Contoh Report Praktikal

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Praise to Allah for three (3) month I undergo my internship that begins on July
2nd, 2018 until September 21st, 2015, I finally completed my industrial training report. I
pray to Allah hoping my journey is in His bless.

I also would like to extend my thankfulness to my parents for their moral

support, financial support to complete my Industrial Training at KIBING GROUP (M)
SDN BHD. To my friend who has been given the same responsibility as me to complete
the Industrial Training for never ending reminding me to always be honest and
trustworthy during my training and to complete here and remind me to complete this

Other than that, as for my academic supervisor from Alpha College of

Technology Madam Monalissa Binti Muharam, I want thank to her for the continuous
support in every possible way, from initial advice to encouragement till this date, and
her willingness to spend time to evaluate my assessment and performance related and
performance related in working industry.

Furthermore, I would like to extend my appreciation to Mr Izham Akhmar Bin

Shamsudin, as Manager in Human Resources of KIBING GROUP (M) SDN BHD, who
gave me the chance and opportunity to work in his organization, and my Industrial
supervisor Madam Nurliyana Annisa Binti Zulkifli for the positive attitude she showed
me for many work, always allowing me to question her and giving prompt replies for
my uncertainties in all the fields including education, social and management work.

Not forgotten for all the staff working at KIBING GROUP (M) SDN BHD, I
very much appreciate for their entire kindness guiding me during the course of the
training. I am very lucky to have such a helpful colleagues and I never felt left out in
any situation.

I am entrusted to undergo my industrial training at KIBING GROUP (M) SDN

BHD for three month before I can complete my subject course in order to graduate. I
have been assigned in Human Resources Department during my internship session. I am
exposed many thing which are very valuable for me to learn and carry out with devotion
when I face the real world of working in the future.

The objective for this subject is because to make student expose and give they
experience about the real world of working before graduating. Industrial training has
become one of the curricular activities that is compulsory for college student to attend
especially for those who studied at IPTA/IPTS. The industrial training will make
student prepared the face the real challenge and learn how to find solution when
problem encounter besides completing the course. This exposure not only will prepare
the student but it is also a great opportunity to gain knowledge at industry.

Besides that, it can prepare student on how to polish more their soft skill
especially on how to communicate with other and learn to do work in a group. At
college student usually communicate with people around their ages but when working
there are differences in ages and this required communication skill. I have learnt a lot of
valuable things while working here. I realize that theoretical learning when internship
session totally difference with class session.



Kibing Glass is one of the leading glass manufacturers in China. It was

founded in 1988 and listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2011. The company
employs 8,000 plus employees. There are 6 production bases with 21 float glass
lines located in Central and Southern China. With the large glass output of
12,800 tons (about 640 containers) totally per day. Kibing Glass can offer more
than 20 types of glass products. It includes Clear Float Glass, Ultra Clear (Low-
iron) Glass, Tinted Glass, Low-Emissivity (Low-E) Coated Glass, On-line Solar
Control Coated Glass, Photovoltaic Solar Glass (TCO Coated Glass). Kibing
Glass products are well certified by SGCC (Safety Glazing Certification
Council) for USA Market, CSI (Certification Solutions International) for
Australian market and CE (European Conformity) for Europe Market.

Kibing Group (M) SDN BHD was in Malaysia on October 23, 2014,
with current employees of 400, excluding service workers. The 513, 950 sqm
(127 Acre) property area is the largest area in the Negeri Sembilan, while for the
built-up area is 150,366 square meters.

The Kibing Group (M) SDN BHD has energy saving and eco-friendly
power stations for waste gas. The company use system of desulfurization,
denitrification and dust system to be filtered before being discharged through the
chimney to avoid pollution occurring around the plant area.

On January 16, 2015 the delivery of the Samsung MOU to the Kibing
Group (M) Sdn Bhd has been implemented, which means the Samsung Corning
Company's delivery to Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd. The cause of Kibing's
purchase of Samsung Corning Company is the nature of the business of both
companies being the same as glass manufacturing and some of the previously
used Samsung assets that will still be used will be reused by Kibing Group (M)
Sdn Bhd. In January to July 2015 Kibing's Company office was in Seremban 2,
until August, Kibing Company's office has moved to a real Kibing Group (M)
Sdn Bhd building in Tuanku Jaafar Industrial Estate.



The vision of the company is to be a Global Leader in Glass

Manufacturing. The mission of the company is to manufacture safe & value
added glass products that exceed market expectations and positively contribute
to be a better environment and society.


The objectives of the Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd based on the Core Values,
there are:
 Integrity
We do the right things legally, ethically and morally
 Customer
We focus on building win-win relationships with our customer
 Accountability
We take responsibility for our actions and results without
 Respect
We respect and celebrate our diversity and work together as an
effective team.
 Excellent
We constantly learn, improve and strive for excellence.




Kibing Glass is one of the leading glass manufacturers in China. There

are six production bases with 21 float glass lines located in Central and Southern
China. With the large glass output of 12,800 tons (about 640 containers) totally
per day. Kibing Glass can offer more than 20 types of glass products. It includes
Clear Float Glass, Ultra Clear (Low-iron) Glass, Tinted Glass, Low-Emissivity
(Low-E) Coated Glass, On-line Solar Control Coated Glass, Photovoltaic Solar
Glass (TCO Coated Glass). Kibing Glass products are well certified by SGCC
(Safety Glazing Certification Council) for USA Market, CSI (Certification
Solutions International) for Australian market and CE (European Conformity)
for European Market.


However, the Kibing Group (M) produces only one product type is float
glass, with the large glass output of 12,800 tons (about 640 containers) totally
per day. The glass thickness produced is 3mm - 12mm. while the magnificence
of the glass is minimum 914mm × 1220mm and maximum 4880mm × 6000mm.
The size and thickness of the glass according to customer needs to provide large
variety of non-standard size. This product can also be widely used for steel,
building windows, hollow glass, furniture, coatings, mirrors, automotive, optical
instruments and other processing.


Figure 1 : The products of Kibing Group (M) SDN BHD.





Teo Min Huey

Director Manager

Izham Akhmar Bin Shamsudin


Gong Wan Yoke

Asst Manager

Lee Wai Fong Nurliyana Annisa

Senior Executive Binti Zulkifli

Noor Syuhada Binti


Assistant Executive/



During this three month working at Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd, job functions are

1. Do survey attendance system

a) I was directed by my supervisor to make a survey on four companies

located around seremban, Negeri Sembilan. The company I survey is
Baerlocher (M) Sdn. Bhd., Nexperia Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Iwatsu (M)
Sdn. Bhd., Samsung SDI Energy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., The survey focuses
on the company's attendance system, how the company manages the miss
slot problem, how the company makes payments to there are employees
who are taking unpaid left. Other than that, I also ask how the company
can handle the excessive sick leave and the type of allowance they
provide for their employees.

b) After I gather all the information, I will make a summary of my survey. I

use the Excel format to create the summary. After my complete
summary, I will hand over the information to supervisor to be checked
for any offense, after making the correction then submitted to the

2. Preparing for recruitment for new employee

a) Make new on boarding for new employee, based on the day, I must email
to my supervisor to her update to department. After that, I will print out
the table and pas to security along with checklist form.

b) After security give briefing to new worker, new employee will enter to
HR meeting room to listen other briefing from Safety Department,
Human Resources, and Admin Department. After briefing finish, I will
bring new worker to General Store Division to pick t-shirt company.


c) If briefing finish early, I will call department to pick up their new
employee, and their document I will pass to Senior Executive to make

3. Arrange time table and transport for China Worker to make Medical Check Up
at Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd and X-ray at KPJ

a. My supervisor give me task for arrange time table for China Worker to
take Medical Check Up and X-ray. First at all, I will direct check with
Personal Assistant of Manager Director, the person is already taken
Medical Check Up and X-ray and the person cannot attend the
programme. After I determined it, I start to set the day for make Medical
Check Up and X-ray.

b. After I arrange their time table, I will email to Personal Assistant for
inform to China Worker and I email to Medical Assistant for make

4. Arrange interview for new recruitment.

a. My manager will be accepting the manpower requisition form from

department request new worker. My manager will pass that form to me to
find candidate. After I get the form I will help my supervisor publish the
job vacancy in Job Street, Indeed and so on, some of the resumes I get
from walk in.

b. When I get the resume form that application I will review first based on
requirement department, and that I will sorting the resume and I will pass
to manager department, to them select candidate for I arrange interview.

c. After department choice candidate, I will arrange their interview session.

I will call first candidate, after them agree with the day, I will sent their
interview invitation via email to reminder for them.


5. Arrangement new intake for new service worker

a. Before new service worker come to company, my supervisor will be

email to all department their will work and person in charge to give
briefing to them. Them will give break one day before work.

b. The next day, their will come to Human Resource Meeting Room for
listen briefing from department. First at all, I will make sure the
translators for service worker are there. This is because their still don’t
understand Malay language or English. After briefing finish, I will bring
them to General Store Division to pick up T-shirt and Safety Shoes.

6. Bring service worker make for FOMEMA

a. After business affair department, pass one form to bring that FOMEMA,
I will start to arrange that transport to bring them. Also, I will give the
information to each department to bring their service worker to make
FOMEMA. On the day, I will follow all service workers to make
Medical Check Up and X-Ray for FOMEMA.

b. After three week I will update with FOMEMA about status condition
service worker. After everything ok, I will update to Business Affair
Department for next step. If the service worker have problem in their test,
the company will send their back home.

7. Open new account CIMB and solve problem for foreign worker

a. FOMEMA will be updating the service worker condition on their

website. Business Affair Department will give their passport to Human
Resource Department; I will print their information and fill the document
which was provided by the CIMB Bank to the company. After that, I will
call them one by one, too came to Human Resource for sign the all
document. After complete the document I will to CIMB Bank, to pass the
document at CIMB Bank officer to make registration.

b. The bank will sent letter to company for bring the foreign worker to bank
for make account. Then I will arrange time table with department for give
release them for wanting to open a bank account, and I also will arrange
transport for them.

c. If service worker have problem, example, CIMB Bank card problem,

forget number pin, I have bring them to Bank for make changing. I have
full fill the form at Admin Department because want use the van
company and also from Human Resource form, because want bring them
to CIMB Bank.

8. Join meeting with director manager and all manager production

a. On 31st July 2018, Human Resource Department make meeting with all
Manager Production and Engineer at 3.00 pm at Human Resource
Meeting Room, to discuss about Miss Slot, Shift Leader allowance and
E-Leave. My supervisor direct me to list anything suggestion of the
manager to make proposal and minute meeting to show at Director

b. On 14th August 2018, my Director Manager call all Human Resource

Department to make meeting at 3.30 pm, in that meeting them discuss
about issue that happened now at company, and that searching the
solution for that problem. My supervisors ask me to make minute
meeting, after finish I will pass to my supervisor to check.

8. Preparing manual payment instruction and updated with Finance Department

a. Kantung Service Worker Salary

i. Usually at the end of each month the Kantung company will

provide an invoice salary to the company and I am be responsible
for making a manual payment instruction for the finance
department making payment. I have get a signature from director

human resource and director finance before submitted to finance

b. Gunma Guardforce DS Sendirian Bhd

i. The company will give me an invoice every mid-month to claim

my payroll payment for security worker. I will make a manual
payment instruction and get the signature from the director human
resource and finance. Besides, I also need to attach the contract
between Gunma Guardforce DS Sendirian Bhd and Kibing Group
Sdn Bhd for every manual payment I make. After that, I will pass
the document to Finance to make the payment.

c. Preparing Contribution Company for employee.

i. In the event of death in the employee's family, the employee must

submit a death certificate to the senior executive human resource
for the update, and then the senior executive will pass to me the
certificate of death and I will make a manual payment instruction
to get money in cash to give to the employee. The manual
payment must to get the signature from director human resource
and finance before I hand over to the finance department.


As an industrial training student when adapting into new environment of working life
may arise some problems during the process. It is part of the challenge in the next life
work that must face by each student.

4.1 Problem - Communication and misunderstanding

These problems always happen when some of the staff is busy doing their work.
At one time, they will give task that are without complete instruction what is the
next step to do. Other than that, they will communicate thru email and WhatsApp
this will give some misunderstanding on what are the email is all about and the
person that sent the email were not in office.

4.2 Solution - Improved communication skill between other staff

If the instruction didn’t clear, I will go directly to the person and ask what need to
be done. If by email make me confuse, I will call and ask for the detail
information to guide me to do the task properly. Two way communications is
important in the organization to achieve the organization goals.

4.3 Problem - Lack of experience

One of the biggest challenges I to have lack of experience on the task that was
given. One of the problem is to understand the document have to be produced and

4.4 Solution - Acquire the knowledge

Once my supervisor explains what need to do and to whom I can refer if there are
any problem and question regarding the task that been given, I familiarized myself
with relevant human resources rules and regulation related to the task that I had
been given.

4. 5 Problem - Multiple tasks in one time

This problem will arise when the task given in one time and need to be submit in
the same day. As it was new thing for me, it was a bit difficult to handle the task
given and there were other task that needs to be complete at the same day.

4.6 Solution - Prioritization and time management:

If they give multiple tasks in one time, I will make sure I prioritized and do the
important task first before I do the other tasks. I need to manage my time to
ensure all tasks are completed on the time.

4.7 Problem - No continuous support and guidance

It is difficult to learn new thing without any guidance and support from other
staff. The staff only give the task without teach to work it that make more

4.8 Solution - Staff input

The staffs at Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd are really helpful in solving my problem
and they will guide me if there’s any problem with the task until it can be solve.
Their will teach me if I ask them for teach. Their will double check my work after
I finish my task, and teach me if their found I have problem.


Throughout the training period, I have gained a lot of technical and administrative
knowledge and working experience about the nature of the company process and

1. Enhanced skill and abilities

I improved a lot of skills and ability that I never explore or done in the student life
such as communication skill between staff. Also, I’ve been explore how to deal
with inviter with proper language and attitude. Further, the enforcement of
English language in the working environment has improved my English both
spoken and written.

2. Gained Extra Knowledge

Being as a trainee at Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd, it give me a lot of valuable
experiences and knowledge because I’ve been trained as a real worker with no
boundaries among us. As practical training student and the staff, our relationship
is very good. The staffs here are supportive, corporative, and very helpful. It is not
as simple to complete certain job that had been assigning for us. But the entire
staffs are there to guide I with regard to me irregularities.

3. Exposed with Working Environment

Being a trainee here has provided me with valuable experience where I exposed to
the real working environment either directly or indirectly such as meeting new
people, deal with them, how to do task with efficiency between the timeline, train
to be punctual in every aspect.

4. Time Management

It helps me to be more punctual in work and alert with the date line in terms of
finishing the task that been given with efficiency.


In my conclusion, I am happy to have been able to take this valuables

opportunity to explore and experience new dimension of work in marketing division
which I never experience before. From the direct involvement, I am now able to
familiarize and have the clear idea about the real working world that will enter after my

This opportunity given in Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd is a once in a lifetime
experience that I will greatly benefit from. My learning experience so far was exactly
what I asked for, an eye opening experience to understand the difference between
working life and student life. 12 week at Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd was an excellent
opportunity for me to gain some hands on experience in the human resources field. It
gave me an opportunity to work as Human Resources executive and not just a student. I
acquired many new skills and developed much already existing skill including
documentation, recruitment and calculate salary, presentation and communication skill.

Although these skills were developed in the work force, I have found that they
could easily be applied at university. I have found that my ability to absorb and learn
material has drastically improved, as well as my time management ability. My
experience at Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd has been invaluable. I thoroughly enjoyed my
position and learned a great deal about all the various aspects of major marketing
functions. As a recommendation, I agree that the industrial training programme have
achieved its primary objectives. It’s also the best way preparing student in facing the
real working life.

I strongly recommend the internship program to all students contemplating the

idea. The work experience while in university significantly increase the changes of
employment after graduation.


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