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PROFIT AND LOSS for the years ended March 31, 2017 and 2016

(` crore)
Year ended Year ended
Note Page March 31, 2017 March 31, 2016
I Revenue from operations 26 219 53,260.96 42,697.44
II Other income 27 219 414.46 391.16
III Total income 53,675.42 43,088.60
IV Expenses:
(a) Raw materials consumed 12,496.78 9,700.01
(b) Purchases of finished, semi-finished and other products 881.18 991.54
(c) Changes in stock of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade 28 220 (1,329.65) 70.75
(d) Employee benefits expenses 29 220 4,605.13 4,319.89
(e) Finance costs 30 220 2,688.55 1,848.05
(f ) Depreciation and amortisation expense 31 221 3,541.55 2,962.28
(g) Other expenses 32 221 24,949.09 20,602.35
47,832.63 40,494.87
Less: Expenditure (other than interest) transferred to capital and other accounts 217.52 598.89
Total expenses 47,615.11 39,895.98
V Profit before exceptional items and tax (III-IV) 6,060.31 3,192.62
VI Exceptional items: 33 222
(a) Profit/(Loss) on sale of non-current investments - (0.85)
(b) Provision for impairment of investments/doubtful advances (170.87) (160.62)
(c) Provision for impairment of non-current assets - (51.51)
(d) Provision for demands and claims (218.25) (880.05)
(e) Employee separation compensation (178.68) (556.25)
(f ) Restructuring and other provisions (135.58) -
Total exceptional items (703.38) (1,649.28)
VII Profit before tax (V+VI) 5,356.93 1,543.34
VIII Tax expense:
(a) Current Tax 1,400.54 1,193.28
(b) Deferred Tax 511.84 (605.59)
Total tax expense 1,912.38 587.69
IX Profit for the year (VII-VIII) 3,444.55 955.65
X Other comprehensive income/(loss)
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the statement of
profit and loss
(a) Remeasurement gains/(losses) on post employment defined (217.79) (5.01)
benefit plans
(b) Fair value changes of investments in equity shares 819.01 (3,163.52)
(ii) Income tax on items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the 75.37 (239.78)
statement of profit and loss
B (i) Items that will be reclassified subsequently to the statement of
profit and loss
(a) Fair value changes of cash flow hedges (1.22) 1.80
(ii) Income tax on items that will be reclassified subsequently to the 0.42 (0.62)
statement of profit and loss
Total other comprehensive income/(loss) 675.79 (3,407.13)
XI Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year (IX+X) 4,120.34 (2,451.48)
XII Earnings per share 34 222
Basic and Diluted (`) 33.67 8.05
XIII Notes forming part of the financial statements 1-43
In terms of our report attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

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For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS LLP N. Chandrasekaran Ishaat Hussain Andrew Robb N O. P. Bhatt Mallika Srinivasan Peter Blauwhoff
Chartered Accountants Chairman Director Director Director Director Director
(DIN: 00121863) (DIN: 00027891) (DIN: 01911023) (DIN: 00548091) (DIN: 00037022) (DIN: 07728872)

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N. Venkatram Aman Mehta Deepak Kapoor D. K. Mehrotra Koushik Chatterjee T. V. Narendran Parvatheesam K.
Partner Director Director Director Group Executive Director Managing Director Company Secretary
(DIN: 00009364) (DIN: 00162957) (DIN: 00142711) (Finance, Corporate & Europe) (DIN: 03083605) (ACS: 15921)
(DIN: 00004989)
Mumbai, May 16, 2017


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