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By Chinmay Pathak
“Sir, Mr. Jack wishes to speak to you” John said to James
Anderson. He had been excepting the Commissioner’s call;
“What leads have you got Jackie?” he asked after taking over
the phone from John. “The name is bullet” suddenly he heard
the unmistakable voice of a sniper from the other side. He
could hear the cries of pain. It was unmistakably James
Anderson shouting with excruciating pain. He heard another
voice take over the phone “watch out for the Bullet, Mr.
.Thorpe … it never misses.”
1. Prologue
2. Chapter 1 : Birthday Surprise
3. Chapter 2 : The Report
4. Chapter 3: Pentobarbital
5. Chapter 4: New Leads
6. Chapter 5: James’ Record
7. Chapter 6: BULLET
8. Chapter 7: The Pattern
9. Chapter 8: From Illusion with Love
Chapter 9: The Mask Falls Off
Chapter 10: Am pentobarbital Attacks
“Happy birthday, sir.” the Commissioner’s team wished him
warmly. “Thank you, everyone.” said Jack. He would never
have remembered his birthday if it were not his colleagues. He
was the head of the police in a state called Attire in Maryland.
He had immense work pressure at all times. He became the
head two years ago and was the youngest head of all times,
probably the best too. He had solved fifteen cases till date.
Today was his birthday and he was enjoying after a really long
time. But, there had to be some kind of an obstruction; there was
a knock at his door. Jack rushed to open the door. “Blimey! You
nearly got me” he said. “A parcel for you, sir” said the delivery
boy. “Thank you”. He shut the door. The parcel was carefully
packed in a good quality silver wrapping paper. It had a note
stuck to it.


Jack carefully unwrapped the present and opened the box.
“NO!” cried Martha, Morgan the Sergeant’s wife. “Katie, drive
Martha to her house. I want everybody to go home. “ said Jack
with a grim expression on his face. It was Morgan’s head
wrapped up as a present.

“Jack, will you go for investigation tomorrow?”said Kate rather

mournfully. “I guess I’ll have to. I’ll go to the forensic office” said Jack.

“Alright then, sleep well” she turned off the light and dozed off.

“That’ll do, Katie” he said as she put another toast on Jack’s plate. “I’ll
leave now.”

He took the head, which he kept carefully in the same box and left the
house. “I think I should go from the backyard side” he muttered to himself.

“Blimey! KATIE, KATIE COME HERE NOW!” he shouted on top of his

“What happened?” she looked terrified. “Look at this! It’s the delivery
boy’s body.” He said as he discovered the delivery boy’s body. “Dead”.
Jack confirmed.

He calls his force and they all go to the forensic office. Dr. Orne, the
forensic expert greets them warmly and promises to help them.

“Dr. Orne, when will we get the report?” inquired Jack.

“Tomorrow morning, positively” he replied.

“Thank you, doctor” he thanked him jovially.

Next morning, he receives the report by post.

“Jack, the report has come” said Kate.

“Oh yes, yes. Open it for me, Katie” he said.

“Jack, the report says that the delivery boy underwent a heart
attack. And, he died at precisely 6 pm.” She said, with a
flustered look on her face.

“But that was roughly after a few minutes we had realized that
Morgan was dead. A severe seal set on his face.

“And what? A heart attack? We ought to check the CCTV

footage. There’s something fishy. It looks more like a murder.
This can’t be possible.” he said defiantly.

Jack fetched the video tape and sat with his wife to see it.

Kate being a behavioral psychologist played the footage

several times.
“What do you reckon, Kate?” he asked his wife as she played it
for the fourth time.

“He’s lost control over his body. Look” she said as she pressed
the rewind and play button. “He’s fine now. This is ought to be
some kind of a mind control drug. I’ll fetch you the details as
soon as I come from work.”
“Thanks a ton, Kate” he said gratefully. “Don’t mention it.”
She replied.

Both of them went to their respective offices after shoving

toasts hurriedly into their mouths.

Kate returned home at 5.00 pm. She wasn’t surprised to see

Jack waiting for her. “Sorry Jack, I m late.” She apologized.
“Apology accepted.” He smiled.

“Jack, I’ve found out some interesting facts about the mind
control drug.” said Kate excitedly.

“Is that so? I appreciate your hard work” he told her.

“Thank you, Jack. As you must have noticed in the footage,

the delivery boy had lost complete control over his body. He
was hypnotic. He wasn’t acquainted with what he was doing.
Did you notice he had a blank look on his face?” she said.

“mmm hmm, I did.” He said in the affirmative.

“And only one drug fits these symptoms. It is commonly

known as Amopentobarbital.” said Kate. She rummaged
through her bag and pulled out a small diary where she had
taken down all the information.

“Amopentobarbital is a barbiturate, any of a class of organic

compounds used in medicine in sedatives (to produce a calming
effect), as hypnotics or as an adjunct in anesthesia.

Do you see that? Now listen to this carefully.

The most common side effects are drowsiness, headache, dizziness,

confusion, slowing down of the heart in all cases, breathing and liver

Do you see the slowing down of heart? That’s exactly what

had happened to the man. And you know what? Dealing with
this drug is illegal because of its harmful effects. And it was
banned somewhere around 2005, precisely 10 years ago. “said

“Excellent, Katie” he was proud of her. “Now, it is my turn to

find out who all have been dealing with this drug.”


The telephone rang.

“Hello, Jack Thorpe speaking”

“Sir, Dom, Dom’s dead. I-I- have got his head just the way you
received it, but, this time, without the delivery boy.”


“About six in the evening. I d-don’t know. Somebody left it,

sir, please come” said Abel Brown, the Superintendant.

“I am coming, Abel” said Jack. Kate and Jack went to Abel’s

“I wonder where the rest of the body could be” said Jack.

“True. Shall we go and check his house?” suggested Kate.

“Yes, we must.” He replied. “Abel, do not worry. I don’t think

we’ll be able to find anything in Morgan’s place but I am sure
about Dominic’s as his parents live in Merrita.

He was right. He didn’t find a thing at Morgan’s place but, he

did at Dom’s.

It was a note. He began reading.

Ah, Jack, don’t worry.

You’re in the queue

“Let’s search for the rest of the body, Kate” said Jack.

Both of them searched the house well, but, there was nothing
to be found.

Jack did not speak to anybody after that. He couldn’t sleep

either. He loved his team members more than anything.

Tired and sleepy, both of them fell on their beds.

“I’ll speak to James tomorrow. He’ll be able to help me out

with the criminal list.” James Anderson was Jack’s best friend.
He was a commissioner too in Maryland’s capital, Illusion.

Next morning, he called his friend up.

“Good morning, James.” Said Jack in a not-so-cheerful tone.

“Good morning, Jack. Long time, huh? So what makes you call
me? Got a new case?” James inquired.

“Yes, interestingly, it is revolving around me.” Said Jack.

“mm hmm, tell me how can I help you, sir?” he asked.

“On my birthday, I received Morgan, the Sergeant’s head. He

was in my team. It was packed in a box and was wrapped with
gifting paper. It was delivered to me by a delivery boy. The
next day, I intended to visit the forensic lab. I discovered the
delivery boy’s body in my backyard. Weird isn’t it? I took the
body to the lab too. Reports said that he suffered a heart
attack! I couldn’t believe it. I mean, isn’t it fishy. What is he
doing in my backyard? My wife and I checked it. She said that
the boy had a blank look on his face. If you too see the
recordings, you’d find that he had lost control over his body.
Something like hypnosis. My wife knew that this could only be
done with the aid of a mind control drug. And the one which
fitted all the symptoms was, Amopentobarbital. It’s effects had
slowing of heart, which was exactly what had happened to
him.” Jack said.

“Blimey! This is interesting! So what do you want me to do?

Asked James.

“Amopentobarbital has been banned since 2005. Now, I want

you to look, in your criminal records, for all those criminals
who’ve been caught dealing this.” Said Jack. “Will you do it for
me, please?

“Of course I will. Give me an hour. I’ll hand over the names.”
Said James.

“Thanks mate, thanks for helping” said Jack gratefully.

“Don’t mention it” he replied.

Jack aborted the call.

“Kate, I am going to office. Take care of yourself and be safe. “

said Jack

“Don’t you think that I should be saying this to you? Bye, take
care.” She said.

Jack left for work. He returned after 4.30 in the evening.

“Hey, did James call?” Kate said as soon as Jack entered.

“Oh yes, yes. A lot of important stuff, you see.” He said.

“Show me, then” said Kate.

“Let me breathe. Will you?” he said with a faint smile on his

“Okay, I’ll make some coffee.” She replied with a streak of
reproach on her face.
“Yes, that’ll be good.” He said.
Meanwhile, Jack freshened himself a bit and sat with his
papers and laptop ready.

“There you go. “said Kate as she handed him a mug of coffee.
“Thank you, my lovely. Sit” he said.

“Just after I reached office, I searched for cases related to this

drug. I found a list of five:

1. Andrew Paxton (988) – DEAD

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital
Caught by: Constable Simon Ambrose
Year: 1995
Location of dealings: Medicine mill, 6,
Elm street, Attire
Imprisonment: 1995-1998(death)

2. Lillian Thomas. (15720) – ALIVE

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital.
Caught by: Commissioner Philip E.Thomson.
Year: 2009
Location of dealings: 36, Rose Street,
Imprisonment period: 2009-2013
Release date: June 2, 2013

3. Ethan Evans. (15721) - ALIVE

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital
Caught by: Commissioner Philip E. Thomson
Year: 2009
Location of dealings: 36, Rose Street,
Imprisonment period: 2009-2013
Release date: June 2, 2013
4. Troye Smith. (15722)- ALIVE
Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital

Caught by: Commissioner Philip E. Thomson

Year: 2009

Location of dealings: 36, Rose Street,


Imprisonment period: 2009-2013

Release date: June 2, 2013

5. Peter Adams (15723) – Dead

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital

Caught by: Commissioner Philip E. Thomson

Year: 2009
Location of dealings: 36, Rose Street,
Imprisonment period: 2009-2013
Release date: June 2, 2013

“Hold on. Peter Adams? The man who died the day he
was released?”asked Kate.

“Yes, you’re correct.. “said Jack. “Let’s check out James’ list
now”. He added

Their conversation was again interrupted by a call.

“Hello, Jack Thorpe speaking”

“Sir, Abel’s head, si-sir again.” Frederick, the Chief

superintendant cried.
Jack disconnected the phone immediately and rushed to Fred’s

He saw Fred sob. Upon inquiry, he got to know that Fred had
received Abel’s head just the way Abel received Dom’s head.
No delivery boy this time. Somebody had just kept the box at
the doorstep and fled after pressing the bell.

“I think I’ve got to go to Abel’s house.” Said Jack.

“And you guys” he said pointing at what was left of his team
“please be aware and safe at all points of time.”

Both of them went to Abel’s place.

They found the note again.

PI-KA -BU! Haha, what fun!

Count your days, Jack Thorpe
“Let’s go home, we’ve got to see what James has sent” said

“Hmm” he replied.

After returning, they sat with their notes and information


1. Becky Edwards (93902) – ALIVE

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital.
Caught by: Commissioner Joel Johnson
Year: 2009
Location of dealings: 6,Juniper Road,
Imprisonment period: 2009-2013
Release date: August 5, 2013

2. Uma Jones (93903)- ALIVE

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital.
Caught by: Commissioner Joel Johnson
Year: 2009
Location of dealings: 6, Juniper Road,
Imprisonment period: 2009-2013
Release date: August 5, 2013

3. Lemuel Brown (93904) – ALIVE

Crime: dealing with Amopentobarbital.
Caught by: Commissioner Joel Johnson
Year: 2009
Location of dealings: 6,Juniper Road,
Imprisonment period: 2009-2013
Release date: August 5, 2013

“Interesting! I am sure that they’re related to all the crimes that

have been committed.” Said Kate.

“Yes. I will definitely find that out somehow. And Kate, have
you noticed that all of them were caught and released in the
same year?” said Jack.

“Yes, and also they were imprisoned in a row. Consecutive

numbers, you see?” said Kate.

“Exactly!” he said.

“Jack, I’ll get you something to eat. You need some rest.” She

“Yes, I think I’ll be okay after I wake up” he replied.

But Jack was wrong.

“Tring- Tring” rang the telephone.

“Jack Thorpe speaking.” He said while rubbing his eyes.

“SIR! FRED IS DEAD” said Herbert, the Assistant Chief


“Oh no, I am coming.” They found nothing upon searching the

house except for a note.

Very soon, Thorpe.

“Jack, are you sure you’ll take a leave today and so will the
rest?” asked Kate.

“Yes, Kate. Don’t worry.” he replied.

“Hmm, bye.” She said.

Kate left for work.

Jack thought of calling James and informing him about Abel’s

and Fred’s murder.

“Good morning, James.”said Jack.

“Good morning, good morning. What’s up?” he replied.

“James, Abel and Fred are dead too. Just like Morgan and
Dom.”he said.

“Holy Virgin! Somebody’s jealous of your professional life it

seems. Well, jokes apart, who do you reckon is behind this?”
he asked.
“OH! I totally forgot about the notes! There have been notes in
each of their houses. I mean not Morgan as it was attached to
the box. There were notes in Dom’s and Abel’s case too. “he
said. “ but, in their houses as they live alone, both of them.

“And what was written?” he asked.

“You’re in the queue too, Jack Thorpe and count your days
Thorpe.”Thorpe replied.
“Umm, I m sorry Jack, I’ve got an important meeting, you see.
Being on a leave isn’t much of a relief. I will get back to you as
soon as my meeting is over. Bye, take care.” He said.

“Yes, bye.” Jack aborted the call with utmost disinterest. He

wanted to speak to somebody about these mysterious

He very soon got indulged in his thoughts.

“Let me prepare a list of the ruthless assassins” he muttered to


1. Becky Edwards
2. Uma Jones
3. Lemuel Brown
4.Lillian Thomas
5. Ethan Evans
6. Troye Smith

He thought for a great deal of time.

“BINGO!!!!!!!!!” he shouted.
“INGENIOUS! The initials! The initial alphabets of all the
members! Blimey! B from Becky, U from Uma, L from
Lemuel, L from Lillian, E from Ethans and T from Troye!
B.U.L.L.E.T! It fits.”

He hurriedly dialed his best friend, James’ number.

John, his servant picked it up.

“Hello, James?” he said in an excited tone.

“Err, sorry sir, he’s in a meeting at present.” Said John.

“When shall I call back?” he asked.

“Oh, he has come back. Sir, Mr. Jack wishes to speak to you”
John said to James Anderson. He had been excepting the
Commissioner’s call; “What leads have you got Jackie?” he
asked after taking over the phone from John. “The name is
bullet, I’ve confirmed it. ” suddenly he heard the unmistakable
voice of a sniper from the other side. He could hear the cries of
pain. It was unmistakably James Anderson shouting with
excruciating pain. He heard another voice take over the phone
“watch out for the Bullet, Mr. .Thorpe … it never misses.”

Jack froze.

Just then, he heard Kate come back.

He told her everything that had happened.

“We must go to Illusion.” he said

“Have you lost it? WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!” she

snapped at him.


NOTHING CAN STOP ME” he shouted at his wife.


shouted louder than him.



he retorted back
“Fine, I’ll come with you.” she had an I-can’t-fight- anymore
look on her face. “Get your bag ready. “said Jack.

Both of them left for Illusion.

It was 50 kilometers away from Attire.

He couldn’t stay calm during the journey. He wasn’t able to

come to terms with the fact that his friend was being tortured.
Well, he wasn’t even sure that he was dead or alive.

They reached his place. The door was left ajar.

Both of them hurried upstairs. They saw John dead. He had a

bullet mark on his head.

They searched the entire house. James was nowhere to be


“WHAT DO THEY WANT?”said Jack.

“Well, we’ll report this to James’ police force. If they’re able to

trace him, we’ll come again. Let’s go and inform and then we’ll
leave. Okay?”she said.

“DONE” he said.

They went to James’ police force and told them everything.

“We’ll definitely help you, sir.” One of the Inspectors said to


“Thank you” he thanked him.

While driving back to Attire, Kate receives a call.

“Madam Kate, Sir isn’t picking up the call. Herbert is dead.” said Tom, the
Deputy Chief Constable. “What? We’re driving back to Attire. We’ll come
as soon as we reach.” She said. “Jack. Herbert’s dead too.” She said.

“WHAT?”he shouted.

“Yes, drive straight to his place.” She said.

They drove straight to Tom’s place first and then to Herbert’s.

“Jack, another note.” Said Kate.

“Let‘s go home. Don’t forget to take those, Kate”. He said.
“And I was right about the BULLET”

Jack was really tired. He was fast asleep as soon as he hit the
bed. He however, woke up when the bell rang.

He opened the door because Kate looked as if she hadn’t slept

for a decade.

He found a box at his doorstep with no sign of a delivery boy.

He checked everywhere but there was nobody to be seen. It
was the box and him.

He couldn’t move after he opened the box. He stood frozen.

“What happened, Jack? What are you doing here at half past
six in the morning?” she said in a disgusting tone. “I woke up
because I didn’t see you sleeping next to me.” She added.

“Tom is dead.”he said.

“WHAT?” she screamed. “NO!”

“Yes, he’s dead. I am doomed. They all are dead, all my

colleagues are dead.” He burst into sobs.

Kate had never seen him cry. Watching him sob was hateful.

“Jack, come in. You’ve still got me.” She said in a comforting

It took about an hour to calm Jack down. He was really


“You see Jack, this is the sixth day of the sixth murder. I
wonder what they want” she said.

This statement of hers worked like a start to an engine.

“What? Sixth murder, sixth day?”he said.

“Umm, yes, that’s what I said.” She replied sheepishly.

“My dear, you’ve got it. Six. The answer is six! There have
been six murders in past six days. And, there are six alphabets
in BULLET. Come on, this has got to do something with six.”
He said.


“Exactly” said Jack. “But we still don’t know what to do”.

Jack and Kate were successful in guessing the pattern

according to which crimes were being committed. But, they
still didn’t know what to do and next and how to catch those
assassins. Bemused, Jack and Kate did not keep a record of
time. It was striking five in the evening and there was a knock
at the door.

“Whose head will I receive now?”said Jack in a disgustful tone.

He was half surprised and half happy to open the door.

“From Illusion with love” said an extremely joyful voice. It

was James.

“JAMES!”Jack said with a faint smile on his face.

“James, what had happened to you?” Kate asked.

“Let me breathe first. Will you?” he asked.

“Come in” she said. “I’ll get tea for you.”

“Yes, thank you.” He replied. “What happened to you? Where

were you?” Jack asked.

“Er, I don’t remember anything after that phone call of yours.

When I woke up, I was lying on my bed. And something really
awful happened. John’s dead.” He said grimly.

“I know. I’ve been to your place. But, lying on your bed, you
say? I looked for you in the entire house. I didn’t find you
anywhere. Maybe the BULLET had just kidnapped you for
distracting me from another crime they committed.” He said.

“Another crime? What happened?”asked James.

“All my colleagues are dead. Each one of them.” He said.

“Ouch! Why did they do so?” said James.

“Have tea first.” Said Kate. She handed over cups full of tea to
both of them and sat besides Jack.

“I don’t know, James. That is what we’ve been trying to figure

out. And there is something that we’ve found out. There is a
relation between this gang of assassins and the number six.”
He said.

“Number six?” James looked flustered.

“Yes, you’re right. Number six.” He replied.


“Jack, I have been intending to tell you something.” James

said. “Yes, go on” Jack replied.

“Jack Thorpe” he said “do you remember that you had been
elected as a prefect in school?”

“Oh yes, how can I forget that James. You too were with me”
he replied.

“Hmm, and do you remember the six students you caught

when you were a prefect just because they were dealing with
some kind of a drug you didn’t know about” he said critically.

“No, I caught them because it was my duty and drug dealing

was forbidden in school.” He said sternly.

“But Jack, don’t you think your duty had led six people into
trouble. And did you think of their parents before you did
that? Did you think of their future? NO! YOU DIDN’T.” James




He couldn’t say anything. He stood still.

“Who are you then?” he said.

“Haha, don’t you recognize me?” the so-called-James grinned.

“I am the one who was dead. Oops, ‘staged dead’.”

“PETER ADAMS!”He exclaimed. “YOU”

“Yes, it is me, Jack Thorpe.” Peter said. “Some of my dear

friends had kidnapped James Anderson from Illusion the night
I was released. They killed him on my orders and the police
force thought that it was Peter Adams who died that night.”

Jack stood gaping. He couldn’t speak. “Surprised, eh? You

should be, Thorpe.” He said. “I underwent a plastic surgery
right after that incident and continued to live as your dearest
mate, James Anderson.”

“YOU BLOKE, WHY DID YOU DO THIS?” Jack led out a


“Oh shut up you filthy little animal. Shut up. And listen to me.
Why did I do this? Haha, the answer is pretty simple. I
reminded you of the expulsion case of six innocent students,
didn’t I?” he said. “DON’T YOU DARE CALL THEM
INNOCENT” said Jack shaking with rage.

“Very well then, assassins, you call them? Alright, I have no

problem. The group of assassins was doomed. Their future
had been destroyed by Jack Thorpe.” He said critically. “Did
you know their backgrounds? Or did you CARE to know
about them? No, you didn’t. They were small, beautiful
children whose parents were involved in drug dealings.

Yes, their parents.

My dad, Andrew Paxton dealt with this drug.” He added.

“He usually dealt with Amopentobarbital because he earned a

great deal by stealing this drug from laboratories and giving it
to the rising criminals who further used them. He used to
work in a laboratory.

We were seven brothers and sisters. Me, the eldest followed by

Becky, Uma, Lemuel, Lillian, Ethan and Troye.

And do you know why did we bring that drug to school?” he

questioned Jack. “We brought this to school because we didn’t
want our father to be dealing with it anymore. We didn’t like
crime. Yes, you heard that right. We were just like you, we
didn’t like crime. What was our fault that day? Being in the
wrong place at the wrong time? Yes, our only fault.” Said

“YOU led to our downfall. I had to work in mills as a child for

my father had been caught because of you. The dear principal
reported it to the police. All of us had to work after dad was
arrested. Each one of us had to work, including Troye, the
youngest of all. We couldn’t let you go so easily. So we staged
things to bring you down. All of us were still dealing with
drugs; perks of being uneducated. And then we were caught
by your predecessor, I guess? Becky, Uma, Lemuel and I were
dealing with it in Attire and the rest in Illusion. That is why we
had different imprisonment periods. We had nobody to look
after us when father died. Our mother suffered from a disease.
She died too. All of us awaited our reunion. And then, we
planned to play on your susceptibilities and kill you. YOU
brought us back to where we wanted to escape from. YOU are
the culprit, Jack. YOU” he continued. “But now, there is no
looking back. We’ve come to finish you. Out now!” he

A group of six people, undoubtedly Peter’s siblings including

a seventh circled Jack. He was shocked to see Kate. “However,
I couldn’t be a part of BULLET when I was already playing a
part of somebody so close to your heart.” He added.

“None of you will be spared, for a crime is a crime. You’ve

murdered nine people. God will not spare you all” they said.

“Oh shut up! Kate, come on, it’s the perfect time.” said Peter.

Kate raised her gun which she held with a blank look on her
face. She looked into Jack’s eyes. She was not at all afraid to
face him.

“From Amopentobarbital to Amopentobarbital. We want to

finish it off. Finish you off and then resume to what we used to
be. We swore to see your doomsday and then leave the world
of crime. It is horrific. But you see, promises aren’t meant to be
broken.” He said. “Kate too will die; she has been fed with
Amopentobarbital. Good job Lillian.” He said to Lillian.

Kate pulled the trigger.

Jack tried to escape but he got struck by the bullet. It hit him
on his ear.

The next time he opened his eyes was when he was in a

hospital and led out a groan.

“How are you feeling, sir?” said Martha

“MARTHA, where is Kate?” he asked.

She broke down. “Madam is dead, sir.” She said. “And the
new police force caught those assassins. They had no time to
flee. Madam Kate told me that she had opted for police
protection after you had received Tom’s head. She told me
about the pattern.” She said.

“And sir, the torsos of your police force were kept in a mill. I
think it was 6, Elm street, Attire.”

He could speak no more.

One cannot win all battles in one’s life, can he?

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