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Volume 16, Number 11, 2019 ORIGINAL ARTICLES

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/fpd.2019.2629

Effect of Specimen Type and Processing on the Detection

of Clostridioides [Clostridium] difficile in Piglet Fecal Samples

Carmen Candel-Pérez,1 Silvia Martı́nez-Miró,2 Gaspar Ros-Berruezo,1 and Carmen Martı́nez-Graciá1

Subclinical Clostridioides difficile colonization in piglets could be a potential source of this bacterium for
community-acquired C. difficile infection. The purposes of this study were to assess the effect of specimen type
and processing on C. difficile isolation, culture, and detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and to
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determine the occurrence of C. difficile in piglets of different ages. We compared different culture procedures—
direct plating, ethanol shock, and an enrichment step—to isolate C. difficile from swine feces and rectal swabs.
DNA was isolated directly from feces, processed feces, and bacterial isolates to detect the triose phosphate
isomerase (tpi) gene and identify the toxins A and B genes. The results show that ethanol shock increased the
C. difficile isolation from feces, while it decreased it for rectal swabs, in comparison with direct plating. The use
of the enrichment broth gave the highest C. difficile recovery from both types of specimen. Our findings show
low sensitivity for tpi gene detection after the DNA extraction directly from feces and an increase in PCR-
positive samples when feces were processed before the DNA extraction. The overall prevalence of C. difficile
was 16.9% (22/130), of which 100% were found to be toxigenic as assessed by the enrichment culture of fecal
samples. The rate of isolation of positive samples decreased with the animal age, regardless of the presence or
absence of diarrhea. Our results demonstrate the persistent reservoir of toxigenic C. difficile in fecal samples of
piglets and support the impact of specimen processing on its isolation.

Keywords: Clostridioides difficile, DNA extraction, enrichment culture, ethanol shock, foodborne transmission,
rectal swab

Introduction understand the potential changes in the epidemiology of

community-associated C. difficile infection in this country.

C lostridium difficile, recently renamed Clostridi-

oides difficile (Lawson et al., 2016), is a spore-forming
human pathogen associated with serious enteric diseases
A multitude of assays are available for C. difficile testing
(Arroyo et al., 2005). Traditionally, studies of enteric path-
ogens are based on stool specimens, although rectal swabs
around the world. C. difficile has been identified also as a have been proposed for use in surveillance studies of multiple
cause of enteritis in many animal species, including pigs, and enteric pathogens, due to their easy collection, transport, and
can be isolated from feces, from both diseased and healthy handling. The need for specimen pretreatment before culture
animals (Songer and Anderson, 2006). Thus, subclinical an- is based on the fact that the presence of Clostridium spp. is
imals can be both hosts of C. difficile and possible carriers and quantitatively lower than that of other microorganisms in
might play an important role in the spread of the community- most fecal specimens. To facilitate the isolation and detection
acquired infection (Hensgens et al., 2012). Furthermore, the of C. difficile, methods to eliminate fecal contaminants are
presence of C. difficile spores in the feces of animals destined used, such as ethanol shock, based on the high survival ca-
for human consumption may represent a risk for the con- pacity of the spores of C. difficile in ethanol, set against the
tamination of meat products, with a possible impact on the inactivation of the vegetative forms of the contaminants
economics of food production (EFSA BIOHAZ Panel, present in the specimen (Marler et al., 1992). Molecular
2013). detection methods could potentially serve as a more rapid
The data available about C. difficile carriage in animals screening test, compared with conventional culturing tech-
destined for human consumption in Spain are scarce. De- niques (Bélanger et al., 2003; van den Berg et al., 2006, 2007).
tection of animal C. difficile isolates would help us to further However, many commercial assays for the detection of

Departments of 1Food Science and Nutrition and 2Animal Production, Veterinary Faculty, Regional Campus of International Excellence
Campus Mare Nostrum, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.


C. difficile have been systematically evaluated for use in incubated anaerobically—80% N2, 10% CO2, and 10% H2—
human samples, but their performance with specimens of in an anaerobic chamber (bioMèrieux) at 37C for 7 days.
animal origin or other complex samples (soil, water, food, Then, 2 mL of each broth was mixed with an equal volume of
etc.) has not been validated. filter-sterilized absolute ethanol (Panreac Quı́mica S.L.U.),
The first objective of this study was to develop a specific and vortexed briefly and incubated at room temperature for 1 h.
sensitive method for C. difficile isolation from fecal specimens Then, each mixture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min,
of piglets and to assess if the C. difficile recoveries from feces and 75 lL of the pellet, resuspended with the remaining
and rectal swabs were comparable. The second objective was broth, and were plated onto CLO agar.
to evaluate the direct extraction of DNA from feces and pro- Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the proces-
cessed feces for the detection of C. difficile by polymerase sing of the specimens and the culture of the feces and rectal
chain reaction (PCR). The third objective was to determine the swabs. The culture plating onto CLO agar was performed by
occurrence and the toxigenic profile of C. difficile in different four-way streaking, differentiating four areas: discharge area,
age groups of piglets from Murcia, Spain. first quadrant, second quadrant, and third quadrant. The
plates were incubated anaerobically at 37C for 72 h. The
Materials and Methods isolates were identified as C. difficile on the basis of mor-
phological criteria (grayish, nonhemolytic, and rough colo-
Animals and sampling nies) and the typical horse-manure-like odor. They were
One hundred thirty samples of feces were obtained from subcultured onto brain heart infusion broth (BHI) agar plates
109 piglets belonging to 4 age-range populations (1–15 days, (Scharlau; Scharlab, S.L.) and incubated anaerobically at
16 days to 1 month, 1–2 months, and 2–3 months). Sampling 37C for 24–48 h. The area where there was growth of sus-
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included 114 feces from 93 piglets from ‘‘farm A’’ and 16 pected C. difficile colonies and other fecal microbiota, able to
from 16 piglets from ‘‘farm B,’’ both located in Murcia survive the ethanol and antibiotics used in the processing,
(in the southeast of Spain), between February and October was recorded.
All fecal specimens were collected directly from the ani- DNA extraction from bacterial isolates, feces,
mals in sterile plastic containers after rectal stimulation with and enriched feces
a dry cotton-tipped swab (Deltalab). Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of DNA ex-
The samples were preserved in sterile packs at -20C until traction from bacterial isolates, feces, and enriched feces. The
being processed, except for an aliquot of each feces sample DNA from C. difficile isolates was purified from suspected
that was used for procedure 3 (explained below); this was C. difficile colonies grown on BHI agar by a manual method
processed within 2 h of its collection. described by Lemee et al. (2004). In brief, bacterial sus-
pensions, made using one colony and 0.5 mL of distilled
Specimen pretreatment and C. difficile cultivation water, were heated at 100C for 20 min and then centrifuged
Eighteen feces samples, previously known to be culture for 2 min at 10,000 rpm to pellet bacterial debris. The su-
positive for C. difficile and their corresponding rectal swabs pernatants were used as a source of DNA for PCR. This
were selected for the first objective. As a preparation step for manual method was set to compare with a commercial kit
the specimens before culture, we tested an ethanol shock and designed for removing Taq polymerase inhibitors of com-
an enrichment step and compared both with the direct plating. plex sample matrices. The commercial kit -QIAamp DNA
stool Mini Kit (Qiagen) was used for DNA extraction of 18
Procedure 1: ‘‘direct plating’’. A feces aliquot of *0.5 g aliquots of feces (0.2 g) and 22 enriched—with C. difficile
was directly plated onto C. difficile selective agar ‘‘CLO’’ enrichment broth—feces aliquots (0.2 mL), according to the
(bioMèrieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France). Each rectal swab tip manufacturer’s protocol. The DNA was quantified in both
was briefly scrubbed out onto solid CLO agar. methods by absorbance spectrophotometry (NanoDrop-2000
Spectrophotometer; Thermo-Scientific, NanoDrop products,
Procedure 2: ‘‘ethanol shock’’ before plating. A feces Wilmington, DE).
aliquot of *1 g was mixed with an equal volume of filter-
sterilized 70% ethanol (v/v; Panreac Quı́mica S.L.U., Bar- Molecular identification and toxigenic profiling
celona, Spain). Each rectal swab used in procedure 1 was of DNA isolates
submerged for 30 s in a microtube containing 1 mL of 70% All the DNA extracts were evaluated by real-time PCR for
ethanol. Both kinds of specimen-ethanol mixture were vor- the presence of the triose phosphate isomerase (tpi) house-
texed and incubated at room temperature (23–25C) for keeping gene, an alternative marker to 16S ribosomal DNA
20 min. Then, each mixture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for for genotypic and phylogenetic characterization of bacterial
10 min, and 75 lL of the pellet, resuspended with the re- species (Verlag et al., 2003). This gene allows the differen-
maining ethanol, and were plated onto CLO agar. tiation of pathogenic Clostridium species by revealing some
variable gene regions. Positive tpi gene isolates were
Procedure 3: ‘‘enrichment step+ethanol shock’’ be- screened by PCR for the tcdA and tcdB genes, encoding toxin
fore plating. A feces aliquot of *1 g was inoculated into A and toxin B, respectively. The sequences of the amplifi-
5 mL of C. difficile enrichment broth medium described by cation primers are listed in Table 1. The PCRs were per-
Blanco et al. (2013). Each rectal swab used in procedure 2 formed in a CFX96 thermal cycler (Bio-Rad), in a final
was also used in procedure 3 and was introduced into 5 mL of volume of 25 lL containing 0.5 lL of the forward primer
C. difficile enrichment broth. The inoculated broths were (10 lM), 0.5 lL of the reverse primer (10 lM), 1 lL of DNA
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FIG. 1. Schematic representation of specimen pretreatment and culture of feces and rectal swabs. A detailed description
of procedures 1, 2, and 3 and the culture is given in the Materials and Methods section. RT, room temperature (23–25C)

template, 10.5 lL of PCR-grade water (Panreac Quı́mica corresponding rectal swab, according to the pretreatment. In
S.L.U.), and 12.5 lL of SensiMix SYBR No-ROX kit (Bio- the direct plating procedure, C. difficile was isolated from
line). Detection of tpi and tcdB were done using the primers nonpure cultures contaminated with fecal microbiota in
and thermal cycling conditions as described by Lemee et al. 91.67% of cases (11/12) for feces and in 88.23% of cases (15/
(2004). Detection of the nonrepeating region of tcdA gene 17) for rectal swabs. This contamination rate decreased when
was done using the NK2 and NK3 primers as described by specimen pretreatment was used, especially with ethanol
Kato et al. (1991) and thermal cycling conditions as de- shock, obtaining contamination rates of 47.06% (8/17) in
scribed by Justin and Antony (2015). DNA manually ex- feces and 46.67% (7/15) in rectal swabs, while the contami-
tracted from an isolate of C. difficile ATCC 9689 (Colección nation rate in the enrichment treatment was 72.22% (13/18) in
Española de Cultivos Tipo, Universitat de València, Spain)— feces and 83.33% (15/18) in rectal swabs. Regarding the
a strain positive for toxins A and B—and PCR-grade water growth area, in most cases C. difficile reached the third
were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. quadrant in the selective medium, mainly in the feces samples.
Finally, melting curve analysis was performed to determine The second objective of this study was to assess the per-
the specificity of the amplified products. formance of DNA extraction—directly from feces, from
enriched feces, and from bacterial isolates—for the detection
of C. difficile by PCR. A mismatch between the PCR results
for bacterial isolates and those of feces was found. Positive
The first objective of this study was to compare the per- PCR results obtained from bacterial isolates of a selection of
formance of three culture procedures—direct plating, ethanol feces were taken into account to determine true positive
shock before plating, and an enrichment step before ethanol samples. On this basis, the specific C. difficile tpi gene was
shock—used to isolate C. difficile from piglet specimens and amplified in 11.11% (2/18) of samples when the DNA used in
to assess if the C. difficile recovery rates from feces and rectal the PCR was extracted directly from feces. When DNA ex-
swab samples were comparable. C. difficile was recovered tract from a fecal aliquot was enriched with C. difficile en-
from 66.67% (12/18) of feces and 94.44% (17/18) of rectal richment broth, C. difficile was detected in 27.27% (6/22) of
swabs with the direct plating procedure (procedure 1). For samples.
feces, the rate of recovery was increased when specimen The third objective of this study was to determine the oc-
pretreatment was used, obtaining isolation rates of 94.44% currence of toxigenic C. difficile in different age groups of
(17/18) with ethanol shock (procedure 2) and 100% (18/18) piglets. Table 3 shows the occurrence of C. difficile-positive
with the enrichment step (procedure 3). By contrast, for rectal feces cultures according to the age population and feces
swabs, the ethanol shock decreased the recovery rate to consistency. Of the 130 feces samples processed with the
83.33% (15/18), and the enrichment step increased the iso- enrichment culture (procedure 3), bacterial growth was ob-
lation rate to 100% (18/18). tained in 111 samples, of which 31 were suspected C. difficile
Table 2 shows the growth area results of pure and con- colonies. The presence of the tpi gene was confirmed in
taminated C. difficile-positive cultures from feces and the 16.9% (22/130) of samples, all of them from the same farm.
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FIG. 2. Schematic representation of DNA extraction from bacterial isolates, feces, and enriched feces.

All the positive samples belonged to different animals. Both favoring the identification of C. difficile and accelerating its
the tcdA gene and the tcdB gene were amplified by PCR isolation. The incubation of specimens in an enrichment
(A+B+) in 100% (22/22) of C. difficile isolates. broth supplemented with lysozyme and compounds such as
bile salts improves C. difficile recovery, facilitating the ger-
mination of its spores on a solid medium (Buggy et al., 1985).
We obtained the 100% C. difficile recovery both in feces and
In the present study, the ethanol shock treatment of spec- swabs with the enrichment incubation before plating, in
imens before plating decreased the growth of fecal bacteria, agreement with other authors (Arroyo et al., 2005; Blanco

Table 1. Sequences of the Specific Primers Used in Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification
Gene target Specific primersa Oligonucleotide sequence (5¢/ 3¢) References
tpi tpi-F AAAGAAGCTACTAAGGGTACAAA Lemee et al. (2004)
tcdB tcdB-F GGAAAAGAGAATGGTTTTATTAA Lemee et al. (2004)
All primers were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO).
Nonrepeating region.
tpi, triose phosphate isomerase.

Table 2. Growth Area Results of Pure and Contaminated Clostridioides Difficile-Positive Cultures
from Feces and the Corresponding Rectal Swab, According to the Pretreatment
Procedure 1 Procedure 2 Procedure 3
n consistency Feces Rectal swab Feces Rectal swab Feces Rectal swab
1 S NG NG d NG ++ +++
2 L NG da da NG +a +++
3 L NG ++ NG d da +++
4 S NG d d da +++ +++
5 S NG + da d da +
6 S NG d + +a + ++a
7 S d d +++a da +++ +++
8 L +a da ++a NG ++ +++
9 L +++ ++ +++ ++ +++ +++
10 L +++ ++ +++a +++ +++ +++
11 S +++ ++ +++ +a +++a ++a
12 S +++ ++ +++ ++a +++a ++a
13 S +++ ++ +++ ++ +++ +++
14 S +++ ++ +++a ++a +++ +++
15 S +++ ++ +++ ++a +++ +++
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16 S +++ ++ +++a ++a +++ +++

17 S +++ ++ +++a +++ +++ ++
18 S +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++
C. difficile pure culture.
+, first quadrant; ++, second quadrant; +++, third quadrant; d, discharged area; L, liquid; NG, no growth; S, solid/semisolid.

et al., 2013). In this study, the enrichment treatment of rectal sing of the specimens. Although it is not essential to isolate
swabs gave sensitivity results identical to those of feces, in DNA of great purity, it is necessary to remove or inactivate
agreement with other authors (McFarland et al., 1987; Curry substances that may inhibit PCR assays and that are common
et al., 2011; Kundrapu et al., 2012; Shakir et al., 2012). to complex samples, such as feces. The enrichment of sam-
Unlike the feces culture, direct plating of swabs yielded better ples before PCR analysis, consisting of sample incubation in
recovery rates than the ethanol shock procedure. This may be a selective broth for 5–7 days, and subsequent DNA extrac-
due to the fact that the same swab was used for procedures 1 tion from these broths, has been shown to be effective in the
and 2, being the first step in the direct plating. During the detection of DNA in complex samples (Tansuphasiri et al.,
rolling of the swab tip over the culture medium surface, the 2005; Houser et al., 2010). In accordance with this, the data
microbial load may have been reduced for the next step. If presented in this study show a 16.16% increase in PCR-
two different swabs were used, further studies would be positive samples when the feces were enriched before DNA
necessary to conclude whether a causal association existed extraction, compared with nonenriched feces. A likely ex-
between the order of swab collection and the order of the planation for this result is that this enrichment procedure
pretreatment used. includes the multiplication of C. difficile in a broth to a PCR-
Although PCR could serve as a rapid screening test, the detectable concentration. Despite the enrichment step used in
literature on this topic is limited to a few studies, which this study, 16 samples were positive for C. difficile culture
reported varied performance with respect to the detection of and negative for tpi gene detection. Although the reason for
C. difficile directly in feces of animal origin (Alvarez-Pérez this observation remains unclear, we speculate that these
et al., 2009; Avbersek et al., 2011, 2017). Our findings show false-negative results are due to the duration of the lysis step
low sensitivity for tpi gene detection after DNA extraction used in DNA extraction and the difficulty in achieving lysis
directly from piglet feces, using the commercial kit, com- of the spores. As C. difficile is sporogenic, its resistant spore
pared with the manual method for extraction from bacterial coat is difficult to lyse; therefore, the release of nucleic acids
isolates. The most critical step in PCR assays is the proces- is limited and this reduces the effectiveness of C. difficile

Table 3. Occurrence of Clostridioides Difficile-Positive Feces Cultures, According to the Pig Age
Population and Feces Consistency
Feces consistency
Facility Age population Liquid Semisolid/solid Total C. difficile-positive cultures
Farrowing 1–15 Days 36.36% (4/11) 31.25% (10/32) 32.56% (14/43)
16 Days to 1 month 0 11.11% (1/9) 11.11% (1/9)
Nursery 1–2 Months 6.67% (2/30) 13.64% (3/22) 9.62% (5/52)
2–3 Months 0 (0/3) 8.69% (2/23) 7.69% (2/26)
Total 13.63% (6/44) 18.6% (16/86) 16.92% (22/130)

DNA extraction methods (Avbersek et al., 2017). These sen- Acknowledgment

sitivity analysis results agree with the Society for Healthcare This work was supported by the University of Murcia and
Epidemiology of America and the Infectious Diseases Society the Regional Campus of International Excellence Campus
of America, which recommend feces culture as the most Mare Nostrum.
sensitive test (Cohen et al., 2010). Although traditional culture
is time-consuming and laborious, it provides an isolate for
further genotyping and susceptibility testing, essential for ep- Disclosure Statement
idemiological studies (Cohen et al., 2010). No competing financial interests exist.
Previous European reports showed that the mean carriage
rate of C. difficile in symptomatic and subclinical piglets was
24.3%, with the highest rate reported in Sweden (67%) References
(Rodriguez et al., 2016). Our findings show an overall Alvarez-Pérez S, Blanco JL, Bouza E, Alba P, Gibert X, Mal-
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