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Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

G.R. No. 150276. February 12, 2008.


PHILIPPINES, respondents.

Appeals; Certiorari; Pleadings and Practice; When appeal by

certiorari is availed by a party, he or she effectively forecloses his or her
right to resort to a special civil action for certiorari—a petition for review
on certiorari under Rule 45 and a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 are
mutually exclusive remedies; Certiorari cannot co-exist with an appeal or
any other adequate remedy.—Immediately apparent is that the petition is the
wrong remedy to question the appellate court’s issuances. Section 1 of Rule
45 of the Rules of Court expressly provides that a party desiring to appeal
by certiorari from a judgment or final order or resolution of the CA may file
a verified petition for review on certiorari. Considering that, in this case,
appeal by certiorari was available to petitioner, she effectively foreclosed
her right to resort to a special civil action for certiorari, a limited form of
review and a remedy of last recourse, which lies only where there is no
appeal or plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.
A petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 and a petition for
certiorari under Rule 65 are mutually exclusive remedies. Certiorari cannot
co-exist with an appeal or any other adequate remedy. The nature of the
questions of law intended to be raised on appeal is of no consequence. It
may well be that those questions of law will treat exclusively of whether or
not the judgment or final order was rendered without or in excess of
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion. This is immaterial. The
remedy is appeal, not certiorari as a special civil action.

Same; Same; Same; The rule is that the 15-day reglementary period for
appealing or filing a motion for reconsideration or new trial cannot be
extended, except in cases before the Supreme Court, as one of last resort,
which may, in its sound discretion grant the extension requested.—Even
granting arguendo that the instant certiorari petition is an appropriate
remedy, still this Court cannot grant the writ prayed for because we find no
grave abuse of discretion committed by the CA in the challenged issuances.
The rule, as it stands now



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Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

without exception, is that the 15-day reglementary period for appealing or

filing a motion for reconsideration or new trial cannot be extended, except in
cases before this Court, as one of last resort, which may, in its sound
discretion grant the extension requested. This rule also applies even if the
motion is filed before the expiration of the period sought to be extended.
Thus, the appellate court correctly denied petitioner’s Motion for Extension
of Time to File a Motion for Reconsideration.

Same; Same; Certiorari is not a procedural device to deprive the

winning party of the fruits of the judgment in his or her favor; When a
decision becomes final and executory, the court loses jurisdiction over the
case and not even an appellate court will have the power to review the said
judgment.—It is well to point out that with petitioner’s erroneous filing of a
motion for extension of time and with her non-filing of a motion for
reconsideration or a petition for review from the CA’s decision, the
challenged decision has already attained finality and may no longer be
reviewed by this Court. The instant Rule 65 petition cannot even substitute
for the lost appeal—certiorari is not a procedural device to deprive the
winning party of the fruits of the judgment in his or her favor. When a
decision becomes final and executory, the court loses jurisdiction over the
case and not even an appellate court will have the power to review the said
judgment. Otherwise, there will be no end to litigation and this will set to
naught the main role of courts of justice to assist in the enforcement of the
rule of law and the maintenance of peace and order by settling justiciable
controversies with finality.

Same; Same; Party-litigants and their lawyers are reminded to refrain

from filing frivolous petitions for certiorari; The second and third
paragraphs of Section 8 of Rule 65, as amended by A.M. No. 077-12-SC,
now provide that the court may dismiss the petition for certiorari if it finds
the same patently without merit or prosecuted manifestly for delay, or if the
questions raised therein are too unsubstantial to require consideration.—
We remind party-litigants and their lawyers to refrain from filing frivolous
petitions for certiorari. The 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of Section 8 of Rule 65,
as amended by A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC, now provide that: x x x However, the
court may dismiss the petition if it finds the same patently without merit or
prosecuted manifestly for delay, or if the questions raised therein are too
unsubstantial to require consideration. In such event, the court may award in
favor of the respondent treble costs solidarily against


Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

the petitioner and counsel, in addition to subjecting counsel to

administrative sanctions under Rules 139 and 139-B of the Rules of Court.
The Court may impose motu propio, based on res ipsa loquitor, other
disciplinary sanctions or measures on erring lawyers for patently dilatory
and unmeritorious petitions for certiorari.

SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION in the Supreme Court. Certiorari.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     The Law Firm of Reciña, Reciña & Aragones for petitioner.
     The Solicitor General for the People.


Assailed before the Court via a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
are the following issuances
of the Court of Appeals (CA): (1) the
April 30, 2001 Decision in2 CA-G.R. CR No. 18387 affirming the
November 9, 1994 Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 24
of Maasin, Southern Leyte in Criminal Case Nos. 1261, 1262, 1263,3
1264, 1265, 1267 and 1269; (2) the June 28, 2001 Resolution
denying petitioner’s Motion
for Extension of Time to File a Motion5
for Reconsideration; and (3) the August 17, 62001 Resolution
denying petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration of the June 28,
2001 Resolution.
Records reveal the following antecedent facts:


1 Penned by Associate Justice (later, Presiding Justice) Romeo A. Brawner

(retired); with Associate Justices Remedios SalazarFernando and Rebecca De Guia-
Salvador, concurring; CA Rollo, pp. 200-214.
2 Decided by Judge Leandro T. Loyao, Jr.; id., at pp. 4-33.
3 CA Rollo, pp. 220-221.
4 Id., at pp. 216-217.
5 Id., at pp. 249-250.
6 Id., at pp. 222-224.


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Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

Sometime in February and March 1986, petitioner, while in Sogod,

Southern Leyte, represented to private complainants Gaudencio
Ang, Rogelio Ceniza, Nilo Cabardo, Salvacion Nueve, Virgilio
Maunes, Apolinaria Olayvar, and Mariza Florendo 7
that she was one
of the owners of Golden Overseas Employment and that she was
recruiting workers to be sent abroad. She then asked from the said
the payment of placement and processing fees totaling
P15,000.00. Viewing this as a golden opportunity for the
amelioration of their lives, the private complainants paid the fees,
went with petitioner to Manila, relying
on her promise that they
would be deployed by July 1986. On the promised date of their
departure, however, private complainants never left the country.
They were then informed by petitioner that there were no available
plane tickets and that they would leave by September of that year.
Came November 1986 and still they were not deployed. This
prompted private complainants to suspect that something was amiss,
and they demanded the return of their money. Petitioner assured 11
them refund of the fees and even executed promissory notes to
several of the 12complainants; but, as before, her assurances were
mere pretenses.
In the early months of 1987, complainants then initiated formal
charges for estafa against petitioner. After preliminary investigation,
the Provincial Prosecutor filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
of Maasin, Southern Leyte seven (7) separate Informations for
Estafa, defined and penalized


7 TSN, May 6, 1993, p. 12.

8 TSN, May 4, 1993, p. 5.
9 Id., at p. 6.
10 Id., at pp. 8-10.
11 Exhibits “G” and “H.”
12 TSN, May 4, 1993, pp. 13-19.
13 Records (Crim. Case No. 1261), pp. 1-2; Records (Crim. Case No. 1262), pp. 1-
2; Records (Crim. Case No. 1263), pp. 1-2; Records (Crim. Case No. 1264), pp. 1-2;
Records (Crim. Case No. 1265), pp. 1



Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

under Article 315, par. 2(a) of the Revised Penal Code (RPC). On
request of petitioner,
the cases were consolidated and jointly heard
by the trial court.


2; Records (Crim. Case No. 1267), pp. 1-2; Records (Crim. Case No. 1269), pp. 1-
Except for the date of the commission of the crime, the name of the private
complainant and the amount involved, the seven separate Informations are similarly
worded to read as follows:
“x x x
“That on or about the 6th day of February, 1986 [in Crim. Cases Nos. 1261 and
1265; ‘24th day of February, 1986’ in Crim. Cases Nos. 1262 and 1263; ‘3rd day of
March, 1986’ in Crim. Cases Nos. 1264, 1267 and 1269], in the Municipality of
Sogod, province of Southern Leyte, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused by means of false manifestations and
fraudulent representations which she made to Gaudencio Ang [in Crim. Case No.
1261; ‘Rogelio Ceniza’ in Crim. Case No. 1262; ‘Nilo Cabardo’ in Crim. Case No.
1263; ‘Salvacion Nueve’ in Crim. Case No. 1264; ‘Virgilio Maunes’ in Crim. Case
No. 1265; ‘Apolinaria Olayvar’ in Crim. Case No. 1267; ‘Mariza Florendo’ in Crim.
Case No. 1269], the offended party, to the effect that she has the capacity and
authority to recruit and enlist persons to work abroad, provided that they give her
money in the sum of P15,000.00 [in Crim. Cases Nos. 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265
and 1269] each as processing and placement fees, which she demanded and received
from said Gaudencio Ang [‘the amount of P13,500.00’ in Crim. Case No. 1267] as a
condition for recruitment and job placement, recruited and promised employment or
job placement abroad for said Gaudencio Ang, and once in possession of the amount
aforesaid, with intent to defraud the herein complainant, said accused did then and
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously misappropriate, misapply and convert the
aforesaid sum of money to her own personal use and benefit, to the damage and
prejudice of the herein complainant in the sum of FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS
(P15,000.00), Philippine Currency.
“x x x”
14 Records (Crim. Case No. 1261), pp. 82-83.


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Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

During the trial, in her defense, petitioner testified, among others,

that she was an employee of the Commission on Audit who worked
as a part-time secretary at FCR Recruitment Agency owned by Fe
Corazon Ramirez; that she received the amounts claimed by the
complainants and remitted the same to Ramirez; 16that complainants
actually transacted with Ramirez and not with her; and that she was
only forced to execute the promissory notes. 18
On November 9, 1994, the RTC rendered its Decision finding
petitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the charges of estafa.
The dispositive portion of the trial court’s decision reads:

“WHEREFORE, FOREGOING CONSIDERED, the Court hereby renders

judgment finding the accused Cecilia Dejarme Estinozo GUILTY beyond
reasonable doubt of seven (7) counts of the crime of Estafa through false
pretenses as defined and penalized under Article 315(2)(a) of the Revised
Penal Code under Criminal Cases Nos. 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1267
and 1269, and applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, with no modifying
circumstances to consider for or against her, hereby sentences the said
accused, for EACH of the seven (7) counts of Estafa in the criminal cases
aforementioned, to an indeterminate penalty of TWO (2) YEARS, ELEVEN
(11) MONTHS and TEN (10) DAYS of prision correccional, as minimum,
to SIX (6) YEARS, EIGHT (8) MONTHS and TWENTY (20) DAYS of
prision mayor, as maximum, and to pay the costs.
The accused is also ordered to reimburse to the private complainants the
following amounts proved during the trial:
     1. Gaudencio Ang ---------------------------- P15,000.00
     2. Virgilio Maunes ---------------------------- P15,000.00
     3. Rogelio Ceniza ---------------------------- P11,500.00
     4. Nilo Cabardo ------------------------------- P15,000.00                    


15 TSN, October 8, 1993, pp. 6-23; TSN, November 16, 1993, pp. 4-12.
16 TSN, November 16, 1993, pp. 13-20; TSN, November 17, 1993, pp. 3-18.
17 TSN, November 17, 1993, pp. 18-19.
18 CA Rollo, pp. 4-33.



Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

     5. Mariza Florendo ------------------------- P15,000.00                         

     6. Salvacion Nueve ------------------------- P15,000.00
     7. Salvador Olayvar ------------------------ P13,500.00

with interest at the legal rate from the date of the filing of the respective
informations in each case of every private complainant until the amount
shall have been fully paid.

Aggrieved, petitioner appealed the case to the CA (docketed as CA-

G.R. CR No. 18387). As aforesaid, 20
the appellate court, in the
assailed April 30, 2001 Decision, affirmed the ruling of the trial
court. The CA ruled that the complainants positively identified
petitioner, their townmate, as the one who falsely presented herself
as possessing a license to recruit persons for overseas employment.
The seven (7) complainants relied on that representation when they
paid the amount she required as a condition for their being employed
abroad. Petitioner even admitted receiving the said fees. The
prosecution had then satisfactorily proved that she committed 22
offense of Estafa under Article 315, par. 2 (a) of the RPC. Her
defense that she was merely an agent of the real recruiter was
deemed as merely a last-ditch effort to absolve herself of authorship
of the crime. The CA noted that Ramirez was never mentioned when
petitioner conducted her recruitment activities, and no evidence was
further introduced
to show that petitioner remitted the said fees to
On May 30, 2001, within the 15-day reglementary period to file a
motion for reconsideration or a petition for review, petitioner filed
with the appellate court a Motion for Exten-


19 Id., at pp. 32-33.

20 Supra note 1.
21 CA Rollo, pp. 207-208.
22 Id., at p. 212.
23 Id., at pp. 209-211.
24 As alleged in petitioner’s Motion for Extension of Time to File a Motion for
Reconsideration, she received a copy of the decision of the appellate court on May
18, 2001. (Id., at p. 216.)


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Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

sion of Time to File a Motion for Reconsideration.
On June 28,
2001, the CA, in the challenged Resolution, denied the said motion
pursuant to Rule 52, Section 1 of the Rules of Court and Rule 9,
Section 2 of the Revised Internal Rules of the Court of Appeals
(RIRCA). 27
Petitioner then filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the June
28, 2001 Resolution of the CA. The appellate court denied
the same,
on August 17, 2001, in the other assailed Resolution.
Displeased with this series 29of denials, petitioner instituted the
instant Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65, arguing, among
others, that: (1) her previous counsel, by filing a prohibited pleading,
foreclosed her right to file a motion for reconsideration
of the CA’s
decision, and consequently an appeal therefrom; (2) she should not
be bound by the mistake of her previous counsel especially when the
latter’s negligence and mistake would prejudice
her substantial
rights and would affect her life and liberty; (3) the appellate court
gravely abused its discretion when it affirmed petitioner’s conviction
for the other four (4) criminal cases—Criminal Cases Nos. 1264,
1265, 1267 and 1269—absent32 any direct testimony from the
complainants in those cases; (4) she was deprived of her
constitutional right to cross-examine the complainants in the
aforementioned 4 cases; and (5) she presented sufficient


25 Supra note 4.
26 Supra note 3.
27 Supra note 6.
28 Supra note 5.
29 Rollo, pp. 3-34. In compliance with the Court’s February 6, 2002 Resolution
(Id., at p. 158.), the petitioner amended her petition, on March 11, 2002, to implead as
party respondent the People of the Philippines. (Id., at pp. 164-195.)
30 Id., at pp. 14-17.
31 Id., at pp. 17-20.
32 Id., at pp. 21-24.
33 Id., at pp. 24-26.



Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

evidence to cast 34
reasonable doubt as to her guilt in all the seven (7)
criminal cases.
The Court rules to dismiss the petition.
Immediately apparent is that the petition is the wrong remedy to
question the appellate court’s issuances. Section 1 of Rule 45 of the
Rules of Court expressly provides that a party desiring to appeal by
certiorari from a judgment or final order or resolution of the CA
may file a verified petition for review on certiorari. Considering
that, in this case, appeal by certiorari was available to petitioner, she
effectively foreclosed her right to resort to a special civil action for
certiorari, a limited form of review and a remedy of last recourse,
which lies only where there is no appeal or 36
plain, speedy and
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.


34 Id., at p. 26.
35 As amended by A.M. No. 07-7-12-SC, Section 1 of Rule 45 now states:
Section 1. Filing of petition with Supreme Court.—A party desiring to appeal by
certiorari from a judgment, final order or resolution of the Court of Appeals, the
Sandiganbayan, the Court of Tax Appeals, the Regional Trial Court or other courts,
whenever authorized by law, may file with the Supreme Court a verified petition for
review on certiorari. The petition may include an application for a writ of preliminary
injunction or other provisional remedies and shall raise only questions of law, which
must be distinctly set forth. The petitioner may seek the same provisional remedies by
verified motion filed in the same action or proceeding at any time during its pendency.
36 See Heirs of Lourdes Potenciano Padilla v. Court of Appeals, 469 Phil. 196,
204; 425 SCRA 236, 242 (2004); but see Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage
System v. Daway, G.R. No. 160732, June 21, 2004, 432 SCRA, 559, 572, in which the
Court ruled that it is not enough that a remedy is available to prevent a party from
making use of the extraordinary remedy of certiorari but that such remedy be an
adequate remedy which is equally beneficial, speedy and sufficient, not only a remedy
which at some time in the future may offer relief but a remedy which will promptly
relieve the petitioner from the injurious acts of the lower tribunal.


VOL. 544, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 431

Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

A petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 and a petition for

certiorari under Rule 65 are mutually exclusive remedies. Certiorari
cannot co-exist with an appeal or any other adequate remedy. The
nature of the questions of law intended to be raised on appeal is of
no consequence. It may well be that those questions of law will treat
exclusively of whether or not the judgment or final order was
rendered without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion. This is immaterial.
The remedy is appeal, not certiorari
as a special civil action.
Even granting arguendo that the instant certiorari petition is an
appropriate remedy, still this Court cannot grant the writ prayed for
because we find no grave abuse of discretion committed by the CA
in the challenged issuances. The rule, as it stands now without
exception, is that the 15-day reglementary period for appealing or
filing a motion for reconsideration or new trial cannot be extended,
except in cases before this Court, as one of last resort,
which may, in
its sound discretion grant the extension requested. This rule also
applies even if the motion
is filed before the expiration of the period
sought to be extended. Thus, the appellate court correctly denied
petitioner’s Motion for Extension of Time to File a Motion for
It is well to point out that with petitioner’s erroneous filing of a
motion for extension of time and with her non-filing of a motion for
reconsideration or a petition for review from the


37 Macawiag v. Balindong, G.R. No. 159210, September 20, 2006, 502 SCRA 454,
38 Pan Realty Corporation v. Court of Appeals, No. L-47726, November 23, 1988,
167 SCRA 564, 573.
39 Barba v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 169731, March 28, 2007, 519 SCRA 448;
Suarez v. Villarama, Jr., G.R. No. 124512, June 27, 2006, 493 SCRA 74, 83;
Amatorio v. People, 445 Phil. 481, 488-490; 397 SCRA 445, 454 (2003).
40 Fernandez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 131094, May 16, 2005, 458 SCRA
454, 468.



Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

CA’s decision, the challenged decision has already attained finality

and may no longer be reviewed by this Court. The instant Rule 65
petition cannot even substitute for the lost appeal —certiorari is not
a procedural device to deprive42 the winning party of the fruits of the
judgment in his or her favor. When a decision becomes final and
executory, the court loses jurisdiction over the case and not even an
appellate court will have the power to review the said judgment.
Otherwise, there will be no end to litigation and this will set to
naught the main role of courts of justice to assist in the enforcement
of the rule of law and the maintenance43 of peace and order by settling
justiciable controversies with finality. 44
We reiterate what we stated in Amatorio v. People that relief
will not be granted to a party who seeks to be relieved from the
effects of the judgment when the loss of the remedy at law was due
to his own negligence, or to a mistaken mode of procedure.
As a final note, we remind party-litigants and their lawyers to
refrain from filing frivolous petitions for certiorari. The 2nd and 3rd
paragraphs of Section 8 of Rule 65, as amended by A.M. No. 07-7-
12-SC, now provide that:
“x x x
However, the court may dismiss the petition if it finds the same patently
without merit or prosecuted manifestly for delay, or if the questions raised
therein are too unsubstantial to require consideration. In such event, the
court may award in favor of the respondent treble costs solidarily against the
petitioner and counsel, in


41 Nippon Paint Employees Union-Olalia v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 159010,

November 19, 2004, 443 SCRA 286, 291; Manila Midtown Hotel v. Borromeo, G.R.
No. 138305, September 22, 2004, 438 SCRA 653, 657.
42 Ang v. Grageda, G.R. No. 166239, June 8, 2006, 490 SCRA 424, 439.
43 Macawiag v. Balindong, supra note 37, at p. 466.
44 Supra note 39, at 491.


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Estinozo vs. Court of Appeals

addition to subjecting counsel to administrative sanctions under Rules 139

and 139-B of the Rules of Court.
The Court may impose motu propio, based on res ipsa loquitor, other
disciplinary sanctions or measures on erring lawyers for patently dilatory
and unmeritorious petitions for certiorari.”

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for certiorari is

     Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Austria-Martinez, Corona
and Reyes, JJ., concur.

Petition dismissed.

Notes.—While indeed the Supreme Court has on occasion set

aside procedural irregularities in the interest of justice, it must be
stressed that liberality of construction of the rules should not be a
panacea for all procedural maladies. (Mercado vs. Court of Appeals,
441 SCRA 463 [2004])
The existence and availability of the right of appeal proscribes a
resort to certiorari, because one of the requirements for availment of
the latter remedy is precisely that there should be no appeal.
(Balindong vs. Dacalos, 441 SCRA 607 [2004])
The remedies of appeal and certiorari are mutually exclusive and
not alternative nor successive. The Supreme Court, in accordance
with the liberal spirit which pervades the Rules of Court and in the
interest of justice, may treat a petition for certiorari as having been
filed under Rule 45, more so if the same was filed within the
reglementary period for filing a petition for review. (Nuñez vs. GSIS
Family Bank, 475 SCRA 305 [2005])


** In lieu of Associate Justice Minita V. Chico-Nazario, per Special Order No. 484,
dated January 11, 2008.


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