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CDMA2000 Base Station System

1x Release A Radio Parameters


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Revision History

Date Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Revision

18/05/2007 R1.0 sjzl20070510 First edition
19/07/2007 R1.1 Sjzl20070719 Second edition
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Document ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station System 1x Release A Radio Parameters
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About this Manual ............................................................i

Purpose............................................................................... i
Intended Audience ................................................................ i
Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge ............................................. i
What is in This Manual........................................................... i
Related Documentation......................................................... ii
Conventions........................................................................ ii
How to Get in Touch............................................................ iii

Chapter 1.........................................................................1

BSC Node Parameters .....................................................1

1X Parameters................................................................. 2
Market ID........................................................................... 2
Switch number .................................................................... 2
Generating entity ID............................................................. 2
MS MCC (000 ~ 999)............................................................ 3
MS MNC (00 ~ 99)............................................................... 3
MS IMSI_11_12 (00 ~ 99) .................................................... 3
K parameter ....................................................................... 4
1/2 power offset .................................................................. 4
1/4 power offset .................................................................. 4
1/8 power offset .................................................................. 5
Intercurrent voice and data supported indicator ........................ 5
Packet data services zone id .................................................. 6
UM interface version............................................................. 6
A interface version ............................................................... 6
A interface major version ...................................................... 7
A interface minor version ...................................................... 7
A interface release version .................................................... 8
Preferred land circuit supported.............................................. 8
Access entry handoff permitted indicator ................................. 9
Access handoff permitted indicator..........................................9
Smssecap ......................................................................... 10
Soft leg supported number .................................................. 10
DCCH supported indication .................................................. 10
5ms frame supported indication............................................ 11
Frame sequence number adjust............................................ 11
Two frames ahead.............................................................. 12
Preference of PTT support.................................................... 12
Walsh Code alloc strategy.................................................... 13
PTT select PN threshold....................................................... 14
Use dormant in data handoff................................................ 14
Is linkfailure to dormant in data traffic ................................... 14
MSC type.......................................................................... 15
Send handoff performed indicator ......................................... 16
SMS send connecting indicator ............................................. 16
BS service request information encoding indicator ................... 17
Page slot cycle indicator ...................................................... 17
PLD in paging tag indicator .................................................. 18
SMS SO indicator ............................................................... 18
Class mark information type 2.............................................. 19
Ignore handoff block indicator .............................................. 20
SCCP included indicator....................................................... 20
MSC get GPS time from BSC indicator.................................... 21
MSC support group CIC operation indicator............................. 21
RM drop value (0.5dB) ........................................................ 22
Dynamic handoff threshold supported option .......................... 22
Dynamic handoff threshold .................................................. 23
Frame error rate threshold................................................... 23
Forbid data service hard handoff during PPP negotiation ........... 23
Time of forbidding data service hard handoff (ms) ................... 24
Access handoff carrier selected threshold (0.5dB).................... 24
bsspttver .......................................................................... 25
bscinterfacetype ................................................................ 25
voiceframenum.................................................................. 25
hardhandoff_comp ............................................................. 26
signalanswer_timer ............................................................ 26
hardhandoff_timer ............................................................. 26
Ptt_bcpa_trans_mode ......................................................... 27
bscpcifd............................................................................ 27
accecamreptimerstep ......................................................... 28
Naccecamreptimerstep ....................................................... 28
Access ECAM repeat timer ................................................... 28
Non-access ECAM repeat timer............................................. 29
Maximum number of ECAM repeat ........................................ 29
bsfchforrc ......................................................................... 30
bsfchrevrc ........................................................................ 31
bsdcchforrc....................................................................... 31
bsdcchrevrc ...................................................................... 31
hardhobsfchforrc ............................................................... 31
hardhobsfchrevrc ............................................................... 32
hardhobsdcchforrc ............................................................. 32
hardhobsdcchforrc ............................................................. 32
bcam_repeat_count ........................................................... 32
noresbcamresndtimes......................................................... 33
pttbccallmsgsendnum ......................................................... 33
smsolthreshold .................................................................. 33
frameworktype .................................................................. 33
v5inactivetime................................................................... 34
paca_supported................................................................. 34
reservedresourcenum ......................................................... 35
Mbrspktimer ..................................................................... 35
inactivetimer..................................................................... 35
Forward Power Control Parameters .................................. 36
Upper limit of power transmit1............................................. 36
Lower limit of power transmit1............................................. 36
Initial power transmit1 ....................................................... 37
Bigger up delta1 ................................................................ 37
Bigger down delta1 ............................................................ 38
Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1....................... 38
Quick down frames count1 .................................................. 39
Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1 .................... 39
Forward link power control delay1 ........................................ 40
Upper limit of power transimit2 ............................................ 41
Lower limit of power transimit2 ............................................ 41
Initial power transmit2 ....................................................... 41
Bigger up delta2 ................................................................ 42
Nominal up delta2.............................................................. 43
Smaller up delta2 .............................................................. 44
Bigger down delta2 ............................................................ 44
Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2 ....................... 45
Quick down frames count2................................................... 46
Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2..................... 47
Forward link power control delay2......................................... 48

1X Forward Power Control Parameters.............................. 49

MS power control step size1/2/3........................................... 49
pwr_cntl_step1/2/3_ptt....................................................... 49
Forward power control sub channel relative gain 1/2/3 ............. 50
ptt_fch_init_pwr ................................................................ 50
ptt_sch_init_pwr ................................................................ 50
ptt_bc_fpc_mode ............................................................... 50

Reverse Power Control Parameters................................... 51

Outer loop control enabled indicator ...................................... 51
Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4................... 52
Continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 ............................... 52
Continuous full rate frame threshold1/2/3/4 ........................... 53
Continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4.................... 54
Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4 .................. 54
Full rate down delta1/2/3/4 ................................................. 55
Full rate uprise delta1/2/3/4 ................................................ 56
Slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame........ 56
Low rate frame slow down step1/2/3/4 .................................. 57
Bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4 .............................................. 58
Initial uprise step 1/2/3/4.................................................... 58
Delay threshold1/2/3/4 ....................................................... 59
Initial threshold1/2/3/4....................................................... 59
Minimum threshold1/2/3/4 .................................................. 60
Maximum threshold1/2/3/4 ................................................. 60
2X/4X/8X/16X/32X Initial threshold3/4.................................. 61
initial_thred_ptt ................................................................. 61
max_thred_ptt .................................................................. 61

Gain Parameters............................................................ 62
Gain adjustment of reverse traffic channel relative to reverse pilot
channel ............................................................................ 62
Gain adjustment of reverse supplemental channel relative to
reverse pilot channel .......................................................... 62
Reverse link attribute gain value included indicator .................. 63
Reverse link attribute gain value type .................................... 64
FCH/DCCH/SCH0/SCH1 channel adjustment gain included indicator
...................................................................................... 64
Channel adjustment gain for the reverse FCH/DCCH/SCH0/SCH165
Basic reverse link attribute gain value included indicator .......... 65
Basic reverse link attribute gain value type ............................ 66
Low rate reverse link attribute gain value type indicator ........... 66
Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for low rate RC3/RC5 of
20ms frame included .......................................................... 68
Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate
1500/2700/4800/9600 bps.................................................. 69
Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate 9600bps (with
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200 bps convolutional SCH) ... 69
Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate 9600bps (with
19200/ 38400/76800/153600/307200bps Turbo SCH) ............. 70
Basic reverse link attribute adjustment gain for RC4/RC6 of 20ms
frame included .................................................................. 71
Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps ................................................ 72
Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for rate 14400bps (with
28800/57600/15200/230400/460800bps convolutional SCH) .... 72
Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for 14400bps (with
28800/57600/115200/230400/ 460800bps Turbo SCH) ........... 73
High rate reverse link attribute gain value included indicator ..... 74
High rate reverse link attribute gain value type ....................... 74
High rate reverse link attribute adjustment gain value type
indicator........................................................................... 75
Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for high rate RC3/RC5 of
20ms frame included .......................................................... 76
High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps convolutional code..... 77
High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps Turbo code............... 78
Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for high rate RC4/RC6 of
20ms frame included .......................................................... 79
High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps convolutional code ... 80
High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps Turbo code ............. 80
ptt_rlgain_adj ................................................................... 81
ptt_fch_chan_adj_gain ....................................................... 81
signal_pwrstep .................................................................. 82

RLP Parameters ............................................................. 82

BS generates the parameter indicator ................................... 82
Type of RLP block of bits ..................................................... 83
Current RLP protocol version................................................ 83
Synchronization delay......................................................... 83
Force reset when initializing ................................................. 84
Encryption indicator............................................................ 84
BS extended sequence number............................................. 85
MS extended sequence number ............................................ 85
MS forward NAK ROUND maximum number............................ 85
MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number ............................ 86
BS forward NAK ROUND number........................................... 86
BS reverse NAK ROUND number ........................................... 87
NAK number of 1st-8th forward (reverse) re-transmit .............. 87

PTT SCH Parameters ...................................................... 88

PTT SCH preferred RC......................................................... 88
PTT SCH coding type .......................................................... 88
PTT SCH maximum rate ...................................................... 88
PTT mux option ................................................................. 89

BSS Neighbor Cell Parameters......................................... 89

Global neighbor cell ............................................................ 89
Global neighbor cell type ..................................................... 89
CI discriminator ................................................................. 90
Market Id.......................................................................... 91
Switch number .................................................................. 91
Neighbor cell office Id ......................................................... 91
MS MCC (000 ~ 999).......................................................... 91
MS MNC (00 ~ 99) ............................................................. 92
LAC ................................................................................. 92
CI.................................................................................... 92
Pilot_PN (64Pn) ................................................................. 93
Pilot_PN increment ............................................................. 93
Search window size of private neighbor set............................. 93
BCCH support indicator ....................................................... 94
Protocol revision level ......................................................... 95
Minimum protocol revision level............................................ 95
Band class ........................................................................ 96
Base station latitude ........................................................... 97
Base station longitude......................................................... 97
PTT dispatch location area ID ............................................... 98
Cell mode ......................................................................... 98
BSC type .......................................................................... 98
Hard handoff support RC3 and up indicator............................. 99
SOWD and TOWD include hardware delay ............................ 100
Parameters as Search window are default ............................ 100
BSS Neighbor Carrier Parameters .................................. 101
Band class ...................................................................... 101
CDMA channel frequency assignment .................................. 101
Page channel number ....................................................... 102
First list indicator............................................................. 102
Is beacon indicator........................................................... 103

BSC Handoff Parameters............................................... 103

HO1XsupportInd.............................................................. 103
HWDelaylnd .................................................................... 104
SRCHWINParalnd............................................................. 105

Billing Center Parameters.............................................. 105

alias_b........................................................................... 105
payphonenumber............................................................. 106
payphoneprtclver............................................................. 106
Special Number Parameters .......................................... 107
alias_b........................................................................... 107
specialnumber................................................................. 107
specialfunction ................................................................ 107

Switch Parameters ....................................................... 108

OBSTRUCTPUSH .............................................................. 108
Presend AMC indicator ...................................................... 108
Resend ECAM indicator ..................................................... 109
Cancel hand shake indicator .............................................. 109
Mobility limited type ......................................................... 110
Switch6.......................................................................... 110
Switch7.......................................................................... 111
Switch8.......................................................................... 111
Switch9.......................................................................... 111
Switch10 ........................................................................ 112
Switch11 ........................................................................ 112
Switch12 ........................................................................ 113
Switch13 ........................................................................ 113
Switch14 ........................................................................ 113
Switch15 ........................................................................ 114
Switch16 ........................................................................ 114
Switch17 ........................................................................ 114
Switch18 ........................................................................ 115
Switch19 ........................................................................ 115
Switch20 ........................................................................ 115
Switch21 ........................................................................ 116
Switch22 ........................................................................ 116
Switch23 ........................................................................ 117
Switch24 ........................................................................ 117
Switch25 ........................................................................ 117
Switch26 ........................................................................ 118
Switch27 ........................................................................ 118
Switch28 ........................................................................ 118
Switch29 ........................................................................ 119
Switch30 ........................................................................ 119
Switch31 ........................................................................ 119
Switch32 ........................................................................ 120
Switch33 ........................................................................ 120
Switch34 ........................................................................ 121
Switch35 ........................................................................ 121
Switch36 ........................................................................ 121
Switch37 ........................................................................ 122
Switch38 ........................................................................ 122
Switch39 ........................................................................ 122
Switch40 ........................................................................ 123
Switch41 ........................................................................ 123
Switch42 ........................................................................ 124
Switch43 ........................................................................ 124
Switch44 ........................................................................ 124
Switch45 ........................................................................ 125

Chapter 2.....................................................................127

BTS Node Parameters .................................................127

1X Forward Power Control Parameters............................ 128
Forward power uprise step size (1/2/3 leg)........................... 128
Forward power down step size (1/2/3 leg)............................ 128
fpc_rcc2_fchinit_pwr......................................................... 129
PTT fundamental channel initial power ................................. 129
fpc_sch_min_pwr............................................................. 129
Forward SCH maximum power delta.................................... 130
FSCH uprise threshold....................................................... 130
FSCH down threshold........................................................ 131
FSCH uprise threshold of 32X............................................. 132
16X8X supplemental channel maximum power...................... 132
4X2X supplemental channel maximum power ....................... 133
Forward power transmit report indicator .............................. 134
Forward power transmit report period ................................. 135
FCH power transmit report indicator.................................... 135
FCH power transmit report period ....................................... 136
R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator.............................................. 136
R-SCH Ec/Io report period ................................................. 137
Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3 leg) .............................. 137
FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg) ............................................ 138
SCH power uprise step (1/2/3 leg)...................................... 139
SCH power down step (1/2/3 leg)....................................... 139
SCH FPC sub channel gain (1/2/3 leg) ................................. 140
PTT power step size up 1/2/3............................................. 140
PTT power step size down 1/2/3......................................... 140
2X/4X/8X/16X/32X supplemental channel minimum power ..... 141
RCC2 FCH initial power (voice)........................................... 142
RCC2 FCH initial power (Data) ........................................... 142
Nominal transmit power for voice (1/2/3 leg) ....................... 142
Nominal transmit power for data (1/2/3 leg) ........................ 143
nominal_pwr1/2/3_ptt...................................................... 144
Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg) ...................................... 144
Power region for data (1/2/3 leg) ....................................... 145
delta_pwr1/2/3_ptt .......................................................... 145
RCC2 FCH initial power delta.............................................. 146
FCH initial power uprise threshold....................................... 146
expenergypwroptienbl ...................................................... 147
fch_init_pwr_up............................................................... 147
expenergyerafrmnum ....................................................... 147
fsnrejectsendalm ............................................................. 147
fsnrejectlmt .................................................................... 148
fsnrejecttimelmt .............................................................. 148
Switch1.......................................................................... 149
Switch2.......................................................................... 149
Switch4.......................................................................... 149
Switch5.......................................................................... 150

Chapter 3.....................................................................151
1X Cell Parameters......................................................151
Cell Parameters ........................................................... 152
BSS ............................................................................... 152
BTS ............................................................................... 152
Cell................................................................................ 152
Cell alias......................................................................... 152
SID................................................................................ 153
NID ............................................................................... 153
LAC ............................................................................... 153
CI.................................................................................. 154
PTT dispatch location area ID ............................................. 154
Pilot_PN ......................................................................... 154
Pilot_PN increment ........................................................... 154
Band class ...................................................................... 155
Search window size for the active set and candidate set ......... 156
Search window size for neighbor set.................................... 157
Search window size for remaining set .................................. 158
Neighbor set maximum AGE .............................................. 159
Rescan indicator .............................................................. 160
Gain adjustment of the RTCH relative to the RPCH for radio
configurations.................................................................. 160
Gain adjustment of the RSCH relative to the RPCH for radio
configuration ................................................................... 160
Radius............................................................................ 161
Maximum RACH search scope............................................. 162
Maximum RACH separation ................................................ 162
Protocol revision level ....................................................... 162
Minimum protocol revision level.......................................... 164
Standard protocol revision level support indicator .................. 164
Base station latitude ......................................................... 164
Base station longitude....................................................... 164
Supplemental channel request message pilot intensity reporting
offset ............................................................................. 165
Encryption fields included .................................................. 165
Rcclass2_support ............................................................. 166
Neighbor cell number........................................................ 166
Handoff mode.................................................................. 167
diversitymode.................................................................. 167
Pilot intensity threshold..................................................... 167
status ............................................................................ 168
Overlap LAC1 mode.......................................................... 168
Overlap LAC1 .................................................................. 169
Overlap LAC2 mode.......................................................... 169
Overlap LAC2 .................................................................. 170
Switch1.......................................................................... 170
Switch2.......................................................................... 171
Switch3.......................................................................... 171
maxcalldistance............................................................... 171
Supported sync channel disposal type ................................. 171
gos_b ............................................................................ 172
Cell mode ....................................................................... 172
ptt_bcast_index............................................................... 173
sign_slot_cycle_ind .......................................................... 173
max_ptt_sci.................................................................... 173
fix_search_window........................................................... 174
max_resend_num ............................................................ 174
tr_length ........................................................................ 174
pr_length ....................................................................... 175
carrierkepppwr_voice ....................................................... 175
carrierkeeppwr_data ........................................................ 176
loadbalancepwr_voice....................................................... 176
loadbalancepwr_data........................................................ 177
carrierkeepfch_voice ........................................................ 177
carrierkeepfch_data ......................................................... 178
loadbalancefch_voice........................................................ 178
loadbalancefch_data......................................................... 179

System Parameters...................................................... 179

reg_zone........................................................................ 179
zone_timer ..................................................................... 179
mult_sids ....................................................................... 180
mult_nids ....................................................................... 180
base_id .......................................................................... 181
base_class...................................................................... 181
home_reg....................................................................... 181
for_nid_reg..................................................................... 182
for_nid_reg..................................................................... 182
power_up_reg................................................................. 182
power_down_reg ............................................................. 182
parameter_reg ................................................................ 183
reg_prd .......................................................................... 183
reg_dist.......................................................................... 183
auth .............................................................................. 183
rand .............................................................................. 184
Reselect included indicator................................................. 184
Pilot power threshold ........................................................ 184
Pilot Ec/Io threshold ......................................................... 185
Offset of local time from system time (30min) ...................... 185
Maximum slot cycle index.................................................. 186
Paging channel data rate ................................................... 186
Preferred access channel mobile station ID type .................... 186
Broadcast slot cycle index.................................................. 187
Daylight savings time indicator........................................... 187
Extended system parameters message indicator.................... 188
Extended neighbor list message indicator ............................. 189
General neighbor list message indicator ............................... 189
Global service redirection message indicator ......................... 190
Private neighbor list message indicator ................................ 191
user_zone_id................................................................... 192
Extended global dervice redirection message indicator............ 192
Extended CDMA chanel list message indicator ....................... 193
Delete foreign TMSI.......................................................... 194
Use TMSI indicator ........................................................... 194
IMSI_T support indicator ................................................... 195
max_altso....................................................................... 195
Pilot_report..................................................................... 195
Neighbor set access entry handoff information included indicator
..................................................................................... 196
Access entry handoff permitted indicator.............................. 196
Neighbor set access handoff included indicator...................... 197
Access handoff permitted indicator...................................... 197
Access handoff permitted for message response indicator ....... 198
Access probe handoff permitted indicator ............................. 199
Access handoff list update permitted indicator....................... 199
Access probe handoff permitted for other messages............... 200
Maximum number of times that MS is permitted to perform an
access probe handoff ........................................................ 201
Broadcast GPS assist indicator............................................ 201
Short data burst supported indicator ................................... 202
Reverse power control delay included indicator...................... 202
Reverse power control delay .............................................. 203
Autonomous message interval............................................ 203
Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the origination
message ........................................................................ 204
Sync ID supported indicator............................................... 205
Primary broadcast channel supported indicator ..................... 206
MS initiated position location determination supported indicator206
Pilot information request supported indicator ........................ 207
Allocating CHM resource averagely for RCC1 call ................... 208
reg_checksum_rep........................................................... 209
reg_prd_overload ............................................................ 209
ptt_service_sup_ind ......................................................... 209

Power Control Reporting Parameters .............................. 210

Power control reporting threshold ....................................... 210
Power control reporting frame count ................................... 210
Threshold report mode indicator......................................... 211
Periodic report mode indicator............................................ 212
Power report delay........................................................... 212
Handoff Parameters ..................................................... 213
Pilot detection threshold (Voice) ......................................... 213
Pilot detection threshold (Data).......................................... 214
Pilot drop threshold (Voice) ............................................... 214
Pilot drop threshold (Data) ................................................ 215
Active set versus candidate set comparisons threshold (Voice) 215
Active set versus candidate set comparison threshold (Data)... 216
Drop timer value (Voice) ................................................... 216
Drop timer value (Data).................................................... 217
Handoff option ................................................................ 219
Pilot set intensity threshold ............................................... 219
Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Voice) 220
Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data) 220
Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Voice ) ............................................................ 221
Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Data) .............................................................. 222
Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for Data
traffic ............................................................................ 222
Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic...... 223
Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
(Voice)........................................................................... 224
Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
(Data)............................................................................ 225
Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to active set
(Voice)........................................................................... 226
Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to active set
(Data)............................................................................ 226
Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from the
active set (Voice) ............................................................. 227
Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from the
active set (Data).............................................................. 227
Search type .................................................................... 228
Time between successive searches on candidate frequency for
periodic searches ............................................................. 229
Search mode................................................................... 230
Align timing indicator........................................................ 230
Search offset................................................................... 231
Serving frequency total pilot Ec threshold............................. 231
Serving frequency total pilot Ec/Io threshold......................... 232
Minimum difference in received power ................................. 232
Minimum total pilot Ec/Io .................................................. 233
Pilot delectation threshold of candidate frequency.................. 234
Total maximum wait time on target frequency ...................... 235
Pilot search parameter update indicator ............................... 235
Search mode for candidate frequency search set ................... 236
fschcomparethresh ........................................................... 236
FSCH detection threshold .................................................. 237
FSCH drop threshold......................................................... 237
Add to FSCH active set comparison threshold........................ 238
FSCH drop timer value ...................................................... 239
FSCH active set size ......................................................... 239
FSCH hard handoff comparison threshold ............................. 240
RSCH handoff type ........................................................... 240
Reverse SCH select leg algorithm........................................ 241
RSCH detection threshold .................................................. 241
RSCH drop threshold ........................................................ 242
Add to RSCH active set comparison threshold ....................... 242
RSCH drop timer value...................................................... 243
RSCH active set size ......................................................... 244
RSCH hard handoff comparison threshold............................. 244
Maximum comparison count of RSCH setup possibility ............ 245
Report by threshold indicator ............................................. 245
rreportupthreshold ........................................................... 246
rreportlowthreshold.......................................................... 246
Periodic report indicator .................................................... 246
RSCH report period .......................................................... 246
FSCH handoff type ........................................................... 247
FSCH select cell algorithm ................................................. 247
trizweakpsthreshold ......................................................... 248
trizstrongpsdelta.............................................................. 248
trizweakpsdelta ............................................................... 249
trizfschslope ................................................................... 249
trizmaxfschhonum ........................................................... 249
fschdroppossibility ........................................................... 250
trizfschecio32Xcon ........................................................... 250
fschsetupthreshold........................................................... 250
Maximum comparison count of FSCH setup possibility ............ 251
Power scope of two reverse leg considered as equal............... 251
Hard handoff vs. soft handoff comparison threshold for PTT(0.5dB)
.................................................................................... 252
Foreign BSS handoff vs. BSS hard handoff comparison threshold
for PTT(0.5dB) ................................................................ 252
soft_slope_bs.................................................................. 252
add_intercept_bs ............................................................. 253
drop_intercept_bs............................................................ 253
t_comp_drop .................................................................. 253

Reverse Link Overload Parameters................................. 254

Reverse power control mode.............................................. 254
deltarssi ......................................................................... 255
RSSI reverse overload threshold......................................... 255
RSSI reverse protected threshold ....................................... 255
RC2 correction factor........................................................ 256
RC3 correction factor........................................................ 256
RC4 correction factor........................................................ 257
CoeffCODE...................................................................... 258
CoeffFER ........................................................................ 259
EQNU reverse protected threshold ...................................... 259
EQNU reverse overload threshold ....................................... 260

SCH Rate Parameters ................................................... 260

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X......................................... 260
RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X......................................... 261
RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X ......................................... 262
RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X ......................................... 262
RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X ....................................... 263
RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X ....................................... 263
RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold ...................................... 264
RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold ...................................... 264
RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold ...................................... 265
RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold ...................................... 265
RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold..................................... 266
RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold..................................... 266
RSCH (4X and up) 1 way delay........................................... 267
RSCH (2X) 1 way delay ..................................................... 267
RSCH (1X) 1 way delay ..................................................... 267
RSCH (over 4X) Eb/Nt threshold ......................................... 268
RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold ................................................ 268
RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold ................................................ 269
RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold ........................................ 269
RSCH (2X) FER threshold .................................................. 270
RSCH (1X) FER threshold .................................................. 271
Wireless environment ....................................................... 271
Correct factor .................................................................. 272
RSCH forward PS compare times ........................................ 273
rschfwdpscompthres ......................................................... 273
RSCH forward leg PS compare times ................................... 273
RSCH forward leg PS compare threshold .............................. 274
FSCH rate assign algorithm................................................ 275
2X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB).................... 275
2X Convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB) ....................... 276
4X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB).................... 277
4X Convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB) ....................... 278
8X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB).................... 279
8X Convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB) ....................... 280
16X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB).................. 280
16X Convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)...................... 281
32X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB).................. 282
32X Convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)...................... 283

Redirect Message Parameters........................................ 284

Enable SRDM indicator ...................................................... 284
Return if failed indicator .................................................... 284
Delete TMSI indicator ....................................................... 285
SRDM redirect type .......................................................... 286
SRDM record type ............................................................ 286
SRDM band class ............................................................. 287
SRDM expected SID ......................................................... 287
SRDM expected NID ......................................................... 288
SRDM CDMA channel 0~14................................................ 288

Neighbor Frequency Parameters .................................... 289

Band class ...................................................................... 289
Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator ..................... 290
Is preferred neighbor cell .................................................. 290
Neighbor carrier ID .......................................................... 291
Neighbor CDMA channel frequency...................................... 291
Neighbor pilot channel search window size ........................... 292
Pilot channel search priority............................................... 294
Use timing indicator ......................................................... 294
ECAM Information Repeat Parameters ............................ 295
acchoecamrepnum ........................................................... 295
accecamreporigdly0~4 ..................................................... 295
accecamrepnorigdly0~4.................................................... 296
ecamrepdly0~4 ............................................................... 296
maxecamcampwr............................................................. 296
ecamcampwrstep............................................................. 296

Chapter 4.....................................................................298

1X Carriers Parameters...............................................298
Carrier Parameters....................................................... 299
Group ID........................................................................ 299
Sector ID in group ........................................................... 299
BDS subsystem ID ........................................................... 299
RFS subsystem ID............................................................ 300
TRX element ID ............................................................... 300
Band class ...................................................................... 300
CDMA frequency assignment.............................................. 302
QPCH hash indicator......................................................... 303
QPCH support indicator..................................................... 303
RC3, 4, 5 support indicator................................................ 303
BCCH support Indicator .................................................... 304
Transmit diversity mode ................................................... 304
Transmit diversity hash indicator ........................................ 304
Transmit power level ........................................................ 305
Nominal transmit power offset............................................ 305
Extended nominal transmit power ....................................... 306
First list.......................................................................... 306
Maximum Ideal pilot power................................................ 307
Control threshold ............................................................. 308
Adjustment proportion ...................................................... 308
Filter parameter............................................................... 308
Carrier call threshold ........................................................ 309
Threshold of changing carrier ............................................. 309
Is beacon ....................................................................... 311
Carrier type .................................................................... 311
status ............................................................................ 311
Reverse preamble length................................................... 312
MS DROP SSHO threshold (For Voice).................................. 313
RTD Threshold (For Voice) ................................................. 313
MS DROP SSHO threshold (For Data)................................... 314
RTD threshold (For Data) .................................................. 314
Is in critical cell ............................................................... 314
sectorgain....................................................................... 315
switch1 .......................................................................... 315

Power Control Message Parameters................................ 316

Forward power control operation mode indicator,................... 316
Forward power control operation mode used during FSC
assignment interval .......................................................... 317
Power control subchannel indicator ..................................... 318
Setpoint report threshold included indicator.......................... 318
Setpoint report threshold,.................................................. 319
Reverse traffic channel power relative to access power, .......... 319
Reverse eighth gating mode indicator .................................. 320
Initial supplemental channel outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint option .. 320
SCH setpoint report threshold included indicator.................... 320
SCH setpoint report threshold ............................................ 321
Forward link power control parameter included indicator......... 321
Reverse power control parameter included indicator............... 321
Fundamental channel OLPC parameter included indicator ........ 322
DCCH outer loop power control parameter include indicator..... 322
DCCH target frame error rate ............................................. 323
Minimum DCCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint ............................ 323
Maximum DCCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint ........................... 323
Master supplemental channel index..................................... 324
FCH target frame error rate(Voice) ..................................... 324
FCH target frame error rate(Data) ...................................... 325
fpc_fch_fer_ptt................................................................ 325
Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(data)........................... 326
Initial SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint ................................... 326
Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice).......................... 327
Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) .................... 327
Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Data) ..................... 328
Maximum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint,............................. 328
Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Data)...................... 329
Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) ..................... 329
Minimum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint, ............................. 330
Power threshold of supplemental target frame error rate of
overload (%) .................................................................. 330
Supplemental channel target frame error rate of overload....... 331
Supplemental channel target frame error rate of 32x ............. 332
Supplemental channel target frame error rate of 16x ............. 332
Supplemental channel target frame error rate of 8x............... 333
Supplemental channel target frame error rate of 4x............... 333
Supplemental channel target frame error rate of 2x............... 334
Supplemental channel target frame error rate....................... 334

Forward Power Overload Parameters .............................. 335

Forward power overload control enabled .............................. 335
Forward power overload control period ................................ 335
Forward power overload control report period ....................... 336
SCH setup threshold......................................................... 336
Call setup threshold ......................................................... 337
Soft handoff threshold ...................................................... 337
Power up threshold .......................................................... 337
Rating power(mw) ........................................................... 338
Cell power(mw)............................................................... 339
HPA gain ........................................................................ 339
Environment Type............................................................ 340
Ratio of pilot to maximum overload power ........................... 340
Maximum overload power ................................................. 340
Calibrate value ................................................................ 341
RFE lower power .............................................................. 341

Periodic Pilot Measurement Request Order Parameters ..... 342

Include setpoint information indicator.................................. 342
ORDQ for semi-soft handoff ............................................... 342
ORDQ for SCH ................................................................. 343
Threshold of total received Ec of pilots in active set................ 343
Pilot measurement request order period............................... 344
Pilot strength threshold of serving frequency ........................ 344

Traffic Parameters ....................................................... 345

Search offset of traffic channel ........................................... 345
Search window of TCH acquisition ....................................... 345
Search window of TCH demodulation ................................... 346
Power control subchannel gain ........................................... 346
Power control subchannel gain offset ................................... 346
Traffic symbol gain ........................................................... 346
Forward distributing delay of hardware ................................ 347
Reverse distributing delay of hardware ................................ 347
Transmit power decay....................................................... 348
Estimate time of digital transmit power (sec) ........................ 348
Forward power estimate enable .......................................... 348
TCH outlock threshold....................................................... 349
TCH inlock threshold......................................................... 349
TCH combine threshold ..................................................... 349
TCH acquisition search threshold ........................................ 349
TCH demodulation search threshold .................................... 350
Initial TCH finger inlock power............................................ 350
Index of Ew/No................................................................ 350
Nominal gain ratio of traffic to pilot ..................................... 351
Outer loop power control enable ......................................... 351
FSCH gain....................................................................... 351
Reverse power control mode .............................................. 351
Reverse power control subchannel pattern............................ 352
Consult FSCH parameter included indicator........................... 353
Maximum rate of FSCH ..................................................... 353
FSCH coding type............................................................. 354
Preferring options of FSCH................................................. 354
Consult RSCH parameter included indicator .......................... 355
Maximum rate of RSCH ..................................................... 356
Preferring RC of RSCH....................................................... 356
RSCH coding type ............................................................ 357
Preferring options of RSCH ................................................ 357
Reverse DTX duration....................................................... 357
Initial reverse outer loop setpoint ....................................... 358
Access Parameters....................................................... 358
Initial power offset for access,............................................ 358
Power increment.............................................................. 359
Number of access probes .................................................. 359
Maximum Access Channel message capsule size ................... 360
Access Channel preamble length ........................................ 360
Persistence value for access overload class 0~9 .................... 361
Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile stations)
.................................................................................... 361
Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency mobile
stations) ........................................................................ 362
Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15 ........ 363
Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for message
transmissions.................................................................. 363
Persistence modifier for access channel attempts for registrations
.................................................................................... 364
Time randomization for access channel probes...................... 365
Acknowledgment timeout .................................................. 365
Access channel probe backoff range .................................... 365
Access channel probe sequence backoff range ...................... 366
Maximum number of access probe sequences for an access
channel request............................................................... 366
Maximum number of access probe sequences for an access
channel respond, ............................................................. 367
ACCT information included indicator.................................... 367
ACCH message monitor included indicator............................ 367
Emergency persistence included indicator ............................ 368
Persistence value for emergency call for access overload classes
0~9............................................................................... 368
Access channel acquisition search window width ................... 369
Access channel demodulation search window width................ 369
Access channel outlock threshold........................................ 369
Access channel inlock threshold.......................................... 370
Access channel combination threshold ................................. 370
Access channel acquisition threshold, .................................. 370
Access channel demodulation threshold ............................... 371
Initial access channel finger inlock power............................. 371
Access channel monitor timer(min) ..................................... 371
Parallel demodulate channel preamble length........................ 371
Parallel demodulate channel capability ................................. 372
Maximum parallel demodulate channel count ........................ 372
Global Redirect Message Parameters .............................. 373
Redirect access overload class (0~15) ................................. 373
Return If fail indicator....................................................... 373
Delete TMSI indicator ....................................................... 374
GSRDM excluded indicator ................................................. 374
Protocol revision of redirected MS indicator........................... 375
Excluded MS protocol revision indicator................................ 375
Minimum redirect protocol revision...................................... 376
Maximum redirect protocol revision ..................................... 376
GSRDM record type .......................................................... 376
GSRDM band class ........................................................... 377
GSRDM expected SID ....................................................... 377
GSRDM expected NID ....................................................... 378
GSRDM CDMA channel (0~14) ........................................... 378
PTT SCH Power Control Parameters................................ 379
Forward power control operation mode indicator.................... 379
Forward link power control parameter included indicator......... 380
PTT SCH FER report indicator ............................................. 381
Forward power control mode during PTT FSCH assignment interval
..................................................................................... 381
Initial PTT SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint option .................... 381
PTT SCH target frame error rate ......................................... 382
Initial PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint............................ 382
Minimum PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint ....................... 383
Maximum PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint ...................... 383
PTT SCH setpoint report threshold included indicator.............. 384
PTT SCH setpoint report threshold ...................................... 384
PTT SCH initial power........................................................ 384
PTT SCH minimum power .................................................. 385
PTT SCH maximum power ................................................. 385

Neighbor Cell List Parameters........................................ 385

Access and access probe handoff permitted .......................... 385
Access entry handoff permitted indicator.............................. 386
Additional pilot information included indicator ....................... 387
Frequency fields included .................................................. 387
Frequency included indicator.............................................. 388
Neighbor configuration and PN offset included ...................... 388
Neighbor configuration...................................................... 389
Neighbor pilot channel search window offset included............. 390
Neighbor pilot channel search window offset......................... 391
Neighbor pilot record type ................................................. 391
Neighbor search mode ...................................................... 392
Neighbor transmit time duration......................................... 393
Neighbor transmit time offset ............................................ 393
Neighbor transmit time period............................................ 393
Pilot channel search priority............................................... 394
Timing included indicator .................................................. 395
Using timing indicator....................................................... 395

Chapter 5.....................................................................399

Control Channel Parameters .......................................399

Pilot Channel Parameters .............................................. 400
Channel index Id ............................................................. 400
Chip unit Id .................................................................... 400
Pilot channel gain(-7.5dB) ................................................. 400
Unit Id ........................................................................... 400

Sync Channel Parameters ............................................. 401

Channel index ................................................................. 401
Chip unit Id .................................................................... 401
Sync channel gain(-17.5dB)............................................... 401
The number of leap seconds .............................................. 401
Time to take effect........................................................... 402
Unit Id ........................................................................... 402

Paging Channel Parameters........................................... 402

Channel index Id ............................................................. 402
Chip unit Id .................................................................... 403
Delete message number threshold ...................................... 403
Overload slot number threshold.......................................... 403
Page channel gain(-9dB)................................................... 404
Report time interval(min).................................................. 405
Unit Id ........................................................................... 405

Access Channel Parameters........................................... 406

Channel index Id ............................................................. 406
Chip unit Id .................................................................... 406
Unit Id ........................................................................... 406
quick_acc_ch_incl ............................................................ 406
Quick-paging Channel Parameters.................................. 407
CCI bit gain..................................................................... 407
CCI index ....................................................................... 408
CCI support indicator........................................................ 408
Chip unit Id..................................................................... 408
PI bit gain....................................................................... 409
PI index.......................................................................... 409
QPCH rate....................................................................... 410
Slot cycle multiplier .......................................................... 410
Unit Id ........................................................................... 410

Abbreviations ..............................................................411
Physical Channel.......................................................... 411
Message ..................................................................... 412
Other ......................................................................... 413


Tables ..........................................................................419

Index ...........................................................................427
About this Manual

This manual introduces the essential parameters to be
configured in CDMA2000 Base Station System 1x Release A
configuration via NetNumenTM M31 (ZXC10 BSSB) system.
This manual helps to:
n Understand the recommendations in parameter settings
n Know why the balanced parameter setting is necessary.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for network planning engineers,
customer service engineers and maintenance personnel of
network operators who perform operation activities on the
ZXC10 BSSB Base Station System.

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this document effectively, users should have a general
understanding of wireless telecommunications technology.
Familiarity with the following is helpful:
n ZXC10 BSSB system and its various NEs
n User interfaces on NetNumenTM M31 (ZXC10 BSSB)

What is in This Manual

This Manual contains the following chapters:


Chapter Summary
Chapter 1 BSC Node Describes BSC radio parameters which
Parameters enable the Release A service.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION i

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Chapter Summary
Chapter 2 BTS Node Describes BTS radio parameters which
Parameters enable the Release A service.
Chapter 3 1X Cell Describes the BTS cell parameters which
Parameters enable the Release A service.
Chapter 4 1X Carriers Describes the BTS carrier parameters
Parameters which enable the Release A service.
Chapter 5 Control Describes BTS Control Channel Parameters
Channel Parameters which enable the Release A service.

Related Documentation
The following documentation is related to this manual:
n ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station System
PTT Parameters Manual
n ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station System 1x
EV-DO Rev.A Radio Parameters Manual
n ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station System
Signaling Parameters Manual
n ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station System V5
Interface Parameters Manual

Typographical ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.

Typeface Meaning
Italics References to other Manuals and documents.
“Quotes” Links on screens.
Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input
fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop-
down lists, dialog box names, window names.
CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens
and company name.
Constant width Text that you type, program code, files and
directory names, and function names.
[] Optional parameters.
{} Mandatory parameters.
| Select one of the parameters that are delimited

ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

About this Manual

Typeface Meaning
by it.
Note: Provides additional information about a
certain topic.
Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs
to be checked before proceeding further.
Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things
easy or more productive for the reader.

Conventions Typeface Meaning
Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually
the left mouse button) once.
Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button
(usually the left mouse button) twice.
Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button
(usually the right mouse button) once.
Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and
moving the mouse.

How to Get in Touch

The following sections provide information on how to obtain
support for the documentation and the software.
Customer If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions
Support regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at You can also call our customer support
center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.
Documentation ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality
Support and usefulness of this document. For further questions,
comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can
contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax your
comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also
browse our website at, which contains
various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base,
forum and service request.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

This page is intentionally blank.

iv Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1

BSC Node Parameters

This chapter describes:

n 1X Parameters
n Forward Power Control Parameters
n 1X Forward Control Parameters
n Reverse Power Control Parameters
n Gain Parameters
n RLP Parameters
n PTT SCH Parameters
n BSS Neighbor Cell Parameters
n BSS Neighbor Carrier Parameters
n BSC Handoff Parameters
n Billing Center Parameters
n Special Number Parameters
n Switch Parameters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

1X Parameters
Market ID
Description This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
This parameter is specified by service provider. The first 16
digits of MSCID represent Market ID and the last 8 digits
represent switch number.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Setting Network operator maintains this parameter.
Related n Switch number
n Generating entity ID

Switch number
Description This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Service provider specifies this parameter. The first 16 digits
represent Market ID. The last 8 digits represent Switch number.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Setting Network operator maintains this parameter.
Related n Market ID
n Generating entity ID
n Switch number

Generating entity ID
Description The unique code specified by entity operator who generates
reference number of call connection.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Service provider designates this parameter.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting Network operator maintains this parameter.
Related n Switch number
n Market IDMSC ID

2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

MS MCC (000 ~ 999)

Description Mobile Country Code.
This parameter is the component of IMSI and is only applicable
to BSC.
MCC is an ESPM parameter. It is correlated to MS IMSI_O.
Value Range 000 ~ 999.
Setting Network operator maintains this parameter.
Related n MS IMSI_11_12 (00 ~ 99)
n MS MNC (00 ~ 99)

MS MNC (00 ~ 99)

Description Mobile Network Code.
This parameter is part of IMSI and is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 99.
Setting Network operator maintains this parameter.
Related n MS IMSI_11_12 (00 ~ 99)
n MS MMC (00 ~ 999)

MS IMSI_11_12 (00 ~ 99)

Description This parameter is part of IMSI. Its effective range is local BSC.
The 11th and 12th digit of IMSI. If IMSI is formed of 12 or more
digits, the IMSI_11_12 stands for the 11th and 12th digit of IMSI.
If IMSI is formed of less than 12 digits, add 0 to form 12 digits.
IMSI_11_12 stands for the 11th and 12th digit of IMSI. For Class
0 IMSI (15 digits), there is no difference between IMSI_11_12
and MNC.
MS IMSI_11_12 is an ESPM parameter. It is correlated to MS
Value Range 00 ~ 99.
Setting Network operator maintains this parameter.
Related n 00 ~ 99.
n MS MCC(000..999)
n MS MNC(00..99)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

K parameter
Description Aggregation of receiving signal (noise) power without load and
expecting transmitting pilot power.
This parameter is only applicable to RF subsystem of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 1.
Setting This parameter is applicable to cell breath and is reserved.

1/2 power offset

Description Modification coefficient of the frame at 1/2 speed. With the same
S/N, the FER of frames at 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 speed is smaller than
the one of the frame at full speed. In addition, the target FER of
the frame at low speed is higher than the one of the frame at full
speed. Therefore, it is feasible to turn down its power.
This parameter is only applicable to the frames at 1/2 speed of
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: %.
Default 90.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n 1/4 power offset
n 1/8 power offset

1/4 power offset

Description Modification coefficient of the frame at 1/4 speed. With the same
S/N, the FER of frames at 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 speeds is smaller
than the one of the frame at full speed. In addition, the target
FER of the frame at low speed is higher than the one of the
frame at full speed. Therefore, it is feasible to turn down its
This parameter is only applicable to the frames at 1/4 speed of
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: %.
Default 90.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n 1/2 power offset
n 1/8 power offset

4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

1/8 power offset

Description Modification coefficient of the frame at 1/8 speed. With the same
S/N, the FER of frames at 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 speed is smaller than
the one of the frame at full speed. In addition, the target FER of
the frame at low speed is higher than the one of the frame at full
speed. Therefore, it is feasible to turn down its power.
Effective range is the frame at 1/8 speed of local BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: %.
Default 90.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n 1/2 power offset
n 1/4 power offset

Intercurrent voice and data

supported indicator
Description Indication of BS concurrent service being supported.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC .
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 4 describes the value range of intercurrent voice and data
supported indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not Support Intercurrent Voice and data
1 Support Intercurrent Voice and data

Default 0.
Setting Set according to BS software version. If BS supports concurrent
service, use ‘1’, otherwise, use ‘0’.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Packet data services zone id

Description ID of BS packet data service zone.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
MS is able to save up to 15 PZIDs of the visited packet data
service zones. When the packet data service call control function
is idle, an unsaved none-zero PZIP is detected.
n If the packet data dormant timer is enabled, MS postpone
any packet data service till the timer expires.
n If the mobile station is in the idle state, MS initializes packet
data service option connection and the packet data service
call control function will be in the reconnect state.
n If the mobile station is not in the idle state, the MS not
supports concurrent signaling.
n If the MS supports concurrent signaling, and the mobile
station control is in the traffic channel state, the packet data
service call control function will be in the reconnect state.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 1.
Setting Set it as ‘0’ if BS not supports packet data service. Otherwise,
network planner should set it.

UM interface version
Description Air interface version of BS, which corresponds to P_REV field of
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1 ~ 7.
Default 6.
Setting Depending on the actual air interface setting.
Related n A interface minor version
n A interface release version
n A Interface version

A interface version
Description BS A interface version.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value Range 0 ~ 255.

Default 0.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n A interface minor version
n A interface release version
n Um interface version

A interface major version

Description The major version of A interface on BS. A interface major
version is 4. The version of A interface on BS is IOS4.*.*.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
The options of parameter ‘Interface type’ may vary according to
different settings of ‘A interface major version’.
Value Range 4 ~ 6.
Default 4.
Setting Set according to the A interface in use.
Related n A interface release version
n A interface minor version
n A interface version
n Interface type

A interface minor version

Description The minor version of A interface on BS. A interface minor
version is 1 .The version of A interface on BS is IOS*.1.*.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 9.
Default 1.
Setting Set according to the version of A interface in use.
Related n A interface release version
n A interface Major version
n A interface version

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

A interface release version

Description The release version of A interface on BS. A interface release
version is 0.The version of A interface on BS is IOS*.*.0.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 9.
Default 0.
Setting Set according to the version of A interface in use.
Related n A interface major version
n A interface minor version
n A interface version

Preferred land circuit supported

Description Indication of preferentially selecting CIC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 5 describes the value range of preferred land circuit


Value Meaning
0 Not support Preferred Land circuit
1 Support Preferred Land circuit

Default 0.
Setting n 1: CIC resource is allocated by BS according to resource
conditions and load balancing.
n 0: CIC resource is allocated by MSC randomly.
Related n Two Frame ahead
n 5ms frame supported indication
n DCCH supported indication

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Access entry handoff permitted

Description Indication of access entrance handoff.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC and corresponds to the
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 6 describes the value range of access entry handoff
permitted indicator.

T A B L E 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F A C C E S S E N T R Y H A N D O F F P E R MI T T E D I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 Support

Default Not supported [0].

Setting Set according to BS software version. If BS supports, set it as ‘1’,
otherwise, set it as ‘0’.
Related Access handoff permitted indicator

Reference 3GPP2: Data Service Options for Spread Spectrum Systems,

C.S0017-0, Version 5.0

Access handoff permitted indicator

Description Indication of access handoff being supported.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC and corresponds to the
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 7 describes the value range of Access handoff permitted


Value Meaning
0 Not Support
1 Support

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Default 0.
Setting Set according to BS software version. If BS supports, set it as ‘1’,
otherwise, set it as ‘0’.
Related Access entry handoff permitted indicator.

Description Allow SMS idle SE resource lower limit.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 60
Default 30
Setting When the number of SE idle less than this parameter, SMS
service will not be available to ensure voice service not affected
by SMS.

Soft leg supported number

Description The number of supportable soft handoff legs.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1 ~6.
Default 4.
Setting If soft leg supported number is too high, CE resource will be
wasted, and forward capacity will be reduced. If soft leg
supported number is too low, useful pilots cannot be added into
active set, so service quality decreases and the reverse
interference increases, but CE resource and forward capacity is

DCCH supported indication

Description Indication of DCCH being supported by BS.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 8 describes the value range of DCCH supported indication.

T A B L E 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F DC C H S U P P O R T E D I N D I C A T I O N

Value Meaning
0 Not support DCCH supported indication

10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value Meaning
1 Support DCCH supported indication

Default Not supported [0].

Setting In the case of ‘0’, BS does not allow DCCH establishment; if MS
supports DCCH, DCCH establishment is allowed.
Related n Two frame ahead
n 5ms frame supported indication
n Preferred land circuit supported

5ms frame supported indication

Description Indication of 5ms frame is supported.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 9 describes the value range of 5ms frame supported


Value Meaning
0 Not support 5ms frame supported indication
1 Support 5ms frame supported indication

Default Not supported [0].

Setting 5ms frame is currently not supported.
Related n Two frame ahead
n DCCH supported indication
n Preferred land circuit supported

Frame sequence number adjust

Description Frame Sequence Number (FSN) adjusting mode.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 10 describes the value range of Frame sequence number

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

T A B L E 1 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F F R A M E S E Q U E N C E N U MB E R A D J U S T

Value Meaning
Calculate according to system time, always two frames
1 Fully PATE adjust
2 PATE adjust (FSN >=2)

Default 0.

Two frames ahead

Description Indication of two frames ahead sending.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 11 describes the value range of two frames ahead.


Value Meaning
0 Not support Two Frame ahead
1 Support Two Frame ahead

Default 2.
Setting This parameter is used in access handoff. It takes effect when
preferred land circuit supported to ‘1’.
Related n DCCH supported indication
n Preferred land circuit supported
n 5ms frame supported indication

Preference of PTT support

Description Indication of PTT service being supported preferentially. Indicate
whether the enhanced PTT group call service have precedence
over data service SCH. Both PTT-SCH and data service F-SCH
need to use F-SCH CW resource. In addition, PTT-SCH also
needs to use CE-FO resource. If F-SCH has priority over data
service, data service F-SCH will be released in case of lack of F-
SCH CE resource, and data service R-SCH will be released in
case of lack of CE-FO resource.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 12 describes the value range of preference of PTT support.

T A B L E 1 2 V A L U E R A N G E O F P R E F E R E N C E O F PT T S U P P O R T

Value Meaning
0 PTT service is not preferential
1 PTT service is preferential

Default 0.
Setting ‘1’ increases the success rate of enhanced PTT group call, but
the forward/reverse throughput of data service decreases; ‘0’
does not increase the success rate of enhanced PTT group call
and the forward/reverse throughput of data service does not
Related Walsh Code alloc strategy

Walsh Code alloc strategy

Description Walsh code allocation strategy.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 13 describes the value range of Walsh code alloc strategy.


Value Meaning
0 All service only use the Walsh code with QOF=0
1 PTT can use the Walsh code with QOF=0, 1, 2 and 3
All service can use the Walsh code with QOF=0, 1, 2 and

Default 1.
Setting Using the Walsh code with QOF=0, 1, 2 and 3 allows the system
have more Walsh code resources. But service quality decreases;
on the contrary, if not use the Walsh code with QOF=0, 1, 2 and
3, service quality is better but call establishment may fail
because of lacking of Walsh code resources. PTT service has
many subscribers. Therefore, ‘1’ is recommended.
Related Preference of PTT support

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

PTT select PN threshold

Description Pilot strength comparative threshold of PN that can be used by
PTT in reference frequency selection.
This parameter is only applicable to an enhanced PTT group calls
service of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 15. Scale: 0. 5dB.
Default 4.
Setting If setting it to high value, the probability of selecting reference
frequency increases and forward system capacity increases
accordingly but pilot strength may decrease and call drop rate
increases. If setting it to low value, it is difficult to select
reference frequency and forward system capacity decreases

Use dormant in data handoff

Description Use dormant pattern in hard handoff of data service.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 14 describes the value range of use dormant in data


Value Meaning
0 Not use
1 use

Default 0.
Setting In the hard handoff of data service, MS releases dormant first,
and then MS initializes dormant handoff.
Related Is linkfailure to dormant in data traffic.

Is linkfailure to dormant in data traffic

Description Indication of dormant status when data traffic link fails.
This parameter is only applicable to the data service of BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Table 15 describes the value range of Is linkfailure to dormant in

data traffic.


Value Meaning
0 Release to NULL status
1 Release to Dormant status

Default 1.
Setting 0: release MS to NULL status when data traffic link fails.
1: release MS to dormant status when data traffic link fails. In
this case, MS does not require PPP connection establishment.
Avoid require PPP connection establishment repeatedly increases
the success rate of PPP connection establishment.
Related Use dormant in data handoff.

MSC type
Description The type of MSC connected with BSC. This parameter is only
applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Table 16 describes the value range of MSC Type.


Value MSC Type

1 Bell MSC
2 Lucent MSC
5 Motorola MSC
6 Samsung MSC
7 Nortel MSC
8 Ericsson MSC
10 Other vendor’s MSC

Default 0.
Setting Set according to the actual network.
Related BSC type.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Send handoff performed indicator

Description Send A1rHandoffPerformed instruction to MSC upon handoff
completion in BSC.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 17 describes the value range of send handoff performed

T A B L E 1 7 V A L U E R A N G E O F S E N D H A N D O F F P E R F O R M E D I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 0.
Related n SMS SO indicator
n BS service request information encoding indicator
n SMS send connecting indicator
n Class mark information type 2

SMS send connecting indicator

Description Indication to send A1rAssignmentComplete out after traffic
channel receiving SMS and sending A1rAssignmentComplete to
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 18 describes the value range of SMS send connecting


Value Meaning
0 Not send SMS send connecting indicator
1 Send SMS send connecting indicator

Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter ‘1’ if the BSC connects with MSC produced by
Bell, Lucent or Ericsson.

16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Related n SMS SO indicator

n BS service request information encoding indicator
n Send handoff performed indicator
n Class mark information type 2

BS service request information

encoding indicator
Description Indication of BS service request/response message coding
method. In IOS4.1, A1 element identifier (0x0D) is added into
IMSI part of BS service request/response message.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 19 describes the value range of BS service request
information encoding indicator.

T A B L E 1 9 V A L U E R A N G E O F BS S E R V I C E R E Q U E S T I N F O R M A T I O N E N C O D I N G

Value Meaning
0 IOS4.0 coding
1 IOS4.1 coding

Default IOS4.0 [0].

Setting Set according to the version of A interface connects with MSC.
Related n SMS SO indicator
n SMS send connecting indicator
n Send handoff performed indicator
n Class mark information type 2

Page slot cycle indicator

Description Indication of permanently using slot cycle exponent 2 in paging
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 20 describes the value range of page slot cycle indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Use the value forwarded by MSC
1 Permanently use slot cycle exponent 2

Default 0.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n SCCP included indicator
n MSC get GPS time from BSC indicator
n Ignore handoff block indicator
n PLD in paging tag indicator

PLD in paging tag indicator

Description Indication of tag field of paging message contains triangle-
positioning information.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 21 describes the value range of PLD in paging tag indicator.

T A B L E 2 1 V A L U E R A N G E O F PL D I N P A G I N G T A G I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Contain
1 Not contain

Default 1.
Related n SCCP included indicator
n MSC get GPS time from BSC indicator
n Ignore handoff block indicator
n Page slot cycle indicator

SMS SO indicator
Description Indication of using SO of MS (SMS option) when sending paging
response to MSC.

18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

This parameter is only applicable to the SMS service of BSC.

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 22 describes the value range of SMS SO indicator.


Value Meaning
0 SO = 6
1 Use the SO in MS paging response

Default 0.
Setting This setting depends on the type of MSC connects with the BSC.
If the MSC is supplied by Bell, set ‘1’.
Related n BS service request information encoding indicator
n SMS send connecting indicator
n Send handoff performed indicator
n Class mark information type 2

Class mark information type 2

Description This parameter is used in connecting with MSC and is only
applicable to BSC.
See List of Entries unit coding style in Class mark Information
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 23 describes the value range of class mark information
type 2.


Value Meaning
0 See List of Entries = 1[0]
1 See List of Entries = 0 [1]

Default See List of Entries = 1[0].

Setting This setting depends on whether the connected MSC supports
See List of Entries = 1.
Related n SMS SO indicator
n BS service request information encoding indicator
n SMS send connecting indicator

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Send handoff performed indicator

Ignore handoff block indicator

Description Indication of ignore switch congestion.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 24 describes the value range of Ignore handoff block


Value Meaning
0 Ignore
1 Not ignore

Default 0.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n SCCP included indicator
n MSC get GPS time from BSC indicator
n PLD in paging tag indicator
n Page slot cycle indicator

SCCP included indicator

Description Indication of SCCP primitive adopts abbreviated format.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 25 describes the value range of SCCP included indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Adopt
1 Not adopt

Default 1.
Setting This parameter is reserved.

20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Related n MSC get GPS time from BSC indicator

n Ignore handoff block indicator
n PLD in paging tag indicator
n Page slot cycle indicator

MSC get GPS time from BSC

Description Indicate that MSC is able to receive GPS clock from BSC side.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 26 describes the value range of MSC get GPS time from
BSC indicator.

T A B L E 2 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F M S C G E T G PS T I ME F R O M B S C I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 Support

Default 1.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n SCCP included indicator
n Ignore handoff block indicator
n PLD in paging tag indicator
n Page slot cycle indicator

MSC support group CIC operation

Description Indication of MSC supports group CIC operation.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 27 describes the value range of MSC support group CIC
operation indicator.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual



Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 Support

Default 1.

RM drop value (0.5dB)

Description Switch threshold in triangle positioning (T_ADD, T_DROP,
ADD_INTERCEPT, and DROP_INTERCEPT) and change step
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 26. Scale: 0. 5dB.
Default 0.

Dynamic handoff threshold

supported option
Description Dynamic modification options of handoff threshold (T_ADD,
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 3.
Table 28 describes the value range of Dynamic handoff threshold
supported option.

T A B L E 2 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F D Y N A MI C H A N D O F F T H R E S H O L D S U P P O R T E D

Value Meaning
0 dynamic modification is unavailable
1 dynamic modification according to pilot strength
2 dynamic modification according to FER
3 dynamic modification according to pilot strength & FER

Default Not supported [0].

Setting When dynamic handoff threshold supported option is 0, dynamic
handoff threshold is deactivated.

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

When dynamic handoff threshold supported option is 0 or 1,

frame error rate threshold is deactivated.
Related n Dynamic handoff threshold
n Frame error rate threshold

Dynamic handoff threshold

Description Handoff threshold dynamically modifies step length.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~14.Unit: 0.5dB.
Default 0.
Setting When dynamic handoff threshold supported option is ‘0’,
dynamic handoff threshold is deactivated.
Related n Dynamic handoff threshold supported option
n Frame error rate threshold

Frame error rate threshold

Description Frame error rate threshold of handoff threshold modification.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit:%.
Default 0.
Setting When dynamic handoff threshold supported option is 0 or 1,
frame error rate threshold is deactivated.
Related n Dynamic handoff threshold supported option
n Dynamic handoff threshold

Forbid data service hard handoff

during PPP negotiation
Description Indicate that hard handoff is not allowed in data service PPP
Effective range is the data service of local BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 29 describes the value range of forbid data service hard
handoff during PPP negotiation.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual



Value Meaning
0 Allowed
1 Disallowed

Default Forbid [1].

Setting Disallowing hard handoff of data service in PPP negotiation
increases the success rate of PPP negotiation. But it may cause
call drop meanwhile.
Related Time of forbidding data service hard handoff (ms)

Time of forbidding data service hard

handoff (ms)
Description Hard handoff forbidden duration in data service PPP negotiation.
This parameter is only applicable to the data service of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535. Unit: ms.
Default 5000.
Setting Time of forbidding data service hard handoff (ms) should ensure
the PPP negotiation complete within it. However, if the value is
too high, the performance of MS hard handoff decreases.
Related Forbid data service hard handoff during PPP negotiation.

Access handoff carrier selected

threshold (0.5dB)
Description Threshold ratio of access carrier and maximum pilot strength,
which is selected by access handoff carrier. It is used in access
This parameter is only applicable to the voice service (include
PTT service) of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 15. Scale: 0. 5dB.
Default 0.
Setting Setting as high value increases the possibility of selecting access
carriers in access handoff. In this case, pilot strength may be
weak, and call drop rate increases.
Setting as low value, if there is no much difference between
access carrier and maximum pilot strength, maximum pilot

24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

strength is selected. In this case, cross-carrier occurs more.

Setting as ‘0’ always selects the maximum pilot.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

Description Interface type in BSC.
Value Range 1~4
Table 30 describes the bscinterfacetype.


bscintercaetype Explanation
1 A interface
2 V5 interface
3 V5, A interface co-exist
4 Ap interface
5 Ap interface on E1

Default 1
Setting Set according to the actual interfaces of BSC and MSC.
There are three types of interfaces:
n A interface: corresponding bscinterfacetype is 1
n V5 interface: corresponding bscinterfacetype is 2, 3
n Ap interface: corresponding bscinterfacetype is 4, 5

Description Amount of SDU assembly/disassembly voice frame.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1~6
Default 1

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting If amount of assembly increases and number of packet increases,

end to end delay in system increases but A2p bandwidth in use
decreases and vice versa.
Note: In modification, make sure the 3GCN version supports
multi-frame and inconsistent BSCs.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

Description Reverse shared channel signaling acknowledgement timer.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~5
Table 31 describes the timer length corresponds to each value.

T A B L E 3 1 T I ME R L E N G T H C O R R E S P O N D S T O E A C H V A L U E

Value Timer length

0 320 ms
1 400 ms
2 480 ms
3 560 ms
4 640 ms
5 720 ms

Default 3

Setting A high value will affect floor request speed and a low value may
cause floor request failure and increase system load, so it is not
recommanded to modify this value.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description PTT classical group call parameter information sending mode.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~7
Table 32 describes the ptt_bcpa_trans_mode value.

T A B L E 3 2 P T T _ B C P A _ T R A N S - MO D E V A L U E

Value Explanation
0 Not send
send in broadcasting channel
assighnment message only
send in PTT system parameter overhead
message only
send in both broadcasting channel
3 assighnment message and PTT system
parameter message
send in PTT neighbor cell channel
configuration message only
send in broadcasting channel
5 assighnment message and neighbor cell
configuration message
send in PTTsystem parameter overhead
6 message and neighbor cell channel
configuration message
7 send in all messages

Default 2
Setting If it is set to 0, PTT classical group call parameter information
will not be sent and classical group function will be affected.
When using a default value, try to reduce system load. It is not
recommanded to change this value.

Description BSC number in PDSN.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 0
Setting Not Applicable

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Description Access handoff call origination cell ECAM message resending
timer step length.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000
Default 2000, Unit: ms
Setting This is the second layer ECAM message resend timer length. For
the cells in poor radio conditions, if handset capture rate is very
low, it is recommended to turn on the ECAM message second
layer resend switch (in background settings, select support
ECAM message resend mechanism), adjust second time resend
timer step length (it is recommended the value should be
between [1000ms, 2500ms]) after step length adjustment
(because MIN (Tsetupvoicecall, T10,T42m)=5 s, second layer
resend time is not more than 4).

Description Non-access handoff call origination cell ECAM message resending
timer step length.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000
Default 2000
Setting This is the second layer ECAM message resend timer length. For
the cells in poor radio conditions, if handset capture rate is very
low, it is recommended to turn on ECAM message second layer
resend switch (in background settings, select support ECAM
message resend mechanism), adjust second time resend timer
step length (it is recommended the value should be between
[1000ms, 2500ms] after step length adjustment (because MIN
(Tsetupvoicecall, T10, T42m)= 5s, second layer resend time is
not more than 4).

Access ECAM repeat timer

Description Access handoff CAM, ECAM layer 1/layer 2 repeat timer duration.
The layer 1 repeat of CAM/ECAM is enabled by CES.
Effective range is local BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000. Unit: ms.
Default 1600.
Setting CAM/ECAM repeat increases MS’s possibility of receiving
CAM/ECAM. Call success rate is improved. In access handoff,
ECAM repeat is more important because MS may handoff to

28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

another cell before receiving ECAM message. Too many repeats

reduce system capacity.
Set duration for timer:
n Ensure the layer 1 repeat complete within the layer 1 repeat
n Layer 2 repeat duration must be no less than the layer 1
This parameter is unavailable for change in NETNUMENTM M3
Related n Maximum number of ECAM repeat
n Non-access ECAM repeat timer

Non-access ECAM repeat timer

Description Duration of non-access handoff CAM and ECAM layer 1/layer 2
repeat timer. The layer 1 repeat of CAM/ECAM is enabled by CES.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000. Unit: ms
Default 200.
Setting CAM/ECAM repeat increases MS’s possibility of receiving
CAM/ECAM and call success rate. In access handoff, ECAM
repeat is more important because MS may handoff to another
cell before receiving ECAM message. Too many repeats reduce
system forward capacity.
Timer duration settings:
n Ensure the layer 1 repeat complete within the layer 1 timer
n Layer 2 repeat duration must be no less than layer 1
This parameter is unchangeable in NETNUMENTM M3 (ZXC10
Related n Access ECAM repeat timer
n Maximum number of ECAM repeat

Maximum number of ECAM repeat

Description Maximum repeat of CAM and ECAM. The CAM/ECAM layer 1
repeat is enabled by CES.
Effective range is local BSC.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range 0 ~ 127. Unit: times.

Default 2.
Setting CAM/ECAM repeat increases MS’s possibility of receiving
CAM/ECAM and call success rate. In access handoff, ECAM
repeat is more important because MS may handoff to another
cell before receiving ECAM message. Too many repeats reduce
system forward capacity.
Timer duration settings:
n Ensure the layer 1 repeat complete within the layer 1 timer
n Layer 2 repeat duration must be no less than layer 1
n Access ECAM repeat timer
Related Non-access ECAM repeat timer.

Description Data service forward fundamental channel RC value.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting n Forward/reverse FCH/DCCH RC value should comply with the
following relationship.

5 4
4 3
3 3

„ When forward channel RC value is 5, corresponding

channel RC value must be 4.
„ When forward channel RC value is 4, corresponding
reverse channel RC value must be 3.
„ When forward channel RC value is 3, corresponding
reverse channel RC value must be 3.
n F/R-FCH RC values in data service are not fixed, they can be
configured from background, default values are: F-FCH=3
and R-FCH=3.

30 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description Data service reverse fundamental channel RC value.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Description Data service forward dedicated control channel RC value.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Description Data service reverse dedicated control channel RC value.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Description Data service forward fundamental channel RC value in inter-BSC
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 31

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Description Data service reverse fundamental channel RC value in inter-BSC
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Description Data service forward dedicated control channel RC value in inter-
BSC handoff.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Description Data service forward dedicated control channel RC value in inter-
BSC handoff.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3~5
Default 3
Setting Same as bsfchforrc.

Description Classical group with resource BCAM message resend times
(applicable to periodic sending mode with resource BCA,
inapplicable to continuous sending mode with resource BCAM).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1 ~ 255
Default 3
Setting If this value is too small, it may cause slow terminal access and
if this value is too big, it may cause paging channel load

32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description BCAM message without resource periodic resend times.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 60
Default 20
Setting Small value may cause too many Abis interface messages, and
this results in loading of processing board at BSC side. When
base station is running stable, this value will be high.

Description Large amount of BTS messages can be sent to large dispatching
area at the same time.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 20
Default 20
Setting When data burst is stronger, bigger value comes with shorter
cell establishment time; when data bust is weaker, smaller value
comes with longer cell establishment time.

Description SMS overload control threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 50 ~ 100
Default 100
Setting Do not implement overload control on SMS in advance.The
manipulation is to subtract the smsolthreshold from CPU
utilization as the overload control ratio against SMS, it affects
both the overload control on SMS in advance and the public
overload control module.

Description Framework type.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~2

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 37 describes the frameworktype.


frameworktype Explanation
0 Common framework type
MSCe disaster tolerance backup
2 A_Flex type

Default 0
Setting Set according to actual framework type, generally in 0.
n MSCe disaster tolerance backuptype supports both A
interface and Ap interface.
n A_Flextype supports Ap interface only.

Description V5 interface user does not register to activate length.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1 ~ 48
Default 24, Unit: hour
Setting The users’ do not register within this parameter length or
registered inexplicitly will be set in power off status in VLR, user
paging will be denied with the cause user powered off.

Description Support PACA function or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
Table 34 describes the paca_supported value.


Value Explanation
0 Not support
1 Support

34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Default 0
Setting If PACA function supports,turn on the switch.

Description BTS reserves resource amount.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1 ~ 10
Default 3
Setting If PACA function supports, BTS will reserve the resource for
high priority calls. This parameter specifies the amount of
reserved resource, and BTS ensures the resources in this
amount are idle but the calls with low priority will be released if
necessary. Reserved resource can be occupied by the users with
high priority only. it is recommended to use the default value.

Description Member speaking length.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 10 ~ 1800
Default 30, unit: Second
Setting The length a member talk can be used when base station enters
malfunction weakening mode. When the specified length is
reached, system will forcibly release the floor. If it is too small,
speaking party maybe forcibly released. If it is too big, speaking
party may occupy floor a long time and other user can not
obtain floor.
Note: This parameter exists only at foreground BTS side

Description Length of floor idle performing group call release.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1 ~ 1800
Default 30, unit: seconds
Setting The length of floor idle performing group call release can be
used when base station enters malfunction weakening mode. If
it is too small, it may cause frequent forcible release of group
calls; if it is too big, radio resource may waste.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 35

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Note: This parameter exists only at foreground BTS side


Forward Power Control

Upper limit of power transmit1
Description Upper limit of RC1 forward power.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
Value Range 30 ~ 100.
Default 72.
Setting If Upper limit of power transimit1 is too high, and some RC1
channels have strong power, other channels may be interfered.
This is harmful to the performance of other channels. Forward
system capacity decreases accordingly. If Upper limit of power
transimit1 is too low, it may not meet the QoS requirements of
some RC1 channels.
Parameter setting requirements: Upper limit of power transmit1
≥Initial power transmit1≥Lower limit of power transmit1.
Related n Lower limit of power transmit1
n Initial power transmit1

Lower limit of power transmit1

Description Lower limit of RC1 forward power.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
Value Range 10 ~ 100.
Default 32.
Setting If Lower limit of power transimit1 is too high, the MS even in
good radio condition is unable to turn down the forward
transmission power and forward system capacity decreases. If
Lower limit of power transimit1 is too low, forward system
capacity increases. If the MS at or close to the lower limit of
transmission power suddenly needs high forward transmission,
call drop may occur due to late reaction.
Parameter setting requirements: Upper limit of power transmit1
≥Initial power transmit1≥ Lower limit of power transmit1.

36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Related n Upper limit of power transmit1

n Initial power transmit1

Initial power transmit1

Description Initial value of RC1 forward power.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
Value Range 30 ~ 100.
Default 50.
Setting If it is set to a high value, forward system capacity decreases.
But this is a temporary and negligible effect. If it is set to a low
value, call drop may occur at the initial stage of the call due to
lack of forward power.
Parameter setting requirements: Upper limit of power transmit1
≥ Initial power transmit1 ≥ Lower limit of power transmit1.
Related n Upper limit of power transmit1
n Lower limit of power transmit1

Bigger up delta1
Description Rise step length of RC1 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
RC1 forward power control depends on the FER reported by
PMRM. It reacts relatively slow. PMRM reports in a threshold
mode, if PMRM is not received in a certain period (unit: frames),
the forward link is in good condition.
Value Range 1 ~ 50.
Default 10.
Setting If Bigger up delta1 and Forward Link Power Control Delay1 are
too high, the RC1 forward transmission power increases quickly
and forward system capacity decreases accordingly. If Bigger up
delta1 and Forward Link Power Control Delay1 are too low, the
RC1 forward transmission power increases slowly. This is
harmful to the performance of forward link. More seriously, call
drop may occur. Parameter setting requirement: Bigger up
delta1 ≥Forward Link Power Control Delay1.
Related n Bigger down delta1
n Forward Link Power Control Delay1
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1
n Quick down frames count1

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Bigger up delta1

Bigger down delta1

Description Decline step length of RC1 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
RC1 forward power control depends on the FER reported by
PMRM. It reacts relatively slow. PMRM reports in a threshold
mode, if PMRM is not received in a certain period (unit: frames),
the forward link is in good condition.
Value Range 0 ~ 100.
Default 1.
Setting If Bigger down delta1 is too high, the forward transmission
power decreases quickly. This is harmful to the performance of
forward link. If Bigger down delta1 is too low, forward system
capacity decreases.
Related n Forward link power control delay1
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1
n Quick down frames count1
n Bigger up delta1

Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller

down delta1
Description Lower limit of RC1 forward power FER.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
RC1 forward power control depends on the FER reported by
PMRM. It reacts relatively slow. PMRM reports in a threshold
mode, if PMRM is not received in a certain period (unit: frames),
the forward link will be in good condition. In this case, forward
transmission power will be turned down.
Value Range 0 ~100. Unit: ‰.
Default 10.
Setting If Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1 is too high,
forward transmission power will be turned down when there are
many frame errors. This is harmful to the performance of the
forward link. More seriously, call drop may occur. If Ratio of
bigger up delta to smaller down delta1 is too low, forward
transmission power will be turned up and the forward link will be
in good condition. If the forward transmission power is too high,

38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

forward system capacity decreases accordingly. Normally, this

parameter should be equal to the target FER.
Related n Bigger down delta1
n Forward link power control delay1
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1
n Quick down frames count1
n Bigger up delta1

Quick down frames count1

Description Frame count of turning down RC1 forward power when PMRM is
not received.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
RC1 forward power control depends on the FER reported by
PMRM. It reacts relatively slow. PMRM reports in a threshold
mode, if PMRM is not received in a certain period (unit: frames),
the forward link will be in good condition.
Value Range 0 ~ 255. Unit: Frame.
Default 80.
Setting If Quick down frames count1 is too high, there is a long delay
before turning down the forward transmission power in good
forward transfer condition. If Quick down frames count1 is too
low, forward transmission power decreases early. This is harmful
to the performance of forward link. More seriously, call drop may
Related n Bigger down delta1
n Forward link power control delay1
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1
n Bigger up delta1

Ratio of quick down delta to smaller

down delta1
Description Upper limit of RC1 forward power FER
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC
RC1 forward power control depends on the FER reported by
PMRM. It reacts relatively slow. PMRM reports in a threshold
mode, if PMRM is not received in a certain period (unit: frames),
the forward link will be in good condition. In this case, the
forward transmission power will be turned down.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range 0 ~ 127. Unit: ‰.

Default 60.
Setting If ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1 is too high,
the step length adjustment of forward transmission power will
be small even there are many frame errors. This is harmful to
the performance of the forward link. If Ratio of quick down delta
to smaller down delta1 is too low, the step length adjustment of
forward transmission power will be considerable when the
forward link is in good condition. If forward transmission power
is too high, the forward system capacity decreases accordingly.
Parameter setting requirement: Ratio of quick down delta to
smaller down delta1 ≥Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down
Related n Bigger down delta1
n Forward link power control delay1
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1
n Quick down frames count1
n Bigger up delta1

Forward link power control delay1

Description Small rise step length of RC1 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC1 calls of BSC.
RC1 forward power control depends on the FER reported by
PMRM. It reacts relatively slow. PMRM reports in a threshold
mode, if PMRM is not received in a certain period (unit: frames),
the forward link will be in good condition. In this case, the
forward transmission power will be turned down.
Value Range 1 ~ 15.
Default 5.
Setting If Bigger up delta1 and Forward Link Power Control Delay1 are
too high, the RC1 forward power decreases quickly and forward
system capacity decreases accordingly. If Bigger up delta1 and
Forward Link Power Control Delay1 are too low, the RC1 forward
power increases slowly. This is harmful to the performance of
forward link. More seriously, call drop may occur. Parameter
setting requirement: Bigger up delta1 ≥ Forward Link Power
Control Delay1.
Related n Bigger down delta1
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta1
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta1
n Quick down frames count1
n Bigger up delta1

40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Upper limit of power transimit2

Description Upper limit of RC2 forward power
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 109.
Setting If Upper limit of power transimit2 is too high, it may not meet
the QoS requirements of some RC2 channels. If Upper limit of
power transimit2 is too low, and some RC2 channels have strong
power, other channels may be interfered. This is harmful to the
performance of other channels. Forward system capacity
decreases accordingly.
Parameter setting requirements: Upper limit of power transimit2
≤Initial power transmit2 ≤Lower limit of power transimit2.
Related n Initial power transmit2
n Lower limit of power transimit2

Lower limit of power transimit2

Description Lower limit of RC2 forward power.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 520.
Setting If Lower limit of power transimit2 is too high, forward system
capacity increases. If the MS at or close to the lower limit of
transmission power suddenly needs high forward transmission,
call drop may occur due to late reaction. If Lower limit of power
transimit2 is too low, the MS even in good radio condition is
unable to turn down the forward transmission power but the
forward system capacity decreases.
Parameter setting requirements: Upper limit of power transimit2
≤ Initial power transmit2 ≤ Lower limit of power transimit2.
Related n Upper limit of power transimit2
n Initial power transmit2

Initial power transmit2

Description Initial value of RC2 forward power.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Default 227.
Setting If the initial value of RC2 forward power is too high, call drop
may occur at the initial stage of the call due to lack of forward
power. If the initial value of RC2 forward power is too low,
forward system capacity decreases but this is a temporary and
negligible effect.
Parameter setting requirements: Upper limit of power transimit2
≤Initial power transmit2 ≤Lower limit of power transimit2.
Related n Lower limit of power transimit2
n Upper limit of power transimit2

Bigger up delta2
Description Big rise step length of RC2 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and accordingly reacts more quickly than
the RC1 forward power control. The dynamic range of forward
power control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step
length is used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~ 1500.
Default 60.
Setting If Bigger up delta2, Nominal up delta2 and Smaller up delta2 are
too high, the RC2 forward transmission power increases quickly
but forward system capacity decreases accordingly. If Bigger up
delta2, Nominal up delta2 and Smaller up delta2 are too low, the
RC2 forward transmission power increases slowly. This is
harmful to the performance of forward link. More seriously, call
drop may occur. Parameter setting requirements: Bigger up
delta2 ≥Nominal up delta2 ≥Smaller up delta2.
Related n Nominal up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2

42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

n Quick down frames count2

n Forward Link Power Control Delay2

Nominal up delta2
Description Nominal rise step length of RC2 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~1500.
Default 50.
Setting If Bigger up delta2, Nominal up delta2 and Smaller up delta2 are
too high, the RC2 forward transmission power increases quickly
but the forward system capacity decreases. If Bigger up delta2,
Nominal up delta2 and Smaller up delta2 are too low, the RC2
forward transmission power increases slowly. This is harmful to
the performance of forward link. More seriously, call drop may
occur. Parameter setting requirements: Bigger up delta2
≥Nominal up delta2 ≥Smaller up delta2.
Related n Bigger up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2
n Quick down frames count2
n Forward Link Power Control Delay2

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Smaller up delta2
Description Small rise step length of RC2 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~ 1500.
Default 40.
Setting If Bigger up delta2, Nominal up delta2 and Smaller up delta2 are
too high, the RC2 forward transmission power increases quickly
but the forward system capacity decreases. If Bigger up delta2,
Nominal up delta2 and Smaller up delta2 are too low, the RC2
forward transmission power increases slowly. This is harmful to
the performance of forward link. More seriously, call drop may
occur. Parameter setting requirements: Bigger up delta2
≥Nominal up delta2 ≥Smaller up delta2.
Related n Bigger up delta2
n Nominal up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2
n Quick down frames count2
n Forward Link Power Control Delay2

Bigger down delta2

Description Decline step length of RC2 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power

44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~ 700.
Default 5.
Setting If Bigger down delta2 is too high, the forward transmission
power decreases quickly. This is harmful to the performance of
forward link. If Bigger down delta1 is too low, forward system
capacity decreases.
Related n Bigger up delta2
n Nominal up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2
n Quick down frames count2
n Forward link power control delay2

Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller

down delta2
Description Ratio of RC2 forward power control rapid rise step length and
small decline step length.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~255.
Default 150.
Setting If Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2 is too high, the
step length of forward transmission power decreases slowly and
forward system capacity decreases accordingly. If Ratio of
bigger up delta to smaller down delta2 is too low, forward
transmission power decreases rapidly. This is harmful to the
performance of forward link.
Related n Bigger up delta2
n Nominal up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2
n Quick down frames count2
n Forward Link Power Control Delay2

Quick down frames count2

Description Frame count of rapidly turning down RC2 forward power.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~ 255. Unit: Frame.
Default 150.
Setting If Quick down frames count2 is too high, there is a long delay
before turning down the forward transmission power in good
forward transfer condition and the forward system capacity
decreases. If Quick down frames count2 is too low, forward
transmission power decreases early. This is harmful to the
performance of forward link. More seriously, call drop may occur.

46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Related n Bigger up delta2

n Nominal up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2
n Forward link power control delay2

Ratio of quick down delta to smaller

down delta2
Description Ratio of RC2 forward power control rapid decline step length and
small decline step length.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 0 ~127.
Default 40.
Setting If Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2 is too high,
the forward transmission power decreases quickly. This is
harmful to the performance of forward link. If Ratio of quick
down delta to smaller down delta2 is too low, forward system
capacity decreases.
Related n Bigger up delta2
n Nominal up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Quick down frames count2
n Forward link power control delay2

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Forward link power control delay2

Description Delay of RC2 forward power control.
This parameter is only applicable to the RC2 calls of BSC.
For RC2 calls, MS uses the EIB of reverse frames to depict the
quality of the previous forward frame. RC2 forward power
control depends on EIB and reacts more quickly than the RC1
forward power control. The dynamic range of forward power
control increases as a result. Therefore, variable step length is
used in the algorism:
n Rearrange the adjustment with a short period when a bad
frame is received. In the adjustment, higher transmission
power comes with smaller rise step length.
n In the initial stage of receiving good frames, decline step
length is relative great. After that, it decreases.
n Turn down the forward power with relative great step length
upon receiving good frames in a certain number.
Value Range 1 ~ 15. Unit: Frame.
Default 5.
Setting If Forward Link Power Control Delay2 is too high, the delay of
RC2 forward power control will be long. This is harmful to the
performance of forward link. If Forward Link Power Control
Delay2 is too low, forward system capacity decreases.
Related n Bigger up delta2
n Nominal up delta2
n Smaller up delta2
n Bigger down delta2
n Ratio of bigger up delta to smaller down delta2
n Ratio of quick down delta to smaller down delta2
n Quick down frames count2

48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

1X Forward Power Control

MS power control step size1/2/3
Description Step length of reverse close loop power control (1 leg, 2 or more
legs). In terms of power control bits in power control sub
channel, MS adjusts transmission power according to this step
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
This parameter group corresponds to the PWR_CNTL_STEP in
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 35 describes the value range of MS power control step size.


Value Meaning
0 1dB
1 0.5dB
2 0.25dB

Default MS Power control step size 1:0.

MS Power control step size 2:0.
MS Power control step size 3:0.
Setting If it is set to high value, reverse link reacts quickly but there is
huge difference of reverse power in the stable state. If it is set
to low value, there is small difference of reverse power in the
stable state.
Related 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0: Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling
Parameters Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, Release A
Reference Addendum 2.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Forward power control sub channel

relative gain 1/2/3
Description This parameter group is the gain (1 leg, 2 or more legs) of
forward power control sub channel compared with the related F-
FCH 20ms frame (at 9600bps or 14400bps) and is only
applicable to BSC.
This parameter group is the Handoff Request message filed of
A7, Abis interface. Moreover, it corresponds to s of
Value Range 1 ~ 31.
Default n Forward power control sub channel relative gain 1:10
n Forward power control sub channel relative gain 2:20
n Forward power control sub channel relative gain 3:27

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Reverse Power Control

Outer loop control enabled indicator
Description Indication of enabled reverse outer loop power control.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
The algorism of reverse outer loop power control works based on
the following principles:
n Receive healthy frames, turn down Eb/No; receive bad
frames, turn up Eb/No.
n Good frames are divided into high rate frame (FH, full rate
frame and half rate frame) and low rate frame (QE, 1/4 rate
frame and 1/8 rate frame), the turn down step length should
be great for high rate frames.
n The turn down/up step length should be great for continuous
high rate frames or bad frames.
n If there is a bad frame after continuous high rate frames,
control delay should be added to protect power control from
bad frame.
n Turn up step length should be great if a bad frame comes
after continuous high rate frames (to be activated once
control delay expires).
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 36 describes the value range of outer loop control enabled

T A B L E 3 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F O U T E R L O O P C O N T R O L E N AB L E D I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 disable reverse outer loop power control
1 enable reverse outer loop power control

Default 1.
Setting ’1’ is recommended.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Cumulative full rate good frame

threshold 1/2/3/4
Description Comparative threshold of frames at cumulative full rate and
frames at half rate (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 1000. Unit: frame.
Default 200.
Setting If cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4 or
continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too high, and reverse
transmission is in good conditions, long delay will be needed to
turn down Ec/Io more rapidly. In this case, reverse system load
is heavy. If cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4 or
continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too low, Ec/Io may
be turned down too early. This is harmful to reverse
If continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4 or slow
down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame is too high,
and there are continuous good frames, the turning down step
length of Ec/Io will be too large. This is harmful to reverse
transmission. If continuous full rate good frame down
step1/2/3/4 or slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate
good frame is too low, and there are continuous good frames,
the turning down step length of Ec/Io is too small but reverse
system load increases. Slow down step of continuous low rate
good frame should be lower than the continuous full rate good
frame down step of the same RC.
When cumulative frames reach the cumulative full rate good
frame threshold, use continuous full rate good frame down step.
Otherwise, when cumulative frames reach the cumulative half
rate good frame threshold, use continuous low rate good frame
down step.
Related n Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4
n Slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame
n Continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4

Continuous good frame

Description Threshold of continuous good frames (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 1000. Unit: Frame.
Default 200.

52 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Setting If cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4 or

continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too high, and the
reverse transmission is in good conditions, long delay will be
needed to turn down Ec/Io more rapidly. In this case, reverse
system load is heavy. If cumulative full rate good frame
threshold 1/2/3/4 or continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is
too low, Ec/Io may be turned down too early. This is harmful to
reverse transmission.
If continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4 or slow
down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame is too high,
and there are continuous good frames, the turning down step
length of Ec/Io will be too large. This is harmful to reverse
transmission. If continuous full rate good frame down
step1/2/3/4 or slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate
good frame is too low, and there are continuous good frames,
the turning down step length of Ec/Io will be too small but
reverse system load increases. Slow down step of continuous
low rate good frame should be lower than the continuous full
rate good frame down step of the same RC.
When cumulative frames reach the cumulative full rate good
frame threshold, use continuous full rate good frame down step.
Otherwise, when cumulative frames reach the cumulative half
rate good frame threshold, use continuous low rate good frame
down step.
Related n Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4
n Slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4

Continuous full rate frame

Description The threshold of continuous frame at full rate or half rate (RC1,
RC2, RC3 and RC4). This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10. Unit: frame.
Default 3.
Setting If the threshold 1/2/3/4 of continuous frames at full rate is too
high, even in good reverse transmission condition, long delay
will be needed to turn down Ec/Io more quickly. Therefore, the
reverse traffic of system maybe overloads. If the threshold
1/2/3/4 is too low, Ec/Io is probably turned down more quickly
and too early. This is harmful to reverse transmission.
Related n Full rate down delta step1/2/3/4
n Full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4
n Delay threshold
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 53

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Continuous good frame threshold

n Low rate frame slow down step

Continuous full rate error frame

Description Threshold of bad frame series (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10. Unit: frame.
Default 3.
Setting If continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too high,
Ec/Io turns up more quickly when there are continuous bad
frames. This is harmful to reverse transmission. If continuous
full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too low, Ec/Io may turn
up too early. Reverse system load increases accordingly.
If the number of continuous bad frames does not reach the
continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4, or receive the
frame at 1/4 or 1/8 rate before receiving bad frame, use turning
up step length initial uprise step1/2/3/4. If receive the frame at
full or 1/2 rate before receiving bad frame, the turning up step
length should be half of the continuous full rate good frame
down step1/2/3/4. If the number of continuous bad frames
reaches the continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4,
use turning up step length bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4.
Related n Initial uprise step1/2/3/4
n Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4
n Bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4

Continuous full rate good frame

down step1/2/3/4
Description The down step length of good frame at full rate or half rate (RC1,
RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 3000, Scale: 0. 001dB.
Default 20.

Setting If cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4 or

continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too high, Long delay
will be needed to turn down Ec/Io more rapidly even reverse
transmission is in good conditions. In this case, reverse system

54 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

load is heavy. If cumulative full rate good frame threshold

1/2/3/4 or continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too low,
Ec/Io may be turned down too early. This is harmful to reverse
If continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4 or slow
down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame is too high,
and there are continuous good frames, the turning down step
length of Ec/Io is too large. This is harmful to reverse
transmission. If continuous full rate good frame down
step1/2/3/4 or slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate
good frame is too low, and there are continuous good frames,
the turning down step length of Ec/Io is too small but reverse
system load increases. Slow down step of continuous low rate
good frame should be lower than the continuous full rate good
frame down step of the same RC.
When cumulative frames reach the cumulative full rate good
frame threshold, use continuous full rate good frame down step.
Otherwise, when cumulative frames reach the cumulative half
rate good frame threshold, use slow down step of continuous
low rate good frame.
Related n Slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame
n Continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4

Full rate down delta1/2/3/4

Description Decline step length at full rate (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 500. Scale: 0. 001dB.
Default 2.
Setting If full rate down delta 1/2/3/4 is too high, the turn down step
length (at full rate) will be too large. This is harmful to reverse
transmission. If full rate down delta 1/2/3/4 is too low, the turn
down step length (at full rate) will be too small. In this case,
reverse system load is heavy. Full rate down delta 1/2/3/4
should be higher than the low rate frame slow down step of the
same RC.
At full rate, if cumulative frames at full rate and half rate do not
reach the cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4 or
continuous good frame threshold 1/2/3/4, turn down full rate
down delta 1/2/3/4.
Related n Continuous full rate frame threshold1/2/3/4
n Full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4
n Delay threshold
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Continuous good frame threshold

Full rate uprise delta1/2/3/4

Description Rise step length at full rate (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 3000. Unit: 0. 001dB.
Default 220.
Setting If full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4 is too high, Ec/Io turns up more
when bad frames are received and reverse power may increase
more because of occasional frame error. If full rate uprise delta
1/2/3/4 is too low at full rate, Ec/Io turns up little when bad
frames are received. In this case, Ec/Io may be very small, and
reverse power is unable to rise immediately. This is harmful to
reverse transmission.
At full rate, if bad frames are received, threshold will be turned
up by Full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4. If once delay threshold
1/2/3/4 continuous bad frames are received, threshold will be
turned up by full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4.
Related n Continuous full rate frame threshold 1/2/3/4
n Full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4
n Delay threshold
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4
n Continuous good frame threshold

Slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous

low rate good frame
Description The down step length of continuous good frame (RC1, RC2, RC3
and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 3000, Scale: 0. 001dB.
Default 10.
Setting If cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4 or
continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too high, long delay
will be needed to turn down Ec/Io more rapidly even reverse
transmission is in good conditions. In this case, reverse system
load is heavy. If cumulative full rate good frame threshold
1/2/3/4 or continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4 is too low,
Ec/Io may be turned down too early. This is harmful to reverse

56 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

If continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4 or slow

down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate good frame is too high,
and there are continuous good frames, the turning down step
length of Ec/Io is too large. This is harmful to reverse
transmission. If continuous full rate good frame down
step1/2/3/4 or slow down step1/2/3/4 of continuous low rate
good frame is too low, and there are continuous good frames,
the turning down step length of Ec/Io will be too small but
reverse system load increases. Slow down step of continuous
low rate good frame should be lower than the continuous full
rate good frame down step of the same RC.
When cumulative frames reach the cumulative full rate good
frame threshold, use continuous full rate good frame down step.
Otherwise, when cumulative frames reach the cumulative half
rate good frame threshold, use continuous low rate good frame
down step.
Related n Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4
n Continuous good frame threshold1/2/3/4
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4

Low rate frame slow down

Description Slow down step length (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4) when 1/4 or
1/8 rate frame is received.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 500, Scale: 0. 001dB.
Default 1.
Setting If the low rate frame slow down step 1/2/3/4 is too high, the
turn down step length will be too large when low rate frame is
received. This is harmful to reverse transmission. If the low rate
frame slow down step 1/2/3/4 is too low, the turn down step
length will be small when low rate frame is received. Therefore,
reverse system load is increased. Low rate frame slow down step
1/2/3/4 should be lower than the full rate down delta 1/2/3/4 of
the same RC
When frames at low rate are received, and cumulative good
frames at full rate and half rate/good frames at any rate do not
reach the threshold (Cumulative full rate good frame threshold
or Continuous good frame threshold), use low rate frame slow
down step 1/2/3/4.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4

Description Uprise step length of bad frame (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 3000, Scale: 0. 001dB.
Default 60.
Setting If bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4 is too high, Ec/Io turns up more
when there are continuous bad frames and reverse power may
increase more. If bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4 is too low, Ec/Io
turns up too small when there are continuous bad frames.
Reverse power cannot increase immediately. This is harmful to
reverse transmission. Bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4 should be
higher than the initial uprise step 1/2/3/4 of the same RC.
If the number of continuous bad frames does not reach the
continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4 or receive the
frame at 1/4 or 1/8 rate before receiving bad frame, use turning
up step length initial uprise step1/2/3/4. If receive the frame at
full or 1/2 rate before receiving bad frame, the turning up step
length should be half of the continuous full rate good frame
down step1/2/3/4. If the number of continuous bad frames
reaches the continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4,
use turning up step length bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4.
Related n Continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4
n Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4
n Initial uprise step 1/2/3/4

Initial uprise step 1/2/3/4

Description Initial uprise step length (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 2000, Unit: 0. 001dB.
Default 12.
Setting If the initial uprise step 1/2/3/4 is too high, the Ec/Io turning up
step length will be more and reverse system load increases
accordingly. If the initial uprise step 1/2/3/4 is too low, the Ec/Io
turning up step length is too small. This is harmful to reverse
If the number of continuous bad frames does not reach the
continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4 or receive the
frame at 1/4 or 1/8 rate before receiving bad frame, use turning
up step length initial uprise step1/2/3/4. If receive the frame at
full or 1/2 rate before receiving bad frame, the turning up step
length should be half of the continuous full rate good frame
down step1/2/3/4. If the number of continuous bad frames

58 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

reaches the continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4,

use turning up step length bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4.
Related n Continuous full rate error frame threshold1/2/3/4
n Continuous full rate good frame down step1/2/3/4
n Bad frame uprise step1/2/3/4

Delay threshold1/2/3/4
Description Delay threshold at full rate (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10, Unit: Frame.
Default 2.
Setting If delay threshold 1/2/3/4 is too high at full rate, the delay of
receiving bad frames will be long and MS won’t be notified to
raise reverse power immediately. This is harmful to reverse
transmission. If delay threshold 1/2/3/4 is too low, reverse
power raises considerably because of occasional frame error. In
this case, reverse system load increases.
At full rate, if a bad frame is received, threshold will be turned
up by full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4. After that, upon receiving
delay threshold 1/2/3/4 bad frames turn up threshold by full
rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4.
Related n Full rate down delta step1/2/3/4
n Full rate uprise delta 1/2/3/4
n Continuous full rate frame threshold1/2/3/4
n Cumulative full rate good frame threshold 1/2/3/4
n Continuous good frame threshold

Initial threshold1/2/3/4
Description Initial threshold of outer loop without R-SCH (RC1, RC2, RC3
and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~30000, Unit:-0. 001dB.
Default n Initial threshold1: 13000
n Initial threshold2: 12000
n Initial threshold3: 21000
n Initial threshold4: 20500
Setting If initial threshold1/2/3/4 is too high in the early stage of R-FCH
establishment, transmission power may be unsatisfied. More

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

seriously, call drops occur. If initial threshold1/2/3/4 is too low

in the early stage of R-FCH establishment, it is not easy to turn
down the reverse transmission power and reverse load increases.
Related 2X/4X/8X/16X/32X Initial threshold3/4

Minimum threshold1/2/3/4
Description Minimum threshold of outer loop (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 10000 ~ 30000, Scale: -0. 001dB.
Default n Minimum threshold 1: 16000
n Minimum threshold 2: 15000
n Minimum threshold 3: 24000
n Minimum threshold 4: 23000
Setting If minimum threshold 1/2/3/4 is too high, reverse load will be
reduced. But when reverse outer loop reaches or close to down
limit, radio environment becomes worse and reverse
transmission power may be unable to rise immediately, and call
drops. If minimum threshold 1/2/3/4 is too low, reverse
transmission power may be unable to decline even radio
environment is satisfied and reverse system load increases.
Related Maximum threshold1/2/3/4.

Maximum threshold1/2/3/4
Description Maximum threshold of outer loop (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 16000, Scale: -0. 001dB.
Default n Maximum threshold1: 10000
n Maximum threshold2: 9000
n Maximum threshold3: 14000
n Maximum threshold4: 13000
Setting If the maximum threshold 1/2/3/4 is too high, reverse
transmission power may be unsatisfied. More seriously, call
drops occurs. If the maximum threshold 1/2/3/4 is too low,
reverse transmission power increases but reverse system
capacity reduces.
Related Minimum threshold1/2/3/4.

60 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

2X/4X/8X/16X/32X Initial
Description Initial threshold of outer loop (RC3, RC4, with
2X/4X/8X/16X/32X R-SCH).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 30000, Scale: -0. 001dB.
Default n 2X initial threshold3: 19000
n 4X initial threshold3: 18000
n 8X initial threshold3: 17000
n 16X initial threshold3: 16000
n 32X initial threshold3: 15000
n 2X initial threshold4: 21000
n 4X initial threshold4: 21000
n 8X initial threshold4: 21000
n 16X initial threshold4: 21000
n 32X initial threshold4: 21000
Related Initial threshold1/2/3/4.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Gain Parameters
Gain adjustment of reverse traffic
channel relative to reverse pilot
Description Gain adjustment of the reverse traffic channels above RC2
compared with R-PICH.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Gain adjustments of reverse traffic channel relative to reverse
pilot channel are ESPM, UHDM and EHDM fields.
It takes effect on R-SCH, gain adjustment of reverse
supplemental channel relative to reverse pilot channel and gain
adjustment of reverse traffic channel relative to reverse pilot
channel, and determines the transmission of R-SCH.
Value Range -32 ~ 31.
Default 0.
Setting If the gain adjustment of reverse traffic channel relative to
reverse pilot channel is too high, the transmission power of
reverse traffic channel will be too high and reverse interference
increases. If the gain adjustment of reverse supplemental
channel relative to reverse pilot channel is too low, the
transmission power of reverse traffic channel will be too low and
reverse FER increases.
Related Gain adjustment of reverse supplemental channel relative to
Parameters reverse pilot channel

Gain adjustment of reverse

supplemental channel relative to
reverse pilot channel
Description Gain adjustment of R-SCH compared with R-PICH.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Gain adjustment of Reverse Supplemental Channel relative to
Reverse Pilot Channel is ESCAM field.
It takes effect on R-SCH, Gain adjustment of Reverse
Supplemental Channel relative to Reverse Pilot Channel and
Gain adjustment of Reverse Traffic Channel relative to Reverse
Pilot Channel, and determines the transmission of R-SCH.

62 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value Range -32 ~ 31.

Default 0.
Setting If the Gain adjustment of Reverse Supplemental Channel
relative to Reverse Pilot Channel is too high, the transmission
power of R-SCH will be too high and reverse interference
increases. If the Gain adjustment of Reverse Supplemental
Channel relative to Reverse Pilot Channel is too low, the
transmission power of R-SCH will be too low and reverse FER
Related Gain adjustment of Reverse Traffic Channel relative to Reverse
Parameters Pilot Channel

Reverse link attribute gain value

included indicator
Description Indication of reverse power control adjustment record type 0
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 37 describes the value range of Reverse Link Attribute
Gain value included indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 1.
Setting When the Reverse Link Attribute Gain value included indicator is
‘1’, other parameters are activated. The gain adjustment values
of various channels are activated when the corresponding
indications of inclusion are ‘1’.
If the gain adjustment of a channel is too high, the reverse
transmission power will be too high and reverse interference
increases. If the gain adjustment of a channel is too low, reverse
FER will be increased.
Related n Reverse link attribute gain value type
n FCH channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for Reverse Fundamental Channel
n DCCH channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for the Reverse DCCH

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n SCH0 channel adjustment gain included indicator

n SCH1 channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for Reverse Supplemental Channel0
n Channel adjustment gain for Reverse Supplemental Channel1

Reverse link attribute gain value type

Description Values of reverse power control adjustment record type 0.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0. Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n Reverse link attribute gain value included indicator
n FCH channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for Reverse Fundamental Channel
n DCCH channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for the Reverse DCCH
n SCH0 channel adjustment gain included indicator
n SCH1 channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for Reverse Supplemental Channel0
n Channel adjustment gain for Reverse Supplemental Channel1

FCH/DCCH/SCH0/SCH1 channel
adjustment gain included indicator
Description Indication of R-FCH, R-DCCH, R-SCH0/1 gains adjustment
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 38 describes the value range of FCH/DCCH/SCH0/SCH1
channel adjustment gain included indicator.

T A B L E 3 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F F C H / DC C H / S C H 0 / S C H 1 C H A N N E L

Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 Include

64 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Default n FCH channel adjustment gain included indicator: 1

n DCCH channel adjustment gain included indicator: 0
n SCH0 channel adjustment gain included indicator: 1
n SCH1 channel adjustment gain included indicator: 0
Related n Reverse link attribute gain value type
n Reverse link attribute gain value included indicator
n Channel adjustment gain for reverse fundamental channel
n Channel adjustment gain for the Reverse DCCH
n Channel adjustment gain for reverse supplemental channel0
n Channel adjustment gain for reverse supplemental channel1

Channel adjustment gain for the

reverse FCH/DCCH/SCH0/SCH1
Description Gain adjustment of R-FCH, R-DCCH, and R-SCH0/1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range -48~48.
Default 0.
Related n Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type
n FCH channel adjustment gain included indicator
n Reverse link attribute gain value included indicator
n DCCH channel adjustment gain included indicator
n SCH0 channel adjustment gain included indicator
n SCH1 channel adjustment gain included indicator

Basic reverse link attribute gain

value included indicator
Description Indication of reverse power control adjustment record type 1
inclusion. It is the public parameter of reverse power control
adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 39 describes the value range of Basic Reverse Link

Attribute Gain value included indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 include

Default 1.
Setting If the Basic Reverse Link Attribute Gain value included indicator
is set in ‘0’, all parameters of reverse power control adjustment
record type 1 are deactivated.
Related n Basic Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator

Basic reverse link attribute gain

value type
Description Values of reverse power control adjustment record type 1. It is
the public parameter of reverse power control adjustment record
type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1.
Default 1.
Setting This parameter is useless.
Related n Basic reverse link attribute gain value included indicator
n Low rate reverse link attribute gain value type indicator

Low rate reverse link attribute gain

value type indicator
Description Indication of reverse power control adjustment record type 1. It
is the public parameter of reverse power control adjustment
record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator
corresponds to the filed of RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_TYPE of

66 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 40 describes the value range of Low rate Reverse Link
Attribute Gain value type indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Nominal attribute gain adjustment value
1 Pilot reference adjustment value

Default 0.
Setting It is recommended to leave the Low rate Reverse Link Attribute
Gain value type indicator in default setting. If Low rate Reverse
Link Attribute Gain value type indicator is ‘0’, the following
parameters are nominal gain adjustment value (compared with
NORMINAL_ATTRIBUTE_GAIN). If Low rate Reverse Link
Attribute Gain value type indicator is ‘1’, the following
parameters are pilot reference adjustment value (compared with
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for low rate RC3-RC5
of 20ms frame included
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
1500/2700/4800/9600 bps
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
9600bps(with 19200/ 38400/ 76800/ 153600/ 307200bps
convolutional SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
9600bps(with 19200/ 38400/ 76800/ 153600/ 307200bps
Turbo SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for Low rate RC4-
RC6 of 20ms frame included
n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps
n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate
14400bps(with 28800/ 57600/ 115200/ 230400/ 460800bps
convolutional SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for 14400bps(with
28800/ 57600/ 115200/ 230400/ 460800bps Turbo SCH)
Related n Basic Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 67

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Reverse link attribute adjustment

gain for low rate RC3/RC5 of 20ms
frame included
Description Indication of RC3/5 20ms frame reverse attribute adjustment
gain inclusion. It is the 20ms frame parameter of RC3 or RC5 in
reverse power control adjustment record (type 1).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 41 describes the value range of Reverse Link Attribute
Adjustment Gain for low rate RC3-RC5 of 20ms frame included.

T A B L E 4 1 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E V E R S E L I N K A T T R I B U T E A D J U S T ME N T G A I N

Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 Include

Default 1.
Setting If the Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for low rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included is ‘0’, other parameters in this
group are inactivated.
If the attribute adjustment gain is too high, the R-SCH
transmission power of RC3/RC 5 will be high accordingly. The
reverse interference and reverse load increases. If the attribute
adjustment gain is too low, the R-SCH transmission power of
RC3/RC5 will be low accordingly and reverse FER increases.
Related n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
Parameters 1500/2700/4800/9600 bps
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
9600bps(with 19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps
convolutional SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
9600bps(with 19200/ 38400/ 76800/ 153600/ 307200bps
Turbo SCH)

68 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Reverse link attribute adjustment

gain for rate 1500/2700/4800/9600
Description Reverse attribute adjustment gain of RC3/5 20ms frame at
various rates without R-SCH. It is the frame parameter of RC3 or
RC5 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
1500/2700/4800/9600 bps is a PCNM field.
Value Range n Binary complement. Unit: 0. 125dB.
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=0:
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA: -128~127
Default The Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate 19600 bps
is in ‘8’, others are in ‘0’.
Related n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for low rate RC3-RC5
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
9600bps(with 19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps
convolutional SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate
9600bps(with 19200/ 38400/ 76800/ 153600/ 307200bps
Turbo SCH)

Reverse link attribute adjustment

gain for rate 9600bps (with
bps convolutional SCH)
Description Reverse feature adjustment gain at 9600bps with convolutional
coding R-SCH at various rates. It is the 20ms frame parameter
of RC3 or RC5 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate 9600bps (with
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200 bps convolutional SCH)
corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_9600 of PCNM.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range n Binary complement. Unit: 0. 125dB.

n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=0:
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA:-128~127
Default -8.
Related n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for low rate RC3-RC5
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate
1500/2700/4800/9600 bps
n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate 9600bps (with
19200/ 38400/ 76800/ 153600/ 307200bps Turbo SCH)

Reverse link attribute adjustment

gain for rate 9600bps (with 19200/
Turbo SCH)
Description Reverse feature adjustment gain at 9600bps with TURBO coding
R-SCH at various rates. It is the 20ms frame parameter of RC3
or RC5 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for rate 9600bps (with
19200/ 38400/ 76800/ 153600/ 307200bps Turbo SCH)
corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_9600 of PCNM.
Value Range n Binary complement. Unit: 0. 125dB.
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=0:
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA: -128~127
Default -4.
Related n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for low rate RC3-RC5
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate 9600bps(with
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps convolutional SCH)
n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for rate
1500,2700,4800,9600 bps

70 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Basic reverse link attribute

adjustment gain for RC4/RC6 of
20ms frame included
Description Indications of reverse attribute adjustment gain of RC4/RC6
20ms frame being included. It is the 20ms frame parameter of
RC4 or RC6 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Basic Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for RC4/RC6 of
20ms frame included corresponds to the field of PCNM reverse
power control adjustment record type 1 (RC4_RC6_20MS_INCL).
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 42 describes the value range of Basic Reverse Link
Attribute Adjustment Gain for RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included.

T A B L E 4 2 V A L U E R A N G E O F B A S I C R E V E R S E L I N K A T T R I B U T E A D J U S T ME N T
G A I N F O R R C 4 - R C 6 O F 2 0 M S F R A ME I N C L U D E D

Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 Include

Default 1.
Setting If Basic Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for RC4-RC6 of
20ms frame included is 0, other parameters in this group will be
If the attribute adjustment gain is too high, the reverse traffic
channel transmission power of RC4/RC6 will be high accordingly.
The reverse interference and reverse load increases. If the
attribute adjustment gain is too low, the reverse traffic channel
transmission power of RC4/RC6 will be low accordingly and
reverse FER increases.
Related n Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for 14400bps(with
Parameters 28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps Turbo SCH)
n Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for rate
14400bps(with 28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps
convolutional SCH)
n Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 71

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps
Description Reverse attribute adjustment gain of RC4/6 20ms frame at
various rates without R-SCH. It is the frame parameter of RC4 or
RC6 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps is a PCNM field.
Value Range n Binary complement. Unit: 0. 125dB.
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA:-128~127
Default Except Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate 14400
bps, others are in ‘0’ by default.
Related n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for 14400bps(with
Parameters 28800/57600/115200/ 230400/460800bps Turbo SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate
14400bps(with 28800/57600/115200/230400,460800bps
convolutional SCH)
n Basic Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for RC4-RC6 of
20ms frame included

Reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for rate 14400bps (with
bps convolutional SCH)
Description Reverse feature adjustment gain at 14400bps with convolutional
coding R-SCH at various rates. It is the 20ms frame parameter
of RC4 or RC6 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate 14400bps(with
28800/57600/15200/230400/460800bps convolutional SCH)
corresponds to RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_14400 of PCNM.
Value Range n Binary complement. Unit: 0. 125dB.

72 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=0:

n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA: -128~127
Default 0.
Related n Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for 14400bps(with
Parameters 28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps Turbo SCH)
n Reverse link attribute gain adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps
n Basic reverse link attribute adjustment gain for RC4-RC6 of
20ms frame included

Reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for 14400bps (with
460800bps Turbo SCH)
Description Reverse feature adjustment gain at 14400bps with TURBO
coding R-SCH at various rates. It is the 20ms frame parameter
of RC4 or RC6 in reverse power control adjustment record type 1.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for 14400bps (with
28800/ 57600/115200/230400/460800bps Turbo SCH)
corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_14400 of PCNM.
Value Range n Binary complement. Unit: 0.125dB.
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type
n Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value type indicator=1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA:-128~127
Default 0.
Related n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate
Parameters 14400bps(with 28800/57600/15200/230400/460800bps
convolutional SCH)
n Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for rate
1800/3600/7200/14400 bps
n Basic Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for RC4-RC6 of
20ms frame included

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 73

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

High rate reverse link attribute gain

value included indicator
Description Indication of reverse power control adjustment record (type 2)
inclusion. It is the public parameter of reverse power control
adjustment record (type 2).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 43 describes the value range of High rate Reverse Link
Attribute Gain value included indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 Include

Default 1.
Setting If High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain value included indicator
is ‘0’, other parameters in reverse power control adjustment
record type 2 will be inactivated.
Related n High rate reverse link attribute gain value type
n High rate reverse link attribute adjustment gain value type

High rate reverse link attribute gain

value type
Description Value of reverse power control adjustment record type 2. It is
the public parameter of reverse power control adjustment record
type 2.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 1.
Default 2.
Setting This parameter is useless.
Related n High rate reverse link attribute gain value included indicator
n High rate reverse link attribute adjustment gain value type

74 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

High rate reverse link attribute

adjustment gain value type indicator
Description Types of reverse power control attribute adjustment gain value.
It is the public parameter of reverse power control adjustment
record (type 2).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
High rate Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain value type
indicator corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_TYPE of
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 44 describes the value range of High rate Reverse Link
Attribute Adjustment Gain value type indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Nominal attribute gain adjustment value
1 Pilot reference level adjustment value

Default 0.
Setting Default setting is recommended.
If the High rate Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain value
type indicator is ‘0’, the following parameters are nominal
attribute gain adjustment values (compared with
NORMINAL_ATTRIBUTE_GAIN). If High rate Reverse Link
Attribute Gain value included indicator is ‘1’, the following
parameters are pilot reference adjustment values (compared
with Pilot_Reference_Level).
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps convolutional code
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps Turbo code
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps Turbo code 20ms
frame included
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps convolutional code

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related n High rate reverse link attribute gain value type

n High rate reverse link attribute gain value included indicator

Reverse link attribute adjustment

gain for high rate RC3/RC5 of 20ms
frame included
Description Indication of RC3/RC5 20ms frame reverse attribute adjustment
gain inclusion. It is the 20ms frame parameter of RC3 or RC5 in
reverse power control adjustment record (type 2).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate RC3/RC5 of
20ms frame included corresponds to RC3_RC5_20MS_INCL of
PCNM reverse power control adjustment record (type 2).
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 45 describes the value range of Reverse Link Attribute
Adjustment Gain for high rate RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included.

T A B L E 4 5 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E V E R S E L I N K A T T R I B U T E A D J U S T ME N T G A I N

Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 Include

Default 1.
Setting If the Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included is ‘0’, other parameters in this
group will be inactivated.
If the attribute adjustment gain is too high, the R-SCH
transmission power of RC3/5 will be high accordingly, and the
reverse interference and reverse load increases. If the attribute
adjustment gain is too low, the R-SCH transmission power of
RC3/5 will be low accordingly and reverse FER increases while
reverse data throughput decreases.
Related n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
Parameters 19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps convolutional code
n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps turbo code

76 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

High rate reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for
bps convolutional code
Description R-SCH reverse attribute adjustment gain of RC3/5 20ms frame
of convolutional coding at various rates. It is the 20ms frame
parameter of RC3 or RC5 in reverse power control adjustment
record type 2.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps convolutional code
corresponds to RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_XXXXX (PCNM field). Here,
XXXXX stands for R-SCH rate.
Value Range n Binary complement
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included =0: -48~48
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included =1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA: -128~127.
n Unit: 0.125dB.
Default n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
19200bps convolutional code: -6
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
38400bps convolutional code : 0
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
76800bps convolutional code: 8
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
153600bps convolutional code: 24
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
307200bps convolutional code: 32
Related n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for high rate RC3/RC5
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps turbo code

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

High rate reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for
bps Turbo code
Description RC3/5 (TURBO coding at various rate) 20ms frame R-SCH
reverse attribute adjustment gain.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps Turbo code
corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_XXXXX of PCNM. Here,
XXXXX is R-SCH rate.
Value Range n Binary complement
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included =0: -48…48
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included =1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA: -128~127.
n Unit: 0.125dB.
Default n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
19200bps Turbo code: 0
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
38400bps Turbo code: 2
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
76800bps Turbo code: 12
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
153600bps Turbo code: 16
n High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
307200bps Turbo code: 24
Related n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for high rate RC3/RC5
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
19200/38400/76800/153600/307200bps convolutional code

78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Reverse link attribute adjustment

gain for high rate RC4/RC6 of 20ms
frame included
Description Indication of RC4/6 20ms frame reverse attribute adjustment
gain inclusion. It is the 20ms frame parameter of RC4 or RC6 in
reverse power control adjustment record type 2.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate RC4/RC6 of
20ms frame included corresponds to RC4_RC6_20MS_INCL of
PCNM reverse power control adjustment record type 2.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 46 describes the value range of Reverse Link Attribute
Adjustment Gain for high rate RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included.

T A B L E 4 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E V E R S E L I N K A T T R I B U T E A D J U S T ME N T G A I N

Value Meaning
0 Not include
1 Include

Default 1.
Setting If Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate RC4/RC6
of 20ms frame included is ‘0’, other parameters in this group will
be inactivated.
If the attribute adjustment gain is too high, the R-SCH
transmission power of RC4/6 will be high and reverse
interference and reverse load increases. If the attribute
adjustment gain is too low, the R-SCH transmission power of
RC4/6 will be low and reverse FER increases while reverse data
throughput decreases.
Related n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
Parameters 28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps convolutional code
n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps turbo code

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 79

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

High rate reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for
0bps convolutional code
Description R-SCH reverse attribute adjustment gain of RC4/RC46 20ms
frame of convolutional coding at various rates. It is the 20ms
frame parameter of RC4 or RC6 in reverse power control
adjustment record (type 2).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps convolutional code
corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_XXXXX of PCNM. Here,
XXXXX is R-SCH rate.
Value Range n Binary complement.
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included =0:-48…48
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included =1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA:-128~127.
n Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 0.
Related n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for high rate RC4/RC6
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps turbo code

High rate reverse link attribute gain

adjustment for
0bps Turbo code
Description RC4/6 (TURBO coding at various rates) 20ms frame R-SCH
reverse attribute adjustment gain.
It is the 20ms frame parameter of RC4 or RC6 in reverse power
control adjustment record type 2.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain Adjustment for

28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps Turbo code
corresponds to the RL_ATT_ADJ_GAIN_XXXXX of PCNM. Here
XXXXX is R-SCH rate.
Value Range n Binary complement
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included =0: -48~48
n Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment Gain for high rate
RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included =1:
n RLS0:0~63
n RLSA: -128~127.
n Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 0.
Related n Reverse link attribute adjustment gain for high rate RC4/RC6
Parameters of 20ms frame included
n High rate reverse link attribute gain adjustment for
28800/57600/115200/230400/460800bps convolutional code

Description Gain between reverse shared service channel and access
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 15
Default 0
Setting If the value is too high, MS power may waste and reverse
interference increases. If the value is too low, both FER and
capture failure increases.

Description Gain between reverse shared service channel and reverse pilot.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range -48 ~ 48, unit: 0.125dB
Default 0
Setting If the value is too high, MS power may waste and reverse
interference increases. If the value is too low, both FER and
capture failure increases.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Description Reverse shared channel signaling power step length.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10, unit: 0.5dB
Default 4
Setting If the value is too high, MS power may waste and reverse
interference increases. If the value is too low, it may take longer
time for MS to request floor.

RLP Parameters
BS generates the parameter
Description Whether to generate RLP_BLOB by BS.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 47 describes the value range of BS generates the
parameter indicator.

T A B L E 4 7 V A L U E R A N G E O F BS G E N E R A T E S T H E P A R A M E T E R I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not generated by BS
1 generated by BS

Default 1.
Setting BS generates the parameter indicator is unchangeable in
When BS generates the parameter indicator is ‘0’, Sync delay
becomes inactivated.
Related n Sync delay
n Force reset when initializing

82 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Type of RLP block of bits

Description RLP_BLOB structure type.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Type of RLP block of bits corresponds to the RLP_BLOB_TYPE of
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 1.
Setting This parameter is unchangeable in NETNUMENTM M3 (ZXC10
Related Current RLP protocol version.

Current RLP protocol version

Description This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Current RLP Protocol version corresponds to the RLP_VERSION
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 3.
Setting This parameter is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10
Related Type of RLP block of bits.

Synchronization delay
Description RLP delay.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
RTT is a RLP BLOB field.
Value Range 0 ~ 15. Scale: 20ms.
Default 0.
Setting When Sync delay is ‘0’, RLP implements synchronization to
determine the RLP_DELAY; otherwise, the value is the
RLP_DELAY in use. In RLP initialization, no synchronization is
implemented. RLP_DELAY is used in NAK resend.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 83

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related n BS generates the parameter indicator

n Force reset when initializing

Force reset when initializing

Description Whether to forcibly perform RLP initialization.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Force reset when initializing corresponds to INIT_VAR of RLP
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 48 describes the value range of Force reset when


Value Meaning
0 Not perform RLP initialization forcibly
1 perform RLP initialization forcibly

Default 1.
Related n Sync delay
n BS generates the parameter indicator

Encryption indicator
Description Whether to use encryption. It is RLP encryption parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Default 0.
Setting When Encryption indicator is ‘0’, BS extended sequence number
and MS extended sequence number become inactivated.
Related n BS extended sequence number
n MS extended sequence number

84 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

BS extended sequence number

Description In encryption, extensive BS serial number is the first 18 digits of
EXT_V (S). It is the RLP encryption parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 0.
Setting If Encryption indicator is ‘0’, BS extended sequence number and
MS extended sequence number become inactivated.
Related n Encryption indicator
n MS extended sequence number

MS extended sequence number

Description In encryption, extensive MS serial number is the first 18 digits of
EXT_V (S). It is the RLP encryption parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 0.
Setting When Encryption indicator is ‘0’, BS extended sequence number
and MS extended sequence number become inactivated.
Related n Encryption indicator
n BS extended sequence number

MS forward NAK ROUND maximum

Description Available maximum number of NAK rounds on forward traffic
channel (sent by BS RLP receiving function).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
MS forward NAK ROUND maximum number corresponds to
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 3.
Setting MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number and MS forward NAK
ROUND maximum number are used in service negotiation.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 85

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

If this parameter is too high, number of NAK rounds increases,

frame errors decreases, but reverse/forward load increases. If
this parameter is too low, the consequences are on the contrary.
Related n MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number
n BS forward NAK ROUND number
n BS reverse NAK ROUND number

MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum

Description Maximum number of NAK rounds sent on reverse traffic channel
(sent by BS RLP receiving function).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number corresponds to the
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 3.
Setting MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number and MS forward NAK
ROUND maximum number are used in service negotiation.
If this parameter is too high, number of NAK rounds increases,
frame errors decreases, but reverse/forward load increases. If
this parameter is too low, the consequences are on the contrary.
Related n MS forward NAK ROUND maximum number
n BS forward NAK ROUND number
n BS reverse NAK ROUND number

BS forward NAK ROUND number

Description Number of NAK rounds sent on forward traffic channel (sent by
BS RLP receiving function).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
The BS forward NAK ROUND number is RLP BLOB field.
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 3.
Setting If this parameter is too high, number of NAK rounds increases,
frame errors decreases, but reverse/forward load increases. If
this parameter is too low, the consequences are on the contrary.
Related n MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number

86 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

n MS forward NAK ROUND maximum number

n BS reverse NAK ROUND number

BS reverse NAK ROUND number

Description Number of NAK rounds sent on reverse traffic channel (sent by
BS RLP receiving function).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
The BS reverse NAK ROUND number is RLP BLOB field.
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 3.
Setting If this parameter is too high, number of NAK rounds increases,
frame errors decreases, but reverse/forward load increases. If
this parameter is too low, the consequences are on the contrary.
Related n MS reverse NAK ROUND maximum number
n MS forward NAK ROUND maximum number
n BS forward NAK ROUND number

NAK number of 1st-8th forward

(reverse) re-transmit
Description NAK number of 1st…8th, forward re-transmit: in NAK round i, the
number of NAK request sent on forward traffic channel.
NAK number of 1st…8th, reverse re-transmit: in NAK round i, the
number of NAK request sent on reverse traffic channel.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
The parameter group corresponds to the NAK_PER_ROUND_FWD
Value Range 1 ~ 10.
Default 1.
Setting If the BS forward NAK ROUND number is ‘0’, NAK number of
1st…8th, forward re-transmit all become inactivated; otherwise,
only those with i = 1 to BS forward NAK ROUND number become
activated (NAK number of 8th. forward re-transmit is always
If BS reverse NAK ROUND number is ‘0’, NAK number of 1st…8th,
reverse re-transmit all become inactivated; otherwise, only
those with i = 1 to BS reverse NAK ROUND number become
activated (NAK number of 8th. reverse re-transmit is always

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 87

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

If this parameter is too high, number of forward/reverse NAK

requests increases in the NAK round, frame errors decreases,
but reverse/forward load increases. If this parameter is too low,
the consequences are on the contrary.
Related n BS forward NAK ROUND number
n BS reverse NAK ROUND number

PTT SCH Parameters

PTT SCH preferred RC
Description Preferred RC of PTT-SCH. It is the enhanced PTT group call
supplementary channel parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3, 4, 5.
3:RC3; 4:RC4; 5:RC5
Default 3.
Related n PTT SCH coding type
n PTT SCH maximum rate
n PTT mux option

PTT SCH coding type

Description PTT-SCH coding type. It is the enhanced PTT group call
supplementary channel parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Default 0.
Related n PTT SCH maximum rate
n PTT SCH preferred RC
n PTT mux option

PTT SCH maximum rate

Description The maximum rate of PTT-SCH. It is the enhanced PTT group
call supplementary channel parameter.

88 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

Value Range 0.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is unchangeable at background.
Related n PTT SCH coding type
n PTT SCH preferred RC
n PTT mux option

PTT mux option

Description The multiplexing options of PTT-SCH. It is the enhanced PTT
group call supplementary channel parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 3 ~ 4.
Default 3.
Related n PTT SCH coding type
n PTT SCH maximum rate
n PTT SCH preferred RC

BSS Neighbor Cell

Global neighbor cell
Description This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0~1023.
Setting Global neighbor cell Id is generated by NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10
BSSB) automatically. It is unchangeable.
Related n Neighbor cell office Id
n Global neighbor cell type

Global neighbor cell type

Description There is or there isn’t relationship between BSC of local cell and
BSC of neighbour cell.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 89

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 49 describes the value range of Global neighbor cell type.


Value Meaning
0 there is relationship
1 there isn’t relationship

Setting When Global neighbor cell type is ‘1’, Neighbor cell office Id will
be changeable; otherwise, the Neighbor cell office Id is 255. This
parameter is reserved.
Related n Global neighbor cell Id
n Neighbor cell office Id

CI discriminator
Description ICGI identifies a cell with MSC ID, Location and CI. When CI is
used to control the cell under another MSC’s control, ICGI must
be used.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 2,7.
Table 50 describes the value range of CI Discriminator.

T A B L E 5 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F C I D I S C R I MI N A T O R

Value Meaning
2 Use CI only
7 Use ICGI

Default 2.
Setting When the CI Discriminator isn’t ‘7’, Location, Market Id and
Switch Number are inactivated.
Related n Switch Number
n Location
n Market Id
n CI

90 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Market Id
Description This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0~ 65535.
Setting When the CI Discriminator isn’t ‘7’, Location, Market Id and
Switch Number are inactivated.
Related n Switch Number
n Location
n CI
n CI Discriminator

Switch number
Description Switch number.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Setting When the CI Discriminator isn’t ‘7’, Location, Market Id and
Switch Number are inactivated.
Related n Location
n Market Id
n CI

Neighbor cell office Id

Description BSSId of neighbour cell.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Setting When Global neighbor cell type is ‘1’, Neighbor cell office Id
become changeable; otherwise, the Neighbor cell office Id is 255.
This parameter is currently not in use.
Related n Global neighbor cell type
n Global neighbor cell Id

MS MCC (000 ~ 999)

Description Mobile Country Code.

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This parameter is part of IMSI and is only applicable to the

neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 000~ 999.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related n MS IMSI_11_12(00 ~ 99)
n MS MNC(00 ~ 99)

MS MNC (00 ~ 99)

Description Mobile Network Code.
This parameter is part of IMSI and is only applicable to the
neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 99.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related n MS IMSI_11_12(00 ~ 99)
n MS MMC(00 ~ 999)

Description Location code.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
ICGI identifies a cell with MSC ID, Location and CI. When CI is
used to control the cell under another MSC’s control, ICGI must
be used.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting When the CI Discriminator isn’t ‘7’, Location, Market Id and
Switch Number are inactivated.
Related n Switch Number
n Market Id
n CI
n CI Discriminator

Description Cell Identification.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.

92 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

ICGI identifies a cell with MSC ID, Location and CI. When CI is
used to control the cell under another MSC’s control, ICGI must
be used.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Related n Switch Number
n Location
n Market Id
n CI Discriminator

Pilot_PN (64Pn)
Description Pilot PN sequence offset.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 511. Unit: 64 chips.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related Pilot_PN increment

Pilot_PN increment
Description Pilot PN sequence offset increment.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Default 4.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related Pilot_PN (64Pn)

Search window size of private

neighbor set
Description Size of neighbor search window.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
This parameter is UHDM, GHDM, ENLUM, ITSPM, UNLM and SPM
Value Range 0 ~ 15.

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Table 51 describes the Search window size of private neighbor




Value Meaning(PN chips) Value
0 4 8 60
1 6 9 80
2 8 10 100
3 10 11 130
4 14 12 160
5 20 13 226
6 28 14 320
7 40 15 452

Default 8.
Setting Set according to the A interface version in use.

BCCH support indicator

Description Indication of F-BCCH being supported.
This parameter is UNLM, GNLM and ESPM field. F-BCCH only
sends consumption message to reduce the load of F-PCH. But
the forward system capacity decreases.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 52 describes the value range of BCCH support indicator.

T A B L E 5 2 V A L U E R A N G E O F BC C H S U P P O R T I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 support

Default 0.
Setting It must be ‘0’.

94 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Protocol revision level

Description Protocol revision of BS.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Protocol revision level is SCHM, ESPM, EHDM, UHDM, GHDM and
ITSPM field. Minimum protocol revision level is SCHM and ESPM
field. MS determines the revision to be used according to the
revision of itself and Protocol revision level. If MS’s revision is
lower than the minimum protocol revision level, MS does not
choose the system that BS resides in.
Value Range 1~7.
Table 53 describes the value range of Protocol revision level.


Value Meaning
1 J-STD-008
2 IS-95
3 IS-95A+TSB74
4 IS-95B
5 IS-95B, phase 2
6 IS-2000 1xRTT Rev.0
7 IS-2000 1xRTT Rev.A

Default 6.
Setting Protocol revision level is determined by Um version. It is
unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB).
Related n Minimum protocol revision level
n Band class

Minimum protocol revision level

Description Minimum protocol revision of BS.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Protocol revision level is SCHM, ESPM, EHDM, UHDM, GHDM and
ITSPM field. Minimum protocol revision level is SCHM and ESPM
field. MS determines the revision to be used according to the
revision of itself and Protocol revision level. If MS’s revision is
lower than the minimum protocol revision level, MS does not
choose the system that BS resides in.
Value Range 1 ~ 7.

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Table 54 describes the value range of Minimum protocol revision


T A B L E 5 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F M I N I MU M P R O T O C O L R E V I S I O N L E V E L

Value Meaning
1 J-STD-008
2 IS-95
3 IS-95A+TSB74
4 IS-95B
5 IS-95B, phase 2
6 IS-2000 1xRTT Rev.0
7 IS-2000 1xRTT Rev.A

Setting Minimum protocol revision level is set according to the values of

band Class.
Table 55 describes protocol revision level requirements.

T A B L E 5 5 M I N I MU M P R O T O C O L R E V I S I O N L E V E L R E Q U I R E ME N T S

Value Frequency band

greater than 2 0
greater than 1 1, 4
greater than 5 2, 5
greater than 3 3
greater than 6 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

n Band class
n Protocol revision level

Band class
Description Frequency band.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Table 56 describes the value range of Band class.


Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 800M 6 2G

96 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value Meaning Value Meaning

1 1.9G 7 700M
2 TACS 8 1.8G
3 JTACS 9 900M
Korean PCS 10 Secondary
5 450M other reserved

Setting This parameter is maintained by network operator.

Related n Minimum protocol revision level
n Protocol revision level

Base station latitude

Description Latitude of base station.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
This parameter is MSRM and SPM field. On the basis of this, MS
initializes the BS distance based registration.
Value Range -1296000~1296000. Positive number stands for north latitude.
Unit: 0.25s.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related Base station longitude

Base station longitude

Description Longitude of base station.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
This parameter is MSRM and SPM field. On the basis of this, MS
initializes the BS distance based registration.
Value Range -2592000~2592000. Positive number stands for east longitude.
Unit: 0.25s.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related Base station latitude

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PTT dispatch location area ID

Description PTT dispatch location area ID.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535. ‘65535’ is invalid.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.

Cell mode
Description This parameter corresponds to LARGE_CELL_MODE of CSM5000
chip. CSM5000 chip supports up to 3 carrier/sectors when
working in cell mode. Maximum cell radius is 1024 chips; Up to
6 carrier/sectors are supported in general mode. Maximum cell
radius is 512 chips.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 57 describes the value range of Cell mode.


Value Meaning
0 General mode
1 Cell mode

Default 0.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.

BSC type
Description BSC vender.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Table 58 describes the value range of BSC Type.

T A B L E 5 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F BS C T Y P E

Value BSC Type

1 Bell BSC

98 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Value BSC Type

2 Lucent BSC
5 Motorola BSC
6 Samsung BSC
7 Nortel BSC
8 Ericsson BSC
9 Huawei BSC
10 Other BSC

Default 0.
Setting The same as the corresponding cells.
Related MSC Type

Hard handoff support RC3 and up

Description Indication of 1X hard handoff is supporting. If not support, the
MS of RC3 or above are treated as IS-95 MS. This parameter is
used in hard handoff with disconnected BSC.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 59 describes the value range of hard handoff support RC3
and up indicator.

T A B L E 5 9 V A L U E R A N G E O F H A R D H A N D O F F S U P P O R T RC 3 A N D U P

Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 Support

Default 1.
Setting This parameter is unchangeable at background
Related n Parameters as Search window are default
n SOWD and TOWD include hardware delay

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SOWD and TOWD include hardware

Description SOWD and TOWD contain hardware delay indication. This
parameter is used in the hard handoff with disconnected BSC.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 60 describes the value range of SOWD and TOWD include
hardware delay.


Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 1.
Setting This parameter is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10
Related n Hard handoff support RC3 and up indicator
n Parameters as Search window are default

Parameters as Search window are

Description Indication of set the parameters such as search window and etc.
in default. This parameter is used in hard handoff with
disconnected BSC.
This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 61 describes the value range of Parameters as Search
window are default.


Value Meaning
0 Not use
1 Use

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Default 0.
Setting This parameter is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10
Related n Hard handoff support RC3 and up indicator
n SOWD and TOWD include hardware delay.

BSS Neighbor Carrier

Band class
Description This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSS.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Table 62 describes the value range of Band class.


Value Meaning Value Meaning

0 800M 6 2G
1 1.9G 7 700M
2 TACS 8 1.8G
3 JTACS 9 900M
4 Korean PCS 10 Secondary 800M
5 450M other reserved

Setting Band class is unchangeable at background. It is determined by

the band class in neighbor cell.
Related CDMA channel frequency assignment.

CDMA channel frequency

Description This parameter is only applicable to the neighbor cells of BSS.
Value Range See Table 63 and Table 64 for the value range of CDMA Channel
frequency assignment of Band class 0 and Band class 1.

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T A B L E 6 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F C DM A C H A N N E L F R E Q U E N C Y A S S I G N ME N T O F

CDMA Channel frequency

Subclass Band class
A” 1013~1023
A 1~311
0 B 356~644
A’ 689~694
B’ 739~777
A’’ 1013~1023
A 1~311
B 356~644
A’ 689~716
A’’’ 717~779
A’’ 1013`1023

T A B L E 6 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F C DM A C H A N N E L F R E Q U E N C Y A S S I G N ME N T O F

Band class CDMA Channel frequency assignment

A 25~275
D 325~375
B 425~675
E 725~775
F 825~875
C 925~1175

Setting CDMA Channel frequency assignment is set according to the

corresponding carrier/sector configuration.
Related Band class

Page channel number

Description Number of paging channels. In CDMA2000, one carrier
frequency is able to support up to 7 paging channels.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Setting Set according to the corresponding carrier/sector configuration.

First list indicator

Description Indication of basic carrier frequency.

102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 65 describes the value range of First list indicator.

T A B L E 6 5 V A L U E R A N G E O F F I R S T L I S T I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 not basic carrier frequency
1 basic carrier frequency

Setting Set according to the corresponding carrier/sector configuration.

Related Is beacon indicator

Is beacon indicator
Description Indication of pilot beacon used in auxiliary frequency change
handoff, unable to establish carrier frequency of traffic channel).
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 66 describes the value range of Is beacon indicator.


Value Meaning
0 not pilot beacon
1 pilot beacon
Set according to the corresponding carrier/sector configuration.
Related First list indicator

BSC Handoff Parameters

Description This group of parameters are used to perform hard handoffs
with separate BSCs.
n HO1XSupportInd: support 1X hard handoff indication,if is
not supported, the RC3 MS or above will be regarded as IS-
95 MS for processing

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n HWDelayInd: SOWD and TOWD contain hardware delay

n SRCHWINParaInd: indication of the parameters like search
window being in default values.
This parameter is only applicable to neighbor cell of BSC.
Valur Range Table 67 describes the value range of HO1XsupportInd.


Parameter Value Range Default

HO1XSupportInd 0: Not support 1
1: Support
HWDelayInd 0: Not contain 1
1: Contain
SRCHWINParaInd 0: Not use 0
1: Use

Setting This group of parameters cannot be changed at background.

Description This group of parameters are used to perform hard handoffs
with separate BSCs.
n HO1XSupportInd: support 1X hard handoff indication,if is
not supported, the RC3 MS or above will be regarded as IS-
95 MS for processing
n HWDelayInd: SOWD and TOWD contain hardware delay
n SRCHWINParaInd: indication of the parameters like search
window being in default values.
This parameter is only applicable to neighbor cell of BSC.
Valur Range Table 68 describes the value range of hwdelayInd.

T A B L E 6 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F HW D E L A Y I N D

Parameter Value Range Default

HO1XSupportInd 0: Not support 1
1: Support
HWDelayInd 0: Not contain 1
1: Contain

104 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Parameter Value Range Default

SRCHWINParaInd 0: Not use 0
1: Use

Setting This group of parameters cannot be changed at background.

Description This group of parameters are used to perform hard handoffs
with separate BSCs.
n HO1XSupportInd: support 1X hard handoff indication,if is
not supported, the RC3 MS or above will be regarded as IS-
95 MS for processing
n HWDelayInd: SOWD and TOWD contain hardware delay
n SRCHWINParaInd: indication of the parameters like search
window being in default values.
This parameter is only applicable to neighbor cell of BSC.
Valur Range Table 69 describes the value range of srchwinparaind.


Parameter Value Range Default

HO1XSupportInd 0: Not support 1
1: Support
HWDelayInd 0: Not contain 1
1: Contain
SRCHWINParaInd 0: Not use 0
1: Use

Setting This group of parameters cannot be changed at background.

Billing Center Parameters

Description Alias of billing center.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

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Value Range Null

Default Null
Setting Set by user according to needs.
Note: This parameter exists only at background, foreground
uses billing center number to identify billing center.

Description Billing center phone number.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range Null
Default Null
Setting Set it according to actual billing center phone number.

Description Billing center access protocol version.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

Value Range O ~ 3,9,10,255.

Default 3
Setting Refer to the following Table 70 for the value of billing center
protocol version number.

T AB L E 70 PR O T O C O L V E R S I O N

Number Protocol version Support rate

0 V.21 300
1 V.22 1200
2 V.22bis 2400 or 1200
3 V.23 1200
9 V.32 9600 or 4800
10 V.32bis 14400,12000,9600,7200
or 4800
0xff N/A or unspecified -

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Special Number Parameters

Description Special number alias.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range Null
Default Null
Setting Set it according to needs.
Note: This parameter exists only at background, foreground
uses special number to identify.

Description Special function number.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range Null
Default Null
Setting Set special number according to real conditions.

Description Special function number.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~3
Default 0
Setting Set special function number according to real conditions as
shown in Table 71.

T A B L E 7 1 S P E C I A L F U N C T I O N N U MB E R C O M P A R I S O N S

Function number Function explication

0 OTA service access number (standard)
1 OTA service access number (modify
2 emergency call number (A interface
/AP interface)

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Function number Function explication

3 emergency call number (V5 interface)

Switch Parameters
Description Switch of obstructing PUSH service by BSSAP.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
In PUSH service, PPP establishment may fail because of user
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 72 describes the value range of OBSTRUCTPUSH.

T A B L E 7 2 V A L U E R A N G E O F O B S T R UC T P U S H

Value Meaning
0 Not obstruct
1 obstruct

Default 0.
Setting 0: normal processing flow; 1: PUSH service is unavailable, but
the success rate of PPP establishment increases.

Presend AMC indicator

Description Completion of sending allocation in advance switch.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 73 describes the value range of Presend AMC indicator.

T A B L E 7 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F P R E S E N D AM C I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 Support

108 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Default 0.

Resend ECAM indicator

Description CAM/ECAM resend switch
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 74 describes the value range of Resend ECAM indicator.

T A B L E 7 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E S E N D E C AM I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Not resend
1 resend

Default 0.
Setting CAM/ECAM resend increases MS’s possibility to receive
CAM/ECAM and the success rate of call. In access handoff, MS
may handoff to another cell before receiving ECAM, ECAM resend
is more important; but resend too many times can reduce
forward system capacity.
Set duration for timer:
n Ensure the layer 1 repeat complete within the layer 1 resend
n The layer 2 resend duration must be no less than the layer 1
resend duration.
Related n Access ECAM repeat timer
n Non-access ECAM repeat timer

Cancel hand shake indicator

Description Quick access switch of PTT service.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 75 describes the value range of Cancel handshake


Value Meaning
0 Not support
1 support

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Default 0.
Setting 0: normal processing flow;
1: PTT service cancels the handshake with MS. PTT call
establishment duration decreases.

Mobility limited type

Description Options of MS mobility limitation.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.
Table 76 describes the value range of Mobility limited type.

T A B L E 7 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F M O B I L I T Y L I MI T E D T Y P E

Value Meaning
0 no mobility limitation
Use reference cell when 1X/95 handset accessing. Cell list
1 (Active set cells and neighbor cells of reference cells) is
reported to MSC.
1X handset uses true active set cell to report. 95 handset
2 uses cell list (reference cells, active set cells and neighbor
cells of reference cells) to report to MSC
If there is mobility limitation, use true active set cell of
handset to report to MSC
MSC request PSMM message from handset. Pick out true
active set cell from PSMM message to report to MSC

Default 0.

Description Iwf configuration mode.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: iwf internal
1: iwf external
Default 0
Setting IWF is external or not affects system resource allocating flow.
For IWF service, if it is an external IWF under the circumstance
of non-Ap interface, determine the CIC resource preferably

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

according to Swtich41 switch. If it is an internal IWF, determine

the CIC resource preferably according to Swtich41 switch. In
other cases, preferably allocating CIC resource is not required.

Description ECAM message resend mechanism.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting If air signal is not good during base station sending ECAM or
CAM message to handset, handset cannot receive ECAM or CAM
message, handset will not enter service channel from air channel
and the call failures of capture failure in base station will
To ensure handset can receive ECAM or CAM message, CES can
implement 1st layer automatic (E)CAM message resending,
BSSAP is responsible for second layer (E)CAM message
resending. This switch determines that the BSSAP resends
(E)CAM message at second layer.

Description DSP decoding type.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: a rate
1: u rate
Default 0

Setting BSSAP evokes database to obtain or send to DSPM via the

ServicAssignmentmessage (call origination, concurrent, hard
handoff adding). DSPM activates SDM, SDM initializes VTC.
Finally VTC uses this field.

Description Connect with ZTE PDSN or not.

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This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

Value Range 0,1
0: not connect with other vendors’ PDSN
1: connect with other vendors’ PDSN
Default 0
Setting Mainly used to resolve the A9A11 interface message field
compatibility problem when connecting with different PDSN.

Description Enable PDSN statistic cell information function or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: disable
1: enable
Default 0
Setting A9SetupA8message compatibility processing in data service call
and dormant handoff. Use this with Switch9.

Description RC4 supported options.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~2
0: not support
1: forcible negotiation
2: preferred
Default 0
Setting In call origination, BSSAP determines the SO supported by BSC
according to the VTC working mode in BSS parameter (if it is an
A interface, the Ap interface is different) and MS SO determines
the RC to be supported according to BS SO and MS version.
For 8K series SO, when MS version number≥6 (RLS0), specify
whether the BS uses the forward RC4 or not according to this
switch parameter. If it is a forcible RC4, set it as RC4; if it is a
handset preferred RC4, make decision by determining whether
the MS is a preferred forward RC4 or not, otherwise use RC3.

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description Support QoS or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Description Version number≥6, handset supports MAHHO or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting If the frequency configuration between cells is different, there
must be a frequency swap handoff and MS cannot perform
handoff by detecting a signal and sending PSMM message.
Another mechanism is needed to implement frequency swap
handoff. There are two types of frequency swap: blind handoff
and MS auxiliary frequency swap. With this switch, DSPM
determines which type of frequency swap handoff is needed.

Description The data service supports whether RC4/5 is preferred or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: hadset preferred value
1: base station forcible value
Default 0
Setting Turn ON the switch, the forward RC base station forcibly use
RC4 and RC5; otherwise uses MS-preferred RC. The RC4 or RC5
is determined by the field BSFCHForRC and BSFCHRevRC in BSS
system parameter table. If both FOR_FCH_RC_MAP and

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

REV_FCH_RC_MAP in call origination message are not supported,

the forward RC will still use RC3.

Description Data service base station abnormally releases to NULL.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting It is used when there is an abnormal release. DSPM assigns a
value to the field cause in A9ReleaseA8 message. If the release
cause is not in the scope defined by DSPM, this switch
determines to release the call or data service enters dormant
state (the field cause is assigned with different values). PCF will
determine the consequent flow according to the field cause in
the message.

Description Establish a call or not after block basic carrier.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not establish call
1: establish call
Default 0
Setting In multi-carrier frequency selection, if all carrier frequencies are
in abnormal state, the switch turns ON and basic carrier select is
still available and when the switch turns off, the call will fail.

Description Fax service paging request specifies service selection or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~4
0: unspecified service options
2: 8K

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

3: 13K
4: service options specified by MSC
Default 0
Setting IWF service configure SO in paging message.

Description Send RetryOrder message.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: do not send
1: send
Default 0
Setting If the RetryOrder message appears on the forward control
channel or service channel, base station indicates that the
service requested by MS is denied and MS requests again after
some time.
For example, SE or DSPM resource becomes shortage after data
service call origination or after sending ServiceAssignmentFail to
MSC, BSSAP determines whether to send RetryOrder message to
MS or not according to this switch.
Additionally, when DSPM rejects MS to request reverse
supplementary channel,it also sends a RetryOrder message.

Description 97D test supports QPCH or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting BSSAP uses this switch to send to CSCHP through
AbiscfPagingCHMsgTransfer message. The setting is subject to
the version function and test requirements.

Description Normal calls support QPCH or not.

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This parameter is only applicable to BSC.

Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting BSSAP uses this switch to send to CSCHP through
AbiscfPagingCHMsgTransfer message. It is used for message
transfer in paging channel. For example: paging and MSC
registration request.

Description Forcibly set handset MOB_TERM signs or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting It is used to avoid paging problems when users modify the
handset parameters. In call origination, paging response,
registration messages and MOB_TERM will be brought to MSC.

Description Block illegal handsets or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting Send a LockUntilPowerCycledOrder message to the illegal
handset to prevent it from accessing in 48 hours.
After MS is denied for A1 interface registration, BSSAP processes
it. If the rejection cause in MSC registration rejection message is
‘illegal MS’, BSSAP will determine whether to send a
LockUntilPowerCycledOrder message or not according to this

116 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description Simplify service negotiation or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting If this switch is turned ON, DSPM directly sends a
ServiceConnectMsg for service negotiation, otherwise sends a
ServiceRequestMsg for service negotiation.
Generally, DSPM sends an UmfServiceRequestMsg message to
initiate service negotiation, and then waits for MS’s
UmrServiceResponseMsg message. This message of MS
response purpose indicates accepting BS service negotiation,
rejecting BS service negotiation or raising new negotiation
parameters. If MS accepts the negotiation, DSPM will send an
UmfServiceConnectMsg message, and then wait for the
UmrServiceConnectCompleteMsg from MS.

Description Retryorder message sending interval.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 10
Setting The field RETRY_DELAY in RetryOrder message.

Description Protection processing on illegal handsets with the same IMSI and
different ESN.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: BSSAP does not register ESN field to MDM
1: BSSAP register MDM ESN field
Default 0

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Setting Not applicable.

Description Preferred CIC resource allocating algorithm for IWF service.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~2
0: positive sequence assignment
1: positive sequence is fixed
2: counter forward assignment
Default 0
Setting If IWFservice adopts preferred CIC allocating mode and voice
service adopts non-preferred CIC mode, IWF service will cause
voice service failure and call failure. In order to avoid CIC
allocation problem, database uses a special algorithm in IWF CIC
resource allocating mode which is controlled and selected by this

Description Support cell rebuild and release.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support cell rebuild and release
1: support cell rebuild and release
Default 0
Setting When it is set in 1, classical group supports cell rebuild and

Description V5 interface supports OTASP service or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description Enable special OTSAP function or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting In call origination for voice service, if the switch is turned ON,
analyze the field called number in call origination message to
see whether it is a special number. Perform appropriate
processing according to the corresponding special function.

Description Specify the service options in paging message or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not specify service options
1: specify service options
Default 0
Setting For a common voice paging message, determine carry SO field
or not in GPM message according to this switch.

Description Use EVRC for paging message or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0~2
0: specified by MSC
1: use 8K
2: use EVRC
Default 0
Setting In GPM message, if SO field is specified, determine the SO
value according to the value of this switch.

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Description Enable/disable the interface board dispatches paging message
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0, 1
0: enable
1: disable
Default 0
Setting The original system setting is that BSSAP sends paging message
to CSCHP directly, this setting causes too many messages. In
order to lower the Cpu utilization of CMP, system can forward
paging message to CCM through interface board agent process
and switch is added to maintain system statbility. If there is
something wrong with the new solution, use this switch to
rollback to the original solution flow.

Description Specify the public telephone billing center protocol version
according to configuration or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.
n V5 public telephone billing: if IWF and billing center protocol
version are not match, the speed adaptation negotiation
between IWF and billing center modem will fail. The phone
bills can not be transferred.
n In call origination: if the SO is 12, BSSAP evokes the
database according to the called number to obtain the switch
valu, passes it to DSPM through ServiceAssignment message,
DSPM then initializes the IWF modem to appropriate rate
according to protocol version number.

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description Whether the second negotiation is needed or not in data service
hard handoff.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting If this switch is turned ON, service negotiation is needed
otherwise, use original negotiation parameter.

Description Refers to PMRM for forward supplementary channel rate
assighnment or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting Process UmrPowerMeasurementReportMsg message. Adjust the
supplementary channel rate according to the field
message. If this switch is turned OFF, rate adjusting algorithm
won’t be excuted.

Description Valid amount of LAC in V5 user information.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: 2 valid LAC
1: no valid LAC
Default 0
Setting In this case, the V5 BSC boundaries are interconnected, turn
OFF the switch (i.e. there are 2 LAC in paging scope) to increase
the user paging success rate at BSC boundaries.

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Description AP interface voice supports redundancy or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting Due to Ap interface uses IP packets to carry data in order to
prevent poor voice quality because of packet loss in network
congestions, redundant sending is avaialbe in the system. It
enables all voice frame in a IP packet to be sent twice one by
one. This mechanism helps to improve the voice quality but
reduces the system bandwidth .
By default, this switch is turned OFF. When the system connects
with public network, turn ON the switch.

Description AP interface voice supports QoS or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting This is congestion processing mechanism at application layer.
QoS is needed to maintain good voice quality when there is a
traffic congestion. By default, this switch is turned off. When the
system connects with public network, the switch may be turned
ON. In normal conditions, turning ON this switch will affect the
SDU CPU utilization.

Description AP interface IWF data supports splitting or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Default 0
Setting In normal conditions, RLP receives frames via air interface.
When a complete PPP message is received after packeting the
PPP message, encapsulate into an IP packet and send to MGW
for processing. This mode is called BSC assemble packet mode.
The disadvantages of this mode are: when there is a traffic
congestion, the PPP message from RLP to MGW will lose. This
kind of packet loss can be resent by the TCP at upper layer only.
The efficiency is low.
If MGW supports assemble packet, this switch can be turned ON
at BSC side. RLP does not encapsulate PPP message. It
encapsulates the frames received from air interface into IP
packet and send to MGW, MGW assembles PPP packet for
subsequent processing. In this way, when there is a traffic
congestion, even though the IP packets from RLP to MGW are
lost, the entire PPP message won’t be lost. Parts of lost IP
packets can be retrieved through the redudancy between RLP
and MGW. Therefore, when this switch is turned ON, redundant
sending must be supported.

Description AP interface IWFdata supports redundancy or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Description IWF service supports preferred CIC resource or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not preferred
1: preferred
Default 0
Setting In internal IWF, the IWF resource and CIC resource must be in
the same frame. If non-preferred CIC flow is used, the CIC
specified by MSC may not have IWF board, this will cause call
failure. Therefore, usually BSC prefers CIC. By default, this
switch is turned ON.

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Description V5 interface supports second paging or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting If paging expires, second paging is needed, otherwise, release
the call. If the second paging has no response, release the call
after expiration.

Description V5 interface supports emergency call or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not support
1: support
Default 0
Setting Turn ON the switch and search the special number routing table
according to the called number in call origination message.

Description V5 interface mobility restricting mode.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: not strict limitation
1: strict limitation
Default 0
Setting If it is strict limitation and the CI is not in an authorization scope,
notify V5Proxy that mobility restriction is needed. V5Proxy starts
the time and before timer expires, the user is back to the
restricted area and the call won’t be released. Otherwise,
release the call .
After handoff, V5Proxy can be triggered to query the PVLR to
confirm the scope that the user is in (active set) restricted or not.

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Chapter 1 BTS Node Parameters

Description SMS service is available to non-local BSC users or not in V5
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0,1
0: allow
1: disallow
Default 0
Setting V5 interface cannot send SMS when V5 and A interface co-exist,
but user can send SMS. This switch can prevents users to send
SMS from moving to non-home BSC. This setting is subject to
network operator’s requirements.

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Chapter 2

BTS Node Parameters

This chapter describes:

n 1X Forward Power Control Parameters

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

1X Forward Power Control

Forward power uprise step size
(1/2/3 leg)
Description Forward power control uprising step length (1 leg, 2 legs and
more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 7. The unit is 0.25dB.
Default n Forward power uprise step size(1 leg) = 4
n Forward power uprise step size(2 leg) = 2
n Forward power uprise step size(3 leg) = 1
Setting If the power control step length is set too high, the forward
quick power control response time will be low but the stable
state power deviation will be high. If the power control step
length is set too low, the stable state power deviation will be low
but the forward quick power control response time will be high.
Related n Forward power down step size(1/2/3 leg)
n PTT power step size up 1/2/3
n PTT power step size down 1/2/3
n SCH power uprise step (1/2/3 leg)
n SCH power down step(1/2/3 leg)

Forward power down step size (1/2/3

Description Forward power control descending step length (1 leg, 2 legs and
more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 7. The scale is 0.25dB.
Default n Forward power down step size(1 leg) = 4
n Forward power down step size(2 leg) = 2
n Forward power down step size(3 leg) = 1
Setting If the power control step length is set too high, the forward
quick power control response time will be low but the stable
state power deviation will be high. If the power control step

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Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

length is set too low, the stable state power deviation will be low
but the forward quick power control response time will be high.
Related n Forward power uprise step size(1/2/3 leg)
n PTT power step size up 1/2/3
n PTT power step size down 1/2/3
n SCH power uprise step (1/2/3 leg)
n SCH power down step(1/2/3 leg)

Description Initial RCC2 forward fundamental channel power.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 163 ~ 203
Default 179
Setting Not applicable.

PTT fundamental channel initial

Description PTT enhanced group call service F-FCH initial transmitting power.
Value Range 163 ~ 203. The unit is DGU.
Default 179.
Setting If the initial transmitting power is set too high and F-FCH initial
transmitting power is high, easy for MS to receive information
correctly (Frame Error Rate is low) but the forward capacity will
be low when the channel is established. If the initial transmitting
power is set too low and F-FCH initial transmitting power is low,
the MS may receive wrong information (Frame Error Rate is high)
but the forward power resource will be saved.
Related n RCC2 FCH initial power (voice)
n RCC2 FCH initial power (data)

Description Minimum supplementary channel power.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 129 ~ 213
Default 163.

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Setting Not applicable.

Forward SCH maximum power delta

Description Data service F-SCH transmitting power upper limit variation
n When system forward load is lower than FSCH uprise
threshold, F-SCH power upper limit raises Forward SCH
maximum power delta.
n When system forward load is higher than FSCH uprise
threshold, F-SCH power upper limit returns to default value.
n If there is only one data subscriber under one load sector,
and the forward load is lower than FSCH uprise threshold,
the subscriber F-SCH power upper limit can be raised by 2
DGU additionally.
Value Range 0 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default 6.

Setting n If FSCH uprise threshold, FSCH down threshold and Forward

SCH maximum power delta are set too high, F-SCH forward
transmitting power upper limit will be raised, and the
transmission effect improved but the disturbance to other
channels also increases, and may cause forward power
n If FSCH uprise threshold, FSCH down threshold and Forward
SCH maximum power delta are set too low, transmission
effect cannot be improved through raising F-SCH forward
transmitting power upper limit even when forward load is low,
but forward power overload hardly occurs.
Related n FSCH down threshold
n FSCH uprise threshold

FSCH uprise threshold

Description Data service F-SCH transmitting power upper limit uprising
n When system forward load is lower than FSCH uprise
threshold, F-SCH power upper limit raises Forward SCH
maximum power delta.
n When system forward load is higher than FSCH uprise
threshold, F-SCH power upper limit returns to default value.
n If there is only one data subscriber under one load sector
and the forward load is lower than FSCH uprise threshold,

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Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

the subscriber F-SCH power upper limit can be raised by 2

DGU additionally.

Value Range 0 ~ 100. The unit is 1%.

Default 45
Setting n If FSCH uprise threshold,FSCH down threshold and Forward
SCH maximum power delta are set too high, F-SCH forward
transmitting power upper limit will be raised and the
transmission effect improved but the disturbance to other
channels increases, and may cause forward power overload.
n If FSCH uprise threshold, FSCH down threshold and Forward
SCH maximum power delta are set too low, transmission
effect cannot be improved through raising F-SCH forward
transmitting power upper limit even when forward load is low,
but forward power overload hardly occurs.
Related n FSCH down threshold
n Forward SCH maximum power delta

FSCH down threshold

Description Data service F-SCH transmitting power upper limit descending
n When system forward load is lower than FSCH uprise
threshold, F-SCH power upper limit raises Forward SCH
maximum power delta.
n When system forward load is higher than FSCH uprise
threshold, F-SCH power upper limit returns to default value.
n If there is only one data subscriber under one load sector
and the forward load is lower than FSCH uprise threshold,
the subscriber F-SCH power upper limit can be raised by 2
DGU additionally.

Value Range 0 ~ 100. The unit is 1%.

Default 60.
Setting n If FSCH uprise threshold, FSCH down threshold and Forward
SCH maximum power delta are set too high, F-SCH forward
transmitting power upper limit will be raised and the
transmission effect improved but the disturbance to other
channels increases, and may cause forward power overload.
n If FSCH uprise threshold, FSCH down threshold and Forward
SCH maximum power delta are set too low, transmission
effect cannot be improved through raising F-SCH forward

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transmitting power upper limit even when forward load is low,

but forward power overload hardly occurs.
Related n FSCH uprise threshold
n Forward SCH maximum power delta

FSCH uprise threshold of 32X

Description Data service 32X F-SCH transmitting power upper limit.
Value Range 0 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default 225.
Setting If F-SCH power lower limit is set too high, the F-SCH power can
not be low; this leads to the waste of forward power resource. If
F-SCH power lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is
low, the response speed of forward power control can not meet
the power increase requirement of channel QoS.
If F-SCH power higher limit is set too high and the F-SCH power
is high, other channels will be disturbed and suffer performance
loss. If F-SCH power higher limit is set too low, the QoS of F-
SCH can not meet the requirements.
Furthermore, when performing F-SCH speed assignment and
initial power calculation, F-SCH initial speed is required not more
than FPC_4X2XSCH_MAX_PWR. If this parameter is set too high,
the F-SCH establishment chance increases and the forward data
service traffic also increases; this may cause forward power
overload. If this parameter is set too low, the F-SCH
establishment chance decreases and the forward data service
traffic also decreases.
Related n 2X/4X/8X/16X/32X Supplemental channel minimum power
n 4X2X Supplemental channel maximum power
n 16X8X Supplemental channel maximum power

16X8X supplemental channel

maximum power
Description Data service 8X/16X F-SCH transmitting power upper limit.
Value Range 219 ~ 231. Unit: DGU.
Default 219
Setting If F-SCH power lower limit is set too high, the F-SCH power can
not be low even when wireless environment is good; this leads
to the waste of forward power resource. If F-SCH power lower
limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the response
speed of forward power control can not meet the power increase
requirement of channel QoS.

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Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

If F-SCH power higher limit is set too high and the F-SCH power
is high, other channels will be disturbed and suffer performance
loss. If F-SCH power higher limit is set too low, the QoS of F-
SCH can not meet the requirements.
Furthermore, when performing F-SCH speed assignment and
initial power calculation, F-SCH initial speed is required not more
than FPC_4X2XSCH_MAX_PWR. If this parameter is set too high,
the F-SCH establishment chance increases and the forward data
service traffic also increases; this may cause forward power
overload. If this parameter is set too low, the F-SCH
establishment chance decreases and the forward data service
traffic also decreases.
Related n 2X/4X/8X/16X/32X Supplemental channel minimum power
n 4X2X Supplemental channel maximum power
n FSCH uprise threshold of 32X

4X2X supplemental channel

maximum power
Description Data service 2X/4X F-SCH transmitting power upper limit.
Value Range 215 ~ 219. Unit: DGU.
Default 215
Setting If F-SCH power lower limit is set too high, the F-SCH power can
not be low; this leads to the waste of forward power resource. If
F-SCH power lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is
low, the response speed of forward power control can not meet
the power increase requirement of channel QoS.
If F-SCH power higher limit is set too high and the F-SCH power
is high, other channels will be disturbed and suffer performance
loss. If F-SCH power higher limit is set too low, the QoS of F-
SCH unable to meet the requirements.
Furthermore, when performing F-SCH speed assignment and
initial power calculation, F-SCH initial speed is required not more
than FPC_4X2XSCH_MAX_PWR. If this parameter is set too high,
the F-SCH establishment chance increases and the forward data
service traffic also increases; this may cause forward power
overload. If this parameter is set too low, the F-SCH
establishment chance decreases and the forward data service
traffic also decreases.
Related n 2X/4X/8X/16X/32X Supplemental channel minimum power
n 16X8X Supplemental channel maximum power
n FSCH uprise threshold of 32X

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Forward power transmit report

Description Power report indicator. Whether to perform forward power
overload control and the strength of control also have relations
with other parameters.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 77 describes the value range of Forward power transmit
report indicator.

T A B L E 7 7 V A L U E R A N G E O F F O R W A R D P O W E R T R A N S MI T R E P O R T

Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Default 1.
Setting Forward power transmit report indicator:
1: channel board reports power.
0: channel board does not report power.
When Forward power transmit report indicator is set as 1,
channel board reports power with Forward power transmit report
period as report period.
If Forward power transmit report period is configured too high,
CCM-CPU resource will be saved but the strength of forward
power overload control and the response speed of forward power
variation become less.
If Forward power transmit report period is configured too low,
more CCM-CPU resource will be consumed but the strength of
forward power overload control and the response speed of
forward power variation increases.
If Forward power transmit report period is configured as 0,
channel board can not report power and Forward power transmit
report period parameter becomes invalid. Forward power
overload control cannot be performed, but CCM-CPU resource is
Related n Forward power transmit report period
n FCH power transmit report indicator
n FCH power transmit report period
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator period

134 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

Forward power transmit report period

Description Forward power report period. Whether to perform forward power
overload control and the strength of control also have relations
with other parameters.
Value Range 7 ~ 255. The unit is 20ms.
Default 10.
Setting Forward power transmit report indicator:
1: channel board reports power.
0: channel board does not report power.
When Forward power transmit report indicator is set as 1,
channel board reports power with Forward power transmit report
period as report period.
If Forward power transmit report period is configured too high,
CCM-CPU resource will be saved but the strength of forward
power overload control and the response speed of forward power
variation become less.
If Forward power transmit report period is configured too low,
more CCM-CPU resource will be consumed but the strength of
forward power overload control and the response speed to
forward power variation increases.
If Forward power transmit report period is configured as 0,
channel board can not report power and Forward power transmit
report period parameter become invalid. Forward power
overload control cannot be performed, but CCM-CPU resource is
Related n Forward power transmit report indicator
n FCH power transmit report indicator
n FCH power transmit report period
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator period

FCH power transmit report indicator

Description F-FCH power report indicator. Whether to perform forward
power overload control and the strength of control also have
relations with other parameters.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.

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Table 78 describes the value range of FCH power transmit report


T A B L E 7 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F F C H P O W E R T R A N S MI T R E P O R T I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Default 0.
Setting Use default value.
Related n Forward power transmit report indicator
n Forward power transmit report period
n FCH power transmit report period
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator period

FCH power transmit report period

Description F-FCH power report period.
Value Range 7 ~ 255. The unit is 20ms.
Default 50.
Setting Use default value.
Related n Forward power transmit report indicator
n Forward power transmit report period
n FCH power transmit report indicator
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator period
Reference Whether to perform forward power overload control and the
strength of control also have relations with other parameters.

R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator

Description R-SCH related channel pilot signal intensity report indicator.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 79 describes the value range of R-SCH Ec/Io report

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Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters


Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Default 0.
Setting Use default value.
Related n Forward power transmit report indicator
n Forward power transmit report period
n FCH power transmit report indicator
n FCH power transmit report period
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator period

R-SCH Ec/Io report period

Description R-SCH related channel pilot signal intensity report period.
Value Range 7 ~ 255. The unit is 20ms.
Default 50.
Setting Use default value.
Related n Forward power transmit report indicator
n Forward power transmit report period
n FCH power transmit report indicator
n FCH power transmit report period
n R-SCH Ec/Io report indicator

Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3

Description F-SCH nominal power (1 leg, 2 legs and more than 2 legs)
Value Range 1 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default 195.
Setting If channel power higher limit is set too high and the power of
some channels is high, other channels will be disturbed and
suffer performance loss. If channel power higher limit is set too
low, the QoS of some channels unable to meet the requirements.

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If channel power lower limit is set too high, the channel power
can not be low even when wireless environment is good; this
leads to the waste of forward power resource. If channel power
lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the
response speed of forward power control can not meet the
power increase requirement of channel QoS. Meanwhile, when
forward power is low, the forward power capacity obtained
through lowering the power will be very small, and can be
Related n FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for data (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for data (1/2/3 leg)

FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg)

Description F-SCH power variation range (1 leg, 2 legs and more than 2
Value Range 1 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default 80.
Setting If channel power higher limit is set too high and the power of
some channels is high, other channels will be disturbed and
suffer performance loss. If channel power higher limit is set too
low, the QoS of some channels unable to meet the requirements.
If channel power lower limit is set too high, the channel power
can not be low even when wireless environment is good; this
leads to the waste of forward power resource. If channel power
lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the
response speed of forward power control can not meet the
power increase requirement of channel QoS. Meanwhile, when
forward power is low, the forward power capacity obtained
through lowering the power will be very small, and can be
Related n Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for data (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for data (1/2/3 leg)

138 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

SCH power uprise step (1/2/3 leg)

Description Data service F-SCH forward power control uprising step length
(1 leg, 2 legs and more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 7. The unit 0.25dB.
Default n SCH power uprise step (1 leg) = 4
n SCH power uprise step (2 leg) = 2
n SCH power uprise step (3 leg) = 1
Setting If the power control step length is set too high, the forward
quick power control response time will be low but the stable
state power deviation will be high. If the power control step
length is set too low, the stable state power deviation will be low
but the forward quick power control response time will be high.
Related n Forward power uprise step size (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward power down step size (1/2/3 leg)
n PTT power step size up 1/2/3
n PTT power step size down 1/2/3
n SCH power down step (1/2/3 leg)

SCH power down step (1/2/3 leg)

Description Data service F-SCH forward power control descending step
length (1 leg, 2 legs and more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 7. The unit is 0.25dB.
Default n SCH power down step (1 leg) = 4
n SCH power down step (2 leg) = 2
n SCH power down step (3 leg) = 1
Setting If the power control step length is set too high, the forward
quick power control response time will be low but the stable
state power deviation will be high. If the power control step
length is set too low, the stable state power deviation will be low
but the forward quick power control response time will be high.
Related n Forward power uprise step size(1/2/3 leg)
n Forward power down step size(1/2/3 leg)
n PTT power step size up 1/2/3
n PTT power step size down 1/2/3
n SCH power uprise step (12/3 leg)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

SCH FPC sub channel gain (1/2/3

Description F-SCH forward power control sub channel gain (1 leg, 2 legs and
more than 2 legs) is the gain relative to data service F-SCH.
Value Range 1 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default 0.
Setting If power control sub channel gain is set too high, it is easy for
MS to decode power control bit correctly and then make correct
reverse power control decisions but the forward capacity
decreases. If power control sub channel gain is set too low, MS
may decode power control bit wrongly and then make wrong
reverse power control decisions but the forward capacity

PTT power step size up 1/2/3

Description PTT service forward power control uprising step length (1 leg, 2
legs and more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 7. The unit is 0.25dB.
Default n PTT power step size up 1 = 2
n PTT power step size up 2 = 1
n PTT power step size up 3 = 1
Setting If the power control step length is set too high, the forward
quick power control response time will be low but the stable
state power deviation will be high. If the power control step
length is set too low, the stable state power deviation will be low
but the forward quick power control response time will be high.
Related n Forward power uprise step size (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward power down step size (1/2/3 leg)
n PTT power step size down 1/2/3
n SCH power uprise step (1/2/3 leg)
n SCH power down step (1/2/3 leg)

PTT power step size down 1/2/3

Description PTT service forward power control descending step length (1 leg,
2 legs and more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 7. The unit is 0.25dB.
Default n PTT power down up 1 = 4

140 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

n PTT power down up 2 = 2

n PTT power down up 3 = 1
Setting If the power control step length is set too high, the forward
quick power control response time will be low but the stable
state power deviation will be high. If the power control step
length is set too low, the stable state power deviation will be low
but the forward quick power control response time will be high.
Related n Forward power uprise step size (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward power down step size (1/2/3 leg)
n PTT power step size up 1/2/3
n SCH power uprise step (1/2/3 leg)
n SCH power down step (1/2/3 leg)

2X/4X/8X/16X/32X supplemental
channel minimum power
Description Data service 2X/4X/8X/16X/32X F-SCH transmitting power lower
Value Range 0 ~ 255. Unit: DGU.
Default 163.
Setting If F-SCH power lower limit is set too high, the F-SCH power can
not be low; this leads to the waste of forward power resource. If
F-SCH power lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is
low, the response speed of forward power control can not meet
the power increase requirement of channel QoS.
If F-SCH power higher limit is set too high and the F-SCH power
is high, other channels will be disturbed and suffer performance
loss. If F-SCH power higher limit is set too low, the QoS of F-
SCH can not meet the requirements.
Furthermore, when performing F-SCH speed assignment and
initial power calculation, F-SCH initial speed is required not more
than FPC_4X2XSCH_MAX_PWR. If this parameter is set too high,
the F-SCH establishment chance increases and the forward data
service traffic also increases; this may cause forward power
overload. If this parameter is set too low, the F-SCH
establishment chance decreases and the forward data service
traffic also decreases.
Related n 4X2X Supplemental channel maximum power
n 16X8X Supplemental channel maximum power
n FSCH uprise threshold of 32X

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

RCC2 FCH initial power (voice)

Description RC3/4/5 voice service F-FCH initial transmitting power.
Value Range 163 ~ 203. The unit is DGU.
Default 179.
Setting If the initial transmitting power is set too high and the F-FCH
initial transmitting power is high, it is easy for MS to receive
information correctly (Frame Error Rate is low) but the forward
capacity will be low when the channel is established. If the initial
transmitting power is set too low and F-FCH initial transmitting
power is low, the MS receives wrong information (Frame Error
Rate is high) but the forward power resource is saved.
Related n RCC2 FCH initial power (data)
n PTT fundamental channel initial power

RCC2 FCH initial power (Data)

Description RC3/4/5 data service F-FCH initial transmitting power.
Value Range 163 ~ 203. The unit is DGU.
Default 179.
Setting If the initial transmitting power is set too high and F-FCH initial
transmitting power is high, it is easy for MS to receive
information correctly (Frame Error Rate is low) but the forward
capacity will be low when the channel is established. If the initial
transmitting power is set too low and the F-FCH initial
transmitting power is low, the MS receives wrong information
(Frame Error Rate is high) but the forward power resource is
Related n RCC2 FCH initial power (voice)
n PTT fundamental channel initial power

Nominal transmit power for voice

(1/2/3 leg)
Description Voice service nominal power (1 leg, 2 legs and more than 2
Value Range 1 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default n Nominal transmit power for voice (1 leg) = 169
n Nominal transmit power for voice (2 leg) = 175
n Nominal transmit power for voice (3 leg) = 171

142 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

Setting If channel power higher limit is set too high and the power of
some channels is high, other channels will be disturbed and
suffer performance loss. If channel power higher limit is set too
low, the QoS of some channels can not meet the requirements.
If channel power lower limit is set too high, the channel power
can not be low even when wireless environment is good; this
leads to the waste of forward power resource. If channel power
lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the
response speed of forward power control can not meet the
power increase requirement of channel QoS. Meanwhile, when
forward power is low, the forward power capacity obtained
through lowering the power will be very small, and can be
Related n FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for data (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for data (1/2/3 leg)

Nominal transmit power for data

(1/2/3 leg)
Description Data service nominal power (1 leg, 2 legs and more than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default n Nominal transmit power for data (1 leg) = 169
n Nominal transmit power for data (2 leg) = 175
n Nominal transmit power for data (3 leg) = 171
Setting If channel power higher limit is set too high and the power of
some channels is high, other channels will be disturbed and
suffer performance loss. If channel power higher limit is set too
low, the QoS of some channels can not meet the requirements.
If channel power lower limit is set too high, the channel power
can not be low even when wireless environment is good; this
leads to the waste of forward power resource. If channel power
lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the
response speed of forward power control can not meet the
power increase requirement of channel QoS. Meanwhile, when
forward power is low, the forward power capacity obtained
through lowering the power will be very small, and can be
Related n FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Nominal transmit power for voice (1/2/3 leg)

n Power region for data (1/2/3 leg)

Description PTT service nominal power (1 leg/2 legs/3 legs).
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 130 ~ 255, Unit: DGU
Default 167/169/171
Setting If channel power upper limit is set in a high value and some
channel power are high, other channels will be interfered. If it is
set in a low value, the QoS requirements of some channels can
not be met and call drops will occur.
If channel power lower limit is set in a high value and even
there is a good radio environment, channel power can not be
turned dow and the forward power resources are wasted. If
channel power lower limit is set in a low value, and channel
power is very low, forward power control reaction speed can not
meet the channel QoS requirements. When forward power is
very low, the forward power capacity received by continuously
adjusting the power is very small and negligible.

Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg)

Description Voice service power variation region (1 leg, 2 legs and more
than 2 legs).
Value Range 1 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default n Power region for voice (1 leg) = 80
n Power region for voice (2 leg) = 40
n Power region for voice (3 leg) = 32
Setting If channel power higher limit is set too high and the power of
some channels is high, other channels will be disturbed and
suffer performance loss. If channel power higher limit is set too
low, the QoS of some channels can not meet the requirements.
If channel power lower limit is set too high, the channel power
can not be low even when wireless environment is good; this
leads to the waste of forward power resource. If channel power
lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the
response speed of forward power control can not meet the
power increase requirement of channel QoS. Meanwhile, when
forward power is low, the forward power capacity obtained

144 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

through lowering the power will be very small, and can be

Related n FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for data (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for data (1/2/3 leg)

Power region for data (1/2/3 leg)

Description Data service power variation region (1 leg, 2 legs and more than
2 legs).
Value Range 0 ~ 255. The unit is DGU.
Default n Power region for data (1 leg) = 80
n Power region for data (2 leg) = 40
n Power region for data (3 leg) = 32
Setting If channel power higher limit is set too high and the power of
some channels is high, other channels will be disturbed and
suffer performance loss. If channel power higher limit is set too
low, the QoS of some channels can not meet the requirements.
If channel power lower limit is set too high, the channel power
can not be low even when wireless environment is good; this
leads to the waste of forward power resource. If channel power
lower limit is set too low and the F-SCH power is low, the
response speed of forward power control can not meet the
power increase requirement of channel QoS. Meanwhile, when
forward power is low, the forward power capacity obtained
through lowering the power will be very small, and can be
Related n FSCH power delta (1/2/3 leg)
n Forward SCH nominal power (1/2/3 leg)
n Power region for voice (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for data (1/2/3 leg)
n Nominal transmit power for voice (1/2/3 leg)

Description PTT service forward fundamental channel power change scope (1
leg/2 legs/3 legs).
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 1 ~ 255, Unit: DGU

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Default 40/48/68
Setting see nominal_pwr1/2/3_ptt.

RCC2 FCH initial power delta

Description F-FCH initial transmitting power variation range. When system
forward load is lower than FCH initial power uprise threshold, F-
FCH power upper limit increases RCC2 FCH initial power delta.
Value Range 0 ~ 255. The unit DGU.
Default 0.
Setting n If FCH initial power uprise threshold and RCC2 FCH initial
power delta are set too high, F-FCH initial transmitting power
raises and the transmission effect will be improved but the
disturbance to other channels also increases, and may cause
forward power overload.
n If FCH initial power uprise threshold and RCC2 FCH initial
power delta are set too low, transmission effect cannot be
improved through raising F-FCH initial transmitting power
even when forward load is low but forward power overload
hardly occurs.
The application range of this parameter is all F-FCHs of RC3,
RC4 and RC5 under the BTS.
Related n FCH initial power uprise threshold

FCH initial power uprise threshold

Description F-FCH initial transmitting power uprising threshold. When
system forward load is lower than FCH initial power uprise
threshold, F-FCH power upper limit increases RCC2 FCH initial
power delta.
Value Range 0 ~ 100. The unit is 1%.
Default 75.
Setting n If FCH initial power uprise threshold and RCC2 FCH initial
power delta are set too high, F-FCH initial transmitting power
raises and the transmission effect will be improved but the
disturbance to other channels also increases, and may cause
forward power overload.
n If FCH initial power uprise threshold and RCC2 FCH initial
power delta are set too low, transmission effect cannot be
improved through raising F-FCH initial transmitting power
even when forward load is low but forward power overload
hardly occurs.

146 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

The application range of this parameter is all F-FCHs of RC3,

RC4 and RC5 under the BTS.
Related n RCC2 FCH initial power delta

Description Enable abnormal energy power control optimizing.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0, 1
Default 0.
Setting Not applicable.

Description Channel forward initial transmission power increment in
abnormal energy power control.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0 ~ 30
Default 24
Setting Not applicable.

Description Amount of deleted frame when there is abnormal energy power.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0 ~ 30
Default 10
Setting Not applicable

Description Enable frame number rejects to send alarms or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0,1
0: disable
1: enable
Default 0

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting In normal conditions, even frame number checking is enabled,

frame number checking rejection should not occur but if SDU
board or transmission failure cause a long delay or clock not
works normally, frame number checking rejection will occur.
Frame loss is avoidable accordinly, if frame loss reaches the
threshold, voice quality will become worse. Here, SDU board
failure is the major cause. therefore, when the conversation
frame number checking rejection reaches the threshold, report
alarms with corresponding SDU information. To avoid alarm
storm, alarm report interval must be specified.
Frame number checking at background: enable the frame
number checking when the clock checked by channel board is
normal. If the time is between maximum and minimum timing
advance, the frame number checking will be accepted.
Otherwise, frame number checking will be rejected.
The value range is 0 or 1, the default value is 0. 0 stands for no
alarm report after frame number checking; 1 indicates an alarm
after frame number checking.

Description Frame number rejects alarms threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 5 ~ 30
Default 10
Setting If the frame number is higher than this threshold and
fsnrejectsendalm is 1 (enable frame number checking reject to
report alarms), report alarms otherwise do not report alarms.

Description Interval of frame number rejects alarm report.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 30 ~ 600
Default 60
Setting It mainly prevents alarm storm, a frame number is needed to
check alarm report rejection interval. If the interval is small,
alarm storm will likely occur. If the interval is big, it will be
difficult to detect potential abnormal system status (serious
frame loss).

148 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 BTS Node Parameters

Description Maximum forward allowable frame loss.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 300 ~ 65535
Default 300
Setting In order to satisfy this request and easy to locate the problems,
this parameter can be configured in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10
In old 3G RLSA designs, the forward no-frame checking length is
fixed at 300 frames (6s). In some tests, this length must be
changed to any value.
Forward no-frame checking: check how many frames are on
forward service channel. If CES can not receive SDM forward
frame in specified length (set at background), send remove-leg
request to RCMMain process of RCM.

Description GPMmessage report enableswitch.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0,1
0: disable
1: enable
Default 0
Setting Generally paging message reports signaling and there are many
paging messages. If these messages are reported, there may be
an huge impact on system performance (including CPU
utilization). By default, air-interface general paging message
signaling is not reported.

Description Turn ON BCAM message signaling tracking in PTT or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0,1
0: disable
1: enable
Default 0

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting BCAM message reports signaling and there are many BCAM
messages. If these messages are reported, there may be an
huge impact on system performance (including CPU utilization).
By default, air-interface BCAM message signaling is not reported.

Description Turn ON NCAM message signaling tracking in PTT or not.
This parameter is only applicable to BTS.
Value Range 0,1
0: disable
1: enable
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

150 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3

1X Cell Parameters

This chapter describes:

n Cell Parameters
n System Parameters
n Power Control Reporting Parameters
n Handoff Parameters
n Reverse Link Overload Parameters
n SCH Rate Parameters
n Redirect Message Parameters
n Neighbor Frequency Parameters
n ECAM Information Repeat Parameters

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Cell Parameters
Description The cell BSS ID.
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default BSS ID is automatically filled out by the system, and the default
value is the home BSS ID.
Setting This parameter should not be set.

Description The system ID of the wireless cell BTS.
Value Range 1 ~ 1800.
Default BTS ID is automatically filled out by the system when creating a
wireless cell and the default value is the system ID of the home
Setting The system automatically fills in and no need for setting.
Related BSS ID

Description A unique ID for the cell in the home BTS.
Value Range 0 ~ 5.
Default An incremental integer starting from 0 in the range of 0 ~ 5.
Setting Select it from the drop-down box.

Cell alias
Description Cell alias.
A character string is used for identifying a cell manually.
Setting A character string for identifying the cell.

152 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description The cell system ID.
The cell SIDs under the same BTS are same.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767.
SID 0 value is reserved by the system, which cannot be used.
Setting Maintained by the operator.
Related NID

Description Network ID inside a system, which is a system subset of the
NID 0 and 65535 are reserved. NID = 0, indicating all BSs not
on any network. MS uses NID reserved value 65535 to
determine the roaming status, that is, MS considers the whole
SID (not considering NID) in a local (not roaming) status.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting Maintained by the operator.
Related SID

Description Location area code.
LAC and CI are used uniquely to determine a cell for the
operator internally, which are A interface protocol fields.
The LAC boundary should be set in the area with less subscribers,
so as to reduce the registered subscribers cross LACs. If it is
impossible to find a proper area, configure cross LAC in the cell
at the LAC boundary. BSC sends a paging message according to
the paging area newly formed by cross LAC when paging. In this
way, cross LAC registering /handoff can be reduced, enabling
MSC to issue a paging to the LAC if a subscriber registers in an
LAC. But, if the subscriber has been handed over to another LAC,
it results in paging failed.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting Maintained by the operator.
Reference n CI

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Overlap LAC1
n Overlap LAC2
n Overlap LAC1 Mode
n Overlap LAC2 Mode

Description Cell ID.
LAC and CI are used to determine a cell uniquely internally by
the operator, which are A interface fields.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting Maintained by the operator.
Related n LAC
n Overlap LAC1
n Overlap LAC2
n Overlap LAC1 Mode
n Overlap LAC2 Mode

PTT dispatch location area ID

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

Description Pilot PN offset.
It is valid in the home cell range.
Value Range 0 ~ 511, Unit: 64 chips.
Setting Usable Pilot_PN numbers inside the system = 512/ Pilot_PN
increment. It is recommended to set Pilot_PN increment as
power (2, 4 and 8) of 2.
It is better not to use Pilot_PN = 0. Some test tools use
PILOT_PN = 0 for special usage.
Related Pilot_PN increment

Pilot_PN increment
Description Pilot PN offset increment.

154 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 64 chips.

Default 4.
Setting If it is set too high, available Pilot_PN is insufficient, increasing
Pilot_PN multiplexing, and causing severe co-Pilot offset
If it is set too low, available Pilot_PN increases, adjacent pilot
offset interference areas increases, it is impossible to distinguish
large time delay between cells and the multiple path
components in the same cell.
Related Pilot_PN

Band class
Description BS frequency band.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Table 80 describes the value range of Band class.


Value Meaning
0 800M
1 1.9G
4 Korean PCS
5 450M
6 2G
7 700M
8 1.8G
9 900M
10 Secondary 800M
Other values Reserved

Setting This set of parameters maintained by the operator.

Related CDMA Channel frequency

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Search window size for the active set

and candidate set
Description Searching window size for Active Set and Candidate Set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 81 describes the value range of Search Window Size for
the Active Set and Candidate Set.


Value Meaning
0 4 PN chips
1 6 PN chips
2 8 PN chips
3 10 PN chips
4 14 PN chips
5 20 PN chips
6 28 PN chips
7 40 PN chips
8 60 PN chips
9 80 PN chips
10 100 PN chips
11 130 PN chips
12 160 PN chips
13 226 PN chips
14 320 PN chips
15 452 PN chips

Default 6.
Setting To set it too high, MS searcher may select other BS pilot multi-
path signals by mistake. Meanwhile, MS takes long time to
search Active Set and Candidate Set pilot, and interval for
searching neighbor set pilot increases, resulting in handoff not
timely as well as performance reduced. If it is set too low, MS
might not search useful multi-path signals.
Related n Search window size for the Neighbor Set
n Search window size for the Remaining Set

156 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Search window size for neighbor set

Description Searching window size for neighbor set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 82 describes the value range of Search Window Size for
Neighbor Set.


Value Meaning
0 4 PN chips
1 6 PN chips
2 8 PN chips
3 10 PN chips
4 14 PN chips
5 20 PN chips
6 28 PN chips
7 40 PN chips
8 60 PN chips
9 80 PN chips
10 100 PN chips
11 130 PN chips
12 160 PN chips
13 226 PN chips
14 320 PN chips
15 452 PN chips

Default 8.
Setting To set is too high, MS wastes time to search neighbor set pilot,
and the interval for searching Active Set and Candidate Set pilot
increases, resulting in performance reduced. To set it too low,
MS might be unable to search neighbor set pilot. The Neighbor
Set should be set higher than the Active Set.
Related n Search window size for the Active Set and Candidate Set
n Search window size for the Remaining Set

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Search window size for remaining

Description Searching window size for remaining set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 83 describes the value range Search Window Size for
Remaining Set.


Value Meaning
0 4 PN chips
1 6 PN chips
2 8 PN chips
3 10 PN chips
4 14 PN chips
5 20 PN chips
6 28 PN chips
7 40 PN chips
8 60 PN chips
9 80 PN chips
10 100 PN chips
11 130 PN chips
12 160 PN chips
13 226 PN chips
14 320 PN chips
15 452 PN chips
Setting To set it too high, MS searcher may select other sector pilot
multi-path signals by mistake. Meanwhile, MS takes long time to
search remaining set pilot, and interval for searching remaining
set pilot increases, resulting in handoff not timely as well as
performance reduced. If it is set too low, MS might not search
remaining set pilot. When optimizing the system, this parameter
should be set little bit higher than Active Set, and can be set as
0 when neighbor cell configurations are improved.
Related n Search window size for the Neighbor Set
n Search window size for the Active Set and Candidate Set

158 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Neighbor set maximum AGE

Description It is the maximum time length staying in the neighbor set after
the Active Sets/Candidate are moved into the Neighbor Set.
Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 84 describes the value range of neighbor set maximum age.

T A B L E 8 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F N E I G H B O R S E T M A X I MU M A G E

Value Meaning
0 4
1 6
2 8
3 10
4 14
5 20
6 28
7 40
8 60
9 80
10 100
11 130
12 160
13 226
14 320
15 452

Default 2.
Setting To set it too high, the pilot frequency moved by the Neighbor set
from the Active Set or Candidate Set stays too long, resulting in
new or key neighbor pilot frequency unable to be added in the
Neighbor Set. To set is too low, if the pilot frequency moved
from the Active Set or Candidate Set is not in NLUM, it stays too
short in the neighbor set, increasing the possibility unable to
search required pilot frequency in the neighbor set. Therefore,
the requirements on BS neighbor cell configuration accuracy are
even high.
Related n Search window size for the Active Set and Candidate Set
n Search window size for the Neighbor Set
n Search window size for the Remaining Set

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Rescan indicator
Description After MS receives SPM, it indicates whether to reinitialize and
recapture the system (rescan).
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 85 describes the value range of Rescan indicator.


Value Meaning
0 No rescanning
1 Rescanning

Default 0.

Gain adjustment of the RTCH

relative to the RPCH for radio
Description The gain adjustable value for the reversed service channels
above RC2 related to R-PICH.
Value Range 0 ~ 125, Scale: 0.125 dB.
Default 0.
Setting If it is set too high, the reversed service channel transmitting
power is too high, and inversed interference increases. If it is set
too low, the reversed service channel transmitting power is too
low, and reversed error frame rate increases.
Related Gain adjustment of the RSCH relative to the RPCH for Radio
Parameters Configurations.

Gain adjustment of the RSCH

relative to the RPCH for radio
Description R-SCH is a gain adjustable value related to R-PICH.
Value Range 0 ~ 125, Scale: 0.125 dB.
Default 0.

160 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting If it is set too high, R-SCH transmitting power is too high, and
inversed interference increases. If it is set too low, R-SCH
transmitting power is too low, and reversed error frame rate
Related Gain adjustment of the RTCH relative to the RPCH for Radio
Parameters Configurations

Description Cell radius. The signal from handset on reverse link will be
delayed because of propagation delay which value will change
when handset is at different locations. So BTS will acquire any
messages on access channel in a time range, not only at one
time point. Cell radius parameter is used to define this range. If
this value is set too small, handsets on coveragea boundary can
receive and demodule the forward singal but BTS cannot acquire
their reverse messages on access channel. If this value is set too
large, BTS can acquire messages on access channel but the
efficiency of searcher will be decreased.
Value Range 1 ~ 1024, Unit: chip.
Default 128.
Setting Set it according to cell practical situation. To get the initial value
of this parameter, we can take the following steps:
1. Get the designed value of coverage radius of cell. If some
repeaters are connected to this cell, the coverage of
repeaters and transmission (between donor site and repeater)
delay should be considered.
2. Multiply the designed coverage radius value by 2, because
the propagation delay is two-way;
3. Convert the result of step2 into chip unit;
4. Considering diffraction and refraction, we can multiply the
result of step3 by a “multi-path factor” which can be 2;
5. The result of step4 can be an initial setting of cell radius
parameter. It can be optimized as per the actual coverage
and complaint information.
Recommended initial settings of this parameter for sites in
different areas are as follows:
l Urban Area: 128 chips
l Suburban Area: 300 chips
l Rural Area: 500 chips
l Ultra-Far Coverage Area: 900 chips
Related n Cell Mode
Parameters n Maximum RACH search scope

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n Maximum RACH separation

Maximum RACH search scope

Description When searching with R-ACH prefix, it is allowed to allocate
maximum searcher power to R-ACH.
Value Range 0 ~ 32, Unit: 1/32.
Default 8.
Setting To set it high, the searching power allocated to R-ACH is high;
therefore, it can support more R-ACHs, but reduces searching
performance of other IS-95 channels. To set it low, it might be
unable to detect R-ACH access attempt due to insufficient
searching power. If there is no IS-95 terminal in the service area,
it is recommended to set it as 32.
Related n Radius
n Cell Mode
n Maximum RACH Separation

Maximum RACH separation

Description It is the offset threshold between multi-path signals of the same
subscriber in R-ACH. If the PN offset between the searched
signal and the strongest signal is over this threshold, it does not
be assigned as finger.
Value Range 8 ~ 512, Unit: 1/8 chip.
Default 80.
Setting To set it too high, multi-subscriber signals is combined, resulting
in access collision, and every access attempt fails. To set it too
low, useful multi-path signals might be lost, reducing RAKE
receiver performance. Since R-ACH has no power control, it
results in access attempt failure.
Related n Radius
n Cell Mode
n Maximum RACH Search Scope

Protocol revision level

Description BS protocol version number. Protocol revision level as SCHM, ESPM,
EHDM, UHDM, GHDM, ITSPM fields; while Minimum protocol
revision level as SCHM and ESPM fields. MS determines the
version used according to itself version number and Protocol
revision level. If MS version number is lower than Minimum protocol

162 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

revision level, MS does not select the system that the BS is

Value Range 1 ~ 7.
Table 86 describes the value range of protocol revision level.


Value Meaning
1 J-STD-008
2 IS-95
3 IS-95A+TSB74
4 IS-95B
5 IS-95B, phase 2
6 IS-2000 1xRTT Rev.0
7 IS-2000 1xRTT Rev.1

Default 6.
Setting It is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB).
Related n Minimum protocol revision level
n Standard protocol revision level support indicator

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Minimum protocol revision level

Description The minimum protocol version number supported by BS.
Value Range 2 ~ 7.
Default 2.
Setting In the home cell, but under the same BSS, set all the cells with
the same value.
Related n Protocol revision level
n Standard protocol revision level support indicator

Standard protocol revision level

support indicator
Description Standard version supported.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 20.
Setting No setting is required.
Related n Protocol revision level
n Minimum protocol revision level

Base station latitude

Description BS latitude. MS calculates the distance between the current BS
and last time registered BS via Base station longitude and Base
station latitude.
Value Range -1296000 ~ 1296000, indicated by binary complemented code.
Positive figure means north latitude, in unit 0.25’’.
Setting This parameter is maintained by the operator or network planner,
and set by BTS location.
Related Base station longitude

Base station longitude

Description BS longitude. MS calculates the distance between the current BS
and last time registered BS via Base station longitude and Base
station latitude.

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Value Range -2592000~2592000, indicated by binary complemented code.

Positive figure means east longitude, in unit 0.25’’.
Setting This parameter is maintained by the operator or network planner,
and set by BTS location.
Related Base station latitude

Supplemental channel request

message pilot intensity reporting
Description SCRM pilot intensity reported offset.
Value Range 0 ~ 7, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 0.
Setting If it is set too high, the strong intensity neighbor pilot does not
be reported, and service channel cannot be established,
impacting R-SCH transmission.

Encryption fields included

Description Encryption supported indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 87 describes the value range of Encryption fields included.


Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Must set is as 0.
Related n RCCLASS2 support indicator
n Neighbor Cell Number
n Supported Sync channel disposal type

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Description ENC_SUPPORTED : indication of encryption being supported
RCClass2_Support: indication of above RC2 being supported
NGHBR_CELL_NUM: neighbor cell amount
StdSyncCH: indication of standard sync. channel support
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range See the Table 88.


Parameter Value range Unit Default

ENC_SUPPORTED 0: not support N/A 0
1: support
RCClass2_Support 0: not support N/A 1
1: support
StdSyncCH 0: not support N/A 1
1: support

Setting ENC_SUPPORTED must be set to 0 (curremt systems do not

support encryption).
RCClass2_Support should be set to 1.
StdSyncCH is the parameter that can be used to comply with
NOKIA MS, it is set to 1 generally.
Note: ENC_SUPPORTED is ESPM, ITSPM field, see [8].

Neighbor cell number

Description Number of neighbor cells.
Value Range 0 ~ 20.
Setting Set it based on network planning.
Related n RCCLASS2 support indicator
n Supported Sync channel disposal type
n Encryption fields included

166 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Handoff mode
Description Semi-soft handoff mode.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 89 describes the value range of Handoff Mode.


Value Meaning
0 Handover
1 Handdown

Handover: The destination cell for semi soft handoff does not
include current cell.
Handdown: The destination cell for semi soft handoff includes
current cell.

Default 1.
Setting Set this parameter as 1.
Related Pilot intensity threshold.

Description Receiving diversity mode.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0,1
0: 2 channel receiving diversity
1: 4 channel receiving dieversity
Default 1
Setting Receiving diversity mode: FALSE - 2 channel receiving diversity,
i.e. two antennas and one TRX resource are used. TRUE – 4
channel receiving diversity, i.e. four antennas and two TRX
resources are used.

Pilot intensity threshold

Description It is the comparative intensity threshold between the hypo
intensity pilot and most intensity pilot during handoff. When the
intensity difference between the hypo intensity pilot and the

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

most intensity pilot is lower than this threshold, the hypo

intensity pilot is added into the target set.
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 4.
Setting If it is set too high, the weak pilot is added into the target set,
resulting in BS resources waste. If it is set too low, the strong
intensity pilot is added into the target set, reducing the link
Related Handoff Mode

Description Cell status.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 0
Setting Setting is invalid.
Note: This field foreground is dynamic field, dynamic
management can block/unblock cells.

Overlap LAC1 mode

Description Overlap LAC1 existing indication.
The LAC boundary should be set in the area with less subscribers,
so as to reduce the registered subscribers cross LACs. If it is
impossible to find a proper area, configure cross LAC in the cell
at the LAC boundary. BSC sends a paging message according to
the paging area newly formed by cross LAC when paging. In this
way, cross LAC registering /handoff can be reduced, enabling
MSC to issue a paging to the LAC if a subscriber registers in an
LAC. But, if the subscriber has been handed over to another LAC,
it results in paging failed.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 90 describes the value range of Overlap LAC1 mode.


Value Meaning
0 Inexistent
1 Existent

Default 0.

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting Overlap LAC1 is only valid when the relevant Overlap LAC2
mode is 1.
Related n CI
n Overlap LAC1
n Overlap LAC2
n Overlap LAC2 Mode

Overlap LAC1
Description Overlapped LAC1.
The LAC boundary should be set in the area with less subscribers,
so as to reduce the registered subscribers cross LACs. If it is
impossible to find a proper area, configure cross LAC in the cell
at the LAC boundary. BSC sends a paging message according to
the paging area newly formed by cross LAC when paging. In this
way, cross LAC registering /handoff can be reduced, enabling
MSC to issue a paging to the LAC if a subscriber registers in an
LAC. But, if the subscriber has been handed over to another LAC,
it results in paging failed.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting Overlap LAC1/2 is only valid when the relevant Overlap LAC1
mode/ Overlap LAC2 mode is 1. If it is not configured, the
paging response rate is decreased.
Related n Overlap LAC2 mode
n Overlap LAC1 mode
n Overlap LAC2

Overlap LAC2 mode

Description Overlap LAC2 existing indication.
The LAC boundary should be set in the area with less subscribers,
so as to reduce the registered subscribers cross LACs. If it is
impossible to find a proper area, configure cross LAC in the cell
at the LAC boundary. BSC sends a paging message according to
the paging area newly formed by cross LAC when paging. In this
way, cross LAC registering /handoff can be reduced, enabling
MSC to issue a paging to the LAC if a subscriber registers in an
LAC. But, if the subscriber has been handed over to another LAC,
it results in paging failed.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.

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Table 91 describes the value range of Overlap LAC2 mode.


Value Meaning
0 Inexistent
1 Existent

Default 0.
Setting Overlap LAC2 is only valid when the relevant Overlap LAC2
mode is 1.
Related n Overlap LAC1 mode
n Overlap LAC1
n Overlap LAC2

Overlap LAC2
Description Overlapped LAC2.
The LAC boundary should be set in the area with less subscribers,
so as to reduce the registered subscribers cross LACs. If it is
impossible to find a proper area, configure cross LAC in the cell
at the LAC boundary. BSC sends a paging message according to
the paging area newly formed by cross LAC when paging. In this
way, cross LAC registering /handoff can be reduced, enabling
MSC to issue a paging to the LAC if a subscriber registers in an
LAC. But, if the subscriber has been handed over to another LAC,
it results in paging failed.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Setting Overlap LAC2 is only valid when the relevant Overlap LAC2
mode is 1. If it is not configured, the paging response rate is
Related n Overlap LAC2 mode
n Overlap LAC1 mode
n Overlap LAC1

Description Control channel changeover enable switch.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0,1
Default 0

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting Not applicable.

Description Carrier frequency select algorithm options.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0,1
0: power
1: user
Default 0
Setting BSC side can implement carrier frequency selection for the
corresponding cells according to power or user amount.
Generally, power is the reference.
Note: This parameter is applicable to 1x handset, not applicable
to 95 handset.

Description Barring terminal calls according to distance or not.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0,1
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Description Maximum call distance between terminal and base station.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535, Unit: 1/8 chips
Default 65535
Setting Not applicable.

Supported sync channel disposal

Description Standard synchronous channel supported indication.

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Value Range 0~1

Table 92 describes the value range of Supported Sync Channel
Disposal Type.


Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 1.
Setting This parameter is compatible with NOKIA MS. Generally, it is set
as 1.

Description Call loss rate.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 2, 5
Default 2
Setting Not applicable.

Cell mode
Description Cell mode.
CSM5000 chip supports 6 sectors in ordinary mode. Each sector
radius is 512 chips at most. The large cell mode supports 3
sectors, and each sector radius is 1024 chips at most.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 93 describes the value range of Cell mode.


Value Meaning
0 Ordinary cell mode
1 Large cell mode

Default 0.
Setting Set it according to cell practical state.
Related n Radius

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n Maximum RACH search scope

n Maximum RACH separation

Description PTT broadcasting timeslot cycle index.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0~7
Default 4
Setting Affect classical group, high value will increase classical group
proceeding time, reduce paging channel overhead and save MS
power. Low value will bring about contrary consequences.
Default value is recommended and it is 6 in GoTa office.

Description Timeslot cycle mode and indicate whether MAX_PTT_SCI is
positive or negative.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: MAX_PTT_SCI is negative
1: MAX_PTT_SCI is positive
Default 1
Setting Short timeslot cycle can increase MS PTT function access speed.
If MS load increases, power consumption increases accordingly.
Long timeslot cycle will bring about contrary consequences. In
GoTa office, the configuration is 0.

Description PTT paging maximum timeslot cycle.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range SIGN_SLOT_CYCLE_IND=0; value range 0 ~ 4
SIGN_SLOT_CYCLE_IND=1; value range 0 ~ 7
Default 1
Setting See sign_slot_cycle_ind

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Description Fixed search window center.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: dynamically adjust reverse service channel search window
center according to epn
1: fixed reverse service channel search window center fixed
reverse service channel search window center.
Default 0
Setting In GoTa Commercial deployment, it is needed to support all
cells under the dispatching area in GoTa classical group call
mode, this value is set to 1 (fixed or static mode).
In non-Gota Commercial deployment or other cells under the
non-classical group dispatching area, this value is set to 0
(dynamic mode).

Description Reverse shared channel signaling maximum send times.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0~3
Default 0
Setting High value will increase the collision probability and reduce the
access success rate and small value will also reduce the access
success rate too. It is not recommended to modify this value
outside the office.

Description Reverse shared channel signaling message length.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 6, unit: 20 ms
0: indicates lenth is 1
1: indicates length is 2 and so on.
Default 2

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting High value increases reverse service channel signaling receiving

success rate, but timeslot length is increased and signaling
collision probability increases accordingly. Low value will bring
about the contrary consequences. It must be not less than the
maximum signaling length.

Description Reverse shared channel signaling prefix length.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 15, unit: 20 ms frame
When PR_LENGTH=n, reverse shared channel signaling prefix
length is 2*n+1.
For example:
0: indicates reverse shared channel signaling prefix length is 1
1: indicates reverse shared channel signaling prefix length is 3
2: indicates reverse shared channel signaling prefix length 5.
Default 0
Setting High value increases reverse service channel signaling receiving
success rate, timeslot length and signaling collision probability
also increases accordingly. Floor request reaction time also
increases. Low value will bring about the contrary consequences.

Description Retaining power threshold of voice service call.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 100
Default 50
Setting Actually the threshold is the percentage of current power
(corresponds to the RFPower in rbCrState table) and maximum
rated power (corresponds to the MaxOverloadPwrfield in
rbFWDOL table). When this percentage is lower than the
retaining power threshold of voice service call, select access
carrier frequency without inter-frequency assignment .
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects power.
n Voice service is available.

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Description Data service call maintaining power threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 100
Default 50
Setting Actually this threshold is the percentage of current power
(corresponds to the RFPower in rbCrState table) and maximum
rated power (corresponds to the MaxOverloadPwrfield in
rbFWDOL table). When this percentage is lower than the
retaining power threshold of data service call, select access
carrier frequency without inter-frequency assighnment.
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects power.
n Data service is available.

Description Voice service inter-frequency assighnment power threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 100
Default 20
Setting Actually this threshold is the percentage of current power
(corresponds to the RFPower in rbCrState table) and maximum
rated power (corresponds to the MaxOverloadPwrfield in
rbFWDOL table). When this percentage is higher than the
retaining power threshold of voice service call, inter-frequency
assighnment may occur. The voice service inter-frequency
assighnment power threshold determines frequency swap is
needed or not. If the percentage of the power difference with
the lowest power carrier frequency and the highest rated power
is not higher than the voice service inter-frequency assighnment
power threshold, calls will retain at access carrier frequency,
otherwise, frequency swap will occur.
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects power
n Voice service is available.

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description Data service inter-frequency assignment power threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 100
Default 20
Setting Actually this threshold is the percentage of current power
(corresponds to the RFPower in rbCrState table) and maximum
rated power (corresponds to the MaxOverloadPwrfield in
rbFWDOL table). When this percentage is higher than the
retaining power threshold of data service call, inter-frequency
assighnment may occur. The data service inter-frequency
assighnment power threshold determines frequency swap is
needed or not. If the percentage of the power difference with
the lowest power carrier frequency and the highest rated power
is not higher than the data service inter-frequency assignment
power threshold, calls will retain at access carrier frequency,
otherwise, frequency swap will occur.
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects power.
n Data service is available.

Description Voice service call retaining user amount threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 15
Setting If the amount of the user that an access carrier frequency is less
than the retained user amount threshold of voice service call,
select access carrier frequency without inter-frequency
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects user
n Voice service is available.

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Description Retained user amount threshold of data service call.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 3
Setting If the amount of the user that an access carrier frequency is less
than the retained user amount threshold of data service call,
select access carrier frequency without inter-frequency
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects user
n Data service is available.

Description Voice service inter-frequency assignment user amount threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 3
Setting If the amount of the user that an access carrier frequency is
more than the retained user amount threshold of voice service
call, inter-frequency assighnment becomes possible, frequency
swap is controlled by voice service inter-frequency assignment
user amount threshold. If the difference with the minimum user
amount carrier frequency is not greater than the voice service
inter-frequency assignment user amount threshold, call remains
at access carrier frequency otherwise frequency swap will take
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects user
n Voice service is available.

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description Data service inter-frequency assignment user amount threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 1
Setting If the amount of the user that an access carrier frequency is
greater than the retained user amount threshold of data service
call, inter-frequency assighnment becomes possible, frequency
swap is controlled by data service inter-frequency assignment
user amount threshold. If the difference with the minimum user
amount carrier frequency is not greater than the voice service
inter-frequency assignment user amount threshold, call remains
at access carrier frequency otherwise frequency swap will take
n This parameter is available when switch2 selects power.
n Data service is available.

System Parameters
Description Register zone
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 4095
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Description Zone timer length
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0~7
Default 0
Setting The following Table 94 shows the timer length at handset side
corresponds to this parameter value.

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T A B L E 9 4 Z O N E T I ME R V A L U E A N D L E N G T H

ZONE_TIMER value (binary) Timer Length (minutes)

000 1
001 2
010 5
011 10
100 20
101 30
111 45

Description Multiple SID storage indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0,1
0: single
1: multiple
Default 0
Setting If MS can store the SID_NID_LIST that contains different SIDs,
base station sets this field to ‘1’, otherwise base station sets this
field to ‘0’.

Description Multiple NID storage indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0,1
0: single
1: multiple
Default 0
Setting If MS can store the SID_NID_LIST with the same SID (different
NID), base station needs to set this field to ‘1’; otherwise base
station will set this field to ‘0’.

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Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description BS indentification.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535
Default Not applicable
Setting BASE_ID is used for R-ACH long code mask, see the Figure 1
below for R-ACH long code mask.

F I G U R E 1 R - AC H L O N G C O D E M A S K

Description Base station class
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: frequency band 1 or 4
1: other frequency band
Default 1
Setting For Band Class1 and 4, this value should be 0001, otherwise this
value should be 0000.

Description Home register indication
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: not register
1: registered
Default 1
Setting Not applicable.

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Description NID roaming user register indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: not register
1: registered
Default 1
Setting If the MS do not complete autonomous registration, base station
will set this field to ‘0’.

Description NID roaming user register indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: not register
1: registered
Default 1
Setting If the MS do not complete autonomous registration, base station
will set this field to ‘0’.

Description Power on register indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
Default 1
Setting If the MS set to autonomous registration after power ON, base
station will set this field to ‘1’ otherwise to ‘0’.

Description Power down register indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1

182 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Default 1
Setting If the MS set to autonomous registration before power down,
base station will set this field I to ‘1’ otherwise to ‘0’.

Description Parameter change registration indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
Default 1
Setting If MS will register when the specified parameters change, base
station will set this field to ‘1’ otherwise to ‘0’.

Description Register cycle
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 29 ~ 85
Default 1
Setting If MS does not perform timer-based registration, base station
will set this field to ‘0000000’ and the ideal timer value is

Description Register distance
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 2047
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Description Indication of whether MS contains standard authentication data
in access channel message or not.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: not contain

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1: contain
Default 0
Setting Specify whether authentication is needed according to network
operator’s requirements, RAND and MSC should have the same

Description Random search value
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 2147483647 or 0 ~ 232-1
Default 1
Setting If AUTH is set to “01”, base station can generate a random
number and this value is sent to handset for authentication; if
AUTH is set to other values, this field dose not make sense.

Reselect included indicator

Description System reselecting parameter included indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 95 describes the value range of Reselect included indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Excluded
1 Included

Default 0.
Setting Generally, set this parameter as 0.
Related n Pilot power threshold
n Pilot Ec/Io threshold

Pilot power threshold

Description Pilot power threshold.
Value Range 0 ~ 31, Unit: dBm/1.23 MHz.
Default 0.
Setting When Reselect included indicator is 1:

184 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n Set Pilot threshold = Pilot power threshold + 115. Where,

Pilot power threshold is pilot power threshold Ec, in unit
dBm/1.23Mhz. When the pilot is lower than the threshold,
MS reselects the system.
n Set Pilot Ec/Io threshold = -20×log10 (Pilot threshold).
Where, Pilot threshold is the pilot Ec/Io threshold. When the
pilot Ec/Io is lower than the threshold, MS reselects the
Related n Reselect included indicator
n Pilot power threshold
n Pilot Ec/Io threshold

Pilot Ec/Io threshold

Description Pilot Ec/Io threshold.
Value Range 0 ~ 31, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 0.
Setting When Reselect included indicator is 1:
n Set Pilot threshold = Pilot power threshold + 115. Where,
Pilot power threshold is pilot power threshold Ec, in unit
dBm/1.23Mhz. When the pilot is lower than the threshold,
MS reselects the system.
n Set Pilot Ec/Io threshold = -20×log10 (Pilot threshold).
Where, Pilot threshold is the pilot Ec/Io threshold. When the
pilot Ec/Io is lower than the threshold, MS reselects the
Related n Reselect included indicator
n Pilot power threshold

Offset of local time from system time

Description Time difference between the local time and the system time.
Calculate the local time as (unit: 80 ms): SYSTEM_TIME –
(LP_SEC * 12.5) + (LTM_OFF * 22500).
Value Range -24 ~ 26, Unit: 30 minutes.
Default 16.
Setting Set it according to BTS geological location.
Related Daylight savings time indicator.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Maximum slot cycle index

Description Maximum time slot cycle index.
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Default 2.
Setting Set it high, the call setup time can be reduced. But MS
consumes more power, and shorten the standby time. Set it low,
the result is reversed.
Related n Paging Channel data rate
n Broadcast slot cycle index

Paging channel data rate

Description F-PCH data rate.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 96 describes the value range of Paging Channel Data Rate.


Value Meaning
0 9600 bps
1 4800 bps

Default 0.
Setting When it is set as 0, F-PCH capacity is increased, but the forward
service link capacity is decreased. When it is set as 1, the effect
is reversed.
Related n Maximum slot cycle index
n Broadcast slot cycle index

Preferred access channel mobile

station ID type
Description The preferred access channel MS ID type.
Value Range 0 ~ 3.

186 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Table 97 describes the preferred parameter values.

T A B L E 9 7 V A L U E R A N G E O F P R E F E R R E D A C C E S S C H A N N E L M O B I L E S T AT I O N

Preferred Access
Channel Mobile Description
Station ID Type
0 0 IMSI_S and ESN
2 0 IMSI
3 0 IMSI and ESN
1 TMSI (assigned valid TMSI);
IMSI (not assigned TMSI)
1 TMSI (assigned valid TMSI);
3 IMSI and ESN (not assigned

Default 3.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Use TMSI indicator
n Delete foreign TMSI
n IMSI_T support indicator

Broadcast slot cycle index

Description Broadcast slot cycle index.
Value Range 0 ~ 7. 0 is to disable cycle paging.
Default 0.
Setting Set is as 0.
Related n Paging Channel data rate
n Maximum slot cycle index

Daylight savings time indicator

Description Daylight savings indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 98 describes the value range of Daylight Savings Time

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 187

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

T A B L E 9 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F D A Y L I G H T S A V I N G S T I ME I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Non-daylight savings time
1 Daylight savings time

Default 0.
Setting Set it based on operators’ state.
Related Offset of local time from System Time (30min)

Extended system parameters

message indicator
Description ESPM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 99 describes the value range of Extended System
Parameters Message Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 1.
Setting It is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB).
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator
n User Zone Identification Message indicator

188 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Extended neighbor list message

Description ENLM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 100 describes the value range of Extended Neighbor List
Message Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 0.
Setting As to Band Class 1, 3, 4, when Minimum protocol revision level
is less than 7, set it as 1.
As to Band Class 0, set it as 0.
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator
n User Zone Identification Message indicator

General neighbor list message

Description GNLM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 0.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 189

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 101 describes the value range of General Neighbor List

Message Indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 0.
Setting As to Band Class 1, 3, 4, Minimum protocol revision level is
greater than and equal to 7, and when Extended Neighbor List
Message indicator=0, set it as 1.
As to Band Class 0, Minimum protocol revision level is greater
than and equal to 7, and NLM is not sent, set it as 1.
As to Band Class 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and when Extended Neighbor
List Message indicator=0, set it as 1.
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator
n User Zone Identification Message indicator

Global service redirection message

Description GSRDM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 102 describes the value range of Global Service Redirection
Message Indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

190 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
To send the message, set this parameter as 1; otherwise, set it
as 0.
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator
n User Zone Identification Message indicator

Private neighbor list message

Description PNLM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 103 describes the value range of Private Neighbor List
Message Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 0.

Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
To send the message, set this parameter as 1; otherwise, set it
as 0.
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 191

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n User Zone Identification Message indicator

Description UZIMsend indication.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0, 1
0: do not send
1: send
Setting When sending a message, the corresponding field must be set to
1, otherwise 0. See the Table 104 below for parameter setting.


Parameter Setting
EXT_NGHBR_LIST Band Class 1, 3, 4,MIN_P_REVis less
than 7:1
Band Class 0:0
GEN_NGHBR_LIST Band Class 1, 3, 4,MIN_P_REV≧7,
Band Class 0,MIN_P_REV≧7, do not
send NLM:1
Band Class 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ,

Extended global dervice redirection

message indicator
Description EGSRDM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 105 describes the value range of Extended Global Service
Redirection Message Indicator.



Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 0.

192 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
To send the message, set this parameter as 1; otherwise, set it
as 0.
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator
n User Zone Identification Message indicator

Extended CDMA chanel list

message indicator
Description ECCLM sending indication.
Value Range 0 ~1.
Table 106 describes the value range of Extended CDMA Chanel
List Message Indicator.

T A B L E 1 0 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F E X T E N D E D C DM A C H A N E L L I S T M E S S A G E

Value Meaning
0 Not send
1 Send

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
To send the message, set this parameter as 1; otherwise, set it
as 0.
Related n Extended CDMA Chanel List Message indicator
n Extended Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n Extended Neighbor List Message indicator
n Extended System Parameters Message indicator
n Global Service Redirection Message indicator
n General Neighbor List Message indicator
n Private Neighbor List Message indicator
n User Zone Identification Message indicator

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 193

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Delete foreign TMSI

Description Deleting roaming TMSI indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 107 describes the value range of Delete Foreign TMS.


Value Meaning
0 Not delete
1 Delete

Default 1.
Setting It is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB).
Related n Use TMSI indicator
n IMSI_T support indicator
n Preferred Access Channel Mobile Station ID Type

Use TMSI indicator

Description User TMSI indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1. 0 means not to use; 1 means to use it.
Table 108 describes the preferred parameter values for TMSI

T A B L E 1 0 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F U S E T M S I I N D I C AT O R

Preferred Access
Channel Mobile Description
Station ID Type
0 0 IMSI_S and ESN
2 0 IMSI
3 0 IMSI and ESN
TMSI (assigned valid TMSI);
2 1
IMSI (not assigned TMSI)
TMSI (assigned valid TMSI);
3 1 IMSI and ESN (not assigned

Default 0.

194 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Delete foreign TMSI
n IMSI_T support indicator
n Preferred Access Channel Mobile Station ID Type

IMSI_T support indicator

Description IMSI_T supported indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 109 describes the value range of IMSI_T Support Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Use 0 by default.
Related n Use TMSI indicator
n Delete foreign TMSI
n Preferred Access Channel Mobile Station ID Type

Description The maximum amount of available service option that MS can
contain in ORM and PRM.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0~7
Defalut 0
Setting Set to “0”.

Description Pilot report indication.
Value Range 0, 1
0: MS only reports the appended pilots whose strength is
stronger than T_ADD in ORM and PRM.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

1: MS reports the appended pilots whose strength is stronger

than T_ADD in all access channel messages.
Default 1
Setting Not applicable.

Neighbor set access entry handoff

information included indicator
Description Neighbor set access entry handoff information included
Value Range 0:Not included; 1: Included.
Default 1.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

Access entry handoff permitted

Description Access entry handoff indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 110 describes the value range of Access entry handoff
permitted indicator.

T A B L E 1 1 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F A C C E S S E N T R Y H A N D O F F P E R MI T T E D

Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

196 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Default 0.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
This parameter is only valid when Neighbor Set access handoff
included indicator = 1.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

Neighbor set access handoff

included indicator
Description Neighbor set access handoff information included indication.
Value Range 0:Not included; 1: Included.
Default 1.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

Access handoff permitted indicator

Description Access entry handoff indication.
Value Range 0 ~1.
0: Disable; 1: Enabled.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Default 1.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

Access handoff permitted for

message response indicator
Description Access attempt handoff permitted indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
0: Disabled; 1: Enabled.
Default 1.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
This parameter is only valid when Neighbor Set access entry
handoff information included indicator = 1.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

198 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Access probe handoff permitted

Description Access probe handoff permitted indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
0: Disable; 1: Enabled
Default 0.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

Access handoff list update permitted

Description Access handoff list update permitted indicator during access
attempt period.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 111 describes the value range of Access Handoff List
Update Permitted Indicator.

T A B L E 1 1 1 V A L U E R A N G E O F A C C E S S H A N D O F F L I S T U P D A T E P E R MI T T E D

Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Default 1.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 199

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

This parameter is only valid when Access Probe handoff

permitted indicator=1.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

Access probe handoff permitted for

other messages
Description Whether permitting access probe handoff indication for
messages other than ORM and PRM.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
0: Disable; 1: Enabled.
Default 0.
Setting Access entry handoff permitted can improve call success rate
and paging success rate, but the system overhead increases.
This parameter is only valid when Access Probe handoff
permitted indicator1= 1.
Related n Neighbor Set access entry handoff information included
Parameters indicator
n Access entry handoff permitted indicator
n Neighbor Set access handoff included indicator
n Access handoff list update permitted indicator
n Access handoff permitted for message response indicator
n Access handoff permitted indicator
n Access probe handoff permitted for other messages
n Access Probe handoff permitted indicator

200 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Maximum number of times that MS

is permitted to perform an access
probe handoff
Description The maximum number of times that MS is permitted to perform
an access probe handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is only valid when Access Probe handoff
permitted indicator1= 1.

Broadcast GPS assist indicator

Description Broadcast GPS assistant indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 112 describes the Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator.

T A B L E 1 1 2 V A L U E R A N G E O F B R O A D C A S T G P S A S S I S T I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 201

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Short data burst supported indicator

Description Short data burst support indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 113 describes the value range of Short Data Burst
Supported Indicator.

T A B L E 1 1 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F S H O R T D A T A B U R S T S U P P O R T E D I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Reverse power control delay

included indicator
Description Reverse power control delay included indication.
When using non-R-PICH gating control mode, and reverse RC is
RC3, 4 and 5 or 6, BS should send power control bit in PCG that
starts in (Reverse power control delay +1)×1.25 ms after PCG is

Value Range 0 ~ 1.

202 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Table 114 describes the value range of Reverse Power Control

Delay Included Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Excluded
1 Included

Default 0.
Setting Set by default. Presently, the system does not support R-FCH
gating control.
Related Reverse power control delay

Reverse power control delay

Description RC3/4/5/6 R-FCH or R-CCCH prefix works in the gate control
mode for the reverse close ring power control delay.
When using non-R-PICH gating control mode, and reverse RC is
RC3, 4 and 5 or 6, BS should send power control bit in PCG that
starts in (Reverse power control delay +1)×1.25 ms after PCG is
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: 0.125 ms
Default 0.
Setting Set by default. Presently, the system does not support R-FCH
gating control.
Related Reverse Power control delay include indicator

Autonomous message interval

Description Autonomous message sending DIM indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 115 describes the value range of Autonomous message

T A B L E 1 1 5 V A L U E R A N G E O F A U T O N O MO U S M E S S A G E I N T E R V A L

Value Meaning
0 Not permitted

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 203

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Meaning
1 Permitted

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Mobile station requests QoS

parameter settings in the origination
Description MS permitted to include QoS information indication in ORM,
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 116 describes the value range of Mobile Station Requests
QoS Parameter Settings in the Origination Message.


Value Meaning
0 Not permitted
1 Permitted

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator

204 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n Autonomous message interval

n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Sync ID supported indicator

Description ORM and PRM permitted to be included in MS SYNC_ID
SYNC_ID (Service Configuration Synchronization Identifier) is
the variable length ID for the service configuration information
records and non-negotiable service configuration information
records that might be saved by MS. BS uses it to determine
whether to omit these two records in SCM. These two records
can be not sent according to SYNC_ID sent by MS, and MS is
expected to use the saved records.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 117 describes the value range of Sync ID supported


Value Meaning
0 Not permitted
1 Permitted

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 205

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Primary broadcast channel

supported indicator
Description Primary BCCH supported indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 118 describes the value range of Primary Broadcast
Channel Supported Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

MS initiated position location

determination supported indicator
Description MS originated position location determination indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1.

206 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Table 119 describes the value range of MS Initiated Position

Location Determination Supported Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator
n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Pilot information request supported

Description Pilot information request supported indication used by MS.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 120 describes the value range of Pilot Information Request
Supported Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 207

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related n Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator

n Short Data Burst supported indicator
n Primary Broadcast Channel Supported indicator
n Autonomous message interval
n Mobile station requests QoS parameter settings in the
Origination Message
n Sync ID supported indicator
n MS initiated position location determination supported
n Pilot information request supported indicator

Allocating CHM resource averagely

for RCC1 call
Description Whether to allocate CSM1.5 channel board indication for RC1/2
call preferentially.
CSM1.5 channel board only supports RC1/2 call. To allocate
RC1/2 call preferentially with CSM1.5 channel board, the
following cases occurs:
In BTS, most of subscribers are IS-95, the allocated CSM1.5 CE,
and the usage rate of the powerful CSM5000 channel board is
Therefore, determine this parameter setting based on CE usage
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 121 describes the value range of Allocating CHM resource
averagely for RCC1 call.

T A B L E 1 2 1 V A L U E R A N G E O F A L L O C A T I N G C HM R E S O U R C E A V E R A G E L Y F O R

Value Meaning
Allocate CSM1.5 channel board for RC1/2 call
1 Balance allocation of all channel boards

Default 0.
Setting If only CSM1.5 channel bards or only CSM5000 channel boards
are configured under BTS, this parameter does not function.
In the case of hybrid inserting CSM1.5 and CSM5000 channel
boards, and if CE usage rate is high, it is recommended to set it

208 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

as 0; otherwise, set it as 1. If there is no CE usage rate

information, set is as 0.

Description Report group information check indication in PTT power on
registration or not.
Value Range 0, 1
0: not report
1: report
Default 1
Setting Not applicable.

Description Register cycle when access channel overloads.
Value Range 29 ~ 85
Default 59
Setting The ideal timer value is 2 (REG_PRD/4)×0.08s, i.e. if this value
becomes higher in a handset unit time, the level times sent to
base station will become lower and accordingly the impact on
system access channel will be weaker. When there is no
overload (non-access channel overload), this value is 58 (default
setting). When this value is set to 59 and the access channel
overload problem remains same, try to adjust it to 60 or 61.

Description PTT service support indication.
Value Range 0, 1
0: no
1: yes
Default 0
Setting This value is a ZTE private value. 1 stands for PTTservice is
supported, PTT parameters will be added into the overhead
messages distributed by us; 0 stands for the system does not
support PTTservice, PTT parameters will not be sent in overhead

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Power Control Reporting

Power control reporting threshold
Description In the threshold report mode, if the bad frames received by MS
are over the threshold during Power control reporting frame
count, PMRM is sent.
Providing the target FER is 1%, set Power control reporting
frame count as 2, and expected mean 200 frames with 2 bad
frames. Therefore, counting cycle should be greater than 200,
and the lower limit for Power control reporting frame count
should be 11.
To avoid bad frame counts to be cleared too early, set Power
control reporting frame count maximally.
Since only RC1 uses PMRM for forward power control, as to non-
RC1 calls, PCNPM should be sent in the service channel to forbid
MS reporting PMRM, that is, set all parameters as 0 in PCNPM.
Value Range 0 ~ 31.
Default 2.
Setting If it is set too high, and RC1 forward power control delay is too
big, the RC1 forward link performance is reduced. If it is set as 1,
MS sends PMRM every time it receives a bad frame, which
increases reverse load.
Only use threshold report mode, and the periodic report mode
creates additional reserve message. But it is useless. Only when
Threshold report mode indicator is 1, this parameter is valid.
Now, set the parameter greater than 0; otherwise, MS does not
send PMRM message.
Related n Periodic report mode indicator
n Power control reporting frame count
n Power control reporting frame count
n Power report delay
n Threshold report mode indicator

Power control reporting frame count

Description MS statistic cycle defined by total frames

( 2 Power control reporting frame count 2

× 5).

210 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

MS maintains the total frame counter TOT_FRAMES and bad

frame counter BAD_FRAMES received in F-FCH (other counters
are not used in RC1). When MS receives one frame, it should:
n TOT_FRAMES plus 1
n If a bad frame is received, BAD_FRAMES plus 1.

Value Range 0 ~ 15.

Default 7.
Setting If it is set too low, it results in inaccurate bad frame counts. The
parameter setting is related to the target FER as well as Power
control reporting threshold setting.
Related n Periodic report mode indicator
n Power report delay
n Threshold report mode indicator
n Power control reporting threshold

Threshold report mode indicator

Description Threshold report mode enabled indication.
MS maintains the total frame counter TOT_FRAMES and bad
frame counter BAD_FRAMES received in F-FCH (other counters
are not used in RC1). When MS receives one frame, it should:
n TOT_FRAMES plus 1
n If a bad frame is received, BAD_FRAMES plus 1.

Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 122 describes the value range of Threshold report mode

T A B L E 1 2 2 V A L U E R A N G E O F T H R E S H O L D R E P O R T M O D E I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Default 1.
Setting Threshold report mode should be used, and set the parameter
as 1, generally.
Related n Periodic report mode indicator
n Power control reporting frame count

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n Power control reporting frame count

n Power report delay
n Power control reporting threshold

Periodic report mode indicator

Description Period report mode enabled indication.
MS maintains the total frame counter TOT_FRAMES and bad
frame counter BAD_FRAMES received in F-FCH (other counters
are not used in RC1). When MS receives one frame, it should:
n TOT_FRAMES plus 1
n If a bad frame is received, BAD_FRAMES plus 1.

Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 123 describes the value range of Periodic Report Mode

T A B L E 1 2 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F P E R I O D I C R E P O R T M O D E I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Default 0.
Setting Only use threshold report mode, and the periodic report mode
creates additional reserve message.
Related n Periodic report mode indicator
n Power control reporting frame count
n Power control reporting frame count
n Power report delay
n Threshold report mode indicator
n Power control reporting threshold

Power report delay

Description The time delay before starting the new total frames and bad
frames counting after MS sends PMRM.
MS maintains the total frame counter TOT_FRAMES and bad
frame counter BAD_FRAMES received in F-FCH (other counters
are not used in RC1). When MS receives one frame, it should:

212 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n TOT_FRAMES plus 1
n If a bad frame is received, BAD_FRAMES plus 1.

Value Range 0 ~ 31, Unit: 4 frames.

Default 1.
Setting If it is set too high, MS may not make statistics of some bad
frames, and reduce RC1 forward link performance. If it is set too
low, the reverse Ew/N0 may increase unnecessarily, reducing
the reverse capacity. .
Related n Periodic report mode indicator
n Power control reporting frame count
n Power control reporting frame count
n Threshold report mode indicator
n Power control reporting threshold

Handoff Parameters
Pilot detection threshold (Voice)
Description Ec/Io threshold for adding voice service pilot signals to the
active set/candidate set.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 26.
Setting If it is set too high, the number of voice service soft handoff
times is unnecessarily increased, occupying CE resources, and
reducing the system capacity. If it is set too low, data service
handoff area becomes small with poor coverage, as well as call
drop rate increased.
Pilot detection threshold (Voice) and Active Set versus Candidate Set
comparison threshold (Voice) should be considered together for
setting. Judge the former availability based on pilot absolute
intensity, while judge the latter based on the pilot relative
Related n Pilot drop threshold(Data)
n Pilot detection threshold(Data)
n Pilot drop threshold(Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold(Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold(Data)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Pilot detection threshold (Data)

Description Ec/Io threshold for adding data service pilot signals to the active
set/candidate set.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: -0.5 dB
Default 26
Setting If it is set too high, the number of data service soft handoff
times is unnecessarily increased, occupying CE resources, and
reducing the system capacity. If it is set too low, data service
handoff area becomes small with poor coverage, as well as call
drop rate increased.
Related n Pilot drop threshold(Data)
n Pilot drop threshold(Voice)
n Pilot detection threshold(Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold(Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold(Data)

Pilot drop threshold (Voice)

Description Drop Ec/Io threshold for voice service pilot signals.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 30.
Setting If it is set too high, weak pilot is unable to be dropped from the
active set/candidate set, therefore, the number of voice service
soft handoff times increases unnecessarily, occupying CE
resources as well as forward link capacity reduced. If it is set too
low, useful pilot might be dropped too earlier from the active
set/candidate set, becoming interference and QoS degraded;
therefore, the voice/data service call drop increases.
Pilot drop threshold (Voice) and Drop timer value (Voice) should be
considered together for setting. Judge the former availability
based on pilot absolute intensity, while judge the latter based on
the pilot relative intensity.
Related n Pilot drop threshold(Data)
n Drop timer value (Voice)
n Drop timer value (Data)

214 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Pilot drop threshold (Data)

Description Drop Ec/Io threshold for data service pilot signals.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 30.
Setting If it is set too high, weak pilot is unable to be dropped from the
active set/candidate set, therefore, the number of voice service
soft handoff times increases unnecessarily, occupying CE
resources as well as forward link capacity reduced. If it is set too
low, useful pilot might be dropped too earlier from the active
set/candidate set, becoming interference and QoS degraded;
therefore, the voice/data service call drop increases.
Pilot drop threshold(Data) and the relevant parameter Drop timer value
(Data) should be considered together for setting. Judge the
former availability based on pilot absolute intensity, while judge
the latter based on the pilot relative intensity.
Related n Pilot drop threshold(Voice)
n Drop timer value (Voice)
n Drop timer value (Data)

Active set versus candidate set

comparisons threshold (Voice)
Description Comparison thresholds of pilot signal intensity for active set and
candidate set (voice service).
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 5.
Setting If Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold (Voice) is set
too high, it keeps the strong pilot that is more useful than the
weak pilot in the active set to the candidate set. If it is set too
low, more PSMMs is triggered caused by relative strong pilots of
the active set and candidate set changes, increasing the system
In addition, Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison
threshold (Voice) setting should be considered with Pilot drop
Related n Pilot drop threshold (Data)
n Pilot detection threshold (Data)
n Pilot detection threshold (Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot detection threshold (Voice)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Active set versus candidate set

comparison threshold (Data)
Description Comparison thresholds of pilot signal intensity for active set and
candidate set.
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 5.
Setting If Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold (data)
is set too high, it keeps the strong pilot that is more useful than
the weak pilot in the active set to the candidate set. If it is set
too low, more PSMMs is triggered caused by relative strong
pilots of the active set and candidate set changes, increasing the
system overhead.
In addition, Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison
threshold (data) setting should be considered with Pilot drop
threshold (data).
Related n Pilot drop threshold (Data)
n Pilot detection threshold (Data)
n Pilot detection threshold (Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold (Voice)
n Pilot detection threshold (Voice)

Drop timer value (Voice)

Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 124 describes the value range of Reselect Drop timer value

T A B L E 1 2 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E S E L E C T D R O P T I ME R V A L U E ( V O I C E )

Value Time length

0 0.1 s
1 1s
2 2s
3 4s
4 6s
5 9s
6 13 s
7 19 s
8 27 s

216 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Value Time length

9 29 s
10 55 s
11 79 s
12 112 s
13 159 s
14 225 s
15 319 s
Setting If it is set too high, the weak pilot stays longer in the active
set/candidate set, increasing the pilot search cycle. Meanwhile,
the PSMM of the strong pilot based on Active Set versus Candidate
Set comparison threshold(Voice) increases, increasing the system
signaling overhead.
If it is set too low, the useful pilot migrates from the active
set/candidate set too early to the neighbor cell set, degrading
the QoS, increasing voice/data service call drop rate. When
there is relative more pilot quantity in the neighbor cell set, it is
more severe since the search cycle of the neighbor set is
relatively long.
Drop timer value (Voice) and the relevant Active Set versus Candidate
Set comparison threshold (Voice) should be set jointly. The former
decides the weak pilot stay time in the active set, impacting the
PSMM transmitting mechanism triggered by Active Set versus
Candidate Set comparison threshold (Voice).
Related n Pilot drop threshold(Data)
n Pilot drop threshold(Voice)
n Drop timer value (Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold(Data)

Drop timer value (Data)

Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 125 describes the value range of Reselect Drop timer value

T A B L E 1 2 5 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E S E L E C T D R O P T I ME R V A L U E ( D A T A )

Value Time Length

0 0.1 s
1 1s
2 2s

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Value Time Length

3 4s
4 6s
5 9s
6 13 s
7 19 s
8 27 s
9 29 s
10 55 s
11 79 s
12 112 s
13 159 s
14 225 s
15 319 s

Default 3.

Setting If it is set too high, the weak pilot stays longer in the active
set/candidate set, increasing the pilot search cycle. Meanwhile,
the PSMM of the strong pilot based on Active Set versus
Candidate Set comparison threshold(Data) increases, increasing
the system signaling overhead.
If it is set too low, the useful pilot migrates from the active
set/candidate set too early to the neighbor cell set, degrading
the QoS, increasing voice/data service call drop rate. When
there is relative more pilot quantity in the neighbor cell set, it is
more severe since the search cycle of the neighbor set is
relatively long.
Drop timer value (Data) and the relevant Active Set versus Candidate
Set comparison threshold (Data) should be set jointly. The former
decides the weak pilot stay time in the active set, impacting the
PSMM transmitting mechanism triggered by Active Set versus
Candidate Set comparison threshold (Data).
Related n Pilot drop threshold(Data)
n Pilot drop threshold(Voice)
n Drop timer value (Voice)
n Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold(Data)

218 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Handoff option
Description Handoff judgment algorithm option
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 126 describes the value range of Reselect Handoff Option.


Value Meaning
Absolute algorithm. Judge based on Pilot set intensity
Relative algorithm. Judge based on soft handoff/hard
1 handoff inside BSS/hard handoff between BSSs for the
pilot set with relatively strong intensity
2 Absolute + relative algorithms
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BSC.
Use the default value.
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Voice )
n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic
n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic

Pilot set intensity threshold

Description Pilot set hold threshold with absolute algorithm.
Value Range 0 ~ 47, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 28.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BSC.
Use the default value.
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Voice )

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n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison

threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Handoff Option
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic
n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic

Hard handoff versus soft handoff

comparison threshold (Voice)
Description Hard handoff comparison threshold for voice services.
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 1.
Setting If it is set too high, call drop may happen due to voice service
unable to be hard handoff between BSSs timely. If it is set too
low, call drop may happen due to voice service too frequent hard
handoff between BSSs. This parameter may impact hard
handoff between BSSs, as well as hard handoff inside the BSS.
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Voice )
n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Handoff Option
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic
n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic

Hard handoff versus soft handoff

comparison threshold (Data)
Description Hard handoff comparison threshold for data services.
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 1.

220 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting If it is set too high, call drop may happen due to data service
unable to be hard handoff between BSSs timely. If it is set too
low, call drop may happen due to data service too frequent hard
handoff between BSSs. This parameter may impact hard
handoff between BSSs, as well as hard handoff inside the BSS.
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Voice )
n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Handoff Option
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic
n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic

Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS

hard handoff comparison threshold
(Voice )
Description Hard handoff comparison threshold for voice services between
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 1.
Setting If it is set too high, call drop may happen due to voice service
unable to be hard handoff between BSSs. If it is set too low, call
drop may happen due to voice service to frequent hard handoff
between BSSs. To improve PPP link success rate, it is necessary
to reduce number of hard handoff times for data services
between BSSs. Therefore, this parameter should be set little bit
lower than Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Data).
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Handoff Option
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic

Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS

hard handoff comparison threshold
Description Hard handoff comparison threshold for data services between
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 1.
Setting If it is set too high, call drop may happen due to data service
unable to be hard handoff between BSSs. If it is set too low, call
drop may happen due to data service too frequent hard handoff
between BSSs. To improve PPP link success rate, it is necessary
to reduce number of hard handoff times for data services
between BSSs. Therefore, this parameter should be set little bit
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Voice )
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Handoff Option
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic
n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic

Drop threshold of source BSS when

BSS hard handoff for Data traffic
Description Soft handoff pilot set comparison threshold during hard handoff
judgment between BSSs for data services.
Value Range 0 ~ 47, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 26.
Setting If it is set too high, data service may drop due to being unable
to perform hard handoff timely.
If it is set too low, data service may drop due to frequent hard
This parameter can be used for improving PPP link success rate.

222 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison

Parameters threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Handoff Option
n Slop of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for data traffic
n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Voice )

Slop of source BSS when BSS hard

handoff for data traffic
Description Soft handoff pilot set slop during hard handoff judgment
between BSSs for data services.
Value Range 0 ~ 100, Unit: 1%.
Default 0.
Setting If it is set too high, data service may drop due to unable to
perform hard handoff timely.
If it is set too low, data service may drop due to frequent hard
This parameter can be used for improving PPP link success rate.
Related n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
Parameters threshold (Data)
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold
n Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
n Pilot set intensity threshold
n Handoff Option
n Drop threshold of source BSS when BSS hard handoff for
data traffic
n Foreign BSS handoff versus BSS hard handoff comparison
threshold (Voice )

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Slope in the inequality criterion for

adding or dropping a pilot (Voice)
Description Voice service soft handoff slop.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: 1/8.
Default 0.
Setting If it is set as 0, voice service dynamic handoff algorithm is
disabled. Now, both intercept in the inequality criterion for
adding a pilot to Active Set (Voice) and Intercept in the
inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from the Active Set
(Voice) is invalid.
Currently, dynamic handoff algorithm is not used, that is, this
parameter is set as 0.
When Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a
pilot (Voice) is not 0, consider it with the relevant parameters
Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to Active
Set (Voice) and Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping
a pilot from the Active Set (Voice). Soft handoff adding/dropping
intercept are the fixed correction values. The soft handoff slop is
the current active set pilot intensity and its percentage, that is,
decide whether to add it into the active set or drop it from the
active set according to the relative intensity of the pilot and the
current active set pilot.
When Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a
pilot ((Voice) is not 0, if it is set too high, it is easy to add the
pilot into the active set/candidate set. Meanwhile, it is difficult to
drop weak pilot from the active set/candidate set, resulting in
the number of data service soft handoff unnecessarily increased.
Moreover, the useful pilot is easy to be dropped from the active
set/candidate set, resulting in QoS decreased, data service
handoff area reduced, poor coverage and high call drop rate.
Related n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
Parameters (Data)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Data)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Data)

224 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Slope in the inequality criterion for

adding or dropping a pilot (Data)
Description Data service soft handoff slop.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: 1/8.
Default 0
Setting If it is set as 0, data service dynamic handoff algorithm is
disabled. Now, both intercept in the inequality criterion for
adding a pilot to Active Set (Data) and Intercept in the
inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from the Active Set (Data)
is invalid.
Currently, dynamic handoff algorithm is not used, that is, this
parameter is set as 0.
When Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a
pilot (Data) is not 0, consider it with the relevant parameters
Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to Active
Set (Data) and Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping
a pilot from the Active Set (Data). Soft handoff adding/dropping
intercept are the fixed correction values. The soft handoff slop is
the current active set pilot intensity and its percentage, that is,
decide whether to add it into the active set or drop it from the
active set according to the relative intensity of the pilot and the
current active set pilot.
When Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a
pilot (Data) is not 0, if it is set too high, it is easy to add the
pilot into the active set/candidate set. Meanwhile, it is difficult to
drop weak pilot from the active set/candidate set, resulting in
the number of data service soft handoff unnecessarily increased.
Moreover, the useful pilot is easy to be dropped from the active
set/candidate set, resulting in QoS decreased, data service
handoff area reduced, poor coverage and high call drop rate.
Related n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
Parameters (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Data)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Data)

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Intercept in the inequality criterion for

adding a pilot to active set (Voice)
Description Voice service soft handoff plus intercept.
Value Range 0 ~ 63 (complement of twos), Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 12.
Setting If it is set too high, it is difficult to add pilot into the active
set/candidate set, so that voice service handoff area is
decreased, coverage rate becomes poor, and call drop rate
increases. If it is set too low, it is easy to add pilot into the
active set/candidate set, so that the number of soft handoff
times for voice services are unnecessarily increased, occupying
CE resources and reducing system capacity.
Related n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
Parameters (Voice)
n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Data)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Data)

Intercept in the inequality criterion for

adding a pilot to active set (Data)
Description Data service soft handoff plus intercept.
Value Range 0 ~ 63 (complement of twos), Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 12.
Setting If it is set too high, it is difficult to add pilot into the active
set/candidate set, so that data service handoff area is decreased,
coverage rate becomes poor, and call drop rate increases. If it is
set too low, it is easy to add pilot into the active set/candidate
set, so that the number of soft handoff times for data services
are unnecessarily increased, occupying CE resources and
reducing system capacity.
Related n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
Parameters (Voice)
n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot

226 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to

Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Data)

Intercept in the inequality criterion for

dropping a pilot from the active set
Description Drop intercept for voice service soft handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 63 (complement of twos), Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 8.
Setting If it is set too high, useful pilot might be dropped too earlier
from the active set/candidate set, becoming interference and
degraded QoS, therefore, the voice service call drop increases. If
it is set too low, weak pilot is difficult to be dropped from the
active set/candidate set, increasing unnecessary soft handoff
times for voice services, occupied CE resources and the system
capacity decreased.
Related n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
Parameters (Voice)
n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Data)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Data)

Intercept in the inequality criterion for

dropping a pilot from the active set
Description Drop intercept for data service soft handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 63 (complement of twos), Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 8.

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Setting If it is set too high, useful pilot might be dropped too earlier
from the active set/candidate set, becoming interference and
degraded QoS, therefore, the data service call drop increases. If
it is set too low, weak pilot is difficult to be dropped from the
active set/candidate set, increasing unnecessary soft handoff
times for data services, occupied CE resources and the system
capacity decreased.
Related n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
Parameters (Voice)
n Slope in the inequality criterion for adding or dropping a pilot
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Voice)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for adding a pilot to
Active Set (Data)
n Intercept in the inequality criterion for dropping a pilot from
the Active Set (Voice)

Search type
Description Candidate frequency search type.
Value Range 0, 1, 3.
Table 127 describes the value range of Reselect Search type.


Value Meaning
0 Indicating that MS stops any period search in process
1 Indicating that MS perform a single search
3 Indicating that MS perform periodic search

Default 3.
Setting Use the default value.
Related n Time between successive searches on Candidate Frequency
Parameters for periodic searches
n Search mode
n Align timing indicator
n Search offset

228 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Time between successive searches

on candidate frequency for periodic
Description Periodic search for periodic candidate frequency search.
Value Range 0 ~ 15
Table 128 describes the value range of Reselect this parameter.


Value Meaning
0 0.48
1 0.96
2 2
3 2.96
4 4
5 4.96
6 10
7 20
8 30
9 40
10 50
11 60
12 80
13 100
14 150
15 200

Default 8.
Setting If it is set too high, MS may not timely perform handoff,
resulting call drop. If it is set too low, MS will frequently
interrupt forward/reverse service channels to search candidate
frequency, reducing QoS.
Related n Search type
n Search mode
n Align timing indicator
n Search offset

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Search mode
Description Candidate frequency search mode.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 129 describes the value range of Reselect Search mode.


Value Meaning
0 Search CDMA pilot in the candidate frequency.
1 Search simulated channel

Default 0.
Setting Use the default value.
Related n Search type
n Time between successive searches on Candidate Frequency
for periodic searches
n Align timing indicator
n Search offset

Align timing indicator

Description Initial searching start time adjustment indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 130 describes the value range of Reselect Align timing

T A B L E 1 3 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E S E L E C T A L I G N T I MI N G I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Not adjusted
1 Adjusted
Related n Search type
n Time between successive searches on Candidate Frequency
for periodic searches
n Search mode
n Search offset

230 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Search offset
Description Search offset for first search start time vs. action time.
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: 1.25 ms.
Default 0.
Setting When Align timing indicator =0, Search offset is invalid.
Search offset is the offset for first search start time vs. action
time, which can be CFSROM action time, or CFSCNM action time.
Related n Search type
n Time between successive searches on Candidate Frequency
for periodic searches
n Search mode
n Align timing indicator

Serving frequency total pilot Ec

Description Current active set pilot Ec threshold.
Serving Frequency total pilot Ec threshold and Serving
Frequency total pilot Ec/Io threshold are in a “or” relationship,
that is, one of conditions is satisfied, MS does not search the
candidate frequency.
In ZTE CDMA2000 system, when BS detects MS is in a boundary
cell, it indicates MS to search candidate frequency for handoff.
Now, it is unnecessary to consider the current active set pilot
Value Range 0 ~ 31, Unit: 2 dB.
Default 31.
Setting If it is set too high, MS is possibly to search the candidate
frequency, but the active set pilot receiving power is relatively
high, therefore, handoff may not be necessary. If it is set too
low, MS may not search the candidate frequency, therefore,
handoff may not perform timely, resulting in call drop.
Set it as 31, indicating that MS decides whether to consider
active set pilot Ec when searching the candidate frequency.
Related Serving Frequency total pilot Ec/Io threshold

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Serving frequency total pilot Ec/Io

Description Current active set pilot Ec/Io threshold.
Serving Frequency total pilot Ec threshold and Serving
Frequency total pilot Ec/Io threshold are in a “or” relationship,
that is, one of conditions is satisfied, MS does not search the
candidate frequency.
In ZTE CDMA2000 system, when BS detects MS is in a boundary
cell, it indicates MS to search candidate frequency for handoff.
Now, it is unnecessary to consider the current active set pilot
Value Range 0 ~ 31, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 31.
Setting If it is set too high, MS is possibly to search the candidate
frequency, but the active set intensity is relatively high,
therefore, handoff may not be necessary. If it is set too low, MS
may not search the candidate frequency, therefore, handoff may
not perform timely, resulting in call drop.
Set it as 31, indicating that MS decides whether to consider
active set pilot Ec/Io when searching the candidate frequency.
Related Serving Frequency total pilot Ec threshold

Minimum difference in received

Description Receiving power difference threshold for work frequency and
candidate frequency/target frequency.
In ZTE CDMA2000 system, when BS detects MS is in a boundary
cell, it indicates MS to search candidate frequency for handoff.
Now, it is unnecessary to consider the receiving power of the
candidate frequency as well as searching set pilot intensity sum.
But, when UHDM/GHDM hard handoff fails and returns for
handling, the receiving power of the target frequency and active
set pilot intensity after handoff should be considered. Therefore,
separate two sets of parameters Minimum difference in received
power or Minimum total pilot Ec/Io for candidate frequency
search and hard handoff failure return mechanism (GHDM or
UHDM processing).
Value Range 0 ~ 31, Unit: 2 dB.
Default 0.

232 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting If it is set too high:

n For candidate frequency search, it is possible that MS does
not search the candidate frequency, and unable to perform
handoff timely, resulting in call drop.
n When handling GHDM or UHDM, even if the target frequency
is strong, MS will also judge handoff failed, resulting in
handoff success rate dropped.
If it is set too low:
n For candidate frequency search, it is possible that MS
searches the candidate frequency, but the work frequency is
relatively higher than the receiving power of the candidate
frequency, handoff may not be necessary. Now, set it as 0,
indicating that MS decides whether to consider the receiving
power difference between the work frequency and the
candidate frequency when the candidate frequency searches
n When handling GHDM or UHDM, even if the target frequency
is weak, MS also starts measuring the active set pilot
intensity after handoff, resulting in MS unable to return to
the original work frequency, therefore, QoS is reduced. Now,
set it as 0, indicating that MS judges whether to consider the
receiving power difference between work frequency and
target frequency when judging handoff succeeded.
Related n Total maximum wait time on Target Frequency
n Pilot delectation threshold of Candidate Frequency
n Minimum total pilot Ec/Io

Minimum total pilot Ec/Io

Description Total Ec/Io threshold for candidate frequency/target frequency.
In ZTE CDMA2000 system, when BS detects MS is in a boundary
cell, it indicates MS to search candidate frequency for handoff.
Now, it is unnecessary to consider the receiving power of the
candidate frequency as well as searching set pilot intensity sum.
But, when UHDM/GHDM hard handoff fails and returns for
handling, the receiving power of the target frequency and active
set pilot intensity after handoff should be considered. Therefore,
separate two sets of parameters Minimum difference in received
power or Minimum total pilot Ec/Io for candidate frequency
search and hard handoff failure return mechanism (GHDM or
UHDM processing).
Value Range 0 ~ 31, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 0.
Setting If it is set too high:

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n For candidate frequency search, it is possible that MS does

not send CFSRPM, and unable to perform handoff timely,
resulting in call drop.
n When handling GHDM or UHDM, even if the active set pilot is
strong, MS will also judge hard handoff failed, resulting in
handoff success rate dropped.
If it is set too low:
n For candidate frequency search, it is possible that MS sends
CFSRPM, but the candidate frequency intensity is weak that
is not suitable for handoff. Now, set it as 0, indicating that
MS decides whether to search total Ec/Io for the pilot set in
the candidate frequency when sending CFSRPM.
n When handling GHDM or UHDM, even if the active set is
weak after hard handoff, MS also tries to demodulate forward
service channel, resulting in MS unable to return to its
original work frequency, and QoS decreased. Now, set it as 0,
indicating that MS decides whether to consider the total
Ec/Io of the active set pilot after hard handoff when
demodulating the forward service channels.
Related n Total maximum wait time on Target Frequency
n Pilot delectation threshold of Candidate Frequency
n Minimum difference in received power

Pilot delectation threshold of

candidate frequency
Description Adding threshold for candidate frequency pilot.
In ZTE CDMA2000 system, when BS detects MS is in a boundary
cell, it indicates MS to search candidate frequency for handoff.
Now, it is unnecessary to consider the receiving power of the
candidate frequency as well as searching set pilot intensity sum.
But, when UHDM/GHDM hard handoff fails and returns for
handling, the receiving power of the target frequency and active
set pilot intensity after handoff should be considered. Therefore,
separate two sets of parameters Minimum difference in received
power or Minimum total pilot Ec/Io for candidate frequency
search and hard handoff failure return mechanism (GHDM or
UHDM processing).
Value Range 0 ~ 63, Unit: -0.5 dB

Default 28.
Setting If it is set too high, the weak pilot in the candidate frequency is
reported in CFSRPM, reducing the handoff success rate. If it is
set too low, the strong pilot in the candidate frequency is unable
to report in CFSRPM, and MS does not handoff timely.

234 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Related n Total maximum wait time on Target Frequency

n Minimum total pilot Ec/Io
n Minimum difference in received power

Total maximum wait time on target

Description MS maximum waiting length on target frequency.
In ZTE CDMA2000 system, when BS detects MS is in a boundary
cell, it indicates MS to search candidate frequency for handoff.
Now, it is unnecessary to consider the receiving power of the
candidate frequency as well as searching set pilot intensity sum.
But, when UHDM/GHDM hard handoff fails and returns for
handling, the receiving power of the target frequency and active
set pilot intensity after handoff should be considered. Therefore,
separate two sets of parameters Minimum difference in received
power or Minimum total pilot Ec/Io for candidate frequency
search and hard handoff failure return mechanism (GHDM or
UHDM processing).
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 80 ms.
Default 3.
Setting If it is set too high, MS waits too long in the target frequency.
When hard handoff fails, it cannot return to its original work
frequency. If it is set too low, MS waits too short in the target
frequency, reducing handoff success rate.
Related n Pilot delectation threshold of Candidate Frequency
n Minimum total pilot Ec/Io
n Minimum difference in received power

Pilot search parameter update

Description Pilot search parameter update indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 131 describes the value range of Reselect this parameter.


Value Meaning
0 Not updated
1 Updated

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Default 1.
Setting It is recommended to set by default.
Related Search mode for Candidate Frequency Search Set.doc

Search mode for candidate

frequency search set
Description Search mode for candidate frequency search set.
Value Range 0 ~ 3.
Table 132 describes the value range of Reselect this parameter.


Value Meaning
0 No search priority or search window
1 Use search priority
2 User search window
3 Use search priority or search window

Default 0.
Setting It is recommended to set by default.
Related Pilot search parameter update indicator.

Description Forward supplementary channel handoff comparision threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 15
Default 2
Setting Pilot strength comparison threshold in forward supplementary
channel handoff.

236 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

FSCH detection threshold

Description Add pilot Ec/Io threshold for data service F-SCH hard handoff or
semi-soft handoff.
When F-SCH handoff mode is semi-soft handoff, it pilots FCH
valid set, requiring its Ec/Io lower than FSCH detection threshold
so as to add it into the F-SCH valid set. When the pilot meeting
the conditions also satisfies any condition below, add it into F-
SCH valid set:
n When F-SCH valid set is void, among all pilots, its Ec/Io is
arranged in the previous FSCH active set size.
n When F-SCH valid set is not void:
„ The sum of F-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and
non-F-SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above
conditions is less than and equal to FSCH active set size.
The sum of F-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and non-F-SCH
valid set pilot quantity meeting the above conditions is greater
than FSCH active set size. As to non-F-SCH valid set pilot, add
its Ec/Io to FSCH active set comparison threshold, and then, sort
all the pilots by intensity in an ascending order. The pilot in the
previous FSCH active set size is the new F-SCH valid set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 26.
Setting This parameter is valid only when FSCH handoff type is 1 or 2.
If FSCH detection threshold is set too high, the weak pilot can
also set up F-SCH, now F-SCH occupies relatively high power,
reducing the system forward capacity. If it is set too low, F-SCH
cannot be set up for the strong pilot, reducing the data service
The parameter cannot be set higher than Pilot detection
threshold (Data) or Pilot detection threshold (Voice).
Related n Add to FSCH active set comparison threshold
n FSCH active set size

FSCH drop threshold

Description Drop pilot Ec/Io threshold for F-SCH active set pilot handoff
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 30.
Setting This parameter is valid only when FSCH handoff type is 1 or 2.
Use the default value.

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Related FSCH drop timer value


Add to FSCH active set comparison

Description The pilot Ec/Io comparison threshold for soft handoff of data
service F-SCH part.
When F-SCH handoff mode is semi-soft handoff, it pilots FCH
valid set, requiring its Ec/Io lower than FSCH detection threshold so
as to add it into the F-SCH valid set. When the pilot meeting the
conditions also satisfies any condition below, add it into F-SCH
valid set:
n When F-SCH valid set is void, among all pilots, its Ec/Io is
arranged in the previous FSCH active set size.
n When F-SCH valid set is not void:
„ The sum of F-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and
non-F-SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above
conditions is less than and equal to FSCH active set size.
The sum of F-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and non-F-SCH
valid set pilot quantity meeting the above conditions is greater
than FSCH active set size. As to non-F-SCH valid set pilot, add its
Ec/Io to FSCH active set comparison threshold, and then, sort all the
pilots by intensity in an ascending order. The pilot in the
previous FSCH active set size is the new F-SCH valid set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 4.
Setting If it is set too high, the strong pilot cannot be added into the
active set for replacing the weak pilot in the original active set,
and now, F-SCH occupies relative high power resources,
reducing the system forward capacity. Meanwhile, it decreases
the data service throughput.
If it is set too low, when the intensity difference is very limited
between the candidate pilot and active set pilot, it is also added
into the active set replacing the comparatively strong pilot in the
original active set, resulting in F-SCH frequently disconnected,
and reducing the data service throughput.
This parameter is only valid when FSCH handoff type is 1.
Related n FSCH detection threshold
n FSCH active set size

238 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

FSCH drop timer value

Description Drop timer length for F-SCH active set pilot handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 5.
Setting If it is set too high, the low intensity pilot is difficult to be
dropped from F-SCH active set. Now, F-SCH occupies relatively
high power, reducing the system forward capacity.
If it is set too low, the strong intensity pilot is dropped from F-
SCH active set, impacting F-SCH transmission effect, and
reducing the data service forward throughput.
FSCH drop timer value should be set higher than FSCH detection
Related FSCH drop threshold

FSCH active set size

Description The number of active sets for data services during F-SCH soft
When F-SCH handoff mode is semi-soft handoff, it pilots FCH
valid set, requiring its Ec/Io lower than FSCH detection threshold
so as to add it into the F-SCH valid set. When the pilot meeting
the conditions also satisfies any condition below, add it into F-
SCH valid set:
n When F-SCH valid set is void, among all pilots, its Ec/Io is
arranged in the previous FSCH active set size.
n When F-SCH valid set is not void:
„ The sum of F-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and
non-F-SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above
conditions is less than and equal to FSCH active set size.
The sum of F-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and non-F-SCH
valid set pilot quantity meeting the above conditions is greater
than FSCH active set size. As to non-F-SCH valid set pilot, add its
Ec/Io to FSCH active set comparison threshold, and then, sort all the
pilots by intensity in an ascending order. The pilot in the
previous FSCH active set size is the new F-SCH valid set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: set.
Default 2.
Setting If it is set too high, the number of F-SCH active sets is big,
occupying a large amount of system resources. If it is set too
low, the number of F-SCH active sets is small, reducing
transmission effect.

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This parameter is only valid when FSCH handoff type is 1.

Related n FSCH detection threshold
n Add to FSCH active set comparison threshold

FSCH hard handoff comparison

Description Pilot intensity comparison threshold for F-SCH hard handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 4.
Setting If it is set too high, even if the candidate pilot is strong, hard
handoff cannot be performed. Now, F-SCH occupies relatively
high power, reducing the system forward capacity. Meanwhile, it
reduces the data service throughput.
If it is set too low, the candidate pilot is relatively weak, hard
handoff is performed, resulting in F-SCH frequently disconnected,
and reducing the data service throughput.
Related Maximum comparison count of FSCH setup possibility

RSCH handoff type

Description Data service R-SCH handoff type
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 133 describes the value range of Reselect RSCH handoff


Value Meaning
Soft handoff. Set up F-SCH in all the active pilot sets
over FCH.
Semi-soft handoff. Set up F-SCH in the FCH active set
pilots meeting the conditions.
Hard handoff. Set up F-SCH in all the active pilot sets
over the strongest FCH.

Default 0.
Setting Use the default value.
Related n FSCH handoff type

240 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n FSCH select cell algorithm

n Reverse SCH select leg algorithm

Reverse SCH select leg algorithm

Description Leg selection algorithm indication for data service R-SCH semi-
soft handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.
Table 134 describes the value range of Reselect Reverse SCH
select leg algorithm.



Value Meaning
Select based on the maximum numbers configured by the
1 Select the maximum speed supported
2 Select by pilot intensity distribution
3 Select by rate distribution and pilot intensity distribution
4 Reserved value
Setting Use the default value.
Related n FSCH handoff type
n FSCH select cell algorithm
n RSCH handoff type

RSCH detection threshold

Description Add leg reverse pilot threshold for pilot when R-SCH hard
handoff or semi-soft handoff.
When R-SCH handoff mode is semi-soft handoff, it pilots RCH
valid set, requiring its Ec/Io lower than RSCH detection threshold
so as to add it into the R-SCH valid set. When the pilot meeting
the conditions also satisfies any condition below, add it into R-
SCH valid set:
n When R-SCH valid set is void, among all pilots, its Ec/Io is
arranged in the previous RSCH active set size.
n When R-SCH valid set is not void:
„ The sum of R-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and
non-R-SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above
conditions is less than and equal to RSCH active set size.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

The sum of R-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and non-R-
SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above conditions is
greater than RSCH active set size. As to non-F-SCH valid set pilot,
add its Ec/Io to RSCH active set comparison threshold, and then,
sort all the pilots by intensity in an ascending order. The pilot in
the previous RSCH active set size is the new R-SCH valid set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 15.
Setting This parameter is valid only when RSCH handoff type is 1 or 2.
If it is set too high, R-SCH cannot be set up in the strong pilot,
so that data service throughput is decreased. If it is set too low,
R-SCH can be set up in the weak pilot, now, the power occupied
by R-SCH is relatively high, reducing the system reverse
Related n Add to RSCH active set comparison threshold
n RSCH active set size

RSCH drop threshold

Description Drop pilot Ec/Io threshold for R-SCH active set pilot handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: -0.5 dB.
Default 30.
Setting This parameter is valid only when RSCH handoff type is 1 or 2.
Use the default value.
Related RSCH drop timer value

Add to RSCH active set comparison

Description Reverse pilot comparison threshold for R-SCH semi-soft handoff.
When R-SCH handoff mode is semi-soft handoff, it pilots RCH
valid set, requiring its Ec/Io lower than RSCH detection threshold
so as to add it into the R-SCH valid set. When the pilot meeting
the conditions also satisfies any condition below, add it into R-
SCH valid set:
n When R-SCH valid set is void, among all pilots, its Ec/Io is
arranged in the previous RSCH active set size.
n When R-SCH valid set is not void:

242 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

„ The sum of R-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and

non-R-SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above
conditions is less than and equal to RSCH active set size.
The sum of R-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and non-R-
SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above conditions is
greater than RSCH active set size. As to non-F-SCH valid set
pilot, add its Ec/Io to RSCH active set comparison threshold, and
then, sort all the pilots by intensity in an ascending order. The
pilot in the previous RSCH active set size is the new R-SCH valid
set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 4
Setting If it is set too high, the strong pilot cannot be added into the
active set for replacing the weak pilot in the original active set,
and now, R-SCH occupies relative high power resources,
reducing the system reverse capacity. Meanwhile, it decreases
the data service throughput.
If it is set too low, when the intensity difference is very limited
between the candidate pilot and active set pilot, it is also added
into the active set replacing the comparatively strong pilot in the
original active set, resulting in R-SCH frequently disconnected,
and reducing the data service throughput.
This parameter is only valid when RSCH handoff type is 1.
Related n RSCH detection threshold
n RSCH active set size

RSCH drop timer value

Description Drop timer length for R-SCH active set pilot handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 5.
Setting If it is set too high, the low intensity pilot is difficult to be
dropped from R-SCH active set. Now, R-SCH occupies relatively
high power, reducing the system forward capacity.
If it is set too low, the strong intensity pilot is dropped from R-
SCH active set, impacting R-SCH transmission effect, and
reducing the data service forward throughput.
RSCH drop timer value should be set higher than RSCH
detection threshold.
Related RSCH drop threshold

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

RSCH active set size

Description The number of active sets for R-SCH semi-soft handoff.
When R-SCH handoff mode is semi-soft handoff, it pilots RCH
valid set, requiring its Ec/Io lower than RSCH detection threshold
so as to add it into the R-SCH valid set. When the pilot meeting
the conditions also satisfies any condition below, add it into R-
SCH valid set:
n When R-SCH valid set is void, among all pilots, its Ec/Io is
arranged in the previous RSCH active set size.
n When R-SCH valid set is not void:
„ The sum of R-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and
non-R-SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above
conditions is less than and equal to RSCH active set size.
The sum of R-SCH current valid set pilot quantity and non-R-
SCH valid set pilot quantity meeting the above conditions is
greater than RSCH active set size. As to non-F-SCH valid set
pilot, add its Ec/Io to RSCH active set comparison threshold, and
then, sort all the pilots by intensity in an ascending order. The
pilot in the previous RSCH active set size is the new R-SCH valid
set pilot.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: set.
Default 2.
Setting If it is set too high, the number of R-SCH active sets is big,
occupying a large amount of system resources. If it is set too
low, the number of R-SCH active sets is small, reducing
transmission effect.
This parameter is only valid when RSCH handoff type is 1.
Related n RSCH detection threshold
n Add to RSCH active set comparison threshold

RSCH hard handoff comparison

Description Pilot intensity comparison count for R-SCH hard handoff leg
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 4.
Setting If it is set too high, even if the candidate pilot is strong, hard
handoff cannot be performed. Now, R-SCH occupies relatively
high power, reducing the system reverse capacity. Meanwhile, it
reduces the data service throughput.

244 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

If it is set too low, the candidate pilot is relatively weak, hard

handoff is performed, resulting in R-SCH frequently disconnected,
and reducing the data service throughput.
Related Maximum comparison count of RSCH setup possibility

Maximum comparison count of

RSCH setup possibility
Description Pilot intensity comparison count for R-SCH hard handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Default 3.
Setting If it is set too high, and when the candidate pilot is strong, hard
handoff is performed for a long delay. During this period, R-SCH
occupies relatively high power, reducing the system forward
capacity. Meanwhile, it reduces the data service throughput.
If it is set too low, when the intensity of the candidate pilot or
active set instantaneously change, hard handoff is performed,
resulting in R-SCH frequently disconnected, and reducing the
data service throughput.
Related RSCH Hard handoff comparison threshold

Report by threshold indicator

Description Reverse pilot intensity threshold report mode enabled indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 135 describes the value range of Reselect reveres pilot
intensity threshold report mode enabled indication.


Value Meaning
0 No report threshold
1 Report threshold

Default 0.
Setting 0.

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Description Report upper limit ,trigger handoff adding.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Description Report lower limit ,trigger handoff dropping.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767
Default 0
Setting Not applicable.

Periodic report indicator

Description Reverse pilot intensity periodic report mode enabled indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 136 describes the value range of Reselect Periodic report


Value Meaning
0 No periodic report
1 Periodic report
Related RSCH report period

RSCH report period

Description Report period for reverse pilot intensity periodic report mode
Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: 20 ms
Default 100.

246 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting If it is set too high, the reverse pilot intensity report period is
long, not good for quick R-SCH handoff judgment based on
reverse pilot intensity change.
If it is set too low, reverse pilot intensity report period is short,
but the overhead for the system internal signaling increases.
This parameter is only valid when Periodic report indicator = 1.
Related Periodic report indicator

FSCH handoff type

Description Data service F-SCH handoff type.
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 137 describes the value range of Reselect FSCH handoff


Value Meaning
Soft handoff. Set up F-SCH in all the active pilot sets
over FCH.
Semi-soft handoff. Set up F-SCH in the FCH active set
pilots meeting the conditions.
Hard handoff. Set up F-SCH in all the active pilot sets
over the strongest FCH.
Setting Use the default value.
Related n FSCH select cell algorithm
n RSCH handoff type
n Reverse SCH select leg algorithm

FSCH select cell algorithm

Description Selecting cell algorithm indication for data service F-SCH semi-
soft handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 138 describes the value range of Reselect FSCH select cell


Value Meaning
Select based on the maximum numbers configured by
the background
1 Select the max. speed supported
2 Select by pilot intensity distribution
3 Select by rate distribution and pilot intensity distribution
4 Reserved value

Default 0.
Setting Use the default value.
Related n FSCH handoff type
n RSCH handoff type
n Reverse SCH select leg algorithm

Description Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel weak pilot
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 10 ~ 30, Unit: -0.5dB
Default 18
Setting This threshold affects the pilot strength range that forward
supplementary channel cells can be established.

Description Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel strong pilot cell
offset value.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 20, Unit: -0.5dB
Default 6
Setting Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel strong pilot cell
offset value should be less than riz algorithm forward
supplementary channel weak pilot cell offset value.

248 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel weak pilot cell
offset value.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 20, Unit: -0.5dB
Default 8
Setting Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel weak pilot cell
offset value should be greater than Triz algorithm forward
supplementary channel strong pilot cell offset value.

Description Triz algorithm slope for calculating forward supplementary
channel combined strength.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 20, Unit: -0.5dB
Default 4
Setting Not applicable.
Note: It is valid when using Triz algorithm, if there are more
than one cell in forward supplementary channel active set, it is
used to calculate the combined pilot strength.

Description Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel handoff maximum
cell number.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0~6
Default 4
Setting Not applicable.
Note: It is valid when using Triz algorithm, maximum number of
cell that can be established by forward supplementary channel.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Description Triz algorithm forward supplementary channel handoff dropping
cell comparing times.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 10
Default 3
Setting Not applicable.
Note: It is valid when using Triz algorithm in handoff dropping
decision, times of continuously satisfying handoff dropping
strength threshold.

Description Triz algorithm 32X convolutional code forward supplementary
channel ECIOthreshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 50
Default 12
Setting Not applicable.
Note: It is valid when using Triz algorithm, 32X convolutional
code forward supplementary channel ECIO establishment

Description T_SCH_ADD forward supplementary channel establish threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 31
Default 2
Setting Pilot strength threshold for forward supplementary channel

250 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Maximum comparison count of

FSCH setup possibility
Description Pilot intensity comparison count for F-SCH hard handoff.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Default 3.
Setting If it is set too high, and when the candidate pilot is strong, hard
handoff is performed for a long delay. During this period, F-SCH
occupies relatively high power, reducing the system forward
capacity. Meanwhile, it reduces the data service throughput.
If it is set too low, when the intensity of the candidate pilot or
active set instantaneously change, hard handoff is performed,
resulting in F-SCH frequently disconnected, and reducing the
data service throughput.
Related FSCH Hard handoff comparison threshold

Power scope of two reverse leg

considered as equal
Description R-SCH leg reverse pilot intensity comparison threshold. When
reveres pilot intensity difference of two legs is within this range,
it is considered as the same intensity.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 2.
Setting This parameter is valid only when RSCH handoff type is 1 or 2.
If it is set too high, when the leg intensity difference is big, it is
also considered as the same intensity. The strong leg cannot
replace the weak leg. Now, R-SCH occupies relatively high power,
reducing the system reverse capacity. Meanwhile, the data
service throughput is decreased.
If it is set too low, even if the leg intensity difference is small,
the replacing occurs, resulting in R-SCH frequently disconnected,
and the data service throughput reduced.
Related n Add to RSCH active set comparison threshold
n RSCH active set size

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Hard handoff vs. soft handoff

comparison threshold for PTT(0.5dB)
Description Hard handoff comparison threshold for PTT services.
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 1.
Setting If it is set too high, call drop may happen due to PTT service
unable to be hard handoff between BSSs timely. If it is set too
low, call drop may happen due to PTT service too frequent hard
handoff between BSSs.
This parameter may impact hard handoff between BSSs, as well
as hard handoff inside the BSS.
Related „ Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Data)
Parameters „ Hard handoff versus soft handoff comparison threshold (Voice)

Foreign BSS handoff vs. BSS hard

handoff comparison threshold for
Description Hard handoff comparison threshold for PPT services between
Value Range 0 ~ 15, Unit: 0.5 dB.
Default 1.
Setting If it is set too high, call drop may happen due to PPT service
unable to be hard handoff between BSSs. If it is set too low, call
drop may happen due to PPT service to frequent hard handoff
between BSSs.
To improve PPP link success rate, it is necessary to reduce
number of hard handoff times for data services between BSSs.
Therefore, this parameter should be set little bit high.
Set the same value for all cells under the same BSC.
Related Hard handoff vs. soft handoff comparison threshold for
Parameters PTT(0.5dB).

Description Soft handoff slope used by base station.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 63

252 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Default 0
Setting =0, not use optimized dynamic soft handoff algorithm.
>0, use dynamic soft handoff algorithm.
Note: Optimized dynamic soft handoff algorithm switch.
Meanwhile, as the soft handoff slope used by base station, it is
used in handoff threshold calculation.

Description Soft handoff adding intercept used by base station.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 63
Default 26
Setting Not applicable.
Note: It is valid when soft_slope_bs>0, it is used in handoff
adding threshold calculation.

Description Soft handoff dropping intercept used by base station.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 63
Default 30
Setting Not applicable.
Note: It is valid when soft_slope_bs>0, it is used in handoff
dropping threshold calculation.

Description Handoff dropping comparison threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 12, unit: 0.5dB
Default 5
Setting It is set in the value which is greater than the t_comp parameter
in handoff parameter.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Note: It is valid when soft_slope_bs>0, it determines whether

sending PMRO is needed or not.

Reverse Link Overload

Reverse power control mode
Description Reverse overload control mode.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.
Table 139 describes the value range of Reverse Power Control


Value Meaning
Both RSSI mode and equivalent user mode judge
overload, and reverse overload can be considered.
RSSI mode or equivalent user mode judges overload, and
the reverse overload can be considered.
2 Only use RSSI mode.
3 Only use equivalent user mode.
4 Disable reverse overload control.

Default 3.
Setting Should be set in 1, 3, and 4.
Related n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold.
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

254 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description RSSI value.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 255
Default 1
Setting Not applicable.

RSSI reverse overload threshold

Description The reverse overload threshold for RSSI mode.
Value Range 0 ~ 100, Unit: 1/100.
Default 95.
Setting No modification required.
Related n Reverse power control mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

RSSI reverse protected threshold

Description The reverse overload protection threshold for RSSI mode.
Value Range 0 ~ 100, Unit: 1/100.
Default 85.
Setting It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n EQNU reverse overload threshold

n EQNU reverse protected threshold
n RSSI reverse overload threshold

RC2 correction factor

Description RC2 correction factor. The equivalent user mode calculates the
reverse load via converting all reverse service channels into 8 K
voice R-FCH under RC1. This set of parameters will convert R-
FCH of RC1, RC3 and RC4, different target FERs and coding
mode (volume or TURBO) R-SCH into the correction factor for 8
K voice R-FCH under RC1.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767, Unit: 1/1000.
Default 1500.
Setting If it is set too high, the calculated reverse load is virtually high,
so that it is unable to set up high-speed R-SCH even in the case
of true reverse load not high, reducing data service reverse
throughput. If it is set too low, the calculated reverse load is
virtually low, so that it sets up high-speed R-SCH even in the
case of true reverse load very high, increasing the system
reverse interference, and harmful for the system performance.
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold.
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

RC3 correction factor

Description RC3 correction factor.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767, Unit: 1/1000.
Default 700.
Setting If it is set too high, the calculated reverse load is virtually high,
so that it is unable to set up high-speed R-SCH even in the case
of true reverse load not high, reducing data service reverse
throughput. If it is set too low, the calculated reverse load is

256 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

virtually low, so that it sets up high-speed R-SCH even in the

case of true reverse load very high, increasing the system
reverse interference, and harmful for the system performance.
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold.
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold
Reference The equivalent user mode calculates the reverse load via
converting all reverse service channels into 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1. This set of parameters converts R-FCH of RC1, RC3
and RC4, different target FERs and coding mode (volume or
TURBO) R-SCH into the correction factor for 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1.

RC4 correction factor

Description RC4 correction factor.
The equivalent user mode calculates the reverse load via
converting all reverse service channels into 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1. This set of parameters converts R-FCH of RC1, RC3
and RC4, different target FERs and coding mode (volume or
TURBO) R-SCH into the correction factor for 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1.

Value Range 0 ~ 32767, Unit: 1/1000.

Default 945.
Setting If it is set too high, the calculated reverse load is virtually high,
so that it is unable to set up high-speed R-SCH even in the case
of true reverse load not high, reducing data service reverse
throughput. If it is set too low, the calculated reverse load is
virtually low, so that it sets up high-speed R-SCH even in the
case of true reverse load very high, increasing the system
reverse interference, and harmful for the system performance.
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n RC3 correction factor

n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold.
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

Value Range 0 ~ 32767, Unit: 1/1000.
The equivalent user mode calculates the reverse load via
converting all reverse service channels into 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1. This set of parameters converts R-FCH of RC1, RC3
and RC4, different target FERs and coding mode (volume or
TURBO) R-SCH into the correction factor for 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1.
Default 760.
Setting If it is set too high, the calculated reverse load is virtually high,
so that it is unable to set up high-speed R-SCH even in the case
of true reverse load not high, reducing data service reverse
throughput. If it is set too low, the calculated reverse load is
virtually low, so that it sets up high-speed R-SCH even in the
case of true reverse load very high, increasing the system
reverse interference, and harmful for the system performance.
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

258 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Description The correction factor for R-SCH TURBO coding mode.
The equivalent user mode calculates the reverse load via
converting all reverse service channels into 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1. This set of parameters converts R-FCH of RC1, RC3
and RC4, different target FERs and coding mode (volume or
TURBO) R-SCH into the correction factor for 8 K voice R-FCH
under RC1.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767, Unit: 1/1000.
Default 890.
Setting If it is set too high, the calculated reverse load is virtually high,
so that it is unable to set up high-speed R-SCH even in the case
of true reverse load not high, reducing data service reverse
throughput. If it is set too low, the calculated reverse load is
virtually low, so that it sets up high-speed R-SCH even in the
case of true reverse load very high, increasing the system
reverse interference, and harmful for the system performance.
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n EQNU reverse protected threshold
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

EQNU reverse protected threshold

Description The reverse overload protected threshold for equivalent user
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 41.
Setting Set it slight lower than EQNU reverse overload threshold.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n RC4 correction factor

n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

EQNU reverse overload threshold

Description The reverse overload threshold value for equivalent user method.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 46.
Setting If it is set too high, when the system reverse load is high,
relatively high speed R-SCH can be established, but the system
reverse interference is further increased, reducing the system
performance. If it is set too low, when the system reverse load
is low, the relatively high speed R-SCH cannot be established,
reducing the reverse throughput of data services.
Related n Reverse power control Mode
n RC2 correction factor
n RC3 correction factor
n RC4 correction factor
n RSCH correction factor
n RSCH correction code
n EQNU reverse protected threshold
n RSSI reverse overload threshold
n RSSI reverse protected threshold

SCH Rate Parameters

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X
Description Set up LegPs threshold when the rate is over one time.
This parameter is used to judge R-SCH rate for certain soft
handoff. Not use it for initial setup of R-SCH.

260 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dB.

Default 16.
Setting If R-PICH intensity threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set
up high-speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput.
If the threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set
up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-PICH intensity threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH
must be set with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X

Description Set up LegPs threshold when the rate is over two times.
This parameter is used to judge R-SCH rate for certain soft
handoff. Not use it for initial setup of R-SCH.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dB.

Default 24.
Setting If R-PICH intensity threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set
up high-speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput.
If the threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set
up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-PICH intensity threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH
must be set with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X

Description Set up LegPs threshold when the rate is over four times.
This parameter is used to judge R-SCH rate for certain soft
handoff. Not use it for initial setup of R-SCH.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dB.

Default 32.
Setting If R-PICH intensity threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set
up high-speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput.
If the threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set
up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-PICH intensity threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH
must be set with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X

Description Set up LegPs threshold when the rate is over eight times.
This parameter is used to judge R-SCH rate for certain soft
handoff. Not use it for initial setup of R-SCH.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dB

Default 34.
Setting If R-PICH intensity threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set
up high-speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput.
If the threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set
up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-PICH intensity threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH
must be set with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X

262 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X

n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X

Description Set up LegPs threshold when the rate is over sixteen times.
This parameter is used to judge R-SCH rate for certain soft
handoff. Not use it for initial setup of R-SCH.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dB.

Default 38.
Setting If R-PICH intensity threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set
up high-speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput.
If the threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set
up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-PICH intensity threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH
must be set with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X

RSCH set leg PS threshold of 32X

Description Set up LegPs threshold when the rate is over thirty-two times.
This parameter is used to judge R-SCH rate for certain soft
handoff. Not use it for initial setup of R-SCH.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dB.

Default 40.
Setting If R-PICH intensity threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set
up high-speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput.
If the threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set
up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-PICH intensity threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH
must be set with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 16X

n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 8X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 4X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 2X
n RSCH set leg PS threshold of 1X

RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold

Description The forward Ec/Io threshold reported by MS with 1X rate R-SCH
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 32.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set up high-
speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse interference.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH must be set
with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold

RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold

Description The forward Ec/Io threshold reported by MS to set up 2X rate
and higher rate R-SCH.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 24.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set up high-
speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse interference.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH must be set
with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold

264 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold

RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold

Description The forward Ec/Io threshold reported by MS with 4X rate R-SCH.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB
Default 16.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set up high-
speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse interference.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH must be set
with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold

RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold

Description The forward Ec/Io threshold reported by MS with 8X rate R-SCH
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB
Default 14.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set up high-
speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse interference.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH must be set
with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold

Description The forward Ec/Io threshold reported by MS with 16X rate R-
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 10.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set up high-
speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse interference.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH must be set
with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold

RSCH (32X and up) Ec/Io threshold

Description The forward Ec/Io threshold reported by MS with 32X rate R-
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 8.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can set up high-
speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse interference.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate R-SCH must be set
with the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (2X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (16X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (8X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) Ec/Io threshold
n RSCH (1X and up) Ec/Io threshold

266 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

RSCH (4X and up) 1 way delay

Description The distance threshold for MS and BS to set up 4X and over rate
Calculate the distance between MS and BS based on the EPN
reported by MS, and 1 chip = 244 m. In this way, it is necessary
to correct the wireless environment that BTS is located.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535, Unit: 1/8 chip.
Default 100.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS far away from the BS can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.

RSCH (2X) 1 way delay

Description The distance threshold for MS and BS to set up 2X rate R-SCH.
Calculate the distance between MS and BS based on the EPN
reported by MS, and 1 chip = 244 m. In this way, it is necessary
to correct the wireless environment that BTS is located.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535, Unit: 1/8 chip.
Default 1750.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS far away from the BS can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.

RSCH (1X) 1 way delay

Description The distance threshold for MS and BS to set up 1X rate R-SCH.
Calculate the distance between MS and BS based on the EPN
reported by MS, and 1 chip = 244 m. In this way, it is necessary
to correct the wireless environment that BTS is located.

Value Range 0 ~ 65535, Unit: 1/8 chip.

Default 2775.

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Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed

R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS far away from the BS can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
It is not recommended to modify this parameter.

RSCH (over 4X) Eb/Nt threshold

Description FER threshold to set up 4X and higher rate R-SCH.
External ring Eb/Nt reported by MS and FER reported by SDM
function jointly to determine R-SCH rate.
Value Range -32 ~ 32, units: dB.
Default 7.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor link quality can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-SCH threshold with relatively high rate must be set with
the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (over 4X)Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) FER threshold
n RSCH (1X) FER threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold

Description FER threshold to set up 2X rate R-SCH.
External ring Eb/Nt reported by MS and FER reported by SDM
function jointly to determine R-SCH rate.

Value Range -32 ~ 32, units: dB.

Default 9.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor link quality can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse

268 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

The R-SCH threshold with relatively high rate must be set with
the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (over 4X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) FER threshold
n RSCH (1X) FER threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold

Description FER threshold to set up 1X rate R-SCH.
External ring Eb/Nt reported by MS and FER reported by SDM
function jointly to determine R-SCH rate.

Value Range -32 ~ 32, units: dBm.

Default 11.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor link quality can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-SCH threshold with relatively high rate must be set with
the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (over 4X)Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) FER threshold
n RSCH (1X) FER threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

Description Eb/Nt threshold to set up 4X and higher rate R-SCH.
External ring Eb/Nt reported by MS and FER reported by SDM
function jointly to determine R-SCH rate.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: 1/100.

Default 5.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed

R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor link quality can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-SCH threshold with relatively high rate must be set with
the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (over 4X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) FER threshold
n RSCH (1X) FER threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

RSCH (2X) FER threshold

Description Eb/Nt threshold to set up 2X rate R-SCH.
External ring Eb/Nt reported by MS and FER reported by SDM
function jointly to determine R-SCH rate.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: 1/100.

Default 8.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor link quality can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-SCH threshold with relatively high rate must be set with
the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (over 4X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) FER threshold
n RSCH (1X) FER threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

270 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

RSCH (1X) FER threshold

Description Eb/Nt threshold to set up 1X rate R-SCH.
External ring Eb/Nt reported by MS and FER reported by SDM
function jointly to determine R-SCH rate.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, Unit: 1/100.

Default 10.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-speed
R-SCH, reducing data service reverse throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor link quality can also
set up high-speed R-SCH, causing relatively high reverse
The R-SCH threshold with relatively high rate must be set with
the value not less than the low-speed R-SCH.
Related n RSCH (over 4X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (1X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) Eb/Nt threshold
n RSCH (2X) FER threshold
n RSCH (1X) FER threshold
n RSCH (4X and up) FER threshold

Wireless environment
Description Wireless environment .
Calculate the distance between MS and BS based on the EPN
reported by MS, and 1 chip = 244 m. In this way, it is necessary
to correct the wireless environment that BTS is located.

Value Range 0 ~ 3.
Table 140 describes the value range of Wireless environment.

T A B L E 1 4 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F W I R E L E S S E N V I R O N ME N T

Value Meaning
0 Dense urban area
1 Ordinary urban area
2 Outskirts
3 Rural area

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Default 0.
Setting It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n RSCH (4X and up) 1 way delay
n RSCH (2X) 1 way delay
n RSCH (1X) 1 way delay
n Correct factor
n Wireless environment

Correct factor
Description Correction factor.
Calculate the distance between MS and BS based on the EPN
reported by MS, and 1 chip = 244 m. In this way, it is necessary
to correct the wireless environment that BTS is located.

Value Range 5 ~ 10.

Table 141 describes the value range of Correct Factor.


0 5 ~10
1 10 ~14
2 20 ~33
3 30 ~50

Default 10.
Setting It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n RSCH (4X and up) 1 way delay
n RSCH(2X) 1 way delay
n RSCH(1X) 1 way delay
n Correct factor
n Wireless environment

272 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

RSCH forward PS compare times

Description Ec/Io comparative times when R-SCH increased.
R-SCH rate increased requirements:
n Ec/Io repeatedly reported by MS should be higher than the
relevant Ec/Io threshold RSCH forward PS compare threshold,
reaching RSCH forward PS compare times.
n R-PICH intensity repeatedly reported by SDM should be
higher than the relevant R-PICH threshold RSCH forward leg
PS compare threshold, reaching RSCH forward leg PS
compare times.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 10.
Setting If comparative threshold and comparative times are set too high,
R-SCH is not easy to increase when MS wireless environment
becomes good, reducing data service reverse throughput. If they
are set too low, they causes R-SCH repeatedly disconnected
when wireless environment changes, also reducing data service
reverse throughput.
Related n RSCH forward leg PS compare times
n RSCH forward leg PS compare threshold
n RSCH forward PS compare threshold
n RSCH forward PS compare times

Description RSCH Ec/Iocomparison threshold.
This parameter is only applicable to BSC.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 2
Setting Not applicable.

RSCH forward leg PS compare

Description R-PICH intensity comparative times when R-SCH increased.
R-SCH rate increased requirements:

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Ec/Io repeatedly reported by MS should be higher than the

relevant Ec/Io threshold RSCH forward PS compare threshold,
reaching RSCH forward PS compare times.
n R-PICH intensity repeatedly reported by SDM should be
higher than the relevant R-PICH threshold RSCH forward leg
PS compare threshold, reaching RSCH forward leg PS
compare times.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 10.
Setting If comparative threshold and comparative times are set too high,
R-SCH is not easy to increase when MS wireless environment
becomes good, reducing data service reverse throughput. If they
are set too low, they causes R-SCH repeatedly disconnected
when wireless environment changes, also reducing data service
reverse throughput.
Related n RSCH forward leg PS compare times
n RSCH forward leg PS compare threshold
n RSCH forward PS compare threshold
n RSCH forward PS compare times

RSCH forward leg PS compare

Description R-PICH intensity comparative threshold when R-SCH increased.
R-SCH rate increased requirements:
n Ec/Io repeatedly reported by MS should be higher than the
relevant Ec/Io threshold RSCH forward PS compare threshold,
reaching RSCH forward PS compare times.
n R-PICH intensity repeatedly reported by SDM should be
higher than the relevant R-PICH threshold RSCH forward leg
PS compare threshold, reaching RSCH forward leg PS
compare times.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: dBm.
Default 2.
Setting If comparative threshold and comparative times are set too high,
R-SCH is not easy to increase when MS wireless environment
becomes good, reducing data service reverse throughput. If they
are set too low, they causes R-SCH repeatedly disconnected
when wireless environment changes, also reducing data service
reverse throughput.
Related n RSCH forward leg PS compare times,
n RSCH forward leg PS compare threshold
n RSCH forward PS compare threshold

274 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

n RSCH forward PS compare times

FSCH rate assign algorithm

Description F-SCH rate assignment algorithm.
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 142 describes the value range of FSCH Rate Assign


Value Meaning
0 F-FCH transmitting power based
1 Based on pilot Ec/Io reported by MS
2 Based on F-FCH power and pilot Ec/Io

Default 0.
Setting When it is set as 0, calculate F-SCH initial transmitting power
based on the relevant F-FCH transmitting power. If the
calculated F-SCH power is too high, it results in forward power
overload, reducing F-SCH rate till meeting the requirements of
power overload control. Now, the F-SCH rate is determined. If it
is unable to meet the power overload control requirements, it
will fail to set up F-SCH.
When it is set as 1, obtain the F-SCH rate and initial transmitting
power from the table according to the pilot Ec/Io reported by MS.
Meanwhile, F-SCH transmitting power should meet the power
overload control requirements.
When it is set as 2, select a higher rate from two algorithms for
F-SCH rate, and use relevant initial power. If the rates obtained
from the two algorithms are the same, use the initial power
obtained from the F-FCH based algorithm.

2X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io

threshold (-0.5dB)
Description To assign relevant Ec/Io threshold for convolutional 2X rate F-
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional code F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.

Default 28.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 32X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

2X Convolutional FSCH initial power

Description The initial transmitting power of 2X convolutional F-SCH.
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: DGU.
Default 189.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is

276 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH

initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

4X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io

threshold (-0.5dB)
Description To assign relevant Ec/Io threshold for convolutional 4 X rate F-
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.

Default 22.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 32X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)

n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

4X Convolutional FSCH initial power

Description The initial transmitting power of 4X convolutional F-SCH.
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: DGU.

Default 197.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

278 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

8X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io

threshold (-0.5dB)
Description To assign relevant Ec/Io threshold for convolutional 8 X rate F-
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.

Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.

Default 14.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 32X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 279

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

8X Convolutional FSCH initial power

Description The initial transmitting power of 8X convolutional F-SCH .
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: DGU.
Default 205.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

16X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io

threshold (-0.5dB)
Description To assign relevant Ec/Io threshold for convolutional 16 X rate F-

280 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on

convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 14.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 32X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)

16X Convolutional FSCH initial

power (0.25dB)
Description The initial transmitting power of 16X rate convolutional F-SCH .
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: DGU.
Default 213.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 281

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward

If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)

32X Convolutional FSCH Ec/Io

threshold (-0.5dB)
Description To assign relevant Ec/Io threshold for convolutional 32 X rate F-
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: -0.5 dB.
Default 10.

Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-

speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.

282 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Related n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)

n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold (-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)
n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power (0.25dB)

32X Convolutional FSCH initial

power (0.25dB)
Description The initial transmitting power of 32X rate convolutional F-SCH.
The foreground corrects TURBO coded F-SCH based on
convolutional coded F-SCH; therefore, only set convolutional
coded F-SCH in the background.
Value Range 0 ~ 255, units: DGU .
Default 221.
Setting If Ec/Io threshold is set too high, it is difficult to set up high-
speed F-SCH, reducing data service forward throughput. If the
threshold is set too low, the MS with poor signal can also set up
high-speed F-SCH, occupying large amount of BS forward
If the initial transmitting power is set too high, it occupies large
amount of BS forward power resources, but it improves
transmission performance during initial setup of F-SCH. If it is
set too low, the transmission performance is poor during F-SCH
initial setup, but it can save BS forward power resources.
The Ec/Io threshold with relatively high rate F-SCH and the
initial transmission power must be set with the value not less
than the low-speed F-SCH.
Related n 16X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH Ec/Io threshold(-0.5dB)
n 2X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 4X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 8X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)
n 16X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n 32X convolutional FSCH initial power(0.25dB)

Redirect Message
Enable SRDM indicator
Description Whether to support SRDM indication.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 143 describes the value range of Enable SRDM Indicator.

T A B L E 1 4 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F E N A B L E S R DM I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM band class
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n SRDM record type

Return if failed indicator

Description Whether to return to the original system if redirection fails
Value Range 0 ~ 1.

284 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Table 144 describes the value range of Return if Failed Indicator.

T A B L E 1 4 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E T U R N I F F A I L E D I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not return
1 Return

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM band class
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM record type

Delete TMSI indicator

Description Whether to delete TMSI indication for MS needing redirection.
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 145 describes the value range of Delete TMSI Indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not delete
1 Delete

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM band class
n SRDM redirect type
n Return if failed indicator

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Enable SRDM indicator

n SRDM record type

SRDM redirect type

Description Redirection type
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 146 describes the value range of SRDM Redirect Type.

T A B L E 1 4 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F S R DM R E D I R E C T T Y P E

Value Meaning
0 Ordinary

Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM band class
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM record type

SRDM record type

Description The redirected system type.
Value Range 0 ~ 5.
Table 147 describes the value range of SRDM Record Type.

T A B L E 1 4 7 V A L U E R A N G E O F S R DM R E C O R D T Y P E

Value Meaning
0 NDSS off indication
1 Redirected simulated system
2 Redirected to CDMA system
3 Redirected TACS simulated system

286 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Value Meaning
4 Redirected JTACS simulated system
5 Redirected to DS-41 system

Default 2.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM band class
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM expected NID

SRDM band class

Description Band Class for redirection of CDMA system
Value Range 0 ~ 10.
Default 10.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM record type

SRDM expected SID

Description To redirect to the expected CDMA system SID.
Value Range 0 ~ 32767.
Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Use the default setting.

Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM band class
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM record type

SRDM expected NID

Description To redirect to the expected CDMA system NID.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 0.
Setting Set the same value for all cells under the same BTS.
Use the default setting.
Related n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM band class
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM record type

SRDM CDMA channel 0~14

Description Frequency assignment parameter.
Value Range 0 ~ 2047.
Setting Set it according to actual network state.
Related n SRDM expected NID
n SRDM expected SID
n SRDM redirect type
n Delete TMSI indicator
n Return if failed indicator
n Enable SRDM indicator
n SRDM record type

288 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Neighbor Frequency
Band class
Description BS frequency band.
Value Range 0 ~ 10.

Table 148 describes the value range for neighbor frequency


T A B L E 1 4 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F BS F R E Q U E N C Y B A N D

Value Meaning
0 800 M
1 1.9 G
4 Korean PCS
5 450 M
6 2G
7 700 M
8 1.8 G
9 900 M
10 Secondary 800 M
Other values Reserved

Setting This set of parameters maintained by the operator.

Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Corresponding pilot is to be
searched indicator
Description Add the pilot to the candidate set
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 149 describes the value range of this parameter.

T A B L E 1 4 9 V A L U E R A N G E O F T H I S P A R A ME T E R .

Value Meaning
0 Not add
1 Add

Default 1.
Setting Modify it based on operators’ state.
Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Is preferred neighbor cell

Is preferred neighbor cell

Description If preferred neighbor cell
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 150 describes the value range of Reselect Is preferred
neighbor cell.


Value Meaning
0 No
1 Yes

Default 0.

290 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting Set it based on operators’ state.

Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator

Neighbor carrier ID
Description Neighbor cell serial number
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default Automatically fill in by the system, starting from 0, and increased by 1.
Setting It is not recommended to modify this parameter.
Related n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator
n Is preferred neighbor cell

Neighbor CDMA channel frequency

Description Frequency point of the neighbor cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 2047.
Band Class 0.
Table 151 describes the value range of SR1 Neighbor CDMA
Channel frequency.

T A B L E 1 5 1 B A N D C L A S S 0 , S R 1 N E I G H B O R C DM A C H A N N E L F R E Q U E N C Y

Band Frequency Sub- Band Frequency

Point class Point
A” 1013 ~ A” 1013 ~
0 1
1023 1023

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Band Frequency Sub- Band Frequency

Point class Point
A 1 ~ 311 A 1 ~ 311
B 356 ~ 644 B 356 ~ 644
A’ 689 ~ 694 A’ 689 ~ 716
B’ 739 ~ 777 B’ 717 ~ 779

Band Class 1.
Table 152 describes the value range of SR1 Neighbor CDMA
Channel frequency.


Frequency Frequency Point Frequency Frequency Point

Section Section
A 25 ~ 75 E 725 ~ 775
D 325 ~ 375 F 825 ~ 875
B 425 ~ 675 C 925 ~ 1175

Setting Maintained by the operator.

Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator
n Is preferred neighbor cell

Neighbor pilot channel search

window size
Description Search window size of the neighbor pilot
Value Range 0 ~ 15.
Table 153 describes the value range of this parameter.

T A B L E 1 5 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F NE I G H B O R P I L O T C H A N N E L S E A R C H W I N D O W

Value Meaning
0 4

292 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Value Meaning
1 6
2 8
3 10
4 14
5 20
6 28
7 40
8 60
9 80
10 100
11 130
12 160
13 226
14 320
15 452

Default 0.
Setting To set is too high, MS will waste time to search neighbor set
pilot, and the interval for searching Active Set and Candidate Set
pilot increases, resulting in performance reduced. To set it too
low, MS might be unable to search neighbor set pilot.
Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator
n Is preferred neighbor cell

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Pilot channel search priority

Description Priority of the pilot channel search.
Value Range 0 ~ 3.
Table 154 describes the value range of Reselect Pilot Channel
search priority.


Value Meaning
0 Low
1 Medium
2 High
3 Extremely high

Default 0.
Setting Set it based on operators’ state.
Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Use timing indicator
n Neighbor cell count
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator
n Is preferred neighbor cell

Use timing indicator

Description Action time included indication
Value Range 0 ~ 1.
Table 155 describes the value range of Reselect Use timing

T A B L E 1 5 5 V A L U E R A N G E O F R E S E L E C T U S E T I MI N G I N D I C A T O R

Value Meaning
0 Excluded
1 Included

294 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Default 0.
Setting Only selected from the preferred neighbor cell during semi-soft
Related n Neighbor carrier Id
n Band class
n Neighbor CDMA Channel frequency
n Neighbor cell count
n Pilot Channel search priority
n Neighbor pilot channel search window size
n Corresponding pilot is to be searched indicator
n Is preferred neighbor cell

ECAM Information Repeat

Description Access handoff call origination ECAMmessage resend times.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.
Default 2
Setting Access handoff call origination ECAM message resending times,
default value at is background 2, the available maximum value
is 4, this is layer 1 ECAM message resend (CHM resend) times,
this value is used in access handoffs and non-access handoffs. If
it is set to 0, CHM sends the ECAM message only once (ECAM
second layer resend function is turned off).

Description In access handoff, call origination ECAM message resending
interval 0 ~ 4.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000., Unit: ms
Default 0/800/800/800/800

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting Access handoff call origination ECAM message resend interval N

(N is 0-4): stands for the interval of resending the ECAM
message N.

Description Access handoff call origination ECAMmessage resend 0 ~ 4.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000., Unit: ms
Default 0/800/800/800/800
Setting Access handoff non-call origination ECAM message resend
interval N (N is 0-4): stands for the interval of resending the
ECAM message N.

Description In non-access handoff, ECAM message resend interval 0 ~ 4.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 12000., Unit: ms
Default 0/100/100/0/0
Setting When non- access handoff ECAM message resend is separated N
(N to take 0 ~ 4): Expressed when Nth resend ECAMmessage
time gap.

Description Maximum ECAM gain.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 200 ~ 230
Default 220
Setting Maximum power gain when sending ECAM message.

Description ECAM gain step length.
This parameter is only applicable to local cell.
Value Range 0 ~ 50
Default 1

296 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 1X Cell Parameters

Setting Not applicable.

Note: Power increases when resending the ECAM message.

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Chapter 4

1X Carriers Parameters

This chapter describes:

n Carrier Parameters
n Power Control Message Parameters
n Forward Power Overload Parameters
n Periodic Pilot Measurement Request Order Parameters
n Traffic Parameters
n Access Parameters
n Global Redirect Message Parameters
n PTT SCH Power Control Parameters
n Neighbor Cell List Parameters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 298

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Carrier Parameters
Group ID
Description Group ID.
A physical configuration parameter of carrier sector, only
applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0~1.
Related n BDS subsystem Id
n RFS subsystem Id
n Sector Id in group
n TRX Element Id

Sector ID in group
Description ID of a sector in a group.
A physical configuration parameter of carrier sector, only
applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0~5.
Related n BDS subsystem Id
n RFS subsystem Id
n Group Id
n TRX Element Id

BDS subsystem ID
Description Subsystem ID of BDS.
A physical configuration parameter of carrier sector, only
applicable to this carrier sector.
Related n RFS subsystem Id
n Group Id
n Sector Id in group
n TRX Element Id

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

RFS subsystem ID
Description Subsystem ID of RFS.
A physical configuration parameter of carrier sector, only
applicable to this carrier sector.
Related n BDS subsystem Id
n Group Id
n Sector Id in group
n TRX Element Id

TRX element ID
Description TRX element ID.
A physical configuration parameter of carrier sector, only
applicable to this carrier sector.
Related n BDS subsystem Id
n RFS subsystem Id
n Group Id
n Sector Id in group

Band class
Description This parameter is used to determine the band, only applicable to
this carrier sector.
All carriers sectors of a BTS should work at the same band and
frequency assignment.
A frequency can be uniquely determined by its band class and
frequency assignment.
Table 156 describes the relationship among band, frequency
assignment and frequency.

T A B L E 1 5 6 R E L AT I O N S H I P A M O N G B A N D , F R E Q U E N C Y A S S I G N ME N T A N D

Band Frequency
MS/BS Frequency (MHz)
Class Assignment N
Band Class 1 ≤ N ≤ 799 0.030N + 825.000
0 (800M) MS 991 ≤ N ≤ 1023 0.030 (N-1023) +
BS 1 ≤ N ≤ 799 0.030N + 870.000

300 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Band Frequency
MS/BS Frequency (MHz)
Class Assignment N
991 ≤ N ≤ 1023 0.030 (N-1023) +
Band Class MS 0 ≤ N ≤ 1199 1850.000 + 0.050N
1 (1.9G)
BS 0 ≤ N ≤ 1199 1930.000 + 0.050N
1 ≤ N ≤ 300 0.025(N-1) + 450.000
539 ≤ N ≤ 871 0.025(N-512) +
MS 1039 ≤ N ≤ 0.020(N-1024) +
1473 451.000
1792 ≤ N ≤ 0.020(N-1792) +
Band Class 2016 479.000
5 (450M) 1 ≤ N ≤ 300 0.025(N-1) + 460.000
539 ≤ N ≤ 871 0.025(N-512) +
BS 1039 ≤ N ≤ 0.020(N-1024) +
1473 461.000
1792 ≤ N ≤ 0.020(N-1792) +
2016 489.000

Value Range 0~10.

Table 157 describes the value range of Band Class.

T A B L E 1 5 7 V A L UE R A N G E O F B A N D C L A S S

Band Class Description Band Class Description

0 800M 6 2G
1 1.9G 7 700M
2 TACS 8 1.8G
3 JTACS 9 900M
4 Korean PCS 10 Secondary 800M
5 450M Others Reserved

Setting Offered by the operator.

Related CDMA Frequency Assignment

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

CDMA frequency assignment

Description This parameter is used to determine the frequency assignment,
only applicable to this carrier sector.
All carriers sectors of a BTS should work at the same band and
frequency assignment.
A frequency can be uniquely determined by its band class and
frequency assignment.
Value Range 0~2047
Table 158 describes the value range of Band Class 0, SR1. CDMA
Frequency Assignment.

T A B L E 1 5 8 V AL U E R A NG E O F B A N D C L A S S E S 0 , S R 1 . C DM A

Subclas Frequency Subclas
Band Band Assignme
s Assignment s
A” 1013…1023 A’’ 1013…102
A 1...311 A 1...311
0 1
B 356...644 B 356...644
A’ 689...694 A’ 689...716
B’ 739...777 A’’’ 717...779

Table 159 describes the value range of Band Class 1, SR1.

CDMA Frequency Assignment.

T A B L E 1 5 9 V AL U E R A NG E O F B A N D C L A S S E S 1 , S R 1 . C DM A

Frequency Frequency
Band Band
Assignment Assignment
A 25...275 E 725...775
D 325...375 F 825...875
B 425...675 C 925...1175

Setting Offered by the operator.

Related Band Class

302 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

QPCH hash indicator

Description Indicate whether this carrier is included when the MS that
supports RC3, 4, 5 or QPCH uses Hash algorithm to select
Corresponding to RC_QPCH_HASH_IND field of ECCLM.
Value Range 0: not included, 1: included
Default 0, that is, this carrier sector is not included.
Setting It is not necessary to set this parameter currently.
Related n QPCH Support indicator
n RC3, 4,5 Support indicator
n BCCH Support indicator

QPCH support indicator

Description Indicate whether QPCH is supported.
Responding to ESPM field.
Value Range 0: not supported, 1: supported
Default 0, that is QPCH is not supported.
Setting If QPCH is not configured in this carrier sector, set this
parameter to be 0. Otherwise, set it to be 1.
Related n QPCH hash indicator
n RC3, 4, 5 Support indicator
n BCCH Support indicator

RC3, 4, 5 support indicator

Description Indicate whether RC3, 4 and 5 are supported.
Value Range 0: not supported, 1: supported.
Default 1, that is, RC3, 4 and 5 are supported.
Setting It is not necessary to set this parameter currently.
Related n QPCH Support indicator
n QPCH hash indicator
n BCCH Support indicator

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

BCCH support Indicator

Description Indicate whether BCCH is supported.
Corresponding to ESPM, UNLM, and GNLM fields.
Value Range 0: not supported, 1: supported.
Default 0, that is, BCCH is not supported.
Setting It is not necessary to set this parameter currently.
Related n QPCH Support indicator
n QPCH hash indicator
n RC3,4,5 Support indicator

Transmit diversity mode

Description Transmit diversity mode, only applicable to this carrier sector.
Corresponding to ECCLM, GNLM, and UNLM fields.
Value Range 0: OTD, 1: STS
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n Transmit diversity hash indicator
n Transmit Power Level

Transmit diversity hash indicator

Description Indicate whether this carrier frequency is included when the MS
that supports Transmit diversity mode of this carrier sector uses
Hash algorithm to select carrier frequencies. Only applicable to
this carrier sector.
Corresponding to ECCLM field.
Value Range 0: not included, 1: included.
Default 0.
Setting It is not necessary to set this parameter currently.
Related n Transmit Diversity mode
n Transmit Power Level

304 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Transmit power level

Description Transmit power level of diversity, only applicable to this carrier
Corresponding to ECCLM, GNLM, and UNLM fields.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.
Table 160 describes the value range of Transmit Power Level.

T A B L E 1 6 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F T R A N S MI T P O W E R L E V E L

Transmit Power
0 9dB lower than the transmit power of F-PICH
1 6dB lower than the transmit power of F-PICH
2 3dB lower than the transmit power of F-PICH
3 The same as the transmit power of F-PICH

Default 0.
Setting It is not necessary to set this parameter currently.
Related n Transmit Diversity mode
n Transmit diversity hash indicator

Nominal transmit power offset

Description Nominal transmit power offset, expressed in binary
supplemental code.
This parameter and the parameter Extended nominal transmit
power are used in the open loop power control of reverse links.
Only applicable to this carrier sector, but generally, the setting
of this parameter for all carriers sectors of a BSS should be the
Corresponding to APM, EHDM, GHDM, and UHDM fields.
Value Range 0~15, corresponding to –8 -~ 7 (dB) respectively
Default 0.
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, the access time of
the MS is shortened, but the interference to reverse links
increases. If the value is set too low, the interference to reverse
links decreases, but the access time of the MS is prolonged,
moreover, the MS may be inaccessible.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related Extended nominal transmit power


Extended nominal transmit power

Description This parameter and the parameter Nominal transmit power
offset are used in the open loop power control of reverse links.
Only applicable to this carrier sector, but generally, the setting
of this parameter for all carriers sectors of a BSS should be the
Corresponding to APM, EHDM, GHDM, and UHDM fields.
Value Range 0: the value range of nominal transmit power offset is –8 to 7db
1: the value range of nominal transmit power offset is –24 to -
Default 0.
Setting If the band class of the BS is Band class 0 or Band Class 3, this
parameter must set to be 0. Or if the MS is accessed with a
power much lower than the estimated open loop power, set the
parameter to be 1.
Related Nominal transmit power offset

First list
Description Indicate the basic carrier.
Only applicable to this carrier sector. There should be only one
basic carrier in a cell.
In the CCLM, the basic carrier is in the First List (First in channel
List). As the preferred carriers are required to be listed first in
the CCLM, if there are preferred carriers, the basic carrier should
be selected from them.
Table 161 describes the preferred frequencies of some band


Band Class Preferred Carrier Frequencies

800M, SR1 System A 283 (primary), 691 (secondary)
Subclass 0 System B 384 (primary), 777 (secondary)
25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200,
1.9G, SR1 Block A
225, 250, 275
Block D 325, 350, 375

306 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Band Class Preferred Carrier Frequencies

425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550, 575,
Block B
600, 625, 650, 675
Block E 725, 750, 775
Block F 825, 850, 875
925, 950, 975, 1000, 1025, 1050,
Block C
1075, 1100, 1125, 1150, 1175
160, 210*, 260 (* means the frequency
Block A
supports inter-block roaming)
Block B 120, 170, 220*
Block C 47, 97, 147*

450M Block D 573, 623, 673*

Block E 731*, 781, 831
Block F 1841*, 1903, 1965
Block G 1291*, 1353, 1415
Block H 1089, 1151, 1213*
Value Range
0: non-basic carrier frequency, 1: basic carrier frequency.
Setting Select the frequency with the widest coverage as the basic
carrier frequency. Though the basic carrier frequencies of
different cells can be set differently, in actual application, only
one basic carrier frequency is set for the entire network.
Related n Is In Critical Cell
n Is beacon

Maximum Ideal pilot power

Description Only applicable to this carrier sector and used to cell breathing.
Cell breathing is a function that allows the cell to adjust its
coverage dynamically based on its current load, so that the
loads of neighbor cells are balanced. When the number of
subscribers of a cell increases, its load increases accordingly. In
this case, the coverage of the cell is shrunk and the subscribers
at the cell edge are handed off to the neighbor cells with small
load. On the contrary, when the number of subscribers of a cell
decreases, its load decreases, too. In this case, the coverage of
the cell is enlarged. As this function has a significant effect on
network planning, it is not used in our system now. The K_PARA
parameter was originally used in cell breathing.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is reserved.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related n Control Threshold

n Adjustment Proportion
n Filter Parameter

Control threshold
Description Only applicable to this carrier sector and used to cell breathing.
See Maximum Ideal Pilot Power for the definition of cell
Value Range 0~255.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is not used currently.
Related n Maximum Ideal Pilot Power
n Adjustment Proportion
n Filter Parameter

Adjustment proportion
Description Adjustment proportion.
Only applicable to this carrier sector and used to cell breathing.
See Maximum Ideal Pilot Power for the definition of cell
Value Range 0~255.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is not used currently.
Related n Maximum Ideal Pilot Power
n Control Threshold
n Filter Parameter

Filter parameter
Description Filter parameter.
Only applicable to this carrier sector and used to cell breathing.
See Maximum Ideal Pilot Power for the definition of cell
Value Range 0~255.
Default 0.

308 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Setting This parameter is reserved.

Related n Maximum Ideal Pilot Power
n Control Threshold
n Adjustment Proportion

Carrier call threshold

Description Threshold for holding carrier calls.
Only applicable to this carrier sector and used to cell breathing.
Value Range 1~255.
Default 15.
Setting When higher values are set for the parameters Carrier Call
Threshold and Thresholds of changing carrier, the probability of
inter-carrier assignment decreases, thus the call success rate
increases, but the unbalance of load between carriers is likely to
occur. When lower values are set, the load is averaged among
carriers, but the call success rate decreases due to frequent
occurrence of inter-carrier assignment. For those critical cells,
set up the traffic channel in the basic carrier for as many MSs as
possible in order to reduce inter-frequency handoffs, therefore,
it is required to set the two parameters of those non-basic
carriers to be a low value. It is recommended to set Carrier Call
Threshold to be 8, Threshold of changing carrier to be 2.
It is recommended to set all the carriers in a cell as hybrid
carriers, or set them to be voice carriers or data carriers. That is
to say, the hybrid carrier should not co-exist with voice/data
Related n Threshold of changing carrier
n Carrier Type

Threshold of changing carrier

Description Threshold for assigning carrier.
Used to carrier selection.
In a multi-carrier CDMA network, the MS uses its own IMSI and
HASH algorithm to determine the paging channel of which
carrier in CCLM is monitored. In call origination/termination, the
MS accesses the system via the monitored carrier (access
carrier), while the BS will, via CAM/ECAM, assign a carrier for
the MS to set up the traffic channel. If the assigned carrier is
different from the access one, inter-carrier assignment occurs.
As the coverage differs among carriers, the MS may not find the
assigned carrier. Therefore, the call success rate may decrease

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

in the case of inter-carrier assignment. The reason why the BS

assigns a carrier different from the access carrier is that it tries
to balance the loads of carriers.
In voice services (including PTT), the BS perform inter-carrier
assignment only when the following two points are met:
n The number of subscribers in the access carrier is greater
than the value of the parameter Carrier Call Threshold.
n The difference of subscriber number between the access
carrier and the assigned one is greater than the value of the
parameter Threshold of changing carrier.
In data services, the quantity of radio resources is quite great if
F/R-SCH is available, so they are allocated among carriers on an
average basis.
The difference among different types of carriers lies in their
principles of allocating Walsh codes: the principle used in voice
carrier is to reduce the PAR (peak-average ratio), the one in
data carrier is to reserve the lower-order Walsh codes, and the
one in hybrid carrier is a tradeoff of the above two. Therefore, if
one or several carriers are set to be data carriers to gather the
data service subscribers into it (them), other carriers should be
set to be voice carriers in order to reduce the PAR.
Value Range 1~255.
Default 3.
Setting When higher values are set for the parameters Carrier Call
Threshold and Thresholds of changing carrier, the probability of
inter-carrier assignment decreases, thus the call success rate
increases, but the unbalance of load between carriers is likely to
occur. When lower values are set, the load is averaged among
carriers, but the call success rate decreases due to frequent
occurrence of inter-carrier assignment. For those critical cells,
set up the traffic channel in the basic carrier for as many MSs as
possible in order to reduce inter-frequency handoffs, therefore,
it is required to set the two parameters of those non-basic
carriers to be a low value. It is recommended to set Carrier Call
Threshold to be 8, Threshold of changing carrier to be 2.
It is recommended to set all the carriers in a cell as hybrid
carriers, or set them to be voice carriers or data carriers. That is
to say, the hybrid carrier should not co-exist with voice/data
Related n Carrier Call Threshold
n Carrier Type

310 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Is beacon
Description Indicate whether it is pilot beacon (used to assist inter frequency
handoffs, but the traffic channel cannot be set up).
Value Range 0: non pilot beacon, 1: pilot beacon.
Default 0.
Setting Set this parameter according to the actual configuration.
Related n First list
n Is In Critical Cell

Carrier type
Description Carrier Type. Select proper carrier according to service type
(voice, data).
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
This parameter is used to select the carrier.
Value Range 1: voice carrier, 2: data carrier, 3: hybrid carrier.
Default 3.
Setting It is recommended to set all the carriers in a cell as hybrid
carriers, or set them to be voice carriers or data carriers. That is
to say, the hybrid carrier should not co-exist with voice/data
Related n Carrier Call Threshold
n Threshold of changing carrier

Description manual block/unblock.
This parameter is only applicable to local carrier/sector.
Value Range 0,1
Default 0
Setting This parameter setting is invalid and it cannot affect the
block/unblock of carrier frequency.

Note: Carrier frequency state is passed by BTS to BSC

dynamically. Manual block is available in dynamic management.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Reverse preamble length

Description The length of the preamble sent by the MS on the reverse traffic
channel when it performs handoffs.
Responding to NUM_PREAMBLE field of EHDM, GHDM, and UHDM.
Value Range 0~7.
Table 162 describes the reverse preamble length when RC3/4/5
is used after handoff.

T AB L E 16 2 R E V E R S E PR E A MB L E LE N G T H IN C AS E O F R C 3/ 4/ 5

Reverse preamble length Preamble Length (1.25ms)

0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
6 12
7 16

n If RC1/RC2 is used after handoff, the preamble length is
n If RC3/4/5 is used after handoff, the preamble length is

Default 0.
Setting Currently this parameter is not used in the background of our
system, and in the foreground, a fixed value of 7 is used.
When a large value is set for this parameter, the BS can easily
detect the traffic channel of the MS, thus the handoff success
rate increases, but the interference to reverse links increases.
When a small value is set, the interference to reverse links
decreases, but the handoff success rate decreases, too.
Reference 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0: Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling
Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, Release A
Addendum 2.

312 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

MS DROP SSHO threshold (For

Description A threshold for inter-frequency semi-soft handoff in voice
When all the pilots of active sets of a MS fall into the critical cell
but are not the basic carrier frequency, BS decides whether it
sends CFSRQM to the MS based on the values of
MS, and decide whether it originates an inter-frequency semi-
soft handoff based on the target pilot strength in CFSRSM.
Value Range 0~63, Unit: -0.5db
Default 20.
Setting This parameter is only valid for critical cells. If a larger value is
set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft handoffs increases.
If a smaller value is set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft
handoffs decreases. If the critical cell covers highways, a smaller
value should be set for this threshold.
Related n MS DROP SSHO Threshold (for data)
n RTD Threshold (for voice)
n RTD Threshold (for data)

RTD Threshold (For Voice)

Description RTD threshold for voice services.
When all the pilots of active sets of a MS fall into the critical cell
but are not the basic carrier frequency, BS decides whether it
sends CFSRQM to the MS based on the values of
MS, and decide whether it originates an inter-frequency semi-
soft handoff based on the target pilot strength in CFSRSM.
Value Range 0~65535, Unit: 100ns.
Default 232.
Setting This parameter is only valid for critical cells. If a larger value is
set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft handoffs increases.
If a smaller value is set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft
handoffs decreases. If the critical cell covers highways, a smaller
value should be set for this threshold.
Related n MS DROP SSHO Threshold (for voice)
n MS DROP SSHO Threshold (for data)
n RTD Threshold (for data)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 313

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

MS DROP SSHO threshold (For

Description A threshold for inter-frequency semi-soft handoff in data
When all the pilots of active sets of a MS fall into the critical cell
but are not the basic carrier frequency, BS decides whether it
sends CFSRQM to the MS based on the values of
MS, and decide whether it originates an inter-frequency semi-
soft handoff based on the target pilot strength in CFSRSM.
Value Range 0~63 , Unit: -0.5dB
Default 20.
Setting This parameter is only valid for critical cells. If a larger value is
set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft handoffs increases.
If a smaller value is set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft
handoffs decreases. If the critical cell covers highways, a smaller
value should be set for this threshold.
Related n MS DROP SSHO Threshold (for voice)
n RTD Threshold (for voice)
n RTD Threshold (for data)

RTD threshold (For Data)

Description RTD threshold for data services.
Value Range 0~65535, Unit: 100ns.
Default 232.
Setting This parameter is only valid for critical cells. If a larger value is
set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft handoffs increases.
If a smaller value is set, the chance for MS to perform semi-soft
handoffs decreases. If the critical cell covers highways, a smaller
value should be set for this threshold.
Related n MS DROP SSHO Threshold (for voice)
n MS DROP SSHO Threshold (for data)
n RTD Threshold (for voice)

Is in critical cell
Description Indicate whether the MS is in the critical cell (multi-carrier cell at
the coverage edge of multi-carrier and single-carrier cells).

314 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Value Range 0: not in the critical cell, 1: in the critical cell.

Default 0.
Setting Set this parameter according to the actual configuration.
Related n First list
n Is beacon

Description Sector gain.
This parameter is only applicable to local carrier/sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 4095
Default 268
Setting Qualcomm chips are used to calculate the forward control
channel gain, it is mainly used to measure the cell coverage.
Control channel gain is directly proportional to the sector gain.
Therefore, when sector gain increase, control channel gain also
increases, and the power occupied by the control channel will
increase accordingly and sector coverage becomes larger.
However, the available power for service channel decreases,
sector capacity becomes small.
When sector gain decreases, control channel gain also decreases,
and the power occupied by the control channel will decrease
accordingly and sector coverage becomes smaller. However, the
available power for service channel increases, sector capacity
becomes larger. In general, the default value is acceptable. For
capacity test, sector gain should be set as low as possible and
for coverage test, sector gain should be set as high as possible.

Description Access channel overload control enable switch.
This parameter is only applicable to local carrier/sector.
Value Range 0,1
0: disable
1: enable
Default 0
Setting The MS originates a new call can not access because service
channel overloads. If MS originate more calls, system will be
interfered at reverse direction. Therefore, overload control is
needed on access channel to decrease message collision
probability during traffic peak hours and reverse interference
when service channel overloads.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

1 stands for the access channel overload control function is

enabled and 0 stands for the access channel overload control
function is disabled.

Power Control Message

Forward power control operation
mode indicator,
Description Indication of forward power control operation mode of F-FCH
where there is no F-SCH.
Corresponding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM fields.
Value Range 0 ~ 6.
Table 163 describes the value range of Forward Power Control
Operation Mode Indicator.


Forward Reverse power control

Power sub-channel allocation
Control (Power Control Group
Meaning #0~15)
Mode Suppleme
Indicator Fundamental
000 MS transmits at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Not
800bps on 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, supported
fundamental reverse 10, 11, 12,
power control sub- 13, 14, 15
001 MS transmits at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7,
400bps on 10, 12, 14 9, 11, 13,
fundamental / 15
supplemental reverse
power control sub-
010 MS transmits at 1, 5, 9, 13 0, 2, 3, 4,
200bps and 600bpson 6, 7, 8, 10,
fundamental / 11, 12, 14,
supplemental power 15
control sub-channel
011 MS sends EIB on 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Not
reverse power control 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, supported
sub-channel 10, 11, 12,

316 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Forward Reverse power control

Power sub-channel allocation
Control (Power Control Group
Meaning #0~15)
Mode Suppleme
Indicator Fundamental
13, 14, 15
100 MS sends QIB on 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Not
reverse power control 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, supported
sub-channel 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15
101 MS sends QIB on 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7,
fundamental reverse 10, 12, 14 9, 11, 13,
power control sub- 15
channel and sends
EIB on supplemental
reverse power control
110 MS transmits at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7,
400bps on 10, 12, 14 9, 11, 13,
fundamental reverse 15
power control sub-
channel and sends
EIB on supplemental
reverse power control
Other values: Reserved

Default 0.
Setting The default setting is recommended.
The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n Forward Power Control Operation mode used during FSC
assignment interval,
n Power Control Subchannel indicator
n Master Supplemental channel index

Forward power control operation

mode used during FSC assignment
Description Indication of forward power control operation mode of F-FCH
where there is available F-SCH.
Corresponding to ESCAM fields.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 317

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range 0~6.

See Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator for value
Default 1.
Setting Default setting.
Related n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n Power Control Subchannel indicator
n Master Supplemental channel index

Power control subchannel indicator

Description Indication of power control sub-channel.
Corresponding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM, ECAM, ESCAM fields.
Value Range 0: FCH; 1: DCCH.
Default 0.
Setting Default setting.
The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1 and when Forward Power
Control Operation mode used during FSC assignment interval is
1, 2, 5 or 6. Because MS can support two supplementary
channels according to related protocol, it should be made clear
as which supplementary channel is the master supplementary
Related n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n Forward Power Control Operation mode used during FSC
assignment interval,
n Master Supplemental channel index

Setpoint report threshold included

Description Indication of whether F-DCCH outer loop report threshold is
included or not.
Corresponding to PCNM field.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.
Default 0.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Default setting (normally) is recommended.

318 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Related n Setpoint Report Threshold included indicator

n Setpoint Report Threshold
n SCH Setpoint Report Threshold

Setpoint report threshold,

Description F-DCCH outer loop report threshold.
Corresponding to PCNM field.
Value Range 0~255 (Unit: 0 .125dB).
Default 0.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Setpoint Report Threshold
included indicator is 1.
If the parameter is set too low, redundant reverse signalling
increases and reverse capacity decreases; while if it’s set too
high, it is harder to detect outer loop threshold errors.
Default setting (normally) is recommended.
Related n Setpoint Report Threshold included indicator
n SCH Setpoint Report Threshold included indicator
n SCH Setpoint Report Threshold

Reverse traffic channel power

relative to access power,
Description Gain of reverse traffic channel power as relative to access
channel power. It’s used to adjust initial transmit power of
reverse traffic channel as relative to R-ACH or R-EACH.
Corresponding to ECAM fields.
Value Range
0~15 , binary supplemental code , Unit: dB.
Default 0.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, the reverse traffic channel has
high transmit power and in that case, system’s reverse load is
increased. If it’s set too low, the reverse traffic channel has low
transmit power and in that case, FER of the reverse traffic
channel is increased.
Related n Reverse Power Control parameter included indicator
n Reverse eighth gating mode indicator

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Reverse eighth gating mode

Description Indication of R-FCH gating mode.
Corresponding to ECAM, GHDM, UHDM fields.
Value Range 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled.
Default 0.
Setting It must be set to 0.
Related n Reverse Power Control parameter included indicator
n Reverse Traffic Channel power relative to access power

Initial supplemental channel outer

loop Eb/Nt setpoint option
Description Option for setting initial F-SCH outer loop, indicating whether
Initial SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint is an absolute value or an
offset value as relative to the current value.
Corresponding to ESCAM field.
Value Range 0: Absolute; 1: Offset
Default 0.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
The parameter should be set to 0.
Related n Initial SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Minmum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint

SCH setpoint report threshold

included indicator
Description Indication of whether F-SCH outer loop report threshold is
included or not.
Corresponding to PCNM, ESCAM fields.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included
Default 0.
Setting Default setting (normally) is recommended.

320 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Related n Setpoint Report Threshold included indicator

n Setpoint Report Threshold
n SCH Setpoint Report Threshold

SCH setpoint report threshold

Description F-SCH outer loop report threshold.
Corresponding to PCNM, ESCAM fields.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 8, Unit: 0.125dB
Setting The parameter is valid only when SCH Setpoint Report Threshold
included indicator is 1.
Default setting (normally) is recommended.
If the parameter is set too low, redundant reverse signalling
increases and reverse capacity decreases; while if it’s set too
high, it is harder to detect outer loop threshold errors.
Related n Setpoint Report Threshold included indicator
n Setpoint Report Threshold
n SCH Setpoint Report Threshold included indicator

Forward link power control

parameter included indicator
Description Indication of whether forward link power control parameter is
included or not.
Corresponding to PCNM, ESCAM, GHDM, UHDM fields.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.
Most power control parameters are valid only when this
parameter is 1.
Default 1.
Setting Default setting.

Reverse power control parameter

included indicator
Description Indication of whether reverse power control parameter is
included or not.
Corresponding to PCNM, ESCAM fields.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.

Default 1.
Setting It should be set to 1.
Related n Reverse Traffic Channel power relative to access power
n Reverse eighth gating mode indicator

Fundamental channel OLPC

parameter included indicator
Description Indication of whether FCH outer loop power control parameter is
included or not.
Corresponding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM fields.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included
Default 1.
Setting Default setting (normally)
The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

DCCH outer loop power control

parameter include indicator
Description Indication of whether DCCH outer loop power control parameter
is included or not.
Responding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM fields.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.
Default 0.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n DCCH target Frame Error Rate
n Minimum DCCH outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum DCCH outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint

322 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

DCCH target frame error rate

Description Target frame error rate of DCCH.
Responding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM, ECAM fields.
Value Range 0~30.
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for value meanings.
Default 0.
Setting The parameter is valid only when DCCH Outer Loop Power
control Parameter include indicator is 1.
Related n DCCH Outer Loop Power control Parameter include indicator
n Minimum DCCH outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum DCCH outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint

Minimum DCCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Lower limit of DCCH outer loop Eb/Nt.
Corresponding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM, ECAM fields.
Value Range
0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 0.
Setting If the parameter is set to 255, it will direct MS table to have
related thresholds be set to the current Eb/No value of this
The parameter is valid only when DCCH Outer Loop Power
control Parameter include indicator is 1.
Related n DCCH Outer Loop Power control Parameter include indicator
n DCCH target Frame Error Rate
n Maximum DCCH outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint

Maximum DCCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Upper limit of DCCH outer loop Eb/Nt
Corresponding to PCNM, GHDM, UHDM, ECAM fields.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 0.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting If the parameter is set to 255, it will direct MS table to have

related thresholds be set to the current Eb/No value of this
The parameter is valid only when DCCH Outer Loop Power
control Parameter include indicator is 1.
Related n DCCH Outer Loop Power control Parameter
n include indicator DCCH target Frame Error Rate
n Minimum DCCH outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint

Master supplemental channel index

Description Indication of master supplemental channel.
Value Range 0~1.
Default 0.
Setting Default setting.
Related n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n Forward Power Control Operation mode used during FSC
assignment interval,
n Power Control Subchannel indicator

FCH target frame error rate(Voice)

Description Target frame error rate of fundamental channel for voice service.
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_FER field of PCNM, GHDM, UHDM,
Value Range 0~30.
Table 164 describes the value range of FCH target Frame Error

T A B L E 1 6 4 V A L U E R A N G E O F F C H T A R G E T F R A ME E R R O R R A T E ( V O I C E )

FER (binary) Target FER FER (binary) Target FER

00000 0.2% 10101...11001 11%...15%
(Unit: 1.0%)
00001...10100 0.5%...10% 11010...11110 18%...30%
(Unit: 0.5%) (Unit: 3.0%)
11111: Reserved

Default 2.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
(voice) decreases and forward capacity increase, but FER of F-

324 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

FCH (voice) gets higher which means performance degradation

and in serious cases call drops will arise. If the parameter is set
too low, the forward transmit power increases and forward
capacity decrease, but F-FCH voice service performance is
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

FCH target frame error rate(Data)

Description Target Frame Error Rate of fundamental channel for data service.
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_FER fields of PCNM, GHDM, UHDM,
Value Range 0~30.
Default 2.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
(data) decreases and forward capacity increase, but FER of F-
FCH (data) gets higher which means performance degradation
and in serious cases call drops will arise. If the parameter is set
too low, the forward transmit power increases and forward
capacity decrease, but F-FCH data service performance is
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

Refer to ZXC10 BSSB (V CDMA2000 Base Station
System PTT Parameters Manual.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt value (data).
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_INIT_SETP field of ECAM.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB
Default 64.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
for data initiation is very high, forward capacity decreases. If it’s
set too low, forward transmit power may not be able to meet the
requirement, performance is degraded and in serious case call
drops arise.
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data

Initial SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint

Description Threshold of initial F-SCH outer loop Eb/Nt. It’s a binary
supplemental code when Initial Supplemental Channel Outer
Loop Eb/Nt setpoint option is 1.
Corresponding to ESCAM field.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0 125dB
Default 56.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
If the parameter is set too high, F-SCH forward transmit power
for data service remains high, in which case forward capacity
decreases. If it’s set too low, forward transmit power decreases,
which may give rise to the case that when forward outer loop
reaches or gets close to lower limit, radio environment will
deteriorate suddenly, now if forward transmit power fails to get
high enough in due time, transmission is affected.
Related n Initial Supplemental Channel Outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
Parameters option
n Minimum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint

326 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt value (voice)
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT field of ECAM.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB
Default 64.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmits power
for voice initiation is very high, forward capacity decreases. If it
is set too low, forward transmit power may not be able to meet
the requirement, performance is degraded and in serious case
call drops arise.
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data

Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Upper limit of FCH outer loop Eb/Nt (voice)
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT field of PCNM, GHDM,
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 80.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
for voice service increases, forward capacity decreases. If it is
set too low, forward transmit power cannot meet the
requirement, performance is degraded and in serious case call
drops arise.
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Upper limit of FCH outer loop Eb/Nt (data)
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT field of PCNM, GHDM,
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 80.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
for data service increases, forward capacity decreases. If it is set
too low, forward transmit power cannot meet the requirement,
performance is degraded and in serious case call drops arise.
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

Maximum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Upper limit of F-SCH outer loop Eb/Nt.
Corresponding to PCNM, ESCAM fields.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 72.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
If the parameter is set too high, F-SCH forward transmit power
for data service increases, in which case forward capacity
decreases. If it is set too low, forward transmit power may not
be able to meet the requirement and then transmission is
Related n initial Supplemental Channel Outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
Parameters option .
n Initial SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Minimum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint

328 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Lower limit of FCH outer loop Eb/Nt (data)
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT field of PCNM, GHDM,
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 16.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
for data service remains high, in which case forward capacity
decreases. If it’s set too low, forward transmit power decreases,
which may give rise to the case that when forward outer loop
reaches or gets close to lower limit, radio environment will
deteriorate, now if forward transmit power fails to get high
enough in due time, call drops arise.
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

Minimum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Lower limit of FCH outer loop Eb/Nt (voice).
Corresponding to FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT field of PCNM, GHDM, UHDM,
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB.
Default 16.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, F-FCH forward transmit power
for voice service remains high, in which case forward capacity
decreases. If it’s set too low, forward transmit power decreases,
which may give rise to the case that when forward outer loop
reaches or gets close to lower limit, radio environment will
deteriorate, now if forward transmit power fails to get high
enough in due time, call drops arise.
Related n Fundamental Channel OLPC parameter included indicator
n FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) /(data)
n Maximum FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice) /data
n Initial FCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint(Voice)/(data)

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Minimum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt

Description Lower limit of F-SCH outer loop Eb/Nt.
Corresponding to PCNM, ESCAM fields.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0 125dB.
Default 8.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
If the parameter is set too high, F-SCH forward transmit power
for data service remains high, in which case forward capacity
decreases. If it’s set too low, forward transmit power decreases,
which may give rise to the case that when forward outer loop
reaches or gets close to lower limit, radio environment will
deteriorate, now if forward transmit power fails to get high
enough in due time, transmission is affected.
Related n initial Supplemental Channel Outer Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
Parameters option
n Initial SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum SCH outer loop Eb/Nt setpoint

Power threshold of supplemental

target frame error rate of overload
Description Power threshold of F-SCH target FER of overload. When forward
power is lower than this parameter, set target FER based on F-
SCH rate scalability.
Value Range 50~100, Unit: %.
Default 65.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

330 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate of overload
Description F-SCH target FER when forward power is higher than Power
threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM .
Value Range 0~31.
Default 10.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 331

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate of 32x
Description 32X F-SCH target FER when forward power is lower than Power
threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM.
Value Range 0~31.
Default 10.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate of 16x
Description 16X F-SCH target FER when forward power is lower than Power
threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM.
Value Range 0~31.
Default 10.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

332 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate of 8x
Description 8X F-SCH target FER when forward power is lower than Power
threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM.
Value Range 0~31.
Default 6.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Power Control
Operation mode used during FSC assignment interval is 1.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate of 4x
Description 4X F-SCH target FER when forward power is lower than Power
threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM.
Value Range 0~31.
Default 4.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate of 2x
Description 2X F-SCH target FER when forward power is lower than Power
threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM.
Value Range 0~31.

Default 4.
Setting The parameter is valid only when Forward Link Power Control
parameter included indicator is 1.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate

Supplemental channel target frame

error rate
Description Default F-SCH target FER.
See FCH target Frame Error Rate(Voice) for FER meanings.
Corresponding to FPC_SCH_FER field of PCNM, ESCAM.
Value Range 0~30.

Default 10.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Power threshold of Supplemental target Frame Error Rate of
Parameters overload(%)
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of overload
n Supplemental channel target Frame Error Rate of

334 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Forward Power Overload

Forward power overload control
Description Indicate whether the forward power overload control is enabled.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 165 describes the value range of Forward Power Overload
Control Enabled.



Value Meaning
0 Enabled
1 Disabled

Default 1.
Setting If the value is 1, the forward power overload control function
does not work. If the value is 0, the forward power overload
control function will work.
The value of this parameter for all carriers of a cell should be the

Forward power overload control

Description Period for overload control of forward power.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Forward power overload control period is calculated as follows:
Forward power transmit report period × Forward Power Overload
Control period (Unit: 20ms)
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: times.
Default 5.
Setting If the value of the parameter is too high, the carrier sector will
respond to the power change at a long interval, but the quantity

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

of messages synchronized from CCM to CMP decreases. If the

value is too low, the carrier sector will respond to the power
change in a short time, but the quantity of messages
synchronized from CCM to CMP increases.
Related Forward Power Overload Control report period

Forward power overload control

report period
Description The period for reporting forward power.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: frame.
Default 1.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related Forward Power Overload Control period

SCH setup threshold

Description A threshold used to disable F-SCH setup
Only applicable to this carrier sector
Value Range 0 ~ 100.Unit: %.
Default 85.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, the forward capacity of the
system increases, but the system will have to work under heavy
load for a long time, and the HPA is likely to power off. If the
threshold is set too low, the forward capacity of the system
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off.
Setting Requirement: SCH setup threshold ≤ Call setup
threshold ≤ Soft Handoff threshold ≤ Power up threshold.
Related n Power up threshold
n Soft Handoff threshold
n Call setup threshold

336 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Call setup threshold

Description A threshold used to disable new call setup.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: %.
Default 90.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, the forward capacity of the
system increases, but the system will have to work under heavy
load for a long time, and the HPA is likely to power off. If the
threshold is set too low, the forward capacity of the system
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off.
Setting Requirement: SCH setup threshold ≤ Call setup
threshold ≤ Soft Handoff threshold ≤ Power up threshold
Related n Power up threshold
n Soft Handoff threshold
n SCH setup threshold

Soft handoff threshold

Description A threshold used to disable handoff.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: %.
Default 95.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, the forward capacity of the
system increases, but the system will have to work under heavy
load for a long time, and the HPA is likely to power off. If the
threshold is set too low, the forward capacity of the system
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off.
Setting Requirement: SCH setup threshold ≤ Call setup
threshold ≤ Soft Handoff threshold ≤ Power up threshold.
Related n Power up threshold
n Call setup threshold
n SCH setup threshold

Power up threshold
Description A threshold used to reject power up request.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Range 0 ~ 100. Unit: %.

Default 100.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, the forward capacity of the
system increases, but the system will have to work under heavy
load for a long time, and the HPA is likely to power off. If the
threshold is set too low, the forward capacity of the system
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off.
Setting Requirement: SCH setup threshold ≤ Call setup
threshold ≤ Soft Handoff threshold ≤ Power up threshold.
Related n Soft Handoff threshold
n Call setup threshold
n SCH setup threshold

Rating power(mw)
Description Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 30000. Unit: mw.
Default Table 166 describes the default value of Rating power.


Frequency BTS Value

Macro BTS 30000
Micro cell 10000
1.9GHz,2.1GHz Macro BTS 20000
Micro cell 5000

Setting If the values of the two parameters Rating power and Cell Power
are too high, the system capacity increases, but the HPA is likely
to power off. If the values are too low, the system capacity
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off. The Ratio of pilot
to maximum overload power is used to calculate Maximum overload
power by the background, and the Maximum overload power cannot
be adjusted manually.
The value of Cell Power cannot be greater than that of Rating
Maximum overload power can be calculated only after F-PICH is
Related n Ratio of pilot to maximum overload power
n Maximum overload power
n Cell Power

338 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Cell power(mw)
Description Designed power of the cell.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 30000. Unit: mw.
Default Table 167 describes the default value of Cell power.


Frequency BTS Value

800MHz, Macro BTS 30000

450MHz Micro cell 10000
1.9GHz, 2.1GHz Macro BTS 20000
Micro cell 5000

Setting If the values of the two parameters “Rating power” and “Cell
Power” are too high, the system capacity increases, but the HPA
is likely to power off. If the values are too low, the system
capacity decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off. The
Ratio of pilot to maximum overload power is used to calculate
Maximum overload power by the background, and the Maximum
overload power cannot be adjusted manually.
The value of Cell Power cannot be greater than that of Rating power.
Maximum overload power can be calculated only after F-PICH is
Related n Ratio of pilot to maximum overload power
n Maximum overload power
n Rating power

HPA gain
Description HPA gain.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 54.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n Environment Type
n Calibrate Value

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Environment Type
Description Environment for calibration
Only applicable to this carrier sector
Value Range 0,1.
Default 1.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related n HPA gain
n Calibrate Value
n RFE lower power

Ratio of pilot to maximum overload

Description The ratio of pilot power to overload power.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 200. Unit: ‰.
Default 150.
Setting If the values of the two parameters Rating power and Cell Power
are too high, the system capacity increases, but the HPA is likely
to power off. If the values are too low, the system capacity
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off. The Ratio of pilot
to maximum overload power is used to calculate Maximum overload
power by the background, and the Maximum overload power cannot
be adjusted manually.
The value of Cell Power cannot be greater than that of Rating
Maximum overload power can be calculated only after F-PICH is
Related n Maximum overload power
n Cell Power
n Rating power

Maximum overload power

Description Power used for overload control
Only applicable to this carrier sector
Value Range 0 ~ 30000. Unit: mw.

340 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Setting If the values of the two parameters Rating power and Cell Power
are too high, the system capacity increases, but the HPA is likely
to power off. If the values are too low, the system capacity
decreases, but the HPA is unlikely to power off. The Ratio of pilot
to maximum overload power is used to calculate Maximum overload
power by the background, and the Maximum overload power cannot
be adjusted manually.
The value of Cell Power cannot be greater than that of Rating
Maximum overload power can be calculated only after F-PICH is
Related n Ratio of pilot to maximum overload power
n Cell Power
n Rating power

Calibrate value
Description A value used for calibration.
Only applicable to the carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 159.
Setting It is unchangeable in NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB).
Related n HPA gain
n Environment Type
n RFE lower power

RFE lower power

Description A threshold used to report low power alarms.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 5.
Setting If the value of this parameter is too high, fake alarms is reported.
If the value is too low, the system cannot detect the low power
Related n HPA gain
n Environment Type
n Calibrate Value

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Periodic Pilot Measurement

Request Order Parameters
Include setpoint information indicator
Description Indicate whether the outer loop Eb/Nt threshold is included.
Value Range 0: not included, 1: included
Default 0.
Setting If the parameter is set to be 1, MS icludes the outer loop Eb/Nt
threshold in PPSMM.
Related n ORDQ for Semi-Soft Handoff
n ORDQ for SCH
n Pilot Measurement Request Order period

ORDQ for semi-soft handoff

Description The period for MS to report the pilot strength in the case of
semi-soft handoff.
Corresponding to PPMRO(Periodic Pilot Measurement Request
Order) ORDQ field.
Value Range 1~255 , Unit: 80ms.
When the parameter Include Setpoint information indicator is set
to be 1, the value range of this parameter is 1~254. When the
parameter Include Setpoint information indicator is 0, the value
range of this parameter is 10~254.
Default 10.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the MS reports the
pilot strength at a long interval, and the handoff success rate
decreases. If the value is set too low, the MS reports the
strength frequently, and the signaling overhead increases.
Related n Include Setpoint information indicator
n ORDQ for SCH
n Pilot Measurement Request Order period

342 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters


Description The period for MS to report the pilot strength in the case of F-
SCH setup.
Corresponding to PPMRO(Periodic Pilot Measurement Request
Order) ORDQ field.
Value Range 1~255, Unit: 80ms.
When the parameter Include Setpoint information indicator is set
to be 1, the value range of this parameter is 1~254. When the
parameter Include Setpoint information indicator is 0, the value
range of this parameter is 10~254.
Default 10.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the MS reports the
pilot strength at a long interval, and the accuracy of F-SCH rate
assignment decreases. If the value is set too low, the MS reports
the strength frequently, and the signaling overhead increases.
As the MS is required to report the pilot strength only in the case
of inter-frequency handoff or F-SCH setup, the parameter can be
set to be a small value.
Related n Include Setpoint information indicator
n ORDQ for Semi-Soft Handoff
n Pilot Measurement Request Order period

Threshold of total received Ec of

pilots in active set
Description A threshold used to control the total received power of the pilots
in the active set.
Corresponding to PPMRO(Periodic Pilot Measurement Request
Order) field.
Value Range 0~31, 31 indicates the threshold is ignored.
Use the following formula to calculate the value of the parameter:

(10 × log10 ( pilot_ec_thresh ) + 120) 2

Where pilot_ec_thresh is the threshold of total received power
Ec (Unit: mw) of pilots in the active set. When Ec is lower than
the threshold, the MS sends PPSMM to the BS.
Default 31.
Setting If the threshold is set too high, the MS reports the received
power frequently, which allows the BS to learn the pilot strength
of the active set of the MS timely, but the reverse signaling

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

overhead increases. If the threshold is set too low, the MS

reports the received power at a long interval, causing the
reverse signaling to decrease, but the BS is unlikely to learn the
pilot strength of the active set of the MS in time.
Related pilot Strength Threshold of Serving Frequency

Pilot measurement request order

Description The period for BS to send PMRO (Pilot Measurement Request
Order) to MS in the case of inter-frequency handoff
Value Range 1~254, Unit: second.
Default 1.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the MS reports the
pilot strength at a long interval, and the handoff success rate
decreases. If the value is set too low, the MS reports the
strength frequently, and the signaling overhead increases.
Related n Include Setpoint information indicator
n ORDQ for Semi-Soft Handoff
n ORDQ for SCH

Pilot strength threshold of serving

Description A threshold used to control the total strength of pilots in the
active set.
Corresponding to PPMRO(Periodic Pilot Measurement Request
Order) field.
Value Range 0~31, 31 indicates the threshold is ignored.
Use the following formula to calculate the value of the parameter:

− 20 × log10 pilot_streng_thresh
Where pilot_streng_thresh is the total strength (Ec/Io) threshold
of pilots in the active set. When Ec/Io is lower than the threshold,
the MS sends PPSMM (Periodic Pilot Strength Measurement
Message) to the BS.
Default 31.

Setting If the threshold is set too high, the MS reports the pilot strength
at a long interval, and the handoff success rate decreases. If the

344 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

threshold is set too low, the MS reports the strength frequently,

and the signaling overhead increases.
Related Threshold of total received Ec of pilots in Active Set

Traffic Parameters
Search offset of traffic channel
Description Search offset of traffic channel.
Value Range 0~4095 (Unit: 1/8chip).

Default 512.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
n Transmit power decay
n Forward distributing delay of hardware
n Reverse distributing delay of hardware

Search window of TCH acquisition

Description Size of search window for TCH acquisition.
Corresponding to CSM1.5 chipset acquisition_width parameter.
The parameter is only applicable to this carrier sector but all
carrier sectors of the same BTS should better use the same
search window size.
Only used for CSM1.5k CHM (not CSM5000 CHM).
Value Range 0~32767, Unit: 1/8chip.
Default 496.
Setting Search Window of TCH Acquisition should be set to a large
enough value so that MS can be found during a handoff.
However, it should not be set too large as that would consume
too much search time of CSM1.5k.
Search window of TCH demodulation should be set to a larger value
than Search Window of TCH Acquisition so that multipath signal can
be searched and collected.
Related Search window of TCH demodulation

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Search window of TCH

Description Width of search window for TCH demodulation.
Corresponding to CSM1.5 chipset demodulation_width
Value Range 0~32767, Unit: 1/8chip.
Default 800.
Setting The parameter should be set to a larger value than Search
Window of TCH Acquisition so that multipath signals can be
searched and collected.
Related Search Window of TCH Acquisition.

Power control subchannel gain

Description Power control bit gain.
Corresponding to CSM1.5 chipset PC_GAIN parameter.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: DGU.
Default 128.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Power control subchannel gain offset
n Traffic symbol gain

Power control subchannel gain offset

Description Power control sub-channel gain offset.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: DGU.
Default 1.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Power Control subchannel gain
n Traffic symbol gain

Traffic symbol gain

Description Data bit gain.
Corresponding to CSM1.5 chipset DATA_GAIN parameter.

346 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Value Range 0~255, Unit: DGU.

Default 128.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Power control subchannel gain offset
n Power Control subchannel gain

Forward distributing delay of

Description Forward hardware delay.
The forward and reverse delay needed for CHM configuration are
obtained from Forward distributing delay of hardware and
Reverse distributing delay of hardware, plus forward and reverse
fiber delay (reported by hardware). Forward delay is the delay
from CSM chip to antenna output while reverse delay is the
delay from BTS reception antenna to CSM chip. CES obtains
transmit advance (BTF) time of a sector from forward delay;
while CES uses reverse delay together with EPN to calculate
search window center offset.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 1/8chip.
Default 0.
Setting The default setting is recommended.
Related n Search Offset of Traffic Channel
n Transmit power decay
n Reverse distributing delay of hardware

Reverse distributing delay of

Description Reverse hardware delay.
See Forward distributing delay of hardware for more details.
Value Range 0~255 , Unit: 1/8chip.
Default 0.
Setting The default setting is recommended.
Related n Search Offset of Traffic Channel
n Transmit power decay
n Forward distributing delay of hardware

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Transmit power decay

Description Transmit power loss.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 6.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Search Offset of Traffic Channel
n Forward distributing delay of hardware
n Reverse distributing delay of hardware

Estimate time of digital transmit

power (sec)
Description Estimated time of digital transmit power.
Value Range 0~32767 , Unit: second.

Default 2.
Setting The parameter is not used for the moment.
Related n Nominal gain ratio of traffic to pilot
n Forward power estimate enable
n FSCH gain

Forward power estimate enable

Description Indication of whether to enable or disable forward power
Value Range 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled

Default 1.
Setting The parameter is not used for the moment.
Related n Estimate time of digital transmit power (sec)
n Nominal gain ratio of traffic to pilot
n FSCH gain

348 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

TCH outlock threshold

Description Traffic channel out-of-lock threshold.
Corresponding to CSM5000 chipset IN_LOCK_THRESH_95/2000
Value Range 0~255.
Setting The parameter is not used for CSM5000 CHM.
Related n TCH inlock threshold
n TCH combine threshold

TCH inlock threshold

Description Traffic channel in-lock threshold.
Corresponding to CSM5000 chipset OUT_LOCK_THRESH_2000
Value Range 0~255.
Setting The parameter is not used for CSM5000 CHM.
Related n TCH outlock threshold
n TCH combine threshold

TCH combine threshold

Description Traffic channel combine threshold.
Corresponding to CSM5000 chipset COMBINE_THRESH_95
Value Range 0~255.
Setting The parameter is not used for CSM5000 CHM.
Related n TCH outlock threshold
n TCH inlock threshold

TCH acquisition search threshold

Description Traffic channel acquisition search threshold.
Value Range 0~32767
Setting The parameter is not used for CSM5000 CHM.

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Related n TCH demodulation search threshold

n Initial TCH finger inlock power

TCH demodulation search threshold

Description Traffic channel demodulation search threshold
Value Range 0~32767.
Setting The parameter is not used for CSM5000 CHM.
Related n TCH acquisition search threshold
n Initial TCH finger inlock power

Initial TCH finger inlock power

Description Traffic channel Finger initial power.
Corresponding to CSM5000 chipset INIT_FINGER_ENERGY_95
and INIT_FINGER_ENERGY_2000 parameters.
Value Range 0~32767.
Default 1456.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n TCH acquisition search threshold
n TCH demodulation search threshold

Index of Ew/No
Description Index of Ew/No.
Because the reverse outer loop power control in CSM5000 uses
the setting value of Ec/Io, the CSM1.5 chip needs the index
acquisition threshold.
Value Range 0~96.
Default 80.
Setting The parameter is only used for CSM1.5 CHM.
The default setting is recommended.
Related Out loop power control enable

350 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Nominal gain ratio of traffic to pilot

Description Nominal gain ratio of traffic channel to pilot channel.
Value Range 1~100 , Unit: %.

Default 50.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Estimate time of digital transmit power (sec)
n Forward power estimate enable
n FSCH gain

Outer loop power control enable

Description Indication of whether reverse outer loop power control is
enabled or disabled.
Value Range 0: Disabled; 1: Enabled.

Default 1.
Setting The default setting is recommended.
Related Index of Ew/No

FSCH gain
Description F-SCH initial gain.
Value Range 0~255 , Unit: DGU.

Default 219.
Setting Default setting.
Related n Estimate time of digital transmit power (sec)
n Nominal gain ratio of traffic to pilot
n Forward power estimate enable

Reverse power control mode

Description Reverse power control mode.
Value Range 0~3.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 168 describes the value range of Reverse power control



Value Reverse power control mode R-PICH gated rate

0 800 Hz Full rate
1 400 Hz Half rate
2 200 Hz 1/4 rate
3 Closed N/A
Setting The default setting is recommended.
The system currently supports full rate only as R-PICH gated
Related n Initial reverse outer loop setpoint
n Reverse power control subchannel pattern

Reverse power control subchannel

Description Reverse power control command sent to MS when there is no
Finger combination.
Corresponding to CSM5000 chipset PC_PATTERN parameter.
Value Range 0~3.

Table 169 describes the value range of Reverse power control

subchannel pattern.



Description (supposing MS
Value Enumeration constant closed loop power control
step is 1dB)
0 No gain (same number for
UP/DOWN indications)
1 Gain increases by 25dB per
2 Gain increases by 50dB per
3 Gain increases by 100dB per

Default 1.

352 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Setting If the parameter is set too high, MS transmit power increases

fast and it takes shorter time to re-acquire MS, but reverse
capacity decreases. If it’s set too low, MS transmit power
increases slowly and it takes longer to re-acquire MS. If it’s set
to 0, MS transmit power may remain unchanged.
Related n Reverse power control mode
n Initial reverse outer loop setpoint

Consult FSCH parameter included

Description Indication of whether consult F-SCH parameter is included or not.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.
Default 1.
Related n FSCH coding type
n Maximum rate of FSCH
n Preferring options of FSCH

Maximum rate of FSCH

Description Maximum rate of F-SCH.
Value Range 0~4.
Table 170 for the value range of Maximum Rate of FSCH.

T A B L E 1 7 0 V A L U E R A N G E O F M A X I MU M R A T E O F F S C H .

Maximum rate of FSCH SCH rate

0 1X
1 2X
2 4X
3 8X
4 16X

Default 4.
Related n Consult FSCH parameter included indicator
n FSCH coding type
n Preferring options of FSCH

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

FSCH coding type

Description F-SCH coding type.
Value Range 0: Convolution coding; 1: TURBO coding.

Default 0.
Related n Consult FSCH parameter included indicator
n Maximum rate of FSCH
n Preferring options of FSCH

Preferring options of FSCH

Description Preferring optional of F-SCH that corresponds to maximum rate
of F-SCH.
Value Range SCH may use MuxPDU types 1, 2, 3 and 5. When SCH uses
MuxPDU type 5, the reuse option is 0xf20 (used by 32X SCH).
When SCH uses MuxPDU types 1, 2 or 3, the available reuse
options are as given in the below table, and in this case the
reuse options are related with the size of SDU on SCH physical
Table 171 describes the value range of Preferring options of FSCH.


Max. MuxPDU Reuse options

Bit number of Rate set 1 Rate set 2
num. physical layer (forward RC3/4, (forward RC5,
of SDU reverse RC3) reverse RC4)
on Mu MuxPDU MuxPDU MuxPDU
each xP type 3 type 3 type 3
SCH Mux Mux
physic PDU PDU
ty Do Do
al Sin type Sin Dou type Sin
pe ubl ubl
layer gle 2 gle ble 2 gle
1, e e
172/26 0x3 0x4
360/55 2 0x8 0x9 0x8 0x9
2 09 05 0a 06
744/11 4 0x8 0x9 0x8 0x9
28 11 09 12 0a
1512/2 8 0x8 0x9 0x8 0x9
280 21 11 22 12
3048/4 0x9 0x9
584 21 22

354 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

When reuse option is greater than 0x10, the method for

calculating reuse options is as given in the table below. The
sequence comes from the lowest bit to highest bit.
Table 172 describes the Calculation of


Field Bit number Value

00: N/A
Rate_Set 2 01: rate set 1
10: rate set 2
000000: no limit
Max_Data_Blocks 6
00: same
Data_Block_Size 2 01: 2 times
11: variable
00: MuxPDU type 1, 2 or 4
01: MuxPDU type 3
MuxPDU_Type 2
10: MuxPDU type 4 or 6
11: MuxPDU type 5
Format_Descriptor 4 0000: format 1

Default 0x921.
Setting Setting of the parameter is related with FSCH coding type and
Maximum rate of RSCH.
Related n Consult FSCH parameter included indicator
n FSCH coding type
n Maximum rate of FSCH

Consult RSCH parameter included

Description Indication of whether consult R-SCH parameter is included or
Value Range 0: Included; 1: Not Included.
Default 1.
Related n preferring RC of RSCH
n RSCH coding type
n Maximum rate of RSCH
n Preferring options of RSCH
n Reverse DTX duration

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Maximum rate of RSCH

Description Maximum rate of R-SCH.
Value Range 0~4.
Table 173 describes the value range of Maximum Rate of RSCH.

T A B L E 1 7 3 V A L U E R A N G E O F M A X I MU M R A T E O F R S C H

Maximum rate of RSCH SCH rate

0 1X
1 2X
2 4X
3 8X
4 16X

Default 4.
Related n Consult RSCH parameter included indicator
n preferring RC of RSCH
n RSCH coding type
n Preferring options of RSCH
n Reverse DTX duration

Preferring RC of RSCH
Description Preferring RC of R-SCH.
Value Range 3: RC3; 4: RC4.
Default 3.
Related n Consult RSCH parameter included indicator
n RSCH coding type
n Maximum rate of RSCH
n Preferring options of RSCH
n Reverse DTX duration

356 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

RSCH coding type

Description R-SCH coding type.
Value Range 0: Convolution coding; 1: TURBO coding.
Default 0.
Related n Consult RSCH parameter included indicator
n Preferring RC of RSCH
n Maximum rate of RSCH
n Preferring options of RSCH
n Reverse DTX duration

Preferring options of RSCH

Description Preferring options of R-SCH that corresponds to maximum rate
of R-SCH.
Value Range See preferring options of FSCH.
Default 0x921.

Setting Setting of this parameter is related with RSCH coding type and
Maximum rate of RSCH.
Related n Consult RSCH parameter included indicator
n preferring RC of RSCH
n RSCH coding type
n Maximum rate of RSCH
n Reverse DTX duration

Reverse DTX duration

Description DTX duration of R-SCH.
Corresponding to REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION field of SCAM and
Value Range 0~15, Unit: 20ms.
Default 12.

Related n Consult RSCH parameter included indicator

n Preferring RC of RSCH
n RSCH coding type
n Maximum rate of RSCH

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Preferring options of RSCH

Initial reverse outer loop setpoint

Description Initial reverse outer loop set point, determining target Ec/Io.
Corresponding to CSM5000 chipset PC_SETPOINT parameter.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: DGU.
Default 191.
Setting If OUTER_ENABLE (reverse outer loop power control enable) is 1,
then the parameter uses the setpoint calculated by reverse outer
loop algorithm; otherwise, the parameter is used as invariable
reverse outer loop setpoint. If the parameter is set too high,
reverse link quality is enhanced but reverse capacity decreases;
while if it’s set too low, reverse capacity increases but reverse
link quality is degraded.
Related n Reverse power control mode
n Reverse power control subchannel pattern

Access Parameters
Initial power offset for access,
Description The initial power offset of Access Probe.
Corresponding to APM field.
Value Range -16~15, Unit: db
Default 0.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the access of MS
may cause reverse links to be blocked, thus the performance of
R-ACH decreases. If the value is too low, MS may access the
system after many access probes and the probability of R-ACH
collision increases.
The setting of this parameter and the parameter Power
Increment should allow the MS to access the system after
Number of access probes access probes.
Related n Power increment
n Number of access probes

358 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Power increment
Description The power increment between two consecutive access probes in
an access probe sequence.
Corresponding to APM field.
Value Range 0~7 (Unit: dB)
Default 3.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the access of MS
may cause reverse links to be blocked, thus the performance of
R-ACH decreases. If the value is too low, MS may access the
system after many access probes and the probability of R-ACH
collision increases.
The setting of this parameter and the parameter Initial power
offset for access should allow the MS to access the system after
Number of access probes access probes. In setting this
parameter and the parameter Number of access probes, try to
balance them. If the value of this parameter is small, that of
Number of access probes should be large and vice versa.
Related n Initial power offset for access
n Number of access probes

Number of access probes

Description The maximum number of access probes in an access probe
sequence minus 1.
Corresponding to APM field.
Value Range 0~15.
Default 6.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, the chance of successful access
of the access probe sequence increases, but so will the
interference to reverse links. If it is set too low, the interference
to reverse links decreases, but so will the chance of successful
access of the access probe sequence.
Related n Power increment
n Initial power offset for access

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Maximum Access Channel message

capsule size
Description The maximum number of frames in a message capsule of an
access channel minus 3.
Corresponding to APM field.
Value Range 0~7 , Unit: frame.
Default 3.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the access channel
capacity is wasted and the interference to reverse links increases.
If the value is set too low, some R-ACH messages may not be
Set the parameter according to the length requirement of R-ACH
messages. Each R-ACH frame consists of 96 bits (20ms frame,
4800bps), of which 88 bits are message bits and 8 bits are
encoder tail bits. The default value 3 (6 frames) of this
parameter is enough to meet the length requirement of any R-
ACH message (if DBM is too long, it can be sent via the traffic
channel). As a result, it is not necessary to optimize this
As the modulation symbols of frames in the preamble of the
access channel are all “0”, they can be easily captured.
Related n Access Channel preamble length
n Parallel demodulate channel preamble length

Access Channel preamble length

Description The number of frames in the preamble of a static access channel
minus 1.
Corresponding to APM field.
Value Range 0~15, Unit: frame.
Default 3.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the access channel
capacity is wasted and the interference to reverse links increases.
If the value is set too low, the chance for the BS to capture the
access probes decreases. As a result, many access probes may
be required before a MS accesses the BS, and the access time of
the MS increases.
Related n Maximum Access Channel message capsule size
n Parallel demodulate channel preamble length

360 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Persistence value for access

overload class 0~9
Description The persistence value of the MS with one of the access overload
classes 0~9.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~63.
Default 0.
Setting If the value is set too high, the MS may take a long time to
access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of access
collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this case,
the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the load
of reverse links and the access time of the MS.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
Parameters stations)
n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Emergency persistence included indicator
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0~9

Persistence value for access

overload class 10 (test mobile
Description The persistence value of the MS with an access overload class of
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~7.
Default 0.
Setting If the persistence value is set too high, the MS may take a long
time to access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of
access collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this
case, the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the
load of reverse links and the access time of the MS.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0~9

n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Emergency persistence included indicator
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0~9

Persistence value for access

overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
Description The persistence value of the MS with an access overload class of
Corresponding to PAM field.
See Persistence value for access overload class 0~9 for the
access overload classes of different MSs.
Value Range 0~7.
Default 0.
Setting If the persistence value is set too high, the MS may take a long
time to access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of
access collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this
case, the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the
load of reverse links and the access time of the MS.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0~9
n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Emergency persistence included indicator
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0~9

362 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Persistence value for access

overload class 12/13/14/15
Description The persistence value of the MS with an access overload class of
Corresponding to PAM field.
See Persistence value for access overload class 0~9 for the
access overload classes of different MSs.
Value Range 0~7.
Default 0.
Setting If the persistence value is set too high, the MS may take a long
time to access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of
access collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this
case, the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the
load of reverse links and the access time of the MS.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0~9
n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Emergency persistence included indicator
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0~9

Persistence modifier for Access

Channel attempts for message
Description The modified persistence value when the message is transmitted.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~7.
Default 0.
Setting If the persistence value is set too high, the MS may take a long
time to access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of
access collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

case, the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the
load of reverse links and the access time of the MS.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0-9
n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Emergency persistence included indicator
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0~9

Persistence modifier for access

channel attempts for registrations
Description The modified persistence value when the MS originates a
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~7.
Default 0.
Setting If the persistence value is set too high, the MS may take a long
time to access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of
access collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this
case, the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the
load of reverse links and the access time of the MS.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0~9
n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Emergency persistence included indicator
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0-9

364 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Time randomization for access

channel probes
Description Random delay in sending access channel probes.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~9
Default 0
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, the chances of
access collisions may decrease, but the MS may have to take a
long time to access the system. If the value is set too low, the
access time of the MS is shortened, but the chances of access
collisions may increase.
Before sending an access probe, the MS will determine the delay
according to its ESN and HASH algorithm, which ranges from 0
to 2value of this parameter -1 chips, while the BS can also know the
delay from the ESN of the MS. The setting “0” means no delay.

Acknowledgment timeout
Description The acknowledgement (that BS did not receive the access
channel probe sent by the MS) timeout minus 2.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~15, Unit: 80ms.
Default 2.
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, the access time of
the MS is prolonged in case many access probes are required. If
the value is set too low, the MS sends unnecessary access
probes, which increase both the load of access channel and the
chances of access collisions.

Access channel probe backoff range

Description The maximum delay (when the MS sends the access channel
probe of a sequence) minus 1.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~15.
Default 0.
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, the access time is
prolonged in case many access probes are required. If the value
is set too low, the chances of access collisions may increase.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

The setting of this parameter depends on the processing speed

of the BS (i.e. the speed during the period from the time R-ACH
receives the access probe to the time F-PCH sends ACK). A lower
setting cannot speed up the access.

Access channel probe sequence

backoff range
Description The maximum delay (between access probe sequences or before
the first access probe sequence of the response message) minus
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~15.
Default 0.
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, the access time is
prolonged in case many access probes are required. If the value
is set too low, the chances of access collisions may increase.
Related n Access Channel probe backoff range

Maximum number of access probe

sequences for an access channel
Description The maximum number of access probe sequences that are
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~15.
Default 2.
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, there is an
excessive access probe sequence in an access attempt, which
increases the load of the access channel. If the value is set too
low, the access probe sequences in an access attempt may be
insufficient, thus reducing the access success rate.
Related Maximum number of access probe sequences for an Access
Parameters Channel response

366 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Maximum number of access probe

sequences for an access channel
Description The maximum number of access probe sequences that respond.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~15.
Default 2.
Related Maximum number of access probe sequences for an Access
Parameters Channel request

ACCT information included indicator

Description Indicate whether ACCT information is included.
Corresponding to ACM field.
Value Range 0: not included, 1: included.
Default 0
Setting This parameter must be set to be 0 currently.

ACCH message monitor included

Description Indicate whether the access channel monitoring is supported.
It is the parameter of CSM5000.
Value Range 0~1.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is a CSM5000 chip parameter.
Related n Access Channel monitor timer(min)

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Emergency persistence included

Description Indicate whether the persistence value for emergency call is
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~1.
Default 1.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0~9
n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)
n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Persistence value for emergency call for access overload
classes 0~9

Persistence value for emergency call

for access overload classes 0~9
Description The persistence value for emergency call of the MS with an
access overload class 0~9.
Corresponding to PAM field.
Value Range 0~7.
Default 0.
Setting If the persistence value is set too high, the MS may take a long
time to access the system. If the value is set too low, lots of
access collisions may occur if the load of R-ACH is heavy. In this
case, the MS has to retry access probe, which increases both the
load of reverse links and the access time of the MS.
Related n Persistence value for access overload class 0~9
n Persistence value for access overload class 10 (test mobile
n Persistence value for access overload class 11 (emergency
mobile stations)

368 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

n Persistence value for access overload class 12/13/14/15

n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
message transmissions
n Persistence modifier for Access Channel attempts for
n Emergency persistence included indicator

Access channel acquisition search

window width
Description The width of the search window for access channel acquisition
It is a CSM5000 chip parameter.
Value Range 0~65535 , Unit: 1/8chip.
Default 1600.
Related Access channel demodulation search window width

Access channel demodulation

search window width
Description The width of the search window for access channel demodulation
It is a CSM5000 chip parameter.
Value Range 0~65535, Unit: 1/8chip.
Default 256.
Setting Access Channel acquisition search window width,
Related Access Channel acquisition search window width

Access channel outlock threshold

Description A threshold used to unlock the access channel.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 64.
Setting This parameter is used in CSM1.5, not in CSM5000.
Related n Access Channel inlock threshold
n Access Channel combination threshold

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Related n Access Channel probe sequence backoff range


Access channel inlock threshold

Description A threshold used to lock the access channel.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 64.
Setting This parameter is used in CSM1.5, not in CSM5000.
Related n Access Channel outlock threshold
n Access Channel combination threshold

Access channel combination

Description A threshold used to combine access channels.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 64.
Setting This parameter is used in CSM1.5, not in CSM5000.
Related n Access Channel outlock threshold
n Access Channel inlock threshold

Access channel acquisition threshold,

Description A threshold for searching access channel acquisition.
Value Range 0~32767.
Default 1488.
Setting This parameter is used in CSM1.5, not in CSM5000.
Related n Access Channel demodulation threshold
n Initial Access Channel finger inlock power

370 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Access channel demodulation

Description A threshold for searching access channel demodulation.
Value Range 0~32767.
Default 1600.
Setting This parameter is used in CSM1.5, not in CSM5000.
Related n Access Channel acquisition threshold
n Initial Access Channel finger inlock power

Initial access channel finger inlock

Description Access Channel finger in-lock Initial power.
Value Range 0~32767.
Default 2160.
Setting This parameter is used in CSM1.5, not in CSM5000.
Related n Access Channel acquisition threshold
n Access Channel demodulation threshold

Access channel monitor timer(min)

Description Interval for monitoring the access channel.
It is the parameter of CSM5000.
Value Range 0~65535.
Default 0.
Setting This parameter is a CSM5000 chip parameter.
Related n ACCT message monitor included indicator

Parallel demodulate channel

preamble length
Description The number of frames in the preamble of a dynamic access
channel minus 1.
Value Range 0~15, Unit: frame.

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Default 0.
Setting If the value of the parameter is set too high, the access channel
capacity is wasted and the interference to reverse links increases.
If the value is set too low, the chance for the BS to capture the
access probes decreases. As a result, many access probes may
be required before a MS accesses the BS, and the access time of
the MS increases.
Related n Maximum Access Channel message capsule size
n Access Channel preamble length

Parallel demodulate channel

Description The number of subscribers allowed to be accessed by a dynamic
access channel (DACH) within the specified period.
Value Range 0~255.
Default 8.
Setting This parameter is used to calculate the number of DACHs
required. If its value is set too high, the established DACHs may
be insufficient, causing the subscribers not to be accessed within
the specified period. If the value is set too low, too many DACHs
are established, thus CE resources may be wasted.
The number of established DACHs is related to the number of
idle reverse CEs.
Related Maximum parallel demodulate channel count

Maximum parallel demodulate

channel count
Description The maximum number of dynamic access channels (DACH)
allowed to be established in this carrier sector.
Value Range 0~15.
Default 10.
Setting If the value of this parameter is set too high, too many DACHs is
established, thus CE resources may be wasted. If the value is
set too low, the established DACHs may be insufficient, causing
the subscribers not to be accessed within the specified period.
The number of established DACHs is related to the number of
idle reverse CEs.
Related n Parallel demodulate channel capability

372 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Global Redirect Message

Redirect access overload class
Description Indicate whether the MS of an access overload class (ACCOLC) is
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0: do not redirect, 1: redirect.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Return if fail indicator
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM expected NID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

Return If fail indicator

Description Indicate whether MS returns to the original system after
redirection fails.
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0: do not return, 1: return.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n GSRDM expected NID

n GSRDM CDMA channel

Delete TMSI indicator

Description Indicate whether the MS that needs to be redirected deletes
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0: do not delete, 1: delete.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Redirect access overload class 0-15
n Return if fail indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM expected NID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

GSRDM excluded indicator

Description Indicate whether the MS with protocol version 6 or later
processes GSRDM.
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0: process, 1: do not process.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15.
n Return if fail indicator
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM expected NID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

374 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Protocol revision of redirected MS

Description Indicate whether the protocol version of the MS that needs to be
redirected is included.
Corresponding to EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0: not included, 1: included.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Excluded MS protocol revision indicator
n Minimum redirect protocol revision
n Maximum redirect protocol revision

Excluded MS protocol revision

Description Indicate the MS with some protocol version does not be
Corresponding to EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0: The MS with a protocol version between Minimum Redirect
Protocol Revision and Maximum Redirect Protocol Revision needs
to be redirected.
1: The MS with a protocol version between Minimum Redirect
Protocol Revision and Maximum Redirect Protocol Revision does
not need to be redirected.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter as required. This parameter is valid only
when the parameter Protocol Revision of Redirected MS
Indicator is set to be 1.
Related n Protocol revision of redirected MS indicator
n Minimum redirect protocol revision
n Maximum redirect protocol revision

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Minimum redirect protocol revision

Description The minimum protocol version of the MS that needs to be
Corresponding to EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 6~7.
Default 6.
Setting Set the parameter as required. This parameter is valid only
when the parameter Protocol Revision of Redirected MS
Indicator is set to be 1.
Related n Protocol revision of redirected MS indicator
n Excluded MS protocol revision indicator
n Maximum redirect protocol revision

Maximum redirect protocol revision

Description The maximum protocol version of the MS that needs to be
Corresponding to EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 6~7.
Default 7.
Setting Set the parameter as required. This parameter is valid only
when the parameter Protocol Revision of Redirected MS
Indicator is set to be 1.
Related n Protocol revision of redirected MS indicator
n Excluded MS protocol revision indicator
n Minimum redirect protocol revision

GSRDM record type

Description Indicate the system to be redirected to.
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 1: analog; 2: CDMA.
Default 2
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.

376 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15

n Return if fail indicator
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM expected NID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

GSRDM band class

Description The band of the CDMA system to be redirected to.
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0-10.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15
n Return if fail indicator
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM expected NID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

GSRDM expected SID

Description System identification (SID) of the CDMA system to be redirected
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0~32767.
If the MS is not instructed to be redirected to a specific CDMA
system, the parameters GSRDM Expected SID and GSRDM
Expected NID should be set to be 0 and 65535 respectively.
Default 0.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

n Return if fail indicator

n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected NID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

GSRDM expected NID

Description The network identification (NID) of the CDMA system that is
redirected to.
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0-65535, if the MS is not instructed to be redirected to a specific
CDMA system, the parameters GSRDM Expected SID and
GSRDM Expected NID should be set to be 0 and 65535
Default 65535.
Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.
Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15.
n Return if fail indicator
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator
n GSPDM record type
n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM CDMA channel

GSRDM CDMA channel (0~14)

Description Channel of the candidate CDMA system that is redirected to.
Corresponding to GSRDM and EGSRDM fields.
Value Range 0~2047.

Setting Set the parameter according to actual network configuration.

Related n Redirect access overload class 0~15
n Return if fail indicator
n Delete TMSI indicator
n GSRDM excluded indicator

378 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

n GSPDM record type

n GSRDM band class
n GSRDM expected SID
n GSRDM expected NID

PTT SCH Power Control

Forward power control operation
mode indicator
Description Indication of PTT-FCH power control operation mode.
Value Range 0~6.
Table 174 for the value range of Forward Power Control
Operation Mode Indicator.


Reverse power control sub-

channel allocation (PCG #0-
Value Meaning 15)
000 MS transmits at 800bps 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Not
on fundamental reverse 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, supported
power control sub- 12, 13, 14, 15
001 MS transmits at 400bps 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7,
on fundamental / 12, 14 9, 11, 13,
supplemental reverse 15
power control sub-
010 MS transmits at 200bps 1, 5, 9, 13 0, 2, 3, 4,
and 600bpson 6, 7, 8, 10,
fundamental / 11, 12, 14,
supplemental power 15
control sub-channel
011 MS sends EIB on reverse 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Not
power control sub- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, supported
channel 12, 13, 14, 15
100 MS sends QIB on reverse 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Not
power control sub- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, supported

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Reverse power control sub-

channel allocation (PCG #0-
Value Meaning 15)
channel 12, 13, 14, 15
101 MS sends QIB on 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7,
fundamental reverse 12, 14 9, 11, 13,
power control sub- 15
channel and sends EIB
on supplemental reverse
power control sub-
110 MS transmits at 400bps 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7,
on fundamental reverse 12, 14 9, 11, 13,
power control sub- 15
channel and sends EIB
on supplemental reverse
power control sub-
Other values: Reserved

Default 0.
Setting Set as needed.
Related n Forward Link Power Control parameter included indicator
n PTT SCH FER report indicator
n Forward Power Control mode during PTT FSCH assignment

Forward link power control

parameter included indicator
Description Indication of whether forward outer loop power control
parameter is included or not.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.
Default 1.
Setting The parameter is not used for the moment.
Related n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n PTT SCH FER report indicator
n Forward Power Control mode during PTT FSCH assignment

380 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

PTT SCH FER report indicator

Description Indication of whether to report PTT-SCH FER or not.
Value Range 0: Not report; 1: Report.

Default 0.
Setting The parameter is reserved.
Related n Forward Link Power Control parameter included indicator
n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n Forward Power Control mode during PTT FSCH assignment

Forward power control mode during

PTT FSCH assignment interval
Description PTT-SCH forward power control mode.
Value Range 0~6.
Default 1.
Setting Set as needed.
Related n Forward Link Power Control parameter included indicator
n Forward Power Control Operation Mode Indicator
n PTT SCH FER report indicator

Initial PTT SCH outer loop Eb/Nt

setpoint option
Description Option of initial PTT-SCH forward outer loop threshold setting
Value Range 0: Absolute; 1: Relative.

Default 0.
Setting Default setting.
Related n Initial PTT SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Minimum PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum PTT SCH Output Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n PTT SCH target Frame Error Rate

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

PTT SCH target frame error rate

Description PTT-SCH target FER.
Value Range 0~30.

Table 175 describes the value range of PTT SCH target Frame
Error Rate


FER (binary) Target FER FER (binary) Target FER

00000 0.2% 10101...11001 11%...15%
(Unit: 1.0%)
00001...10100 0.5%...10% 11010...11110 18%...30%
(Unit: 0.5%) (Unit: 3.0%)
11111: Reserved

Default 10.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, PTT-SCH forward transmit
power decreases and forward capacity increases, but voice
quality will degrade. If it’s set too low, forward transmit power
increases and forward capacity decreases, but voice quality is
Related n Initial PTT SCH Outer Loop Eb/Nt Setpoint
n Initial PTT SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Minimum PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum PTT SCH Output Loop Eb/Nt setpoint

Initial PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt

Description Threshold of initial PTT-SCH forward outer loop Eb/Nt. It’s a
binary supplemental code when Initial PTT SCH Outer Loop
Eb/Nt setpoint option is 1.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB
Default 40.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, initial PTT-SCH forward transmit
power is high, in which case forward capacity decreases. If it’s
set too low, forward transmit power of PTT-SCH at the initial
setup stage may not be able to meet requirement.

382 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Related n Initial PTT SCH Outer Loop Eb/Nt Setpoint

n Minimum PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum PTT SCH Output Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n PTT SCH target Frame Error Rate

Minimum PTT SCH output loop

Eb/Nt setpoint
Description Lower limit of PTT-SCH forward outer loop Eb/Nt.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB
Default 8.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, PTT-SCH forward transmit
power remains high and forward capacity decreases. If it’s set
too low, forward transmit power decreases but voice quality is
affected adversely.
Related n Initial PTT SCH Outer Loop Eb/Nt Setpoint
n Initial PTT SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Maximum PTT SCH Output Loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n PTT SCH target Frame Error Rate

Maximum PTT SCH output loop

Eb/Nt setpoint
Description Upper limit of PTT-SCH forward outer loop Eb/Nt.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: 0.125dB
Default 56.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, PTT-SCH forward transmit
power increases and forward capacity decreases; while if it’s set
too low, forward transmit power may be lower than what it
should be and in that case voice quality is affected adversely.
Related n Initial PTT SCH Outer Loop Eb/Nt Setpoint
n Initial PTT SCH Output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n Minimum PTT SCH output loop Eb/Nt setpoint
n PTT SCH target Frame Error Rate

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

PTT SCH setpoint report threshold

included indicator
Description Indication of whether PTT-SCH outer loop report threshold is
included or not.
Value Range 0: Not included; 1: Included.
Default 0.
Setting The default setting is recommended.
Related PTT SCH Setpoint Report Threshold

PTT SCH setpoint report threshold

Description Threshold of PTT-SCH outer loop report.
Value Range 0~255 (Unit: 0.125dB).
Default 8.
Setting The parameter is valid only when PTT SCH Setpoint Report
Threshold Included is set to 1.
If the parameter is set too low, redundant reverse signaling
increases and reverse capacity decreases; while if it’s set too
high, it becomes difficult to detect outer loop errors promptly.
Related PTT SCH Setpoint Report Threshold Included

PTT SCH initial power

Description Initial transmit power of PTT-SCH.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: DGU.
Default 40.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, forward transmit power
increases considerably when PTT enhanced group call user of
this carrier sector increases, in serious cases HPA will even
break off. If it’s set too low, there would be no sound for some
time when the PTT enhanced group call is first being set up.
The default setting is recommended.
Related n PTT SCH maximum power
n PTT SCH minimum power

384 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

PTT SCH minimum power

Description Lower limit of PTT-SCH transmit power.
Value Range 0~255, Unit: DGU.
Default 10.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, forward transmit power
increases considerably when PTT enhanced group call user of
this carrier sector increases, in serious cases HPA will even
break off. Because of F-SCH power sharing for PTT enhanced
group call, the parameter can be set to a low value.
The default setting is recommended.
Related n PTT SCH initial power
n PTT SCH maximum power

PTT SCH maximum power

Description Upper limit of PTT-SCH transmit power.
Value Range 0~255 , Unit: DGU.
Default 199.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, forward transmit power
increases considerably, in serious cases HPA will even break off.
If it’s set too low, there may be no sound for PTT enhanced
group call.
The default setting is recommended.
Related n PTT SCH initial power
n PTT SCH minimum power

Neighbor Cell List

Access and access probe handoff
Description Indication of whether neighbor cell access probe handoff is
permitted or not.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

The parameter is a UNLM field.

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 176 describes the value range of Access and access probe
handoff permitted.



Value Meaning
0 Not permitted
1 Permitted

Setting Same as neighbor cell.

Related Access entry handoff permitted indicator

Access entry handoff permitted

Description Indication whether access entry handoff is permitted or not by
neighbor cell.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is a UNLM field.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 177 describes the value range of Access entry handoff
permitted indicator.

T A B L E 1 7 7 V A L U E R A N G E O F A C C E S S E N T R Y H A N D O F F P E R MI T T E D

Value Meaning
0 Not permitted
1 Permitted

Setting Same as neighbor cell.

Related Access and access probe handoff permitted

386 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Additional pilot information included

Description Indication of whether additional pilot information is included or
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 178 describes the value range of Additional pilot
information included indicator.


Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 0.
Related n Neighbor configuration and PN offset included
n Neighbor Pilot record type

Frequency fields included

Description Indication of whether frequency fields are included or not.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 179 describes the value range of Frequency fields included.


Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 0.
Setting For GNLM, Frequency included indicator is valid only when
Frequency fields included is 1. That is, when Frequency fields

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

included is 0, Frequency included indicator of all neighbor cells

are invalid. For ENLM and GNLM, Neighbor Band Class and
Neighbor configuration are valid only when the corresponding
Frequency included indicator is 1.
Just accept the default setting.
Related n Neighbor configuration
n Frequency included indicator

Frequency included indicator

Description Indication of whether neighbor cell frequency is included or not.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Frequency included indicator is a GNLM field and an ENLM field.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 180 describes the value range of Frequency included


Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 0.
Setting For GNLM, Frequency included indicator is valid only when
Frequency fields included is 1. That is, when Frequency fields
included is 0, Frequency included indicator of all neighbor cells
are invalid. For ENLM and GNLM, Neighbor Band Class and
Neighbor configuration are valid only when the corresponding
Frequency included indicator is 1.
Just accept the default setting.
Related n Neighbor configuration
n Frequency fields included

Neighbor configuration and PN offset

Description Indication of whether neighbor cell configuration and PN offset
are included or not.
Only applicable to the neighbor cell of this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.

388 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Value Range 0, 1.
Table 181 describes the value range of Neighbor configuration
and PN offset included.



Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 0.
Setting Neighbor configuration and PN offset included is ‘0’ at the
Related n Neighbor Pilot record type
Additional pilot information included indicator

Neighbor configuration
Description Configuration of neighbor cell carrier sector.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
Neighbor configuration is a NLM field, an ENLM field and a GNLM
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Table 182 describes the value range of Neighbor configuration.


Value Meaning
If MS hands off to this neighbor cell, its locked frequency or
current working frequency remains the same according to
HASH algorithm, or is the frequency defined by Neighbor
Band Class and CDMA Frequency assignment in carrier
parameter. The page channel it monitors also remains
If MS hands off to this neighbor cell, its locked frequency or
current working frequency remains the same according to
HASH algorithm, or is the frequency defined by Neighbor
1 Band Class and CDMA Frequency assignment in carrier
parameter. The page channel it monitors may change, but
MS can learn from the main page channel to determine
which page channel it should monitor.
If MS hands off to this neighbor cell, it obtains frequency
2 configuration information of this neighbor cell from the
current first frequency of CCLM/ECCLM or the frequency

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Value Meaning
defined by Neighbor Band Class and CDMA Frequency
assignment in carrier parameter.
If MS hands off to this neighbor cell, it enters System
Determination Substate of Mobile Station Initialization
State, with a new system indication. If the target cell of MS
3 handoff cannot be found in neighbor cell record of the
source cell (i.e., MS cannot obtain Neighbor configuration
information), then MS takes the Neighbor configuration of
the cell as 3.
4~7 Reserved

Default 0.
Setting For GNLM, Frequency included indicator is valid only when
Frequency fields included is 1. That is, when Frequency fields
included is 0, Frequency included indicator of all neighbor cells
are invalid. For ENLM and GNLM, Neighbor Band Class and
Neighbor configuration are valid only when the corresponding
Frequency included indicator is 1.
Just accept the default setting.
Related n Frequency included indicator
n Frequency fields included

Neighbor pilot channel search

window offset included
Description Indication of whether neighbor pilot channel search window
offset is included or not.
Applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is an ENLUM field and a UNLM field.
Value Range 0,1.
Table 183 describes the value range of Neighbor pilot channel
search window offset included.



Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included

Default 0.
Setting Set to 0.

390 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Related Neighbor pilot channel search window offset


Neighbor pilot channel search

window offset
Description Size offset of search window of neighbor cell’s pilot channel.
Only applicable to the neighbor cell of this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Table 184 for the value range of Neighbor pilot channel search
window offset.



Value Meaning
0 0
1 Search window size/2
2 Search window size
3 3×Search window size/2
4 -1×Search window size/2
5 -1×Search window size
6 -3×Search window size/2
7 Reserved

Default 0.
Setting Neighbor pilot channel search window offset is valid when
Neighbor pilot channel search window offset included is ‘1’.
Related Neighbor pilot channel search window offset included

Neighbor pilot record type

Description Record type of neighbor cell’s pilot information.
Only applicable to neighbor cell of this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 0 ~ 4.
Table 185 describes the record type of neighbor pilot information.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual


Value Meaning
0 1X common pilot, transmit diversity
1 1X auxiliary pilot
2 1X auxiliary pilot, transmit diversity
3 3X common pilot
4 3X auxiliary pilot

Default 0.
Related n Additional pilot information included indicator
n Neighbor configuration and PN offset included

Neighbor search mode

Description Neighbor cell’s search mode.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is an ENLUM field, a UNLM field and a CFSRQM
Value Range 0 ~ 3.
Table 186 describes the value range of Neighbor search mode.

T A B L E 1 8 6 V A L U E R A N G E O F N E I G H B O R S E A R C H MO D E

Value Meaning
0 No search priority or search window
1 Use search priority
2 Use search window
3 Use search priority and search window

Default 0.
Setting Pilot Channel search priority is valid when Neighbor search mode
is 1 or 3. Search window size for the Remaining Set/Neighbor
Set/Active Set and Candidate Set in cell parameter is valid when
Neighbor search mode is 2 or 3.
Related n Pilot Channel search priority
n Search window size for the Remaining Set

392 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Neighbor transmit time duration

Description Neighbor cell’s transmit time duration in each period.
Only applicable to neighbor cell of this carrier sector.
This parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 3 ~ 15.
Default 3.
Setting Neighbor transmit time offset, Neighbor transmit time duration
and Neighbor transmit time period are valid only when Timing
included indicator is 1. Because Timing included indicator is valid
only when using timing indicator is 1, this parameter group is
invalid currently.
Related n Neighbor transmit time period
n Neighbor transmit time offset
n Timing included indicator
n Using timing indicator

Neighbor transmit time offset

Description Neighbor cell’s transmit time offset.
Only applicable to neighbor cell of this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 0 ~ 127.
Default 0.
Setting Neighbor transmit time offset, Neighbor transmit time duration
and Neighbor transmit time period are valid only when Timing
included indicator is 1. Because Timing included indicator is valid
only when Using timing indicator is 1, this parameter group is
invalid currently.
Related n Neighbor transmit time period
n Neighbor transmit time duration
n Timing included indicator
n Using timing indicator

Neighbor transmit time period

Description Neighbor cell’s transmit time period.
Only applicable to neighbor cell of this carrier sector.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

The parameter is a GNLM field.

Value Range 0 ~ 127.
Default 0.
Setting Neighbor transmit time offset, Neighbor transmit time duration
and Neighbor transmit time period are valid only when Timing
included indicator is 1. Because Timing included indicator is valid
only when Using timing indicator is 1, this parameter group is
invalid currently.
Related n Neighbor transmit time offset
n Neighbor transmit time duration
n Timing included indicator
n Using timing indicator

Pilot channel search priority

Description Neighbor cell’s pilot channel search priority.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is an ENLUM field, a UNLM field and a CFSRQM
Value Range 0 ~ 3.
Table 187 describes the value range of Pilot Channel search


Value Meaning
0 Low
1 Medium
2 High
3 Very high

Default 0.
Setting Pilot Channel search priority is valid when Neighbor search mode
is 1 or 3. Search window size for the Remaining Set/Neighbour
Set/Active Set and Candidate Set in cell parameter is valid when
Neighbor search mode is 2 or 3.
Related n Neighbor search mode
n Search window size for the Remaining Set
n Search window size for the Remaining Set Neighbor Set
n Search window size for the Remaining Set Active Set and
Candidate Set

394 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

Timing included indicator

Description Indication of whether neighbor cell’s timing information is
included or not.
Only applicable to neighbor cell of this carrier sector.
The parameter is a GNLM field.
Value Range 0,1.
Table 188 describes the value range of Timing included indicator.

T A B L E 1 8 8 V A L U E R A N G E O F T I MI N G I N C L U D E D I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not included
1 Included
Setting Neighbor transmit time offset, Neighbor transmit time duration
and Neighbor transmit time period are valid only when Timing
included indicator is 1. Because Timing included indicator is valid
only when Using timing indicator is 1, this parameter is invalid
Related n Neighbor transmit time period
n Neighbor transmit time offset
n Neighbor transmit time duration
n Using timing indicator

Using timing indicator

Description Indication of whether BS timing information is used or not.
Only applicable to this carrier sector.
The parameter is an ENLUM field and a UNLM field.
Value Range 0 ~ 2.
Table 189 describes the value range of Using timing indicator.

T A B L E 1 8 9 V A L U E R A N G E O F U S I N G T I MI N G I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not used
1 Used

Default 0.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 395

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Setting Set to 0.
Related Timing included indicator.

396 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 1X Carriers Parameters

This page is intentioannly blank.

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Chapter 5

Control Channel

This chapter describes:

n Pilot Channel Parameters
n Sync Channel Parameters
n Paging Channel Parameters
n Access Channel Parameters
n Quick-paging Channel Parameters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 399

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Pilot Channel Parameters

Channel index Id
Description Unit Id of CE where F-PICH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to pilot channel.
Related n Unit Id
n Chip unit Id

Chip unit Id
Description Chip Id of CSM where F-PICH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to pilot channel.
Related n Channel Index Id
n Unit Id

Pilot channel gain(-7.5dB)

Description F-PICH gain.
This parameter is only applicable to pilot channel.
The parameter corresponds to CSM5000 chip parameter:
Value Range 0 ~ 255. Unit: DGU.
Default 255.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, coverage becomes larger but
forward link capacity decreases; while if it is set too low,
coverage becomes smaller but the forward link capacity
n QUALCOMM Inc., 80-V1282-1 Rev. C: CSM5000TM Parameter
Settings Guidelines for software Release2.2 Commercial
Patch SM20206.

Unit Id
Description Module Id of CHM where F-PICH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to pilot channel.

400 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 Control Channel Parameters

Related n Channel Index Id

n Chip unit Id

Sync Channel Parameters

Channel index
Description Unit Id of CE where F-SYNCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to sync channel.
Related n Chip unit Id
n Unit Id

Chip unit Id
Description Chip Id of CSM where F-SYNCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to sync channel.
Related n Chip unit Id
n Unit Id

Sync channel gain(-17.5dB)

Description F-SYNCH gain.
This parameter is only applicable to sync channel.
The parameter corresponds to CSM5000 chip parameter:
Value Range 0 ~ 255. Unit: DGU.
Default 185.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, it would be easy for MS to
demodulate sync channel but forward link capacity decreases;
while if it is set too low, it may be impossible for MS to
demodulate sync channel but forward link capacity increases.

The number of leap seconds

Description The number of leap seconds, that is, the difference between
CDMA system time (GPS time) and Coordinated Universal Time,

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 401

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

This parameter is only applicable to sync channel but values of

this parameter for the same BSC should be the same.
The parameter is SCHM message field.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Default 13.
Setting The number of leap seconds should be set to 13 before the year
2006. It should be set to 14 on January 1, 2006. It should then
be revised according to Bulletin C of IERS in every June and
December since. Details can be found at IERS url:
Wrong setting of LPC_SEC does not affect normal
communication, it will bring MS clock errors though.
Related Time to take effect

Time to take effect

Description Start time of system time.
This parameter is only applicable to sync channel.
Value Range 0 ~ 232-1.
Setting This parameter is reserved.
Related The number of leap seconds

Unit Id
Description Module Id of CHM where F-SYNCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to sync channel.
Related n Chip unit Id
n Channel Index

Paging Channel Parameters

Channel index Id
Description Unit Id of CE where F-PCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
Related n Chip unit Id
n Unit Id

402 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 Control Channel Parameters

Chip unit Id
Description Chip Id of CSM where F-PCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
Related n Unit Id
n Channel Index Id

Delete message number threshold

Description CSCHP is reported if the overload slot number threshold is
exceeded. The parameter is a page channel overload alarm
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
If there is no proper page time slot available and page message
sending fails for three consecutive attempts, CES will discard the
page message and count 1. Within the time frame of Report
time interval(min), if number of overload page time slots or
discarded page messages exceeds Overload slot number
threshold, CES sends alarm message to NetNumenTM M3
(ZXC10 BSSB). Moreover, for every 16 page time slots, if
number of overload page time slots exceeds Delete message
number, CES reports page channel overload to CSCHP.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 100.
Setting Setting of Overload slot number threshold is related with the
setting of Report time interval(min).
If Delete message number and Overload slot number threshold
are set too high, it may be impossible for NetNumenTM M3
(ZXC10 BSSB)/CSCHP to keep track of the overload status of the
page channel; while if they are set too low, fake alarm may arise.
If Report time interval(min) is set too long, it’s hard to learn
from NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB) about the overload status
of page channel in due time; while if it’s set too short, fake
alarm may arise.
Related n Overload slot number threshold
n Report time interval(min)

Overload slot number threshold

Description Alarm will be sent to NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB) if number
of discarded page messages or overload page time slots exceeds

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

this threshold. The parameter is a page channel overload alarm

This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
If there is no proper page time slot available and page message
sending fails for three consecutive attempts, CES will discard the
page message and count 1. Within the time frame of Report
time interval(min), if number of overload page time slots or
discarded page messages exceeds Overload slot number
threshold, CES sends alarm message to NetNumenTM M3
(ZXC10 BSSB). Moreover, for every 16 page time slots, if
number of overload page time slots exceeds Delete message
number, CES reports page channel overload to CSCHP.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535.
Default 700.
Setting Setting of Overload slot number threshold is related with the
setting of Report time interval(min).
If Delete message number and Overload slot number threshold
are set too high, it may be impossible for NetNumenTM M3
(ZXC10 BSSB)/CSCHP to keep track of the overload status of the
page channel; while if they are set too low, fake alarm may arise.
If Report time interval(min) is set too long, it’s hard to learn
from NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB) about the overload status
of page channel in due time; while if it’s set too short, fake
alarm may arise.
Related n Delete message number
n Report time interval(min)

Page channel gain(-9dB)

Description F-PCH gain.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
The parameter corresponds to CSM5000 chip parameter:
Value Range 0 ~ 255. Unit:DGU.
Default 219.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, it would be easy for MS to
demodulate page channel but the forward link capacity
decreases; while if it’s set too low, MS may not be able to
demodulate page channel correctly but the forward link capacity

404 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 Control Channel Parameters

Report time interval(min)

Description It is the time interval for reporting page channel overload. The
parameter is the page channel overload alarm parameter.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
If there is no proper page time slot available and page message
sending fails for three consecutive attempts, CES will discard the
page message and count 1. Within the time frame of Report
time interval(min), if number of overload page time slots or
discarded page messages exceeds Overload slot number
threshold, CES sends alarm message to NetNumenTM M3
(ZXC10 BSSB). Moreover, for every 16 page time slots, if
number of overload page time slots exceeds Delete message
number, CES reports page channel overload to CSCHP.
Value Range 0 ~ 65535. Unit:min.
Default 30.
Setting Setting of Overload slot number threshold is related with the
setting of Report time interval(min).
If Delete message number and Overload slot number threshold
are set too high, it may be impossible for NetNumenTM M3
(ZXC10 BSSB)/CSCHP to keep track of the overload status of the
page channel; while if they are set too low, fake alarm may arise.
If Report time interval(min) is set too long, it’s hard to learn
from NetNumenTM M3 (ZXC10 BSSB) about the overload status
of page channel in due time; while if it’s set too short, fake
alarm may arise.
Related n Overload slot number threshold
n Delete message number

Unit Id
Description Module Id of CHM where F-PCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
Related n Chip unit Id
n Channel Index Id

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 405

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Access Channel Parameters

Channel index Id
Description Unit Id of CE where R-ACH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
Related n Unit Id
n Chip Unit Id

Chip unit Id
Description Chip Id of CSM where R-ACH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
Related n Unit Id
n Channel Index Id

Unit Id
Description Module Id of CHM where R-ACH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
Related n Chip Unit Id
n Channel Index Id

Description Quick access channel indication.
This parameter is only applicable to quick access channel.
Value Range 0,1
Default 0
Setting Quick access channel contains signs to indicate whether there is
a quick access channel under this carrier/sector. When adding
an access channel, if quick_acc_ch_incl is selected, only quick
access channel can be added. This mechanism ensures configure
normal access channel first, then configure quick access channel
and they can not be configured one by one.

406 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 Control Channel Parameters

Quick-paging Channel
CCI bit gain
Description It is CCI bit gain as relative to PICH in QPCH.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
Parameter PI bit gain corresponds to the field
QPCH_POWER_LEVEL_PAGE in ESPM; while parameter CCI bit
gain corresponds to the field QPCH_POWER_LEVEL_CONFIG in
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Table 190 describes the value range of CCI bit gain.


Value Meaning
0 5dB lower than PICH
1 4dB lower than PICH
2 3dB lower than PICH
3 2dB lower than PICH
4 1dB lower than PICH
5 Same as PICH
6 1dB higher than PICH
7 2dB higher than PICH

Default 0.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, it would be easy for MS to
detect QPCH and MS standby time is prolonged but forward link
capacity decreases; while if it’s set too low, it would be hard for
MS to detect QPCH and MS standby time is shortened but the
forward link capacity increases.
Related PI bit gain

Reference 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0: Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling

Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, Release A
Addendum 2.

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

CCI index
Description Unit Id of CE where F-QPCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
Related n Unit Id
n Chip Unit Id
n PI index

CCI support indicator

Description It indicates whether QPCH supports CCI or not.
There are three bits in QPCH: PI, CCI and BI. PI indicates that
MS has page message in the next PCH time slot; CCI informs MS
of system configuration changes and related parameter changes;
and BI indicates that MS has broadcast message on BCCH.
This parameter is only applicable to paging channel.
The parameter corresponds to the field QPCH_CCI_SUPPORTED
in ESPM.
Value Range 0 ,1.
Table 191 describes the value range of CCI support indicator.

T A B L E 1 9 1 V A L U E R A N G E O F C C I S U P P O R T I N D I C AT O R

Value Meaning
0 Not supported
1 Supported

Default 1.
Setting If QPCH supports CCI, set the parameter to 1; otherwise set it to

Chip unit Id
Description Chip Id of CSM where F-QPCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
Related n Unit Id
n PI index
n CCI index

408 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 Control Channel Parameters

PI bit gain
Description It is PI bit gain as relative to PICH in QPCH.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
Parameter PI bit gain corresponds to the field
QPCH_POWER_LEVEL_PAGE in ESPM; while parameter CCI bit
gain corresponds to the field QPCH_POWER_LEVEL_CONFIG in
Value Range 0 ~ 7.
Table 192 describes the value range of PI bit gain.


Value Meaning
0 5dB lower than PICH
1 4dB lower than PICH
2 3dB lower than PICH
3 2dB lower than PICH
4 1dB lower than PICH
5 Same as PICH
6 1dB higher than PICH
7 2dB higher than PICH

Default 0.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, it would be easy for MS to
detect QPCH and MS standby time is prolonged but forward link
capacity decreases; while if it’s set too low, it would be hard for
MS to detect QPCH and MS standby time is shortened but the
forward link capacity increases.
Related CCI bit gain

PI index
Description Unit Id of CE where PI of F-QPCH is located
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
Related n Unit Id
n Chip Unit Id
n CCI index

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

QPCH rate
Description Rate of QPCH.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
The parameter corresponds to the field QPCH_RATE in ESPM.
Value Range 0, 1.
Table 193 describes the value range of QPCH rate.


Value Meaning
0 4800bps
1 9600bps

Default 1.

Slot cycle multiplier

Description Multiplier for time slot cycling.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
When BS modifies CONFIG_MSG_SEQ (sequence number of
configuration message), it’s necessary to set PI of each QPCH to
“ON” to modify MS of the modification. The duration T of “ON”
status is N×2MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX in the unit of 1.28s. “N” in
this formula is slot cycle multiplier.
Value Range 0 ~ 255.
Setting If the parameter is set too high, it would be easy for MS to
detect system configuration changes and perform prompt
updates for itself, but MS standby time is shortened; while if it is
set too low, it would be hard for MS to detect system
configuration changes and make prompt update accordingly, but
MS standby time is prolonged.

Unit Id
Description Module Id of CHM where F-QPCH is located.
This parameter is only applicable to quick-paging channel.
Related n PI index
n Chip Unit Id
n CCI index

410 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Physical Channel
Abbreviation Full Name
R-ACH Access Channel

F-APICH Dedicated Auxiliary Pilot Channel

F-ATDPICH Auxiliary Transmit Diversity Pilot Channel

F-BCCH Forward Broadcast Control Channel

F-CACH Common Assignment Channel

F/R-CCCH Forward/Reverse Common Control Channel
F-CPCCH Common Power Control Channel

R-DACH Dynamic Access Channel

F/R-DCCH Forward/Reverse Dedicated Control Channel

R-EACH Enhanced Access Channel

F/R-FCH Forward/Reverse Fundamental Channel

F-PCH Paging Channel

F/R-PICH Forward/Reverse Pilot Channel

F-QPCH Quick Paging Channel

F/R-SCCH Forward/Reverse Supplemental Code Channel

F/R-SCH Forward/Reverse Supplemental Channel

F-SYNCH Sync Channel

F-TDPICH Transmit Diversity Pilot Channel

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Abbreviation Full Name
APM Access Parameters Message
BSSREQM Base Station Status Request Message

CAM Channel Assignment Message

CCLM CDMA Channel List Message

CFSCNM Candidate Frequency Search Control Message

CFSRPM Candidate Frequency Search Report Message

CFSRQM Candidate Frequency Search Request Message

CFSRSM Candidate Frequency Search Response

DBM Data Burst Message
DIM Device Information Message

ECAM Extended Channel Assignment Message

ECCLM Extended CDMA Channel List Message

EGSRDM Extended Global Service Redirection Message

EHDM Extended Handoff Direction Message

ENLM Extended Neighbor List Message

ENLUM Extended Neighbor List Update Message
EOM Enhanced Origination Message

EPSMM Extended Pilot Strength Measurement Message

ESCAM Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment

ESPM Extended System Parameters Message

ESTRPM Extended Status Response Message

GHDM General Handoff Direction Message

GNLM General Neighbor List Message

GSRDM Global Service Redirection Message

ITSPM In-Traffic System Parameters Message
MSRM Mobile Station Registered Message

NLM Neighbor List Message

OLRM Outer Loop Report Message

ORCM Origination Continuation Message

ORM Origination Message

412 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Abbreviation Full Name

PCNM Power Control Message

PCNPM Power Control Parameters Message

PMRM Power Measurement Report Message

PMRO Pilot Measurement Request Order

PNLM Private Neighbor List Message

PPMRO Periodic Pilot Measurement Request Order

PPSMM Periodic Pilot Strength Measurement Message

PRM Page Response Message

PSMM Pilot Strength Measurement Message

RGM Registration Message

SCHM Sync Channel Message

SCM Service Connect Message
SCRM Supplemental Channel Request Message

SPM System Parameters Message

SRDM Service Redirection Message

STRPM Status Response Message
UHDM Universal Handoff Direction Message

UNLM Universal Neighbor List Message

UZIM User Zone Identification Message

Abbreviation Full Name
ACCT Access Control based on Call Type

BDS Baseband Digital SubSystem

BI Broadcast Indicator
BSC Base Station Controller
BSS Base Station System

BSSAP Base Station System Application Part

BTF Back to the Future

BTS Base Transceiver Station

CCI Config Change Indicator

CCM Communication Control Module

CDMA Code Division Multi Access

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Abbreviation Full Name

CE Channel Element

CES Channel Element Subsystem

CHM Channel Processing Module

CI Cell Identity

CIC Circle Identify Code

CSCHP Common Signaling Channel Layer 3 Signaling

CSM Cell Site Modem

DGU Digital Gain Unit

DS Direct Spread
DSPM Dedicated Signaling Processing Module

EIB Erasure Indicator Bit

EPN Earliest PN offset

EVRC Enhanced Variable Rate Codec

FSN Frame Sequence Number

GPS Global Positioning System
HPA High Power Amplifier

ICGI IS-41 whole Cell Global Identification

IMSI International Mobile Station Identity

IOS Interoperability Specification

LAC Location Area Code

MS Mobile Station
MSC Mobile Switching Center

NDSS Network and Distributed System Security

NID Network Identification

OMS Operate & Maintain Subsystem

OTD Orthoganal Transmit Diversity

PAR Peak-Average Raio

PATE Packet Arrival Time Error

PCG Power Control Group

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PI Paging Indicator
PN Pseudo noise
PTT Push To Talk

PZID Packet Data Services Zone Identifier

414 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Abbreviation Full Name

QIB Quality Indicator Bit

QOF Quasiorthogonal Function

QoS Quality of Service

RC Radio Configuration

RLP Radio Link Protocol

RTD Round Trip Delay

SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part

SDU Service Data Unit

SID System Identification

SMS Short Message Service

SO Service Option
SR Spread Rate
STS Space Time Spreading

SVE Selector & Vocoder Element

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416 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Figure 1 R-ACH Long Code Mask ....................................... 181

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418 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 1 Chapter Summary.................................................... i

Table 2 Typographical Conventions....................................... ii
Table 3 Mouse Operation Conventions.................................. iii
Table 4 Value Range of Intercurrent Voice and Data Supported
Indicator ............................................................................ 5
Table 5 Value Range of Preferred Land Circuit Supported ........ 8
Table 6 Value Range of Access Entry Handoff Permitted
Indicator ............................................................................ 9
Table 7 Value Range of Access Handoff Permitted Indicator ..... 9
Table 8 Value Range of DCCH Supported Indication .............. 10
Table 9 Value Range of 5ms Frame Supported Indication ...... 11
Table 10 Value Range of Frame Sequence Number Adjust ..... 12
Table 11 Value Range of Two Frames Ahead........................ 12
Table 12 Value Range of Preference of PTT Support .............. 13
Table 13 Value Range of Walsh Code Alloc Strategy.............. 13
Table 14 Value Range of Use Dormant in Data Handoff ......... 14
Table 15 Value Range of Is LinkFailure to Dormant in Data
Traffic.............................................................................. 15
Table 16 Value Range of MSC Type..................................... 15
Table 17 Value Range of Send Handoff Performed Indicator... 16
Table 18 Value Range of SMS Send Connecting Indicator ...... 16
Table 19 Value Range of BS Service Request Information
Encoding Indicator ............................................................ 17
Table 20 Value Range of Page Slot Cycle Indicator ............... 18
Table 21 Value Range of PLD in Paging Tag Indicator............ 18
Table 22 Value Range of SMS SO Indicator.......................... 19
Table 23 Value Range of Class Mark Information Type 2........ 19
Table 24 Value Range of Ignore Handoff Block Indicator........ 20
Table 25 Value Range of SCCP Included Indicator................. 20
Table 26 Value Range of MSC get GPS Time from BSC Indicator
....................................................................................... 21

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 27 Value Range of MSC Support Group CIC Operation

Indicator .......................................................................... 22
Table 28 Value Range of Dynamic Handoff Threshold Supported
Option ............................................................................. 22
Table 29 Value Range of Forbid Data Service Hard Handoff
During PPP Negotiation ...................................................... 24
Table 30 bscinterfacetype................................................... 25
Table 31 Timer Length Corresponds to Each Value................. 26
Table 32 ptt_bcpa_trans-mode Value................................... 27
Table 33 frameworktype .................................................... 34
Table 34 paca_supported Value........................................... 34
Table 35 Value Range of MS Power Control Step Size............ 49
Table 36 Value Range of Outer Loop Control Enabled Indicator
....................................................................................... 51
Table 37 Value Range of Reverse Link Attribute Gain value
Included Indicator ............................................................. 63
Table 38 Value Range of FCH/DCCH/SCH0/SCH1 Channel
Adjustment Gain Included Indicator..................................... 64
Table 39 Value Range of Basic Reverse Link Attribute Gain
Value Included Indicator .................................................... 66
Table 40 Value Range of Low rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain
Value Type Indicator.......................................................... 67
Table 41 Value Range of Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment
Gain for Low Rate RC3-RC5 of 20ms Frame Included ............. 68
Table 42 Value Range of Basic Reverse Link Attribute
Adjustment Gain for RC4-RC6 of 20ms frame included........... 71
Table 43 Value Range of High rate Reverse Link Attribute Gain
value included indicator ..................................................... 74
Table 44 Value Range of High rate Reverse Link Attribute
Adjustment Gain value type indicator .................................. 75
Table 45 Value Range of Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment
Gain for high rate RC3/RC5 of 20ms frame included .............. 76
Table 46 Value Range of Reverse Link Attribute Adjustment
Gain for high rate RC4/RC6 of 20ms frame included .............. 79
Table 47 Value Range of BS Generates the Parameter Indicator
....................................................................................... 82
Table 48 Value Range of Force Reset when Initializing .......... 84
Table 49 Value Range of Global Neighbor Cell Type .............. 90
Table 50 Value Range of CI Discriminator............................ 90
Table 51 Value Range of Search Window Size of Private
Neighbor Set .................................................................... 94
Table 52 Value Range of BCCH Support Indicator ................. 94

420 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 53 Value Range of Protocol Revision Level .................. 95

Table 54 Value Range of Minimum Protocol Revision Level..... 96
Table 55 Minimum Protocol Revision Level Requirements ...... 96
Table 56 Value Range of Band Class ................................... 96
Table 57 Value Range of Cell Mode ...................................... 98
Table 58 Value Range of BSC Type ..................................... 98
Table 59 Value Range of Hard Handoff Support RC3 and Up
Indicator .......................................................................... 99
Table 60 Value Range of SOWD and TOWD Include Hardware
Delay............................................................................. 100
Table 61 Value Range of Parameters as Search Window are
Default .......................................................................... 100
Table 62 Value Range of Band Class ................................. 101
Table 63 Value Range of CDMA Channel Frequency Assignment
of Band Class 0 ............................................................... 102
Table 64 Value Range of CDMA Channel Frequency Assignment
of Band Class 1 ............................................................... 102
Table 65 Value Range of First List Indicator ....................... 103
Table 66 Value Range of Is Beacon Indicator ..................... 103
Table 67 Value Range of HO1XsupportInd .......................... 104
Table 68 Value Range of HWDelayInd ................................ 104
Table 69 Value Range of SRCHWINParaInd......................... 105
Table 70 Protocol Version ................................................. 106
Table 71 Special Function Number Comparisons.................. 107
Table 72 Value Range of OBSTRUCTPUSH ......................... 108
Table 73 Value Range of Presend AMC Indicator................. 108
Table 74 Value Range of Resend ECAM Indicator ................ 109
Table 75 Value Range of Cancel Hand Shake Indicator ........ 109
Table 76 Value Range of Mobility Limited Type................... 110
Table 77 Value Range of Forward Power Transmit Report
Indicator ........................................................................ 134
Table 78 Value Range of FCH Power Transmit Report Indicator
..................................................................................... 136
Table 79 Value Range of R-SCH Ec/Io Report Indicator ....... 137
Table 80 Value Range of Band Class ................................. 155
Table 81 Value Range of Search Window Size for the Active Set
and Candidate Set........................................................... 156
Table 82 Value Range of Search Window Size for Neighbor Set
..................................................................................... 157

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 83 Value Range of Search Window Size for Remaining Set

..................................................................................... 158
Table 84 Value Range of Neighbor Set Maximum AGE ......... 159
Table 85 Value Range of Rescan Indicator ......................... 160
Table 86 Value Range of Protocol Revision Level ................ 163
Table 87 Value Range of Encryption Fields Included............ 165
Table 88 Parameter and Value Range ................................ 166
Table 89 Value Range of Handoff Mode ............................. 167
Table 90 Value Range of Overlap LAC1 Mode ..................... 168
Table 91 Value Range of Overlap LAC2 Mode ..................... 170
Table 92 Value Range of Supported Sync Channel Disposal Type
..................................................................................... 172
Table 93 Value Range of Cell Mode ................................... 172
Table 94 Zone Timer Value and Length .............................. 180
Table 95 Value Range of Reselect Included Indicator .......... 184
Table 96 Value Range of Paging Channel Data Rate ............ 186
Table 97 Value Range of Preferred Access Channel Mobile
Station ID Type............................................................... 187
Table 98 Value Range of Daylight Savings Time Indicator.... 188
Table 99 Value Range of Extended System Parameters Message
Indicator ........................................................................ 188
Table 100 Value Range of Extended Neighbor List Message
Indicator ........................................................................ 189
Table 101 Value Range of General Neighbor List Message
Indicator ........................................................................ 190
Table 102 Value Range of Global Service Redirection Message
Indicator ........................................................................ 190
Table 103 Value Range of Private Neighbor List Message
Indicator ........................................................................ 191
Table 104 Parameter Setting ............................................ 192
Table 105 Value Range of Extended Global Service Redirection
Message Indicator ........................................................... 192
Table 106 Value Range of Extended CDMA Chanel List Message
Indicator ........................................................................ 193
Table 107 Value Range of Delete Foreign TMS ................... 194
Table 108 Value Range of Use TMSI Indicator .................... 194
Table 109 Value Range of IMSI_T Support Indicator ........... 195
Table 110 Value Range of Access Entry Handoff Permitted
Indicator ........................................................................ 196

422 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 111 Value Range of Access Handoff List Update Permitted

Indicator ........................................................................ 199
Table 112 Value Range of Broadcast GPS Assist Indicator.... 201
Table 113 Value Range of Short Data Burst Supported Indicator
..................................................................................... 202
Table 114 Value Range of Reverse Power Control Delay Included
Indicator ........................................................................ 203
Table 115 Value Range of Autonomous Message Interval .... 203
Table 116 Value Range of Mobile Station Requests QoS
Parameter Settings in the Origination Message. .................. 204
Table 117 Value Range of Sync ID Supported Indicator....... 205
Table 118 Value Range of Primary Broadcast Channel Supported
Indicator r...................................................................... 206
Table 119 Value Range of MS Initiated Position Location
Determination Supported Indicator.................................... 207
Table 120 Value Range of Pilot Information Request Supported
Indicator ........................................................................ 207
Table 121 Value Range of Allocating CHM Resource Averagely
for RCC1 Call .................................................................. 208
Table 122 Value Range of Threshold Report Mode Indicator. 211
Table 123 Value Range of Periodic Report Mode Indicator.... 212
Table 124 Value Range of Reselect Drop Timer Value (Voice)216
Table 125 Value Range of Reselect Drop Timer Value (Data) 217
Table 126 Value Range of Reselect Handoff Option ............. 219
Table 127 Value Range of Reselect Search Type................. 228
Table 128 Value Range of Reselect this Parameter.............. 229
Table 129 Value Range of Reselect Search Mode ................ 230
Table 130 Value Range of Reselect Align timing indicator .... 230
Table 131 Value Range of Reselect this Parameter.............. 235
Table 132 Value Range of Reselect this Parameter.............. 236
Table 133 Value Range of Reselect RSCH Handoff Type....... 240
Table 134 Value Range of Reselect Reverse SCH Select Leg
Algorithm ....................................................................... 241
Table 135 Value Range of Reselect Reveres Pilot Intensity
Threshold Report Mode Enabled Indication ......................... 245
Table 136 Value Range of Reselect Periodic Report Indicator 246
Table 137 Value Range of Reselect FSCH Handoff Type ....... 247
Table 138 Value Range of Reselect FSCH Select Cell Algorithm
..................................................................................... 248
Table 139 Value Range of Reverse Power Control Mode....... 254

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ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

Table 140 Value Range of Wireless Environment ................ 271

Table 141 Value Range of Correct Factor........................... 272
Table 142 Value Range of FSCH Rate Assign Algorithm ....... 275
Table 143 Value Range of Enable SRDM Indicator............... 284
Table 144 Value Range of Return if Failed Indicator ............ 285
Table 145 Value Range of Delete TMSI Indicator ................ 285
Table 146 Value Range of SRDM Redirect Type .................. 286
Table 147 Value Range of SRDM Record Type .................... 286
Table 148 Value Range of BS Frequency Band .................... 289
Table 149 Value Range of this parameter. ......................... 290
Table 150 Value Range of Reselect Is Preferred Neighbor Cell t
..................................................................................... 290
Table 151 Band Class 0, SR1 Neighbor CDMA Channel
Frequency ...................................................................... 291
Table 152 Band Class 1, SR1 Neighbor CDMA Channel
Arequency...................................................................... 292
Table 153 Value Range of NEighbor Pilot Channel Search Window
Size............................................................................... 292
Table 154 Value Range of Pilot Channel Search Priority........ 294
Table 155 Value Range of Reselect Use Timing Indicator ..... 294
Table 156 RELATIONSHIP among Band, Frequency Assignment
and Frequency ................................................................ 300
Table 157 VALUE Range of Band Class .............................. 301
Frequency ASSIGNMENT. ................................................. 302
Frequency Assignment ..................................................... 302
Table 160 Value Range of Transmit Power Level................. 305
Table 161 PREFERRED Carrier Frequencies of some Band
Classes .......................................................................... 306
Table 162 Reverse Preamble Length In Case of RC3/4/5 ...... 312
Table 163 Value Range of Forward Power Control Operation
Mode Indicator................................................................ 316
Table 164 Value Range of FCH Target Frame Error Rate(Voice)
..................................................................................... 324
Table 165 Value Range of Forward Power Overload Control
Enabled ......................................................................... 335
Table 166 Default Value of Rating power ........................... 338
Table 167 Default Value of Cell power............................... 339
Table 168 Value Range of Reverse power control mode....... 352

424 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 169 the value range of Reverse power control subchannel

pattern .......................................................................... 352
Table 170 value range of Maximum Rate of FSCH............... 353
Table 171 the value range of Preferring options of FSCH. .. 354
Table 172 Calculations of Reuse Options ........................... 355
Table 173 value range of Maximum Rate of RSCH .............. 356
Table 174 Value Range of Forward Power Control Operation
Mode Indicator............................................................. 379
Table 175 Value Range of PTT SCH target Frame Error Rate 382
Table 176 Value Range of Access and access probe handoff
permitted ....................................................................... 386
Table 177 Value Range of Access entry handoff permitted
indicator ........................................................................ 386
Table 178 Value Range of Additional pilot information included
indicator ........................................................................ 387
Table 179 Value Range of Frequency fields included ........... 387
Table 180 Value Range of Frequency included indicator....... 388
Table 181 Value Range of Neighbor configuration and PN offset
included ......................................................................... 389
Table 182 Value Range of Neighbor configuration ............... 389
Table 183 Value Range of Neighbor pilot channel search window
offset included ................................................................ 390
Table 184 Value Range of Neighbor pilot channel search window
offset............................................................................. 391
Table 185 record type of neighbor pilot information ............ 392
Table 186 Value Range of Neighbor search mode ............... 392
Table 187 Value Range of Pilot Channel search pirority ....... 394
Table 188 Value Range of Timing included indicator............ 395
Table 189 Value Range of Using timing indicator ................ 395
Table 190 Value Range of CCI bit gain .............................. 407
Table 191 Value Range of CCI support indicator ................. 408
Table 192 Value Range of PI bit gain ................................ 409
Table 193 Value Range of QPCH rate ................................ 410

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426 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


ACCESS ............................. 9 149, 150, 152, 153, 163,

ACK................................ 365 164, 184, 186, 190, 192,
B 102, 291, 301, 305, 306 194, 200, 201, 203, 204,
BAD.................. 210, 211, 212 205, 206, 207, 266, 270,
BAND.............................. 301 271, 283, 284, 285, 286,
BASE ............................... 180 287, 299, 301, 310, 337,
BDS.................. 298, 299, 411 338, 344, 346, 411
BS.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, CAPS................................... ii
19, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, CCM .... 120, 134, 135, 335, 411
95, 97, 112, 117, 155, 156, CDMA 101, 102, 155, 187, 188,
159, 162, 163, 167, 180, 189, 190, 192, 229, 285,
201, 202, 204, 230, 231, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290,
232, 233, 234, 266, 267, 291, 292, 293, 294, 300,
270, 271, 275, 276, 277, 301, 308, 372, 373, 375,
278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 376, 377, 388, 399, 410,
288, 299, 300, 305, 308, 411
309, 311, 312, 313, 342, CDMA2000 . 1, 3, i, ii, 25, 26, 49,
343, 359, 364, 365, 371, 50, 61, 102, 154, 230, 231,
394, 408 232, 233, 234, 324
BSCi, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, CE10, 12, 207, 212, 213, 214,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 225, 226, 227, 371, 398,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 399, 400, 404, 406, 407,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 412
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, CELL ......................... 98, 165
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, CHANNEL .......... 398, 399, 402
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, CHM .. 207, 294, 344, 346, 348,
53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 349, 398, 400, 403, 404,
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 408, 412
68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, CPU33, 122, 134, 135, 149, 150
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, CSM .. 346, 398, 399, 401, 404,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 406, 412
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, DATA.............................. 345
96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, DBM ........................ 359, 410
103, 104, 105, 106, 107, DELAY ....................... 83, 117
108, 109, 110, 111, 112, DOWN............................... 351
113, 114, 115, 116, 117, DROP ................. 22, 312, 313
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, E 1, 3, 102, 111, 171, 291,
123, 124, 125, 153, 167, 301, 306, 318, 359, 409
168, 169, 170, 218, 251, E1 25
272, 310, 400, 411 EACH....................... 318, 409
BSS.....ii, 1, 89, 101, 112, 113, ENABLE .......................... 357
152, 163, 218, 219, 220, EVii, 6
221, 222, 251, 304, 305, EV-DO ................................ ii
411 F/R .................... 30, 309, 409
BSSB .. 1, 3, i, ii, 25, 26, 49, 50,
F/R-DCCH ....................... 409
61, 154, 324 F/R-FCH..................... 30, 409
BTS .....ii, 33, 35, 36, 127, 129,
F/R-PICH......................... 409
144, 145, 146, 147, 148,

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 427

ZXC10 BSSB (V 1x Release A Radio Parameters Manual

FCH 30, 50, 59, 63, 64, 65, 113, 115, 116, 117, 129, 140,
129, 134, 135, 136, 137, 142, 153, 156, 157, 158,
142, 146, 147, 202, 210, 160, 162, 163, 165, 171,
211, 236, 237, 238, 239, 172, 179, 181, 182, 184,
246, 255, 256, 257, 258, 185, 194, 195, 200, 201,
274, 315, 316, 317, 319, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,
321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 209, 210, 211, 212, 227,
326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233,
332, 333, 378, 409 234, 260, 261, 262, 263,
FER4, 5, 22, 37, 38, 39, 40, 62, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268,
63, 68, 71, 76, 79, 81, 209, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
210, 267, 268, 269, 270, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278,
318, 323, 324, 329, 330, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284,
331, 332, 333, 379, 380, 292, 299, 300, 302, 303,
381 304, 305, 308, 311, 312,
F-PCH . 94, 185, 365, 400, 401, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317,
402, 403, 409 322, 323, 341, 342, 343,
F-QPCH ......406, 407, 408, 409 344, 351, 352, 357, 358,
FRAMES .......121, 210, 211, 212 359, 360, 361, 362, 363,
F-SCH . 12, 130, 131, 132, 133, 364, 367, 371, 372, 373,
137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378,
143, 144, 145, 236, 237, 379, 388, 389, 399, 400,
238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 402, 405, 406, 407, 408,
246, 250, 274, 275, 276, 412
277, 278, 279, 280, 281, MSC2, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
282, 315, 316, 319, 320, 21, 22, 25, 90, 92, 93, 99,
325, 327, 329, 330, 331, 110, 115, 116, 119, 123,
332, 333, 335, 342, 350, 153, 167, 168, 169, 183,
352, 353, 384 412
F-SYNCH ...........399, 400, 409 N/A ....... 3, 106, 165, 351, 354
GAIN50, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, OF.................................. 301
75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 345, 351 OFF .................. 121, 122, 184
GPS .18, 20, 21, 200, 201, 203, OMC .i, 29, 82, 83, 89, 95, 100,
204, 205, 206, 207, 399, 101, 149, 162, 187, 193,
412 340, 401, 402, 403
................................408 OTD ........................ 303, 412
INFORMATION ....................... 2 OUT ............................... 348
IOS......................... 7, 8, 412 OUTER ............................ 357
IP 122, 123 P 1, 3, 6, 27, 111, 112, 184,
IS 95, 96, 99, 103, 104, 105, 191
161, 162, 207, 412 PA405, 407
IS-2000................ 95, 96, 162 PAGE ....................... 405, 407
J-STD-008 ............ 95, 96, 162 PARAMETER....................... 191
LARGE.............................. 98 PATTERN ......................... 351
LEGAL................................. 2 PCF ................................ 114
LENGTH ............................174 PCS ......97, 101, 155, 288, 300
LEVEL ......................405, 407 PDSN ...................27, 111, 112
LIST ........................179, 191 PER ..................................87
LOCK ..............................348 PHASE ..................... 312, 313
MAP.................................113 PILOT ............... 154, 312, 313
MAX85, 86, 132, 133, 141, 172, POWER .................... 405, 407
326, 327, 374, 375 PPP15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 108, 123,
MODE ......................... 98, 99 220, 221, 222, 251
MS.3, 6, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, PRM ........... 194, 199, 204, 411
28, 29, 30, 36, 41, 42, 43, PTT ii, 1, 12, 13, 14, 24, 25, 26,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 59, 27, 49, 50, 61, 88, 89, 98,
81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 109, 110, 128, 129, 139,
92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 104, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145,
105, 109, 110, 112, 113, 149, 150, 154, 172, 208,

428 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


251, 309, 324, 378, 379, 161, 164, 236, 237, 238,
380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243,
412 244, 246, 247, 249, 250,
PWR ....49, 121, 132, 133, 141, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259,
398, 399, 402 260, 261, 262, 263, 264,
QUALCOMM ..................... 398 265, 266, 267, 268, 269,
R&D ................................... 3 270, 272, 273, 274, 275,
R1 2, 3 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
R-ACH 161, 162, 180, 318, 357, 281, 282, 309, 315, 316,
358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 318, 319, 320, 325, 327,
363, 365, 367, 404, 409 329, 330, 331, 332, 333,
RAKE .............................. 162 335, 336, 337, 341, 342,
RANGE ............................ 301 343, 350, 352, 353, 354,
RATE .............................. 408 355, 356, 378, 379, 380,
RELATIONSHIP ................. 299 381, 382, 383, 384, 409
RF 4 SCM ........................ 204, 411
RFE ......................... 339, 340 SLOT........................ 172, 408
RFS ......................... 298, 299 STRENGTH ............... 312, 313
RLS069, 70, 72, 73, 77, 78, 80, STS......................... 303, 413
81, 112 SUPPORTED................ 165, 406
RPC ............................ 66, 75 SYNC ............................. 204
R-SCH... 12, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, SYSTEM .......................... 184
65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, TIME .............................. 184
77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 134, 135, TRX .................. 166, 298, 299
136, 137, 160, 161, 164, TURBO.70, 73, 78, 80, 88, 255,
239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 256, 257, 258, 274, 275,
244, 246, 250, 255, 256, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 281, 282, 353, 356
262, 263, 264, 265, 266, TX 356
267, 268, 269, 270, 272, TYPE ..................... 66, 75, 83
273, 309, 354, 355, 356, UP ................................. 351
409 UP/DOWN ....................... 351
RSSI .. 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, URL ....................................1
258, 259 UTC................................ 399
RTT ..................................83 V 3, ii, 25, 26, 49, 50, 61, 85,
SCCP .............. 18, 20, 21, 413 106, 154, 324
SCH ...1, 12, 59, 61, 62, 63, 67, VALUE ..................... 300, 301
68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, VERSION........................... 83
77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 89, VLR .................................. 34
121, 128, 129, 130, 131, ZXC101, i, ii, 25, 26, 49, 50, 61,
132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 154, 324
137, 138, 139, 140, 141,
143, 144, 145, 151, 160,

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 429

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