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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Research is principally a way to counter questions aroused by curiosity.

Majority of the students tend to avoid research because it has been found to be

a complicated subject to grasp. To choose an entirely new topic and work within

available resources and without proper supervision is not an easy task and in

such situation the research seems to be the most difficult subject which cannot

be qualified easily. People usually find it difficult mainly on the basis of difficulties

they encounter while conducting research (Taskeen et al., 2014).

Writing research paper is a common learning situation in schools,

colleges and universities, especially in the advent of the K to 12 Curriculum.

Research writing not only requires knowledge about grammar, genre and

vocabulary but also the ability to self-regulate one’s own learning. Individuals

have to plan, initiate, monitor and evaluate their writing research paper process,

stay focused, motivated and manage the learning environment (Graham &

Harris 2009).

In USA, students face different kinds of difficulties in writing a thesis. One

is the linguistic aspect, this include problems mainly with grammar, vocabulary,

punctuation and spelling. Academic is set on some quality and standards which

all academic writings must follow. It is a great challenge for most students to be

able to write in good, grammatical English (, n.d).

In La Salle University-Ozamiz, there are several items which are

considered by the student-researchers as problems in conducting their

research. The cooperation of respondents outside the academic institution is

very crucial problem for student researchers. To some extent, students felt that

personal problems like time and stress management disturbed their

concentration (Bocar, 2009). Additionally, in University of Sto. Tomas,

undergraduate students who were under competent, motivating and supportive

research mentors undertook the difficult research process and experienced

various activities and mixed feelings in the following stages: Groping,

Developing, and Accomplishing (Tan, 2007).

In Cotabato City, specifically in Cotabato City National High School-Main

Campus, it is commonly observed that students have problems in writing a

research paper such as constructing grammatically correct sentences,

paraphrasing and summarizing that put them in difficult situation most

particularly writing the parts of a research paper.

Further, the student’s lack of cooperation among the group mates and

unavailability of the resources of the school are some of the reasons.

The researcher came across a lot of readings and literature but there is

no research study on the difficulties of students in writing a research paper in

Cotabato City National High School-Main Campus. This makes this study very

relevant and timely. Even though this is a very important issue, no attention has

been paid to tackle such problems so far and that is why this study was

conducted. Therefore, there is a need to do more research on this issue.

Research Questions

This study aimed to determine the travails in writing a research paper

among Senior High School (SHS) students at Cotabato City National High

School-Main Campus during second semester for the school year 2018-2019.

Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions:

1. What part of the research paper SHS students find it challenging?

2. What are the reasons why SHS students find research challenging?

3. What are the coping strategies of the SHS students to these


4. What are the suggestions of SHS students to improve the conduct

of research?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the challenges of eight grade 12 students from the

eight different strands offered at CCNHS-Main Campus during second semester

for the school year 2018-2019. It used qualitative multiple case study as the

research design and information was collected through an in-depth-interview

with the use of cellphone recorder.


The participants were asked on their perspectives on the parts of the

research paper that they find difficult, the reasons why they find writing a

research paper difficult, their coping strategies in addressing these challenges

and the suggestions to improve the conduct of research.

The researcher took place in a particular setter, the results of the study

do not represent entirely all the experience of students who are taking

research subject. There may be the same experiences but not all.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study may be a great help to the whole educational

system, Department of Education, Schools Division of Cotabato City, Research

subject teachers, to the learners and to the future researchers.

This study may help the whole system of education by having this as

additional literature of knowledge in the field of language teaching. This may

also serve as basis of the experts in looking at the situation of the students

which may lead to another solution.

The Department of Education (DepEd) may be able to implement k to 12

curriculum visitation and implement helping programs for the student having

difficulties in writing a research paper throughout the country.

The SDO Cotabato City may provide relevant programs and activities for

the students as well as teachers such as technical assistance and training

programs focusing on academic paper writing.


The research teacher may use this study to enhance their knowledge on

research and update themselves on their teaching strategies to address the

difficulties of the student researchers.

This study may be a benefit to the grade 10 students who may be

enrolling to the Senior High School on the following year. The results may

provide them some technical consideration when they become senior high

school students.

This study may help the future researchers by enriching their related

literature and studies. They may use the findings of this study for future research


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined technically and operationally for a better

understanding of the study.

Coping Strategies- refer to action, series of actions, or thought process

used in meeting a stressful or unpleasant situation or in modifying one’s reaction

to such a situation ( Operationally, these refer to the

mechanisms of the SHS students in writing a research paper which include time

management, unity and teamwork, frequent reminders to the group members,

ask questions to the experts and patient with positive attitude.

Multiple Case Study- refers to a variant that includes two or more

observations of the same phenomenon. In this study, it refers to the eight cases

of the SHS students having difficulties in writing a research paper from different

strands of CCNHS-Main Campus.

Research Paper- refers to a substantial piece of academic writing,

usually done as a requirement for a class, in which the author does

independent research into a topic and writes a description of the findings of that

research ( this study, this refers to the research output of

the SHS students from the different research subjects such as Practical

Research 1, (PR1) Practical Research 2 (PR2) and Inquiries, Investigation and

Immersion (III).

Senior High School (SHS) Students- refer to the eight student

participants of this study who have been experiencing difficulties such as writing

the introduction, statement of the problem, review of related literature and

research instruments of the research paper.

Travails- refer to the challenging experiences encountered by the senior

high school students of CCNHS-Main Campus in writing a research paper such

as writing the introduction, statement of the problem, review of related literature

and research instruments.

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