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Table 1.

Questionnaire return rate

Stakeholder Questionnaire Valid Responses rate Proportion
distributed responses (%) (%)
Client 120 40 33 25.5
Project management unit 40 10 25 6.4
Main / Sub-contractor 150 66 44 42.0
Consultant (*) 70 41 59 26.1
Total 380 157 42 100.0
(*) Including supervision and design (civil and structure, ME, architecture, landscape and

interior design)
Table 2. Parameters estimated in SEM for construction claim in Vietnam Commented [HP1]: Không cần thiết để trình bày tất cả
thông tin trong bảng này, chỉ cần loadings.
Construct Factor Description Estimate CR AVE Tên của constructs có thể làm ngắn gọn hơn như:
management, design, execution, …
AF08 Inadequate strategic plan 0.71 7.212 47.81%

Management AF06 Poor communication 0.748 7.539

(MN) AF17 Poor supervision and site management 0.652 6.805
AF05 Ambiguous scope of work 0.651 -
AF09 Design change 0.606 6.61 42.03%
AF12 Design errors 0.72 9.273
Design (DE) AF01 Change of plan 0.536 6.683
AF19 Change of standards, regulation 0.528 6.542
AF02 Errors in contract documents 0.806 -

Execution AF11 Change of method statement 0.759 6.605 54.51%

(EX) AF13 Fast track construction 0.717 -

Awareness AF03 Impedimental decision making process 0.79 5.215 45.46%

(AW) AF04 Owner's obstinate nature 0.534 -

Unexpected AF20 Government stalking 0.776 6.314 55.60%

(UN) AF18 Force majeure 0.714 -
EF03 Dispute between owner and contractor 0.808 8.884 56.24%
Cost, time
EF05 Increase in project cost 0.731 8.184
EF02 Delay in completion 0.707 -
EF04 Decrease in quality of work 0.701 - 58.19%
Quality (QA)
EF01 Decrease in productivity 0.82 7.222
CL02 Unrealistic time/cost quality targets 0.664 6.025 44.22%
Claim (CL)
CL01 Unfair risk allocation 0.666 -
Table 3. Latent variable correlations Commented [HP2]: Chỉ cần trình bày coefficient, p value,
mối quan hệ, và supported hay không
Hypothesis Estimate P Remark
H1 Cost, time <--- Management 0.223 0.063 < 0.1, accept
H2 Cost, time <--- Design 0.630 *** < 0.1, accept
H3 Quality <--- Management 0.477 *** < 0.1, accept
H4 Quality <--- Unexpected 0.322 0.002 < 0.1, accept
H5 Claim <--- Quality 0.287 0.015 < 0.1, accept
H6 Claim <--- Awareness 0.393 0.012 < 0.1, accept
H7 Claim <--- Execution 0.320 0.015 < 0.1, accept
H8 Claim <--- Cost, time 0.131 0.282 > 0.1 (*)

Table 4. Goodness-of-fit Measures for Models Commented [HP3]: Bảng này thì optional, khi đánh gía
measurement and structural model ở trên thì có thể kết
Type Absolute fit index Incremental fit index hợp để nói ra về GOF đều đã được đáp ứng.
Measures Chi-square/df GFI RMSEA CFI TLI
Value 1.939 0.829 0.078 0.860 0.826
(< 3) (> 0.8) (< 0.08) (> 0.8) (> 0.8)

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