Oumh2203 English For Workplace Communication

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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words: 1000 - 2000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 4th November 2019 until 17th November 2019.

6. This assignment accounts for 20% of the total marks for the course.



This assignment is worth 20 marks and is designed to develop learners’ ability in applying
the business and professional writing skills, which is a common practice in workplace


You are a supervisor in an estasblised organisation. Your manager has called you to give
the task of discussing repeated tardiness with an employee, Rose. Rose has frequently
been late for work, failed to meet all deadlines, made a lot of mistakes in her work and
the problem has grown worse over the last three weeks. The tardiness and work quality
had affected not only Rose’s performance, but also that of the entire work team. Your
manager has instructed you to put an end to it. The desired result is for Rose to stop her
tardiness behavior and improve her performance.

For this assignment, you need to study the above scenario. Then;
1. Identify the type of letter that is suitable to be prepared based on the given scenario.
2. Prepare a suitable letter by applying the correct type, format and language of the
identified letter.
3. Give reasons / explanation for the type of letter that you have chosen. Where
relevant and appropriate, cite references to material that you have read to support
facts / argument.
4. Your answers must be written in a form of letter maximum of 2 to 3 pages letter,
excluding appendices (if any).

[Total: 20 marks]

Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Correct Type & Format 1 Correct type of Correct type of letter. (Either one) Wrong type of letter and No letter. 4
letter. Follow most of the Correct format of letter wrong format.
Format is correct accepted formatting but does not follow Does not follow
and very organised. guidelines and the standard formatting accepted formatting
Follow all the requested length. guidelines and is over or guidelines and is
requirements. under requested length significantly over or
OR under requested length.
Wrong format of letter
but follow some of the
standard formatting
guidelines and the
requested length.

Content 2.5 The purpose of the The purpose of the letter is The purpose of the letter Many details are not in a No details. 10
letter is very clear clearly written. is acceptable but not logical or expected
and straight forward. clearly written. order.

The rationale of the The rationale of the The rationale of the There is little sense that
procedure is well- procedure is also clear, but procedure is also not clear the writing is organised.
focused and the the structure of the letter and the structure of the
structure of the is not well organised. letter is not organised.
letter is very well

Main idea stands out The main idea is clear but The main idea is There is no clear
and is supported by the supporting information somewhat clear, but there purpose of the letter
detailed information. is general that makes the is a need for more and rationale of the
writing less effective. supporting information. procedure.

Details are placed in Some details are not in a There is a seemingly
a logical order and logical or expected order, random collection of
the way they are and this distracts the information.
presented makes the reader.
writing very

Reasons / Explanation 0.75 The reasons / The reasons / explanations The reasons / The reason / explanation No reason / 3
explanations are are relevant but need explanations are is irrelevant / wrong. explanation.
very relevant and all more relevant points to acceptable but too simple
the facts given are support the facts given. and not supported with
very well supported. relevant points.

Language/ Grammar 0.75 Writer makes no Writer makes one - two Writer makes three - four Writer makes more than Writer makes more 3
errors in grammar or errors in grammar or errors in grammar or four errors in grammar than five errors in
spelling that spelling that distract the spelling that distract the or spelling that distract grammar or spelling
distracts the reader reader from the content. reader from the content. the reader from the that distracts the
from the content. content. reader from the

Total 5 20

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