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/CEAD -Cali/ Valoración y Negociación Tecnológica.

Unit : Step 1 - Identify intellectual

property as an asset
Laura María Ortega Ortega
Cali, 4 de octubre de 2019
IP Map Mind Forms of


It refers to the creatons geneated by

the mind: inventions, literary and
artistic works, such as symbols, names
and images used in commerce

Types of IP

It is used to describe It is an exclusive

the rights of the right granted over
creators of literary an invention. That
and artistic works. is, the patent
These works covered It is a sign that empowers its
by copyright are differentiates the creator to decide if
books, music, products or service inventions can be
painting, sculpture of a Company from used by third
and films, to those of others parties and in
computers programs, what. In return for
database, that right, in the
advertisements, published patent
maps and technical document, the
drawings patent holder
makes available to
Patent Mind Map
Copyright map mind
Trademarks map mind

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