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The Implication of Allowing Gadgets in School

to the Attitude of High School Student in

Notre Dame of Salaman College

Klint Cydryl B. Ogatis

Mr. Jude Kevin Bacero


Now a days people are fund of having a gadget

especially student. Gadgets (cellphone, lop top, PC,etc) have a

big benefits when it comes to education and sometimes gadgets is

much more destructive when it comes to learning. Student make

their part time hour to face their gadget as an entertainment

especially games, social media, not in and educational purposes.

All we know technology conquer the world

especially in education. Our government implemented the K-12

Curriculum to enhance and burden the knowledge of the learners

and also it is easy to navigate the said gadget and searched

what is all about what is learned today’s lesson. Even Educators

today also depend on their gadget as their teaching method.

But not all times are not good at all when it comes to

making an assignment because student depend on their gadget jus

to call Google help or Google search. Internet is not good at

all because instead of searching lesson through internet they

just click in their URL into pornography site. Today’s student

are not willing to go to library because they are much depended

on their gadgets.

How can gadget really affect the student in terms of

their attitudes towards their studies. Is it really destructive

or is it really helps the student in their study. In today’s

world the term “gadget” is fairly common. It refers to practical

devise that is often designed with a sophisticated technology.

Some of the common gadgets we use today are laptops, MP3

players, digital cameras, and personal computer. Additionally

just about everyone you see today uses mobile phone which we

refer to this day as a smartphone.

Today’s gadgets are not just for adult though. Student

often use a variety of device without fully understanding their

impact. Sometimes a parent or teacher will have to step is to

limit the use of the gadget so that it does not become harmful

to student.

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