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Selection Criteria Questions to Ponder Answers

 What are the details of this  The details of this piece of

piece of news? news are the number of
passengers that were
stranded due to inclement
Reliability weather in Visayas and
Mindanao brought by
Tropical Depression
 Could these details be true?  The details are true
Why or why not? because it is from
Philippine Coast Guard
 Which of these facts are  The facts that are
measurable? measurable are the number
of passengers who were
stranded, the vessels,
rolling cargoes, motor
bancas that were also
standed and the areas that
were affected by the
inclement weather.
Accuracy  How were they derived?  They derived it by surveying
and counting the number
of the stranded passengers
and the vessels, rolling
cargoes and motorbancas
that were also standed, and
double checking the
information in the
 Consider the audience of the  Everyone can be consider
article? as long as they can read.
Value  Who would find this article  Port’s crews, and stuffs and
valuable? passengers that were
 Who wrote the article?  The article was written
by an unspecified
Authority  What was his source?  His sources are the
Philippine Coast Guard
and Weather Bureau.
 When was the article  There is no exact date given
written? in the article.
Timeliness  Is it possible that some of  Yes. Because if the article
the information in the article changed in time it will
has changed in time? If yes, affect the conclusion f the
would the change have any article. If there is a change
affect on the conclusion of on a stable information it
the article? will ruin and make the
information unreliable.

My judgment/conclusion in this article is that the article is not reliable because the author or the
writer is unknown and the article is not from the main or the authorize writer. It can be reliable
if the authorize writer post it to the public.

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