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I Pre Board Examination

NAME: lna,o, flrqan ,A*e B. DATE: 2ctobe, 'c, eCIl?

l. which statement concerning Bernoulli,s principre is true?

A' The pressure of'a fluid increases at points where the velocity
of the fluid
! The pressure of a fluid decreases at points where the velocity
of the fluid
C. It applies only to gases.
2' Under which conditions will the rate of flow of a liquid through
orifice (or jet) be the greatest (ail other factors - a metering
being .orrli,
A. Unmetered n1e_ssure - 18 psr, metered pi.essu ri _'tl,t psr,
pressure _ pSI.
B' Unmetered pressure - 23 pSI, metered pressu re - 72 pSI, atmospheric

d-.' unmetered pressure

- L7-psI, metered pressure - 5 ps, atmospheric
-pressure 14.7 pSI.
3' which conditiofffi actual amount of water vapor in a mixture
of air and
A. Relative humidity.
B. Dew point
4. Which will weigh the least?
A. 98 parts of dry air and 2 par.ts of water vapor. t Dry c.,1*y is hur -l * 4]'u,
g pparts of dry air and 65 parrs of warer ;;;., ltvD v1*,
C. 50 parts of dry air and 50 parts of wateruupor.
5' If all, or a significant part of a stall strip is milsing
on an airplane wing, a

A. Decreased Iift in the area,of instailation

at high angires of attack.
B. Asymmetricar raterar contror at row
u;gi., of attack.
c. Asymmetricar raterar contror at or
near"staii.ngi.r:;,, aftack.:
6 which is the ratio of the water vapor
the amount that would be present if the r;;;.;
rt,il'urrosphere ro
ui. *.r"-i;;r;i;;t"tt prevairing
temperature and pressure? "
A. Absolute humidity.
g Relative humidity. i

a, Dew point
/ 7. Which atmospheric:conditions will causei the
greatest? true landing speed of an aircraft
to be the
:_ \ '7

.ft-p ,/_
Wtemperature with low humidity.
temperature with low humidity, ?=/ P r-
with ltigrb humidity., r= }
^ {,qrgth,temperature
B. What is absolute.humidity?
A' The temperatu're to which humid air must be
cooled at constant pressure
to become saturated. '
B. The actuar amount of water vapor in a mixtur.
oi"u,, and water.
c' The ratio of the water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the
amount that would be present if the air were saturated
at the preuairing
temperature and pressure.
' The temperature to which ;humid air must be cooled
at constant pressure to
become saturated is called
A. Dew point
B. Absolute humidity. 'l
C. Relative humidity.
10.The purpose of aiicraft winE dihedral is,to
A. Increase lateral stability.
E Increaselongitudinal stabiiity. ;_'- 't,.-, ,Z
C. Increase lift coefficient of the wing, t' . /= -h-
il'Aspect ratio of a wing is defined as ttie ratio of the - -.,' s
A. Wingspan to the wing root. s_
B. Square of the chord to the wingspan. e
Q Wingspah to the mean chord. /=T
i2'A wing with a very high aspect ratio (in comi-arison
with a low aspect ratio
wing) will have
A. Increased drag at high angles of attack
g A low stall speed.
C. Poor control qualities at low airspeed.
13'An increase in the speed at which
an airfoir passes through the air increases
lift because
;! The increased speed of'the airflo-w creates
a greater
vrvsuLr pressure
Pl:s>rur e differential
between the upper and rfwer surfaces.
B' The increased speed of the airflow creates,a
lesser pressu[e c1ifferential
between the'upper and lower surfaces,
c' The increased velocity of the relative wind increases
the angle of attack.
14,The purpose of stall strips on airplane
wings is to
A. Increase lift in the areas of installation,
B, Prevent stall in the areas of installation,
C Ensure that the wing root areas staif nrst.
15'The sRged of sound in the atmospheie:is
'- mostaffected
'r YYr vr r! by variations in whlch
of the following?
i. Sound frequency (cps). ,

2: Ambient temperature.
3. Barometric pressure.
A. 1,
c. 3.
16. Horsepower measured simply from:the power produced by movirrg the
A indicated horsepower
b) brake horsepowe r
c) friction horsepower
d) propeller horsepower
17' Due to friction along the cOnnections
of engine components such as gears,
lobes, shafts and any mechanical transmission would
tend to
t) red.uce-the power being transmitted
T increase the power being transmitted
multiply the power being transmitted
d) ,nothing happen to the power being transmitLed
18, IHP mihus BHP is
a) indicated horsepower
b) brake horsepower
gl- friction horsepowe r
d) propeller'horsepower
i.9. In the equation ,yp i,
= ffi,, N
a) Mean Effective pressure
b) Stroke in feet
-EIJ//orking strokes per minute n- P f/D
d) number of cylinders
10.Mean Effective pressure sinrrply mean
7 g; tfre amount
of pressqre present:inside a cylinder
b) the amount,of pressure present outside a cylinder
c) the arnount,of pressure present on the shaft
d) the amount of pressuire present in the manifold
1' Aerodynamic forces and moments exerted-on
a body moving through a fluid
stem from two sources:
a/ Pressure Qistribution and Shear stress distrrbution
b) Lift and Drag Distribution
cf Thrust and weight Distribution
d) Thermal and Age distr:ibution
22. In the equation C, cao +
2 cdo is
,' a)
Profile drag coefficient
b) induced drag coefflclent
c) wake drag coefficient:
d) structural drag coefficient
23, Minimum Thrust Required is achieved
a) Max Aerodynamic Efflciency
b) Min Aerodynamic Efficiency
c) Minirnum power,Required
d) Maximum power Available
24. q*Scr1o is known as
a) parasite Thrust required
b) Induced Thrust required
c) Parasite power requir:ed
d) Induced powgr required
25. Thrust required is associated with weight and velocity while Thrust
is associated with

b) The desiEn of the air,plane

c) Lift and drag produced
d) None of the above
26. Aerodynamic condition that holds Power Required minimum,
Cdo must be
a)' A third of cdi
b) Half of cdi
c) Twice of cdi
d) Thrice of cdi
27. The higher the L/D
Q Shallower the glide
b) Steeper the glide
c) The lesser the glide range
d) The lesser the glide ehdurance i

28, The altitude at which the m;ax R/C 0 is the

a) Service ceiling
b) l-anding run
c) Take-off run
-e Absolute ceiling
29. The altitude at which the rnax R/c 100 ft/min
= is.the
a)-Service ceiling
b) Landing run
c) Take-off run
d) Absolute ceiting
30. rhe formuta
:*,"ffis ror
{range of a reciprocating engine powered airplane
b) endurance of a reciprocating engine powered airprane
c) range of a jet engine:ipowered airplane
d) endurance of a jet engine powered airplane
31. In orderto ensure a margin of safety dur.ingtake-off,
the lift-off velocity is
.higher than the
typically , stalling velocity
a) 20o/o
b) 25oh

d) 35o/o
32. For the
re maneuvenngrperlo:rmance
maneuvering perfdrmance,of of al
tplanes, it is advantagebus to have
the smallest ffna the smallest citBiaiiiabre
a) Have the highest LoaE fa'ctor and, The
bv J.r ; r..,
i-' :)
J+ ., )i tr: .:':

lowest,pogsibie verocity -,it,

b) Have the lowest Load factor, and The highes[possibre

c) l-lave ionest Loa.d factor;and:The highest,possible verocity
a ffe f
tl. -'t0 d) Have the lowest Load:fac,tor and The lowest possibie

a{ ^t
, l i, \

33. The formula 9@, '/z )is for

iffQo*s1; (w,-'r2 - ! Wn

range of a recipr.ocating enQine powered airplane
pf endurance of a reciplocating engine powered airplane
c) range of p jet engine powered airplane
d) endurance of a jet engine powered airplane
34. Find the temperature at 5r5 Nautical miles at standard atmosphere.
a.) 232.55K
,2 -.( il
a) 221.83K i
\'- 5 t Ar'1l
c.) 216.15K
d.) 198.21K
35, On a hot day, the measured temperature and pressure are 3BoC and 29.0 in
Hg, respectively. Calculate the dehsity ratio. lgog t P: r, 'r-- 31\ \ o-..
,lt f:
2tt lt 44 oin
a.) 0.696 . lLt', t. P
1),:t i li / 'l tl)t:!','l
b.) 0.7e7 | i.''."'1:' :
c.) 0.eoe
?- .'t- -l
'., :

t.- uo
f c '. t
/,) Q
d.) 0.e9e I

36, Air having the standard sea level density has a velocity of 100 fps at a
section of a wind tunnel, at anrother section having an area half as great at
that 6t the first section the flow velocity is 400mph. What is the density at the
second section?
lri ta:lrq ,r,r_fi t io'95^/g t\':2A' (:1tts 11df4
a.) 0.a1.74 zPv' ' xlv' F'
J., rla; tgn*oo , )ry gt , ts P'

b.) 0.42,7ry Vr' [[t .17r p,:13Y,

&. l /t2,7' .1..-.., 'l.L

c) 0.a374 V,. .f i , ,t';' r ',r' ) '

,," pO, /, . 't,;_,n
d.) o.*74 ), I,J '(1'. ')

3z'j ho1z._T:l 1ft

in.diameter, tapers graduaily t9 a
in. in oiJmeter. rr tne a
flow is 500 cu ft of water per minute, what is thti
difference between the'
pressures at the twosections? D1z? 6r ,1; 1.1.-t &2^ n,'1'a5' p .p, . ,' (
v" - v,'\
-'-'f t2 - t' r ' '-"I-:. :0 3t &/sr,;
o O-- Soo tt7
/hin {^ f,l/
6.)t 44L-'--ltz ' " " ' '--
:'/ur.1-9*lt1''o'n r\'rs <
1.,, lr{ 'r,]
c.)577,22fl ; :. . |,,t 1''',1 ' t,i-t
6 :' e7r-'l).1? ' ' ,' t-),,
: , ..ll
' . ftz , . . r.t,,,n' .

38. The fluids moves in a steady flqw.mann:er between tw-o'S0ction,_s

Iine. At sectlon 1, A=10sq.ft,' [,=1ggfpm, specific volume=
in a flow :

{gQr.ft,pei stug, elt

section 2, A=2sq.ft, p=0.20 slug,per cu,ft. Calcuiate the,mass|hbw]rate.
' -- fr3

c.)i5,000L&- n A/.. -
- 'L,t
'7, _( .1,:- -;'
-t't ).-

r '.1 U
'.- -;

') i 39, Consider an airfoil in a flow at standard sea level conditions M the free
stream velocity of 50 m/s. At the given point on airfoil the pressure is d." rf
V- n 1"\- -/,1.t1"- v,
90000Pa, calculate the velobity at this;point. t'"ia'4tt
1. a.) i44,BB 3 P : 1o1 7t\
,-, , 1(Tt'
, ,t .,
-s ',1
't 1gt-- rlr,' '(
b.) 1s4.8Ba
a - 4O,0$\)
L c.) 134,883 . llq
p. , )-
d.) 124,884
40. An airplane is flying at 10,000ft,altwith an airspeed of 160knots. What is the
difference between static and impact pressure at psi?
a.)' 86.789
ft' f :'io,ooo ft 1L:?^ n Jj:*- , gt\1 , i' {t r9

? lS";.?r^s.'.ls
V: 1lr0 l*""ts X :,i-. ., r,itt(i.
l ll r"i
b ) 0.4469 4'zt
, 1/, (t''
{.Po(t{ ?}) ?r-? tt
ld-: (1 ,, t1
c,) 0 3a6* 1o'/ ro boqsLqi l'"?nu .\. tJ,?cr
f,u. p , tn 71 'h'4t' '' i;' '"
1doorlrag (ti: * :: .'' -'' "',!
u,7]p 9i', '

0: Q0ot'r!$
41. Find the speed of sound on a hotday'where the temperature is 100oF.
a,) 474.47t! I

c.) gB4.Dt!

l,t(t. 91,160.0211
42. An airplane is flying at sea level at airspeed of 160knots. what is the
difference between impact and static pressure? Jll.
'"";- ^ uli*
ZliZillil t '|./: ii,'"*'*' l'{'u'
z''-r" ?riors_ = Bz 3t
.r,r:,!r,*r.." ^ls

c.) .72Pa , *,i, i'=;;;: ,' '

' "! 't t
3157 ,:
Ii /' -'.(''!'. '/!, 1,,,
"' ' t'
ti-t -d.)4157.72Pa ' "
t, +:l Rir at standard pressure and temperature is adiabatically compressed to 50
t, lb per sq in gage pressure. What is the temperature?,
JJ 792.59oR

7\. r!.,iri r'"r 'i fii - qcf.? [Ir

p. !0
tl't = b.) 793.59"R
,"r.. i{
/ t-t | ' , J
,,:' i ; c.) 794.59oR Ib ::.1- \
/.1' d.i 795.59.R
Pa \1') ;

-7 ' ,'. -'

44, The diameter of sectidn 1 of a Vehturi tube is 0:3fi. ,The diameter of
lt . [.,' 'i] , section 2 is 0,15m. What is the flow'rate of a substance (siE:=0,6S) if
lr pressure between sections 1 and ,2 is LL.7cmHg?
\ t/
ir 't
, a,) 0.125d' bt-o'3r^ A'" o'o\ : F; 'Pr . P f\t
A I ,q,l
'" t?"-- \I |
, j, o"=fi'l(; Aa : a' ol$
b ) 0,115T f.: -sso t<lf.-
4 s Jri *1111'
/rrgl t,94'P.

l'' jl'"
\7' ., -r,]
'r I

)( I a u.-'1,
u tl\,
45' A unirorm current of air with a speed
of 90 ft per sec. flows around a circutar
cylinder at a distance from,the cylinder the pressure is
atmosphericl what is
the pressure at a point on the surface of thb cylinder located
that a radial line
through the point makes an angle of 15o with the direction
of airflow at Kpa?
a)2t23.8sft bJ_6_1k_q,,r3o),I \
'i 'L \
f /
b.) 101,662.2+ 4 r

d.) 102.57Kpa
46' A cylinder 4ft in diameter and 12ft [ong'is rotating
ut too rpm in air stream of
40mph. What is the lifting force?
a.) 740,42lb 1,, 'A*1, ){l
41]t- nr
b.) 240.42 tb
1111; 'tt t!' )c0 r f't " t/ i!|,
\. I L-7 r i1
c.) 3aa.42lb 11[t ,, t+ (?,i ) t6 .-/,12t

d,) 44A.42 tb
47. A cylinder 3 ft in diameter and B ft long
stream of 50 mph. What is tift?
r '-is rotating dt 150 rpm an air
a.):os.oo ro .,'J . ':1.({
b.)310.66 lb I'
? ({
/(,' !r"'
c.):r 1.66 tb \/ L't.t
d.):rz.oo ro ,

48. Find the R.aynord,Numbbrfor an airprane.wing

4ft chord, moving at 130mph
a.) 4,750,93?-.14 /j!i
/4 tt t
b.) 4,850,932.74
c.) 4,950,932.14
d.) 4,952,932.11
49' What is the force against the side of the
building 70ft long and 40ft high in a
90mph wind?
u.1 +,+,z.ts i :w ../'
11 t , / ,'- '::'-; ,/l r, '' ,

b,) 54,219 lb b ' "k 7 1'

c.) 64,279 lb \'' ', " j" a: ,/;,,., 1: j " -,/./,!, '" ' :'.1
d.) 74,279 tb
50. A stream of air 72 sqftin *oss:ectlol
is moving horizontaily
100mph. What force is requifed to Qt.a"speed of
deflect it downwarO,,iOdwitnort
speed? .i . .,' ,,
loss ln
a.) 641 ,76 tb
b,) 644.76 tb
c.) 6a6.76 tb
d,) 648,77 tb

O,/l 7r. l\
Feati University
Helios St. Sta. Cruz Metro Manila

" Feati Aeronautical Engineering Board Review Program

Computational Aerodynamics Mock Board fxam

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

r'--E"-"r----'-- ft and a density altitude of 32'000 ft. Calculate the outgide.air-- -- l

temperature ";-
1. Consider an air.plane ftying at a pressure altitude;of 33,500
l<-- A77 61'L
.' *^ ;;, Sitt *, n
t;:t;::::tv ilt t
2. An F-15 supersonic fighter aircralt is in rapid ctimb. At the insrant it passes fl,f;,,ir, u ,runr]* ,,,*r"lJ---o'#
rate of change of altitude is 500 ftls, which by definition is the rate of climb. Corresponding to this rate of climb at 25,000 ft is
a time rate o.i change of ambient pressure. Calculate this rate of change of pressure in units of lb/ (ft2) (s).
a. -16.16 lb/fd s c. -20.25 lh/ft? s
b. -l7.l7lb/ft2 s d. -19.88 lb/ft2 s

3. An airplane is flying at a velocity of 130 mi/h at a stnndard nltitude of 5000 ft. At a point on the wing the pressure is 1750.0
lb/ft2. Calculate the velociry at that point, assuming incompressible flow. (tit'hf
T V,'' , ?, 4 Ad"' lTct i t's
a. 220.5 fps
b. 218.9 fps
@216.8 fps
!,. rr""'' l-A/'
r, 7
d.212.sfps,!,,,,,u,o,*]]|,{;:,).p6Sltt,fz,t75a|Y.E1-,,l,.ffi{,1,:' ynwtf #;i*1
4. A supersonic transport is nying at a verocity ,, fi;#;;. k;"J;;), aff{,wrii
the flow over the wing is 793.32R. Calculate the flow velocity at that point.
a. 6.9 fps c. ?.9 fps V " /o)' "lt G?n )
b. 6.3 fps d.7.2 {ps h l]r'mi +r
5. Consider a low speed subsonic wind tunnel with a nozzle.J;.L'rt""i1ltio of l:20. One side of the mercury manometer is
connected to the settling chamber, and the other side to the test section. The pressure and temperature in the test section are I
atm and 300 Iq respectively. What is the height difference between the two columns of mercury when the test section velocity
is 80 m/s?
a.3.8 cm c. 2.8 cm
b.3.2 cm d. 2.0 cm

6. A pitot tube is mounted in the test section of a low speed subsonic wind tunnel. The flow in the test section has a velocity'
static pressure, and temperature of 150 mi/h, 1 atm, and 70 X', respectively. Caleulate the pressure measured by the pitot tube.
c.20721b/ttz atr bt (,'*
5QZnZrcnt 7.- b ?- i
- 0.r)(p.rzzz,ro''\
?. The altimeter on a low speed airplane reads 2 km. The airspeed inU{cator reads 50 m/s. If the outside air te*ierature is 280
fi::ru: i.:lln
v \u'rlr p:f,'" i=r*
?:h,lOl 4OPa /=oYe =
,: / fr ,?j^4
8. A pitot rube is mounted in the test sectiorbr n r,rgr' .p""1 ,;;H" J,; *.l:,ir; ,id;i ?:r ;^r!:#io#J1
airflow are 1 atm and 270 tr( respectively. If the flow velocity is 250 m/s, what is the pressure measured by the pitot tube?
a. 1.53 x 105 N/m' c. 1.48 x I05 N/m2 F -- lr+- * lotl?t ?t :

b. 1.55 x tOs N/m2 d.1.42 x 105 N/m2 T-=Q?or

' I

P. I ) D-7 ' ;,1-p ^,. I

9. Consider the flow of air through a supersonic nozzle. The reservoi" pfrirul and temperature are 5 atm and 500 K,
respectivelv. If the Mach number at the nozzle exit is 3, calculate the exit pressure, temperature, and density.
r. i.ez r ton N/m2, 190 K 0.550 ke/mr c. r.45 x t0{ N/m2,18r.6 rL 0.252 kg/m3
b. 2.09 x 10d N/m2, 208.7 I( 0.673kg/mr d. 1.37 x l04N/m2, 173.6 trq 0.267 kg/m3

10. Consider an airfoil mounted in a low speed srrbsonic wind tunnel. The flow velocity in thetest section is 100 ftls, and the
conditions are standard sea level. If the pressure at a point on the airfoil is 2012 lb/ff, what is the pressure coefficient?
a. 1.18 l:21^ c4 . ?::-b
-- elotz th/41, ,-_ _ellA O l!p.=
b. -1.18 _!i
0>1.28 ? - tOi)(,,elrn ar,lollOrzT
11. Consider the Northtrop F-5 fighter airplane, which has a wing area of l7O te. The wing is generating 18,000 Ib of tift. X'or a
flight velqcity of 250 mi/h at standard sea level, calculate the lift coefficient c, . ?
$/o.oozo c.0.6526 .f-. l7o+r - ; pv' .
- e ,''+
L. t
I.o.seez d,a,4662 Li tq,ffDrlr
v.. 3t1r n,rl. /rz ). sCl.Qj lfh
-, (U" s fc'' 0 ?rc,

12. Consider an airfoil in a freestream with a velocity of 50 m/s at'itandard sea level conditions. At a point on the airfoil' the
pressure is 9.5 x 104 N/m2. What is the pressure coefficient at this point?

b. -3.71 d. -3.81 "Y-

13. The wing area of tAc Lockheed F-104 straight wing supersonic fightcr is appoximatcly z1:Dff.If airplaneweigts th
16,000 lbs and is flying in level flight at Mach 2.2 at a standard altitude of 36000 fT estimate the wave drag on the wings.
a. 366 lbs c. 326 lbs
b.386 lbs d. 376lbs

14. The Cessna Cardinal, a single engine light plane, has a wing with an area of 16.2 mz and an aspect ratio of 7.31. Assume
the span efliciency factor is O.eZ. ff tne airplane is flying at standard sea level conditions with a velocity of 251 km/h' what
-' t" }Pf
the induced drag when the total weight is gtOO Nt ',
',f l(r
znt' Ct;
-t'tt , 6i' ' -ifi" cv'
' ,b7 fnr;-l )
a.r49.5N c.I39.5N tl-i Tt- fr,, 'ffilG,ltrrr\

b. rse.sN d.l2e.sN r --
.r._ a Gz
zrtffl_,;/JY")({;.), (1,7t ny .i . i ,r, gt #ii,)r, ,,
is 7780
15. Consider a light, single engine airplane such as the Piper Supii' CuU. If the maximum gross weight of the airptrane
N, the wing a"""1, 16.6;2, and ttre maximum lift coeflicient is 2.1 with flaps !!e .stalling do3frlglgtg
speed at sea level.
km/h km/h tl. 17 yoN = t!fl\tZ\fl
,i; r;,To')
c. 75.3 {q
a. 64.5
b.32.8 km/h g) oa.z rmnr u", n, (,,h (!,1
,, (

Air'ixecutive transport. The
airplane weight
is- \o ry-l
--41'y _
16. Consider an airplane patterned after the engine Queen
38.ZZ0N, wing r""^ i. 27.3 m2, aspect ratio is 7.5. Osrvald efficiency factor is 0.9, and parasite drag coefficient Cp,o= 0.03.
Calcrrlate the thrust required to tly at a velocity of 350 km/h at a.) Standard sen level nnd b.) An altitrrde of 4.5 km.
fl.TR("r..nt*rD=5179N,TR(nr',t.surnl=37 ll N C.TR(utro, lrvog=5200NrTn(crl.sLm)=3,400{-
b.TR(ot,n"t*uU =56OONrTn(,,)=4000N d'TR(orr""l*uy=4179NrTn(",+.sL-)=3611N

17. The maximum lift to drng ratio of the World War I Sopwith Camel was 7.7. If the aircraft is in flight at 5000 ft when the
engine rT:?Irli::c*n it gride measured arong':i:"::l:; -- h ('-) = ( 8r,rrr ( 7'r)
.- l

b. 7re (pzo ^it", l.nti k, ) f | 610 (*# + ) Dj4<_!/, *

1g. Consider an air.plane with a parasite drag coe{Iicient of 0.025, an aspect ral'ro of 6.72, and an Oswald elTiciency factor of
a7! ia; <:r=2cun
0.g.Calqrlatethevalueof(L/D),** eb,-, Cu= Vlrf
@ rs.zs ,|.y:
c. 14.78
19. A supersonic nozzle is also a convergent-divergent duct, which is fed by a large resi voir at tne intlf fdif,e nozzle-In th6
reservoir of the nozzle, the pressure and temperature are 10 atm and 300 tr[ respecti zely. At the nozzle exit, the pressure is I
culate the temperature and density of the flow at the exit. Assume the flow
llow is isentropic€nd'
isentropicand, ol course, com{esslDl,\,.,
of courser compressibl
atm. Calculate (> ^ rs.t
L-- ,ottz'ZPn*- lot>tt l'E-ffi.)'ff)
... t /.

a.Tr=l55K,pn=2,26k81m3 c.Tn=l50K,pp,=2.20kg/m'^
b.Tr=l4sr( Fr=t.26ks/m3 d.Te =ls3K pn=2.Z2kslnf

A pitot tube mounted on the

wing tip
): =
a1lressure of 1650'
w ffij
20. The altimeter on a low speed Piper Aztec reads 8000 ft. measures
b.2e5rps ef;';;" ^'i',H l;,, b-=T;crrp,r ,i; ,'':'j; t, o .6*r
21. F'ind R.N. for an airplane wing 4 ft chord, *orin! ut'rso *prr. # rr ail [""im** fl il ;s ^ - ,fr \!A:tr:J1 ;
c. 4,300,000 tn . -9!? P: { r 7, tTu- ri}t"
b.3,400,000 d.s,300.000 ,'"'l*,*^,i4;,;X;i
a. 4,5fi),000 pr.t 'fl9
f b .1

,=uo,r.,)Iry = r."u ,,' v ,,rr,=,,!:,:,,

22. A horizontal pipe, I ft in diameter, tapers 8 in. in diameter. If the flowis 500 cu ftof water perminute, what is---- . -. )
the difference between the pressures at the two sections! t Vtt'Co wt1Y9!-, q

LL t;trT .
: ,, .,
ili:|?lil i",'-"i': ;i.ffi ,','
O= 9:
-,," Y ;fiT-;)'.{ li,!.;rr,.' /
c Tqc u '"t
23. Alcohol (spec. Grav = 0.80) is flowing through a horizontal pipe, which is 10 in. in diameter, with a velocity of 40 fps. At a
smaller section of the pipg thrre is 6 psi less pressure. Asssuming that the flow is smooth. what is the diameter there? Zl,(t411'
_a.0.g5ft c.0..l5ft -j 0Jo . .- ." J,.'1. " 5't,,o Pr,qqrltorn): l ttr# , 01V, =

@o.iirl d.0.80rt ur..ii,li,ro:'0,,^- 6atr rs1 . a ,yD!=r,re

- b Fq.\ ti f>- d' P,
downwardl0degreeswithoutlossinspeed? t=7,{1 z.^ f - ?nt',fZZ7-1c'le)
;.i3lll- d:Iil '':o'"1;'"q?) 'tub

, = 64;.'t o \:o';'L th,

\ 25. An airplane weighs 7,000 lb, the wing area is 460 sq ft,.the cl of the wing is 0.85 and t\9 cd
is !.QS)tSnat
power is required
by the wing at sea levet? N-
-1,'rl. tx . FPrr., y_^ *' iA'"|'=-, o ur)@,t Xo ii.],,).(v)'7a4tt)
%lill ;iilll z,l!j,!l;, ,-J.,.1')#-,-,'.-,h+ ,"{;y'ri;i::l* "r
' /h /t',

Y+rotn d.3r5lb t-',
d.Jrslb [rI],,,...
'r;-I^:;r:,rr(t;), 31 c+1, \7=.fuQ
)J .t,6 ,,tt-, {"?
f=;;1 [1
27.At anairspeed of 95 mph at sea level. whal is the indriced-dlad'rif n mo,,oplnqe wfighing 4,7q0 t and of

;_" i,*i*,* FWra)L,tt#IL,*ffin(w4ryyl

0i ' t-b/ LTt,
Fairchild monoplane weighs 2,550lb; its wing span is 36 ft, 4in. At 5000 ft altitudq what is the induced drag at an
2g. A . _ - 1

-d'4,'erb i. ?;ll;, ';-1ffi\W,1re*'Ot''-rsot+)'J

airspeed of 122 mph?
b'ss'erb Go1,r,!
lr-$il:I ft): lrVW .''^=X"- gm{ffiip 1fr::r:l
2s' AnK5i a"" -'f vo' r'u ot:tfi lvry)rl-"'
r#ving iifffi" rl;*HP' V;l U6*#"y;.,'-
\--l -r. -lo'rr\ t,
v; {60,,.pt'. az'n ,Ja {R v., =ilrz}-c\q)
30. An airplane is flying at 500 knots iri air at -50 F. What is the critical velocity? =4q..oz,Jffi*
Vr= ?lf .ya+U . f ,t zttet a *ith
?';iH:[ "'#H:',: .q:,ilLiii.xf#iiifi!ffi

o- oi-nrana flvinc of dOO knnfs nt 25^O00 ff ,lfihrde- find the critital va

32. For an airprane rrying at

a. -0.765
,'q-0.583 '*uu-orfi,.
press,ure coerlicient T'f-pq

ft ft
a. 14,900 c. 17,500 r \-, - -IJ- . -
;;;;;;-.Jfi:,:;; *4g,;:'
a. 13.9
c. 10.8 f ":,:',':ffia' #**'i
,r, J' * r?,t
d. ll.7hp ur^- / 'H' 16,6?6 ltt-r
lpn.tnv ,.

35. rhe service ceiringoran airpran-,f;i'i,l['il'rn".nt" rr]"],#t* rpm. what is tr,"

36. At sea
;i1tBI \i,}nr"Mfp'ffi,
- ffi-io4t^
level, an airplane weighing 5,200 lb has 135 excess horsepower. Its iB-19'000 ft
Howlong litlit'iake- -
r\i* tl. I /^r\ I '+- ,- + _ ,g,m+JL /1qfi\.tr,LN? r tt^t t- ^.

ll.2min d.9.50min l! ' lq'tt'rx Far' v?arcrD p. Lo:, gy.1rrr,,

b. *l )t.r=*
r]. I1 = '-lo.l?^ir,
- -.---fI
rUSCOJIlbe tfafnel.
37. A Lus_combe climbs yUU
CItmDS 900 lpm
fpm AI
at sea level. I{ow
SeA levef. does it
Iong UOeD
nOW r(,ng la[e fo
rr take ]U r;llltlu
climb to [u r.r servici:ttilin['
its Dsr vrrE uErrrrrtsr rJrvvv
15,000 ft?

,.a)4t.zmin^in c.43.4nrinRC6,ItDtp,. fl = l[4lr+t ,r,F l',{ ,,,
d..r2.emin il"l rJ,m{r 1,. _,;;;,
t, 4gt,,,"r1 " 9l'r,:''
3g. An airplane takes 7 min 30 sec to reach 8000 ft attitude. In that same time interval (i.e", 15 min from sea level) it reaches
13,600 ft altitude. What is the ceiling?
a. 25,400 ft c.26,667 ft
b.26,467 fi d. 27,100 ft

39. In still air, an airplane can maintain an 8 degrees angle of glide with airspeed of 96 mph. At that same airspeed, what is tfie
true angle of glide when gliding irr the same direction as a 20 mph wind?
a.5.9 deg c. 6.0 deg
b. 6.6 deg d. 5.0 deg

- ' "
40. An airplane weighs 3,000 Ib and has a landing speed of 50 mph. what is the landing speed with 500 Ib additional load?
v* ' ce'"n) ,@
i::iffif ;:llt* $r1 ,*,,,
v- t ,.trr'
t$i^ t
t',,-' srrntQ
,-- izl.nPb
41.A basic h.aining plane weighing 3,530 lb has a landing sp-dii? of 58.5 mph. What is the landing speed after 350 lb of fuel
have been burned? W.= ?,r ?r, lr, ,,Yt;
QfB0/lr- lfDlt-r = lt!'Dl!"*
a.65.9 mph s3.8 mph v), r-i s , ^1rl th,f
{ . (i6.r
b. 60.5 mph ".
(Qss.s mnrr ' h5 _l ^rrl) !
i\ 42.
J;1, gr_ i?
An air.plane rvith 300 sq ft of wing area has a landing speed of 40 mph. If wing area is redricpd to 250 sq ft' what'is theY'

Ianding.speed? (- , r -- c,.,
mph .f; ?0-D fl ' Zt0*l V."\S
; tunph T? V.]i" = V.llt^ ' .* ,t \;
b' 42'5 mph d' 42'e mph v
i*r'. \m, j_!fi-r_"?l i
43. An airplane is making an endgrance flight and is therefore flying constantly at the angle of minim\m powe:irdquiredat
which angie Cy:0.715, ooa Cn,:0.060. If the engine burns 0.5 lb per hp per hour, if the propeller efficiency is 837o and if the
wing area-is ZSS rq ft, how long may flight be maintained if the airplane takes offryi-th 6,000 lb gross weight of which 2,000 lb
'- ' -
arefuel? r . \ i --!:!:- (:-" .,": . -'r \

b. 26.9 hr d. 29.4 hr
It has 3'8 sq ft
clark Y wing of 216 sq ft area and oh-
80 gal of fuel' has a
44. An airplane weighs 4,000 lb and takes off with Assume fuel
eqrrivarent flat prate ,.u" or po.urite. It has "-1;;
h;;dine. rfhe ma-*imum efliciency of the properler is78
'- " per. nnp fel hr and maximum velocity to be 135 mnhrf
consumption to be 0.SS
il 'r* li" i "';'
, i
l;llllfi ;:i:|H,";i r(-= nr-i
h )'-tD(r"
ti \il "'i) / "''(
the centrifugal force'

175 mph with an angle of bank of 50 deg' calculate

45. A nlane of 3,800 lb gross weight is turning at
'Q.aszstn c.442etb _ \l +o.P = +f
565 ft radius. What.[6ulU be the airspeed?
- +.-= ,f paoh)ct,n rD" ).
: '-
olruJrrriluru'r t_ -
airplane is making a 40 deg. banked turn of
46. An
c.80.3mph *l o d 4ttq Vtt/
6sa.z mph d.8l.9 mph --F- -- /t
:'---'-' )(

. Annir.ptane is making a trrt.n of 1/8 mile radius

at a speed of 225 mph. What is *-Io"t ,", ,r:|7 ,;aL
s.o c.5.5 -1, rl = t-;i- :ri
n" " 1' , D'
;:;'; r- J"';- r*t'' f);'1 v= ?'r n, l{\ ''Y'- .,1.t;7'ra^^

4s. An airplane is flying horizontally
at 250 knots. Three seconds later, iJ ir nvirg it t#
t *u speed but an angle of ctimb of 20
deg.Whatistheacceleration? {' ZA Pnok * l:6L9 " 4Z?-?i' 1/S
a. 1.53 g c' 1'48 g
b.1.75g d'l'68g t')< ,t 4
t 20' n,tb C-Y."-::"
rJ -\)
;. ..

(-_ f---
7-\.-\ l , ,:l* L I
- rlt, 1{
7"tu \

(-t-J - I
\ co< 6
w 7P'
=Lahi '\lz

atV )--rl -')

Prepared BY:
Engr. Kenneth Rene Ian M. Talag
Aerodynamics ReYrewer 4 't]
.l= \ C^Ar't:q* l (i,or)

\r, r-ot,zr *(g,)

lt' @1,)
==--y I


Mfkcfrort,cYDntc 1. Score:

of 400 tickets, urtrat is

Aman bought in a tottery for a price of P20,000' If there are a total
*re mathematical exPectation?

a. P600
b P2s0
c. P800
d. P500
moves around the sun is
2. The rnajor a:cis of the elliptical path in which the earth
is 1/50' Determine
approximately 18d,000,OitO mitis and the eccenfiicity of the ellipse
the apogee of the earth. I


a. 93,000,000 miles lrl ,------/,, ----
r !CL
b. 91,450,000 miles. 6o '|
c. 94,335,100 miles le (,660,gL lJ .'' ''- 60c
s+, miles
@ ' d ;' 9l' 0l"D tlrfl) -' 'A * r'

. The area bommon to a two parabolas 5x2 and y2=1 is revolved about the y-axis, find the
voiume generated.

z. 3 *lpr cubic units

b. 5 rr,lper cubio units
r.. + ipercubic units i
d. 6 nlper cubic units

ti. Lrivide the number 60 into two parts so that the product P of one part and the square
tite other is a maximum, find the smaller part.

e.. 10
L A{\
e?9 ib-- -j r
r'20 n
d. '30 \/
/\ 4-/l

The sum of the uumgrical coeffcient in the expansion (x'2y+32)6

a, 32
b. 68
c. 38
$9, /-l
Determine the distance of the line 12x-5y-65:0 from a point (3,'4)
-(ilcO +es
11.6 O-r-
P* +b3 lc d = G X-)
v 8.46 b if [' *B' - {- t'f"q>'
10.24 it= a.zl

Solve for the general solution ofthe differential equation'

(PF3XD2+D3+2):0 where D is the differential operator d/dx where x=l. Determine y in
terms of the constant of integration

a. 2.71,8C+ 7.389C + 20. 086C '

b. 0.386C + 0.135C + 0.5C

c. 0.368C + 7.389C + 20.086C
d. 0.368C + 0.135C + 20.086C

Aright circular cone is generated by revolving right triangle with a 20 cm hypotenuse

about its vertical side. What is the ma:<imum volume possible for the cone?

a. 4192 tl *{:!
b. 3869 llVo"
c.'3225 :.L-L-\
/l \
d. 3547
f . tltoL',ah2
--fraEf- .7 \9

*4#-#H; clv. li)

k"* -W=tr'L
v =+(b\.)
4N -
ar -''
Jo?-- l-+t){'
f oi qffi -h*
r ,h
+( Tr'h )
u, I /-- -ltt
' \3'
V'- yLhn-h') h
\,' -- 0fi rr tl-rr ) - r Cll'$)'
'A -4\a'' 65
4Or fit V, gzzg' sa n
0 a\,ytr -t\-
4[xP'= ffi1>
g. G-number are generated recursively as follows:

s (o): o for n:0, 1

G (n) = 2G(n-2) + G(n-l) forn=2,3,4,5..:...

Determine G(18)

z. 319525 {ct6l= 3( (tb-' ) + LCbl)

- 2G(ta) + e (lz)
b. 87381
o. 43691 l!t . {6 ctt") . r(n)
d.. 174763 ' lbl ,16 .

i0. Adrawer contains l0 white and 6 blacli balls. What is the probability of randomly
drawing a white and black batl?

a. 0.150
\J. 0.104

above the
i i. A statue 3m high is standing on a babe 4m high. If an observer's eyes are tr.5m
gound, how fi should he stand from fie base in order that'the angle subtendedby the
siatue is a ma:<imum?
? 3.41 m
b.3.71m \\ ,r,,,
. c.
d. 4.41m
3.51 m
I s;I- II

'-/l ..(
th& to limits from r : 0 to
12. Evaiuate the integral of rbin{ with respect to r and S, for the
r : cos$ and from 0: n.
rort nr!'I
a. 114
b ll3
c,r1 1 12

d. il6 n0 $


;;.-il - *, ' .. I

13. A geometio progression is l+z+*+f +... ...+ where z<l /
Determine the sumbfthe series as n approaches infinity'
-- -7

a. t t (1-22)
t tQ-z) T-J
&. I I (t-z)
Ct' 2l (r-z)
lc- J i

\-. :-" k
ia. L(D)y = 6e-2*
where: L(D): Dz + 2D + 3
Find the particular solution ofY

a. Y: ileh /6
b' Y: 11e'2*/6
. c. Y:6e2* /11

15. Determine the limiting value of the following expression as n approaches infinity:
x: nsin(l80 / n) where the angle is in degrees.

(- n '|'|:

4. Infinity
c. indeterminate

1.6. xz f :9 using ttpl" integration

+ and vertical rectangular elemerf rnethod solve the
rvhere fl to z:x

'd. n4
b, 132
e.. t26

i'L y=sin (rcv,l}),y:x. find the area.

a. a.$7
D. a.t43
A a.B7
i8. Evaluate (csc ryul mq where n approaches 0.

nrt/ t
a. I
.ftn nr
b. 0
u Infinity
d. I

19. The expressionffi is equal to

(1' l'"tr,
{ Tan*
b. Cot x
c. Sbc3 x t
d. Csc3 x

. , I - -_D- -__^_
20. Find the inverse Laplace fransforms -.c of;ffi
a. i(tF zo;{w' sin 5ft
b. (tF 4Oerffi sin,50t
0. i(tf 200e10ft sin 50t
i. i(t1= 46tsst sin 50t

2't. evpluate (1-i)6 -J- it

D'( 1- i-''

' a. 0.300
/ 0.125
d. 0.414

22.Differentiate 5arcsin x rinA evaluate the result at r0.8

d' gtegn \ -. I .
a. t.52
dt l. r],
b. 1.83
c. 2.00 L1
1.67 :==1
0 ! 1-,.-
: lcl
23. Abasket contains rm-illgoeg, papayas and watermelons, I fruit in all. Mangoes qostPl2
eaclU papayas iiiitfes-eacn-ana watermelons P50 each. If the total cost of all fruit is
prEb'^ a"triai# trr mansoes. &.
ooSrof the mangoo$.
coitof a
'J- d
flf a-lla c ltroto 1,t
'b. 44 4t,V
a. 52
d. 56

24. Tlnee circles are externirlly tar-rgent to each other. The disknces betw'een their centers are
50cm between circles A.and 8,46 cm between circles B and C, and 40 cm between
i ciriles C and A. determine the diameter, in cm of each circte A B and C respectively.

a. 56 for A, 36 for B, 44 for C ,,4,c., IIdpos 4a

b. 40 for,\ 50 forB,46 forC ( -\ff}
c. ,5O forA, 46forB,40 for C 'Ir(}g/ ) 1 dc' AC ) I
,{ q(br Au S?forB, 38for C \7 o|l,'-1o
ttc -Lo-
Py-_o- b-"t6 c.f6
25. Eight rnen can excavate 15 m3 of drainage open canal in 7 hours. Three men can bacldill
10 m3 in 4 hours. Howlong will it take 10 men to excavate andbackfill 20m3 in the

@ 9.87hours
- 3qY2 9:!
,' ' * 6s)c4) = (lb)cx)
b. 7.65 horus lD
c. 8.?6 hours /a A. .
d' 10' 98 hours K -- q- 67 h'(

26. Find the eqtration of the lpe passingthru (6,8) and pass thru a point 5 units distance from
the origin. .a
(b,b) : J=:Mte+-tc
a. 0.925x- 1.319y + .5,= 0 d= S: \0'+B-
b. 0.616x-1.087y+5=0 rri.e,b 5-= $fpJ-g-cu\ .,c
c. 0.393x+0.919y-5:0 '-/ -(- r" u
,i. 0.393x-{.StSy + 5:0 i G'l' "')'
fp'n B')" eP t 6a+ c
(:> -
tl -, IWJ'b


'l '' / r-..itdd.+k+-i. - . -'i' 1,1

2l . Findthe inverse Laplace Transforms of
Sin wt (vl)/ \
a. --n1 "-P /
b. eot sin wt J,s-?a
cos wt -t-
A eut wt
3c*R A

28. Determine the ar,ga in ! ofthe largest right triangle th:it can be inscribed in a eirlle
cf 10 cm radius.

a. 80 0o' )*o
b. Da
e. 140 ,@ 0, '
f/f '
d. 100 0a, lfrt

29. A and D are independent evbnts. The probability that event A occurs is 0.2 and the'
probability thatA and B occur is 0.04. What is the probability that event B will occur?

a. 0.33
,/ :

/c. 0.20
d, 0.17

30. The rate of growtfo of a population is proportional to the present population. If the preient
populatioais 1,000 initially and is 2,000, then hours later, how long will it take in hours
to reach 5,000?
a../ 33.M . ?^
lo -_ ,' lD, F= Re'
y 23.22 i P= {, [r-,) q,fl'@-'
.c. 27.86 | *= 10""
d 19.35
(. i .
r' lttz = bP
r' o obqe /o.oaqr)c+)
5,fifl, liorS e
}, ir: eaobqT.Ji,
1; ' !!o u|q)!q'5r
- * t.q,
| _!
i. .. t i,.. i- i", :..idtr.:{*il!i;i{[^!. F,J

and give its area.
( = (*- h)'n CYL| = r*
0r, (=
3'rZ:1J, W
(x -h )'+ (Y - P)- '
d. 29.49

@. e@
32. Determine the s&ution ofthP ineqnality *<g.
a. x<-3 xz1
b -3<x (
o -3SxS3

33. Evaluate the.double integrat of rdrd$ f.or the limits r, from 3 to 4 oos 0,
for $ from 0 to $

':nl2 nl:a'P;$'I l{'o"J 1J, -:r

b. -rl4
nt3 J,'d'$"" J, '':
J.'" 1:.,r["ri,
3 :

c. -rc t r-' l' l( Y:f

d 'l'
C. -nll -1
*.r r'4
-qY -Y"J
e 4if$'-(+)'l
- i
34. Solve the differential equation cot xdy and ydx:0.
:1 I

.b. Y=cCOtx tdl l4*- o "r 'l'^

c. y:csinx ;i tr*'fr,-o"*
-lnr, -

. d. Y:ccosx - ,.Aqt '

t'v ,kL^l J,,9
lnJ n i6 gi, f.,, ..
i .-"
35, Give the following pointq on the ry plane (1;1), (4,5) and (7,9)
If lhe poilq are collinear,
determine the disincg the fartheslpoints, If thb.points are not collinear- determine the
longest distance betrnteen $e points.

{n -, d' 1Z"-r;!; (j,-i,)

b. 10,
{ zta,zzs \t'
u. 215,325
c. 217,186
d 216,96t

ion ofthe sum ofthe following series 12 +.22 + 32 + 42 + " " + n2

a. 8-: n(n+1)(r*2)16
b. S : n(n+t)(n+2)(n+3)/7
c. S:n(n+2Xn+3xn+4y7
C S = n(n+tyZn+ZJo

3g. rlf any l0 of the 26 letters o{the alphabet are chosen to represent the ten diglts, 1,2,3,4,

rA.%x 1or3
) b. x 1012
' 1.93
c. x loro

39. Find the value of x in

' XY+ XZ:'i \
XY+ YZ:l
XZ+YZ: -3

.o' JL )(U g t

d. t4 '$, = F : ts
. ; -?xr| .,-X
40. In how many ways gan we seat 7 people at a round table with a certain 3 people not in
cgnsecutive order?
. :

' a. 3960' ... .

b. 689
e. 5320
d. s76

,, tiaq:r;1m,.,r.. r
'lqo-z\1 w' )'
.\ . ,,
\- . \>. - ,m.rl: ,rI

4i. The perimetor of

l lctanglp is 100 Cm while
its diagonal is 32 cm. its area is

"l ,f
* P=2L1r* _,
*- );,,;;\---
dfru - lson/+S 'lw

42.1f lg kilos of gold loses 1 kilo, an{ 10 kilos of silver loses 1 kilo whenweighed in water,
find the weigbt rif gqld ip a bar of gold and silver weighing 106 kilos in air and 99 kilos
'in water?
a.T6kilos :

, b.55 kilos
cz 84 kilos
d: 68 kilos '.

43. Tickets to tlr6:school play sold at $ 4 each for adults and $ 1.5 each for children. If there
were fourtimes as many adult tickets sold as children's ticket, aad the total receipts were
$ 3,500, how many Lhildren's tickets were sold?

a. 300
. "''$'. c 9 11'
' i-. Aerrab . f 'Fc"t
b. 100 .
4x x
,t " .

c. 150
{:* 4 qO q l'cY = 41zi
44 What amount of moaey invested at8 Y+percent yields a$ Z,MS return per year?

a. 2500
b. 3000
d 3ooa0 F'a{ 7.f
, d. 20000

2u5 lrJ =J/


@ | 517 .?,, J
c. 5 Ll7
d. 3 1/8 --.(
* *J
J x
x='fl . rlr .i{r.!ril[ri&a ' uI'

-tj; I

l-7t (
whjch is
iwneAyoboric acid is to be mixed with 2 quarts o{.a-15ture
a solution which is 12 % boric acid' How much
of the
15%boric r"ia i" o'r?b;i"
670 solution must be used.
3 quarts
{ tquart
d. 4 quarts \v 1l \

leavgs homefor skedunk 400 miles ayay.-Aft12 hours, he has to reduce his
' ' n*ottv
-+1. gas and reaches skedunk 9
;;;J;y ;ilbh il- tp tttn-rf n" t1t.. t horu for lunch and
ho*, aiter he left h6rne; what was his intitial speed?
t 4t'i' -' - -t

a. 120 mPh
, .'
t- ,'1.;

T*, I
*- I
b/65 mph
V- 4r,"
-c. 100 moh 't ct'rd(tD
d. 50 mPh 4oo ' 1v)Cz)
V - bf lnlr)
makes it in time to catch ttre
4g. Jeanett' rides her b'it e to tfr"'bus station where she barely
anhor:ronthebus' If
bustowork Sft rpriOrhalfanhouronherbikeandtwo-thirdsof
the bus t uurtr fe irph faster than she tavels on her bike,
and,t': t:ql distance from
V,. V,.ri l (= l +
{12 mph,51 mPt I
t- =zhr
b. 13 mph,50 mPh o

c. 20 mph,50 mPh ,{0 t,' t '!z' l2t?1.

d- 15 mph,75 mPtr 'Vrt, * V7t- = Yz- -r*f'a7r
]ll,'r"rc{) ,- 4o
(V')to rl
.r V,= ll -
is Sifeet more than the width. Ilit,takes-l Z-+ m6lding
49. The length of a room ryi.* the room's dimensions?leetof
g";;;*dthe perimeteir of thti room, what are
a. L5,t7
{:g,qq zrl 7
-- rzl
c. 100,24 I

d. 80,44 r L= ,{tVl6 P =rL +2U

l=Q)Ctb)+r> l>0s z-(zwlo\ +
L -- ,rtl \l: /t

'r i';!4'auaGtr' ' r

50. The perimeter'ofetriangular laum is 42 yards. The first side is 5 yards less than the
second, and third side is 2 yards lsss than the first. what is the length of each side of.the
J-{ -A 4
vt- - -t+b* (-
a. 18,14,12. 1/)J &-5
16, 13, 11 4t= $ +b+c
15, 12, 10 ' f. \z_y '
rl' L' cb-f)+b,t ."-.)
d. !g,tzlv e= lb_r 4z--cb-f) +b, (b-s-z\
, a> l> b=/b
It t - l?->
51. Cne side of a rectangular meJal plate is five times as long as the other side. Jf the
perimeter is ?2 meters, what is the length of the shorter side of the plate?
a. 6,32 ^ *.-'-
u., s,30, ' L.._l " ?, zt tztt
d' s'32 L-- 5<
fuz(lr) * :c")
'' ' -/-
What is the number?
SL.Thetens digit of a,certain nirmber is less than the units digit. The sum ofttre digits is 11.

\]-l /(,+ - 6-l

a. '1,4 tLtS
b. {v Cr. l0t + t)
c. 8,3 ;,
d. 9,2 h-l'f +') >7@:n
tl = z
ll --:u- l), C

53. A straight line where the curve is approached more and more closer but never touches'it
except as a timitingposition at infinity.

a. Latus recfimr:' a

b. Asymptote
c" Directrix 'l t
t!. Axis of symmefiry I

54. The ring area boun{ed by two concentric circles

a. Torus
b, Annulus
c. Shell
d. Cycloid

,/ ..r

,'' 55. A succession of number in which one number is designated as first, another second,
another is third and so on is called-

' a. Order
. b.. Sequence
:., , , ,... 'c.. ProgfeSSion- ,,'"
. d. Successioo
- ,'. ,. ,: t.
,., 56. What is the cgye.r?presented by the equation r:6?
' l--- 'i"'' .'il
a^ Ellipse: i
,. ,b- Circle i r :
ci Hyperbolai ',t'
d. Parabola ".,",

" -''.., r. ,rl;,, .l

57. Which.of the follolyjng'crwes describe the tajectory of a projectile launched with an
initial angle an{velpcrtjr
''-1--7 fromthe ground, whose flight is influenced only by gravity.

' a. Hyperbola ;
b. Parabola
.ird..r C. Ellipse ,r*

.a r.t

t 58. An experimgld'*ing design is elliptical in shape with a span of 12 feetand eccenricity

_ of0.87. find the ch.qrd at the root. :l

a. feet
7 6, . 0'67 t \- c
, C
b. 5 teet C =-l Qs
Sfeet "i : ,
z -
C $1'' ?
d 6 feet ,, i
': ..,.,.,::. ii
59. is the wing plg{o* having the lowest possible value of induced drag?

a. Rectangular
b/Elliptical . r,, I

- c. Trapezoidal''
d. Dqlta ' I :

,r,rij;r,it.\ir'r. n. nr
lr I'l.i- i,.iia.rr[w.i
Pre Board Examination
Dt W
v s
Date: ' lrl

'1 1. A heat engine is operated between temperature limits of 1370 oC and 260oc. Engine is
supplied with 14,142 kJ/kwh. Find the Carnot cycle efficiency in percent.
A. 70.10 f, /L-

c. 65.0s !lt
2. Assuming compression is according to the law PV = condfunt. Cat.ulate the initial volume of
gas at a pressure of 2 bar which will occupy a volume of 6 ms when it is compressed to a
pressure of
42bar. ?v "*.
Pr@= ?rr/ ',-^\
B. 130 ms CQ*' )
C. 120me U
D. 136ms \ t - lza\
3, A gas is enClosed in a with a weighted piston as the top boundary. The gas is heated
and expands from a volume of 0;04 ms to 0.10 m3at a constant pressure cjf zOO kpa. Find the
work done;iJ*n. system. ' =,t?[!ip,e vn p?e =
,r ,),, ": "'' :i 1. -1, ?
B, 10kJ -,7 .n'
!* 14 MJ wo'P' L*V?,r,t r,.tDtrt1- D-04'/tt

4, A carng(ensine- operates between 800eR to 1000oR.

-,_ --,-*--,.-r;
*n., [Y#;;#ts.iency?
d{.Lv-tgi! '$ t-u rf{ 7
B. 3oo/o *s, |,-
l?tl-t,*, t} * .1. L
TE- ::*;;--
4- .4
lll r'r
' i.'
D. 500/o '/
5. What is the efficiency of a compression ratio of 6:1 the gas is air,
0.512 ?
B. 0,967
c. 0.456
D. 0.765
6. A piston-cylinder system contains a gas which expands under d constant pressure of 1200
lbflflz,If the piston'ig displaced 12 in. during the process, and the piston diameter is 24 ion.,
what is the work done by the gas on the piston?
A, 6857 ttrti4'd
r- rrrdrUl
, !i;t tt|.,
/ rt.,,n 'r l-
B, t2s1 {b \,' (l : clrc,hw't )tiv't' !

tc. si68
D. 7894
r,?i t1/': PAV , P1lr,rt)
7, An ideal gas is 45 psig ,and 80oF is heated in a closed contalner to 130oF. What is
the final
pressure? i

I$l 54psia
B. 75psia

= 4f P4 6 * tQ"77't - 7*
7 o. 43psia
Ttt -, so:f -t{10 : <10'' R
, <, ,)

-tt &
B. A 2,53 Kj of heat is absorbed by an ideat gas that occupies a volume of 2Z,4 titers at STp. rf
the gas expands isoharically to 32.* titers; Compute the change in the internal energy of the
-l ' gas?
A. r.r:y?: ,t,q'*#;",r-,1 :i \ ;.r: i"'-3.1 ,,-r
c. 4.53Kj .., *,
&.*- i'{ u, i' '
,, r

\ D. s:+ti,
( 9,JAn ethyl alcohol vapoiizes at its boiling point of TB.C with a latent heat of vaporization.l00
"*r" Kj/kg.Determ.ihe.theichangein,entropy. ,,,.-*.,:,,,.* ,,'.
{ L,r ViC
-" i}ii ,i " *r
, !7K)lK
#frli * ; tS.h;r,* q,:' /N.1;iij;,;= Ja
D' soKj/K
lt=-t6 .r* ,8,11if --* \ f
jropertyz ,: '
10. Which of the following is not an extensive
A. Kinetic Energy
i(f J,.yl, )
B. Momentu,

13. Which of the following is not an acceptable \extended" SI unit? Recall: The SI system is
the MKS system (Meter, Kilogram, Second), but we'll allow the extended SI system to
' include the cgs systgm (centimeter, gram, second), but you can't mix these two systems.
I A. distance mbasured in centimeters ^d/ c+ - c,-
B. pressure measured in newtons per square meter p - C
'' cubic meters '
, ., y. "- o
C. volume measured
-..'. in
ffr.derlslty nieHsured,in grams Fer, cublc meter
f- ,/ 4.
14. Which of the following is a statement of pascdiis law?
A. ?rV'r=Q A. If a gas is maintained at-a constant temper:atufe,'then its vd[ume will'be inversely
r@' lcohiainer,
dndr!-0. lhe lg.veills;'ofrthe 1
c. I ugay imine]st a fluid is buoyed,up with .a ior..
rersed in a"tiiJia'isUrove'aiup:witfi fr equat to the weight of the
fluid displaced
by the body.
one mole-of any ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure will have a
volume of 2?.4liters. i

15. Which of the following islE of Archimedes,s principle?

A, If a gas ls maintained at b.constant pressure, then its volume will be proportional
to lts absolute temperatUre,
B. Pressure applied to an encleseO fluid is transmitted undiminished to every porUon
of the fluid ond to the walls of the cohtainer,

absolute temperature.
{, Boyle's Law
i68 o*rLts :

C. Ideal Gas Law 'P,

D. Newton's Law
17. States that if the tenrpemfure of a- gas remains constant, it's volume varies inversely with

C. Ideal Gas Law {F^-J-&
D. Newton's Law
and liquid fuel is ilower injected, No spalk plug used: High temperature due to high
compressiol:,l,r r.
o y' f.yg:!tiiiif,,'',,.i
Carnot Cycle ,

'1 r Lt'
Diesel Cycle
v, v.v 7- ' .."t., s
,Q,r'u,, g>qffi'-
19. The ideal prototype of theSpark-ignitigllpgnes, Constant volume combtl8tion.
----:*^t- €:
B. Carnot Cycle
C. Brayton Cydl'e
D. Diesel Cycle
of the e substance or system under consideration.

C, Extensive Properties
D. Entropy
21. DependS on how much of the.substance is present or the "extdnt" of the system under
' A, Intensive Propefties

B. Specific heat

D, Entropy
22. Asolar-water heating system uses solar panels on the roof of a large building 10 m above
' the top of a large storage tank. The pressure at the panels is 1 atmosphere, What is the
gage pressure at the'qop of the tank? Take the density of water to be 1000 kg/m', and g -
A. 1 kPa
B. 10 kPa
C. 102 kPa ?
23. The fan rotptional s-pepd of a dual axial,compiessor forward fan eng-ine is the same as
the .! *),t*tifitr
: ar*
6,tl,ot /Epmf gg!:e .S9 1lp l'gs go r:Il,
B. Fonrrard turbindlir;heel:':' '
High-pressure compressor, .

24.The turbine sectiOn of a jet engine

A. Increases air'velocity for propulsion,

,l l:r
25. Using standard conditions,'the standa(d sea level tempeiature is

26. A gas turbine enEine comprises which three main sections?

. i .. I ..
g.rer-tl*+re.q$gg- ffi larrrF?;@@
w TJ
a of the centri compressor is its high

C. peak efficiency.

ffi V6ffiei#Utb,'*dn'EiCIy'lri6:'ffii6ertvririelfiy,"
C. direct b'ir into thE first stage,:rotoi vanes at proper angle. ;- l,Ut,tf ftrttlt, VrNN
29. gg._Ee$'of centilifuE a I co rn presSo r,i m pell e rs a re

30. what are the
A. Turbine and corfipressor.
@n . .
a centrifugal compres(or?

E k <-,.i i l.l-- :-,Fl : li!i.' Yidf r!. ! Y Y!+!' i, I-

31. In which type of turbirire engine combustion chamber,is the case and liner removed and
installed as one unit durin$ routine maintenance?
E. Can annular,

C, Annular.
32' what term is used to describe a permanent a,nd cumulative deformation of the turbine blades
ofaturbojetengine? , ', \
A. Stretch.


C. Corrosion rei5iffiritffiii tondi

39. ot both cold:and hot stream reversing lnclude

vi rHt vvJvw
C. turbojets with ah€rburnel..
40, what can be done to eliminate or minimize the.microbial growthI problem
rrvvrv,'. in
rr an aircraft jet fuet
. & J{$Fq+grrgmU'unti.ffi ua qE i'ii t' u o a tir.r i :
B. Add CO2 as a purgative, f
C. Keep the fuel tdnk topped:off. :

41. The recommended aircraft enqine lubricants are

vegefable, mineral, or synthetic based.

C. animal, mineral, or synthetif,based.'

of the following factors helps:determine the proper grade of oil to use in a pargicular
/ 13^,YIl.h
engrne /

f. fdeqUate lubrication in va{ous attitudes of flight,

9. lor.,"ttug:':l,
introductjgn of oil to the bearings. :
^^Yiri -,r.:l;lri lil
size which'will be excluded or filtered by a cuno-type

&._T_he disc thicknebs,

triyfi eSId[Er.,tfi sKnEssl
c. Both the number and thickness of the discs in the assembly.
44' A turbine
]9,|f-gy-.![r!n tubiication systern of the setf-coni;i#d, high-pressure desisn
A.^has no heat exchanqer. r

F,fi ifnti6ffi'f,"ffi-e3fir$fffi9thg.[1il_{scqvqnse'sub-systefi .
C. stores oit in the enqifi6 iiafiiidise.' .

45. The main oil filters strain the oil dt,which point in
the system?
: I l:::*l:ly :1fl_lr,lu?vgs
th9 sesvehser.,pu,p.'

r&Jm,g$}m{ffi Ifi 8tp:qifltfd'I,|,'#,i.'r"'p"p:

statement is ffue regarding the'air'passing through the
combustion section of a jgr
]l;#Jtn Air pa.r<9ctg ln:ro.l$t -the a1nggr4,on. .f,r^U#-of

;gLE:"lS y_y^f-T:y-f?, + wer .si "ofinb)1

i, r|.

rnnr{itinnina taA.ln;
rLurruiffi :ffi [,fr,sE66,ip4]9ffi#r
a}L^; ..-ir i':
47' A safety feature usually employed in pnelmaii.
qtu,t.ii tlut ir used
--:- if" the
'L' '!v
vclutch does not
IroI thg engine drive at the proper time aurihg
A. flyweightcutout switch. if -t1rr at#ch in rtr"e
fi'er-il. slarfe,a- dors nol rc-teas'p wl en
B.-Spring COUpling releaSe. €i1)ne, s\a-*' +he enltne *)l\'<r,r1vo th. o|^1*- -lo=,,o

L.9:":,1!:S*,lrf ,f ppli_.-dygltase'!dmuchsri'et"r.?.
4e' In frrHtVent a pneumitie'H;,t'GiiiA- ii;;i;idffi.,ilitffiitiffil5f#il;H;lio.
used, the sta[er hin{re must be croseo Jtsciiedtxtd,;i#tditi'biiil;;;;;',-"
A, the stafter will oVerheat,

' :. a '. ":
to' rranalins oalnuoea hermeticdnv:seared rurbine ensine
,!'r',il,.?:|![i'}!: fJ,Sil::.J::r'in
' | l. : 'r
A. compounds in the'tunit may because a flre or exprosion.hazard
expose{to the '
air, .
Fi:sq"Ere coitath"lf;.Olpiiqflve''matErtAiir,,+,,''q1,';',
C. some contain toiiC cniiriiiuir,t'
' ':' '' ' :

FEqTi L-Iniversitv- - A+ro Ervieiv liif i

I\'t*ck Boiircl E :'iari

p ai ihe **d af 6il tlaS''s'

1. lt{ike Litoris buys aT.l,' s*f fi'+nr r+ n:ercheat r.viro *tTet's 2-i.tliifi"iiii
Iv{ike Liiorir rvishes to pay i:nrnediai+ly afld t}re rnerc}i'.uit
ol{*rs tu *i-ritrpr-ri.e tire required amount
+hat is tii+ i=-*,r1iiii'eri airionni?
on the assurnptirt that rnoiley is wrrtir 149;i siinple iniei'esi.
t, ?'{Q{r,-D
A. p 20,?34.87
n= eo da}( -#u
B. P :.$,9?.'3.s7 I' Iq'h
\r-- ^:!'r
r?.p24.42s.s7 P= .Cffi;n'fi't;0,,D(H)f
D. p zs,4i6.z3
f;-p;A, qrq*q c .\
2. The rominal itterest rate is 4 g's. H*rv lrrueh is my
p 1fi.*{10.t}rJ rvart}r iE i* ,"*ta[s in a
cortin$ausly campou*ded ac+ount?

A. p 13,6?0.1S
5lL= { 7.

P = Iora?n
B. F 13,65fi.?fi fl= l0 f'c

@r+,*i*.:s F'It'un. co.o4)q,o)

D.P13,498.6* F=
1, yeir 1, in

r--i'de'r t(i ircciiiiiiilirte F 3.**ii'** ofi

3. Hcr,v mricli milst be invest+ii-cfl11ffinfi;*arf i. Yeirr 6 at 60rir?* f= 2'rrnu
'n* 5 9"(
E.Pl,695.SS ;--6v
@ri.a*s.*c r --i:Ij
F* ;[). -r,1Z.c6v'

D. P 1,595.00

4. Ij F j,000.00 shall ticcrimulfire

T!1{ 5
,Iffiaril{ri 89'ir roinpoiirttltd iliiili"ter'11..
Find the
compounclecl(interest at the end of 1 0 yetl s' rAO
r (t, 4i )
A. P 6,SS5.3ii ? -- stmn
f-.tCr'ri)" - rovlD )
A--l0vl r. Cs,oru)[ fr (ry)l
@;r r,
l-.7'll, o {r ;
c.P6,000.80 - I
.:, ^ j <, 6t, qa r, ,

E. P 6,*1il.?'l
j. A surii of F 1,00ff.fig is investeclnar,l, antl lefi lbr eiglir Yi'til's, at in'liich time the i:rirlciiral
yral-tj. It'ihe e-ffective artnrtal
ivifhifu-arvn. The inieresttht* has accr-uerl is lel] lbr turothe.r'eiglit
tii;' ---f ihe l6tli yeat'?
il-itere*t raie is 5-s4, what will be the rvithilrawli alnotiIl[
irt e'nd
D ,L
pY-u'-u-t=t'\'t""ttI tF" 2 /'
@ v 7us.oo ltfl) fa .E
';' qe) ( t. /' \
B. P T74.00 [. , : "'Jl '
froc ycris
the borrower. Letus tt*refse arsrrmc rrd you ryticdfrrelorl
80,000.00 w?ls ryprored at an interest rate of 149 o of whicfi P I l,2fi]'fi]
uuer+ gi.r*r, a ch*& of P 68,800.00. Since you have to
pay the amount P 80,000'00 one 1rr der'
what r.vill be ihe effe+tive interesi rate:.]

A. ls.p*q+ Y= 1
Tuu'ry^ oJ =. , /rrr"
f ::- ltt?@

i6.3s% 5{\ n., f e'

f?,- f Far

E 16
{;,r'i gt\":'',''
li:-*, nl..y_
?. Ttre a*i:rjnt *f F 1.5$0.iifi rvas i-1e1:r,siteh in u irurit , !fi ye ru's
iig{i. Tlo{iay il is r'Er:sth p 3,tlfttl'S0'
*cl ihis r'tr:+ffilltt'
Interest is paicl serni-arnually. f}*iermine th+ itrt*rest rate p*ir-l
'\:.s-,+ ;,*,*"
f-- try ^ -rCl-*)'''^
14) tr*r,l--.t,',)n
f- C
l"Yorft - i -!i"]R)oo>
B.2.5',,A Y 1[|i0^ Ji-[t --
70,,, ' ''.oiro)i{+)
luuu |
., q.,(*,)

r.$9r =.:r,b
i -- ? (-e)'"' r '
,. y,F,n.f' .:F.
,,, ) . I I M* -, J- /
,,1 t

D.4o,,a '1---.i,, l

g. If tire nominai itterestrnfe is 3?b, ir*r,v much is P 5.CIO.00

-,''rsldl in 1fi -l;*tii's in a*atitinuousli'
corrpounded accaurt?

I,/R - 3
A. P 5,75*.00 't= /"
f- le
^ t', P't

f,u-N ro oa)( lu)

B. P 7,-500.il0
t = Cs,uru)e 4
\r'' T 67qq eq
, (
D. F 6,350.S0
the irrterest
g. Ahank is ailvertisirrg g.5% accourrs that yield Ls.til,t, aiuriialll''. I{oo.r often is
Erz*- 1.84'/" rP- ,(I* %)-
A. daily
i -- q' l'/' 0 aqb/t ,{l + !g)'
B. monthlY --'
- PJ l' oqr
,[n 0 ue04, r,,to (l , ,il'
Y?'(lt a)
.\ Ll.

:l';.' ) l ,, ,,ii,
c,? h
Eo a. Eirl t,: i:e helcl in atrust find Iiy
1fi. Ey tire c<incliticns af a,.r.ill, the surn oflF 25.00u.till is lett
her griar-dia* until it amounts to F 45,0*s.s0. trffh*n rvili the
girl iec*ive the nrotie'y if the tu[ri is

F- 7Ct+ ql)'"
iirve-qt*il *i S9t c*m!'t*unded':1u*iter11'?
o.oa 7 4o
7.4? 3'ear:;
f : -?t1d-fl
F '4rrdo r1!'1[dl'. c&r'mD)[ t *.Tl
B. 7.?5 y=ears
[: g1 -
\i '','6 " f "4r' "l )
rrn tr
C. 7 years

D. 6.8 years
{r ) f '4) lrr
@ tr,ozs.zs tr>10lr"
B. p 17,567.95
t-- q"
c. P i5,678.45 lt, 0 7r

D. P 12,698.tis

1.3. What is the effectirrc rat+ can-espancliug to L60,'6 e orirponticlerl r{aili,'? T#<e I year: 36ft rla1"x-

A.'a vl = u*)," .,: I

vviJg*)* ,-'

*nminal r-at* that if converted quaderly couid be itseti iilstead tbr

1-{-olo conrpounded
13. Find the

A. i4.931h
(\- t+ *)" r/l : ctt{)- \3
, E. L4.739r" cf tY): (tr#)
-' tll 11 ,/o
c. L5.568,h

D. i5.90% l'r ,,1,.

14. lvhich afthe following has the lg'astetTective antual itrteresl rate?

A. l1[lo c*mpounded quarteriY

( l*%)'"-

a) r P'. /fi' Jr-
B. 11.5% courPounded manthlY
,. b-) rP= /'?'l)

Ttr.o coinpounded semi-ailnual ly
I ,) LP= t"'aq rl I

D. 12.2% c*mPounrled ar*uallY A\ ui' /)'"z v.

eirrtrs 99ii campounderl

15. Oire llrndred tlr*usand Fe$os was placed ir a tinre clepusit iltat
irtterest of fifty
qnarterly, tax *ee. After how many years woukl it be able to eam atotai
' thtusand pesos? J?, rii
p= fioo, o-ra
\J .aJ.
D --3,'.:
./ r*?clti )-'r(,J oi' )n'' t

E.4.47 n,. €) ?.
t Fu,of,o : cloo'6ir) f 1r lcq\(
l-l A,JL
rl ?1
Y { o-o' 0"r-d l,.r-, (tro"g)n"
frrir, zlqlo/tot$r\

D.4.63 ,iTi i,o,r-4 tn l'0221

16. The ameunt ofF ?,$?S.ilil iir I year$ at Ssrfi conrpouitdeil ilgarterly is: t) 9{, g,<
r -- c"gzs ) C lr
h.P 4.L66.7i '-tJ)

B. P 4,397.86 F'f 4)01 q7\

c. P 4,188.56
fT. Whaf ra1g (%) coryounded quatert-v is equivalent to 60zo conrpounded setni-mrnually?

= ('t * LY>"
E. 5.$9
qlnu _t

18. The a;1*6iit afF 13.80il,il* in 4 y+rx":; ai 5.n'ir cttni;*r:i:rit,rl cil:ixt*ri,r'is:

1i, o-o!)'t *4
@- r-- cr,fiD.)c I '
B. F 14,?85.34
F- T l9,6ll) 1" \*
c. P 16,31i.36
D. P 15,S47-33

1S. Fi*een p+rcent {1Ss.rn} w-hen e**rtrrcruriileii sei:itl-;iirilrr*ii;i'ruili iir,lr,'c' e-f}e:tiYe rale ot-:

A. i5.93% t?= C t+#)r- t

E. 18.7Sq6 = ctt T). 1

c. 16.*?..",4
Tb 'l-
$. i:.:a--t+ v I

I0. A student deposits p 1,5i)0.00 in a 9sr6 accoullt toda,v. IIt iirtettclr; to iiei;osii another P
S,000.00 at the end of f.r,o ye-in-s. He gtlans to 1:ui'chase il t-ivi, .','eals his lirvcrite shoes r.vorth P
s,000.00. Calculate the money that will h* letl t,,lt- pnrclta"s+.
A.Pr,zsooo F'f lwP ,F\, I

B. P 1,250.0C1
L.?h F . F(? ll + g6rD

lt " ( )q I oa - frtl'
@r r.:ro.on
1r fiqt'o' r't.)'
D" P 1,960.t!0 4to : Clliio>',(lr
I r'o'f tlm 3"
I1. If money is ivorth ri*terirrine iiie irireseltt viilue of a 1;t'rpeiliii'r' o1'O 1.{i{}0'8il 1:a1''able
annually, r.vith the t-rrst i:aytnent due at the entl oi'5 yeiu-s"
iL --,-:4' P= PN ?:
t1 +)
1d.b e.iBr.8T I
7: I;orD
r t'f6o
B. i] 9.1TS.87 fl= [$t

C.P 9,277.64 l-, /"{*ru P,

D, P 9,272.46

af a P 10il.{10 annuiry stariiiig :rl tli+ i':iii rri'tiie iliir"rl y*zu' and
ZZ. 1{hat is tir+ irr*s*rrt rvrrrtlr
continuingtc ihe end of the totuth yeir. ifthe ilnnual iirteresi r"aie is 89','
ft=llrD *-rl---*-=,ll
i'- p I)la:\-'?
| I' rl: toD l
A.p153.4.1 --F-- .-
(t-' .t (l")'\
B. P 152.8e a; /"il'

c. P i5.1.99

tr. F 156.33
intertst rate of
ZE.If p S00 is inv+*qte6 6t the +nd of each year for 6 years. at un et-fectiv* aniiital
TYo,whatis the total arnodnt airailalile upoir the dep6sit ofthe tSth
I I ( trD I
A.Fs,45s.sfi f-E[D
{\'-(0 ti'< rr^t i5.l) Jo' u' f.uJ s?}

E. F 3,544.**
(y 3.577.ff0 ffi=k,n
(ltt) -
D. P 3,688.00

?4. A man inheriietl aregula:" **tlor.vment ofF 100,0*0"ilfi every

encl *f 'i Ilriinlhs t-or 10 yeals

How,6ver, h* may choors to get a singl* lump surrr payn-rent at

th* enci *f 4 yeai-$' Horv muctr is
this iurrrp sum ifii:e ccpt of tnairey is 149ra ctnrpounded quar-terly?

A. P 3,503,,546.0fi r1o
n: xru--
" 4 farlrrrD c n" 4Ys 0"" I
B, P 3,8GX"86?,.Sfi l-: roDrm)
G t 3,roz"e3s.** ft=_*r-1
D. P 3,602,431.00 i,,,+U'
a darvn paynrent of P.
25. A seruice c4. w-hcs+ cash price was F 540,00.00 was bori-uht rvith
tir* i"ale af interest if
162,00fi.S0 *A *ooilriy payment ofP 1S;BT4.ZS tor 5 yeafs.'\4rhat tt'as
compounded rnonthlY?
f = 5 4\r@ -' le z, rrD
A:z,fi% F= | 5tJo, t't-D [: ]18,-,
ID : 16?\ N1
Q, Pfl-')-
I ----{-n:
T\ /r10l;
u. b, /u ( ftt) t


l.) Bemoulli's principal is best described using which

a. Coriolis effect.
b. Venturi effebt.
c. Neither a nor b
cross-sectional area of a tube is reduce4 the velocity
ofthe airflow
2.) Concerning the Venhri effect, as the

througfu the tube must--

a. Decrease
b. lncrease
c. Remain the same

3.) As the velocity of the air moving tlrough a venturi


a. Static Pressure decreases

b. Static Presswe increses
an increase or decrease is considieredneglible'
c. Static pressure i, iilir"urt to measure and therefore

4.)Static pressure is defined as-

a. Compressed air containing positively charged
p*t.*Jof the ihrough which an airplane is flying'
t. rtt" itnotpfr.ti. air
c. The pressure of a fluid resulting from its motion'

5.)Dynamic pressure is defined as--

charged ions'
a. Compressed air containing positively-through
[. rn. umorpt.ri. p."r.*.iorthe air which the airplane is moving.
c. The pressure of a fluid resulting from its motion'
d, None ofthe above,

6.)Relative wind is-

.. iii" *Ef. t.t*".i tf,. chord line and the longitudinal axis of the airplane'
d. None ofthe above' "i.f"l
relative wind and the chord
7.) Angle of Attack is the angle measured between the resultant

a. True
b. False

8.) Center ofPressure is defined as:

point along the mean camber line where all aerodynamig forces are considered
to act' /
a. The

l Tl: i:iti :lHE n: :m* lll: :l * *:11 H::$,ffi1 11 f".ffiffi3 lLl* *" **idered o\

which all aerodynamic forces

9.) Aerodynamic center is the point along the chord line of an airfoil through
are considered to act.

a. True
b. False
10.)Lift is defined as-

a. the component ofthe total aerodynamic force that acts at right angles to drag.
b. the component of the total aerodynamic force that acts at right angles to the RRW.
c. Neither a nor b are true.

I I .) The two factors that most affect the coefficient of lift and the coeffrciurt of drag me:

a. weight & balance

b. thrust & air densitY
c. shape ofthe airfoil & angle ofattack
12.) Total drag is that component of the total aerodynamic force parallel to the that tends
to retard the motion of the aircraft.

a. chord line
b. center ofpressure
c. relative wind
d. none ofthe above

13.) An airfoil with a higher lift to drag ratio is more eflicient than an airfoil with a lower lift to drag
a. True
b. False

14.) A stall occurs when:

a. The airplane enters the region ofreverse command.

b. The airplane is flown above CL max.
c. The airioil is flown at an angle of attack greater than that for maximum lift.
d. None of ttre above.

15.)An aerodynamic stall occurs when an increase in the angle of attack results in a loss of lift and is
due to:

a. low airspeed
b. density altitude
c. seperation of boundary-layer air.

16.)When the boundary layer separates, turbulence occurs between the boundary layer and the surface
of the wing. This results in-

a. an increase in dynamic pressure above the wing.

b. an increase in the static pressure above the wing.
c. Neither a or b

17.) Increasing the AOA beyond the boundary-layer separation point will result in-

a. a frtrther increase in lift.

b. the boundaryJayer separation point moving forward on the airfoil.
c. a decreased top surface area ofthe wing available to produce lift.

18.) Desigrring the wing to stall from the wingtips progressively inboard toward the root section is a
desirable airplane design characteristic.

a. True
b. False

19.) Define Geometric Twist--

a. A method used to counteract torque'

b. That stupid lemon they always ruin your Corona with'
c. The tpiit ofan airfoil having different geometric angles ofattack at different spanwise locations'

20.) Aerodynamic Ihis, is accomplished by-

a. Varying the angle of incidence along the wing.

b. The addition ofleading-edge slots.
c. Desigring different values of CL maximum along the span of the wing.
d. Adding full top rudder during the execution of an aileron roll.

21.) The stalling speed ofan airplane is affected by it's weight.

a. True
b. False

22.) Altihrde does not affect the stall speed of an airoafl


23.) As flaps are lowered, CL MAXIMUM

b. Increases
c. Becomes Cmax

-load Factor is the lift the aircraft

24.) is required to develop, divided by the weight ofthe aircraft (n =
UW). An increase in load factor will result in an increase in stall speed.

a. True
b. False

25.) The airplane can fly slower with more thrust 4plied.
a. True
b. False J
26.) Identiff the factor that most affects an airctaft's ability to climb.

a. Drag
b. Lift
c. Excess Power
d. Thrust

27.)During climb, lift operates perpendicular to:

b. the flight path.
c. weight
d. thrust

28.) During climb with the flight path inclined, Ufi is acting partially rearward resulting in an increase in..

a. parasite drag
b. profile drag
c. induced drag

'29.) Weiglrt always acts perpendicular to the earth's surface. With this in mii4 which staternent is correct
during climb?

a. Thrust must overrcome drag and gravity.

. b. Weight is not perpendicular to the RW.
c. Weight acs perpendiculm to thrust

30.) Best angle of climb speed (Vx) listed in the operators manual-

a. provides the best obstacle clearance performance.

b. is a safe best angle of climb speed.
c. is greater than the true best angle ofclirnb speed.
31.) An airplane will descend when--

a. Weight exceeds lift.

b. Lift exceeds thrust.
c. Thrust exceeds drag.
d. All of the above.

32.) What affect does weight have on the maximum-glide


a. Increase in weight shortens gliding distance.

b. Inoease in weight lengthens gliding distance
c. Weight has no affect on gliding distance.

33.) Maximum gliding distance is attained-


a, At Cha
b. At it's minimum glide angle.
c. At it's maximum glide angle.
d. None ofthe above.

34.) Minimum glide angle corresponds to &e same angle that will produce--
a. Ctru
c. [./Dm
d. All of the above

35.) The foro{s) that turns the airoaft is*

a. Centifugal force.
b. Centipetal force.
c. The lift. force
d- All ofthe above.

36.) The apparent increase in weight during a turn

is caused by which force(s)?

a. Centipetal
b. Lift
c. Centrifugal

37.) The force opposing the vertical component is . and the force opposing the horizontal
component is _.
a. drag thrust
b. centripetal, centrifugal
c. cenbifugal, centripetal
d. weight, centrifugal

38.) when close to runway ttre airplane experiences grormd effect. This phenomenon-

a. is a cushion ofair..
b. is cancelled outwith approach flaps. ,i
c. reduces induced drag.
39.)During takeoffroll the aircraft must overcome the sum of the horizontal forces in order
These fmces me:
to accelerate,

a Drag
b. Friction
c. Propeller slippage
d. All of the above
40.) For a givar altitude and RPM, the thrust from a propeller-&iven airplane as velocity
increases during the takeoffroll.

a. remains unchanged
b. decreases
c. increases

41.) l. An increase in Density Altitude results in an increase in takeof distance.

2. This inoease is due to the additional IAS required to develop the some amount of lifi required at a
low e r Dens ity Alti tude.

a. | &2 are correct.

b. neither I nor 2 are correct.
c. only I is correct
d. only 2 is correct
42.)Residual thrust of the propellers must be ovefcome during
landing. This is overcome with:

a. Flaps
b. SPeed brakes
c. Reverse thrust
d. Braking
43.) Aerodynariic braking creates a net deceleration force by:
u. AdAingrno.. 11st-plate drag surface area to the slipstream'
b. Increasing induced drag.
.. srritirg ,i.igt t of airpiane to the tires and thereby increasing rolling

a. During the last half of the landing roll'
b. During the first half of the landing roll'
c. Throughout the entire landing roll'

45.) The net deceleration force ofwheel braking is most effective--

a. During the last half of the landing roll'
b. During the first half of the landing roll'
c. Throughout the entire landing roll'

46.)Which deceleration force is the most effective during landing?

a. AerodYnamic braking
b. Wheel braking (friction)
c. Reverse thnrst

47.) The speed at which hydroplaning occurs is dependent
a. FlaP setting
b. Aircraft weight
c. Water dePth
d. Tire Pressure
e. Tread design

ifit tends to rehrn to its equilibrium position after it has

48.) An object Possesses
been moved.

a. positive dYnamic stabilitY

b. positive static stabilitY
c. desirable static stabilitY
position through a series of
49.) If an object that has been displaced tends to return to its equilibrium
diminishing oscillations, it is said to have-

a. Negative static and negative dynamic stability'

b. Neutral static and neutral dynamic stability'
c. Positive static and positive dynamic stability'

the longitudinal axis,

50.) In order for positive static and dynamic stability to exist along
which of the following statements is true?

a. The AC mustbe ahead ofthe CG

b. The AC must be behind of the CG
c. The AC and CG must always be the same

about the longitudinal axis?

51.) Which of the following methods is employed to improve stability
a. Symmetrical horizontal stabilizer
b. Differential Ailerons
c. Dihedral

rotation ofthe propellers' It is best

52.) Torque is the rotation ofthe airoaft in a direction opposite the
described bY:
a. Newton's first law of motion.
b. The coriolis effect
c. Newton's third law of motion.

53.) "P" Factor is most noticeable-

a. during takeoffroll.
b. durinE long flights with a inoperative relief tube'
c. durini hlgh angles ofattack and high power settings'

1.) B
3.) A
4.) B
s.) c
6.) A
7.) A
8.) g
r0.) B
11.) C
13.) A
14.) C
15.) C
16.) B
17.) B
18.) B
19.) C
20.) c
21.) A
23.) B
2s.) A
28.) C
30.) E
33.) B
34.) C
3s.) c
36.) C
37.) D
38.) C
39.) E
40.) B
41.) C
43.) B
44.) B
4s) A
46.) B
48.) B
49.) C
s0.) B
sl.) c
s2.) c
s3.) c

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