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Death penalty

"The famous quote by Gandhi does speak the truth: "An eye for an eye
makes the whole world blind."

The death penalty is an extremely complex topic that polarizes opinions

and touches upon some sensitive moral issues. When someone hear the
word Death, do they feel empty, lost or terrified at the same time? Death
is defined as the action or fact of dying or being killed In short, it is the
end of a person’s life or an organism. Associated with death is the word
Life. To live is freedom but to be free you have to live.

The first and foremost reason why some people approve death penalty is
to decrease the crime rates of their country. If it is implemented by the
government, the society would feel afraid to commit a crime thus
stopping them from doing malicious acts that can harm or end someone’s

According to Amnesty International, as of July 2015, 101 countries have

abolished the death penalty for all crimes in law, while 140 countries have
abolished the death penalty in law or practice. From the same source,58
countries still continue the practice of Death Penalty.

The death penalty is used for protecting the safety of citizen, deterring
crime and bringing criminals to justice. According to oxford dictionary the
death penalty is the punishment of being killed that is used in some
countries for very serious crimes. President Rodrigo Duterte reiterated his
support for the imposition of death penalty.

As of today it’s is still a debate weather the death penalty should be

implemented or not. I will only insist the death penalty if it is for drug
trafficking, terrorism, rape, plunder and other heinous crime. The most
compelling reason for holding my view is that death penalty is an effective
deterrent to serious crime.
The most compelling reason for holding to my view is that the death
penalty is an effective deterrent to serious crime. This is because it instils
fear of carrying out serious crimes as people would not want to lose their
life as a result of that. For example, people who are thinking of plundering
or committing murder and other violent acts will think twice before doing
so. As a result of this policy, crime rate would go down.

Another reason for my position is that the government will be able to

spend less money on keeping the criminal in prison. If the criminal is
jailed for many years or for life, the government would need to pay for
the enormous expenses involved such as the cost of food for the prisoners
and the salaries for the prison officers. However, with the death sentence,
the prisoner will spend less time in prison and this would reduce the cost
of imprisonment substantially.

According to an essay about the practicality of death penalty by

Valderrama, it was stated there that, “For the death penalty to be
practical and efficient, a fair criminal justice system is essential. However,
The criminal justice system in our country is full of defects such as faulty
police work, coerced confessions, inept defence counsel, perjured
testimony and trial court decisions based on seemingly inconclusive
evidence. In addition, the Supreme Court, in a 2004 decision, made 72%
judicial errors. How can death penalty be a practical one when the
judiciary of the country is inefficient and full of incompetence?” “We have
to address the long pestering issue of impunity. Poor law enforcement
results in breakdown of law and order.”

We are killing people who kill people to teach others that killing people is
bad. Ironic. According to inquirer net a man admits raping, killing a 1 year
old boy. But they also said hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,
imagine a 1 year old boy is rape and killed by a construction worker, you
cant put up with pain the parents are feeling, we are just scrolling in
facebook and sleeping peacefully at night not wondering if the parents of
that young boy is crying at sleep remember holding that baby while its
sleep, each inhale is suffocating.
In conclusion, I agree with the opinion that sentencing plunderers,
terrorists, drug traffickers, and serious criminals to death is beneficial for
countries. This is because of its deterrent effect, its ability to save the
government a lot of money and the fact that we can keep dangerous
criminals out of society forever. Given this situation, it is recommended
that governments around the world should have a robust justice system
(the process of administering the death penalty is error-free) before
thinking about implementing this form of punishment.
Gandhi, M. (2005). Gandhi “An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World

Valderrama, (2015). Acoustic, Practically of Death Penalty

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