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1. Which of the following statement is true about boundary layer?

a. Laminar shear stress is equal to turbulent shear stress.

b. Kinetic energy of laminar flow is great than turbulent flow.
c. Skin friction drag is greater for turbulent flow
d. None of the Above

2. In a variable density wind tunnel, what pressure should test be run on a model with a 3in. chord,
air velocity being 60mph in order that the Reynold’s number shall be the same as for the full size
wing of the air? Air temperature are the same in each case at Standard Sea Level.
a. 2.74x10^6 b. 4.83x10^5 c. 15 d. 20

3. Which of the following statement is incorrect about lift coefficient and Mach Number.
a. Lift coefficient increases as Mach number increases beyond the drag divergence Mach number.
b. Lift coefficient decreases beyond the critical Mach number
c. Lift coefficient increases as Mach number and angle of attack increases below the critical Mach
d. Lift coefficient increases as Angele of attack and Mach number decreases.

4. The location of the aerodynamic center for usual subsonic airfoils can normally be found at
a. c/2 as Angle of attack decreases. c. c/4 regardless of the AOA
b. near c/4 as AOA decreases d. ranges from c/4 to c/2 regardless of AOA

5. The components of drag for a finite transonic airfoil are.

a. Profile & wave drag. C. profile, wave, & induced drag
b. Profile drag only d. skin, friction, wave, & induced drag

6. Which of the follow statement is true about airfoil thickness?

a. Critical Mach number increases as the thickness of the airfoil increases.
b. Critical Mach number has nothing to do with airfoil thickness
c. Critical Mach number decreases as the thickness of the airfoil decreases.

7. Consider a low speed airplane flying at a velocity of 55m/s. If the velocity at a point on the
fuselage is 62 m/s. What is the pressure coefficient at this point.
a. -0.43 b. -0.38 c. -0.52 d. -0.27
8. Consider an airfoil at 12° Angle of Attack. The normal & axial force coefficient are 1.2 and 0.3,
calculate the Lift & Drag Coefficient.
a. 0.83, 0.07 b. 1.24, 0.39 c. 0.93, 0.45 d. 1.18, 0.28

9. What is the value of pressure coefficient at low speed

a. Cpo > Cp b. Cpo < Cp c. Cpo=Cpcr d. Cpo = Cp

10. Relationship between drag coefficient & lift coefficient

a. Cd=Cl^2 b. Cd^2 = Cl c. 2Cd = 2Cl d. Cd = 2Cl

11. The following are the effects of vortex generator in an aircraft wing except.
a. Increase the stall Angle of Attack. c. Delays flow separation
b. Reduces drag d. decrease the energy of the flow

12. Which of the following statement is true about L/D ratio

a. Can be found where Cl is at maximum c. Located where both Cl & Cd is minimum
b. Can be found where Cd is at maximum d. None of the above

13. Find the value of lift coefficient at zero Angle of Attack. For a 0012 NACA Airfoil.
A. -0.15 b. 0.15 c.-0.23 d. None

14. What is the pressure at C?

a. Pc < Pb b. Pc < Pa c. Pc > Pb d. Pc = Pa

15. Transition region for laminar flow usually takes place at

a. Near the leading edge b. Near the trailing edge c. Upper surface d. All
16. Det. Critical pressure coefficient for an airplane flyiung at 500 knots in air at 25°F.
a. -0.489 b. -0.78 c. -0.093 d. -0.045

17. The aircraft is said to be trimmed if

a. Moment at aerodynamic center is 0. c. rotation at center of gravity is 0
b. Rotation at center of pressure is 0. D. rotation of geometric center is 0.

18. Vertical distance between chordline and camber line.

a. Upper surface b. Lower surface c. Camber d. Chord

19. Find Reynold’s Number for an airplane wing with 2 ft, 6in. chord moving at 180 mph through
standard air.
a. 4,000,000 b. 5,000,000 c. 6,000,000 d. 7,000,000

20. Which of the following statements is true about supercritical airfoil.

a. Location of the maximum thickness is near the leading edge
b. Location of the maximum thickness is near the trailing edge
c. Location of the maximum thickness is near the ½ of the chord
d. Maximum thickness is not a factor

21. What happens to Cmc/4 as AOA increases.

a. More positive b. More negative c. remains the same d. none

22. Two plates, one having 6ft span & a 3ft chord, the other having 9ft span & 6ft chord are placed
in different air stream. The free stream velocity for the smaller plate is 100 ft/sec. It is found
that the total skin friction drag for the two plate is the same.
Find the airspeed for the larger plate. Assume the laminar flow at Standard See Level. For
laminar flows Cf = 1.3281/ √RN
a. 58 b. 59 c. 60 d. 61

23. Consider an airfoil in a free stream with a velocity of 50m/s at SSLC. At a point on the airfoil, the
pressure is 9.5x10^4 N/m2. What is the pressure coefficient at this point?
a. -5.3 b. -4.13 c. 3.21 d. -2.13
24. Characteristic of a high Reynold’s number flow
a. Stall is gradual b. Stall is early c. Stall is sudden d. All of the Above

25. Force perpendicular to the airfoil’s chord.

a. Lift b. Axial c. Drag d. Normal.

26. What happens to the value of lift as velocity is doubled.

a. Lift is doubled b. Lift is tripled c. Lift is quadrupled d. Lift is reduced by half

27. Consider a NACA 1412 airfoil at an angle of attack of 4°, if the free stream Mach number is 0.8.
Calculate lift coefficient.
a. 0.97 b. 0.87 c. 0.77 d. 0.67

28. What is the effect of the elevator deflected upward.

a. Nose pitches upward b. Nose pitches downward

c. Nose pitches sideward d. None

29. Which of the statement is true about adverse pressure gradient?

a. Cp becomes more negative c. Cp remains the same
b. Cp becomes more negative d. None of the Above

30. Angle between chord line & the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
a. Sweep angle c. Angle of Attack
b. Angle of Incidence d. Dihedral Angle

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