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 Watch the video with no soundtrack .

 Speculate about the nature of the document : According to you , what kind of
document is this ?

 a sci-fi film excerpt  a movie trailer  a TV commercial  an

excerpt from some TV News

 Speculate about the origin of the document :

 Who is the target ?

TASK  :  Watch the commercial with soundtrack and check your predictions, then complete your
information about the document. Take notes.

 What is it about ?

 new technologies  the world-wide web  social networks  aliens

invading the Earth

 What is it for ?

 to warn people against the dangers of an alien invasion on Earth.  to

show how the world–wide Web is changing our lives.

 to show the negative impact of progress on human kind .  to

explore the extraordinary power of the Internet .

Let’s Recap!
TASK  :  Watch the commercial with soundtrack and fill in the script with the missing information.

Pay attention to the stressed words and repetitions.


“Greetings citizens of …………………… “ ,

“ My ………………….......… have developed…….....…………...........… which allow us to  throw off 


physical …………………… and …………………… great ……….................….……… in the  link  blink of an

…………………… .

We are in………………………….. with your ………………………….. to help the………………… race


Its  infancy  frequency for we ……………………….. in you. We are helping your …............………………

find ……………………….. for diseases which  afflict  affect your …………………… and .........………………

you to …………………… your planet ‘s most …………………… …………..........………… .”

Many among us wage …………………… and one …………………… with our help war ……………… be a
thing of

the ……………… .

Our ……………… is a billion ……………… and ……......….......……… .”

“We are the ……………………of the …………………… and ……………......……… we are shaping the

…………………… of …………………… …………………… “.

Male voice-over : “........................................” the ..............................’s .............................. season.

This ................................. .
For further information log onto :

“Greetings citizens of Earth “ ,

“ My people have developed technologies which allow us to throw off physical forms and

travel great distances in the blink of an eye.

We are in dialogue with your leaders to help the human race survive its infancy, for we believe in

We are helping your scientists find cures for diseases which afflict your bodies and helping you to

preserve your planet ‘s most precious resources .”

Many among us wage peace and one day with our help war may be a thing of the past.

Our army is a billion strong and growing .”

“We are the people of the internet and together we are shaping the future of human

Male voice over : “ SuperPower ” the BBC’s Internet Season. This March!

This is a BBC News commercial which is part of a marketing campaign for the BBC international news
services season about the Web, called SuperPower. The aim of this sci-fi-style campaign is to explore
the extraordinary power of the Internet.

This March, the BBCs international news services - BBC World Service, BBC World News and - are exploring the ways in which the internet is transforming the world in a special season of
programming called Superpower

At first sight it looks like a bizarre BBC Alien Disclosure commercial.

Mother Mary

= The wraith-like /ɾeɪθ/ alien creature hovering above the Earth’s orbit.

• Anyone who is in the know and has an open heart and mind can feel what this video really
means and what it suggests. It is not about the internet, but about the message it deliveres. It
is strong. I am suprised TPTB allowed this to get published. On the other hand, the GFL has
indeed spoken about Earth allies many times. Maybe Disclosure will happen soon afterall.
Long live freedom, peace and love.

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