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After she left Scott at the park, I

waited for a while before I heard Joy

drive up. She came in trying to keep
her head turned to the side, but I
could see her face was still red with
excitement and her lips were
swollen. She headed directly for the

"Everything okay, darling," I asked as

she closed the bedroom door.

"I have a splitting headache," I heard

muffled through the door. "I'm going
to lie down for a while."

I sat alone in my den, saddened by

the turn of events, and feeling guilty
for my role in all this. My cock still
ached though, from the fantastic
cum I'd had while watching Joy suck
Scott's dick a short time earlier. I'd
seen he hadn't let her cum and
vaguely wondered if she were behind
that locked door with her hand
buried inside her sopping pussy. If
she was, why hadn't she asked me to
take a nap with her? I know the
answer. It wasn't my cock she
wanted. It was Scott's. For the next
several days, Joy remained sullen,
and depressed. I tried perking her up
by taking her out for dinner, but
even after that she pleaded a
headache when we went to bed. I lay
there and held my cock for an hour
before I too drifted off to sleep. The
next day, Scott called again.

I still use a regular phone at home

with two numbers, because it lets
me record a lot more messages and
it's attached to my FAX machine. I
only use my cellphone for personal
calls. I was in my den working and
since it wasn't my work number I let
Joy answer it. Hearing her mumbling
softly, I eased the phone out of its
stand and listened.

" . . . you bastard."

"Be nice, baby. I got something for

you." When she didn't answer, he
went on. "You want what I got, or
not? I've got a lot to do."

As soon as he'd finished the

sentence, I heard Joy quickly
whispering, "Yes."

"I'm at home and the door's

unlocked. Come on in and you'll find
me on the couch in the living room.
You've got fifteen minutes to get
here, and then I'll leave." He
abruptly clicked off. As she hung-up I
slid my phone back into its cradle
just as she called out, "I'm off for a
while, Darling. Got some errands to
run. Need anything?"
I watched as she almost ran to her
car and drove off. Somehow, I had to
end this. I understood it had a lot to
do with Joy's addictive personality,
but I did not know exactly how to
handle it. Maybe I'd just have to
come clean about my part in it and
hope she somehow forgave me --
more importantly, I prayed she
would give up the one thing she now
craved like a drug. But that would
have to wait until later, because my
heart was thumping wildly inside my
chest and I felt my cock quickly
filling with blood. My own desire was
solidly in command as I rushed back
to the den and switched on my
laptop, revealing the four small
screens. The first thing I saw was
Scott sprawled on a couch, his
sweatpants around his ankles,
stroking his thick meat. His cocky
grin made me feel sick. I knew he
couldn't see or hear me, but that he
also knew I could see him - if I was
watching. He knew I'd be watching.
He'd somehow gotten both me and
Joy hooked on this depravity, and
was reveling in it.

I was jolted as Scott suddenly said, "I

can see out the window, old buddy.
I'll let you know the minute she
arrives." The bastard winked.

I moved the box of tissue closer and

clutched my cock, waiting, shaking
with anticipation. After a few
minutes, Scott said, "I saw her drive
past real slow like she's considering
not coming in. Oops, there she goes
again. She didn't stop."

My feelings were confusing. Did I

want her to just say, 'fuck it,' and
simply drive away? Part of me did.
My cock didn't. As Scott spoke again
I looked back at the monitor.
"Ah . . . there she is. She's getting
out . . . coming to the door. Bye old
buddy. Enjoy."

I saw Joy's pony-tail bounce past

number one camera as she scurried
over to drop between Scott's hairy
outstretched legs. The number two
screen was at an angle, and I
switched my vision to it just in time
to see her next act. She didn't
hesitate, simply swallowing more
than half his meat, her eyes closed
in apparent rapture. Her cheeks
hollowed a bit as she tugged on his
cock with gentle suctions, drawing a
soft gasp from Scott as he wrapped
his fingers around her pony-tail,
lightly pulling on it. Her expression
was the same one I'd seen the night
she'd snorted coke the first time,
feeling its unexpected affect surging
through her system. She'd looked as
if she was in heaven that night - she
looked the same sucking on Scott's
thick meat.

He pulled the rubber-band from

around her pony-tail and let her hair
fall free, grasping it tighter. If it was
painful, Joy never acknowledged it in
any way. That cock seemed the only
thing that mattered to her. Scott was
speaking now, in between gasps.

"Suck it dry . . . baby . . . don't get

any . . . on my couch. Then, I'll . . .
fuck . . . you til you . . . scream."

Joy moaned a soft agreement, and it

seemed she redoubled her efforts to
increase his pleasure. She licked
down the thick vein on the bottom,
then held his cock up and nibbled his
nuts as she'd done every time I'd
seen her do this with him. But then
she did more. Lifting his balls out of
the way, hungrily licking the little
patch of skin under them and
sucking it like a small kitten with a
tit. Scott drew his knees up and was
clutching them in the crooks of his
arms, trying desperately to look
down, watch my wife's debasement.
Her eyes remained closed as she let
her tongue trail downward into his
crack, lower and lower as Scott's
knees trembled, his feet stretching
as though trying to touch something

I couldn't see her face because her

hair was in the way but I could tell
the instant her tongue found Scott's
anus. He groaned loudly and lifted
his ass just a bit more, trembling all
over as she attacked his puckered
hairy asshole like she was starved,
slowly stroking his cock as she did
so. What the fuck had my precious
wife turned into? I could hear her
loud slurping as she worked on his
anus, pulling his hairy cheeks apart,
trying to get deeper. I watched her
assault his ass for several minutes as
I alternatively beat-off until I nearly
exploded, then forcing my hands
away for a minute, and then beating
it some more. It was the most
depraved, exciting thing I'd ever

Joy slid her tongue up under his nuts,

gently took first one and then the
other into her mouth, and then
trailed her lips back up the thick vein
under his cock to the spongy crown. I
saw she was staring up at Scott as
she licked the clear liquid from the
head of his twitching cock, and then
simply swallowed the entire thing.
Scott screamed as he came -
instantly! As my own sperm flew
before I could cover my cock with a
tissue, I saw Scott's ass clinch and
his balls draw-up as he wrapped his
fingers in Joy's hair, burying it in her
throat right up to the pubic hair,
holding her gagging and chocking as
she swallowed frantically to keep
from strangling. Her throat muscles
jumped and bobbed for a long time,
and he didn't let her go until he'd
emptied everything his balls were
aching to expel.

My own cock had grown soft and

tender by the time he finally let go of
Joy's head and pulled his long cock
from her throat. She fell back on her
heels, her head down, coughing for a
minute. When she looked back up
and I could see her expression once
more, I saw her eyes were heavy-
lidded and that she had that dreamy,
just-fucked look on her pretty face
she always got after sex. Only this
time it was even more so. It was like
the coke she'd used.
I observed her hand float out almost
lovingly, and slide up and down on
Scott's wet, half-softened dick. She
never took her eyes off it to look up
at him, scratching his damp balls
with her long nails, finally painting
the head of his cock with the final
dribbles from his pee-hole. Then she
licked it in the manner she would lick
the lips of a lover, her eyes closed,
savoring the taste.

"Get in the bedroom," Scott said

suddenly. "I'm gonna fuck that pretty
pussy until you follow me around like
a little puppy dog begging for more."

On one screen I saw her practically

run into the bedroom and jump onto
the king-sized bed there. By the time
Scott arrived she already undressed,
lying on her back with her legs
spread. Scott laughed at her
urgency. "Jeeze baby! You really want
this thing, don't you?"

Joy didn't answer, just kept staring

hungrily at it as he climbed onto the
bed, his thick meat swinging
between his legs like a giant
sausage. He crawled right up over
her face and let it hang there. "Make
it hard, baby. Then daddy will give it
to you."

Joy looked like a calf I'd seen at the

county fair, trying to engulf its
mother's tit as it swung just out of
reach. Scott seemed delighted by
her efforts, laughing at her as he
swung his genitals around in front of
her pretty face, barely escaping her
lips as she struggled to capture it in
her mouth. Tiring of the game, he
finally lowered his hips and let her
have what she wanted. Contentment
wasn't the word to describe her
expression as she suckled on it,
urgent to get him hard again. Once it
was, Scott didn't waste time with
attempts to show tenderness. He just
slid down between her out-stretched
legs, stared into her straining face
for a few seconds, and then
hammered into her full-force. How
someone as small as Joy could
accommodate anything that long
and thick, is a mystery. I could not
comprehend why it didn't rupture
her womb, especially the way Scott
was using it on her.

Joy screamed a couple of times but

she didn't fight back, wrapping her
long legs around his body, her arms
around his neck, searching for his
mouth with her own as she pulled
him closer. She seemed to relish the
pain and along with it, the pleasure it
brought. My cock was hard again and
I stroked it as I watched her
debasement. From where I was
watching, it looked as if he were
ripping the lining of her vagina out,
each time he withdrew. If he was,
she didn't seem to mind. I couldn't
hold back and came long before
either of them did. When he did, it
was a flood. I knew he's just cum a
short time earlier, and where the
river of white fluid came from in such
copious amounts, I could not
understand. My own climax had
been about half the volume it'd been
the first time. Joy seemed able to
feel him shooting inside her for when
he did, it set-off her own orgasm.
She simply went nuts!

How I wished she could experience

such pleasure with me. How I wished
I could derive such pleasure from
her, as well. In a way, we were both
hooked on this, addicts waiting for
our next fix. As I saw her willingly
cleaning Scott's cock afterward, I felt
so sad for both of us, I wanted to die.
I'd tell Joy about all of it, and see if
we could find help to overcome this
thing. If it hadn't already destroyed
our marriage, maybe we still had a

I finally told her my sad story. I won't

go into all the self-recriminations or
the angry shouting matches we had
as a result, but the next two weeks
were hell on earth. Sometimes we'd
end up screaming and sometimes
just holding on to each other and
crying. After one crying session, we
agreed to see a counsellor, someone
who dealt with family situations like
ours. During the two months we
went to the sessions our therapist
suggested Joy not take Scott's calls
or see him while we were in her care.
I found out later that she did go see
him twice, but I forgave her and we
steadfastly went back to counselling.

We found out a lot about ourselves in

the sessions, and about what other
people did as well. We weren't alone.
There were thousands of couples out
there in situations just like ours.
Maybe ours was a bit more
complicated due to Joy's additive
bent, but not much more. Our
therapist wasn't judgmental, and
told us that with counselling many
people finally broke out of the
lifestyle, and led "normal lives." But,
she also said just as many accepted
who they were and continued on
because it became easier for them
once they understood their feelings.
She said that if we really wanted to,
we could break the cycle, go back to
the way were before we met Scott.

She also told us that if we accepted

the fact we loved each other, and
that seeing the other one enjoying
more pleasure with someone else
brought happiness, there was
nothing wrong with living our lives as
we wanted. The main thing was to
not repress our sexuality, or blame
the other for our own desires. Try to
understand each other's feelings and
do whatever brought us the most

Our lives are different now. Scott was

a part of it for a while, coming to our
house whenever he wanted and
having sex with Joy. I watched and
they didn't mind - the best of all
worlds. He even went on vacations
with us. Since Scott, there have been
others. We've found we like the
variety of changing Joy's partners
after a while. Each one is inventive in
their own way and each offers us
something we need. Joy and I are
even more in love than ever and
when we have sex now, she even
screams once in a while. As I said,
things are improving.



Susan and I married right out of

college. I became an investment
broker dealing primarily in Futures
and Commodities, and the first few
years were lean ones as I learned my
trade. Our financial situation turned
around after five tough years, and
we'd been married for about eight
years when we were able to buy our
dream home in a gated, upper-
income-level community. I drove a
three-year old luxury SUV and Sue
drove a small BMW. We were moving
up in the world. Everything seemed
to be falling into place and the future
seemed rosy.

If I could pinpoint the exact day it all

began to unravel, was the day about
five years ago when I came home
and Susan announced that we were
invited to dinner. She said one of our
neighbors, Carman, had visited
during the day and they'd hit it off.
She and her husband Raul owned the
largest house in our development, a
mansion really, a seriously wealthy
couple. I'd driven past it several
times on my way to the community
golf course, and speculated what it
must have cost.

Carman had told Susan that both she

and her husband were plastic
surgeons, mostly specializing in anti-
aging practices. She said Carman
had disclosed she was in her forties
and her spouse was over fifty, but
Carmen looked about half that age
and was absolutely gorgeous. Since
Susan is slender with small to
average breasts, I knew she admired
women who had firm propionate tits,
and that she had toyed with the idea
of having hers enlarged a little. It
was something I hadn't totally

Wednesday evening finally arrived

and we set off to the doctor's
residence only a few blocks away
with a bottle of good wine in hand.
The place was even grander than I'd
thought. Anti-aging must be a gold
mine! The meal was superb and
while I found Carman bubbly and
charming, her husband seemed
somewhat standoffish, but pleasant.
Raul was a large, very fit man,
standing about six-four. He had a
head of thick black hair and dark
skin, appearing to be either from
South America or maybe somewhere
in Asia, like Indonesia. He had an
accent but I couldn't identify it and it
didn't seem polite to ask at that

Carman said she was thirty-five and

came from Venezuela, but had lived
most of her life in the U.S. She was
without a trace of accent, small,
beautiful and very well put together.
She didn't look a day over twenty-
five and Raul at fifty-plus, looked
twenty years younger. It was
remarkable! After a few glasses of
wine the conversation had turned to
their profession.

"I have to confess, I had Raul do a

little nip-and-tuck on my breasts a
couple years past, and have been
extremely happy with the results."
She smiled, looking cute. "We have
both been very pleased with the
We all laughed and then Carman
said, "Have you ever thought of
doing that, Susan?"

Susan blushed, but she answered

truthfully. "I have. But . . . well . . . is
it painful?"

"Not at all. No after-affects and you

should heal in just a matter of a few
days. You have nice breasts. All you
need is a small lift and I could do it
for you in an hour. Raul, don't you
think she has nice breasts and the
results would be spectacular?"

Raul looked appraisingly at her tits

for so long I began to grow
uncomfortable. "She's already
exquisite, my dear. How does one
improve upon perfection? However,
it would be very easy for us to do."
He smiled, flashing white teeth. It
was easy to see how he'd won such
a beautiful lady for his wife.

"What would such a thing cost?"

Susan asked Carman.

"For you? Not a penny. I have a

feeling we will be very good friends,
Susan, and this will be my
contribution toward that friendship.
Because of legal billing, the IRS and
partnership agreements, however,
I'd need to do it on my own time,
away from the office."

We finished the wine and for another

hour discussed the operation Susan
had always wanted. Susan is already
gorgeous and I love her tits, but add
another inch or two and she'd be the
perfect woman. Shoulder length
blond hair, large blue eyes and
perfect legs, she drew stares where
ever we went. Her best point, being
her butt! I felt proud having her on
my arm, and loved her
unconditionally. Even though I'd put
on a couple of extra pounds lately, I
knew she felt the same about me.

We decided we'd all take a week off

between Thanksgiving and
Christmas. We'd all travel to the
couple's country home in Maine
where Carman would do the
operation and have time to observe
Susan's recovery for a couple of
days, making sure she healed
properly. As a bonus our two new
doctor friends would balance our
testosterone and other values, and
give us the same regiment of
supplements and herbs that they
used to appear so youthful.

We were very excited about Susan's

operation and it would be the much-
needed long-delayed vacation we'd
planned for the past few years. We
met at least once a week during the
following month for dinner or a night
out, or simply to discuss and plan
the upcoming trip. Our friendship
grew as well.

Finally the big day arrived. We

caught a plane ride to Maine and
were met at the airport by the
couple's driver Darius, who looked
like a mountain. He was even larger
than Raul, maybe six-six and close to
three hundred pounds. His dark
almost flat face gleamed like a piece
of coal, and when he spoke, which
was rarely, he did so politely in a
deep soft voice, with a heavy accent.

The ride to their country estate was

nearly three hours, the last one
through a scantly populated area of
mostly hills and trees. We pulled off
the main road onto what was
obviously a narrow graveled
driveway, and drove for another
mile. Suddenly, a tall rock wall rose
right out of the forest to our front.
Darius stopped at the gate and
spoke a few words to he guard, and
we drove through.

Through flickering Christmas lights

lining the driveway, I saw two large
dogs sitting in the trees. Guard
dogs? They looked to be over a
hundred pounds each, with short
ears and alert eyes. They made no
sound or movement as we drove
past - just watching our vehicle with
total alertness. I'm scared of dogs
and was glad to be inside the
vehicle. It was fully dark by the time
we arrived at the circle drive, but
holiday lights in front lit-up a lodge-
like structure that was nearly as
large as the other one the couple
owned back home. Though rustic, it
was beautiful.

Susan hugged my arm, smiling up at

me. "We made the right decision,
Darling. It'll be like a vacation." That
night we dined on quale in wine
sauce and other exotic dishes too
delicious to describe.

Our rooms were large and luxurious,

beds made with high-count Egyptian
cotton, a large flat-screen TV, and
mini-bar. French doors opened right
out onto the patio and pool area. We
made love and slept like babies. The
next day Darius served us breakfast
on the veranda, after which Raul
gave me instruction on fly-fishing,
something I'd always wanted to try,
while Carman measured Susan's
breasts and made little marks on her
tits with a water marker.

The operation would be in two days

and until then, Carman said we
should just enjoy ourselves. That
evening Darius delivered what
appeared to be another wonderful
meal. I took a sip of a green liquid
that appeared to be some kind of
iced-tea, finding it unique and

"Ummm. What is this?" I asked,

indicating the drink.

"It comes from Uganda, made from a

root it's a type of their local tea," she
told us. "It has a mild narcotic affect
sort of like drinking a glass of wine,
but otherwise, it's harmless. Darius
has it brought in for us. Most people
love it. I'll give you some to take
back home with you before you
leave, if you'd like."

Susan agreed that it was uniquely

grand, but I secretly felt it a little too
sweet for my taste. So, after the first
glass I stuck to wine. Susan
obviously loved the stuff and I saw
Carman refilling her glass several
times throughout dinner. After coffee
and desert, Carman said, "I know
you're probably still a little tired after
your long trip, so why don't we retire
to someplace more comfortable for a

We all stood and I saw Susan reach

out a steadying hand to grasp the
table's edge. From past experience I
knew she couldn't drink more than
two glasses of anything before she
started talking funny. Once, after a
friend brought over some Columbian
Gold, she'd been so high after just a
half a toke that she'd literally zoned-

Watching Raul take her elbow and

lead her toward the living room I hid
my smile, knowing she wouldn't be
awake much longer. Carman took my
arm as we lagged behind them,
Susan wobbling slightly, Raul
steadying her gait.

Walking through the study toward

the living room, Carman led me to a
mantle where several photos of
thoroughbred horses formed a
grouping. An oil painting of a large
black stallion adorned the place of
honor. I craned my neck trying to
keep tabs on Susan because I knew
she might soon pass out. They had
already walked through the study
into the living room out of direct
sight, but I could still see them
through a reflection in a large mirror
on the far wall. Raul had seated
Susan on the sofa and sat beside
her. Carman was speaking to me
again, so I tried to focus on what she
was saying. It seemed that she was
speaking from inside a barrel.

"Do you like horses, Brad? That's

Storm, my pride and joy. He's won a
ton of ribbons! Maybe we can go for
a ride tomorrow, if you like."

"Yes . . . uh, yes . . . uh, I do like . . .

horse . . . ssss." My tongue felt
swollen, my mouth dry as cotton.

"Come. You don't look so good. You

better sit down for a minute."

Carman led me to a loveseat in the

study and once sitting down again, I
felt fine. She took one of the two
scrapbooks from an end table and
laid it across my lap, opening it.

"This is the last show we did in

London," she said, obviously proud of
her animal. I could see Raul and
Susan's reflection in the mirror and
she seemed to be all right, so I
forced myself to pay attention to
Carman. When I looked up again I
saw Susan's head resting on Raul's
shoulder. Although I knew neither of
them could see us in the Study, her
face was turned away from Raul,
toward me, her drowsy eyes half-
closed. Raul's hands rested on his
lap but as I watched he moved his
right hand to her knee, and reaching
across his body with the other,
placed his open palm flat against her

I attempted to stand and protest but

found my legs didn't seem to work.
Neither did my vocal cords. Confused
by this, I silently watched as in slow-
motion, the hand on her belly slid
upward until it grasped a nipple
between thumb and forefinger,
rolling it gently between them. The
puckered nipple looked small and
frightened through her cotton shirt,
when compared to his large fingers.
Susan didn't respond. She was still
staring into space and taking shallow
breaths through a half-opened
mouth. My mind was clear as a bell
but everything happening around me
seemed sluggish, and my body didn't
seem to be working properly either.

I was suddenly shaken out of my fog

as I realized that through the fabric
of my trousers, Carman's hand was
squeezing my soft penis under the
scrapbook. I turned my head to tell
her to knock it off, but my mouth
would not even form that one simple
word. It came out sounding like a
caveman's grunt.

What was worse, I felt my cock

reacting to her touch. Thrill after
thrill shot through me as it grew
firmer in her fingers, until my own
pleasure was fighting with any alarm
I might have felt for Susan's welfare.
By then Raul was alternating
between rolling her nipple between
his fingers and forcibly tugging on it.
The hand on her knee moved higher
between her thighs, the short dress
pushed up to her waist, her black silk
panties visible. My body felt
sluggish, drugged, but oddly enough
my mind was still clear. It was as
though the world was moving
through a molasses-thick
environment and all movement had
slowed to a crawl.

Then I remembered the "Uganda

tea" we'd drank during dinner.
Carman had said it had a "small"
narcotic affect. Flashing back, I
recalled that neither Raul nor his
wife had touched their glasses, but I
had consumed nearly a full glass of
the stuff. Susan had downed several.
These fuckers had drugged us!

Growing increasingly angry, I fought

to say something, to move, to do
anything to stop the madness. It was
useless. I was effectively
immobilized. The only thing that
didn't seem too numb to work was
my cock, and it was now throbbing
painfully. My genitals felt super-
charged and overly sensitive as
Carman slowly stroked and kneaded
them like play-dough. Maybe the
drink they gave us had something to
do with that. Shocked, I realized that
her hand was now on my bare dick.
Somehow I hadn't even noticed
when she'd extracted it from my
trousers, but she gripped my penis
firmly, almost painfully, squeezing
and stroking slowly -- maddeningly.

Her beautiful face suddenly blocked

my view of Susan and Raul, her
pouty lips mere inches from mine.
Flicking out a pink tongue she licked
my bottom lip, nibbling on it for a
while, and then stuck her sweet little
tongue inside my mouth - all the
while stroking my aching cock. I felt
my balls surge and knew it was only
a matter of time before I blew my
load all over the place. My own
tongue felt thick and heavy but she
somehow coached it into her mouth,
sucking it for a long time.

I had long-passed the point of caring

about anything except the hand
stroking my cock and her warm
tongue, all my feeling now centered
in that one sensitive area of my
groin. If I could've moved I would
have pushed her back on the
loveseat and fucked her as hard as I
could before she even knew what
When she removed her face from my
line of vision I could see the mirror
on the far wall once more, suddenly
stunned to my core! Susan's black
panties were on the floor near her
feet and Raul's hand was between
her long tan legs, which were
sprawled outward, her nether-region
entirely open to his assault. Raul was
slowly sliding a finger up the damp
passageway of her vagina, pausing
to rub her clit in a slow circular
motion. Even as I watched, he slid
another finger inside her - and then
a third. Susan didn't move or make a

With her face turned toward me, I

could see that her eyes appeared
distant and empty. I momentarily
wondered if she was paralyzed from
the drug, but like me, was still
conscious of what was happening to
her. Could she feel, rationalize,
think? Was her sex organs overly
stimulated as mine were, or had she
completely passed-out?

I had my answer soon enough. I saw

a faint movement from her as almost
imperceptivity, she pressed her bare
feet flat against the carpet and
subtly lifted her hips a millimeter off
the sofa -- and then she did it again.
I also noticed that her red nails were
digging into the soft fabric of the
sofa seat, spasmodically clutching
and releasing with a slow cadence.
Her toes began curling sensually
with each stroke of his finger.

I could see the finger was wet and

slippery from her juices. I glanced up
at Raul's face, and found him staring
back at me. The bastard was
smiling! I fought to curse at him but
my tongue felt too thick to say
anything. I silently swore I'd kill him
if I got the chance!

Rage was fighting to overcome the

pleasure building in my own loins,
caused by Carman's expert
manipulations. Pleasure won out in
the end as I started trembling
uncontrollably, my orgasm ready to
burst forth. I knew it would be a
huge one. I'd never felt hornier in my
life, or my cock so sensitive. A spider
walked across my mind as Susan's
face floated before me, but then
quickly disappeared. That damned
tea must have also been a stimulant!

Carman suddenly stopped what she

was doing and I groaned aloud in
frustration, trying to form the word

"Ah, poor baby," she cooed wetly in

my ear. "Want to cum for mama? I
simply love it when young guys cum
for me. They have so much of it
stored up."

I grunted unintelligibly and she

smiled sweetly as she observed my
aching cock for a moment. Then she
did the unexpected. She viciously
flicked her forefinger against the
head of my cock, pain instantly
enveloping my entire groin. Electric
shock waves rolled over me as the
pain finally registered in my lizard
brain, but oddly enough my erection
remained hard as ever, even though
the impending orgasm resided

"What do I see here?" she muttered,

leaning closer to inspect my
throbbing cock. I rolled my eyes
downward to see what she meant
and found a clear drop of pre-cum
had formed at the tip of my dick.
"Oh, you've been a bad boy,
Chucky." She suddenly leaned down
and licked the nectar off, her tongue
so hot it burned. "You are such a
naughty little cuckold, aren't you,
darling?" She licked around the
crown a few more times and my nuts
began churning again with their
irritated load. Laughing with glee,
she sat up beside me again.

My eyes flew back to Raul and

Susan, wanting to scream at what I
saw! The nipple he was tugging on
was bare now, and he'd taken his
penis out of his pants. It looked like a
horses' cock! Enraged, I saw he was
using Susan's small hand to jerk
himself off!

Her head still rested on his shoulder

but she now faced away from me
and I couldn't see her face anymore.
Had he turned her head that way, or
had she? He was still finger-fucking
her with his other hand, and her hip
movements weren't so subtle any
longer. In fact, she was now lifting
several inches off the sofa to meet
his thrusting fingers. I could faintly
make out small sounds of obvious
enjoyment emitting from her parted
lips, each ripping through me like a

"Your wife seems to like my Raul,

Chucky-boy," Carman cooed. I felt
her wet tongue touch the inside of
my ear, her breath scaling hot.
"Want to cum now?"

I tried nodding my head but nothing

happened, justifying it by telling
myself that I was in pain and needed
to get off quickly so I could help
Susan. Carman seemed to
understand anyway. "If Susan gets a
nice climax, I'll let you cum," she
whispered wetly inside my ear,
sliding her finger-tips around my
sticky cock-head, keeping me right
on the verge of shooting my load. I
could feel it churning inside my
aching balls, ready to explode! I
needed release before I died!

". . . please . . . please!" I realized I

hadn't uttered the word aloud so I
tried again with the same effect. It
came out as, "Uggg!" I still couldn't

Carman laughed with understanding,

softly sliding her tongue over the
head of my jerking cock -- but only
for an instant. This bitch was driving
me crazy! Shit! I suddenly realized
that in my own agony, I'd completely
forgotten Susan's predicament,
lifting my eyes to observe her once
I was just in time to see Raul slide a
hand behind Susan's head, cupping
the back of her neck and pulling her
unresistingly into his lap. The spongy
head of his cock was pressing
against her pouty lips before he
paused for a second, speaking so low
to her I couldn't hear his words. I
don't know what he told her but
finally, with eyes that were empty
and unfocused, she opened her
mouth and slid it over his huge
cockhead. I heard him groan softly.

"Ooooh," Carman whispered against

my ear. "It looks like wifey isn't going
to get to cum for a while, Chucky-
boy. I didn't promise you anything if
Raul came instead."

Why did she insist on calling me that

name? I wasn't a Cuckold! From what
I understood a Cuckold was a
husband who got off watching
another man fuck his wife! I wasn't
enjoying this! I just wanted to leave
here with my wife, have things back
the way they were before! She
squeezed my cock and I felt my nuts
draw up again, ready to pump
semen and relieve the painful
pressure in them. Okay, I needed to
cum too, but then I could think more

Sick by what I was seeing, none-the-

less my raging libido was completely
in charge of my actions now. Susan
had about half of Raul's awesome
cock inside her pretty throat and it
appeared that was as much as she'd
be able to handle. I could see her
throat muscles working to get more
of it inside but the huge lump his
crown created under the skin of her
soft throat, told the story. It would go
no farther.
I struggled with my own discomfort
of aching balls, and the building rage
of seeing my innocent wife defiled
right before my eyes! I stared in
disbelief as I suddenly realized the
lump I'd seen in her throat was gone!
Raul's belly was now flat against her
chin, Susan's eyes as large as
saucers! It seemed impossible, but
his cock was buried to the base
inside her gullet!

He withdrew slowly, his dark cock

glistening with her saliva, Susan's
lips clinging to it as if reluctant to let
go. Sliding from her clasping mouth
it seemed endless, but finally he
paused with the crown locked behind
her lips, obviously savoring the
feeling of her warm wet mouth. Then
he was fucking my pretty wife's face
like it was a pussy -- and she was
complying -- unresisting! One of his
hands was entangled in her blond
hair and the other was sliding in and
out of her wet vagina, his thumb
teasing her engorged clit with each

I watched as her red nails that had

been digging into the sofa seat,
reached up and clutched Raul's hairy
ass cheeks, pulling him deeper as
she grunted around the dark
thickness of his organ. She was
gagging and choking with effort as
she fought to swallow the large lump
that was his crown, each time he
slammed it down her throat. It was
obvious by the redness of her face
that she was strangling with the lack
of sufficient air to breathe, but that
didn't seem to deter her. She clearly
wanted this!

It was also clear he was using his

fingers to induce her sucking, for
each time she slowed, his fingers
stopped moving also. Pavlov's Dog!
Reward for desired behavior. Just as
Carman was doing to me, he was
using my wife as a lab-rat!

Anger nearly consumed me, but

quickly disappeared as Carman slid
her lips over the head of my cock
again. I felt my balls drawing up,
ready to release, but an instant
before relief arrived she stopped
sucking and plunked the head of my
dick with her forefinger again. I
made that caveman sound once
more and heard her giggle with joy.
I'd kill this bitch right along with Raul
as soon as I could move! Raul made
a loud guttural noise and I jerked my
head up to see what had happened.

He clutched Susan's head with both

hands, his cock buried deep in her
soft throat and his ass-cheeks
clinching as he poured load-after-
load down her working throat. Far
from being distressed now, Susan's
painted nails were digging into his
hairy cheeks in an effort to pull him
even deeper, her throat working
frantically to swallow his reward.

The guy had an enviable amount of

sperm, unloading for a long time,
creamy fluid finally forcing itself from
around the tight seal of her lips and
running down his meaty tower, to
drip from Susan's chin. It was a
scene I never could've imagined in
my wildest dreams. I felt sick. My
loving wife sucking off another man
right in front of me, while I sat
nursing a forced erection. It was a
script from Hell!

It was as though someone had

driven a knife right through my
heart. The pain of seeing Susan
gulping down this stranger's sperm
was almost more than I could bear.
Then Carman touched my sensitive
cock with her warm mouth and my
eyes rolled up in their sockets, as I
once more lost sight of the spectacle
before me. I attempted to fool her
this time by giving no indication how
close I was to the end, but the evil
bitch somehow knew, stopping just
short of my release again. I groaned
my caveman sound with growing
anger and frustration.

Finally defeated, I gazed across the

room as Susan continued working on
Raul's deflating penis with her mouth
and tongue, a dreamy expression on
her face. Eyes heavily-lidded, she
looked like a kitten with a belly-full of
warm cream, licking up the final
drops of something too delicious to
leave behind. He slowly withdrew
about a foot of meat that now had
the consistency of play-dough,
leaving an unnoticed trail of clear
fluid across her pretty cheek.

Raul smiled at me again and then

slid off the sofa to kneel between her
long out-stretched legs, lowering his
head until his mouth engulfed her
swollen pussy-lips. She made the
first intelligible sound I'd heard her
make all evening, moaning with what
sounded like pure delight.

"Y . . . y . . . yessssss . . ." she hissed

between her clinched teeth. ". . . yes
. . . YES!"

Soon, her thighs were pressing

against the sides of his shaggy head,
her hands tangling themselves in his
thick hair as she squirmed and thrust
against his relentless tongue. It
didn't take long. When she came she
screamed so loud that if we'd been
home, the neighbors might've called
the cops! I'd never seen her cum so
hard or for so long as she did this
time. I watched her thighs quivering,
body quacking violently as she
clutched his head between her legs,
whimpering, sobbing, and making
pure animal sounds as she rode his

When she finally calmed down, Raul

pulled her to her feet and laid down
with his back on the sofa, his huge
cock sticking straight up. Susan just
stared down at it for a moment and
then straddled him, letting the thick
crown brush against her hairy
opening. Placing both hands on his
broad chest she locked her elbows
and laid her head backward. With
half-closed eyes, she began rotating
around on his thick cock-head,
making little mewing sounds. After a
few minutes she flexed her elbows
and pushed down on it farther, her
face filled with the effort. The thick
cock-head popped inside her sloppy
vagina, accompanied by a tiny groan
from her.

Once she had the head inside, she

didn't let up. Her face twisting with
concentration and maybe a little
discomfort, she allowed her arms to
relax enough to sink down another
three inches before she rested again.
Locking her elbows once more she
stared down at him with heavily-
lidded eyes, in a way that up to now
she'd only looked at me. Then she
lowered her body, taking in more
than half his cock before she cried
out and froze again. I watched as she
sucked air through her open mouth,
her face twisted with pain and effort.
Then she simply collapsed her arms
and fell, her body weight impaling
her on his fencepost-sized cock.
Her screech of pain and pleasure cut
through me like a knife! She didn't
move for a long time, and mercifully
neither did the giant cock. I could
clearly see her vagina lips painfully
stretched around the thickness of his
cock, contracting as though to expel
it from her body -- or maybe just to
get it deeper. It appeared unnatural
to have something that large inside
another person, almost like torture.
Raul was the first to move. He
grasped both her nipples, rolling
them between his fingers and then
tugging on them until she began
making tiny circles with her cute
butt. He took one nipple between his
teeth, sucking and nibbling on it until
the rotation of her circles grew

I could hear the small noises she

made as she quickly grew
accustomed to his size, rising off it
for a couple inches and then
lowering herself back down. Each
time she did this his cock appeared
wetter, slipperier, going deeper
inside her stretched vagina. After
about a dozen times of this, each
one longer than the last, she was
frantically slamming her ass
downward on his cock as he thrust
upward, jarring her entire body.

Soon they were fucking mindlessly

like two animals in heat, grunting,
moaning, and gasping with each
newly discovered thrill. The wet
slapping of their flesh was terribly
erotic. I saw his dark cock glistening
with her body fluids whenever she
lifted off him, a white froth growing
at the base of his cock as she worked
her groin against his hardness. What
had happened to the demure
innocent housewife I'd married as a
virgin? I had the sense that I was
dreaming all this, that it wasn't real!

She suddenly cried out lustfully and I

knew I was wrong. This was Susan,
my wife. In just a few scant hours
she had become a slut, eagerly
riding another man's cock right in
front of me. Was it the drug, or did
she know what she was doing? I
didn't blame her too much. If
Carman mounted me at that
moment I'd be fucking her just as
hard. These two newcomers in our
life were clearly monsters!

As she lifted off him, he placed his

hands on her hips, holding her
motionless so that she was only half-
impaled on his cock. She moaned
and kept rotating her ass,
desperately trying to capture more
of what was giving her so much
pleasure. Evidence of her straining
was reflected in her face. Her inter-
thighs quivering from effort, I heard
her whimpering with an
overpowering need to be impaled.
For the tenth time I asked myself,
was it the narcotic tea they'd feed
us, or was it simply this giant dick
that had caused such arousal?

I'd showered with enough guys in the

army to know that most men are an
average five or six inches. I was a
little better that that, at seven, and
Susan had often told me I felt too big
for her. So, what the fuck? What was
going on here? Carman breathed
against my throbbing cock and I
immediately ceased such
speculation as my semen began to
boil once more. If she'd only let me
cum maybe I could think straight

"Do you like that cock?" I heard Raul

rasp. Susan's soft groan sounded like
a yes to me.

He held her aloft, his cock half-buried

inside her as she squirmed and
pushed down frantically to capture
more of it. Raul smirked, watching
her gyrations with amusement. Ten
feet away, I saw everything clearly; a
clear drop of her body fluids
breaking free to run down his thick
pulsating member; more followed
that one until small rivers coated her
thighs, and Raul's hairy balls; turning
into white froth forming around the
base of his cock.

I could see everything clearly. It was

as if I were watching her
debasement happening through a
telescope, at slow motion. I saw her
vagina lips glistening wet as his thick
cock pulled them out; saw the folds
of her pussy clasping his meat
hungrily, as if to hold it inside longer;
her puckered anus gasping like a
dying fish out of water; her painted
toes curling with pleasure.

"Susan, Susan, please don't do this,"

my mind silently pleaded. I was
losing her and there wasn't anything
I could do to prevent it from

I saw Raul clench his teeth with an

effort to keep from cumming. I heard
him hiss, "Fuck me you little cunt!
Fuck me!"

He dropped her onto his dick -- and

she went wild! She rode his cock like
a crazed cowgirl, rotating her ass,
sliding all the way up it until the
crown almost pulled free and then
free-falling back down. Her face was
twisted, ugly with lust, a deep animal
hunger I'd never seen reflected
there, until tonight. In my heart I
knew that if I could stand and walk
over right in front of her, it wouldn't
matter. She couldn't stop what she
was doing, even if she wanted to --
not until it was over.

When her orgasm hit, it was clearly

evident! She stiffened for an instant,
and then shuddered so hard I feared
she might come apart. Groaning,
sobbing, and whimpering with pure
joy, it seemed to last forever. My
cock involuntarily jerked each time I
saw her body convulse with such

When she finally fell forward onto

Raul's sweaty chest, limp and no
longer responding to his thrusts, I
dimly realized that Raul had not cum
with her. Instead, he stood up, lifting
her as he did, turning to drop her
back on the sofa - her pussy gaping
open, wet and pink, her clit engorged
and extending more than an inch
from its shield.

Then he knelt, positioning his

glistening cock-head at her soggy
opening once more. Gasping and
attempting to recover her breath, I
saw that her thighs still trembled
from the exertions, her soft belly
ripping in the latent pleasure of post-
coitus. He pushed inside and she
half-heatedly groaned in protest,
drawing a short laugh from Raul as
he pushed inside her swollen vagina

Moving forward on his knees Raul

shoved his monster cock all the way
inside her with a single thrust, as she
cried out sharply. Then she was
helping him again, rising up to meet
his savage thrusts, wrapping her
arms around his neck, swallowing his
offered tongue, devouring it. Her
kissing him back like that hurt nearly
as much as watching her fuck
someone else. Fucking was primarily
for the physical pleasure it provided,
but kissing was personal. You should
save kissing for the person you love.

Susan locked her long legs around

Raul's back, her thighs hugging him
tightly, nails clawing his back,
leaving marks in his dark flesh. For
the next ten minutes, I don't think
my wife stopped cumming once! It
was just one long continuous climax
as she sucked his tongue and offered
her body for his pleasure. When Raul
finally stiffened, pouring another
load inside her swollen vagina, she
fell back and closed her eyes, totally
spent. It seemed she'd passed out
from the sheer intensity of her
passion. He finally caught his breath
and picked her up in his thick arms.
Then he kissed her lips softly and
then carried her through the hallway
door, out of sight.

"Don't worry about her, Chucky-boy.

She'll stay with Raul tonight. He'll
take good care of her. Now, I
promised you a good cum, didn't I?"

I felt her breath on my cock, the

image of Susan being carried away
in another man's arms quickly
evaporating from my consciousness
as all feeling become centered in the
area of my groin. Her lips were
addictively sweet as they gently
tugged and pulled at my swollen
cock head. She swallowed it to the
base and slid her tongue back up the
thick vein on the bottom. That's all it

Just as I started to shoot she pulled

back, jerking me off as a tremendous
amount of semen rolled out of the
tiny slit in the tip of my cock. My
initial ejaculation shot four feet in
the air, the pressure had built so
much! Most of it landed on my belly
and chest, and her hands. As I
struggled to catch my breath
afterward, I watched as she stared
me in the eyes, slowly licking my
juice off her hands.

"You will never get inside my pussy,

Chucky-boy. That belongs to Raul.
Your cock wouldn't do anything for
me after having his. Your little thing
is too small." She smiled wickedly. "I
imagine your wifey will feel the same
way after tonight."

I watched her walk away, still unable

to command my legs to move. She
stopped at the doorway, looking
back. "At midnight the cyber locks
kick in. Five minutes before that,
there will be a soft chime to warn
you. That's almost three hours from
now, so you should be moving by
then. That means all the bedroom
doors lock automatically and won't
unlock until 6:00 AM. It also means
that the doggy- entrance at the front
door un-locks so the dogs can roam
freely throughout the house. It's a
security thing. Make sure you're in
your bedroom before that. If you're
outside your room after midnight,
they will probably eat you." She
walked away.

I was alone at last. With my nuts

emptied I could finally think. I just
couldn't move yet. Then I heard the
sounds coming from Raul's bedroom.
Susan! She cried out sharply, and
then continued grunting, moaning
and sobbing almost non-stop for the
next three hours. I didn't fool myself.
I knew they weren't cries of pain or
distress. What I was hearing was
passion, joy, pure animal lust! Raul
was fucking my wife out of her mind
while I lay helplessly listening!
Sometime later I noticed my cock
was aching again.


I awoke the following morning, the

sun shining brightly through my
bedroom window. I was alone in the
king-size bed lying on top of the
covers, fully clothed. Glancing at the
clock I realized I had slept late,
almost 9:00 AM. Memories from the
previous night instantly washed over
me like a giant wave. Had it been
real? Of course, it had. I ached all
over from the ordeal, and my mouth
felt like cotton. I tried to sit up and
fell backward on the bed groaning,
as pain stabbed through my head
like the worse hangover I'd ever had!

Unable to move until it passed, I

relived what I could recall from the
previous night. I remembered finally
being able to stand on wobbly legs,
staggering towards the master
bedroom door I'd seen Raul
disappear through while carrying
Susan. It was very sturdily made of
heavy wood, solidly built and I
couldn't budge it, especially in my
weakened condition. I struck it with
my fists and it barely made an
audible sound.

In resignation I'd leaned against the

door and weakly called out Susan's
name but it sounded more like a
croak than anything else. I'd
received no response from inside
other than small cries and whimpers
of passion, as Raul hammered his
swollen inside my wife. Then the
chimes sounded softly and
remembering Carman's words, chills
shot up my spine.

Carman had said that once I heard

the chimes I had five minutes before
the doggy door unlocked -- and when
my bedroom door automatically
locked itself for the night. If I was
outside my room after that, the dogs
would tear me apart! I heard my wife
softly squeal again, as I panicked
and staggered toward my room,
hearing one of the large animals
push against the doggy door.

I'd closed my bedroom door and

stood with my back against it,
gulping air from my excursion. Thirty
seconds later the lock slammed into
place behind me. I tried the door and
found it secure, unable to open it.
Then I heard the dogs enter their
small door and pad down the hallway
outside my door.

The effort of remembering

everything must've exhausted me
and I probably dozed for another few
minutes. When I opened my eyes I
was staring at an envelope on the
nightstand right in front of me. I'd
missed it earlier. It had my name
printed in bold caps. Groggily, I
opened it and read, 'Brad, try the

Cold dread rushing along my spine, I

pushed the 'play' button and the
large flat-screen lit up. It was Susan
and Raul. They were on a king-sized
bed and Susan was trying to cram as
much of his cock down her throat as
possible. He was just holding still,
letting her gobble him. After a while,
staring up into his eyes the whole
time, she lifted his hairy sacs and
nibbled on them, then lower,
underneath them, licking and
sucking the patch of skin under his
balls as he spoke softly to her,
calling her degrading names; slut,
cunt, whole. Even after the
preceding night, I still couldn't
believe I was watching Susan do
these things. It was like a porno film
I'd seen in college. It was evident she
wasn't being forced.

If there were any doubt of that, the

following scenes dispelled it, as I
fast-forwarded through several real-
time hours on the video in mere
minutes. The images assaulted me
like explosions. -- Susan on her
hands and knees -- Raul pounding
her from behind, doggy-style; Susan
riding Raul's dick like a cowgirl, her
head thrown back -- screaming with
lust as she wriggled against his
thrusts; Susan devouring his cock,
his balls, licking his hairy asshole;
watching her fight through the agony
of Raul forcing his thick cock inside
her tiny puckered anus, sobbing but
ultimately ending up helping him,
until he was base-deep inside her
ass; fucking her butt like an animal
as she cried with apparent joy of his
violation. Susan -- my Susan -- my
wife -- looking like the cheapest of
low-paid whores. I watched the video
for a long time, my heart aching.

Drained, I couldn't move although I

knew I had to. Finally, I rose and took
a long shower, changed clothes and
re-packed mine and Susan's
overnight bags. We were leaving this
place if I had to fight Raul to do it. I
knew I had little chance of bettering
him in any kind of physical
confrontation, but I would try if I had
to, even though he'd probably kill
me. I found Susan in the kitchen with
Carman. Carman was drinking coffee
as she stood near the patio door.
Susan was seated at the table,
shoveling in bacon and eggs with
gusto. She'd always been a picky
eater and I'd never seen her eat
anything with such relish before. She
glanced up and saw me, breaking
into a bright smile. Carman slipped
out the door, onto the outside patio,
leaving us alone.

"Well, good afternoon, Sleepy-head,"

she said. She looked radiant. God, I
loved her so much my heart ached.
Stranger still, there wasn't an ounce
of guilt in her face. I decided to tread
softly until I found out what she
remembered about our evening.

"Yeah, pretty tired, I guess." I sat

beside her at the table and poured a
cup of coffee from the ceramic pot. It
smelled good. Susan laid a hand on
my arm, looking concerned.
"I'm sorry about last night," she said.
"I hope I didn't embarrass you too

Pounding inside my chest was nearly

loud enough for her to hear, my
mouth as dry as paper. Embarrass
me? Oh no, Honey. You just fucked a
guy for half the night, screaming
your lungs out with enjoyment until
all the hired help knew what was
going on! Embarrass me? No way!

Her smile was beautifully innocent.

"You know how I am when I drink too
much. I went out like a light after
dinner." She smiled mischievously. "I
think you must've enjoyed yourself a
little too, despite me being comatose
throughout it. I'm pretty sore . . . if
you know what I mean."

I was stunned beyond words! She

didn't remember a thing? She
thought I'd screwed her last night? I
stared at her in disbelief, but I knew
my wife. She was being truthful! How
did I tell her the truth? I had to be
careful here.

"Sore? What do you mean?"

She grinned, looking like an imp,

moving her jaw back and forth with
one hand. Well if her jaws were sore
it was because of Raul's big cock, not
mine. But how did I tell her? She
gazed around cautiously as she
leaned toward me, whispering low.

"My butt, too! Brad, if I find out you

did anal on me while I was passed
out I'll stab you in your sleep!"

My god! Raul had butt-fucked her

and she thought it'd been me. The
image in my mind was so strong I
couldn't speak for a minute, but then
Carman came back and I'd missed
my chance.

"Hey, time for the sauna and

massage, and then we do the
preliminaries for your boob-job." She
walked into the house as Susan
hastily stood, wiping her pretty
mouth with a napkin.

"Gotta run, Sweetie. Raul wants to

show you some things while we're
busy with this, so have fun."

I hastily grasped her wrist. "Honey, I

want to go home. Let's leave."

She stared at me like I was crazy!

"What? Carman's ready to do my
boobs for free! And I'm having a
great time! What is your problem?"

I didn't answer and she finally

walked out, shaking her head.
Somehow I had to convince her to
leave with me, maybe show her the
DVD. I knew it would probably
destroy her, but I saw no other way
she would believe me. Hell, I didn't
know if I believed it myself. Susan
seemed unchanged -- yet there was
something unfamiliar, deep in her
eyes. It was clear she didn't
remember much about last night,
but subconsciously, did she really
know? I'd still seen love reflected
back at me, but something else, too.
Uncertainty? Guilt? It left me feeling
unsettled and afraid.

Five minutes later I found Raul in the

stables, wearing jeans and boots,
currying one of the stallions. He
grinned as I approached. "Want to go
for a ride?" he said.

"I want to get the fuck out of here," I

growled balling my fists. When I was
close enough I swung a round house.
I hadn't had a fight since high school
and even back then it was mostly
pushing and shoving. Raul easily
parried my blow and caught my
elbow in his hand, pinching the
tender nerves-endings found there
savagely, as I cried out with pain. So
severe was it that I sank to my
knees, unable to move. He was still
grinning, but now looking pure evil.

"It's a type of Martial Arts practiced

by the South African National Police
before they were kicked out. I'm a
Master fourth degree. Durian is a
fifth degree, but he doesn't need the
skills. He could kill an elephant with
one blow. That right, Durian?"

He looked farther into the dark barn

and I followed his eyes until I saw a
large black apparition standing
motionless in the shadows. He didn't
answer, just stared at me. I was

"Stand" Raul ordered, maintaining

his grip on my elbow.

I stood. I'd already felt the pain of

what he could do. I knew he could
hurt me. He led me into the stables,
out of sight of the main house.
"Kneel," he said softly.

I knelt.

"Now, I want to establish who the

Alpha wolf is. The only way I can do
that is through obedience and
humiliation. "He squeezed my elbow
and pain shot through my entire

"Okay, okay!" I cried through

clinched teeth. "Tell me what you

"Unzip my pants and take out my


He had to squeeze again before I

could convince myself that he was
serious. He was. I almost blacked out
from the pain this time, but he knew
what he was doing and wouldn't let
me do that. I suddenly saw my
shaking hand unzipping his pants.
"Reach inside and take out my cock,"
he said softly, tightening his grip just
enough that I knew what could

Sour gorge rising in my throat I felt

his cock and curled my fingers
around it, thick and soft, feeling it
flop outside as I released it from its
confines. It was monstrous. How
could Susan have ever taken it, let
alone swallowing the entire thing. I
remembered earlier that morning
she'd playfully accused me of butt-
fucking her while she was passed
out. No way could it have been this
cock! It would have killed her!

"Take it in your mouth and do what

we both know you're going to do."

"Wait . . ." I started to say, instantly

feeling pain shooting up my arm. I
fought it off. "I yield, you win.
Please . . . please" I whimpered.

I felt like a pussy, but even if I could

somehow overpower Raul, there was
still Durian nearby. I glanced in his
direction and found that he'd also
removed his cock from his pants,
and if I thought Raul was a monster,
I could not describe Durian's

"Please . . ." I whispered hoarsely,

sounding pitiful in my own ears.
Never in my life could I have
imagined that I would beg, but here
it was happening.

"Take it in your fucking mouth," Raul

said, tightening his hold again, pain
galvanizing me.

The pain was just too great, so I

obediently opened wide and moved
forward. He roughly pushed me
away, laughing. "I only let females
suck this cock, faggot. Women like
that pretty wife of yours. God, she
has the nicest lips I ever had around
this thing, and she's a swallower on
top of that! Did you see the way she
sucked down every little drop of my
cum last night? The bitch is a
natural." Standing with his cock
dangling a foot from my face, he
chuckled lewdly and I knew all this
had been was an act to humiliate me
into submission.

"Tuck this away for me, bitch!"

Durian stood closer now, his

monstrous black cock about half
swollen, so I scrambled to do Raul's
bidding before it went any farther. I
knew when I was beaten. Raul was
speaking again. ". . . just showing
you that if I wanted you to, you'd
even let me ass-fuck you like I did to
your little honey. She loved it too,
Sport. I may still let Durian do you,
though. He don't much care what
kind of hole he bangs. He just likes
destroying stuff. Ass-holes

I was almost petrified by this time.

"Please . . . don't. You've made your
point. I can't fight you."

"No more talking to Susan about

leaving, you understand? No more
funny stuff. If I want to fuck your
wife, you'll sit and watch with not
one word, or I'll let Durian have you
for an entire week." He squeezed my
elbow a little to show he was serious.

"Right!" I screamed. "Right . . . right .

. . anything you want. Please don't
hurt me anymore."

He dropped my arm and started to

walk away, and then turned back. "I
have a couple more copies of that
video you viewed in your room
earlier. It would be a shame if one
got mailed to her family, or
somehow showed up on the

He stared at me for another minute

and then left, Durian following close
behind, tucking in his cock as he
stared at me. I shuddered with relief
to see them leave, my shoulders
slumping forward as I fought to
regain my breathing. I was totally
defeated. I stayed in the stables long
after they'd left, conquered,
humiliated, and really scared. I was
lost against these two. My wife was
lost too unless I could think of some
way to get us out of here.

Dinner was pretty much a repeat of

the previous night, including the
"Tea." My glass of tea, along with the
food on my plate was left untouched
this time. I watched as Susan had
several refills, wanting to somehow
stop this train wreck from
happening, but helpless to do so. I
hesitated to act because I saw
Durian lurking around long after he'd
served us, remembering Raul's
warning of what that animal would
do to me.
After the meal Raul and Susan
walked ahead of us toward the living
area, Carman and I following as we
had the previous night, but this time
Raul's hand was cupping my wife's
ass as she staggered along giggling.
Susan wore shorts tonight, the ones
that made her nice ass look even
better. For once I wished she hadn't.
We all sit in the large living room this
time, Susan and Raul on the same
sofa as last time, Carman and I on
one directly across from them. I
could see by Susan's unfocused eyes
that she was only half aware of what
was happening around her. She had
carried her glass in and was still
taking sips from it. I wanted to warn
her not to, but was too afraid.

After a while Carman said, "Brad tells

me he has to get back to his job
early, Susan. It's a pity because I
really wanted to do your breasts
tomorrow and observe them for a
few days."

I saw the confusion on my wife's face

as she struggled to comprehend.
Carman hastily continued, cleverly
shaping her words as she subtly
suggested that I return home to my
job while Susan stay for a couple
weeks to finish her reconstruction
process. In Susan's state of mind, to
my great chagrin, she readily
agreed. In the short time it took for
Carman to explain her plan I
watched Susan's eyes grow even
more distant and vacant, knowing it
was the drug finally hitting her.

Raul's hand now rested on her thigh

as he smiled at me with contempt,
daring me to intercede. Standing
nearby like a large shadow, Durian's
black eyes were cold and unblinking
but he stared directly at me, his
large folded hands subtly cupping his
crouch. I shuddered, remembering
Raul's threat to "give" me to his man
for an entire week.

After a little more discussion, Durian

silently escorted me back to my
room where I picked up my
previously packed overnight bag,
and then followed me back into the
living room. The scene froze me for
an instant before Durian gave me a
probe in the back. Susan was
frantically dry-humping Raul's huge
erection through his trousers as he
fumbled with his zipper. Under the
influence of our hosts' tea, she didn't
even notice me being escorted past
them. Raul did though, his eyes
silently following me out, that
contemptuous smile lingering on his
The large black butler held the door
open, and as I went past him I heard
Susan cry, "Yes . . . yesssss . . . YES!"

I considered going to the police, but

what could I tell them? Even if they
initially believed me, Carman had
the video with my wife and Raul
fucking like animals, proof that she
wasn't an unwilling participant. Once
the effects of the tea wore off she
probably wouldn't remember a thing,
innocently telling them she was
there of her own free will to get an
operation. I'd come off looking like a
complete fool, if I didn't get arrested
myself! I even thought about getting
a gun and acting like Clint Eastwood,
but I didn't own a gun and didn't
know where to get one. Even if I
could obtain a firearm I wouldn't
know how to use it with any
I was pretty sure Raul and Durian
could use a firearm though, and
probably had several of them
stashed around their house. Raul had
suggested they'd both been ex-
military at one time, proficient with
martial arts, so probably guns too. I
felt crushed, helpless. I'm as macho
as most men, and just as ineffective
when it comes to violence for most
of us would-be tough guys. Stuck in
my mind was the ease with which
Raul had overcome me and
humiliated me by making me almost
suck his cock. It still made me sick to
think about that. So I waited -- no
appetite, less sleep and worried to
death about Susan. I determined
that I'd go back after the two weeks,
and hopefully find a way to bring her
home. I didn't know what else to do.

I didn't call ahead. Renting a car at

the airport, I drove myself to the
mansion in the woods, losing my way
several times but finally arriving. I
drove up right at dusk, finding the
dogs in their original places along
the driveway. For a long time, I sat
inside the locked car and watched
the dogs silently watching me. Then I
leaned on the horn until the front
door opened and Durian came out.
He didn't say a word, just jerked his
head as indication I was to follow
him inside. Carman met me inside
with a large smile.

"Brad darling, you didn't call ahead!

How nice to see you though! You're
just in time for the party tonight!
How lovely."

I didn't smile in return. "Where's

Susan?" I demanded.

Her phony smile never wavered.

"She and Raul are . . . occupied.
They'll be along promptly. Can I get
you something while you wait? Some
tea . . . maybe."

I didn't answer, just headed for the

interior of the house to look for
Susan, but Durian stepped into the
room in front of me, pointing toward
one of the two sofas in the large
room. Seething, I complied, sitting
down. Carman dropped down beside
me, curling her shapely legs beneath
her butt, still smiling broadly like she
was glad to see me. I wasn't fooled a
bit. She was a witch and made my
skin crawl.

"How apropos, you showing up like

this just before our party. We're
having a few guests over tonight and
I'm sure you'll enjoy them."

I didn't give a fig about her fucking

party, but the black giant was
somewhere nearby and I didn't want
to rock the boat yet. "I can't stay.
Neither can Susan. Get her so we
can leave."

She got up and left the room,

returning a minute later to stand
beside me at the end of the couch. I
didn't even acknowledge her. "They'll
be coming from their room shortly,"
she said, pointing toward the hallway
leading to the master bedroom.
Involuntarily, I looked at the door I'd
beaten on that night, pitifully calling
out Susan's name while she panted
for Raul to fuck her. The memory
seared my mind like hot embers,
recalling how her pleading had felt
like a sharp blade through my heart.
Carman had just referred to it as
"Their room."

Anger burned in my gut, making me

blind to everything else -- a mistake.
Lost in my thoughts, I felt something
cool against my right wrist and
looked down. Carman had slipped a
handcuff over my wrist. I tried
jerking my hand away but the other
cuff was attached firmly to the
couch's metal armrest. I was
effectively restrained, but I angrily
jerked on it several more times

"What the fuck? Unlock it now! This

is kidnapping and unlike Susan, I will
call the police!"

"Oh darling, don't be such a spoil

sport. It's a party and everyone will
be arriving soon. Now, don't make
me have to call Durian. I will, if you
don't behave."

I heard the door open that she'd

pointed to earlier. Susan glided out
wearing a long black gown, looking
so beautiful it took my breath. Her
nipples protruded against the soft
fabric, and it was obvious Carman
had completed the operation. Her
tits were perfection -- her lips pouty
and inviting -- the flat stomach
moving sensuously under soft
material, a picture of desire. All of
her was perfect -- except for her
eyes. They were almost as vacant as
before. These monsters must be
feeding her their "tea" constantly.
Anger surged through me as I
tugged on the cuffs. "Susan," I said
softly, but she didn't look at me.

"Susan!" This time she looked in my

direction with a small dreamy smile,
but her mind was occupied with
events far away.

I felt something hard pressing

against my lips and opened my
mouth to yell. It felt like hard rubber
slipping between my lips as a soft
hand firmly gripped the back of my

"It's a ball-gag," Carman's wet lips

whispered in my ear. "Don't worry
darling. We sterilize it each time it's

Filled with the horror of being

constrained, I stared helplessly at my
wife moving through the room
apparently unaware of my dilemma.
After that first fleeting gaze, Susan
went directly to the couch across
from me, and daintily sat down,
crossing her long legs. She gave no
indication she was aware of anyone
else in the room. Her formal gown
was slit high up one leg and I could
see an expanse of delicious tan thigh
showing. Her hair had been
professionally done and her long
nails delicately painted. She looked
like a movie star. I tried to scream
around the gag but very little sound
came out, and all it did was get me a
slap on the side of my face from

"Don't." was all she said. "The guests

will be arriving soon so please
behave yourself or there will be

Raul came in wearing a black tux. He

smiled coldly at me, and sat beside
Susan, his hand resting possessively
on her thigh. As though programed,
my wife unzipped Raul's pants and
extracted his flaccid cock, plying it
with her slim fingers.

"Couldn't get a hard-on if I tried,

right now," Raul smirked. "She's
about fucked me to death already
today. But what the hell? She loves
to hold it like this."
I grunted around the ball-gag and it
drew another slap from Carman. This
time, it was harder, causing my eyes
to ring. "I'll let Carman remove the
gag if you promise to behave. Deal?"

I nodded vigorously and felt Carman

fumbling with the clasp on the back
of my neck. He admonished me not
to yell once more before she
removed it from my mouth. I
swallowed the silent curses for a full
minute before I felt in control enough
to speak, then I said rationally,
"She's full of that drug you give her.
She doesn't even know where she's
at." I accused. I was surprised when
he actually laughed aloud.

"Drugs? We don't give her that


"Then what's wrong with her? Why is

she doing that?" I stared at her
slowing kneading his soft cock, which
had filled a little with his blood. Like
that, it was still larger than mine.
Raul's hand went lovingly to the back
of her head, rubbing gently as she
looked as if she were about to purr
with contentment.

"I broke her. Didn't I honey?" He

favored her with a warm smile, and
she dreamily smiled back. "That's
what happened to your baby, Brad.
She's mine now."

"Bullshit! She's drugged!"

"Don't raise your voice again," he

warned sternly. "She doesn't have
any drugs in her system. As I said,
she's been broken."

Dread engulfed me, cold chills along

my spine, fighting with my anger for
control. "How . . . how . . . did you do

"I must admit I didn't really. Durian

did. She kept asking about you,
finally refusing to drink any more tea
with her dinner, so I gave her to
Durian for a night for discipline.
Durian can be quite hard on a
woman -- or a man."

I listened as he explained what


"Durian is relentless. He literally

fucks all night long and doesn't care
much which orifice he uses. In fact,
he likes all of them. One of our
guests tonight -- little Alice -- grew
enamored with Durian's huge cock at
one of our parties and stayed for the
evening. When the auto-locks
opened the following morning she
was nearly comatose. He destroyed
her! After that, all the women who
come here stay as far away from him
as possible, afraid of it happening to

"When I gave Susan to him, he

dragged her to one of the guest
rooms and went to work
immediately. No warm-up, no tender
moments, nothing. One minute she
was walking into the room and the
next, he was fucking her in one of
her tight little holes. It went on, non-
stop for hours! This place is very well
insulated, but Carman and I could
hear her for most of the night as we
sit here and sipped wine.

"The first two hours primarily

consisted of her pleading,
screaming, and begging -- followed
by another hour of urgent moans
and what sounded much like cries of
pleasure, although we can't be sure.
That was followed by whimpering,
sobbing and some god-awful
sounding screeches -- and then
finally, silence. I imagine it didn't
even end when she passed out.
Durian doesn't care much if the
object of his affection is awake, or

I tried to speak even though I knew

I'd probably be punished, but I was
so horror-stricken by his words that I
couldn't produce any sound. I stared
at Raul like I was a paralyzed rat and
he was a giant snake.

"I went in the following morning to

check that he hadn't killed her by
mistake, and you know what I found?
She was sprawled on the floor where
he'd discarded her after using her all
night, covered with dried cum, her
pussy sopping wet, clit protruding a
good two inches -- she was a total
wreck! Both, her pussy and mouth
lips, were pouty and swollen, her
new tits and nipples raw, and bite-
marks practically covered every
square inch of her body. Knowing
Durian's proclivities I was curious, so
I flipped her over and checked her
anus." He laughed ugly. "Man, her
poor little asshole was gaping so
wide-open you could've pushed a
tea-cup in there!" He laughed again.

I placed my hands to the cushion,

ready to heave myself up and charge
him, but reason overcome my anger
just a second before I launched
myself, as I realized I was still
fastened to the couch arm. Until I
figured out how to get free of the
cuffs I was helpless. Movement out
of the corner of my eye confirmed
that Durian was nearby, just waiting
for his chance.
Raul chuckled. "Go ahead. Do it.
Durian will have your asshole looking
just like hers did that morning, after
he broke her for me."

I settled back, waiting my chance.

Somehow I had to get Susan out of
this. Raul smiled like he'd known all
along I wouldn't do anything, and
then he went on. "Have you heard of
the Stockholm Syndrome? That's
when the captive treats the victim so
savagely that when he stops and
starts treating them nice, they
subconsciously think their captive is
a savior, sometimes even falling in
love with them. That's what
happened to the news mogul's
daughter, Patty Hearst."

He laughed again, a cold and ugly

sound. "Susan loves me now. All you
have to do is look into her eyes
every time she looks at me, and you
can see it. Even if you called the
cops she'd just tell them the same
thing -- she wants to be here. Shit
Brad, she can't keep her hands off
me for fear I'll give her back to
Durian again. She'll do anything I tell
her. Want to see?"

"No. No, please. I believe you. Leave

her alone, please."

"Well, you'll see soon enough

anyway when our guests arrive in a
few minutes. Behave or I'll have
Durian drag you to the guest room,
and you won't like what happens
next. After a night or two in Durian's
bed, you will be psychologically
changed as a man. You won't even
be a man anymore. You'll be a
compliant bitch, at his beck and call
anytime he wants you. After a while,
you'll deceive yourself into believing
that you want it too -- that you enjoy
it -- and that's when you'll
understand where Susan is in her
mind now -- broken." Raul smiled at
Susan as he said that, and she
smiled back sweetly.

Still smiling, he tenderly stroked her

cheek as she lovingly rubbed her
face against his palm. "I've kept her
longer than any of the others.
Something about her appeals to me
-- beautifully innocent and unspoiled
-- something that pushes my buttons
for sure. I know I'll eventually tire of
her. Then maybe I'll let Durian have
her until he uses her up." He patted
her cheek tenderly. "Shame, really."

He looked across at me with a cold,

evil glare. "We have some high-class
houses in Asia. The Japanese are
fascinated by tall beautiful blondes.
They have the money to buy them,
too." Carman had left the room while
I was focused on Raul, but Durian
remained in the shadows watching.
Carman came back after a few
minutes, placing a small glass of the
greenish tea beside me.

"Drink," she said.

I started to shake my head, but she

stared pointedly at the hulk standing
nearby, so I took a sip. "More," she

I took another sip and that seemed

to satisfy her for the moment. She
sat down on the couch beside me,
unzipped my pants and reached
inside. She wore white, above-the-
elbow length gloves that felt like
velvet against my dick. I responded
instantly. Vigorously shaking my
head for her to stop, she just smiled
and kept right on, anyway. I had one
free hand so I could've slapped her,
but I knew the ramifications of doing
that all too well, so I just tried
ignoring what she was doing. Soon,
my cock was turgid! I could hear
Raul chuckling somewhere in the

"Oh, you naughty cuckold," she

muttered, continuing her
administrations. "How bad! And with
your little wife sitting right there
looking at you, too!"

I looked up and saw Susan staring at

us. I shook my head in denial
muttering, "No. I don't . . . want . . ."

But Carman's mouth was suddenly

on me, sucking so gently, tugging
and pulling the cum from my
testicles, her tongue sliding up and
down my cock until I felt my balls
were churning the same as the last
time this had happened. I groaned
silently. How had I let this happen
again? Please, not again. Just before
I shot my load she stopped and
leaned back wiping her mouth with
the back of her hand, smiling.

Then the doorbell chimed softly,

announcing the arrival of their
guests. Carman and Raul stood and
moved towards the entrance to greet
their guests, leaving Susan and I
alone, except for the silent hulk
standing almost invisible in the
shadows of the hallway.

"Susan?" I whispered hoarsely. She

was still looking at me, her eyes
more alert now that Raul was gone.
"Susan, do you hear me?"

"Hello, Brad," she said softly.

"Oh baby, we have to find some way

to get away."
"I can't."

"Why? I'll help you!" I realized how

ridiculous that sounded, me being
secured to the couch's arm by
handcuffs, my cock pointing towards
the ceiling. "I'll figure out something.
Trust me."

"No. You go. I can't leave. I love you,

Brad. I'm sorry."

A loud crowd entered the room.

Everyone seemed to be talking at
once, clear that they were
comfortable with each other. Susan's
eyes slowly slid away from me and I
saw she now gazed up at Raul with
something akin to adoration. The
realization of what he'd told me sank
in. Maybe she did love him in some
quirky manner. I refused to use the
term, broken. Her adoring look felt
like a dull knife straight through my

Three strange couples accompanied

Raul and Carman, and I emphasize
the word "strange." There was a lean
blonde in a formal white gown and
expensive jewelry. She seemed to be
with a short fat man about fifty. A
gorgeous chocolate-skinned woman
glided in. She was well over six-feet
tall, looking like an African warrior
princess. She was followed by a
mountain of a man, his flat
expressionless face blacker than ink.

There was an old man who appeared

around eighty. He'd probably once
been a large man once, but was now
shrunken with age, his face a
cadaver of what had been, hands
nothing more than bones with large
veins. Lips that looked like bloodless
liver and receding gum-lines made
his large teeth appear like
tombstones inside the repulsive
mouth. A small woman with raven
black hair and an angelic face
walked meekly behind the
entourage, her head bowed. All the
others were laughing and enjoying
themselves but she was silent, her
eyes remaining downcast. All the
newcomers wore formal evening
attire, the men in black or white tux
and the women in full evening gowns
and long gloves that covered the
entire arm.

After a few moments I saw that my

initial impression had been wrong.
The small mousey woman with
angelic face belonged to the big
black guy, now clear that she was
submissive and he was her master.
I'd read about that but had never
seen it, recognizing it only when the
black man placed a leather collar
around her slim neck. Keeping her
eyes averted, she'd smiled and softly
whispered "Thank you."

The men all looked like escapees

from a freak show. The women were
absolutely gorgeous, especially the
blonde who was much more
beautiful than I had initially thought
-- in fact I quickly realized she was
achingly beautiful. She was
apparently with the fat man, and the
chocolate warrior princess seemed to
be with the old living cadaver. Go
figure. As I said, a strange bunch!
None seemed remotely surprised, or
even interested that I was sitting
there handcuffed to a couch, with a
raging hard-on protruding from my

Raul sat down beside Susan, leaned

forward and said something much
too soft for me to hear. I groaned as I
watched her unzip his fly and
lovingly remove his large flaccid
cock, kneading it like soft dough as it
stiffened. I felt sick, unable to control
the involuntary jerking of my own
cock. Wanting to scream and curse
but afraid to do so for fear of
reprisal, I watched like a forgotten
and non-participating spectator in
this group.

They played several risqué adult

games, seeming to enjoy them
immensely, each act involving sex of
some kind. It was clear they were
working themselves into some sort
of climatic finale. In one game, they
blind-folded all the women except
Susan, and they had to identify the
men simply by sucking their cocks. I
was surprised at how accurate their
guesses were. Susan watched with
apparent interest, but did not
participate -- except to willingly take
Raul's penis into her mouth for very
short intervals, every few minutes.

Carman didn't play either. She sat

beside me, stroking, and sometimes
working my cock with her mouth
until I almost, but never quite got off.
My balls ached, the pain making it
difficult to concentrate. I lost track of
what was going on until the small
mousey woman stood and dropped
her gown in a puddle around her
feet. She was nude under it, pussy
shaved smooth, her tits clearly one
of Carman's expert reconstructive
jobs. The breasts were almost

Placing a thick pillow under her butt,

she blind-folded herself, and lay on
her back, spreading her legs wide.
She must have been a dancer
because she was able to spread her
legs until each ankle touched the
floor, her wet vagina open and pink
for all to see. I tried to look away but
my eyes kept coming back to her of
their own accord. Placing a hand
inside each knee, she held her legs
in that splayed position, closing her
eyes and waiting.

The old man moved over to her

holding a leather riding coupe.
Grinning evilly, he dangled the
leather tails into her face, trailing
them across her cheeks and blind-
folded eyes, caressing her chin with
them and on down to her breasts, as
she strained to get away from it. He
slapped her nipples with the small
whip, first one and then the other,
each stroke growing harder. The girl
shuddered violently as the strokes
grew firmer across her breasts and
soft belly, moaning and twisting in
desperation, finally thrashing
uncontrollably. He suddenly brought
the whip down savagely, striking her
open vagina, the loud slap as it
struck her wet flesh echoing around
the room. She screamed loud
enough to raise the dead, causing
me to bolt upright on the couch!

"If she does that again, Alfred" the

black man said, "stuff your shorts in
her mouth."

"Or your cock," Raul said, as they all


The old man was breathing hard

from exertion, spittle staining his
liver-like lips, a wild gleam in his
mean, watery eyes. Everyone in the
room seemed transfixed by what
they were observing. I watched him
whip her breasts and vagina for the
next ten or fifteen minutes, horrified
until I realized her screams were not
being caused by the pain he was
inflicting, but by pleasure! She was
enjoying this! The blows continued to
fall at an increasing rate of speed
and intensity, until they reached a
crescendo. Suddenly she clamped
her thighs together and drew up into
a fetal position, her entire body
quivering violently as she moaned
and thrashed around as though
dying. It was plain she was climaxing
from the abuse!

Except for a collective deep

breathing from the group, a lengthy
silence followed, and then it was
broken by applause. "Great show,
Al!" Raul said, standing, his huge
cock flopping out in front, as Susan
attempted to hold onto it.
"Everybody get themselves a drink
and cool off before we have more

Carman moved off to get

refreshments and the pretty blonde
came over to sit on a footstool
directly in front of me, casually
sipping her drink as she eyed me
with growing interest. Her eyes
locked on mine, she slowly crossed
her legs and the slit up the side of
her dress allowed me a clear view of
her hairless vagina. My aching cock
jerked, pre-cum running freely now,
beginning to ease down the side.

"What did you do?" she asked.

Her voice was rich and husky, sexy

as hell! She was tall and blonde like
Susan, and just as beautiful, but
somehow very different. Unlike
Susan, there was no innocence here.
She exuded an animal sexual
attraction so thick you could almost
smell it. There was only pure lust
emanating from her! This creature
was a walking wet-dream! The tip of
a pink tongue flicked out to wet her
full lips, her eyes appraising me as I
fought off one fantasy after another.

"Nothing," I was finally able to

mutter. "I didn't do anything. I need
to get loose. Please help me."

Her gaze was on my hard cock as

she slid the stool closer. I nearly
swooned as her the soft gloved
fingers wiped sticky pre-cum off the
head of my throbbing cock. I felt my
balls churning but she wouldn't allow
anything more.

"I'd love to help you. I would, but

unlike Alice over there, I'm allergic to
pain. Raul would let Durian have me
if I went against his wishes and did
something like that. Alice used to be
just like me but she did something to
piss Raul off and after Durian got
through with her, well . . . you can
see how she is now. Just mention
that animal's name to any woman
here and watch the blood drain from
their faces. I don't need that." She
smiled and leaned forward, licking
the clear drop from the tip of my
cock. "No matter how delicious you
taste." She gracefully rose to her
feet and moved away.

The party got into full swing about

that time, everyone so charged-up
by the games being played, that
they needed to get off -- everyone
except me. I could touch my cock
with the hand they'd left free, but I
knew I'd have to suffer the
consequences of doing that, so it
was either die of the blue-balls or get
quick relief and risk being butt-
fucked to death by Durian's horse-
sized cock. I stifled a groan but it
didn't go unnoticed by the little
raven-haired slave.
"That looks painful," she said next to
my shoulder. I hadn't noticed her
there. Her eyes were affixed on my
cock as though enjoying my
discomfort. Somehow, that worried
me. "Please, just go away," I
muttered, closing my eyes to block
her out. "Leave me alone."

Something trailed gently over the

head of my cock and across my
balls, feeling pleasant in my current
condition. I opened my eyes and saw
she held the same whip that had
been used on her. Her eyes looked --
a little crazy.

"I want to give you the same

pleasure I got," she cooed softly.

With her words, realization suddenly

hit me. "Uh . . . no . . . I don't want . .
She brought the whip down on my
cock so fast I didn't have time to
move. My scream made everyone in
the room look to see what was
happening. The whip fell again, my
cock-head on fire and stiffness
beginning to leave it. As she brought
it up to strike me again I reached
across my body and wrenched it
from her hand, drawing it back to
strike her across that angelic face.
She didn't even flinch, just turning
her pretty face to me instead, her
mouth half-open in anticipation of
the pain to follow. I tossed the whip
away in disgust.

"Get the fuck out of here," I said

through my gritted teeth.

Giggling uncharacteristically, the tall

chocolate warrior-princess suddenly
dropped down beside me and quick
as a flash, swallowed my deflating
cock. Sick of being used like a whore
for everybody's amusement, I
initially pushed against her head --
but admittedly, with less intensity as
the minutes passed. Soon, I was
humping against her mouth, my
balls banging against her chin,
churning with unspent cum! She
pulled away, smiling.

"I'm Jade. Julie was right," she

purred. "You do taste delicious."

Without warning, Jade climbed over

me, moving up until her feet were
planted on both sides of me on the
couch, her wet pussy at eye level. In
my current state of mind her scent
was like sweet nectar assaulting my
nostrils, a musky, floral, female
aroma that made my cock ache with
need. Holding just out of reach of my
probing tongue, I could almost see
inside her pink, slippery vagina
flooded with womanly fluids, making
my tongue ache with desire. She
waved her inviting snatch in front of
me like meat before a dying man.

"You Like?" she whispered

seductively. "Want to taste?"

"Yes. Yes . . . let me . . ."

She lowered closer to my hungry

mouth, letting the tip of my tongue
barely taste her delicious juices.
"Ooooh, so nice, baby," she cooed.
After a moment, she lower even
farther, letting my tongue fully enter
her, mashing her pubic mound
against my mouth, moving
sensuously on my lashing tongue. I
wrapped my mouth entirely around
her public mound, sucking her folds
inside, nibbling them, my tongue
slicing through her slit like warm
butter. She tasted like ambrosia on
my tongue, driving me crazy with
need. I felt as if I could cum just by
doing this.

Groaning loudly, both her hands

grasped my head as she began
frantically riding my mouth towards
her finish -- female juices and my
slobbers combining to run down my
chin, dripping onto my bare chest. I
desperately clutched her chocolate
ass with my free hand, pulling her
tighter against my mouth, burying
my tongue as deeply as it would go,
feeling the inside lining of her pussy
growing wetter, slimier, hotter! Jade
suddenly stiffened, letting out the
primal scream that had been
building inside her, flooding my face
with the sweet nectar I so
desperately sought. She came hard,
for a long time, as I held her ass as
captive with my hand as the cuffs
held me. Although I willed it, my
orgasm approached but never quite

She pulled back to where my lips

barely touched her pussy folds,
savoring the contact as after-
orgasmic tremors shook her slim
body. Right in front of my eyes I
could see her soft belly muscles
rippling with convulsive waves as
she fought to regain control of her
trembling body. Exhausted and
drained, my face wet and sticky with
her fluids, I struggled to gulp fresh
air into tortured lungs that had been
deprived of oxygen for too long.

I felt my cock jerking frantically, so

full of blood that it was aching, my
balls seemed to be on fire. It was
worse than death! She quickly slid
off to settle between my knees,
flicking the tip of her tongue out to
catch a silvery drop just before it ran
off the tip of my cock. She remained
close, breathing on the pulsating
crown, tantalizing me. I groaned in
desperation, my free hand seeking
her hair in an attempt to cram her
face onto my aching penis! I jabbed
my hips upward, the head of my
rampant cock aimed at her sweet
mouth, but she pulled away with a
tiny laugh.

"We were told that you must stay

hard tonight." She stood and gazed
hungrily at my flooding cock for a
moment longer, with apparent
regret. "Just doing my small part,"
she said throatily, swishing her
pretty ass away, totally satisfied but
leaving me even more frustrated
than before. When I was sane
enough to finally observe what was
going on around me again, I saw the
beautiful blonde, whom I now knew
as Julie, on her knees sliding her
tongue up and down a gigantic cock
that was black as a piece of coal. Her
pale skin contrasted so brilliantly
against his dark skin, that several
partiers had paused their activities
to watch. The top of her gown had
been pushed down to reveal her full
firm breasts, for all to see. Susan
held Raul's dick in her gloved hand,
her mouth hovering barely an inch
over it, as they both paused to
observe the show. My face flushed
red as I speculated they'd probably
also been watching my recent
degenerative display with Jade!

The big black man wrapped his

fingers in Julie's long blonde hair, her
fashionable hairdo now completely
destroyed as he began forcibly
fucking her face. He tightly clinched
the cheeks of his dark ass each time
he thrust deep in an apparent effort
to touch bottom. I could see the
giant crown on the end of his cock
pushing down her soft white throat
like a large lump moving under her
pale skin. Soon, slobbers were falling
in sticky ropes from her chin,
dripping onto her perfect tits as she
loudly slurped and gulped around
the full length of his black cock.
Anyone could see that she was
enjoying her task, and she was good
at it. No sane man could've lasted
very long.

The black guy's legs suddenly

stiffened as he buried himself in her
throat all the way to the base,
making animalistic noises as he
shuddered violently, emptying his
seed down her milking throat. After a
few more minutes of her licking and
sucking his throbbing cock, he rudely
shoved her away and walked off,
leaving her crumpled on the floor.
She sat on the floor for several
minutes, her eyes glazed, mouth still
swollen and sticky with his cum, a
small smile forming on her beautiful

Oh, how I wanted her right then! I

was so hard I about to burst! Ready
to defy them all and jerk my own
cock I wrapped my fingers around it
and pulled gently. Carman suddenly
appeared at my side and savagely
flicked the head of my cock with her
forefinger. Pain instantly overcame
any desire to jerk-off!

"You fucking bitch!" I cried.

Carman just looked at me, like I'd

had a few of my old teachers do in
grade school. Then she said, "It's
either that or I call Alice back and
have her bring her whip. Your
I dropped my eyes, knowing I'd once
again been beaten. Above me I
heard Carman cooing, "Be a good
little Cuckold now and don't touch
that nasty thing anymore."

"I'm not a Cuckold," I muttered.

She simply laughed, moving away to

sit next to the ugly old man, who
was trying without success to stroke
his rather large but limber cock into
an erection. She began to assist him
and I looked away in disgust. I looked
back a few minutes later and saw
she'd been somewhat successful.
The old bastard's cock was semi-
hard and at least as large as Raul's! I
jerked my eyes back to Susan and
Raul just as he was pulling her to her
feet. I watched in horror as he
walked her over in front of the old
man and said something.
Susan stared at Raul, her eyes filled
with horror and disgust, shaking her
head slowly, a soft mummer
escaping that sounded like, "No . . .
please . . ."

Raul nodded his head toward Durian,

and said something else. Susan's
face turned pale as a sheet, as she
immediately sank to her knees,
leaned forward and swiped her
tongue along Alfred's knobby cock
from top to bottom. The old man
groaned and wrapped his bony
fingers in her beautiful hair, burying
his cock all the way to the matted
gray hairs sparsely covering his
groin. Seeing my beautiful wife
forced to suck this retched old man's
repulsive cock, I felt sick, gorge
rising to enter my throat! I tried
looking away but it was no use, I
couldn't. And it soon got worse.
After a while, he pulled on Susan's
arms, lifting her up and forward,
positioning her over the crown of his
inflamed cock. Placing his hands on
her shoulders, he pushed her down
on it, his mean little eyes reflecting
pleasure of having such a beautiful
woman totally at his mercy. When
she was only a few inches from
having all of it inside her, he held her
dangling there, positioned over his
cock like a bug about to be impaled.
I couldn't see Susan's face but I
heard her pitiful mews as he
suddenly hammered upward into her
open pussy -- over and over --
without mercy.

Everyone in the room was raptly

watching, marveling at the old man's
endurance. He kept banging away
for a long time and eventually, Susan
began moving her ass cheeks in tiny
circles around on his cock. With
disbelief, I saw the exact moment
when she finally gave in. She sighed
deeply and relaxed, sliding her arms
around his bony shoulders and laying
her head on his hairy chest. Before it
was over, she was sucking his evil
tongue and riding him like a cowgirl,
meeting every thrust with one of her
own. He bit her nipples, stuck one
bony finger inside her puckered
anus, crushing his mouth against
hers -- and she responded to every
action with frantic grunts and moans
of pure lust.

He suddenly arched his back,

stiffened and grunted loudly,
drawing a small squeal from Susan.
The old man had a gallon of sperm
stored inside his large balls and it
literally gushed from Susan as she
sobbed out her own release,
frantically straining to draw every
ounce of pleasure possible from his
cock. When he was done, he simply
pushed her off his lap onto the floor,
politely acknowledging the
appreciative applause from his
audience. Susan lay as if dead,
semen pumping from her abused
hole, running down her thighs.
Carman helped her stand, and led
her toward one of the back
bedrooms to clean up. She looked
dazed and unstable, her once perfect
hair now a total wreck. Julie came
back, moving toward my couch, sexy
and slow. I suspected everything she
did was tantalizing and seductive.
She sat on the footstool, crossing her
long legs, once again providing me a
clear view of her shaved vulva. "I
heard the lady who just left is your
wife. Susan, I believe? It seems the
Boss has taken a liking to her. "

"Boss? That creepy old man is the


"Don't let his looks fool you. He's a

very rich and powerful man -- a
multi-billionaire. He is someone you
wouldn't want to anger, someone
who could make any of us vanish
with a single word. Why do you think
Raul gave up his new little honey-pot
so readily? What Al wants, Al gets.
Durian is Raul's man. He'd die for
him, but if Alfred told him to kill Raul,
he wouldn't hesitate a second. To do
so would be to bring more pain on
himself than any human was ever
meant to endure. Remember that."


She laughed. "Oh so much more

than that, but that's business and
we're here to have fun tonight."

"Why me and Susan? Doesn't Raul

have enough people to abuse
without fucking with honest

"He took a fancy to Susan right from

the first. He has a thing for her, but
it's more than that. He gets off trying
to turn her into a slut in front of her
loving husband. That's why he has
you here and hasn't had Durian
whack you yet. He's not happy that
he sometimes still has to use the
drug to get her going. He wants her
to want it, too -- to show you he's a
better man than you are. It's a game
boys play called, 'my dick is bigger
than your dick!' The end game is to
fuck her while you watch and have
you there hearing her scream for
more of his cock. It's all so silly, but
that's his game."

"Sick bastard!"
She laughed again, sounding rich
and throaty. "You have no idea,
darling. But just pray he doesn't
decide to keep you here
permanently, so you can witness his
deconstruction of your wife piece by
piece. He really does get off on that,
but I also believe that on some level,
he may even love Susan. For how
long he will though, is yet to be
determined. Carman said he
mentioned he might marry her if she
responded right."

"That's stupid! There is the small

irritation of her already being
married. For that matter, so is he!"

She gently grasped my sensitive

organ, slowly sliding her hand over
it, letting the glove soak up excess
pre-cum. "Well, with a single word he
could make her a widow, but for your
information, he's not married."
That bit of news took me by surprise.
"What about Carman? He'd have her
killed too?"

There was that deep laugh again,

making the hair raise on my arms --
not to mention causing my dick to
grow even harder, if that were
possible. "That's so funny! Carman's
not his wife silly! She's his sister!" If
I'd been drinking something at the
time, I'd have strangled! I tried
remembering back how many sexual
situations I had seen them
participating in together. She had
fucked and sucked him right in front
of me earlier today! I shook my
head. "Then he truly is a sick puppy. I
saw them fucking several times."
She didn't respond and I seemed like
the right time to make another bid,
so I said, "Take off my cuffs. Please?
We can both get out of here. I'll go to
the cops and I won't mention your

"Honey, the Boss owns the cops! He

also owns half the politicians in this
state, all the way to the governor's
office. They're on his payroll. That's
why he could let you go home the
last time and not worry about it.
Who's going to do anything?" She
abruptly squeezed my cock and I
almost erupted in her hand, then she
quickly eased off with a reluctant
sigh. "So delicious," she muttered.
"I'd truly love to make you cum. I
know I could get you off two or three
times tonight. What fun we could

"Do it," I whispered. "Let me cum.


"Can't. Orders. As I said, I have an

aversion to pain." She glided off,
casting a seductive look over her
shoulder that was filled with

For what seemed like a long time I

watched the fat guy use several
dildos in every part of Alice's body,
as she alternately licked and stroked
a cock that looked like a beer can.
Some of the rubber devices were
gigantic and must have been very
painful, especially the ones inserted
into her anus, but the small girl
climaxed almost continuously
throughout her ordeal. Movement
caught the corner of my eye and I
looked up to see Carman leading
Susan back. She'd changed into a
new gown and her hair was piled
perfectly on top of her head, a few
strands left wayward for affect. She
looked elegantly beautiful. My heart
The fat guy saw Susan as soon as
she entered the room, and made a
beeline for her, his fat cock bouncing
before him. He didn't say a word,
simply placing a hand on each of her
shoulders, indicating she was to get
on her knees. She looked pleadingly
at Raul, but finally did as the fat man
wanted, obediently taking his short
thick cock into her mouth, and
sucking. I could see her cheeks
collapse with suction each time she
drew it in, billowing out like a
chipmunk as it withdrew. Her arms
remained at her sides but that didn't
deter the guy one bit, whimpering
and humping away like a frustrated
puppy. He would've looked almost
comical -- if it hadn't been my wife
he was doing it to.

He blew his load in less than two

minutes but it was a large one,
shooting from around the tight seal
of her lips, running down her pretty
chin. She frantically tried catching it
with her hands to keep it from
spoiling her new gown, and was
mostly successful. He withdrew his
limp cock with a slight popping
sound, patted her cheek
affectionately, and waddled off to sit
in a nearby chair, as she looked
around disgustedly for something to
wipe her hands on. Carman, always
present it seemed, handed her a bar
towel and I watched as she cleaned
the spunk from her hands, her face
filled with revulsion.

After that, they all settled down into

couples to watch porno films, but not
necessarily with the mates they'd
arrived with. Julie was coupled with
the black guy, Jade with the old man,
and Alice with fat-boy. Susan and
Raul were still on the sofa, her head
face-down in his lap, moving slightly.
Emotionally drained except for my
rampant cock, I speculated tiredly
that from that particular motion, she
was probably licking his balls. Both
of them seemed to be enjoying
themselves immensely.

Carman came around periodically to

suck my cock a little, keeping me
interested in things, but always
stopping just short of letting me
shoot my load. Around midnight the
girls switched mates again, including
Susan. This time she got the big
black guy, and Carman rode her own
brother's cock for about an hour.
Julie, the odd girl out, sat on the
stool and bedeviled me by flashing
her pussy -- which by this time was
wet and gooey. I was still in a lot of
pain, my balls aching like hell.

As I watched Susan sink down on the

large black cock, I whispered
urgently, "Fuck me, Julie. You can do
it. No one will care."

"Ooooh, I'd love to, Darling. I can

almost feel that lovely cock sliding
inside me, but Raul would kill me."

"Go ask," I pleaded. "Maybe he'll

relent now that it's so late. Please!"

Julie swished away and bent over

Raul, who was being frantically
ridden by his sister. She came back
with a smile on her pretty lips. She
silently lifted her long gown and
climbed over me, her swollen pussy
lips open and centered directly over
my throbbing cock. She was so close
I could feel her barely brushing
against my meat. She leaned
forward and licked my lips.

"Raul says I can offer you a deal,"

she whispered. She smelled so good,
her tits right in my eyes, my dick
seemed to be seeking her heat. She
let me have a nipple and I sucked it
in gratefully, nibbling gently as she
moaned in gratitude. "Raul said you
could either fuck me, or I could
release your handcuff. One or the
other -- not both. Which do you

Her gaping pussy was so close over

my cock-head that I could actually
feel the damp heat radiating from it.
I tried thrusting up to enter her, but
she pulled away, laughing softly. "No
cheating, now. He was very specific.
One or the other. Which do you

I groaned with frustration. One way I

would be free, the other would
relieve this terrible ache in my groin.
It wasn't much of a choice right then.
I said, "Fuck me. Please."
Julie settled down on me, her sweet
pussy enclosing over me like a wet
glove. She took me all the way inside
her and when she was sitting on my
belly, she slid her tongue into my
mouth and started fucking me slow
and easy. I lasted all of about thirty
seconds before going off like I'd
never cum before! She didn't stop
after I'd finished. She rotated her ass
and moaned into my mouth until I
was hard again, then slid off and
sucked me inside her warm mouth
for a while. When I got close again,
she straddled me and rode me until
she blew apart with a gigantic
orgasm. I was close behind her.

We fucked again before daylight.

Then I fell into a dead sleep, and
when I awoke everyone was gone. I
was just grateful the dogs hadn't
eaten me. I wasn't cuffed anymore
so I stood, stiff and sore from my
ordeal. Durian sneaked up behind
me with Carman.

"Your car is out front, Brad," she said.

"Leave and don't come back. There's
nothing for you here. Susan is gone,
so just accept it. If you come back,
there will be serious consequences."

I stumbled outside and drove away,

not looking back. It's been a year
now and I don't know where Susan
is, or if she's even alive. I've worried
over it laboriously until I've finally
concluded there is no more I can do.
I know they will come for me
someday. I'm a loose end and Raul
doesn't like loose ends. Every time
there is a noise late at night I
imagine, this will be the time. My life
is over anyway. I don't care anymore.

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