VIledon AI-100W-For High Temperature Oven

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Charact€dsdcs of htgh This filter allows for effcctivt tlltedng oi tars,

t€mpelatule ovatr fllter soots,rusts,ctc.paoduced in high lcmperatrc
oven to prevcnt fouliig of product surfacc.
This filter made of specid synthetic fibers h,.ls
elough our. ol i ) ..r I cl_ rcrlrDcrdlure\ orld rr
vert eas_\'in handling, as distinguish€d irom
glass tlbers rlhich mxy bc bmker and airborntd
rvhen replacing &e filrering nedia. A1-t 00w
AI 100w is npplicable for 130t-2.10t. .rrli
A[-100 or A[ ]00 doublcd is xpplied lor
lemDErntLn. ltss lharr l8a)"C.


lStandard specif ications AE-100 doubled A! i00

Srrndard siTe MxL 500x5mnm

20r3 ?0-4 1012
Smd.rd rlr velocity 1t!A) 1.0
Iritialpressurc drop (Ia) +5 25
Alerage rrresrance (%) 90 86
\\brkin{ Temrtnrurc,k$ dm r$i\Enr l 80'c
=2.roa = =1&rc

lAir Velo.ity & Pressure 4o . Senicc life of the filter depcnds on its
drop !\'orkirg temperirture.
. As lrs durabilit) is depends on en air
,"ebcit), running hou., atnosphcr'e and
other aonditions, pleasc collsuit us !!hen
opcr?ting i( 3t the aonditions other dun
given in fte standard sptcifications.

02 0.3 05 0.7 10 1.s 20 3.0 5.0

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