Soal B.inggris

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Kevin : No problem. By the way, what will you do this week end, Rud?

Rudi : I’ll go fishing with my father.

Kevin : Wow, really?

Rudi : Yes, I love fishing very much.

Kevin : Do you do that often?

Rudi : Every two weeks.

Kevin : Cool. Since when do you like fishing?

Rudi : Since I was kid I guess.

Kevin : What is the biggest fish do you ever caught?

Rudi : There is one time when I caught a 4 kilos freshwater trout.

Kevin : Wow!! You’re amazing.

Rudi : Thank you.

1.Who are talking in the dialog?

2.What do they talk about?

3. How often does Jim go fishing?

4. Complete the following dialog into a good sentences!

Mrs. Ani : Ufftt… It’s so hot. ……………………………………. the window for me?

Bowo : Of course mom.

5. Please make sentence using these following words:




6. Arrange into correct sentence!

In –your –best –speech –on –congratulation –contest- performance!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fill in the blank with the correct verb!

The students usually … (7) to library during the break of lesson. They can borrow or ... (8) the books. The
students should … (9) the books on time or they have to ... (10) the fine if the books are late to return.

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