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My Week in Toddler Class

Child Name: x Teacher Name: Samantha Dube

This week I explored and played in toddler class by doing these things:

Date:06/11/2019 Date:06/13/2019

Today, x painted with different shaped sponges. He painted Today, Elias continued to paint with the different shaped
with a square, triangle, and a circle. When his teacher talked sponges in the art area. At the gross motor area, Elias
about the colors of the paint, Elias imitated her and pointed played with different colored plastic balls. He shook a
to the paint on the table at the art area. Elias played with basket with balls in it. He also attempted to throw the balls
the balls at the gross motor area. He threw the balls into the one by one into different baskets. During lab, Elias pointed
baskets. Elias played at the dramatic play area with the to the pictures of the other toddlers and animals from the
dishes in the sensory table. He washed them alongside his sensory walk posted around the room. Elias also played on
peers. Elias participated in large group from the dramatic the slide alongside a few toddlers and rocked on the horse.
play area. He made the faces and some of the actions that Outside, Elias ripped grass and threw it in the air. He also
where being done at large group. Elias played in the block played in the sand box and threw it in the air.
area with one other toddler. They built towers from wooden
blocks. Outside Elias drank water from the water fountain,
played in the sand, played on the slide, and jumped into a

My Goal:

Elias will be able to wait for his turn to get a toy or other materials two -three times each day in lab without getting

I worked on my goal today by: I worked on my goal today by:

Date: 06/11/2019 Date: 06/13/2019

Today, Elias worked on his goal by waiting for his turn to Today, Elias worked on his goal by waiting for his turn to go
drink water at the water fountain. He also worked on his goal onto the slide. While going outside, Elias held onto the
by taking turns to jump into a puddle with his teacher. When rope and shared it with other toddlers.
she was jumping, he waited for his turn and he said, “your
turn”. Elias also worked on his goal by waiting for his turn to
go down a slide.

Date: 06/11/2019 When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy Energetic Anxious Quiet Sad Tired Other: Absent______

Date: 06/13/2019 When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy Energetic Anxious Quiet Sad Tired Other: Absent______

Comments (i.e. toileting, accidents and/or health concerns):

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