19 to 39 (median age lateral differences in the experience ofThe mean responses recorded at 60 s
= 22.5), were paid $10 for a 1-hr session. discomfort. As part of the consent pro- were 8.44 for the short trial and 8.34 for
Participants were screened for health cedure, subjects were asked to immerse the long trial. The gradual increase of

402 VOL. 4, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1993

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D. Kahneman et al.

water temperature (from a mean of Among the 21 subjects who showedchosea to repeat the trial that they remem-
14.1 °C to 15.2 °C) during the final 30 s of decrement of 2 or more points, 17 (or as being easier; the biserial corre-
the long trial caused a pronounced drop 81%) preferred the long trial; the 11lation
sub-was .80 between choice and the
of the discomfort measure (M = 2.65 for jects who showed little or no decrement
comparison of overall discomfort. Sec-
the change score, f[31] = 6.80, p < .01). of discomfort split 6:5 in favor ofond,thethe neglect of duration is confirmed
The high sensitivity of pain to minor short trial. by a correlation of only .16 between
changes of temperature in this range con- The comparative ratings that subjects choice and the comparison of durations.
firms prior results (Cabanac, 1981). provided after stating their choiceThe were
intercorrelations among the compar-
However, not all subjects responded usually consistent with their decisions, ative judgments tell the same story. The
alike to the temperature change: Eleven but not always with the facts. Thus,(mostly most erroneous) judgments of which
of the 32 subjects indicated a decrement subjects indicated that the long trial trial included the coldest temperature
of discomfort of 1 point or less, and 2 of caused less overall discomfort (M = correlated .69 with ratings of overall dis-
these subjects even reported an increase -0.91, f[31] = 2.12, p < .05), was less comfort and .62 with ratings of "tough
of discomfort during the last 30 s of the cold at its most extreme moment (M = coping." In contrast, the (mostly veridi-
long trial. Figure 1 shows the time course -0.91, r[31] = 1.90), and was less tough cal) judgments of duration correlated
of the discomfort measure in the long to cope with (M = - 1.12, r[31] = 2.90, only .08 with rated discomfort and .18
trial for these 1 1 subjects and for the ma- p < .01). Since the long trial contained with rated difficulties of coping. Subjects
jority who showed a larger decrement. all the pain of the short trial and then evidently felt little pressure to distort
Note that, even for the latter, the expe- some, these postchoice judgments are their judgments of duration to fit their
rience at the end of the long trial was still simply wrong. The bias in favor of the global impression of the trials.
distinctly unpleasant. long trial may have affected some judg-
The main dependent variable was the ments of duration: six subjects reported
subject's choice for the third trial. As that the long trial was actually shorter, GENERAL DISCUSSION
predicted, most subjects (22 of 32, or and 9 did not report any difference. On
69%) preferred to repeat the long trial (z average, however, the relative duration The present results are compatible
= 2.15, p < .05 by sign test). Note that of the two trials was judged correctly (M with the peak-and-end pattern we have
this proportion would be zero if subjects = 1.09, f[31] = 3.27, p < .01). The du- observed before, in which an average of
acted to minimize their exposure to pain. ration difference evidently did not loom the real-time responses to the worst and
Additional tests showed that choices did large in subjects' choices, although one to the final moment predicts the retro-
not depend on whether the long trial was was heard to mutter after comparing the spective evaluation of an aversive epi-
experienced first or second or with the duration of the two trials, "The choice I sode with fair accuracy, whereas dura-
dominant or nondominant hand. As made doesn't seem to make much sense." tion is relatively neglected. This pattern
might be expected, a preference for The the correlations between subjects' entails different results for those subjects
long trial was correlated with the decre- choices and their postchoice compari-who experienced diminishing pain in the
ment of discomfort indicated during sons
theof the two trials support two con- long trial and for those who did not. For
last 30 s of that trial (rbis = .38, p clusions:
< .05). First, subjects almost alwaysthe typical subject, the worst moments
of the short and of the long trial were
about equally bad, but the final moment
was better in the long trial. A weighted
average of these momentary utilities
would therefore yield a more favorable
evaluation of the long trial, as was found.
A minority of subjects indicated no less-
ening of discomfort in the long trial; their
worst discomfort and their final discom-
fort were therefore approximately the
same within each trial, and similar across
the two trials. The peak-and-end pattern
predicts that the long and the short trials
should be about equally aversive for
these individuals, as was found. Thus,
the peak-and-end pattern explains both
the cases in which our initial prediction
was confirmed and those in which it ap-
peared to fail.
We suspected that the requirement to
Fig. 1. Mean of real-time discomfort measure on the long trial, for 11 subjects affect in real time could enhance
indicated little or no decrement of discomfort when temperature changed andthe salience
for 21 of the worst and the final
subjects who indicated decreased discomfort. moments, but the results do not depend

VOL. 4, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1993 403

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More Pain

on this feature of the design. The strongterms of boundaries and singular points, the memory of a painful medical treat-
preference for the long trial was con- the cognitive system may represent ex- ment is likely to be less aversive if relief
firmed in a replication of the present ex-tended experiences in terms of transi- from the pain is gradual than if relief is
periment in which the real-time measuretions and singular moments. Note that abrupt. A related hypothesis is that the
of discomfort was eliminated: Of 37 par- we refer here to representations that are provision of relief in the context in which
ticipants in that replication, 24 chose theformed for the purpose of evaluation. pain has been experienced will yield a
long trial. We have also found in two We do not claim that other information is more favorable memory than immediate
other studies (Fredrickson & Kahne- necessarily lost, only that it is often not transition to a new context as the pain
man, 1993; Redelmeier & Kahneman, used. Indeed, most subjects in the ends. These are meaningful issues in
1993) that the peak-and-end pattern and present experiment could correctly re-medical care, given the general availabil-
the neglect of duration were maintained trieve the relative durations of the two ity of analgesics that vary in onset, du-
even when subjects did not provide ex- trials, but did not use that knowledge ration, in and strength. Furthermore, mem-
plicit evaluations of ongoing experience. making their choices. Thus, the neglect ories of treatment can affect medical out-
We do not propose that duration is of duration that we have observed is an comes if they influence patients' morale
always neglected: It seems likely that du- attentional phenomenon; it does not rep- and compliance with treatment recom-
ration could play a role in the evaluation resent an inability to use duration as mendations
a (Redelmeier & Kahneman,
of affective episodes that are either very cue to decision or a general policy to ig- 1993).
much longer or very much shorter than nore this attribute. While it offers new opportunities, the
expected. Nor do we propose that peak In the present experiment, the neglect dissociation of retrospective evaluations
affect and end affect are the only rele- of duration led most subjects to expose from immediate experience also raises
vant predictors of retrospective evalua- themselves to more pain rather than less. intricate dilemmas of informed consent.
tion. For example, the velocity of an im- Nothing in the subjects' comments re- Consider, for example, a direct exten-
proving or deteriorating trend has been ferred to a particular advantage in the sion of the present study to a medical
shown to be a factor in evaluations (Hsee long trial that made the extra pain worth- context: Will a physician be allowed to
& Abelson, 1991; Hsee, Abelson, & Sa- while. Furthermore, we do not believe add an interval of diminishing pain to the
lovey, 1991), and there are surely others. that subjects who choose the long trial end of a medical procedure if the sole
We suspect that there are cases in which would actually prefer to keep their hand benefit of the added pain is to cause pa-
memories of an episode are dominated in slowly warming cold water, if after 60 tients to retain a more favorable memory
by its initial moments. There are also sit- s at 14 °C they were offered the alterna- of it? The answer is likely to depend on
uations in which the peak may be dis- tive of a dry towel. In the absence of any how the patient is informed. On the one
counted and only the end matters: The valid reason for the choice, the prefer- hand, it is safe to assume that few pa-
positive affect associated with hope for a ence for the long trial must be viewed as tients will agree to expose themselves to
good outcome may not be counted in ret- a violation of temporal monotonicity - pain for the sole purpose of improving a
rospective evaluations of an episode that and as a mistake. future memory. Thus, informed consent
eventually ends in disappointment (Car- We conclude that subjects chose the would probably be denied. On the other
mon & Kahneman, 1993; see also Fred- long trial simply because they liked the hand, the present results imply that pa-
rickson, 1991). memory of it better than the alternative tients who have actually experienced
We view the peak-and-end pattern as (or disliked it less), not because they both versions of the procedure - a form
an instance of the broader proposition were willing to suffer for the sake of ob- of knowledge that is generally consid-
that people tend to use selected moments taining a more favorable memory. Asered superior to a mere description - will
as proxies in evaluating temporally ex- they normally do in other choices, we generally prefer to repeat the longer one.
tended states or episodes. This proposi- suppose, our subjects trusted their retro- What weight should be given to a choice
tion applies to both prospective and ret- spective evaluations of the two episodes that is informed by personal experience
rospective evaluations. For example, ev- as a basis for a decision: What could be if this choice can be traced to a faulty
idence from studies of decisions about wrong with repeating the experience one evaluation process? The ethical question
monetary gambles suggests that the ef- now likes best? Indeed, evaluated mem- of which of these conflicting preferences
fective carriers of utility are changes of ories are the only available guide for should be considered authoritative may
wealth (gains and losses), not states of many decisions, but our experiment has not have a straightforward answer.
wealth (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). shown this guide to be fallible. It is part
The behavior of subjects in simple ex- of the human condition that people pre-
changes also indicates that choices are fer to repeat the experiences that have
governed by the affect associated with left them with the most favorable mem- Acknowledgments - This research was
supported by grants from the Sloan Foun-
obtaining an attractive object or giving it ories - not necessarily the experiences dation and the National Science Founda-
up, not by the long-term utility of owning that actually gave the most pleasure and tion. We thank George Loewenstein and
the object or retaining a sum of money the least pain. Amos Tversky for helpful suggestions and
(Kahneman, Knetsch, & Thaler, 1991). A better understanding of the rules of comments. We are particularly grateful to
A general principle of mental represen- retrospective evaluation could yield Kathy L. Knopoff, who was involved in
the study from the early stages of pretest-
tation may be involved: Just as the visual some valuable applications. For exam-
ing and was the sole experimenter.
system appears to describe objects in ple, the peak-and-end rule suggests that

404 VOL. 4, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1993

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D. Kahneman et al.

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