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ARC1412 Lesson 1: Spatial theories:

Theory in General:  Anthropocentrism

 Anthropomorphism
 Scientifically accepted general principle of
 Ethnocentrism
body of principles offer to explain a
phenomenon.  Ekistics

 Relation of facts such as Mathematical  Anthropometrics

equations. Understanding Architecture:

 Belief, policy, and procedure.
 Physical:
 Collection of thoughts, views, or ideas
(Religion doctrines, philosophical thoughts, As Forms and spaces: these are the Solids and
political views.) Voids, Exterior and Interior.

Architectural Theory: As systems and organizations: these are the Spaces,

Structures, Enclosures, and machines.
 Sick building syndrome under color
theories.  Perceptual:

 Climate and Building materials under As Forms and spaces: these are the Sensory
structural theories. Perceptions
 Permits and programming under
As system and organization: these are the Qualities
architectural programing.
of light, color, texture, view & sound.
3 types of theories in General:
 Conceptual:
 Descriptive: explains phenomenon or
As Forms and Spaces: these are the Meanings
events; neutral and don’t lean toward
ideology. As system and organization: these are the Images,
 Prescriptive: Prescribes basis or guidelines. patterns, signs, symbols and contexts.
 Critical: Challenges relationship between FORMS in Architecture:
architecture and society.
 FORM- it is a point of contact between mass
3 types of Theory in Architecture: and space.
 Descriptive= Structural principles - Texture, materials, modulations of light

 Prescriptive= Building code, zoning, land and shade, color, that are all combined to

use and plans inject a quality or the spirit that articulate

 Critical= Critical regionalism a space.

- It often includes sense of 3-dimensional
mass or volume. “Shape refers more
specifically to the aspect of form that
governs the appearance.

Visual Properties of Form:

 Shape: Characteristic outline or surface

configuration of a form.
- Also Identifies and categorizes form.
 Size: Physical dimension of form including
length, width and depth.
- Dimensions are the absolute
measurements that determines the
properties of form. Its scale is
determined by its size relative to other
form in its context.
 Color: Phenomenon of light (Product of
light) and visual perception that may be
described in terms of individual’s perception
of hue, saturation, and tonal value.
- It affects the visual weight of a form.
 Texture: Visual and especially tactile quality
given to a surface by the size, shape,
arrangements, and proportions of the parts.
- It determines the degree to which the
surface of a form reflects or absorb
incident light.

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