Merge Sort

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1 DAA - Merge Sort


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In this chapter, we will discuss merge sort and analyze its complexity.

2 Problem Statement
The problem of sorting a list of numbers lends itself immediately to a
divide-and-conquer strategy: split the list into two halves, recursively sort
each half, and then merge the two sorted sub-lists.

3 Solution
In this algorithm, the numbers are stored in an array numbers[].
Here, pand q represents the start and end index of a sub-array.
Algorithm: Merge-Sort (numbers[], p, r)
if p < r then
q = ⌊(p + q) / 2⌋
Merge-Sort (numbers[], p, q)
Merge-Sort (numbers[], q + 1, r)
Merge (numbers[], p, q, r)
Function: Merge (numbers[], p, q, r)
n1 = q – p + 1
n2 = r – q
declare leftnums[1…n1 + 1] and rightnums[1…n2 + 1] temporary arrays
for i = 1 to n1
leftnums[i] = numbers[p + i - 1]
for j = 1 to n2
rightnums[j] = numbers[q+ j]
leftnums[n1 + 1] = ∞
rightnums[n2 + 1] = ∞
i = 1
j = 1
for k = p to r
if leftnums[i] ≤ rightnums[j]
numbers[k] = leftnums[i]
i = i + 1
numbers[k] = rightnums[j]
j = j + 1

4 Analysis
Let us consider, the running time of Merge-Sort as T(n). Hence,

T(n)= { cifn⩽12xT(n2)+dxnotherwise where c and d are constants

Therefore, using this recurrence relation,

As, i=logn,T(n)=2lognT(n2logn)+logn.d.n
Therefore, T(n)=O(nlogn)

5 Example
In the following example, we have shown Merge-Sort algorithm step by
step. First, every iteration array is divided into two sub-arrays, until the
sub-array contains only one element. When these sub-arrays cannot be
divided further, then merge operations are performed.

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